Abbreviations and Acronyms

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1MWT1-Minute Walk Test
2MWT2-Minute Walk Test
6MWT6-Minute Walk Test
10MWT10-Meter Walk Test
25FWT25-Foot Walk Test
ABCSActivities-specific Balance Confidence Scale
ACattention control
ADLActivities of Daily Living
AEadverse event
AHRQAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AISAsia Impairment Scale
ANCOVAanalysis of covariance
ARATAction Research Arm tests
ASIAAmerican Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale
ASIA-LEMSAmerican Spinal Injuries Association Impairment Scale - Lower Extremity Motor Score
ASIA-UEMSAmerican Spinal Injuries Association Impairment Scale - Upper Extremity Motor Score
BBSBerg Balance Scale
BDIBeck Depression Inventory
BDI-FSBeck Depression Inventory-Fast Screen
BMDbone mineral density
BMIbody mass index
BWSbody weight supported
CES-DCenter for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale
CHARTCraig Handicap and Assessment Reporting Technique
CIconfidence interval
CISClinically Isolated Syndrome
CoDuSecore stability, dual tasking, sensory strategies
CPcerebral palsy
CPMSchronic progressive multiple sclerosis
CPQoLCerebral Palsy Quality of Life scale
CVDcardiovascular disease
DBPdiastolic blood pressure
DGIDynamic Gait Index
EDSSExpanded Disability Status Scale
EPCEvidence-based Practice Center
EQ-5DEuroQOL-5 Dimension Questionnaire
FABSFullerton Advanced Balance Scale
FACfunctional ambulation category
FAPFunctional Ambulation Profile
FERforced expiratory ratio
FESfunctional electrical stimulation
FEV1forced expiratory volume
FIMFunctional Independence Measure
FPREfunctional progressive resistance exercise
FVCforced vital capacity
GMFCSGross Motor Function Classification System
GMFMGross Motor Function Measure
GMFM-66Gross Motor Function Measure 66
GMFM-66-DGross Motor Function Measure 66 (standing)
GMFM-66-EGross Motor Function Measure 66 (walking, running, jumping)
GMFM-88Gross Motor Function Measure 88
GMFM-88-DGross Motor Function Measure 88 (standing)
GMFM-88-EGross Motor Function Measure 88 (walking, running, jumping)
GNDSGuy’s Neurological Disability Scale
HADSHospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
HAQUAMSHamburg Quality of Life Questionnaire in Multiple Sclerosis questionnaire
HbA1cHemoglobin A1c
HiMATHigh-level Mobility Assessment Tool
HOMAhomeostatic model assessment
HRheart rate
HRSDHamilton Rating Scale for Depression
ICFInternational Classification of Functioning
IDS16-SR16-item version of Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self-Rated
IPAImpact on Participation and Autonomy
IQRinterquartile range
KQKey Question
LEMSLower Extremity Motor Score
LMNlower motor neuron
MACSmanual ability classification system
MASModified Ashworth Scale
MDmean difference
MDIMajor Depression Inventory
MiniBESTMini Balance Evaluation System Test
MMASModified Modified Ashworth Scale
MMTMaximal Muscle Testing combined upper and lower limb strength
MQLIMMulticultural Quality of Life Index
MSmultiple sclerosis
MSFCmultiple sclerosis functional composite
MSIS-29Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale-29
MSIS-88Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale-88
MSQOLMultiple Sclerosis Quality of Life
MSWS-12Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale-12
MusiQoLMultiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life questionnaire
NIHNational Institutes of Health
NRnot reported
NRSnumeric rating scale
NSnot significant
PAprevious activity
PANASPositive and Negative Affect Schedule
PBSPediatric Balance Scale
PDDSPatient Determined Disease Steps
PEDIPediatric Evaluation Disability Inventory
PEFpeak expiratory flow
PHQ-9Patient Health Questionnaire-9
PICOTSPopulation, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, Timing, Setting
PLprofile likelihood
PODCIPediatric Outcomes Data Collection Instrument
PPMSprimary progressive multiple sclerosis
PREprogressive resistance exercise
PTphysical therapy
QLSQuestionnaire of Life Satisfaction
QOLquality of life
RAGTrobot-assisted gait training
RCTrandomized controlled trial
RRMSrelapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
rTMStranscranial magnetic stimulation
SAWSSatisfaction with Abilities and Well-Being Scale
SBPsystolic blood pressure
SCIspinal cord injury
SCIMSpinal Cord Independence Measure
SCiM3-MSpinal Cord Independence Measurement III mobility section
SDstandard deviation
SEstandard error
SF-12Short Form (12) Health Survey
SF-36 MCSShort-Form 36 Mental Component Score
SF-36 PCSShort-Form 36 Physical Component Score
SIQRsemi-interquartile range
SOEstrength of evidence
SPMSsecondary progressive multiple sclerosis
SSSTSix Spot Step Test
STATASoftware for Statistics and Data Science
TBSTinetti Balance Scale
tDCStranscranial direct current stimulation
TEPTechnical Expert Panel
TOPtask-oriented physical therapy
TOOTask Order Officer
TUGTimed Up and Go Test
UEMSUpper Extremity Motor Score
UMNupper motor neuron
VASvisual analog scale
VO2 maxmaximal oxygen uptake
VO2 peakhighest value of VO2 attained upon an incremental or other high-intensity exercise test
VRvirtual reality
WBVwhole body vibration
WeeFIMWee-Functional Independence Measure for children
WHOQOLWorld Health Organization Quality of Life
WISCIWalking Index for Spinal Cord Injury