1LWT: Crystal Structure Of The Intein Homing Endonuclease Pi-Scei Bound To Its Substrate Dna (Ca2+ Free)

PDB ID: 1LWTDownload
MMDB ID: 74011
PDB Deposition Date: 2002/6/3
Updated in MMDB: 2009/07
Experimental Method:
x-ray diffraction
Resolution: 3.2  Å
Source Organism:
PCR template vector pTF101
Similar Structures:
Molecular Components in 1LWT
Label Count Molecule
Protein (1 molecule)
Endonuclease Pi-scei
Molecule annotation
Nucleotides(2 molecules)
Pi-scei DNA Substrate TOP Strand
Molecule annotation
Pi-scei DNA Substrate Bottom Strand
Molecule annotation
* Click molecule labels to explore molecular sequence information.

Citing MMDB