Appendix GEvidence Tables and Overall Quality Ratings

Publication Details

Evidence Table 1. Key Question 2b. Screening Strategies (MS Word, 48K)

Evidence Table 2. Key Question 2b. Screening Strategies Overall Quality Rating (MS Word, 45K)

Evidence Table 3. Key Question 4a. Biopsy Outcomes (MS Word, 43K)

Evidence Table 4. Key Question 4a. Biopsy Overall Quality Rating (MS Word, 43K)

Evidence Table 5. Key Question 4a. Diagnostic Accuracy (MS Word, 442K)

Evidence Table 6. Key Question 4a. Overall Quality Rating (MS Word, 161K)

Evidence Table 7. Key Question 4b. Proportion of Screened Patients who were Treated (MS Word, 46K)

Evidence Table 8. Key Questions 6a and 6c. Counseling Randomized Trials (MS Word, 47K)

Evidence Table 9. Key Questions 6a and 6c. Counseling Randomized Trials Overall Quality Rating (MS Word, 44K)

Evidence Table 10. Key Question 7. Pregnancy Intervention Observational Studies (MS Word, 127K)

Evidence Table 11. Key Question 7. Pregnancy Intervention Observational Studies Overall Quality Rating (MS Word, 70K)

Appendix G References

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