Aspects of care included as part of IR

Aspect of careOn all wards, n (%)On some wards, n (%)On no wards, n (%)
Items in Studer version of IR
Placement of patient items62 (83)9 (12)4 (5)
Positioning77 (92)8 (10)0 (0)
Checking of pressure areas61 (81)12 (16)2 (3)
Pain assessment75 (90)6 (7)0 (0)
Personal needs (e.g. toileting)78 (93)6 (7)0 (0)
Environmental safety checks61 (82)8 (11)6 (7)
Items in trust adaptations of IR
Checking vital signs13 (25)12 (23)28 (53)
Checking i.v. lines and infusions19 (33)15 (26)24 (41)
Checking fluid balance36 (55)12 (18)17 (26)
Interactions with carers37 (58)10 (16)17 (26)

From: Chapter 4, Phase 2: a national survey of NHS acute trusts in England

Cover of Intentional rounding in hospital wards to improve regular interaction and engagement between nurses and patients: a realist evaluation
Intentional rounding in hospital wards to improve regular interaction and engagement between nurses and patients: a realist evaluation.
Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 7.35.
Harris R, Sims S, Leamy M, et al.
Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2019 Oct.
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