>Figure 8 is a stacked bar chart showing percentage of providers with users in four race and Hispanic-origin categories of Black non-Hispanic, White non-Hispanic, other race non-Hispanic, and Hispanic by seven settings: adult day services centers, home health agency, hospice, inpatient rehabilitation facility, long-term care hospital, nursing home, and residential care community. The figure also includes a bar showing the percentage of the U.S. population age 65 and older of each of the four race and Hispanic-origin categories.

Figure 8Percent distribution of post-acute and long-term care services users, by setting and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 2020

1Statistically significant differences in race and ethnicity between settings, except between adult day services centers and nursing homes (p < 0.05).

2Statistically significant differences in race and ethnicity between settings, except between home health agencies and inpatient rehabilitation hospitals and between hospices and inpatient rehabilitation facilities (p < 0.05).

3Statistically significant differences in race and ethnicity between settings, except between home health agencies and inpatient rehabilitation facilities and residential care communities; between inpatient rehabilitation facilities and residential care communities; between long-term care hospitals and nursing homes and residential care communities (p < 0.05).

4Statistically significant differences in race and ethnicity between settings, except between home health agencies, hospices, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and nursing homes (p < 0.05). People of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

NOTES: Percentages for adult day services centers, nursing homes, and residential care communities were based on the number of users on a given day in 2020. Percentages for home health agencies, hospices, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and long-term care hospitals are based on number of patients who ended care at any time in 2020. Percentages are based on unrounded estimates. Percent distributions may not add to 100 due to rounding.

SOURCES: National Center for Health Statistics, National Post-acute and Long-term Care Study, 2020; U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Population Estimates, July 1, 2020.

From: Number 208, Overview of Post-acute and Long-term Care Providers and Services Users in the United States, 2020

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