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Varki A, Cummings RD, Esko JD, et al., editors. Essentials of Glycobiology [Internet]. 3rd edition. Cold Spring Harbor (NY): Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 2015-2017.

Cover of Essentials of Glycobiology

Essentials of Glycobiology [Internet]. 3rd edition.

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Last Update: August 21, 2018.

Table 1

DisorderGeneFunctionDisorder OMIMGene OMIMMain clinical featuresYearReference
N-linked pathway
DPAGT1–CDG DPAGT1 GlcNAc-1-P transferase 608093 191350 ID, Hy, Sz, M, infections, early death, CMS2003 PMID: 12872255
ALG1–CDG ALG1 β1-4 mannosyltransferase 608540 605907 ID, Hy, Sz, M, infections, early death2004 PMID: 14709599
PMID: 14973778
PMID: 14973782
ALG2 α1-3 mannosyltransferase 607906 607905 ID, Hy, Sz, infections, hypomyelination, hepatomegaly, early death
PMID: 12684507
PMID: 23404334
ALG3–CDG ALG3 α1-3 mannosyltransferase 601110 608750 ID, Hy, Sz, M, optic nerve atrophy1999 PMID: 10581255
ALG6–CDG ALG6 α1-3 glucosyltransferase 603147 604566 ID, Hy, Sz, M, ataxia1999 PMID: 10359825
ALG8–CDG ALG8 α1-3 glucosyltransferase 608104 608103 DD, hepatomegaly, protein-losing enteropathy, coagulopathy, ascites, renal failure, early death2003 PMID: 12480927
ALG9–CDG ALG9 α1-2 mannosyltransferase 608776 606941 ID, Hy, Sz, hepatomegaly2004 PMID: 15148656
ALG11–CDG ALG11 α1-2 mannosyltransferase 613661 613666 ID, Hy, Sz, deafness, dysmorphism2010 PMID: 20080937
ALG12–CDG ALG12 α1-6 mannosyltransferase 607143 607144 ID, Hy, Sz, M, recurrent infections2002 PMID: 11983712
PMID: 12217961
ALG13–CDG ALG13 UDP-GlcNAc transferase 300884 300776 M, Sz, hepatomegaly, horizontal nystagmus, optic nerve atrophy, infections2012 PMID: 22492991
ALG14–CMS ALG14 UDP-GlcNAc transferase 616227 612866 CMS2013 PMID: 23404334
RFT1–CDG RFT1 Man5GlcNAc2 flippase 612015 611908 ID, Hy, Sz, M, hepatomegaly, coagulopathy, deafness2008 PMID: 18313027
TUSC3–CDG TUSC3 subunit of the OST complex 611093 601385 NSID2008 PMID: 18452889
PMID: 18455129
MAGT1–CDG MAGT1 subunit of the OST complex 300716 300715 XLNSID2008 PMID: 18455129
DDOST–CDG DDOST subunit of the OST complex 614507 602202 ID, DD, failure to thrive, gastroesophageal reflux, ear infections, oromotor dysfunction2012 PMID: 22305527
STT3A–CDG STT3A subunit of the OST complex 615596 601134 ID, DD, H, M, Sz, failure to thrive2013 PMID: 23842455
STT3B–CDG STT3B subunit of the OST complex 615597 608605 ID, DD, H, M, Sz, failure to thrive, thrombocytopenia, genital abnormalities2013 PMID: 23842455
NGLY1–CDG NGLY1 N-glycanase-1 615273 610661 ID, DD, Sz, abnormal liver function2012 PMID: 22581936
SSR4–CDG SSR4 signal sequence receptor, delta 300934 300090 M, ID, Sz, gastroesophageal reflux2013 PMID: 24218363
SSR3–CDG SSR3 signal sequence receptor, gamma 606213 Sz, ID, DD, M, abnormal brain structure
MGAT2–CDG MGAT2 GlcNAc-transferase II 212066 602616 ID, feeding problems, severe diarrhea, growth retardation, dysmorphism1996 PMID: 8808595
MOGS–CDG MOGS α1-2 glucosidase 606056 601336 Hy, Sz, hepatomegaly, hypoventilation, feeding problems, dysmorphism, fatal, unique tetrasaccharide in urine2000 PMID: 10788335
Autosomal-Dominant Polycystic Kidney and Liver Disease GANAB α1-3 glucosidase 600666 104160 autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney and liver disease2016 PMID: 27259053
MAN1B1–CDG MAN1B1 α1-2 mannosidase 614202 604346 NSID, delayed motor and speech development, variable dysmorphic features, truncal obesity, macrocephaly2011 PMID: 21763484
I-cell disease GNPTAB GlcNAc-1-P transferase 252500 252600 607840 ID, congenital dislocation of the hip, thoracic deformities, hernia, hyperplastic gums, coarse facial features, restricted joint movement1981 PMID: 6461005
Autosomal-dominant polycystic liver disease PRKCSH glucosidase II subunit β 174050 177060 autosomal-dominant polycystic liver disease2003 PMID: 12529853
PMID: 12577059
Congenital severe neutropenia JAGN1 endoplasmic reticulum organization 616022 616012 congenital severe neutropenia, recurrent infections2014 PMID: 25129144
PMID: 25129145
FUT8-CDG FUT8 α1-6 fucosyltransferase 618005 602589 Severe DD, growth retardation, feeding problems, short stature, respiratory difficulties2017 PMID: 29304374
Potential to effect multiple pathways
PMM2–CDG PMM2 conversion of Man-6-P to Man-1-P 212065 601785 ID, Hy, Sz, strabismus, cerebellar hypoplasia, failure to thrive, cardiomyopathy, 20% lethality in the first 5 yr1997 PMID: 9140401
MPI–CDG MPI conversion of Fruct-6-P and Man-6-P 602579 154550 Hepatic fibrosis, coagulopathy, hypoglycemia, protein-losing enteropathy, vomiting, no neurological symptoms1998 PMID: 9525984
DHDDS–CDG DHDDS dehydrodolichol diphosphate synthase 613861 608172 retinitis pigmentosa in Ashkenazi Jews2011 PMID: 21295282
PMID: 21295283
DOLK–CDG DOLK Dol kinase 610768 610746 ID, Hy, Sz, hypoglycemia, ichthyosis, dilated cardiomyopathy, cardiac failure2007 PMID: 17273964
SRD5A3–CDG SRD5A3 polyprenol reductase 612379 611715 ID, Hy, eye and brain malformations, nystagmus, hepatic dysfunction, coagulopathy, ichthyosis2010 PMID: 20637498
DPM1–CDG DPM1 Dol-P-Man synthase complex 608799 603503 ID, Hy, Sz, M, dysmorphism, coagulopathy2000 PMID: 10642597
PMID: 10642602
DPM2–CDG DPM2 Dol-P-Man synthase complex 615042 603564 dystroglycanopathy, Sz, Hy, M, dysmorphism, cerebellar hypoplasia, early death2012 PMID: 23109149
DPM3–CDG DPM3 Dol-P-Man synthase complex 612937 605951 dystroglycanopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy, stroke-like episode2009 PMID: 19576565
MPDU1–CDG MPDU1 Man-P-Dol utilization 609180 604041 ID, Sz, failure to thrive, ichthyosis-like skin disorder, severe feeding difficulties2001 PMID: 11733556
PMID: 11733564
GMPPA–CDG GMPPA GDP-Man pyrophosphorylase A 615510 615495 achalasia, alacrima, neurological deficits2013 PMID: 24035193
SLC35C1–CDG SLC35C1 GDP-Fuc transporter 266265 605881 ID, Hy, Sz, M, unusual facial appearance, dwarfism, infections with neutrophilia2001 PMID: 11326279
B4GALT1–CDG B4GALT1 β1-4 galactosyltransferase 607091 137060 ID, DD, Hy, macrocephaly, Dandy–Walker malformation, coagulopathy, myopathy2002 PMID: 11901181
SLC35A1–CDG SLC35A1 CMP-sialic acid transporter 603585 605634 ID, Sz, ataxia, bleeding, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, renal and cardiac involvement2005
PMID: 15576474
PMID: 23873973
SLC35A2–CDG SLC35A2 UDP-Gal transporter 300896 314375 ID, Sz, skeletal anomalies2013 PMID: 23561849
SLC35A3–CDG SLC35A3 UDP-GlcNAc transporter 615553 605632 autism spectrum disorder, Hy, epilepsy, arthrogryposis2013 PMID: 24031089
SLC39A8–CDG SLC39A8 manganese transporter 616721 608732 cranial asymmetry, severe infantile spasms with hypsarrhythmia, dysproportionate dwarfism2015PMID: 26637979 PMID: 26637978
COG1 Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport 611209 117650 606973 ID, shortened long bones, facial dysmorphism
2009 PMID: 16537452
PMID: 19008299
COG2–CDG COG2 Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport 617395 606974 M, psychomotor retardation, Sz, liver dysfunction, hypocupremia, hypoceruloplasminemia2014 PMID: 24784932
COG4–CDG COG4 Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport 613489 606976 DD, Hy, Sz, nystagmus, hepatosplenomegaly, failure to thrive in infancy with recurrent diarrhea, early death2009 PMID: 19494034
COG5–CDG COG5 Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport 613612 606821 ID, Hy, delayed speech, ataxia2009 PMID: 19690088
COG6–CDG COG6 Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport 614576 606977 severe neurologic disorder, Sz, vomiting2010 PMID: 20605848
COG7–CDG COG7 Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport 608779 606978 Hy, M, growth retardation, adducted thumbs, failure to thrive, cardiac anomalies, wrinkled skin, early death2004 PMID: 15107842
COG8 – CDG COG8 Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport 611182 606979 ID, Hy, Sz2007 PMID: 17331980
PMID: 17220172
ATP6V0A2–CDG wrinkly skin syndrome ATP6V0A2 Golgi pH regulator 219200 278250 611716 cutis laxa, congenital hip dislocation, joint hyperlaxity, dysmorphism, feeding problems, late closure of the fontanelles, varying CNS involvement2008 PMID: 18157129
TMEM165–CDG TMEM165 Golgi pH regulator and, manganese and calcium homeostasis 614727 614726 ID, Hy, M, short stature, dysmorphism, eye abnormalities, hepatomegaly, skeletal dysplasia2012 PMID: 22683087
TMEM199–CDG TMEM199 Golgi trafficking 616829 616815 mild phenotype of hepatic steatosis, elevated aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase, hypercholesterolemia, low serum ceruloplasmin2016 PMID​:26833330
CCDC115–CDG CCDC115 Golgi homeostasis 616828 613734 storage-disease-like phenotype involving hepatosplenomegaly, which regressed with age, highly elevated bone-derived alkaline phosphatase, elevated aminotransferases, and elevated cholesterol, in combination with abnormal copper metabolism and neurological symptoms2016 PMID​:26833332
ATP6AP1-CDG ATP6AP1 Golgi vacuolar ATPase 300972 300197 immunodeficiency, hepatopathy, and variable neurocognitive abnormalities2016 PMID: 27231034
ATP6AP2-CDG ATP6AP2 Golgi vacuolar ATPaseN/A 300556 ID, liver disease, immunodeficiency, cutis laxa
ATP6V1A-CDG ATP6V1A Golgi vacuolar ATPase 617403 607027 cutis laxa, facial dysmorphism, cardiac abnormalities2017 PMID: 28065471
ATP6V1E1-CDG ATP6V1E1 Golgi vacuolar ATPase 617402 108746 cutis laxa, facial dysmorphism, cardiac abnormalities2017 PMID: 28065471
Congenital myasthenic syndrome GFPT1 glutamine-fruct-6-P transaminase 1 610542 138292 congenital myasthenic syndrome with tubular aggregates2011 PMID: 21310273
Achondrogenesis type 1A TRIP11 Golgi structure 200600 604505 lethal achondrogenesis, deficient ossification2010 PMID: 20089971
Glycogen storage disease 14
PGM1 reversible conversion of Glc-1-P and Glc-6-P 614921 612934 171900 neurologically normal, split uvula, hepatopathy, hypoglycemia, rhabdomyolysis, dilated cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest, malignant hyperthermia2012 PMID: 22492991
HIES PGM3 reversible conversion of GlcNAc-1-P and GlcNAc-6-P 615816 172100 severe atopy, increased serum IgE levels, immune deficiency, autoimmunity, motor and neurocognitive impairment2014 PMID: 24589341
PMID: 24698316
Neutropenia, severe congenital 4 G6PC3 Glc-6 phosphatase, catalytic, 3 612541 611045 severe congenital neutropenia, recurrent infections, prominent superficial veins, cardiac abnormalities2011 PMID: 21385794
Glycogen storage disease Ib and Ic G6PT1 Glc-6-P transporter 232220 232240 602671 neutrophil dysfunction2011 PMID: 21385794
West syndrome
ST3GAL3 N-acetyllactosaminide α2-3 sialyltransferase 611090 615006 606494 NSID, infantile spasms, hypsarrhythmia2011
PMID: 21907012
PMID: 23252400
CLSD SEC23A Golgi trafficking 607812 610511 late-closing fontanels, sutural cataracts, facial dysmorphism, skeletal defects2006 PMID: 16980979
CDA-II SEC23B Golgi trafficking 224100 610512 disrupted erythropoiesis with multinucleated erythroblasts in bone marrow2009 PMID: 19561605
Autosomal-dominant polycystic liver disease SEC63 Golgi trafficking 174050 608648 autosomal-dominant polycystic liver disease2004 PMID: 15133510
GPI-anchor pathway
X-linked GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD4)
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
PIGA GlcNAc-PI synthesis protein 300868
311770 dysmorphism, Hy, Sz, variable CNS, cardiac, urinary systems, early death
Complement-mediated hemolysis
PMID: 8500164
PMID: 22305531
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD16) PIGC GlcNAc-PI synthesis protein 617816 601730 DD/ID, Sz2016 PMID: 27694521
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD17) PIGH GlcNAc-PI synthesis protein 618010 600154 Sz, moderate DD2018 PMID​:29573052
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency PIGQ GlcNAc-PI synthesis proteinN/A 605754 severe DD, SZ, early death2014 PMID: 24463883
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD14) PIGP GlcNAc-PI synthesis protein 617599 605938 DD, Hy, Sz2017 PMID: 28334793
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD12) PIGY GlcNAc-PI synthesis protein 616809 610662 severe DD, Sz, early death2015 PMID: 26293662
CHIME syndrome
PIGL GlcNAc-PI de-N-acetylase 280000 605947 ID, colobomas, heart defect, early-onset ichthyosiform dermatosis, ear anomalies (conductive hearing loss), HPMRS2012 PMID: 22444671
West syndrome and HPMRS (GPIBD11) PIGW acylates the inositol ring of phosphatidylinositol in GPI-anchor biosynthesis 616025 610275 West syndrome, HPMRS2013 PMID: 24367057
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD1) PIGM first α-mannosyltransferase in GPI biosynthesis 610293 610273 Sz, portal vein thrombosis, portal hypertension2006 PMID: 16767100
HPMRS (GPIBD2) PIGV second α-mannosyltransferase in GPI biosynthesis 239300 610274 HPMRS 12010 PMID: 20802478
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD3) PIGN GPI ethanolamine phosphate transferase 1 614080 606097 severe neurologic impairment, Sz, lack of development, multiple congenital anomalies, early death2011 PMID: 21493957
HPMRS (GPIBD6) PIGO GPI ethanolamine phosphate transferase 3 614749 614730 HPMRS 22012 PMID: 22683086
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD13) PIGG GPI ethanolamine phosphate transferase 2 616917 616918 DD/ID, Hy, Sz2016 PMID: 26996948
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD7)
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
PIGT GPI transamidase complex 615398
610272 ID, Hy, Sz, abnormal skeletal, endocrine, ophthalmologic abnormalities, hypophosphatasia
Complement-mediated hemolysis
PMID: 23636107
PMID: 23733340
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD15) GPAA1 GPI transamidase complex 617810 603048 DD, Hy, Sz, cerebellar atrophy, osteopenia2017 PMID​: 29100095
Autosomal-recessive GPI-anchor deficiency (GPIBD9) PGAP1 lipid remodeling steps of GPI-anchor maturation 615802 611655 ID with encephalopathy2014 PMID: 24784135
HPMRS (GPIBD8) PGAP2 lipid remodeling steps of GPI-anchor maturation 614207 615187 HPMRS 32013 PMID: 23561846
PMID: 23561847
HPMRS (GPIBD10) PGAP3 lipid remodeling steps of GPI-anchor maturation 615716 611801 HPMRS 42014 PMID: 24439110
Walker–Warburg syndrome
(MDDGA1, B1, C1)
POMT1 O-mannosyltransferase 236670 613155 609308 607423 Walker–Warburg syndrome, brain malformations, various eye malformations, elevated serum CK2002 PMID: 12369018
Walker–Warburg syndrome
(MDDGA2, B2, C2)
POMT2 O-mannosyltransferase 613150 613156 613158 607439 Walker–Warburg syndrome, brain malformations, various eye malformations, elevated serum CK2005 PMID: 15894594
Muscle–eye–brain disease
(MDDGA3, B3, C3)
POMGNT1 O-mannosyl glycan GlcNAc-transferase 253280 613151 613157 606822 ID, severe early-onset muscle weakness, brain malformations, various eye malformations, elevated serum CK2001 PMID: 11709191
Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy
(MDDGA4, B4, C4)
FKTN ribitol-5-phosphate transferase 253800 613152 611588 607440 Hy, ID, Sz, generalized muscle weakness, elevated serum CK1998 PMID: 9690476
Congenital muscular dystrophy type 1C (MDDGA5, B5, C5) FKRP fukutin-related protein, ribitol-5-phosphate transferase 613153 606612 607155 606596 Hy, feeding difficulties, hypertrophy of lower limb muscles, wasting of shoulder girdle, variable neurological involvement, elevated serum CK2001 PMID: 11592034
Congenital muscular dystrophy type 1D (MDDGA6, B6) LARGE Xyl and GlcA transferase 613154 608840 603590 ID, white matter changes, elevated serum CK2003 PMID: 12966029
Walker–Warburg syndrome (MDDGA7) ISPD CDP-ribitol synthetase 614643 614631 brain malformations, various eye malformations, elevated serum CK2012 PMID: 22522420
PMID: 22522421
Walker–Warburg syndrome (MDDGA8) POMGNT2 β1-4 GlcNAc-transferase 614830 614828 brain malformations, various eye malformations2012 PMID: 22958903
Walker–Warburg syndrome (MDDGA10) TMEM5 Xyl-transferase 615041 605862 brain malformations, facial clefts, retinal dysplasia, gonadal dysgenesis.2012 PMID: 23217329
Congenital muscular dystrophy (MDDGA11) B3GALNT2 β1-3 GalNAc-transferase 2 615181 610194 I.D, Hy, Sz, brain malformations, various eye malformations, elevated serum CK2013 PMID: 23453667
Walker–Warburg syndrome (MDDGA12) POMK O-Man kinase 615249 615247 Walker–Warburg syndrome, brain and eye malformations, elevated serum CK2013 PMID: 23929950
PMID: 23519211
Walker–Warburg syndrome (MDDGA13) B4GAT1 β1-4 glucuronyltransferase 615287 605517 Hy, Sz, brain malformations, retinal dysplasia, elevated serum CK2013 PMID: 23359570
Congenital muscular dystrophy
(MDDGA14, B14, C14)
GMPPB GDP-Man pyrophosphorylase B 615350 615351 615352 615320 I.D, M, brain and eye malformations, elevated serum CK2013 PMID: 23768512
Hereditary inclusion body myopathy GNE UDP-GlcNAc-2-epimerase/ManAc kinase 600737 605820 269921 603824 proximal and distal muscle weakness, wasting of the upper and lower limbs, sparing of the quadriceps2001 PMID: 11528398
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome B4GALT7 β1-4 galactosyltransferase 7 130070 604327 progeroid form with DD, short stature, osteopenia, defective wound healing, hypermobile joints, hypotonic muscles, loose but elastic skin1990 PMID: 2106134
Hereditary multiple exostoses EXT1/ EXT2 GlcA/GlcNAc-transferase 133700 608177 608210 multiple exostoses of the bone1995 PMID: 7550340
Schneckenbecken dysplasia SLC35D1 UDP-GlcA / UDP-GalNAc Golgi transporter 269250 610804 neonatal lethal chondrodysplasia, short-limbed skeletal dysplasia2007 PMID: 17952091
SED PAPSS2 3′-phosphoadenosine- 5′-phosphosulphate synthase 612847 603005 short-trunk stature, skeletal dysplasia, normal intelligence, variable epiphyseal and metaphyseal changes1998 PMID: 9771708
Achondrogenesis type 1B SLC26A2 sulfate anion transporter 222600 600972 256050 606718 early death in severe cases, adults reported: achondrogenesis Ib, usually stillborn or early death of respiratory failure; atelosteogenesis II, pulmonary hypoplasia, fatal in infants1996 PMID: 8528239
SED, Omani type CHST3 chondroitin
143095 603799 skeletal dysplasia, normal intelligence2004 PMID: 15215498
Macular corneal dystrophy types I/II CHST6 Keratan Sulphate 6-O-sulfotransferase 217800 605294 corneal clouding and erosions, painful photophobia2000 PMID: 11017086
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
Adducted thumb-clubfoot syndrome
CHST14 dermatan sulfate GalNAc 4-O sulfotransferase 1 601776 608429 adducted thumb, clubfoot, progressive joint, skin laxity syndrome2009
PMID: 20004762
PMID: 20533528
Ehlers–Danlos-like syndrome or SED with joint hyperlaxity B3GALT6 β1-3 galactosyltransferase 6 271640 615349 615291 abnormal skeletal and connective tissues lax skin, muscle hypotonia, joint dislocation, spinal deformity2013 PMID: 23664117
Larsen-like syndrome B3GAT3 β1-3 glucuronyltransferase 3 245600 606374 multiple joint dislocations, short stature, craniofacial dysmorphism, congenital heart defects2011 PMID: 21763480
Autosomal-recessive short stature syndrome XYLT1 Xyl-transferase 1 615777 608124 moderate ID, short stature, distinct facial features, altered fat distribution2014 PMID: 23982343
Spondyloocular syndrome with bone fragility, cataracts, and hearing defects XYLT2 Xyl-transferase 2 605822 608125 osteoporosis, cataracts, sensorineural hearing loss, mild learning defects2015 PMID: 26027496
Musculocontractural type of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome DSE dermatan sulfate epimerase 615539 605942 characteristic facial features, congenital contractures of the thumbs and feet, hypermobility of finger, elbow, and knee joints, muscle weakness2013 PMID: 23704329
CSGALNACT1 deficiency CSGALNACT1 chondroitin sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-1N/A 616615 short stature and joint laxity2017 PMID: 27599773
EXTL3 deficiency EXTL3 GlcA/GlcNAc-transferase 617425 605744 ID, skeletal dysplasia, Severe combined immunodeficiency2017 PMID​: 28132690
PMID​: 28148688
PMID​: 28331220
SLC10A7 deficiency SLC10A7 Ca2+ homeostasisN/A 611459 Amelogenesis imperfecta and skeletal dysplasia with multiple dislocations2018 PMID: 30082715
PMID​: 29878199
Amish infantile epilepsy ST3GAL5 Sia2,3Galβ1-4Glc-Cer synthase (GM3) 609056 604402 infantile-onset epilepsy, developmental stagnation, blindness2004 PMID: 15502825
Salt and pepper syndrome ST3GAL5 Sia2,3Galβ1-4Glc-Cer synthase (GM3) 609056 604402 severe ID, epilepsy, scoliosis, altered dermal pigmentation, choreoathetosis, dysmorphic facial features2014 PMID: 24026681
Complex hereditary spastic paraplegia B4GALNT1 β1-4 GalNAc-transferase 1 (GM2) 609195 601873 early-onset spastic paraplegia, ID, cerebellar ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, cortical atrophy, white matter hyperintensity2013 PMID: 23746551
Adams–Oliver syndrome 4 EOGT EGF-domain-specific O-linked O-GlcNAc transferase 615297 614789 aplasia cutis congenita, terminal transverse limb defects2013 PMID: 23522784
Familial tumoral calcinosis GALNT3 polypeptide GalNAc-transferase 211900 601756 massive calcium deposits in skin and tissue2004 PMID: 15133511
Tn syndrome C1GALT1C1 chaperone of β1-3 GalT 300622 300611 hemolytic anemia with thrombocytopenia, leukopenia2005 PMID: 16251947
Peters plus syndrome B3GLCT β1-3 glucosyltransferase–specific for O-fucose on thrombospondin type 1 repeats 261540 610308 Peters eye anomaly of the anterior chamber, ID, DD, prenatal growth delay, postnatal, typically disproportionately short, cleft lip with or without cleft palate2006 PMID: 16909395
Dowling–Degos disease 2 POFUT1 protein O-fucosyltransferase 1–specific for particular EGF repeats 615327 607491 skin disorder showing reticulate hyper- and hypopigmentation at flexure regions such as the neck, axilla, and areas below the breasts and groin2013 PMID: 23684010
Dowling–Degos disease 4 POGLUT1 protein O-glucosyltransferase 1–specific for particular EGF repeats 615696 615618 skin disorder showing reticulate hyper- and hypopigmentation at flexure regions such as the neck, axilla, and areas below the breasts and groin2014 PMID: 24387993
Autosomal-recessive spondylocostal dysostoses 3 LFNG lunatic fringe–specific for O-fucose on particular EGF repeats 609813 602576 spondylocostal dysostosis with severe vertebral anomalies.2006 PMID: 16385447
MRX106 OGT O-GlcNAc transferase 300997 300255 X-linked intellectual disability.2017 PMID: 28302723
PMID: 28584052
NANS deficiency NANS N-acetylneuraminic acid synthase 610442 605202 infantile-onset severe developmental delay and skeletal dysplasia2016 PMID: 27213289
TRAPPC11- deficiency TRAPPC11 Intracellular vesicle trafficking 615356 614138 Muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle or cerebral atrophy, global retardation, scoliosis, achalasia and alacrima.2017 PMID: 23830518
PMID: 27707803
TRAPPC12- deficiency TRAPPC12 Intracellular vesicle trafficking 617669 614139 encephalopathy2017 PMID: 28777934
TRAPPC6B- deficiency TRAPPC6B Intracellular vesicle trafficking 617862 610397 microcephaly, epilepsy and autistic features2017 PMID: 28626029

CDG, congenital disorders of glycosylation; CMS, congenital myasthenic syndrome; Dol, dolichol; ID, intellectual disability; Sz, seizures; Hy, hypotonia; M, microcephaly; DD, developmental delay; NSID, nonsyndromic intellectual disability; XLNSID, X-linked nonsyndromic intellectual disability; OST, oligosaccharyltransferase; CMP, cytidine monophosphate; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; CCMS, cerebrocostomandibular-like syndrome; CNS, central nervous system; HIES, hyper-IgE syndrome; CLSD, cranio-lenticulo-sutural dysplasia; CDA, congenital dyserythropoietic anemia; HPMRS, hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation syndrome; CK, creatine kinase; SED, spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia; EGF, epidermal growth factor; N/A, not available.

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