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Accession: PRJNA629843 ID: 629843

Anopheles Stephensi

Anopheles stephensi and its symbiont Serratia marcescens Genome sequencing and assembly

A reference quality Anopheles stephensi de novo assembly was created using high coverage Illumina and Pacific Biosciences sequencing of the Indian strain. The genome was annotated using Iso-Seq.
Data TypeGenome sequencing and assembly
SubmissionRegistration date: 1-May-2020
Project Data:
Resource NameNumber
of Links
Sequence data
Nucleotide (total)5
WGS master1
SRA Experiments14
Other datasets
SRA Data Details
Data volume, Gbases491
Data volume, Tbytes0.16
Related Project Category: RefseqGenbank
PRJNA661063 : Anopheles stephensi RefSeq Genome sequencing and assembly

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  • Anopheles Stephensi
    Anopheles Stephensi
    Anopheles stephensi and its symbiont Serratia marcescens Genome sequencing and assembly

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