Figure 18 is titled “Mean change from baseline in PTSD symptoms for Seeking Safety compared with inactive comparator.” The figure displays a forest plot reporting the standardized mean difference in PTSD symptoms, Seeking Safety compared with inactive comparators. This figure is described further in the “PTSD symptoms” section as follows: The three trials comparing SS with usual care each found that the intervention participants had greater decreases in PTSD symptoms than usual care participants; however, between-group differences did not reach statistical significance (meta-analysis not performed because of heterogeneity in sample and study characteristics, low SOE for no benefit). Figure 16 shows the SMD and confidence intervals for between group differences in PTSD symptoms.” SMD range −0.04 to −0.22.

Figure 18Mean change from baseline in PTSD symptoms for Seeking Safety compared with inactive comparator

CI = confidence interval; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; SMD = standardized mean difference; SS = Seeking Safety.

From: Results

Cover of Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review Update
Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review Update [Internet].
Comparative Effectiveness Review, No. 207.
Forman-Hoffman V, Middleton JC, Feltner C, et al.

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