Table H-11Estimated and forecast rates of cure by intervention category: older women

Intervention categoryMean Percent* (95% CI)Forecast Percent (95% CI)
First Subgraph
 Anticholinergic (C)16.7 (7.7, 32.5)16.7 (4.1, 48.6)
 Neuromodulation + Behavioral Therapy (N+T)69.5 (34.5, 90.8)69.5 (24.6, 94.1)
 Behavioral Therapy (T)35.6 (25.2, 47.7)35.6 (12.3, 68.6)
 Hormones + Behavioral Therapy (H+T)70.1 (35.1, 91.0)70.1 (25.1, 94.3)
 Hormones + Neuromodulation + Behavioral Therapy (H+N+T)25.6 (7.2, 60.3)25.6 (4.6, 71.0)
No treatment
 Placebo/Sham/No Treatment (P)12.7 (7.1, 21.8)12.7 (3.4, 38.0)
Second Subgraph
 Hormones (H)1.7 (0.1, 21.7)1.7 (0.1, 21.7)
 Anticholinergic + Hormones (C+H)1.7 (0.1, 21.7)1.7 (0.1, 21.7)

The summary mean percentage (with confidence interval) of women in the trials receiving the intervention with the outcome.

The predicted percentage (with confidence interval) of women who receive the intervention in future trials, or in similar settings, who will have the outcome.

From: Appendix H, Results of Subgroup Analyses by Type of UI

Cover of Nonsurgical Treatments for Urinary Incontinence in Women: A Systematic Review Update
Nonsurgical Treatments for Urinary Incontinence in Women: A Systematic Review Update [Internet].
Comparative Effectiveness Review, No. 212.
Balk E, Adam GP, Kimmel H, et al.

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