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National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (UK). Depression in Adults with a Chronic Physical Health Problem: Treatment and Management. Leicester (UK): British Psychological Society (UK); 2010. (NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 91.)

Cover of Depression in Adults with a Chronic Physical Health Problem

Depression in Adults with a Chronic Physical Health Problem: Treatment and Management.

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Appendix 16Table of drug interactions

This appendix provides a table of drug interactions with medications used in other conditions. The British National Formulary (BNF) includes a summary appendix dedicated to drug interactions. More detailed information can be found in Stockley's Drug Interactions (Baxter, 2008). Both of these sources should be checked before adding new drugs to a prescription, particularly if: (1) any of the drugs prescribed have a narrow therapeutic index, that is are ineffective at low doses/plasma levels and potentially toxic at higher doses/plasma levels; or (2) are known to affect cardiac or renal function.

BNF section/physical conditionDrug group/drugAntidepressants to avoid (A) or use with caution (C)Antidepressants recommendedComments
Antacids (for example, aluminium hydroxide)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Antimuscarinics (for example, hyoscine butylbromide, propantheline bromide)TCAs (C) (slow gut motility)
Paroxetine (C) (may slow gut motility)
Reboxetine (C) (may slow gut motility)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, SNRIs, trazodone)TCAs, MAOIs and paroxetine may also add to peripheral antimuscarinic effects
Peptic ulcer
H2 antagonists (for example, cimetidine, ranitidine, and so on)Citalopram/escitalopram (C) (cimetidine inhibits metabolism)
Sertraline (C) (cimetidine inhibits metabolism)
Mirtazapine (C) (cimetidine inhibits metabolism)
Lofepramine (C) (cimetidine inhibits metabolism)
Moclobemide (C) (cimetidine inhibits metabolism)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, SNRIs, reboxetine)
Any antidepressant (with ranitidine, nizatidine, and so on)
Cimetidine may inhibit metabolism of many antidepressants Use of SSRIs and SNRIs in active peptic ulcer may increase risk of gastrointestinal bleed
Proton pump inhibitors (for example, omeprazole, lansoprazole, and so on)Citalopram/escitalopram (C) (omeprazole inhibits metabolism)Any alternative
Antimotility drugs (for example, codeine, loperamide)None specifically contraindicatedAnySSRIs may cause or worsen diarrhoea

SSRIs and SNRIs cause nausea
Inflammatory bowel disorders
Aminosalicylates (for example, mesalazine, olsalazine, balsalazide)


Cytokine modulators (for example, infliximab, adalimumab)
None specifically contraindicatedAnyAbsorption of antidepressants may be impaired in inflammatory bowel conditions
Bulk-forming and stimulant laxatives; faecal softenersTCAs (A) (slow gut motility)
Paroxetine (A) (may slow gut motility)
Reboxetine (A) (may slow gut motility)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs).
May increase risk of antidepressant-associated hyponatraemia
Laxatives may be required to treat antidepressant-induced constipation
Heart failure
Cardiac glycosides (digoxin; digitoxin)St John's wort (A) (reduces digoxin plasma levels)
TCAs (A) (possibly proarrhythmic in cardiac disease)
Venlafaxine (A) (not recommended in those at risk of arrhythmia)
Trazodone (A) (increases digoxin plasma levels)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, mirtazapine)
Thiazide diuretics (bendroflumethiazide, and so on)Reboxetine (A) (increased risk of hypokalaemia)
MAOIs/TCAs/mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)Avoid lithium – plasma levels increased by thiazides

May increase risk of antidepressant-associated hyponatraemia
Loop diuretics (furosemide, bumetanide)Reboxetine (A) (increased risk of hypocalcaemia)
MAOIs/TCAs (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, mirtazapine)Avoid lithium – plasma levels increased by loop diuretics

May increase risk of antidepressant-associated hyponatraemia
Other diuretics (amiloride, eplerenone, and so on)St John's wort (A) (reduces eplerenone plasma levels)Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)May increase risk of antidepressant-associated hyponatraemia
Cardiac arrhythmia
Antiarrhythmics (for example, amiodarone, disopyramide, flecainide, lidocaine, propafenone, and so on)TCAs (A) (increased risk of arrhythmia)
Citalopram/escitalopram (A) (increases plasma levels of flecainide and propafenone)
Fluoxetine (A) (increases plasma levels of flecainide and propafenone)
Paroxetine (A) (increases plasma levels of flecainide and propafenone)
Duloxetine (A) (increases plasma levels of flecainide)
Venlafaxine (A) (possibility of increased risk of arrhythmia)
Trazodone (C) (possibility of increased risk of arrhythmia)
Reboxetine (C) (may cause hypokalaemia)



All recommended drugs should be used with caution
Beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs (for example, propranolol, metoprolol, and so on)TCAs (A) (increased risk of arrhythmia with sotalol)
TCAs (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
TCAs (C) (plasma levels increased by labetalol and propranolol)
Citalopram/escitalopram (C) (increases plasma level of metoprolol)
Paroxetine (C) (may increase plasma levels of metoprolol)
Fluvoxamine (C) (increases plasma levels of propranolol)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
Venlafaxine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Duloxetine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Reboxetine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Trazodone (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
SertralineProbably best to avoid all MAOIs because of the risk of hypertensive crisis
Vasodilator drugs (for example, diazoxide, hydralazine, prazosin, doxazosin)TCAs (C) (increased risk of postural hypertension)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of postural hypertension)
Venlafaxine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Duloxetine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Reboxetine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)Probably best to avoid all MAOIs because of the risk of hypertensive crisis

Paroxetine and fluoxetine may inhibit metabolism of doxazosin
Centrally-acting antihypertensives (for example, methyldopa, clonidine, and so on)TCAs (A) (antagonise effects of clonidine)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of postural hypertension)
Venlafaxine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Duloxetine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Reboxetine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Trazodone (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)Probably best to avoid all MAOIs because of the risk of hypertensive crisis

Mirtazapine and trazodone may antagonise effects of clonidine
ACE inhibitors; angiotensin-II antagonists; renin inhibitors (for example, captopril, enalapril; losartan; aliskiren)TCAs (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
MAOIs (A) (may enhance hypotensive effects of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin antagonists)
Venlafaxine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Duloxetine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Reboxetine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)Avoid lithium – plasma levels increased by ACE inhibitors
Calcium channel antagonists (for example, nifedipine, verapamil)TCAs (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
Venlafaxine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Duloxetine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Reboxetine (A) (may worsen hypertension)
Trazodone (C) (increased risk of postural hypotension)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)Avoid lithium – diltiazem and verapamil may precipitate neurotoxicity
Nitrates (for example, GTN, isosorbide nononitrate)TCAs (C) (dry mouth may reduce absorption of sub-lingual tablets)
MAOIs (A) (enhanced hypotensive effects)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)Paroxetine has mild anticholinergic properties
Conditions requiring anticoagulation
Parenteral anticoagulants (for example, heparin, low molecular-weight heparin)SSRIs (A) (probable increased risk of bleeding)
Venlafaxine (A) (probable increased risk of bleeding)
Duloxetine (A) (probable increased risk of bleeding)
Any alternative (for example, trazodone, reboxetine, TCAs)
Oral anticoagulants (warfarin, phenindione)SSRIs (A) (enhanced anticoagulant effect)
TCAs (A) (enhanced or reduced anticoagulant effect)
Mirtazapine (A) (enhanced anticoagulant effect)
St John's wort (A) (reduced warfarin plasma levels)
Venlafaxine (C) (possibility of enhanced anticoagulant effect)
Duloxetine (C) (possibility of enhanced anticoagulant effect)
Reboxetine (C)

Trazodone (C)

Mianserin (C)
Fluvoxamine and fluoxetine inhibit warfarin metabolism

Anticoagulant effect may be enhanced without change in INR
Bile acid sequestrants (for example, colestipol, colestyramine)None specifically contraindicatedAny
EzetimibeNone specifically contraindicatedAny
Fibrates (for example, bezafibrate)None specifically contraindicatedAnyProbably best to avoid MAOIs with bezafibrate – risk of hepatotoxicity
Statins (for example, atorvastatin, simvastatin)St John's wort (A) (reduces effect of simvastatin)Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, TCAs, others)
Omega-3 fatty acids (for example, MaxEPA, Omacor)None specifically contraindicatedAnyOmega-3 fatty acids may have antidepressant effects
Inhaled bronchodilators (for example, salbutamol, ipratropium)None specifically contraindicatedAny
TheophyllineFluvoxamine (A) (inhibits theophylline metabolism)
St John's wort (A) (increases theophylline metabolism)
Any alternative (for example, other SSRIs)
Corticosteroids (for example, predrisolone, beclomethasone)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Leukotriene antagonists (for example, montelukast)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Antihistamines – sedating (for example, chlorphenamine, hydroxyzine, promethazine)TCAs (C) (increased sedation and anticholinergic effects)
Trazodone (C) (increased sedation)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased sedation)
Phenelzine (C) (increased sedation and anticholinergic effects)
SSRIs (C) (effect antagonised by cyproheptadine)
Any alternative (SSRIs, reboxetine)Probably best to avoid use of cyproheptadine with serotonergic antidepressants
Antihistamines – non-sedating (for example, cetirizine, loratidine, mizolastine)TCAs (C) (possibility of increased sedative effects)
Trazodone (C) (possibility of increased sedative effects)
Mirtazapine (C) (possibility of increased sedative effects)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, reboxetine)Avoid use of mizolastine with TCAs and venlafaxine
OmalizumabNone specifically contraindicatedAny
AdrenalineTCAs (A) (risk of hypertension and arrhythmia)AnyWhere adrenaline is required in a patient on TCAs, close monitoring is essential
Oral nasal decongestants (for example, pseudoephedrine)MAOIs (A) (risk of hypertensive crisis)
TCAs (C) (manufacturer advises caution)
Any alternative
Hypnotics (for example, temazepam, Z-drugs, chloralhydrate, promethazine)TCAs (C) (increased sedation)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased sedation)
Trazodone (C) (increased sedation)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs [C], SNRIs, reboxetine)Fluvoxamine, paroxetine and fluoxetine may prolong the action of some benzodiazepines

Sertraline may increase sedative effects of Zolpidem
Anxiolytics (for example, benzodiazepines, buspirone, meprobamate, barbiturates)TCAs (C) (increased sedation)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased sedation)
Trazodone (C) (increased sedation)
MAOIs (A) (avoid with buspirone only)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs [C], SNRIs, reboxetine)Fluvoxamine, paroxetine and fluoxetine may prolong the action of some benzodiazepines

St John's wort may reduce the effect of some benzodiazepines
Antipsychotics (for example, chlorpromazine, haloperidol, clozapine, olanzapine)TCAs (C) (increased risk of hypotension, sedation and arrhythmia)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Trazodone (C) (increased risk of sedation and hypotension)
Paroxetine (C) (increases clozapine plasma levels)
Fluoxetine (C) (increased clozapine plasma levels)
Fluvoxamine (A) (substantially increased clozapine plasma levels)
Venlafaxine (C) (possibility of increased risk of arrhythmia)
Any alternative (for example, citalopram, reboxetine)Complex interactions with individual drugs – consult specialist before initiating a new antidepressant
Bipolar disorder
Mood stabilisers (for example, lithium, valproate, carbamazepine)SSRIs (C) (increased risk of central nervous system effects)
Venlafaxine (C) (increased risk of serotonergic effects; possible risk of increased lithium levels)
TCAs (C) (increased risk of serotonergic effects; possible increased risk of lithium toxicity)
St John's wort (A) (reduced plasma levels of carbamazepine)
Any alternative (for example, mirtazapine, reboxetine, duloxetine)SSRIs and TCAs are widely used alongside lithium – adverse interactions are rare

Carbamazepine is a potent enzyme inducer and reduces plasma levels of many TCAs and other antidepressants
Stimulants (for example, dexamfetamine, methylphenidate, atomoxetine, modafinil)TCAs (A) (increased risk of arrhythmia)
MAOIs (A) (risk of hypertensive crisis)
Moclobemide (A) (risk of hypertensive crisis)
Fluoxetine (A) (increased plasma levels of atomoxetine)
Paroxetine (A) (increased plasma levels of atomoxetine)
Mirtazapine (C) (manufacturer advises caution with atomoxetine)
Reboxetine (C) (manufacturer advises caution with atomoxetine)
Any alternative (for example, citalopram, sertraline, reboxetine [C], mirtazapine [C])All antidepressants may increase risk of convulsions when given with atomoxetine

SSRIs/SNRIs may increase risk of serotonin syndrome with dexamfetamine
OrlistatNone specifically contraindicatedAnyDecreased gut transit time may affect absorption of some drugs
Centrally acting appetite suppressants (for example, sibutramine)All antidepressants (A) (increased risk of central nervous system toxicity with sibutramine)NoneAvoid co-prescription of antidepressants with sibutramine
Nausea and vertigo
Antihistamines (for example, cinnarizine, promethazine)TCAs (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Trazodone (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of sedation)
MAOIs (A) (contraindicated with promethazine)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, venlafaxine, reboxetine)SSRIs, venlafaxine, duloxetine frequently cause or worsen nausea and vomiting
Phenothiazines (for example, prochlorperazine)TCAs (C)
(increased risk of sedation and possibly arrhythmia)
Mirtazapine (C)
(increased risk of sedation)
Trazodone (C)
(increased risk of sedation)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, SNRIs, reboxetine)
Domperidone and metoclopramideNone specifically contraindicatedAny
5-HT3 receptor antagonists (for example, ondansetron)None specifically contraindicatedAny
NabiloneTCAs (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Trazodone (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, SNRIs, reboxetine)
HyoscineTCAs (C) (increased risk of sedation and antimuscarinic effects)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Trazodone (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, SNRIs, reboxetine)
Aspirin/paracetamol (with or without mild opiates)SSRIs (C) (increased risk of bleeding with aspirin)
Venlafaxine (C) (increased risk of bleeding with aspirin)
Any alternative (for example, TCAs, mirtazapine, trazodone)
OpioidsTCAs (C) (increased risk of sedation and constipation)
Trazodone (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of sedation)
MAOIs (A) (increased risk of central nervous system [CNS] excitation and depression)
Moclobemide (A) (increased risk of CNS excitation and depression)
SSRIs (C) (increased risk of CNS toxicity with tramadol, pethidine and oxycodone)
Fluvoxamine (A) (increased plasma levels of methadone)
Duloxetine (C) (increased risk of serotonergic effects with tramadol and pethidine)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs (C), mirtazapine (C), reboxetine)
5HT1 agonists (for example, sumatriptan, zolmitriptan)SSRIs (A) (increased risk of CNS toxicity and serotonergic effects)
Duloxetine (A) (increased risk of serotonergic effects)
Venlafaxine (A) (increased risk of serotonergic effects)
MAOIs (A) (increased risk of CNS toxicity)
Moclobemide (A) (increased risk of CNS toxicity)
Any alternative (for example, TCAs, trazodone, mirtazapine)Probably best to avoid clomipramine
Ergot alkaloids (for example, ergotamine)Reboxetine (A) (increased risk of hypertension)
SSRIs (C) (increased risk of serotonin syndrome)
Any alternative
Migraine prophylactic agents
(for example, pizotifen, clonidine)
Reboxetine (A) (increased risk of hypertension with methysergide)

TCAs/reboxetine/trazodone/mirtazapine (C) (may antagonise effects of clonidine)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)Some manufacturers suggest avoiding co-administration of MAOIs and TCAs with some alpha2 agonists (but not clonidine)
Anticonvulsants (for example, valproate, carbamazepine)Complex interactionsseek specialist advice
Parkinson's disease
Dopamine agonists (for example, bromocriptine, pramipexole)None specifically contraindicatedAnyDopamine agonists have some antidepressant properties

SSRIs, particularly paroxetine, may worsen symptoms of Parkinson's disease

Selegiline also has antidepressant activity
Levodopa (for example, sinemet, madopar)MAOIs (A) (increased risk of hypertension)
Moclobemide (C) (increased risk of adverse effects)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs, trazodone, and so on)
MAO-B inhibitors (for example, selegiline, rasagiline)SSRIs (A) (increased risk of CNS excitation and hypertension)
TCAs (A) (increased risk of CNS excitation)
MAOIs (A) (increased risk of hypotension)
Moclobemide (A) (increased risk of CNS excitation)
Venlafaxine (A) (increased risk of CNS excitation)
Duloxetine (A) (increased risk of CNS excitation)
Trazodone, reboxetine, mirtazapine
COMT inhibitors (entacapone, tolcapone)MAOIs (A) (increased risk of hypertension)
TCAs (C) (manufacturer advises caution)
SSRIs (C) (manufacturer advises caution)
Moclobemide (C) (manufacturer advises caution)
Venlafaxine (C) (manufacturer advises caution)
Duloxetine (C) (manufacturer advises caution)
SSRIs, trazodone (with caution)
AmantadineNone specifically contraindicatedAny
Antimuscarinic drugs (for example, procyclidine, benzatropine)TCAs (C) (increased antimuscarinic effects)
MAOIs (C) (increased antimuscarinic effects)
Paroxetine (C) (increased plasma levels of procyclidine)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, mirtazapine, trazodone)
Tremor, chorea, tics and related disorders
HaloperidolTCAs (A) (increased risk of arrhythmia)Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, mirtazapine)
RiluzoleNone specifically contraindicatedAnyMay be best to avoid antidepressants associated with nausea (SSRIs, venlafaxine, duloxetine) and neutropenia (mianserin)
TetrabenazineMAOIs (A) (increased risk of central nervous system excitation and hypertension)Any alternativeTetrabenazine is a well known precipitant of depression

Paroxetine/fluoxetine may inhibit metabolism of tetrabenazine
Alcohol dependence
AcamprosateNone specifically contraindicatedAny alternative
DisulfiramTCAs (A)
(increased plasma concentration and increased reaction to alcohol)
Any alternativeAll antidepressants should be used with caution
BupropionTCAs (A) (increased risk of seizures)
MAOIs (A) (manufacturer advises avoiding concomitant use)
Citalopram (C) (possibility of increased plasma levels)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)Bupropion is an antidepressant; has been safely used at the same time as SSRIs

Probably inhibits metabolism of all SSRIs
NicotineNone specifically contraindicatedAny alternativeNote that smoking induces CYP1A2. Plasma levels of fluvoxamine and some other antidepressants may be decreased by smoking. Increases are to be expected on cessation
VareniclineNone specifically contraindicatedAny alternativeNote that mood changes, depression and suicidal ideation have been reported
Opioid dependence
BuprenorphineTCAs (C) (increased risk of sedation and constipation)
Trazodone (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Mirtazapine (C) (increased risk of sedation)
Any alternative (for example, any SSRIs)Manufacturer advises caution with MAOIs
MethadoneFluvoxamine (A) (increased levels of methadone)
MAOIs (A) (contraindicated by manufacturer)
Any alternativeSertraline, paroxetine and fluoxetine may increase methadone plasma levels – caution
LofexidineTCAs (A) (increased risk of arrhythmia)
Mirtazapine (C) (may antagonise effects of lofexidine)
Any alternative
NaltrexoneNone specifically contraindicatedAny
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
(for example, donepezil)
TCAs (A) (antagonises effect of anti-dementia drugs)
MAOIs (A) (antagonises effect of anti-dementia drugs)
Paroxetine (C) (increased plasma levels of galantamine)
Fluoxetine (C) (may increase plasma levels of galantamine)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, trazodone, mirtazapine)Antimuscarinic effects of some antidepressants directly antagonise effects of cholinesterase inhibitors

Probably best to avoid antimuscarinic antidepressants with memantine
MemantineNone specifically contraindicatedAny
Infection (bacterial)
Penicillins (for example, amoxicillin, phenoxymethylpenicillin, flucloxacillin)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Cephalosporins (for example, cefadroxil, cefalexin)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Tetracyclines (for example, doxycycline, oxytetracycline)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Macrolides (for example, erythromycin, clairthromycin)TCAs (A) (increased risk of QT prolongation)
Reboxetine (A) (manufacturer suggests avoid concomitant use)
Mirtazapine (C) (plasma levels may be increased)
Trazodone (C) (plasma levels may be increased by erythromycin)
Venlafaxine (C) (plasma levels may be increased
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)Erythromycin and fluvoxamine may inhibit each other's metabolism – avoid
ClindamycinNone specifically contraindicatedAny
Sulphonamides (co-trimoxazole)Mianserin (C) (increased risk of blood dyscrasia)Any alternative
Anti-tuberculosis drugs (for example, isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol)TCAs (C) (increased risk of seizures with cycloserine; plasma levels reduced by rifampicin)Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, mirtazapine, trazodone)Rifamycins potent enzyme inducers. Caution with all antidepressants
Metronidazole and tinidazoleNone specifically contraindicatedAny
Quinolones (for example, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin)TCAs (A) (increased risk of arrhythmia)
Duloxetine (C) (metabolism inhibited by ciprofloxacin)
Any alternative (for example, SSRI, mirtazapine)
Drugs for urinary tract infection (for example, nitrofurantoin, methenamine)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Infection (fungal)
Antifungal drugs (for example, fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, ketoconazole, terbinafine)Reboxetine (A) (manufacturer advises avoiding concomitant use of imidazoles and triazoles)
Mirtazapine (C) (plasma level increased by ketoconazole)
St John's wort (A) (reduces plasma levels of voriconazole)
TCAs (C) (plasma levels increased by terbinafine)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs)Ketoconazole is a CYP3A4 inhibitor. May increase levels of mirtazapine, reboxetine, venlafaxine, trazodone and some TCAs

Terbinafine inhibits CYP2D6. May increase levels of SSRIs and TCAs
Infection (viral)
Drugs for HIV (for example, zidovudine, indinavir, amprenavir, darunavir, ritonavir, efavirenx)SSRIs (C) (plasma levels reduced by amprenavir, darunavir, ritonavir [may also increase levels] and efavirenz)
TCAs (C) (possibility of increased plasma levels/side effects with amprenavir and ritonavir)
Trazodone (C) (increased side effects with ritonavir)
Venlafaxine (A) (decreased plasma levels of indinavir)
Any alternative (for example, mirtazapine, reboxetine)Complex interactions. Seek specialist advice where possible

SSRIs recommended by specialist guidelines
Drugs for herpes simplex and varicella (for example, acyclovir)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Drugs for cytomegalovirus (for example, ganciclovir)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Drugs for hepatitis B (for example, entecavir)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Drugs for influenza (for example, oseltamivir, zanamivir)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Infection (protozoal)
Antimalarials (for example, chloroquine, mefloquine, quinine, artemether, lumefantrine)None specifically contraindicated (except with artemether/lumefantrine [Riamet])Any – but see commentAvoid all antidepressants with artemether/ lumefantrine (Riamet)

Quinine and mefloquine should not be given at the same time as TCAs (risk of arrhythmias)

Quinine inhibits CYP2D6. May increase levels of SSRIs and TCAs
Amoebicides (for example, metronidiazole, tinidazole)None specifically contraindicatedAny
Infection (helmintic)
Antihelmintics (for example, mebenazdole, piperazine)None specifically contraindicatedAny
InsulinSSRIs (C) (changes in blood glucose reported)
TCAs (C) (tachycardia/hypotension may mimic hyperglycaemia)
MAOIs (A) (hypoglycaemic effects enhanced)
Any alternative (for example, mirtazapine, SNRIs, reboxetine)Mirtazapine may cause weight gain
Oral hypoglycaemics

(for example, glibenclamide, glipizide)


(for example, exenatide, pioglitazone, rosiglitazone)
SSRIs (C) (changes in blood glucose reported)
TCAs (C) (tachycardia/hypotension may mimic hypoglycaemia)
MAOIs (C) (hypoglycaemic effects enhanced)
Any alternative (for example, mirtazapine, SNRIs, reboxetine)Mirtazapine may cause weight gain
Thyroid disease
Thyroxine; liothyronineNone specifically contraindicatedAnyThyroid hormones enhance antidepressant effects

Theoretical risk of arrhythmia with TCAs - caution
Antithyroid drugs
(for example, carbimazole)
(possibility of increased risk of blood dyscrasia)
Any alternative
Glucocorticoid therapy
(for example, prednisolone)
None specifically contraindicated (but see comments)
SSRIs/venlafaxine/duloxetine (C) (possibility of increased risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding)
Any alternative (for example, reboxetine, mirtazapine, trazodone)Corticosteroids associated with euphoria, mood changes, depression and suicide
(various preparations)
None specifically contraindicatedAny
Testosterone-related syndromes
TestosteroneNone specifically contraindicatedAny
(cyproterone, dutasteride)
None specifically contraindicatedAny
Anabolic steroids (for example, nandrolone)None specifically contraindicatedAny
ClomifeneNone specifically contraindicatedAny
(for example, follitropin)
None specifically contraindicatedAny
Growth failure
Human growth hormone
(for example, somatropin)
None specifically contraindicatedAny
Growth hormone antagonists
(for example, pegvisomant)
None specifically contraindicatedAny
Diabetes insipidus
ADH (for example, vasopressin, desmopressin)None specifically contraindicatedAnyAll antidepressants linked to syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone hypersecretion (SIADH)
DemeclocyclineNone specifically contraindicatedAnyAll antidepressants associated with SIADH
(for example, disodium, elidronate, sodium clodronate)
None specifically contraindicatedAny
Danazol, gestrinoneNone specifically contraindicatedAnyDanazol has enzyme-inhibiting properties
Gonadorelin amalogues
(for example, goserelin)
None specifically contraindicatedAny
Female infertility
LHRH antagonists
(for example, cetrorelix, ganirelix)
None specifically contraindicatedAnyMay induce mood changes
Cushing's syndrome
Metyrapone, trilostaneNone specifically contraindicatedAnyVery high prevalence of depression in Cushing's syndrome
Oral contraceptives
(for example, combined oral/progesterone only)
TCAs (C) (possibility of increased plasma levels and antagonism of antidepressant effects)
St John's wort (A) (reduced contraceptive effect)
Any alternative
(for example, SSRIs, mirtazapine, reboxetine, trazodone)
Oestrogens have depressogenic effects
Urinary retention
(for example, doxazosin, indoramin)
See 2.4/2.5See 2.4/2.5
Urinary frequency/ incontinence
(for example, oxybutynin propiverine)
TCAs (C) (increased antimuscarinic effects)
Paroxetine (C) (increased antimuscarinic effects)
Any alternative
(for example, SSRIs, mirtazapine, reboxetine, trazodone)
Erectile dysfunction
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
(for example, sildenafil)
TCAs (C) (possible increased hypotensive effects)
Trazodone (C) (possible increased hypotensive effects)
Any alternative
(for example, SSRIs, SNRIs, mirtazapine, reboxetine)
Inhibitors of CYP3A4 (paroxetine, fluoxetine) may increase plasma levels of phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Use with caution
Malignant diseases
Cytotoxic drugs

Alkylating agents
(for example, chlormabucil, cyclophosphamide)

(for example, daunorubicin, doxorubicin)

(for example, methotrexate)

Vinca alkaloids
(for example, etoposide, vincristine)

Platinum compounds
(for example, cisplatin, carboplatin)
Mianserin (A) (possible increased risk of bone marrow suppression)Any alternative
Protein kinase inhibitors
(for example, imatinib, nilotinib)
Mianserin (A) (possible increased risk of bone marrow suppression)
TCAs (A) (possibly increased risk of QT prolongation)
Any alternative
(for example, SSRIs, mirtazapine, trazodone)
Nilotinib is an inhibitor of CYP3A4 and 2D6. Caution with all antidepressants
(for example, paclitaxel)
Mianserin (A)
(possibility of increased risk of bone marrow suppression)
Any alternative
Topoisomerase inhibitors
(for example, irinotecan)
Mianserin (A)
(possibility of increased risk of bone marrow suppression)
Any alterative
TrastuzumabMianserin (A)
(possibility of increased risk of bone marrow suppression)
TCAs (A)
(possibility of increased risk of arrhythmia)
Any alternative
Organ transplantation
Antiproliferative immunosuppressants (for example, azathioprine, mycophenolate)Mianserin (A)
(possibility of increased risk of bone marrow suppression)
Any alternative
Other immunosuppressants (for example, ciclosporin, tacrolimus)Mianserin (A) (possibility of increased risk of bone marrow suppression)
St John's wort (A) (reduced plasma levels of ciclosporin and tacrolimus)
Any alternative
(for example, SSRIs, mirtazapine, trazodone)
Paroxetine and fluoxetine inhibit CYP3A4 and may increase ciclosporin and tacrolimus levels
Rituximab and alemtuzumabMianserin (A) (possibility of increased risk of bone marrow suppression)
TCAs (A) (possibility of increased risk of hypotension and arrhythmia)
Any alternative
(for example, SSRIs, SNRIs, mirtazapine, trazodone)
Hepatitis/multiple sclerosis
Interferon alfa, interferon beta, glatiramer, natalizumabMianserin (A) (increased risk of bone marrow suppression)Any alternativeDepression and suicidal ideation well established adverse effects of interferons
Breast cancer

Aromatase inhibitors
(for example, anastrozole, letrozole)
None specifically contraindicatedAny
Prostate cancer
Gonadorelin antagonists
(for example, goserelin)

Anti-androgens (for example, cyproterone)
None specifically contraindicatedAnyMay induce mood changes
Iron deficiency
Ferrous sulphate, ferrous fumarateTCAs (C) (worsens constipation)Any alternative
Megaloblastic anaemias
Hydroxocobalamin, folic acidNone specifically contraindicatedAny
Renal anaemias
EpoetinVenlafaxine (C) (increased risk of hypertension)
Duloxetine (C) (increased risk of hypertension)
Reboxetine (C) (increased risk of hypertension)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, mirtazapine, TCAs)
Vitamin deficiency
(for example, retinol, thiamine, ascorbic acid, ergocalciterol, tocopherols)
None specifically contraindicatedAny
Musculoskeletal and joint disease
(for example, ibuprofen, naproxen, coxibs)
SSRIs (A) (increased risk of bleeding)
SNRIs (A) (increased risk of bleeding)
Any alternative (for example, mirtazapine, reboxetine, TCAs)
Rheumatoid arthritis
Disease-modifying agents
(for example, gold, penicillin, chloroquine)
Mianserin (A) (increased risk of blood toxicity)
TCAs (A) (increased risk of arrhythmia with chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine)
Any alternative (for example, SSRIs, SNRIs, mirtazapine)
Drugs affecting immune response in rheumatoid arthritis
Methotrexate, azathioprine, ciclosporin, cytokine modulators, tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitorsMianserin (A) (increased risk of blood dyscrasia)
St John's wort (A) (reduces plasma levels of ciclosporin)
Any alternative
Gout and hyperuricaemia
Colchicine, allopurinol, sulfinpyrazone probenecid (for NSAIDs see above)Mianserin (A) (increased risk of blood dyscrasia with allopurinol and sulfinpyrazone)Any alternative
Myasthaenia gravis
(for example, neostigmine, pyridostigmine)
None specifically contraindicatedAnyTCAs may ameliorate some parasympathetic adverse effects
Muscle spasm or spasticity
Baclofen, dantrolene, and so onFluvoxamine (A) (increases plasma levels of tizanidine)
TCAs (A) (effect of baclofen enhanced)
Any alternative
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
(for example, acetazolamide)
None specifically contraindicatedAnyMany antimuscarinic antidepressants are contraindicated in glaucoma
Infectious disease prevention
VaccinesNone specifically contraindicatedAny
Copyright © 2010, The British Psychological Society & The Royal College of Psychiatrists.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Enquiries in this regard should be directed to the British Psychological Society.

Bookshelf ID: NBK82914


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