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Wang Z, Whiteside S, Sim L, et al. Anxiety in Children [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2017 Aug. (Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 192.)

Cover of Anxiety in Children

Anxiety in Children [Internet].

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Appendix GSubgroup Analysis

Table G.1. Subgroup analysis – age.

Table G.1

Subgroup analysis – age.

Table G.2. Subgroup analysis – comorbidity.

Table G.2

Subgroup analysis – comorbidity.

Table G.3. Subgroup analysis – ADHD.

Table G.3

Subgroup analysis – ADHD.

Table G.4. Subgroup analysis – autism.

Table G.4

Subgroup analysis – autism.

Table G.5. Subgroup analysis – school refusal.

Table G.5

Subgroup analysis – school refusal.

Table G.6. Subgroup analysis – diagnosis.

Table G.6

Subgroup analysis – diagnosis.

Table G.7. Subgroup analysis – treatment settings.

Table G.7

Subgroup analysis – treatment settings.

Table G.8. Subgroup analysis – follow up less than 6 months.

Table G.8

Subgroup analysis – follow up less than 6 months.

Table G.9. Subgroup analysis – follow up longer than 6 months.

Table G.9

Subgroup analysis – follow up longer than 6 months.

Table G.10. Subgroup analysis – therapy components.

Table G.10

Subgroup analysis – therapy components.

Table G.11. Subgroup analysis – CBT delivery mode.

Table G.11

Subgroup analysis – CBT delivery mode.

Table G.12. Subgroup analysis – CBT intensity.

Table G.12

Subgroup analysis – CBT intensity.


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