TRD Pharmacologic Search (Key Question 1b)

SearchMost Recent QueriesResult
#1Search “Antidepressive Agents”[MeSH]37171
#2Search “Fluoxetine”[Mesh] OR “Sertraline”[Mesh] OR “Paroxetine”[Mesh] OR “Citalopram”[Mesh] OR “Fluvoxamine”[Mesh] OR “Bupropion”[Mesh] OR “nefazodone ”[Substance Name] OR “mirtazapine ”[Substance Name] OR “venlafaxine ”[Substance Name] OR “desmethylcitalopram ”[Substance Name] OR Escitalopram[tw] OR “duloxetine ”[Substance Name] OR “Trazodone”[Mesh] OR “O-desmethylvenlafaxine ”[Substance Name] OR “Imipramine”[Mesh] OR “Desipramine”[Mesh] OR “Nortriptyline”[Mesh] OR “Amitriptyline”[Mesh] OR “Phenelzine”[Mesh] OR “Tranylcypromine”[Mesh] OR “Doxepin”[Mesh] OR “Clomipramine”[Mesh] OR “Maprotiline”[Mesh]39294
#3Search Fluoxetine OR Sertraline OR Paroxetine OR Citalopram OR Fluvoxamine OR Bupropion OR Nefazodone OR Mirtazapine OR Venlafaxine OR Escitalopram OR Duloxetine OR Trazodone OR Desvenlafaxine OR Imipramine OR Desipramine OR Nortriptyline OR Amitriptyline OR Phenelzine OR Tranylcypromine OR Doxepin OR Clomipramine OR Maprotiline48657
#4Search #1 OR #2 OR #370932
#5Search (“Depression”[MeSH] or “Depressive Disorder”[MeSH])113094
#6Search “Drug Resistance”[MeSH] OR refractory[tw] OR resistant[tw]387599
#7Search #4 AND #5 AND #61359
#8Search (“1980”[Entrez Date] : “3000”[Entrez Date]) AND (#7) Limits: Humans, English1075
#9Search #8 Limits: Editorial, Letter, Case Reports222
#10Search #8 Limits: All Infant: birth-23 months, All Child: 0-18 years, Newborn: birth-1 month, Infant: 1-23 months, Preschool Child: 2-5 years, Child: 6-12 years, Adolescent: 13-18 years105
#11Search #8 NOT( #9 OR #10) Sort by: Title758
Final number of records after duplicates removed (in comparison with the main TRD nonpharmacologic database).663

From: Appendix A, Search Strategy

Cover of Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Treatment-Resistant Depression in Adults
Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Treatment-Resistant Depression in Adults [Internet].
Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 33.
Gaynes BN, Lux LJ, Lloyd SW, et al.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.