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National Guideline Alliance (UK). Cerebral palsy in under 25s: assessment and management. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2017 Jan. (NICE Guideline, No. 62.)

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Cerebral palsy in under 25s: assessment and management.

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Appendix KExcluded Studies

K.1. Risk factors

Excluded studies - What are the most important risk factors for developing cerebral palsy with a view to informing more frequent assessment and early intervention?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Abdullahi,H., Satti,M., Rayis,D.A., Imam,A.M., Adam,I., Intra-partum fever and cerebral palsy in Khartoum, Sudan, BMC Research Notes, 6, 163-, 2013Case-control design.
Ahlin, K., Himmelmann, K., Hagberg, G., Kacerovsky, M., Cobo, T., Wennerholm, U. B., Jacobsson, B., Cerebral palsy and perinatal infection in children born at term, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 122, 41-9, 2013Case-control design.
Allen, M. C., Neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm infants, Current Opinion in Neurology, 21, 123-8, 2008Non-systematic review
Al-Macki,N., Miller,S.P., Hall,N., Shevell,M., The spectrum of abnormal neurologic outcomes subsequent to term intrapartum asphyxia, Pediatric Neurology, 41, 399-405, 2009All children had the risk factor (no comparison).
Al-Marzooq,R., Prognostic indicators of developmental outcome in preterm infants, Bahrain Medical Bulletin, 32, -, 2010Not CP specific.
American Collge of, Obstetricians, GynecologistsGDG Neonatal encephalopathy and cerebral palsy: executive summary, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 103, 780-1, 2004Non-systematic review.
Andersen,G.L., Irgens,L.M., Skranes,J., Salvesen,K.A., Meberg,A., Vik,T., Is breech presentation a risk factor for cerebral palsy? A Norwegian birth cohort study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 860-865, 2009Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Andrews, W. W., Cliver, S. P., Biasini, F., Peralta-Carcelen, A. M., Rector, R., Alriksson-Schmidt, A. I., Faye-Petersen, O., Carlo, W., Goldenberg, R., Hauth, J. C., Early preterm birth: association between in utero exposure to acute inflammation and severe neurodevelopmental disability at 6 years of age, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 198, 466.e1-466.e11, 2008This paper will be considered for the ‘causes of CP’ review as it reports on seizures.
Asakura, H., Ichikawa, H., Nakabayashi, M., Ando, K., Kaneko, K., Kawabata, M., Tani, A., Satoh, M., Takahashi, K., Sakamato, S., Perinatal risk factors related to neurologic outcomes of term newborns with asphyxia at birth: A prospective study, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 26, 313-324, 2000Not CP specific.
Ayyavoo, A., Derraik, J. G., Hofman, P. L., Cutfield, W. S., Postterm births: are prolonged pregnancies too long?, Journal of Pediatrics, 164, 647-51, 2014Non systematic review.
Badawi,N., Felix,J.F., Kurinczuk,J.J., Dixon,G., Watson,L., Keogh,J.M., Valentine,J., Stanley,F.J., Cerebral palsy following term newborn encephalopathy: a population-based study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 47, 293-298, 2005Case-control design.
Ballot,D.E., Potterton,J., Chirwa,T., Hilburn,N., Cooper,P.A., Developmental outcome of very low birth weight infants in a developing country, BMC Pediatrics, 12, 11-, 2012Scores not risk factors.
Bangash,A.S., Hanafi,M.Z., Idrees,R., Zehra,N., Risk factors and types of cerebral palsy, JPMA - Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 64, 103-107, 2014Cross-sectional design no risk factors analysis.
Bashiri,A., Burstein,E., Mazor,M., Cerebral palsy and fetal inflammatory response syndrome: A review, Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 34, 5-12, 2006Non-systematic review.
Bax,M., Tydeman,C., Flodmark,O., Clinical and MRI correlates of cerebral palsy: the European Cerebral Palsy Study, JAMA, 296, 1602-1608, 2006The paper reports on causes of CP rather than risk factors.
Beqaj-Zhjeqi, V., Etiological factors in cerebral palsy in Prishtina region, Medicinski Arhiv, 62, 20-4, 2008No comparison group without risk factor.
Blair, E. M., Nelson, K. B., Fetal growth restriction and risk of cerebral palsy in singletons born after at least 35 weeks’ gestation, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 212, 520.e1-7, 2015Case-control design.
Blickstein,I., Do multiple gestations raise the risk of cerebral palsy?, Clinics in Perinatology, 31, 395-408, 2004Non-systematic review.
Brouwer,A.J., Groenendaal,F., Koopman,C., Nievelstein,R.J., Han,S.K., de Vries,L.S., Intracranial hemorrhage in full-term newborns: a hospital-based cohort study, Neuroradiology, 52, 567-576, 2010All children had the risk factor.
Cans, C., McManus, V., Crowley, M., Guillem, P., Platt, M. J., Johnson, A., Arnaud, C., Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe Collaborative, Group, Cerebral palsy of post-neonatal origin: characteristics and risk factors, Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 18, 214-20, 2004Wrong comparison.
Chau, V., McFadden, D. E., Poskitt, K. J., Miller, S. P., Chorioamnionitis in the pathogenesis of brain injury in preterm infants, Clinics in Perinatology, 41, 83-103, 2014Non-systematic review.
Clark, S. M., Ghulmiyyah, L. M., Hankins, G. D., Antenatal antecedents and the impact of obstetric care in the etiology of cerebral palsy, Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology, 51, 775-86, 2008Non-systematic review.
Costantine,M.M., How,H.Y., Coppage,K., Maxwell,R.A., Sibai,B.M., Does peripartum infection increase the incidence of cerebral palsy in extremely low birthweight infants?, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, #196, e6-e8, 2007Case-control design.
Crnkovic, M., Matijevic-Mikelic, V., Demarin, V., Kosicek, T., Morovic, S., Grazio, S., Risk factors for gross motor dysfunction of lower limbs in children, Acta Clinica Croatica, 50, 361-6, 2011Not CP specific.
Croen, L. A., Grether, J. K., Curry, C. J., Nelson, K. B., Congenital abnormalities among children with cerebral palsy: More evidence for prenatal antecedents, Journal of Pediatrics, 138, 804-10, 2001Case-control design.
Daher, S., El-Khairy, L., Association of cerebral palsy with consanguineous parents and other risk factors in a Palestinian population, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 20, 459-68, 2014Case-control design.
Dahlseng,M.O., Andersen,G.L., Irgens,L.M., Skranes,J., Vik,T., Risk of cerebral palsy in term-born singletons according to growth status at birth, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 53-58, 2014Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Davis, A. S., Hintz, S. R., Van Meurs, K. P., Li, L., Das, A., Stoll, B. J., Walsh, M. C., Pappas, A., Bell, E. F., Laptook, A. R., Higgins, R. D., Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child, Health, Human Development Neonatal Research, Network, Seizures in extremely low birth weight infants are associated with adverse outcome, Journal of Pediatrics, 157, 720-5.e1-2, 2010This paper will be considered for the ‘causes of CP’ review as it reports on seizures.
Doctor,B.A., Newman,N., Minich,N.M., Taylor,H.G., Fanaroff,A.A., Hack,M., Clinical outcomes of neonatal meningitis in very-low birth-weight infants, Clinical Pediatrics, 40, 473-480, 2001All children had CP - no comparison.
Drougia,A., Giapros,V., Krallis,N., Theocharis,P., Nikaki,A., Tzoufi,M., Andronikou,S., Incidence and risk factors for cerebral palsy in infants with perinatal problems: a 15-year review, Early Human Development, 83, 541-547, 2007Case-control design.
Drummond,P.M., Colver,A.F., Analysis by gestational age of cerebral palsy in singleton births in north-east England 1970-94, Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 16, 172-180, 2002Comparison between two cohorts.
Erkin, G., Delialioglu, S. U., Ozel, S., Culha, C., Sirzai, H., Risk factors and clinical profiles in Turkish children with cerebral palsy: analysis of 625 cases, International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 31, 89-91, 2008No comparison made
Eunson, P., Aetiology and epidemiology of cerebral palsy, Paediatrics and Child Health (United Kingdom), 22, 361-366, 2012Used for references - non-systematic review.
Evans, K., Rigby, A. S., Hamilton, P., Titchiner, N., Hall, D. M. B., The relationships between neonatal encephalopathy and cerebral palsy: A cohort study, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 21, 114-120, 2001All children had risk factor.
Felix,J.F., Badawi,N., Kurinczuk,J.J., Bower,C., Keogh,J.M., Pemberton,P.J., Birth defects in children with newborn encephalopathy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 42, 803-808, 2000Case-control design.
Fukuda, S., Mizuno, K., Kawai, S., Kakita, H., Goto, T., Hussein, M. H., Daoud, G. A., Ito, T., Kato, I., Suzuki, S., Togari, H., Reduction in cerebral blood flow volume in infants complicated with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy resulting in cerebral palsy, Brain & Development, 30, 246-53, 2008Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Fung, G., Bawden, K., Chow, P., Yu, V., Chorioamnionitis and outcome in extremely preterm infants, Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, 32, 305-310, 2003This papers has been included in a meta-analysis.
Garfinkle,J., Shevell,M.I., Cerebral palsy, developmental delay, and epilepsy after neonatal seizures, Pediatric Neurology, 44, 88-96, 2011All children had the risk factor (no comparison).
Ghi,T., Giunchi,S., Pilu,G., Youssef,A., Morselli-Labate,A.M., Arcangeli,T., Meriggiola,M.C., Pelusi,C., Ancora,G., Cocchi,G., Faldella,G., Pelusi,G., Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in apparently low risk pregnancies: retrospective analysis of the last five years at the University of Bologna, Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 23, 516-521, 2010Not CP specific.
Gibson, C. S., MacLennan, A. H., Goldwater, P. N., Haan, E. A., Priest, K., Dekker, G. A., Neurotropic viruses and cerebral palsy: Population based case-control study, British Medical Journal, 332, 76-79, 2006Incomplete study.
Gilbert, W. M., Jacoby, B. N., Xing, G., Danielsen, B., Smith, L. H., Adverse obstetric events are associated with significant risk of cerebral palsy, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 203, 328.e1-5, 2010OR not reported.
Glinianaia, S. V., Jarvis, S., Topp, M., Guillem, P., Platt, M. J., Pearce, M. S., Parker, L., Scpe Collaboration of European Cerebral Palsy Registers, Intrauterine growth and cerebral palsy in twins: a European multicenter study, Twin Research & Human Genetics: the Official Journal of the International Society for Twin Studies, 9, 460-6, 2006Not a cohort design and unadjusted analysis.
Glinianaia, S. V., Pharoah, P. O., Wright, C., Rankin, J. M., Northern Region Perinatal Mortality Survey Steering, Group, Fetal or infant death in twin pregnancy: neurodevelopmental consequence for the survivor, Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal & Neonatal Edition, 86, F9-15, 2002Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Glinianaia, S. V., Rankin, J., Colver, A., North of England Collaborative Cerebral Palsy, Survey, Cerebral palsy rates by birth weight, gestation and severity in North of England, 1991-2000 singleton births, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 96, 180-5, 2011Comparisons between decades.
Goelz,R., Meisner,C., Bevot,A., Hamprecht,K., Kraegeloh-Mann,I., Poets,C.F., Long-term cognitive and neurological outcome of preterm infants with postnatally acquired CMV infection through breast milk, Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 98, F430-F433, 2013Case-control design.
Goldstein, R. F., Cotten, C. M., Shankaran, S., Gantz, M. G., Poole, W. K., Influence of gestational age on death and neurodevelopmental outcome in premature infants with severe intracranial hemorrhage, Journal of Perinatology, 33, 25-32, 2013Not specific to CP.
Golomb,M.R., Garg,B.P., Saha,C., Azzouz,F., Williams,L.S., Cerebral palsy after perinatal arterial ischemic stroke, Journal of Child Neurology, 23, 279-286, 2008Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Gray,P.H., Jones,P., O’Callaghan,M.J., Maternal antecedents for cerebral palsy in extremely preterm babies: a case-control study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 43, 580-585, 2001Case-control design.
Greenwood,C., Yudkin,P., Sellers,S., Impey,L., Doyle,P., Why is there a modifying effect of gestational age on risk factors for cerebral palsy?, Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 90, F141-F146, 2005Case-control design.
Grobman, W. A., Lai, Y., Rouse, D. J., Spong, C. Y., Varner, M. W., Mercer, B. M., Leveno, K. J., Iams, J. D., Wapner, R. J., Sorokin, Y., Thorp, J. M., Jr., Ramin, S. M., Malone, F. D., O’Sullivan, M. J., Hankins, G. D., Caritis, S. N., Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child, Health, Human Development Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units, Network, The association of cerebral palsy and death with small-for-gestational-age birthweight in preterm neonates by individualised and population-based percentiles, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 209, 340.e1-5, 2013No relevant comparison.
Guellec, I., Lapillonne, A., Renolleau, S., Charlaluk, M. L., Roze, J. C., Marret, S., Vieux, R., Monique, K., Ancel, P. Y., Epipage Study Group, Neurologic outcomes at school age in very preterm infants born with severe or mild growth restriction, Pediatrics, 127, e883-91, 2011Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Gurbuz,A., Karateke,A., Yilmaz,U., Kabaca,C., The role of perinatal and intrapartum risk factors in the etiology of cerebral palsy in term deliveries in a Turkish population, Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, #19, 147-Fetal, 2006Case-control design risk factor not relevant to review protocol.
Hagberg, B., Hagberg, G., Beckung, E., Uvebrant, P., Changing panorama of cerebral palsy in Sweden. VIII. Prevalence and origin in the birth year period 1991-94, Acta Paediatrica, 90, 271-7, 2001Description of trend of prevalence of CP.
Hemming,K., Hutton,J.L., Bonellie,S., Kurinczuk,J.J., Intrauterine growth and survival in cerebral palsy, Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 93, F121-F126, 2008Outcome = survival.
Himmelmann, K., Hagberg, G., Beckung, E., Hagberg, B., Uvebrant, P., The changing panorama of cerebral palsy in Sweden. IX. Prevalence and origin in the birth-year period 1995-1998, Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics, 94, 287-294, 2005Trends in prevalence of CP reported.
Himmelmann,K., Ahlin,K., Jacobsson,B., Cans,C., Thorsen,P., Risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born at term, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 90, 1070-1081, 2011No quality appraisal of studies.
Himpens, E., Oostra, A., Franki, I., Van Maele, G., Vanhaesebrouck, P., Van Den Broeck, C., Predictability of cerebral palsy and its characteristics through neonatal cranial ultrasound in a high-risk NICU population, European Journal of Pediatrics, 169, 1213-1219, 2010Reports on causes of CP rather than risk factors.
Himpens, E., Van den Broeck, C., Oostra, A., Calders, P., Vanhaesebrouck, P., Prevalence, type, distribution, and severity of cerebral palsy in relation to gestational age: a meta-analytic review, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 50, 334-40, 2008This meta-analysis includes old studies a more recent one has been considered.
Hintz, S. R., Kendrick, D. E., Vohr, B. R., Poole, W. K., Higgins, R. D., National Institute of Child, Health, Human Development Neonatal Research, Network, Changes in neurodevelopmental outcomes at 18 to 22 months’ corrected age among infants of less than 25 weeks’ gestational age born in 1993-1999, Pediatrics, 115, 1645-51, 2005Comparisons between decades are presented.
Hirvonen, M., Ojala, R., Korhonen, P., Haataja, P., Eriksson, K., Gissler, M., Luukkaala, T., Tammela, O., Cerebral palsy among children born moderately and late preterm, Pediatrics, 134, e1584-93, 2014This paper reports incidence of CP in different gestational age groups, but not risk factor analysis.
Horvath,B., Grasselly,M., Bodecs,T., Boncz,I., Bodis,J., Histological chorioamnionitis is associated with cerebral palsy in preterm neonates, European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 163, 160-164, 2012Unadjusted analysis only.
Jacobs, S. E., O’Brien, K., Inwood, S., Kelly, E. N., Whyte, H. E., Outcome of infants 23-26 weeks’ gestation pre and post surfactant, Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics, 89, 959-965, 2000Comparison between pre- and post-intervention reported.
Jacobsson,B., Ahlin,K., Francis,A., Hagberg,G., Hagberg,H., Gardosi,J., Cerebral palsy and restricted growth status at birth: population-based case-control study, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 115, 1250-1255, 2008Case-control design.
Jacobsson,B., Hagberg,G., Hagberg,B., Ladfors,L., Niklasson,A., Hagberg,H., Cerebral palsy in preterm infants: a population-based case-control study of antenatal and intrapartal risk factors, Acta Paediatrica, 91, 946-951, 2002Case-control design
Jarjour, I. T., Neurodevelopmental outcome after extreme prematurity: A review of the literature, Pediatric Neurology, 52, 143-152, 2015Non-systematic review.
Jarvis, S., Glinianaia, S. V., Arnaud, C., Fauconnier, J., Johnson, A., McManus, V., Topp, M., Uvebrant, P., Cans, C., Krageloh-Mann, I., Scpe collaboration of European Cerebral Palsy Registers, Case gender and severity in cerebral palsy varies with intrauterine growth, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 90, 474-9, 2005All children had CP - no comparison.
Jensen, L. V., Mathiasen, R., Molholm, B., Greisen, G., Low 5-min Apgar score in moderately preterm infants; association with subsequent death and cerebral palsy: a register based Danish national study, Acta Paediatrica, 101, e80-2, 2012Risk factor not relevant to review protocol.
Johnson,S., Fawke,J., Hennessy,E., Rowell,V., Thomas,S., Wolke,D., Marlow,N., Neurodevelopmental disability through 11 years of age in children born before 26 weeks of gestation, Pediatrics, 124, e249-e257, 2009Case-control study design.
Kaneko,M., Sameshima,H., Ikeda,T., Ikenoue,T., Minematsu,T., Intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring in cases of cytomegalovirus infection, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 191, 1257-1262, 2004Case-control design no relevant risk factors presented.
Kipiani,T., Tatishvili,N., Sirbiladze,Ts, Long-term neurological development of the preterm newborns, Georgian Medical News, 42-45, 2007Case-control design.
Klebermass-Schrehof, K., Czaba, C., Olischar, M., Fuiko, R., Waldhoer, T., Rona, Z., Pollak, A., Weninger, M., Impact of low-grade intraventricular hemorrhage on long-term neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants, Childs Nervous System, 28, 2085-92, 2012Cause rather than risk factor.
Kosuge,S., Ohkuchi,A., Minakami,H., Matsubara,S., Uchida,A., Eguchi,Y., Honma,Y., Sato,I., Influence of chorioamnionitis on survival and morbidity in singletons live-born at < 32 weeks of gestation, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 79, 861-865, 2000Not CP specific.
Krebs, L., Langhoff-Roos, J., Thorngren-Jerneck, K., Long-term outcome in term breech infants with low Apgar score--a population-based follow-up, European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Biology, 100, 5-8, 2001Not CP specific.
Kuban, K. C., O’Shea, T. M., Allred, E. N., Fichorova, R. N., Heeren, T., Paneth, N., Hirtz, D., Dammann, O., Leviton, A., Elgan Study Investigators, The breadth and type of systemic inflammation and the risk of adverse neurological outcomes in extremely low gestation newborns, Pediatric Neurology, 52, 42-8, 2015The paper reports on cause rather than risk factor for CP.
Kuban, K. C., O’Shea, T. M., Allred, E. N., Paneth, N., Hirtz, D., Fichorova, R. N., Leviton, A., Elgan Study Investigators, Systemic inflammation and cerebral palsy risk in extremely preterm infants, Journal of Child Neurology, 29, 1692-8, 2014No relevant risk factors.
Lee,J., Croen,L.A., Lindan,C., Nash,K.B., Yoshida,C.K., Ferriero,D.M., Barkovich,A.J., Wu,Y.W., Predictors of outcome in perinatal arterial stroke: a population-based study, Annals of Neurology, 58, 303-308, 2005Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Lehman, L. L., Rivkin, M. J., Perinatal arterial ischemic stroke: presentation, risk factors, evaluation, and outcome, Pediatric Neurology, 51, 760-8, 2014Risk factor for perinatal arterial ischemic stroke included, not risk factor for development of CP.
Lie,K.K., Groholt,E.K., Eskild,A., Association of cerebral palsy with Apgar score in low and normal birthweight infants: population based cohort study, BMJ, 341, c4990-, 2010Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Lindstrom,K., Hallberg,B., Blennow,M., Wolff,K., Fernell,E., Westgren,M., Moderate neonatal encephalopathy: pre- and perinatal risk factors and long-term outcome, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 87, 503-509, 2008Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Liu, J., Li, Z., Lin, Q., Zhao, P., Zhao, F., Hong, S., Li, S., Cerebral palsy and multiple births in China, International Journal of Epidemiology, 29, 292-9, 2000Results are unadjusted.
Lodha,A., Sauve,R., Chen,S., Tang,S., Christianson,H., Clinical Risk Index for Babies score for the prediction of neurodevelopmental outcomes at 3 years of age in infants of very low birthweight, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 895-900, 2009Not CP specific.
Luciano, R., Baranello, G., Masini, L., Ricci, D., Gallini, F., Ciotti, S., Leone, D., Serrao, F., De Santis, M., Zecca, E., Zuppa, A., Romagnoli, C., Di Rocco, C., Guzzetta, F., Mercuri, E., Antenatal post-hemorrhagic ventriculomegaly: a prospective follow-up study, Neuropediatrics, 38, 137-42, 2007Not included as risk factor in protocol.
Mann, J. R., McDermott, S., Griffith, M. I., Hardin, J., Gregg, A., Uncovering the complex relationship between pre-eclampsia, preterm birth and cerebral palsy, Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 25, 100-10, 2011Risk factor not relevant to review protocol.
Manuck,T.A., Sheng,X., Yoder,B.A., Varner,M.W., Correlation between initial neonatal and early childhood outcomes following preterm birth, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 210, 426-429, 2014This paper will be considered for the ‘causes of CP’ review as it reports on seizures.
Marlow,N., Pike,K., Bower,E., Brocklehurst,P., Jones,D., Kenyon,S., Kurinczuk,J.J., Taylor,D., Salt,A., Characteristics of children with cerebral palsy in the ORACLE children study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, 640-646, 2012Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Marret, S., Ancel, P. Y., Marpeau, L., Marchand, L., Pierrat, V., Larroque, B., Foix-L’Helias, L., Thiriez, G., Fresson, J., Alberge, C., Roze, J. C., Matis, J., Breart, G., Kaminski, M., Epipage Study, Group, Neonatal and 5-year outcomes after birth at 30-34 weeks of gestation, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 110, 72-80, 2007This paper has been included in a recent meta-analysis which is part of the review.
Matsuda, Y., Maeda, T., Kouno, S., Comparison of neonatal outcome including cerebral palsy between abruptio placentae and placenta previa, European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 106, 125-129, 2003Not included as risk factor in protocol.
Matsuda,Y., Kouno,S., Hiroyama,Y., Kuraya,K., Kamitomo,M., Ibara,S., Hatae,M., Intrauterine infection, magnesium sulfate exposure and cerebral palsy in infants born between 26 and 30 weeks of gestation, European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 91, 159-164, 2000Case-control design.
McIntyre,S., Badawi,N., Brown,C., Blair,E., Population case-control study of cerebral palsy: neonatal predictors for low-risk term singletons, Pediatrics, 127, e667-e673, 2011Case-control design.
McIntyre,S., Taitz,D., Keogh,J., Goldsmith,S., Badawi,N., Blair,E., A systematic review of risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born at term in developed countries, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55, 499-508, 2013Included studies have been published before 2000 risk of bias analysis not presented.
McMichael, G., MacLennan, A., Gibson, C., Alvino, E., Goldwater, P., Haan, E., Dekker, G., Australian Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Research, Group, Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus may be associated with some cases of cerebral palsy, Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 25, 2078-81, 2012Case-control design.
Mendez-Figueroa,H., Dahlke,J.D., Viteri,O.A., Chauhan,S.P., Rouse,D.J., Sibai,B.M., Blackwell,S.C., Neonatal and infant outcomes in twin gestations with preterm premature rupture of membranes at 24-31 weeks of gestation, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 124, 323-331, 2014All children had the risk factors, no comparison made.
Menticoglou,S.M., How often do perinatal events at full term cause cerebral palsy?, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada: JOGC, 30, 396-403, 2008Risk factor not listed in protocol.
Moore, G. P., Lemyre, B., Barrowman, N., Daboval, T., Neurodevelopmental outcomes at 4 to 8 years of children born at 22 to 25 weeks’ gestational age: A meta-analysis, JAMA Pediatrics, 167, 967-974, 2013Not CP specific.
Moore,T., Hennessy,E.M., Myles,J., Johnson,S.J., Draper,E.S., Costeloe,K.L., Marlow,N., Neurological and developmental outcome in extremely preterm children born in England in 1995 and 2006: the EPICure studies, BMJ, 345, e7961-, 2012All children had the risk factor.
Mukhopadhyay,K., Malhi,P., Mahajan,R., Narang,A., Neurodevelopmental and behavioral outcome of very low birth weight babies at corrected age of 2 years, Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 77, 963-967, 2010Not relevant risk factor.
Mwaniki,M.K., Atieno,M., Lawn,J.E., Newton,C.R., Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes after intrauterine and neonatal insults: a systematic review, Lancet, 379, 445-452, 2012Not specific to CP it includes old studies.
Nelson,K.B., Grether,J.K., Dambrosia,J.M., Walsh,E., Kohler,S., Satyanarayana,G., Nelson,P.G., Dickens,B.F., Phillips,T.M., Neonatal cytokines and cerebral palsy in very preterm infants, Pediatric Research, 53, 600-607, 2003Not included as risk factor in protocol.
Neufeld,M.D., Frigon,C., Graham,A.S., Mueller,B.A., Maternal infection and risk of cerebral palsy in term and preterm infants, Journal of Perinatology, 25, 108-113, 2005Case-control design.
Nordmark,E., Hagglund,G., Lagergren,J., Cerebral palsy in southern Sweden I. Prevalence and clinical features, Acta Paediatrica, 90, 1271-1276, 2001Distribution of CP only reported, no risk factors analysis presented.
O’Shea, T. M., Allred, E. N., Dammann, O., Hirtz, D., Kuban, K. C., Paneth, N., Leviton, A., Elgan study Investigators, The ELGAN study of the brain and related disorders in extremely low gestational age newborns, Early Human Development, 85, 719-25, 2009This paper studies causes rather than risk factors.
O’Shea, T. M., Allred, E. N., Kuban, K. C., Hirtz, D., Specter, B., Durfee, S., Paneth, N., Leviton, A., Elgan Study Investigators, Intraventricular hemorrhage and developmental outcomes at 24 months of age in extremely preterm infants, Journal of Child Neurology, 27, 22-9, 2012The paper reports on causes rather than risk factors.
Ozturk,A., Demirci,F., Yavuz,T., Yildiz,S., Degirmenci,Y., Dosoglu,M., Avsar,Y., Antenatal and delivery risk factors and prevalence of cerebral palsy in Duzce (Turkey), Brain and Development, 29, 39-42, 2007Cross-sectional design unadjusted.
Patrick, L. A., Smith, G. N., Proinflammatory cytokines: a link between chorioamnionitis and fetal brain injury, Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Canada: JOGC, 24, 705-9, 2002Non systematic review.
Payne, A. H., Hintz, S. R., Hibbs, A. M., Walsh, M. C., Vohr, B. R., Bann, C. M., Wilson-Costello, D. E., Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child, Health, Human Development Neonatal Research, Network, Neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely low-gestational-age neonates with low-grade periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage, JAMA Pediatrics, 167, 451-9, 2013The paper reports on causes of CP rather than on risk factors.
Pharoah, P. O., Risk of cerebral palsy in multiple pregnancies, Obstetrics & Gynecology Clinics of North America, 32, 55-67, viii, 2005Non systematic review.
Pharoah,P.O.D., Risk of Cerebral Palsy in Multiple Pregnancies, Clinics in Perinatology, 33, 301-313, 2006Non-systematic review.
Pinborg,A., Loft,A., Schmidt,L., Greisen,G., Rasmussen,S., Andersen,A.N., Neurological sequelae in twins born after assisted conception: controlled national cohort study, BMJ, 329, 311-, 2004Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Platt,M.J., Cans,C., Johnson,A., Surman,G., Topp,M., Torrioli,M.G., Krageloh-Mann,I., Trends in cerebral palsy among infants of very low birthweight (<1500 g) or born prematurely (<32 weeks) in 16 European centres: a database study, Lancet, 369, 43-50, 2007The papers reports on trends of CP.
Pritchard,M.A., Colditz,P.B., Cartwright,D., Gray,P.H., Tudehope,D., Beller,E., Risk determinants in early intervention use during the first postnatal year in children born very preterm, BMC Pediatrics, 13, 201-, 2013Risk determinants of early interventions.
Qiu,H., Paneth,N., Lorenz,J.M., Collins,M., Labor and delivery factors in brain damage, disabling cerebral palsy, and neonatal death in low-birth-weight infants, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 189, 1143-1149, 2003Results are unadjusted.
Qiu,H.B., Wang,Z.G., Li,X.J., Wang,B.Y., Jiang,Z.M., Multi-factor logistic regression analysis on risk factors of prenatal infantile cerebral palsy, Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation, 9, 158-161, 2005Case-control design.
Ramaswamy,V., Miller,S.P., Barkovich,A.J., Partridge,J.C., Ferriero,D.M., Perinatal stroke in term infants with neonatal encephalopathy, Neurology, 62, 2088-2091, 2004Risk factor not relevant to review protocol.
Redline, R. W., O’Riordan, M. A., Placental lesions associated with cerebral palsy and neurologic impairment following term birth, Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 124, 1785-91, 2000Not CP specific
Redline,R.W., Severe fetal placental vascular lesions in term infants with neurologic impairment, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 192, 452-457, 2005Case-control design.
Redline,R.W., Minich,N., Taylor,H.G., Hack,M., Placental lesions as predictors of cerebral palsy and abnormal neurocognitive function at school age in extremely low birth weight infants (<1 kg), Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, 10, 282-292, 2007No relevant risk factors.
Reid, S. M., Lanigan, A., Reddihough, D. S., Post-neonatally acquired cerebral palsy in Victoria, Australia, 1970-1999, Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 42, 606-11, 2006Comparison of decades - not a risk factors study.
Roze,E., Kerstjens,J.M., Maathuis,C.G., Ter Horst,H.J., Bos,A.F., Risk factors for adverse outcome in preterm infants with periventricular hemorrhagic infarction, Pediatrics, 122, e46-e52, 2008Risk factor not relevant to review protocol unadjusted results.
Sameshima,H., Ikenoue,T., Developmental effects on neonatal mortality and subsequent cerebral palsy in infants exposed to intrauterine infection, Early Human Development, 83, 517-519, 2007Results are not adjusted.
Schendel, D. E., Infection in pregnancy and cerebral palsy, Journal of the American Medical Womens Association, 56, 105-8, 2001Non systematic review.
Scher,A.I., Petterson,B., Blair,E., Ellenberg,J.H., Grether,J.K., Haan,E., Reddihough,D.S., Yeargin-Allsopp,M., Nelson,K.B., The risk of mortality or cerebral palsy in twins: a collaborative population-based study, Pediatric Research, 52, 671-681, 2002Risk of mortality in CP.
Schlapbach, L. J., Adams, M., Proietti, E., Aebischer, M., Grunt, S., Borradori-Tolsa, C., Bickle-Graz, M., Bucher, H. U., Latal, B., Natalucci, G., Swiss Neonatal, Network, Follow-up, Group, Outcome at two years of age in a Swiss national cohort of extremely preterm infants born between 2000 and 2008, BMC Pediatrics, 12, 198, 2012Not CP specific.
Schlapbach, L. J., Aebischer, M., Adams, M., Natalucci, G., Bonhoeffer, J., Latzin, P., Nelle, M., Bucher, H. U., Latal, B., Swiss Neonatal, Network, Follow-Up, Group, Impact of sepsis on neurodevelopmental outcome in a Swiss National Cohort of extremely premature infants, Pediatrics, 128, e348-57, 2011This study has been included in a recent meta-analysis.
Schlapbach, L. J., Ersch, J., Adams, M., Bernet, V., Bucher, H. U., Latal, B., Impact of chorioamnionitis and preeclampsia on neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants below 32 weeks gestational age, Acta Paediatrica, 99, 1504-9, 2010Case-control study design.
Shankaran,S., Johnson,Y., Langer,J.C., Vohr,B.R., Fanaroff,A.A., Wright,L.L., Poole,W.K., Outcome of extremely-low-birth-weight infants at highest risk: gestational age < or =24 weeks, birth weight < or =750 g, and 1-minute Apgar < or =3, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 191, 1084-1091, 2004Not relevant risk factor.
Shevell, A., Wintermark, P., Benini, R., Shevell, M., Oskoui, M., Chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy: lessons from a patient registry, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 18, 301-7, 2014Unavailable paper.
Skrablin, S., Kuvacic, I., Simunic, V., Bosnjak-Nadj, K., Kalafatic, D., Banovic, V., Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome of triplets, European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Biology, 132, 76-82, 2007Incidence of ND in triplets - no comparison.
Soleimani, F., Vameghi, R., Biglarian, A., Antenatal and intrapartum risk factors for cerebral palsy in term and near-term newborns, Archives of Iranian Medicine, 16, 213-6, 2013Unavailable paper.
Soleimani,F., Vameghi,R., Biglarian,A., Daneshmandan,N., Risk factors associated with cerebral palsy in children born in eastern and northern districts of Tehran, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 12, 428-433, 2010Case-control design.
Spinillo,A., Montanari,L., Sanpaolo,P., Bergante,C., Chiara,A., Fazzi,E., Fetal growth and infant neurodevelopmental outcome after preterm premature rupture of membranes, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 103, 1286-1293, 2004Results are unadjusted.
Sreenan,C., Bhargava,R., Robertson,C.M., Cerebral infarction in the term newborn: clinical presentation and long-term outcome, Journal of Pediatrics, 137, 351-355, 2000Not CP specific.
Stelmach, T., Pisarev, H., Talvik, T., Ante- and perinatal factors for cerebral palsy: case-control study in Estonia, Journal of Child Neurology, 20, 654-60, 2005Case-control design.
Stelmach,T., Kallas,E., Pisarev,H., Talvik,T., Antenatal risk factors associated with unfavorable neurologic status in newborns and at 2 years of age, Journal of Child Neurology, 19, 116-122, 2004Not CP specific.
Stoinska,B., Gadzinowski,J., Neurological and developmental disabilities in ELBW and VLBW: follow-up at 2 years of age, Journal of Perinatology, 31, 137-142, 2011Not relevant risk factors.
Stoknes,M., Andersen,G.L., Dahlseng,M.O., Skranes,J., Salvesen,K.A., Irgens,L.M., Kurinczuk,J.J., Vik,T., Cerebral palsy and neonatal death in term singletons born small for gestational age, Pediatrics, 130, e1629-e1635, 2012Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Stoknes,M., Andersen,G.L., Elkamil,A.I., Irgens,L.M., Skranes,J., Salvesen,K.A., Vik,T., The effects of multiple pre- and perinatal risk factors on the occurrence of cerebral palsy. A Norwegian register based study, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 16, 56-63, 2012Unavailable paper.
Strand,K.M., Heimstad,R., Iversen,A.C., Austgulen,R., Lydersen,S., Andersen,G.L., Irgens,L.M., Vik,T., Mediators of the association between pre-eclampsia and cerebral palsy: population based cohort study, BMJ, 347, f4089-, 2013Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Streja, E., Wu, C., Uldall, P., Grove, J., Arah, O., Olsen, J., Congenital cerebral palsy, child sex and parent cardiovascular risk, PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource], 8, e79071, 2013Risk factor not relevant to review protocol.
Sun, Y., Vestergaard, M., Pedersen, C. B., Christensen, J., Olsen, J., Apgar scores and long-term risk of epilepsy, Epidemiology, 17, 296-301, 2006Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Suzuki, J., Ito, M., Incidence patterns of cerebral palsy in Shiga Prefecture, Japan, 1977-1991, Brain & Development, 24, 39-48, 2002Incidence patterns compared in different decades.
Takahashi,R., Yamada,M., Takahashi,T., Ito,T., Nakae,S., Kobayashi,Y., Onuma,A., Risk factors for cerebral palsy in preterm infants, Early Human Development, 81, 545-553, 2005Case-control design.
Taylor, C. L., de Groot, J., Blair, E. M., Stanley, F. J., The risk of cerebral palsy in survivors of multiple pregnancies with cofetal loss or death, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 201, 41.e1-6, 2009Results are unadjusted.
Thorngren-Jerneck,K., Herbst,A., Low 5-minute Apgar score: a population-based register study of 1 million term births, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 98, 65-70, 2001Not relevant risk factor.
Thorngren-Jerneck,K., Herbst,A., Perinatal factors associated with cerebral palsy in children born in Sweden, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 108, 1499-1505, 2006Case-control design.
Toome,L., Varendi,H., Mannamaa,M., Vals,M.A., Tanavsuu,T., Kolk,A., Follow-up study of 2-year-olds born at very low gestational age in Estonia, Acta Paediatrica, 102, 300-307, 2013Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Topp, M., Huusom, L. D., Langhoff-Roos, J., Delhumeau, C., Hutton, J. L., Dolk, H., Scpe Collaborative Group, Multiple birth and cerebral palsy in Europe: a multicenter study, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 83, 548-53, 2004Results are unadjusted wrong outcome (type of CP rather than CP yes/no)
Topp, M., Uldall, P., Greisen, G., Cerebral palsy births in eastern Denmark, 1987--90: implications for neonatal care, Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 15, 271-7, 2001Changes in rate of CP - no relevant comparison.
Torres, V. M., Saddi, V. A., Systematic review: Hereditary thrombophilia associated to pediatric strokes and cerebral palsy, Jornal de Pediatria, 91, 22-29, 2015Thrombophilia not included protocol.
Tran, U., Gray, P. H., O’Callaghan, M. J., Neonatal antecedents for cerebral palsy in extremely preterm babies and interaction with maternal factors, Early Human Development, 81, 555-61, 2005Case-control design.
Van den Broeck, C., Himpens, E., Vanhaesebrouck, P., Calders, P., Oostra, A., Influence of gestational age on the type of brain injury and neuromotor outcome in high-risk neonates, European Journal of Pediatrics, 167, 1005-9, 2008Results are not adjusted.
van Iersel,P.A., Bakker,S.C., Jonker,A.J., Hadders-Algra,M., Does perinatal asphyxia contribute to neurological dysfunction in preterm infants?, Early Human Development, 86, 457-461, 2010Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Vermeulen,G.M., Bruinse,H.W., de Vries,L.S., Perinatal risk factors for adverse neurodevelopmental outcome after spontaneous preterm birth, European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 99, 207-212, 2001Results are not adjusted.
Vigneswaran, R., Aitchison, S. J., McDonald, H. M., Khong, T. Y., Hiller, J. E., Cerebral palsy and placental infection: A case-cohort study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 4, 2004Case-control design.
Vohr,B.R., Wright,L.L., Poole,W.K., McDonald,S.A., Neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely low birth weight infants <32 weeks’ gestation between 1993 and 1998, Pediatrics, 116, 635-643, 2005Comparisons between decades are presented.
Vukojevic,M., Soldo,I., Granic,D., Risk factors associated with cerebral palsy in newborns, Collegium Antropologicum, 33 Suppl 2, 199-201, 2009Case-control design.
Wadhawan,R., Oh,W., Perritt,R.L., McDonald,S.A., Das,A., Poole,W.K., Vohr,B.R., Higgins,R.D., Twin gestation and neurodevelopmental outcome in extremely low birth weight infants, Pediatrics, 123, e220-e227, 2009Unavailable paper.
Walstab,J., Bell,R., Reddihough,D., Brennecke,S., Bessell,C., Beischer,N., Antenatal and intrapartum antecedents of cerebral palsy: a case-control study, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 42, 138-146, 2002Case-control design.
Walstab,J.E., Bell,R.J., Reddihough,D.S., Brennecke,S.P., Bessell,C.K., Beischer,N.A., Factors identified during the neonatal period associated with risk of cerebral palsy, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 44, 342-346, 2004Case-control design.
Were,F.N., Bwibo,N.O., Two year neurological outcomes of Very Low Birth Weight infants, East African Medical Journal, 83, 243-249, 2006All children had the risk factor - no comparison.
Wheater,M., Rennie,J.M., Perinatal infection is an important risk factor for cerebral palsy in very-low-birthweight infants, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 42, 364-367, 2000No comparison (all babies had CP).
Willoughby, R. E., Jr., Nelson, K. B., Chorioamnionitis and brain injury, Clinics in Perinatology, 29, 603-21, 2002Non-systematic review.
Wilson-Costello, D., Risk factors for neurologic impairment among very low-birth-weight infants, Seminars in Pediatric Neurology, 8, 120-6, 2001Non systematic review.
Wu, C. S., Nohr, E. A., Bech, B. H., Vestergaard, M., Catov, J. M., Olsen, J., Health of children born to mothers who had preeclampsia: a population-based cohort study, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 201, 269.e1-269.e10, 2009Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Wu, L., Yu, J., Wu, W., Geng, X., Shang, Q., Ma, C., Song, L., Related factors analysis on cerebral palsy of pediatrics and intrauterine infection, Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation, 7, 1545-1546, 2003All children had CP - no comparison.
Wu, Y. W., Systematic review of chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy, Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 8, 25-9, 2002Old studies (1966-2000)
Wu, Y. W., Colford, J. M., Jr., Chorioamnionitis as a risk factor for cerebral palsy: A meta-analysis, JAMA, 284, 1417-24, 2000Included studies have been published before 2000 a more recent meta-analysis has been considered.
Wu,Y.W., Escobar,G.J., Grether,J.K., Croen,L.A., Greene,J.D., Newman,T.B., Chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy in term and near-term infants, JAMA, 290, 2677-2684, 2003Case-control design.
Xiong,T., Gonzalez,F., Mu,D.Z., An overview of risk factors for poor neurodevelopmental outcome associated with prematurity, World Journal of Pediatrics, 8, 293-300, 2012Non-systematic review
Xiong,X., Saunders,L.D., Wang,F.L., Davidge,S.T., Buekens,P., Preeclampsia and cerebral palsy in low-birth-weight and preterm infants: implications for the current “ischemic model” of preeclampsia, Hypertension in Pregnancy, 20, 1-13, 2001Risk factor analysed not relevant to protocol.
Yamada, T., Akaishi, R., Yamada, T., Morikawa, M., Kaneuchi, M., Minakami, H., Risk of cerebral palsy associated with neonatal encephalopathy in macrosomic neonates, Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Research, 40, 1611-7, 2014Not included as risk factor in protocol.
Yee,W.H., Hicks,M., Chen,S., Christianson,H., Sauve,R., Triplet infants with birthweight < or = 1250 grams: how well do they compare with twin and singleton infants at 36 to 48 months of age?, American Journal of Perinatology, 25, 373-380, 2008Results are unadjusted.
Yoon, B. H., Romero, R., Park, J. S., Kim, C. J., Kim, S. H., Choi, J. H., Han, T. R., Fetal exposure to an intra-amniotic inflammation and the development of cerebral palsy at the age of three years, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 182, 675-81, 2000Risk factor analysed is not relevant to review protocol.
Yu, T., Rong, L., Wang, Q., You, Y., Fu, J. X., Kang, L. M., Wu, Y. Q., [Influence of neonatal diseases and treatments on the development of cerebral palsy in preterm infant], Sichuan da Xue Xue Bao. Yi Xue Ban/Journal of Sichuan University. Medical Science Edition, 44, 270-3, 2013Unavailable paper.
Zhou, X. J., Qiu, H. B., Xu, H., Zhu, L. L., [Risk factors related to infantile spastic cerebral palsy among 145 cases], Chung-Hua Liu Hsing Ping Hsueh Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 34, 389-92, 2013Paper in Chinese.

K.2. Causes of cerebral palsy

Excluded studies - What are the most common causes of cerebral palsy in resource-rich countries with a view to informing relevant investigation and change in management?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Blair, E., Al Asedy, F., Badawi, N., Bower, C., Is cerebral palsy associated with birth defects other than cerebral defects?, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 49, 252-8, 2007The paper reports on ‘birth defects associations’.
Costeff, H., Estimated frequency of genetic and nongenetic causes of congenital idiopathic cerebral palsy in west Sweden, Annals of Human Genetics, 68, 515-20, 2004Unclear where they collected the data from.
Freire, G., Shevell, M., Oskoui, M., Cerebral palsy: Phenotypes and risk factors in term singletons born small for gestational age, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 19, 218-225, 2015Unavailable.
Gilbert, W. M., Jacoby, B. N., Xing, G., Danielsen, B., Smith, L. H., Adverse obstetric events are associated with significant risk of cerebral palsy, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 203, 328.e1-5, 2010No causes relevant to the review protocol were investigated.
Himmelmann,K., Ahlin,K., Jacobsson,B., Cans,C., Thorsen,P., Risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born at term, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 90, 1070-1081, 2011Overview of current evidence without any quality appraisal of the studies.
Himpens,E., Oostra,A., Franki,I., Vansteelandt,S., Vanhaesebrouck,P., den Broeck,C.V., Predictability of cerebral palsy in a high-risk NICU population, Early Human Development, 86, 413-417, 2010Included in the risk factors review. Reports on a predictive model.
Jacobsson,B., Infectious and inflammatory mechanisms in preterm birth and cerebral palsy, European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 115, 159-160, 2004Preterm labor women.
Leviton, A., Allred, E. N., Kuban, K. C., Hecht, J. L., Onderdonk, A. B., O’Shea T, M., Paneth, N., Microbiologic and histologic characteristics of the extremely preterm infant’s placenta predict white matter damage and later cerebral palsy. the ELGAN study, Pediatric Research, 67, 95-101, 2010The papers focuses on prediction of white matter damage.
Mann,J.R., McDermott,S., Bao,H., Bersabe,A., Maternal genitourinary infection and risk of cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 282-288, 2009Not a prevalence study.
McIntyre,S., Taitz,D., Keogh,J., Goldsmith,S., Badawi,N., Blair,E., A systematic review of risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born at term in developed countries, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55, 499-508, 2013The paper presents univariate analysis - no prevalence study.
Miller, J. E., Pedersen, L. H., Streja, E., Bech, B. H., Yeargin-Allsopp, M., Van Naarden Braun, K., Schendel, D. E., Christensen, D., Uldall, P., Olsen, J., Maternal infections during pregnancy and cerebral palsy: A population-based cohort study, Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 27, 542-552, 2013No relevant infections reported.
Minciu, I., Clinical and etiological correlations in cerebral palsy, Romanian Journal of Neurology/ Revista Romana de Neurologie, 11, 178-183, 2012Deprioritised at it considered a hospital based cohort (retrospective trial)
Odding, E., Roebroeck, M. E., Stam, H. J., The epidemiology of cerebral palsy: Incidence, impairments and risk factors, Disability and Rehabilitation, 28, 183-191, 2006The paper reported on % of associated impairments (no causes).
Ravn,S.H., Flachs,E.M., Uldall,P., Cerebral palsy in eastern Denmark: declining birth prevalence but increasing numbers of unilateral cerebral palsy in birth year period 1986-1998, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 14, 214-218, 2010The paper does not report on prevalence of causes of CP cases.
Reid,S.M., Dagia,C.D., Ditchfield,M.R., Carlin,J.B., Meehan,E.M., Reddihough,D.S., An Australian population study of factors associated with MRI patterns in cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 178-184, 2014Included in Reid 2014 review.
Self, L., Shevell, M. I., Repacq Consortium, A registry-based assessment of cerebral palsy and cerebral malformations, Journal of Child Neurology, 25, 1313-8, 2010The analysis is conducted on a sub-sample of 24 cases.
Shevell, A., Wintermark, P., Benini, R., Shevell, M., Oskoui, M., Chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy: lessons from a patient registry, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 18, 301-7, 2014Unavailable.
van Haastert, I. C., Groenendaal, F., Uiterwaal, C. S., Termote, J. U., van der Heide-Jalving, M., Eijsermans, M. J., Gorter, J. W., Helders, P. J., Jongmans, M. J., de Vries, L. S., Decreasing incidence and severity of cerebral palsy in prematurely born children, Journal of Pediatrics, 159, 86-91.e1, 2011deprioritised at it considered a hospital based cohort (retrospective trial)
Wu,Y.W., Croen,L.A., Shah,S.J., Newman,T.B., Najjar,D.V., Cerebral palsy in a term population: risk factors and neuroimaging findings, Pediatrics, 118, 690-697, 2006Deprioritised as it considers retrospective cohort from a medical care program.

K.3. Clinical and developmental manifestations of cerebral palsy

Excluded studies - What are the key clinical and developmental manifestations of cerebral palsy at first presentation?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Adde,L., Helbostad,J., Jensenius,A.R., Langaas,M., Stoen,R., Identification of fidgety movements and prediction of CP by the use of computer-based video analysis is more accurate when based on two video recordings, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 29, 469-475, 2013No comparative group (all children included have risk including preterm, NICU, stroke).
Adebami, O. J., Onigbinde, O. M., Joel-Medewase, V., Oyedeji, A. G., Afolabi, A. A., Neurological disorders among children in Osogbo, southwestern Nigeria, Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 9, 341-345, 2011Clinical manifestations not reported.
Allen,M.C., Capute,A.J., Neonatal neurodevelopmental examination as a predictor of neuromotor outcome in premature infants, Pediatrics, 83, 498-506, 1989No comparison group (all premature).
Ballot,D.E., Potterton,J., Chirwa,T., Hilburn,N., Cooper,P.A., Developmental outcome of very low birth weight infants in a developing country, BMC Pediatrics, 12, 11-, 2012No comparison group (all very low birth weight).
Burns,Y.R., O’Callaghan,M., Tudehope,D.I., Early identification of cerebral palsy in high risk infants, Australian Paediatric Journal, 25, 215-219, 1989No comparison group (all at risk: preterm or requiring ventilators).
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, The predictive validity of general movements: a systematic review (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2014Only structured abstract. Full version found online: no relevant references - all have no comparison group or below sample size requirement.
Doyle,L.W., Betheras,F.R., Ford,G.W., Davis,N.M., Callanan,C., Survival, cranial ultrasound and cerebral palsy in very low birthweight infants: 1980s versus 1990s, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 36, 7-12, 2000No comparison group (all very low birth weight).
Dubowitz,L.M., Dubowitz,V., Palmer,P.G., Miller,G., Fawer,C.L., Levene,M.I., Correlation of neurologic assessment in the preterm newborn infant with outcome at 1 year, Journal of Pediatrics, 105, 452-456, 1984No comparison group (all preterm).
Einspieler, C., Cioni, G., Paolicelli, P. B., Bos, A. F., Dressler, A., Ferrari, F., Roversi, M. F., Prechtl, H. F. R., The early markers for later dyskinetic cerebral palsy are different from those for spastic cerebral palsy, Neuropediatrics, 33, 73-78, 2002Below specified sample size of n = 50.
Einspieler, C., Marschik, P. B., Bos, A. F., Ferrari, F., Cioni, G., Prechtl, H. F. R., Early markers for cerebral palsy: Insights from the assessment of general movements, Future Neurology, 7, 709-717, 2012Review: references assessed and 1 included (Adders et al 2007). Rest of references assessed have no comparison group.
Elliman,A.M., Bryan,E.M., Elliman,A.D., Palmer,P., Dubowitz,L., Denver developmental screening test and preterm infants, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 60, 20-24, 1985No comparison group (all preterm).
Farber,J.M., Shapiro,B.K., Palmer,F.B., Capute,A.J., The diagnostic value of the neurodevelopmental examination, Clinical Pediatrics, 24, 367-372, 1985Below sample size requirement of n = 50.
Fily, A., Pierrat, V., Delporte, V., Breart, G., Truffert, P., Epipage Nord-Pas-de-Calais Study Group, Factors associated with neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years after very preterm birth: the population-based Nord-Pas-de-Calais EPIPAGE cohort, Pediatrics, 117, 357-66, 2006No comparison group (all very preterm).
Hallam, P., Weindling, A. M., Klenka, H., Gregg, J., Rosenbloom, L., A comparison of three procedures to assess the motor ability of 12-month-old infants with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 35, 602-7, 1993No comparison group (all preterm).
Hamer,E.G., Bos,A.F., Hadders-Algra,M., Assessment of specific characteristics of abnormal general movements: does it enhance the prediction of cerebral palsy?, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 751-756, 2011Below sample size requirement of n = 50.
Hayashi-Kurahashi,N., Kidokoro,H., Kubota,T., Maruyama,K., Kato,Y., Kato,T., Natsume,J., Hayakawa,F., Watanabe,K., Okumura,A., EEG for predicting early neurodevelopment in preterm infants: an observational cohort study, Pediatrics, 130, e891-e897, 2012Index test not in protocol (EEG). Reserved for prognostic indicators review.
Himpens,E., Oostra,A., Franki,I., Vansteelandt,S., Vanhaesebrouck,P., den Broeck,C.V., Predictability of cerebral palsy in a high-risk NICU population, Early Human Development, 86, 413-417, 2010No comparison group (all NICU).
Hintz, S. R., Kendrick, D. E., Wilson-Costello, D. E., Das, A., Bell, E. F., Vohr, B. R., Higgins, R. D., Early-childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes are not improving for infants born at <25 weeks’ gestational age, Pediatrics, 127, 62-70, 2011No comparison group (all preterm).
Imamura,S., Sakuma,K., Takahashi,T., Follow-up study of children with cerebral coordination disturbance (CCD, Vojta), Brain and Development, 5, 311-314, 1983Clinical manifestations used for diagnosis not reported.
Jongmans, M., Mercuri, E., de Vries, L., Dubowitz, L., Henderson, S. E., Minor neurological signs and perceptual-motor difficulties in prematurely born children, Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal & Neonatal Edition, 76, F9-14, 1997No comparison group (all preterm).
Kitchen,W.H., Ford,G.W., Murton,L.J., Rickards,A.L., Ryan,M.M., Lissenden,J.V., De Crespigny,L.C., Fortune,D.W., Mortality and two year outcome of infants of birthweight 500-1500 g: relationship with neonatal cerebral ultrasound data, Australian Paediatric Journal, 21, 253-259, 1985Index test not in protocol (ultrasounds). Reserved for prognostic indicators review.
Kuban, K. C., Allred, E. N., O’Shea, T. M., Paneth, N., Pagano, M., Dammann, O., Leviton, A., Du Plessis, A., Westra, S. J., Miller, C. R., Bassan, H., Krishnamoorthy, K., Junewick, J., Olomu, N., Romano, E., Seibert, J., Engelke, S., Karna, P., Batton, D., O’Connor, S. E., Keller, C. E., Elgan study investigators, Cranial ultrasound lesions in the NICU predict cerebral palsy at age 2 years in children born at extremely low gestational age, Journal of Child Neurology, 24, 63-72, 2009Index test not in protocol (ultrasounds). Reserved for causes of CP review.
Kuban,K.C., Allred,E.N., O’Shea,T.M., Paneth,N., Westra,S., Miller,C., Rosman,N.P., Leviton,A., Developmental correlates of head circumference at birth and two years in a cohort of extremely low gestational age newborns, Journal of Pediatrics, 155, 344-349, 2009No comparison group (all preterm).
Lacey, J. L., Henderson-Smart, D., Edwards, D., Storey, B., Neurological assessment of the preterm infant in the special care nursery and the diagnostic significance of the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex, Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 33, 135-142, 1987No comparison group (all preterm).
Lacey,J.L., Henderson-Smart,D.J., Assessment of preterm infants in the intensive-care unit to predict cerebral palsy and motor outcome at 6 years, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 40, 310-318, 1998No comparison group (all preterm and NICU).
Lacey,J.L., Rudge,S., Rieger,I., Osborn,D.A., Assessment of neurological status in preterm infants in neonatal intensive care and prediction of cerebral palsy, Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 50, 137-144, 2004Study design not appropriate: cohort of one group (preterm) and case-control at follow-up.
Larroque, B., Ancel, P. Y., Marret, S., Marchand, L., Andre, M., Arnaud, C., Pierrat, V., Roze, J. C., Messer, J., Thiriez, G., Burguet, A., Picaud, J. C., Breart, G., Kaminski, M., Neurodevelopmental disabilities and special care of 5-year-old children born before 33 weeks of gestation (the EPIPAGE study): a longitudinal cohort study, The Lancet, 371, 813-820, 2008Clinical manifestations used for diagnosis unclear.
Lee,J., Croen,L.A., Lindan,C., Nash,K.B., Yoshida,C.K., Ferriero,D.M., Barkovich,A.J., Wu,Y.W., Predictors of outcome in perinatal arterial stroke: a population-based study, Annals of Neurology, 58, 303-308, 2005Index test not in protocol (MRI and ST scan). Reserved for prognostic indicators and MRI review.
Lee,Y.K., Daito,Y., Katayama,Y., Minami,H., Negishi,H., The significance of measurement of serum unbound bilirubin concentrations in high-risk infants, Pediatrics International, 51, 795-799, 2009Index test not in protocol (serum bilirubin).
Lejarraga, H., Menendez, A. M., Menzano, E., Guerra, L., Biancato, S., Pianelli, P., Del Pino, M., Fattore, M. J., Contreras, M. M., Screening for developmental problems at primary care level: a field programme in San Isidro, Argentina, Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 22, 180-7, 2008No Cerebral Palsy included.
Leversen, K. T., Sommerfelt, K., Ronnestad, A., Kaaresen, P. I., Farstad, T., Skranes, J., Stoen, R., Elgen, I. B., Rettedal, S., Eide, G. E., Irgens, L. M., Markestad, T., Prediction of neurodevelopmental and sensory outcome at 5 years in norwegian children born extremely preterm, Pediatrics, 127, e630-e638, 2011No comparison group (all very preterm).
Leversen,K.T., Sommerfelt,K., Elgen,I.B., Eide,G.E., Irgens,L.M., Juliusson,P.B., Markestad,T., Prediction of outcome at 5 years from assessments at 2 years among extremely preterm children: a Norwegian national cohort study, Acta Paediatrica, 101, 264-270, 2012No comparison group (all NICU).
Lian, W. B., Ho, S. K. Y., Choo, S. H. T., Shah, V. A., Chan, D. K. L., Yeo, C. L., Ho, L. Y., Children with developmental and behavioural concerns in Singapore, Singapore Medical Journal, 53, 439-445, 2012Clinical manifestations unclear.
Liao,W., Wen,E.Y., Li,C., Chang,Q., Lv,K.L., Yang,W., He,Z.M., Zhao,C.M., Predicting neurodevelopmental outcomes for at-risk infants: reliability and predictive validity using a Chinese version of the INFANIB at 3, 7 and 10 months, BMC Pediatrics, 12, 72-, 2012Cerebral Palsy not defined, study only has ‘abnormal’ group.
Lindstrom,K., Lagerroos,P., Gillberg,C., Fernell,E., Teenage outcome after being born at term with moderate neonatal encephalopathy, Pediatric Neurology, 35, 268-274, 2006Clinical manifestation (encephalopathy) not stated in protocol. Reserved for prognostic indicators review.
Logan, J. W., O’Shea, T. M., Allred, E. N., Laughon, M. M., Bose, C. L., Dammann, O., Batton, D. G., Kuban, K. C., Paneth, N., Leviton, A., Early postnatal hypotension is not associated with indicators of white matter damage or cerebral palsy in extremely low gestational age newborns, Journal of Perinatology, 31, 524-534, 2011No comparison group (all preterm). Reserved for prognostic indicators review.
Losch, H., Dammann, O., Impact of motor skills on cognitive test results in very-low-birthweight children, Journal of Child Neurology, 19, 318-322, 2004No comparison group (all very low birth weight). Reserved for prognostic indicators review.
Maitre,N.L., Slaughter,J.C., Aschner,J.L., Early prediction of cerebral palsy after neonatal intensive care using motor development trajectories in infancy, Early Human Development, 89, 781-786, 2013No comparison group (all NICU).
Martinez-Biarge, M., Diez-Sebastian, J., Kapellou, O., Gindner, D., Allsop, J. M., Rutherford, M. A., Cowan, F. M., Predicting motor outcome and death in term hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, Neurology, 76, 2055-61, 2011No comparison (all high risk: encephalopathy). Reserved for causes and MRI reviews.
Maruyama, K., Okumura, A., Hayakawa, F., Kato, T., Kuno, K., Watanabe, K., Prognostic value of EEG depression in preterm infants for later development of cerebral palsy, Neuropediatrics, 33, 133-137, 2002Index test not in protocol (EEG). Reserved for prognostic indicators review.
Mazor-Aronovitch, K., Gillis, D., Lobel, D., Hirsch, H. J., Pinhas-Hamiel, O., Modan-Moses, D., Glaser, B., Landau, H., Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome in conservatively treated congenital hyperinsulinism, European Journal of Endocrinology, 157, 491-497, 2007Below sample size of n = 50.
Nwaesei, C. G., Allen, A. C., Vicner, M. J., Brown St, J., Stinson, D. A., Evans, J. R., Byrne, J. M., Effect of timing of cerebral ultrasonography on the prediction of later neurodevelopmental outcome high-risk in preterm infants, Journal of Pediatrics, 112, 970-975, 1988Index test not in protocol (ultrasounds). Reserved for prognostic indicators review.
Ozelli, L., Demographic and diagnostic characteristics of pediatric neurology outpatients, Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 19, 16-30, 1977Clinical manifestations not reported.
Palfrey,J.S., Singer,J.D., Walker,D.K., Butler,J.A., Early identification of children’s special needs: a study in five metropolitan communities, Journal of Pediatrics, 111, 651-659, 1987Clinical manifestations used for diagnosis not reported.
Picciolini,O., Gianni,M.L., Vegni,C., Fumagalli,M., Mosca,F., Usefulness of an early neurofunctional assessment in predicting neurodevelopmental outcome in very low birthweight infants, Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 91, F111-F117, 2006No comparison group (all very low birth weight).
Spagnoli, C., De Sousa, C., Retrospective study of the investigations of children presenting with lower limbs spasticity in a single institution, Neuropediatrics, 45, 109-116, 2014Sample size below requirement of n = 50.
Spinillo,A., Gardella,B., Preti,E., Zanchi,S., Stronati,M., Fazzi,E., Rates of neonatal death and cerebral palsy associated with fetal growth restriction among very low birthweight infants. A temporal analysis, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 113, 775-780, 2006No comparison group (all very low birth weight).
Spittle,A.J., Spencer-Smith,M.M., Cheong,J.L., Eeles,A.L., Lee,K.J., Anderson,P.J., Doyle,L.W., General movements in very preterm children and neurodevelopment at 2 and 4 years, Pediatrics, 132, e452-e458, 2013No comparison group (all very preterm).
Weisglas-Kuperus, N., Baerts, W., Fetter, W. P., Sauer, P. J., Neonatal cerebral ultrasound, neonatal neurology and perinatal conditions as predictors of neurodevelopmental outcome in very low birthweight infants, Early Human Development, 31, 131-48, 1992Does not include CP specific results.
Wolf,M.J., Beunen,G., Casaer,P., Wolf,B., Neonatal neurological examination as a predictor of neuromotor outcome at 4 months in term low-Apgar-score babies in Zimbabwe, Early Human Development, 51, 179-186, 1998Cerebral palsy not defined, study only has ‘abnormal’ group.
Zafeiriou,D.I., Tsikoulas,I.G., Kremenopoulos,G.M., Prospective follow-up of primitive reflex profiles in high-risk infants: clues to an early diagnosis of cerebral palsy, Pediatric Neurology, 13, 148-152, 1995No comparison group (all high risk).

K.4. Red flags for other neurological disorders

Excluded studies - What clinical manifestations should be recognised as ‘red flags’ that suggest a progressive neurological or neuromuscular disorder rather than cerebral palsy?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Andersson, S., Persson, E. K., Aring, E., Lindquist, B., Dutton, G. N., Hellstrom, A., Vision in children with hydrocephalus, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 48, 836-841, 2006No data on differential diagnosis.
Anonymous, Diagnostic criteria for Rett syndrome. The Rett Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria Work Group, Annals of Neurology, 23, 425-8, 1988Descriptive on criteria and classification RS.
Ashwal, S., Michelson, D., Plawner, L., Dobyns, W. B., Practice parameter: Evaluation of the child with microcephaly (an evidence-based review): Report of the quality standards subcommittee of the American academy of neurology and the practice committee of the child neurology society, Neurology, 73, 887-897, 2009No data on differential diagnosis.
Ashwal, S., Russman, B. S., Blasco, P. A., Miller, G., Sandler, A., Shevell, M., Stevenson, R., Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of, Neurology, Practice Committee of the Child Neurology, Society, Practice parameter: diagnostic assessment of the child with cerebral palsy: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society, Neurology, 62, 851-63, 2004No data on differential diagnosis.
Babb,A., Carlson,W.O., Idiopathic toe-walking, South Dakota Medicine: The Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association, 61, 53-57, 2008Descriptive review.
Barabas,G., Taft,L.T., The early signs and differential diagnosis of cerebral palsy, Pediatric Annals, 15, 203-214, 1986No analysis of red flags for progressive disorder presented.
Barnett,A., Mercuri,E., Rutherford,M., Haataja,L., Frisone,M.F., Henderson,S., Cowan,F., Dubowitz,L., Neurological and perceptual-motor outcome at 5 - 6 years of age in children with neonatal encephalopathy: relationship with neonatal brain MRI, Neuropediatrics, 33, 242-248, 2002No data on differential diagnosis reported. MRI used as an index test.
Bass, N., Cerebral palsy and neurodegenerative disease, Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 11, 504-7, 1999Case study; descriptive.
Blair,M.A., Riddle,M.E., Wells,J.F., Breviu,B.A., Hedera,P., Infantile onset of hereditary spastic paraplegia poorly predicts the genotype, Pediatric Neurology, 36, 382-386, 2007Genetic study. No data on evolution of motor signs or differential diagnosis presented.
Bodensteiner, J. B., Schaefer, G. B., Evaluation of the patient with idiopathic mental retardation, Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 7, 361-370, 1995Descriptive review.
Bonnefoy-Mazure, A., Turcot, K., Kaelin, A., De Coulon, G., Armand, S., Full body gait analysis may improve diagnostic discrimination between hereditary spastic paraplegia and spastic diplegia: a preliminary study, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 495-504, 2013HSP versus SD (the latter not confirmed as due to CP).
Boyd,K., Patterson,V., Dopa responsive dystonia: a treatable condition misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy, BMJ, 298, 1019-1020, 19892 cases. Final diagnosis made on Levodopa response.
Carvalho,D.R., Brum,J.M., Speck-Martins,C.E., Ventura,F.D., Navarro,M.M., Coelho,K.E., Portugal,D., Pratesi,R., Clinical features and neurologic progression of hyperargininemia, Pediatric Neurology, 46, 369-374, 2012Small sample size (n=16), non-comparative retrospective study, no analysis presented.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, A systematic review of tests to predict cerebral palsy in young children (Provisional abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2014No data on differential diagnosis.
Chambers, H. G., Update on neuromuscular disorders in pediatric orthopaedics: Duchenne muscular dystrophy, myelomeningocele, and cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 34, S44-S48, 2014Descriptive review.
Cimolin,V., Piccinini,L., D’Angelo,M.G., Turconi,A.C., Berti,M., Crivellini,M., Albertini,G., Galli,M., Are patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia different from patients with spastic diplegia during walking? Gait evaluation using 3D gait analysis, Functional Neurology, 22, 23-28, 2007No relevant red flags to the protocol not clear if SD is secondary to CP.
Dekair, L. H., Kamel, H., El-Bashir, H. O., Joubert syndrome labeled as hypotonic cerebral palsy, Neurosciences, 19, 233-5, 2014Unavailable.
Dennis,S.C., Green,N.E., Hereditary spastic paraplegia, Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 8, 413-417, 1988No relevant red flags considered.
Deonna,T.W., Ziegler,A.L., Nielsen,J., Transient idiopathic dystonia in infancy, Neuropediatrics, 22, 220-224, 1991Case series (n=8), doesn’t report who was initially diagnosed with CP.
Devadathan, K., Sreedharan, M., Sarasam, S., Colah, R. B., Kunju, P. A., Neurometabolic disorder with microcephaly, dystonia, and central cyanosis masquerading as cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 29, NP139-42, 2014Case series (n=3). Final diagnosis based on imaging.
El-Mallakh, R. S., Rao, K., Barwick, M., Cervical myelopathy secondary to movement disorders: Case report, Neurosurgery, 24, 902-905, 1989Small sample size not relevant population (2 cases of 48 and 68 years of age).
Fayyazi, A., Khezrian, L., Kheradmand, Z., Damadi, S., Khajeh, A., Evaluation of the young children with neurodevelopmental disability: A prospective study at Hamadan University of medical sciences clinics, Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, 7, 29-33, 2013No data presented on red flags for differential diagnosis.
Forsyth, R. J., Neurological and cognitive decline in adolescence, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 74, i9-i16, 2003No data on red flags relevant to the review protocol.
Gupta, R., Appleton, R. E., Cerebral palsy: not always what it seems, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 85, 356-60, 2001Descriptive review.
Hankins, G. D., Speer, M., Defining the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of neonatal encephalopathy and cerebral palsy, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 102, 628-36, 2003No data on differential diagnosis (data on aetiology only).
Haslam,R.H., ‘Progressive cerebral palsy’ or spinal cord tumor? Two cases of mistaken identity, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 17, 232-237, 19752 cases presented.
Hoon, A. H., Jr., Reinhardt, E. M., Kelley, R. I., Breiter, S. N., Morton, D. H., Naidu, S., Johnston, M. V., Brain magnetic resonance imaging in suspected extrapyramidal cerebral palsy: Observations in distinguishing genetic-metabolic from acquired causes, Journal of Pediatrics, 131, 240-245, 1997Small sample size (n=6) the authors used MRI to identify cases.
Jones, M. W., Morgan, E., Shelton, J. E., Thorogood, C., Cerebral palsy: introduction and diagnosis (part I), Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 21, 146-52, 2007Descriptive review.
Jung,S.H., Bang,M.S., A case of congenital kyphosis misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy, Childs Nervous System, 23, 1205-1208, 2007Case study.
Kehrer,C., Blumenstock,G., Raabe,C., Krageloh-Mann,I., Development and reliability of a classification system for gross motor function in children with metachromatic leucodystrophy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 156-160, 2011GMF Classification in MLD patients.
Kikuchi,K., Hamano,S., Mochizuki,H., Ichida,K., Ida,H., Molybdenum cofactor deficiency mimics cerebral palsy: differentiating factors for diagnosis, Pediatric Neurology, 47, 147-149, 2012One patient examined.
Kilinc,Y., Cetik,F., Tanyeli,A., Ozsahinoglu,C., Kumi,M., Extramedullary leukemia with central facial palsy originated from poorly differentiated abdominal lymphoma, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 17, 281-286, 1989One patient examined.
Kota,S.K., Meher,L.K., Jammula,S., Kota,S.K., Modi,K.D., Clinical profile of coexisting conditions in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, 6, 70-76, 2012Clinical profile of coexisting conditions, red flags for differential diagnosis reported.
Krigger,K.W., Cerebral palsy: An overview, American Family Physician, 73, 91-100, 2006Descriptive review.
Kumar,S., Alexander,M., Gnanamuthu,C., Recent experience with Rett syndrome at a tertiary care center, Neurology India, 52, 494-495, 2004RS only, no data on differential diagnosis. Sample size = 4 cases.
Kurian, M. A., Li, Y., Zhen, J., Meyer, E., Hai, N., Christen, H. J., Hoffmann, G. F., Jardine, P., von Moers, A., Mordekar, S. R., O’Callaghan, F., Wassmer, E., Wraige, E., Dietrich, C., Lewis, T., Hyland, K., Heales, S. J. R., Sanger, T., Gissen, P., Assmann, B. E., Reith, M. E. A., Maher, E. R., Clinical and molecular characterisation of hereditary dopamine transporter deficiency syndrome: An observational cohort and experimental study, The Lancet Neurology, 10, 54-62, 2011Small sample size (n=11), no relevant index tests performed.
Kyvelidou,A., Harbourne,R.T., Stergiou,N., Severity and characteristics of developmental delay can be assessed using variability measures of sitting posture, Pediatric Physical Therapy, 22, 259-266, 2010No red flags used for differential diagnosis.
Lademann, A., Postneonatally acquired cerebral palsy. A study of the aetiology, clinical findings and prognosis in 170 cases, Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. Supplementum, 65, 3-148, 1978No differential diagnosis presented.
Lee, J. H., Ki, C. S., Kim, D. S., Cho, J. W., Park, K. P., Kim, S., Dopa-responsive dystonia with a novel initiation codon mutation in the GCH1 gene misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy, Journal of Korean Medical Science, 26, 1244-6, 2011Case study.
Lee, T. K. M., McTaggart, K. E., Sieving, P. A., Heckenlively, J. R., Levin, A. V., Greenberg, J., Weleber, R. G., Tong, P. Y., Anhalt, E. F., Powell, B. R., MacDonald, I. M., Clinical diagnoses that overlap with choroideremia, Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, 38, 364-372, 2003Case series of 13 patients (not clear if one of them had CP).
Liaw,S.B., Shen,E.Y., Hsu,C.H., Hong,H.Y., Kao,H.A., Ho,M.Y., Huang,F.Y., Periventricular leukomalacia in infancy: ultrasonic diagnosis and neurological outcome, Chung-Hua Min Kuo Hsiao Erh Ko i Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih, 31, 288-298, 1990Unavailable.
Lin, J. P., The cerebral palsies: a physiological approach, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 74 Suppl 1, i23-9, 2003Descriptive review.
Lindquist, B., Carlsson, G., Persson, E. K., Uvebrant, P., Learning disabilities in a population-based group of children with hydrocephalus, Acta Paediatrica, 94, 878-83, 2005No differential diagnosis with CP.
Linthicum,F.H.,Jr., Symposium on sensorineural hearing loss in children: early detection and intervention. Evaluation of the child with sensorineural hearing impairment, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 8, 69-75, 1975No data analysis provided; descriptive review.
Lorente Hurtado, I., Cerebral palsy. Updating the concept, diagnosis and treatment, Pediatria Integral, 15, 776-787, 2011Spanish only.
Lotan, M., Ben-Zeev, B., Rett syndrome. A review with emphasis on clinical characteristics and intervention, TheScientificWorldJournal, 6, 1517-1541, 2006Characteristics of RS presented.
Madan, S. S., Fernandes, J. A., Paralytic conditions in childhood, Surgery, 25, 166-170, 2007Descriptive review.
Mahant,S., Feigenbaum,A., A child with an underrecognised form of developmental delay: a congenital disorder of glycosylation, CMAJ Canadian Medical Association Journal, 175, 1369-, 2006Case study.
Marks, W., Bailey, L., Reed, M., Pomykal, A., Mercer, M., Macomber, D., Acosta, F., Jr., Honeycutt, J., Pallidal stimulation in children: comparison between cerebral palsy and DYT1 dystonia, Journal of Child Neurology, 28, 840-8, 2013The study examines the effect on DBS on patients with dystonia or CP.
Marques, J. S., Garrido, A., Real, M. V., Santos, H., Alvares, S., Index of suspicion: Case 3. Presentation, Pediatrics in Review, 27, 271+275-277, 20063 cases reported.
Meilahn,J.R., Identifying loss of function caused by cervical spondylotic myelopathy in young adults with nonathetoid spastic cerebral palsy, Pm and R, 4, 783-786, 20122 cases reported.
Mitchell, G., McInness, R. R., Differential diagnosis of cerebral palsy: Lesch-Nyhan syndrome without self-mutilation, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 130, 1323-1324, 1984Case study.
Molnar,G.E., Cerebral palsy: prognosis and how to judge it, Pediatric Annals, 8, 596-605, 1979Descriptive, no differential diagnosis presented.
Mordekar,S.R., Baxter,P.S., ‘Cerebral palsy’ due to mitochondrial cytopathy, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 40, 714-715, 2004Two cases presented.
Ng, J., Zhen, J., Meyer, E., Erreger, K., Li, Y., Kakar, N., Ahmad, J., Thiele, H., Kubisch, C., Rider, N. L., Morton, D. H., Strauss, K. A., Puffenberger, E. G., D’Agnano, D., Anikster, Y., Carducci, C., Hyland, K., Rotstein, M., Leuzzi, V., Borck, G., Reith, M. E., Kurian, M. A., Dopamine transporter deficiency syndrome: phenotypic spectrum from infancy to adulthood, Brain, 137, 1107-19, 2014Small sample size (n=8) the paper examines dopamine transporter deficiency syndrome with no data on differential diagnosis.
Noritz, G. H., Murphy, N. A., Motor delays: Early identification and evaluation, Pediatrics, 131, e2016-e2027, 2013Motor delays identification, no differential diagnosis.
norman,r.m., kay,j.m., cerebello-thalamo-spinal degeneration in infancy: an unusual variant of werdnig-hoffmann disease, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 40, 302-308, 1965Paper on 2 cases.
Novacheck,T.F., Walker,K.R., Progress in neuromuscular disorders, Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 11, 454-460, 2000No differential diagnosis presented.
Nygaard,T.G., Waran,S.P., Levine,R.A., Naini,A.B., Chutorian,A.M., Dopa-responsive dystonia simulating cerebral palsy, Pediatric Neurology, 11, 236-240, 1994Small sample size (n=5), non-comparative study, no analysis presented, index test used: CSF.
Paneth, N., Establishing the diagnosis of cerebral palsy, Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology, 51, 742-8, 2008Descriptive review article.
Powell, K. K., Van Naarden Braun, K., Singh, R. H., Shapira, S. K., Olney, R. S., Yeargin-Allsopp, M., Long-term speech and language developmental issues among children with Duarte galactosemia, Genetics in Medicine, 11, 874-9, 2009Population: children with Duarte galactosemia already diagnosed.
Schaefer, G. B., Bodensteiner, J. B., Evaluation of the child with idiopathic mental retardation, Pediatric Clinics of North America, 39, 929-943, 1992No data analysis provided. Description of CP only.
Schain,R.J., Neurological evaluation of children with learning disorders, Neuropadiatrie, 1, 307-317, 1970Index signs used do not apply to the review protocol.
Semmler, A., Urbach, H., Klockgether, T., Linnebank, M., Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with selective involvement of the pyramidal tracts, Neurology, 68, 871, 2007Case study.
Smyth, E., Kaliaperumal, C., Leonard, J., Caird, J., Acute functional deterioration in a child with cerebral palsy, BMJ Case Reports, 2012Unavailable.
Sobrado, P., Suarez, J., Garcia-Sanchez, F. A., Uson, E., Refractive errors in children with cerebral palsy, psychomotor retardation, and other non-cerebral palsy neuromotor disabilities, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 41, 396-403, 1999The paper presents proportions on visual problems in children with various neurological signs, but no data on deterioration of vision or on differential diagnosis.
Stamelou, M., Lai, S. C., Aggarwal, A., Schneider, S. A., Houlden, H., Yeh, T. H., Batla, A., Lu, C. S., Bhatt, M., Bhatia, K. P., Dystonic opisthotonus: A “red flag” for neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation syndromes?, Movement Disorders, 28, 1325-1329, 2013Descriptive review.
Trevathan, E., Moser, H. W., Diagnostic criteria for Rett syndrome, Annals of Neurology, 23, 425-428, 1988Diagnostic criteria for RS, no differential diagnosis presented.
Videnovic, A., Shannon, K. M., Huntington disease and other choreas, Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders, Current Clinical Neurology. 16, 23-54, 2012Unavailable.
Wang, P. J., Recent developments in genetic leukodystrophies, Tzu Chi Medical Journal, 14, 63-67, 2002Descriptive, no differential diagnosis.
Williams, C. A., Lossie, A., Driscoll, D., R. C. Phillips Unit, Angelman syndrome: mimicking conditions and phenotypes, American Journal of Medical Genetics, 101, 59-64, 2001Population: Angelman syndrome, no differential diagnosis with CP.
Wilson, J., Investigation of degenerative disease of the central nervous system, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 47, 163-70, 1972Descriptive review article.
Woods,G.E., Visual problems in the handicapped child, Child: Care, Health and Development, 5, 303-322, 1979Erratum.
Zarrinkalam, R., Russo, R. N., Gibson, C. S., van Essen, P., Peek, A. K., Haan, E. A., CP or not CP? A review of diagnoses in a cerebral palsy register, Pediatric Neurology, 42, 177-80, 2010Descriptive, no useful data provided.

K.5. MRI and identification of causes of cerebral palsy

Excluded studies - Does MRI in addition to routine clinical assessment (including neonatal ultrasound) help determine the aetiology in children and young people with suspected or confirmed CP and if so in which subgroups is it most important?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Accardo, J., Kammann, H., Hoon, A. H., Jr., Neuroimaging in cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatrics, 145, S19-27, 2004Descriptive review.
Aggarwal, A., Mittal, H., Kr Debnath, S., Rai, A., Neuroimaging in cerebral palsy - Report from North India, Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, 7, 41-46, 2013No comparison with other test for aetiological findings
Aida,N., Nishimura,G., Hachiya,Y., Matsui,K., Takeuchi,M., Itani,Y., MR imaging of perinatal brain damage: comparison of clinical outcome with initial and follow-up MR findings, Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology, 19, 1909-1921, 1998Indirect population (term and preterm infants). No comparison test.
Al Ajlouni, S. F., Aqrabawi, M., Oweis, N., Daoud, A. S., Clinical spectrum of cerebral palsy in Jordanian children: An analysis of 200 cases, Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 4, 251-255, 2006Aetiology found in MRI not compared to another test (clinical examination).
Andersen, G. L., Skranes, J., Hollung, S. J., Vik, T., Cerebral mri findings in children with cerebral palsy (CP) in Norway, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 99, A202, 2014No comparison with other test for aetiological findings. Abstract only.
Anderson, P., Tich, S. N. T., Shimony, J., Hunt, R., Doyle, L., Inder, T., Brain metrics at term equivalent age predicts early cognitive and motor development in very preterm children, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 51, 33, 2009Diagnostic accuracy not reported. Conference abstract.
Arnfield,E., Guzzetta,A., Boyd,R., Relationship between brain structure on magnetic resonance imaging and motor outcomes in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 2234-2250, 2013No comparison with reference test.
Arzoumanian,Y., Mirmiran,M., Barnes,P.D., Woolley,K., Ariagno,R.L., Moseley,M.E., Fleisher,B.E., Atlas,S.W., Diffusion tensor brain imaging findings at term-equivalent age may predict neurologic abnormalities in low birth weight preterm infants, Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology, 24, 1646-1653, 2003Indirect population (low birth weight infants).
Barnett,A., Mercuri,E., Rutherford,M., Haataja,L., Frisone,M.F., Henderson,S., Cowan,F., Dubowitz,L., Neurological and perceptual-motor outcome at 5 - 6 years of age in children with neonatal encephalopathy: relationship with neonatal brain MRI, Neuropediatrics, 33, 242-248, 2002Indirect population (children with encephalopathy).
Baud, O., D’Allest, A. M., Lacaze-Masmonteil, T., Zupan, V., Nedelcoux, H., Boithias, C., Delaveaucoupet, J., Dehan, M., The early diagnosis of periventricular leukomalacia in premature infants with positive rolandic sharp waves on serial eleetroencephalography, Journal of Pediatrics, 132, 813-817, 1998Indirect population (periventricular leukomalacia). No comparison test.
Bax,M., Tydeman,C., Flodmark,O., Clinical and MRI correlates of cerebral palsy: the European Cerebral Palsy Study, JAMA, 296, 1602-1608, 2006Comparisons between tests not made and diagnostic accuracy could not be calculated.
Benini, R., Dagenais, L., Shevell, M., Does the absence of an abnormal imaging study define a specific cerebral palsy subtype?, Annals of Neurology, 70, S120-S121, 2011Conference abstract.
Bosanquet,M., Copeland,L., Ware,R., Boyd,R., A systematic review of tests to predict cerebral palsy in young children, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55, 418-426, 2013No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Boudokhane, S., Nouira, A., Migaou, H., Salah, S., Elmay, W., Jellad, A., Ben Salah Frih, Z., Function and neuroimaging in cerebral palsy, Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 57, e348, 2014No comparison with other test for aetiological findings. Abstract only.
Bouza, H., Dubowitz, L. M., Rutherford, M., Cowan, F., Pennock, J. M., Late magnetic resonance imaging and clinical findings in neonates with unilateral lesions on cranial ultrasound, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 36, 951-64, 1994Aetiology of cerebral palsy identified on tests not compared.
Bouza,H., Rutherford,M., Acolet,D., Pennock,J.M., Dubowitz,L.M., Evolution of early hemiplegic signs in full-term infants with unilateral brain lesions in the neonatal period: a prospective study, Neuropediatrics, 25, 201-207, 1994No direct comparison of cerebral palsy aetiology between tests.
Boyd, R. N., Rose, S., Guzzetta, A., Tournier, D., Burke, S., Sakzewski, L., Jackson, G., Relationship between brain micro structure and upper limb motor and sensory function in congenital hemiplegia, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 52, 62-63, 2010Diagnostic accuracy not reported and could not be calculated. Conference abstract.
Burke, S., Clarke, D., Sinclair, K., Boyd, R. N., Pathogenesis of congenital hemiplegia-based on MR imaging: A systematic review, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 52, 38-39, 2010Conference abstract.
Burton,H., Dixit,S., Litkowski,P., Wingert,J.R., Functional connectivity for somatosensory and motor cortex in spastic diplegia, Somatosensory and Motor Research, 26, 90-104, 2009No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Candy,E.J., Hoon,A.H., Capute,A.J., Bryan,R.N., MRI in motor delay: important adjunct to classification of cerebral palsy, Pediatric Neurology, 9, 421-429, 1993Comparison test (CT scan) not included in evidence review.
Chinier, E., N’Guyen, S., Lignon, G., Ter Minassian, A., Richard, I., Dinomais, M., Effect of motor imagery in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: fMRI study, PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource], 9, e93378, 2014Aetiology of cerebral palsy not identified and no comparison test.
Cho,H.K., Jang,S.H., Lee,E., Kim,S.Y., Kim,S., Kwon,Y.H., Son,S.M., Diffusion tensor imaging-demonstrated differences between hemiplegic and diplegic cerebral palsy with symmetric periventricular leukomalacia, Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology, 34, 650-654, 2013MRI outcome not directly compared with clinical assessment.
Cioni,G., Bartalena,L., Biagioni,E., Boldrini,A., Canapicchi,R., Neuroimaging and functional outcome of neonatal leukomalacia, Behavioural Brain Research, 49, 7-19, 1992Indirect population (infants with PVL).
Cioni,G., Di Paco,M.C., Bertuccelli,B., Paolicelli,P.B., Canapicchi,R., MRI findings and sensorimotor development in infants with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy, Brain and Development, 19, 245-253, 1997No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Cioni,G., Sales,B., Paolicelli,P.B., Petacchi,E., Scusa,M.F., Canapicchi,R., MRI and clinical characteristics of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy, Neuropediatrics, 30, 249-255, 1999No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Constantinou, J. C., Adamson-Macedo, E. N., Mirmiran, M., Fleisher, B. E., Movement, imaging and neurobehavioral assessment as predictors of cerebral palsy in preterm infants, Journal of Perinatology, 27, 225-9, 2007Indirect population (infants with low birth weight). Outcome is prediction of future CP and not diagnostic accuracy of aetiology findings.
Dyet, L. E., Kennea, N., Counsell, S. J., Maalouf, E. F., Ajayi-Obe, M., Duggan, P. J., Harrison, M., Allsop, J. M., Hajnal, J., Herlihy, A. H., Edwards, B., Laroche, S., Cowan, F. M., Rutherford, M. A., Edwards, A. D., Natural history of brain lesions in extremely preterm infants studied with serial magnetic resonance imaging from birth and neurodevelopmental assessment, Pediatrics, 118, 536-48, 2006Aetiology identified through MRI not compared with another test.
Elliott, C. M., Currie, G., Reid, S. L., Valentine, J., Bynevelt, M., Robins, E., Licari, M. K., The relationship between white matter integrity and motor function in spastic diplegic cerebral palsy with and without periventricular leukomalacia, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 54, 5-6, 2012Case-control study. Diagnostic accuracy not reported. Conference abstract.
Englander, Z. A., Pizoli, C. E., Batrachenko, A., Sun, J., Worley, G., Mikati, M. A., Kurtzberg, J., Song, A. W., Diffuse reduction of white matter connectivity in cerebral palsy with specific vulnerability of long range fiber tracts, NeuroImage: Clinical, 2, 440-447, 2013Comparison of abnormalities identified using each test not reported.
Fedrizzi,E., Inverno,M., Bruzzone,M.G., Botteon,G., Saletti,V., Farinotti,M., MRI features of cerebral lesions and cognitive functions in preterm spastic diplegic children, Pediatric Neurology, 15, 207-212, 1996Aetiology findings not compared between tests and no diagnostic accuracy.
Feys, H., Eyssen, M., Jaspers, E., Klingels, K., Desloovere, K., Molenaers, G., De Cock, P., Relation between neuroradiological findings and upper limb function in hemiplegic cerebral palsy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 14, 169-77, 2010No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Fiori, S., Mayberry, C. R., Ross, S. A., Whittingham, K., Guzzetta, A., Cioni, G., Boyd, R. N., Brain lesion severity and relationship to executive function in children with congenital hemiplegia, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 56, 7-8, 2014No comparison with other test for aetiological findings. Abstract only.
Fujimoto,S., Togari,H., Banno,T., Takashima,S., Funato,M., Yoshioka,H., Ibara,S., Tatsuno,M., Hashimoto,K., Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and clinical profiles of periventricular leukomalacia, Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 188, 143-151, 1999Indirect population: children with PVL. No comparison test.
Fujimoto,S., Togari,H., Takashima,S., Funato,M., Yoshioka,H., Ibara,S., Tatsuno,M., National survey of periventricular leukomalacia in Japan, Acta Paediatrica Japonica, 40, 239-243, 1998Indirect population: children with PVL. No comparison test.
Fukamachi, M., Akiyama, T., Tsuru, A., Morikawa, M., Kawaguchi, Y., Moriuchi, H., Neuropsyclioiogical and MRI assessment of young adults with hemiplegic cerebral palsy, Acta Medica Nagasakiensia, 49, 81-85, 2004No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Geytenbeek, J. J., Harlaar, L., Oostrom, K., Barkhof, F., Becher, J., Vermeulen, J., MRI pattern is related to level of spoken language comprehension in children with severe cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 54, 63-64, 2012No comparison with other test for aetiological findings. Abstract only.
Gika,A.D., Siddiqui,A., Hulse,A.J., Edward,S., Fallon,P., McEntagart,M.E., Jan,W., Josifova,D., Lerman-Sagie,T., Drummond,J., Thompson,E., Refetoff,S., Bonnemann,C.G., Jungbluth,H., White matter abnormalities and dystonic motor disorder associated with mutations in the SLC16A2 gene, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, 475-482, 2010No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Gkoltsiou,K., Tzoufi,M., Counsell,S., Rutherford,M., Cowan,F., Serial brain MRI and ultrasound findings: relation to gestational age, bilirubin level, neonatal neurologic status and neurodevelopmental outcome in infants at risk of kernicterus, Early Human Development, 84, 829-838, 2008Indirect population (neonates with ecephalopathy). Tests (cUS and MRI) carried out prior to CP diagnosis. Tests not compared for aetiology at diagnosis stage.
Goto, M., Ota, R., Iai, M., Sugita, K., Tanabe, Y., MRI changes and deficits of higher brain functions in preterm diplegia, Acta Paediatrica, 83, 506-11, 1994No comparison test for aetiology of cerebral palsy.
Govindshenoy, M., Hennigan, S., Ahmed, R., Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities: Should a paediatric neuroradiologist’s opinion be sought?, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 100, A83-A84, 2015No comparison with other test for aetiological findings. Abstract only.
Griffiths,P.D., Radon,M.R., Crossman,A.R., Zurakowski,D., Connolly,D.J., Anatomic localization of dyskinesia in children with “profound” perinatal hypoxic-ischemic injury, Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology, 31, 436-441, 2010No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Hart, A. R., Alladi, S., Swilkinson, Whitby, E. H., Paley, M. N., Smith, M. F., Griffiths, P. D., Can magnetic resonance imaging, proton spectroscopy, and diffusion-weighted imaging identify preterm infants at risk of neurodevelopmental difficulties?, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 53, 5, 2011Comparison test (MRS) not included in evidence review. Conference abstract.
Hart, A. R., Whitby, E. W., Griffiths, P. D., Smith, M. F., Magnetic resonance imaging and developmental outcome following preterm birth: review of current evidence, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 50, 655-63, 2008Review. Studies included do not provide diagnostic accuracy of MRI compared to other tests for aetiological findings.
Hashimoto,K., Hasegawa,H., Kida,Y., Takeuchi,Y., Correlation between neuroimaging and neurological outcome in periventricular leukomalacia: diagnostic criteria, Pediatrics International, 43, 240-245, 2001Aetiology for cerebral palsy not reported, study only reports outcomes for infants who were admitted to NICU.
Hayes,B., Ryan,S., Stephenson,J.B., King,M.D., Cerebral palsy after maternal trauma in pregnancy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49, 700-706, 2007Case series.
Himmelmann,K., Uvebrant,P., Function and neuroimaging in cerebral palsy: a population-based study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 516-521, 2011Comparison test (CT scan) not included in protocol.
Hnatyszyn,G., Cyrylowski,L., Czeszynska,M.B., Walecka,A., Konefal,H., Szmigiel,O., Gizewska,M., Dawid,G., The role of magnetic resonance imaging in early prediction of cerebral palsy, Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 52, 278-284, 2010Indirect population (neonates with asphyxia). Outcome is prediction of future CP and not diagnostic accuracy of aetiology findings.
Hoon, A. H., Jr., Reinhardt, E. M., Kelley, R. I., Breiter, S. N., Morton, D. H., Naidu, S. B., Johnston, M. V., Brain magnetic resonance imaging in suspected extrapyramidal cerebral palsy: observations in distinguishing genetic-metabolic from acquired causes, Journal of Pediatrics, 131, 240-5, 1997Case series. No comparison to MRI.
Humphreys,P., Whiting,S., Pham,B., Hemiparetic cerebral palsy: clinical pattern and imaging in prediction of outcome, Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 27, 210-219, 2000Comparison test (CT scan) not included in evidence review.
Jain, K. K., Paliwal, V. K., Yadav, A., Roy, B., Goel, P., Chaturvedi, S., Chaurasia, A., Garg, R. K., Rathore, R. K. S., Gupta, R. K., Cerebral blood flow and DTI metrics changes in children with cerebral palsy following therapy, Journal of Pediatric Neuroradiology, 3, 63-73, 2014No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Jaw,T.S., Jong,Y.J., Sheu,R.S., Liu,G.C., Chou,M.S., Yang,R.C., Etiology, timing of insult, and neuropathology of cerebral palsy evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 97, 239-246, 1998MRI not compared to another test for aetiological findings.
Jeon,T.Y., Kim,J.H., Yoo,S.Y., Eo,H., Kwon,J.Y., Lee,J., Lee,M., Chang,Y.S., Park,W.S., Neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants: comparison of infants with and without diffuse excessive high signal intensity on MR images at near-term-equivalent age, Radiology, 263, 518-526, 2012No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Johnsen,S.D., Bodensteiner,J.B., Lotze,T.E., Frequency and nature of cerebellar injury in the extremely premature survivor with cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 20, 60-64, 2005No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Koeda, T., Takeshita, K., Visuo-perceptual impairment and cerebral lesions in spastic diplegia with preterm birth, Brain and Development, 14, 239-244, 1992No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Koeda,T., Takeshita,K., Electroencephalographic coherence abnormalities in preterm diplegia, Pediatric Neurology, 18, 51-56, 1998Tests used are not included in the review protocol.
Koroglu, M., Turedi, A., Kisioglu, N., Ilhan Ergurhan, I., MRI findings in patients with hemiparetic cerebral palsy, Neuroradiology Journal, 19, 589-96, 2006Comparison test (CT scan) not included in review protocol.
Korzeniewski, S. J., Birbeck, G., DeLano, M. C., Potchen, M. J., Paneth, N., A systematic review of neuroimaging for cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 23, 216-227, 2008Literature review, aetiological findings from MRI not compared to reference tests in protocol.
Krageloh-Mann, I., Horber, V., The role of magnetic resonance imaging in elucidating the pathogenesis of cerebral palsy: A systematic review, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49, 144-151, 2007Systematic review includes no studies which compared MRI with another test, therefore no comparative diagnostic accuracy results reported.
Krageloh-Mann, I., Petersen, D., Hagberg, G., Vollmer, B., Hagberg, B., Michaelis, R., Bilateral spastic cerebral palsy--MRI pathology and origin. Analysis from a representative series of 56 cases, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 37, 379-97, 1995Studies included for MRI examination were not compared to other tests for aetiological findings.
Krageloh-Mann,I., Hagberg,B., Petersen,D., Riethmuller,J., Gut,E., Michaelis,R., Bilateral spastic cerebral palsy--pathogenetic aspects from MRI, Neuropediatrics, 23, 46-48, 1992MRI not compared to another test for aetiological findings.
Kulak, W., Okurowska-Zawada, B., Sienkiewicz, D., Paszko-Patej, G., Goscik, E., The clinical signs and risk factors of non-ambulatory children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 9, 447-454, 2011Aetiological findings from MRI not compared to another test.
Kulak,W., Okurowska-Zawada,B., Goscik,E., Sienkiewicz,D., Paszko-Patej,G., Kubas,B., Schizencephaly as a cause of spastic cerebral palsy, Advances in Medical Sciences, 56, 64-70, 2011No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Kulak,W., Sobaniec,W., Kubas,B., Walecki,J., Smigielska-Kuzia,J., Bockowski,L., Artemowicz,B., Sendrowski,K., Spastic cerebral palsy: clinical magnetic resonance imaging correlation of 129 children, Journal of Child Neurology, 22, 8-14, 2007No comparison of aetiology findings with clinical assessment, only test correlations provided.
Leonard,J.M., Cozens,A.L., Reid,S.M., Fahey,M.C., Ditchfield,M.R., Reddihough,D.S., Should children with cerebral palsy and normal imaging undergo testing for inherited metabolic disorders?, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 226-232, 2011No outcomes in protocol: no alternative diagnosis made or confirmation/ruling out of genetic or progressive disease (these children were excluded from the study). Only children with normal MRI had further investigations.
Menkes,J.H., Curran,J., Clinical and MR correlates in children with extrapyramidal cerebral palsy, Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology, 15, 451-457, 1994No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Minagawa, K., Tsuji, Y., Ueda, H., Koyama, K., Tanizawa, K., Okamura, H., Hashimoto-Tamaoki, T., Possible correlation between high levels of IL-18 in the cord blood of pre-term infants and neonatal development of periventricular leukomalacia and cerebral palsy, Cytokine, 17, 164-170, 2002Indirect population whom some consequently developed CP. Outcomes includes the prediction of future CP and aetiological findings not compared to MRI.
Mirmiran,M., Barnes,P.D., Keller,K., Constantinou,J.C., Fleisher,B.E., Hintz,S.R., Ariagno,R.L., Neonatal brain magnetic resonance imaging before discharge is better than serial cranial ultrasound in predicting cerebral palsy in very low birth weight preterm infants, Pediatrics, 114, 992-998, 2004Outcome reported is the prediction of future CP. No diagnostic accuracy for comparison of aetiological findings between tests.
Numata,Y., Onuma,A., Kobayashi,Y., Sato-Shirai,I., Tanaka,S., Kobayashi,S., Wakusawa,K., Inui,T., Kure,S., Haginoya,K., Brain magnetic resonance imaging and motor and intellectual functioning in 86 patients born at term with spastic diplegia, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55, 167-172, 2013No comparison test.
Oishi, K., Faria, A. V., Yoshida, S., Chang, L., Mori, S., Reprint of “Quantitative evaluation of brain development using anatomical MRI and diffusion tensor imaging”.[Reprint of Int J Dev Neurosci. 2013 Nov;31(7):512-24; PMID: 23796902], International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 32, 28-40, 2014No comparison with other test for aetiological findings. Abstract only.
Okumura,A., Hayakawa,F., Kato,T., Kuno,K., Watanabe,K., MRI findings in patients with spastic cerebral palsy. I: Correlation with gestational age at birth, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 39, 363-368, 1997No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Pagliano, E., Fedrizzi, E., Erbetta, A., Bulgheroni, S., Solari, A., Bono, R., Fazzi, E., Andreucci, E., Riva, D., Cognitive profiles and visuoperceptual abilities in preterm and term spastic diplegic children with periventricular leukomalacia, Journal of Child Neurology, 22, 282-8, 2007Only correlations between clinical assessment and MRI made, no comparison of aetiology findings.
Panigrahy,A., Barnes,P.D., Robertson,R.L., Sleeper,L.A., Sayre,J.W., Quantitative analysis of the corpus callosum in children with cerebral palsy and developmental delay: correlation with cerebral white matter volume, Pediatric Radiology, 35, 1199-1207, 2005No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Pannek, K., Boyd, R. N., Fiori, S., Guzzetta, A., Rose, S. E., Assessment of the structural brain network reveals altered connectivity in children with unilateral cerebral palsy due to periventricular white matter lesions, NeuroImage Clinical, 5, 84-92, 2014No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Park,E.S., Park,C.I., Choi,K.S., Choi,I.H., Shin,J.S., Over-expression of S100B protein in children with cerebral palsy or delayed development, Brain and Development, 26, 190-196, 2004Aetiological findings not compared between tests.
Robinson,M.N., Peake,L.J., Ditchfield,M.R., Reid,S.M., Lanigan,A., Reddihough,D.S., Magnetic resonance imaging findings in a population-based cohort of children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 39-45, 2009No comparison with other test for aetiological findings.
Setanen, S., Lahti, K., Lehtonen, L., Parkkola, R., Maunu, J., Saarinen, K., Haataja, L., Neurological examination combined with brain MRI or cranial US improves prediction of neurological outcome in preterm infants, Early Human Development, 90, 851-856, 2014Indirect population (very low birthweight). Aetiology of CP not compared with other test.
Shiran, S. I., Weinstein, M., Sirota-Cohen, C., Myers, V., Ben Bashat, D., Fattal-Valevski, A., Green, D., Schertz, M., MRI-based radiologic scoring system for extent of brain injury in children with hemiplegia, American Journal of Neuroradiology, 35, 2388-2396, 2014No outcomes stated in protocol (only correlation between tests provided). Aetiology not compared with different tests.
Spagnoli, C., De Sousa, C., Retrospective study of the investigations of children presenting with lower limbs spasticity in a single institution, Neuropediatrics, 45, 109-116, 2014Aetiology of CP not reported.
Spittle, A. J., Boyd, R. N., Inder, T. E., Doyle, L. W., Predicting motor development in very preterm infants at 12 months’ corrected age: the role of qualitative magnetic resonance imaging and general movements assessments, Pediatrics, 123, 512-7, 2009Outcome reported is the prediction of future CP. No diagnostic accuracy for comparison of aetiological findings between tests.
Spittle,A.J., Cheong,J., Doyle,L.W., Roberts,G., Lee,K.J., Lim,J., Hunt,R.W., Inder,T.E., Anderson,P.J., Neonatal white matter abnormality predicts childhood motor impairment in very preterm children, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 1000-1006, 2011No comparison of aetiology findings in examinations.
Taufika, S., Macfarlane, S., Edwards, P., Guzzetta, A., Boyd, R., Relationship between brain structure and gait patterns in children with diplegia, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 53, 25-26, 2011No comparison with other test for aetiological findings. Abstract only.
Valkama,A.M., Paakko,E.L., Vainionpaa,L.K., Lanning,F.P., Ilkko,E.A., Koivisto,M.E., Magnetic resonance imaging at term and neuromotor outcome in preterm infants, Acta Paediatrica, 89, 348-355, 2000Indirect population (very low birth weight). Outcome reported is the prediction of future CP. No diagnostic accuracy for comparison of aetiological findings between tests.
Van Schie, P. E. M., Schijns, J., Becher, J. G., Barkhof, F., Van Weissenbruch, M. M., Vermeulen, R. J., Long-term motor and behavioral outcome after perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 19, 354-359, 2015Indirect population (children with HIE). Aetiological findings not compared between tests.
Van’t Hooft, J., van der Lee, J. H., Opmeer, B. C., Aarnoudse-Moens, C. S., Leenders, A. G., Mol, B. W., de Haan, T. R., Predicting developmental outcomes in premature infants by term equivalent MRI: systematic review and meta-analysis, Systems Review, 4, 71, 2015Outcome is prediction of future CP and not diagnostic accuracy of aetiology findings.
Virella, D., Gouveia, R., Andrada, M. G., Folha, T., Conceicao, C., Cadete, A., Alvarelhao, J. J., Calado, E., MRI in 5-year-old children born in 2001-2003, from the Portuguese Surveillance of cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 56, 29, 2014No comparison with other test for aetiological findings. Abstract only.
Williams,K., Alberman,E., The impact of diagnostic labelling in population-based research into cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 40, 182-185, 1998Descriptive study, aetiology in MRI not compared to an additional test.

K.6. MRI and prognosis of cerebral palsy

Excluded studies - What is the best age to perform an MRI to help provide information regarding prognosis in cerebral palsy?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Aida,N., Nishimura,G., Hachiya,Y., Matsui,K., Takeuchi,M., Itani,Y., MR imaging of perinatal brain damage: comparison of clinical outcome with initial and follow-up MR findings, Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology, 19, 1909-1921, 1998The paper reports on development of CP in premature babies related to MRI findings.
Al Ajlouni, S. F., Aqrabawi, M., Oweis, N., Daoud, A. S., Clinical spectrum of cerebral palsy in Jordanian children: An analysis of 200 cases, Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 4, 251-255, 2006Prevalence of causes MRI findings.
Andersen, G. L., Skranes, J., Hollung, S. J., Vik, T., Cerebral mri findings in children with cerebral palsy (CP) in Norway, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 99, A202, 2014Prevalence study.
Anderson, P., Tich, S. N. T., Shimony, J., Hunt, R., Doyle, L., Inder, T., Brain metrics at term equivalent age predicts early cognitive and motor development in very preterm children, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 51, 33, 2009Brain metric measurements not relevant to review protocol children did not have CP.
Anslow, P., Neuroradiology - The use of magnetic resonance imaging scans in cerebral palsy cases, Clinical Risk, 8, 197-199, 2002Commentary/narrative review.
Arnfield,E., Guzzetta,A., Boyd,R., Relationship between brain structure on magnetic resonance imaging and motor outcomes in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 2234-2250, 2013The paper reports on prevalence of MRI findings by CP type and severity. No data on prognosis.
Barkovich, A. J., Hajnal, B. L., Vigneron, D., Sola, A., Partridge, J. C., Allen, F., Ferriero, D. M., Prediction of neuromotor outcome in perinatal asphyxia: evaluation of MR scoring systems, Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology, 19, 143-9, 1998Not CP specific; studying scoring systems on MRI; no data on prognosis of CP.
Barnett,A., Mercuri,E., Rutherford,M., Haataja,L., Frisone,M.F., Henderson,S., Cowan,F., Dubowitz,L., Neurological and perceptual-motor outcome at 5 - 6 years of age in children with neonatal encephalopathy: relationship with neonatal brain MRI, Neuropediatrics, 33, 242-248, 2002outcome = development of CP (not relevant to review protocol); all children had MRI so virtually there’s no comparison.
Benini, R., Dagenais, L., Shevell, M. I., Registre de la Paralysie Cerebrale au Quebec, Consortium, Normal imaging in patients with cerebral palsy: what does it tell us?, Journal of Pediatrics, 162, 369-74.e1, 2013Comparison = normal versus abnormal MRI findings (not relevant to review protocol); no multivariate analysis presented; unclear WHEN MRI was performed.
Bouza, H., Dubowitz, L. M., Rutherford, M., Cowan, F., Pennock, J. M., Late magnetic resonance imaging and clinical findings in neonates with unilateral lesions on cranial ultrasound, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 36, 951-64, 1994No neurodevelopmental outcome considered for prognosis.
Byrne,P., Welch,R., Johnson,M.A., Darrah,J., Piper,M., Serial magnetic resonance imaging in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, Journal of Pediatrics, 117, 694-700, 1990Full text unavailable.
Candy,E.J., Hoon,A.H., Capute,A.J., Bryan,R.N., MRI in motor delay: important adjunct to classification of cerebral palsy, Pediatric Neurology, 9, 421-429, 1993To evaluate the ability of MRI to determine aetiology factors (not relevant).
Cheong, J. L. Y., Coleman, L., Hunt, R. W., Lee, K. J., Doyle, L. W., Inder, T. E., Jacobs, S. E., Prognostic utility of magnetic resonance imaging in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: Substudy of a randomised trial, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 166, 634-640, 2012No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol the study outcome is prediction of death or major disability.
Cioni,G., Bartalena,L., Biagioni,E., Boldrini,A., Canapicchi,R., Neuroimaging and functional outcome of neonatal leukomalacia, Behavioural Brain Research, 49, 7-19, 1992No analysis of association.
Constantinou, J. C., Adamson-Macedo, E. N., Mirmiran, M., Fleisher, B. E., Movement, imaging and neurobehavioral assessment as predictors of cerebral palsy in preterm infants, Journal of Perinatology, 27, 225-9, 2007Only outcome considered is cases of CP (not relevant to review protocol).
de Bruine, F. T., van den Berg-Huysmans, A. A., Leijser, L. M., Rijken, M., Steggerda, S. J., van der Grond, J., van Wezel-Meijler, G., Clinical implications of MR imaging findings in the white matter in very preterm infants: a 2-year follow-up study, Radiology, 261, 899-906, 2011No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol association between MRI findings and neurodevelopmental outcome..
De Vries, L. S., Groenendaal, F., Van Haastert, I. C., Eken, P., Rademaker, K. J., Meiners, L. C., Asymmetrical myelination of the posterior limb of the internal capsule in infants with periventricular haemorrhagic infarction: An early predictor of hemiplegia, Neuropediatrics, 30, 314-319, 1999correlation between MRI findings and hemiplegia - no results on timing of MRI and no multivariate analysis considered.
Dyet, L. E., Kennea, N., Counsell, S. J., Maalouf, E. F., Ajayi-Obe, M., Duggan, P. J., Harrison, M., Allsop, J. M., Hajnal, J., Herlihy, A. H., Edwards, B., Laroche, S., Cowan, F. M., Rutherford, M. A., Edwards, A. D., Natural history of brain lesions in extremely preterm infants studied with serial magnetic resonance imaging from birth and neurodevelopmental assessment, Pediatrics, 118, 536-48, 2006No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol the study is not CP specific.
Feldman,H.M., Scher,M.S., Kemp,S.S., Neurodevelopmental outcome of children with evidence of periventricular leukomalacia on late MRI, Pediatric Neurology, 6, 296-302, 1990Association between extent of MRI abnormality and cognitive functioning (not relevant to review protocol); no multivariate analysis preformed.
Fujimoto,S., Togari,H., Banno,T., Takashima,S., Funato,M., Yoshioka,H., Ibara,S., Tatsuno,M., Hashimoto,K., Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and clinical profiles of periventricular leukomalacia, Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 188, 143-151, 1999No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol.
Gkoltsiou,K., Tzoufi,M., Counsell,S., Rutherford,M., Cowan,F., Serial brain MRI and ultrasound findings: relation to gestational age, bilirubin level, neonatal neurologic status and neurodevelopmental outcome in infants at risk of kernicterus, Early Human Development, 84, 829-838, 2008the paper does not report on prognosis of CP.
Gururaj,A., Sztriha,L., Dawodu,A., Nath,K.R., Varady,E., Nork,M., Haas,D., CT and MR patterns of hypoxic ischemic brain damage following perinatal asphyxia, Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 48, 5-9, 2002Reports on association between risk factors and neurological findings and type of CP. No relevant MRI comparison considered.
Himmelmann,K., Hagberg,G., Wiklund,L.M., Eek,M.N., Uvebrant,P., Dyskinetic cerebral palsy: a population-based study of children born between 1991 and 1998, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49, 246-251, 2007Reports on prevalence of outcomes but no MRI comparison.
Hintz, S. R., Barnes, P. D., Bulas, D., Slovis, T. L., Finer, N. N., Wrage, L. A., Das, A., Tyson, J. E., Stevenson, D. K., Carlo, W. A., Walsh, M. C., Laptook, A. R., Yoder, B. A., Van Meurs, K. P., Faix, R. G., Rich, W., Newman, N. S., Cheng, H., Heyne, R. J., Vohr, B. R., Acarregui, M. J., Vaucher, Y. E., Pappas, A., Peralta-Carcelen, M., Wilson-Costello, D. E., Evans, P. W., Goldstein, R. F., Myers, G. J., Poindexter, B. B., McGowan, E. C., Adams-Chapman, I., Fuller, J., Higgins, R. D., Neuroimaging and neurodevelopmental outcome in extremely preterm infants, Pediatrics, 135, e32-e42, 2015No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol the study outcome is prediction of CP.
Hnatyszyn,G., Cyrylowski,L., Czeszynska,M.B., Walecka,A., Konefal,H., Szmigiel,O., Gizewska,M., Dawid,G., The role of magnetic resonance imaging in early prediction of cerebral palsy, Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 52, 278-284, 2010No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol one of the study outcomes is prediction of CP.
Holmefur,M., Kits,A., Bergstrom,J., Krumlinde-Sundholm,L., Flodmark,O., Forssberg,H., Eliasson,A.C., Neuroradiology can predict the development of hand function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy, Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 27, 72-78, 2013Correlation between imaging abnormality and hand function. No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol.
Iwata,S., Nakamura,T., Hizume,E., Kihara,H., Takashima,S., Matsuishi,T., Iwata,O., Qualitative brain MRI at term and cognitive outcomes at 9 years after very preterm birth, Pediatrics, 129, e1138-e1147, 2012No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol one of the study outcomes is prediction of CP.
Jeon,T.Y., Kim,J.H., Yoo,S.Y., Eo,H., Kwon,J.Y., Lee,J., Lee,M., Chang,Y.S., Park,W.S., Neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants: comparison of infants with and without diffuse excessive high signal intensity on MR images at near-term-equivalent age, Radiology, 263, 518-526, 2012No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol.
Jyoti,R., O’Neil,R., Hurrion,E., Predicting outcome in term neonates with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy using simplified MR criteria.[Erratum appears in Pediatr Radiol. 2007 Feb;37(2):243 Note: Hurrion, Elizabeth [added]], Pediatric Radiology, 36, 38-42, 2006No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol.
Kidokoro, H., Anderson, P. J., Doyle, L. W., Woodward, L. J., Neil, J. J., Inder, T. E., Brain injury and altered brain growth in preterm infants: predictors and prognosis, Pediatrics, 134, e444-53, 2014No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol the study outcome is prediction of CP.
Korzeniewski, S. J., Birbeck, G., DeLano, M. C., Potchen, M. J., Paneth, N., A systematic review of neuroimaging for cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 23, 216-227, 2008Duplicate.
Krageloh-Mann, I., Imaging of early brain injury and cortical plasticity, Experimental Neurology, 190 Suppl 1, S84-90, 2004Descriptive paper on brain development - not CP specific.
Krageloh-Mann, I., Horber, V., The role of magnetic resonance imaging in elucidating the pathogenesis of cerebral palsy: A systematic review, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49, 144-151, 2007The paper reports on the role of MRI on elucidating the aetiology of CP - no data for prognosis.
Krageloh-Mann,I., Helber,A., Mader,I., Staudt,M., Wolff,M., Groenendaal,F., DeVries,L., Bilateral lesions of thalamus and basal ganglia: origin and outcome, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 44, 477-484, 2002reports on prevalence of outcomes but no MRI comparison.
Kuenzle, C., Baenziger, O., Martin, E., Thun-Hohenstein, L., Steinlin, M., Good, M., Fanconi, S., Boltshauser, E., Largo, R. H., Prognostic value of early MR imaging in term infants with severe perinatal asphyxia, Neuropediatrics, 25, 191-200, 1994Population = perinatal asphyxia; MRI at 1-14 days; Outcome at 18.9 months (measured as abnormal/normal) - no data on CP prognosis (for example cognition, epilepsy)
Kwon, S. H., Vasung, L., Ment, L. R., Huppi, P. S., The Role of Neuroimaging in Predicting Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Preterm Neonates, Clinics in Perinatology, 41, 257-283, 2014Narrative review.
Legault, G., Shevell, M. I., Dagenais, L., Quebec Cerebral Palsy Registry, Consortium, Predicting comorbidities with neuroimaging in children with cerebral palsy, Pediatric Neurology, 45, 229-32, 2011Frequency of comorbidities by MRI findings (not relevant); no multivariate analysis.
Lind, A., Parkkola, R., Lehtonen, L., Munck, P., Maunu, J., Lapinleimu, H., Haataja, L., Pipari Study Group, Associations between regional brain volumes at term-equivalent age and development at 2 years of age in preterm children, Pediatric Radiology, 41, 953-61, 2011Not specific to CP it is comparing NDI vs no-NDI.
Logitharajah,P., Rutherford,M.A., Cowan,F.M., Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in preterm infants: antecedent factors, brain imaging, and outcome, Pediatric Research, 66, 222-229, 2009No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol the study is not specific to CP.
Martinez-Biarge, M., Diez-Sebastian, J., Kapellou, O., Gindner, D., Allsop, J. M., Rutherford, M. A., Cowan, F. M., Predicting motor outcome and death in term hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, Neurology, 76, 2055-61, 2011No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol wrong population of interest.
Maunu, J., Lehtonen, L., Lapinleimu, H., Matomaki, J., Munck, P., Rikalainen, H., Parkkola, R., Haataja, L., Pipari Study Group, Ventricular dilatation in relation to outcome at 2 years of age in very preterm infants: a prospective Finnish cohort study, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 53, 48-54, 2011No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol one of the study outcomes is prediction of CP.
Melhem,E.R., Hoon,A.H.,Jr., Ferrucci,J.T.,Jr., Quinn,C.B., Reinhardt,E.M., Demetrides,S.W., Freeman,B.M., Johnston,M.V., Periventricular leukomalacia: relationship between lateral ventricular volume on brain MR images and severity of cognitive and motor impairment, Radiology, 214, 199-204, 2000Reports on association between moderate/severe CP and ventricular volumes. No relevant comparison for MRI.
Mercuri, E., Barnett, A., Rutherford, M., Guzzetta, A., Haataja, L., Cioni, G., Cowan, F., Dubowitz, L., Neonatal Cerebral Infarction and Neuromotor Outcome at School Age, Pediatrics, 113, 95-100, 2004No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol the study does not report on prognosis in CP.
Mercuri, E., Rutherford, M., Cowan, F., Pennock, J., Counsell, S., Papadimitriou, M., Azzopardi, D., Bydder, G., Dubowitz, L., Early prognostic indicators of outcome in infants with neonatal cerebral infarction: a clinical, electroencephalogram, and magnetic resonance imaging study, Pediatrics, 103, 39-46, 1999No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol the study outcome is not prognosis in CP.
Millet, V., Bartoli, J. M., Lacroze, V., Raybaud, C., Unal, D., Girard, N., Predictive significance of magnetic resonance imaging at 4 months of adjusted age in infants after a perinatal neurologic insult, Biology of the Neonate, 73, 207-219, 1998Full text unavailable.
Mirmiran,M., Barnes,P.D., Keller,K., Constantinou,J.C., Fleisher,B.E., Hintz,S.R., Ariagno,R.L., Neonatal brain magnetic resonance imaging before discharge is better than serial cranial ultrasound in predicting cerebral palsy in very low birth weight preterm infants, Pediatrics, 114, 992-998, 2004No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol the study outcome is prediction of CP.
Mulkey,S.B., Yap,V.L., Swearingen,C.J., Riggins,M.S., Kaiser,J.R., Schaefer,G.B., Quantitative cranial magnetic resonance imaging in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, Pediatric Neurology, 47, 101-108, 2012Outcome = brain volume/volume of acute injury (not relevant to protocol).
Nanba,Y., Matsui,K., Aida,N., Sato,Y., Toyoshima,K., Kawataki,M., Hoshino,R., Ohyama,M., Itani,Y., Goto,A., Oka,A., Magnetic resonance imaging regional T1 abnormalities at term accurately predict motor outcome in preterm infants, Pediatrics, 120, e10-e19, 2007No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol.
Okereafor,A., Allsop,J., Counsell,S.J., Fitzpatrick,J., Azzopardi,D., Rutherford,M.A., Cowan,F.M., Patterns of brain injury in neonates exposed to perinatal sentinel events, Pediatrics, 121, 906-914, 2008No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol one of the study outcomes is prediction of CP.
Otapowicz,D., Sobaniec,W., Kulak,W., Sendrowski,K., Severity of dysarthric speech in children with infantile cerebral palsy in correlation with the brain CT and MRI, Advances in Medical Sciences, 52 Suppl 1, 188-190, 2007Full text unavailable.
Reid, S. M., Dagia, C., Ditchfield, M. R., Carlin, J. B., Reddihough, D., Systematic review of population-based studies of brain imaging patterns in cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 55, 35-36, 2013The paper comments on standardization of MRI findings, no data on CP prognosis.
Robinson,M.N., Peake,L.J., Ditchfield,M.R., Reid,S.M., Lanigan,A., Reddihough,D.S., Magnetic resonance imaging findings in a population-based cohort of children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 39-45, 2009Reports on prevalence of outcomes but no MRI comparison.
Roelants-van Rijn, A. M., Groenendaal, F., Beek, F. J., Eken, P., van Haastert, I. C., de Vries, L. S., Parenchymal brain injury in the preterm infant: comparison of cranial ultrasound, MRI and neurodevelopmental outcome, Neuropediatrics, 32, 80-9, 2001The paper does not study prognosis of CP.
Rutherford,M.A., Supramaniam,V., Ederies,A., Chew,A., Bassi,L., Groppo,M., Anjari,M., Counsell,S., Ramenghi,L.A., Magnetic resonance imaging of white matter diseases of prematurity, Neuroradiology, 52, 505-521, 2010Not CP specific, no MRI comparison, no data on CP prognosis.
Serdaroglu,G., Tekgul,H., Kitis,O., Serdaroglu,E., Gokben,S., Correlative value of magnetic resonance imaging for neurodevelopmental outcome in periventricular leukomalacia, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 46, 733-739, 2004Prognosis of CP presence.
Setanen, S., Lahti, K., Lehtonen, L., Parkkola, R., Maunu, J., Saarinen, K., Haataja, L., Neurological examination combined with brain MRI or cranial US improves prediction of neurological outcome in preterm infants, Early Human Development, 90, 851-856, 2014No prediction of relevant outcomes presented.
Setanen,S., Haataja,L., Parkkola,R., Lind,A., Lehtonen,L., Predictive value of neonatal brain MRI on the neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm infants by 5 years of age, Acta Paediatrica, 102, 492-497, 2013All children received MRI - no comparison.
Shang, Q., Ma, C. Y., Lv, N., Lv, Z. L., Yan, Y. B., Wu, Z. R., Li, J. J., Duan, J. L., Zhu, C. L., Clinical study of cerebral palsy in 408 children with periventricular leukomalacia, Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 9, 1336-1344, 2015Full text unavailable.
Sie, L. T., Hart, A. A., van Hof, J., de Groot, L., Lems, W., Lafeber, H. N., Valk, J., van der Knaap, M. S., Predictive value of neonatal MRI with respect to late MRI findings and clinical outcome. A study in infants with periventricular densities on neonatal ultrasound, Neuropediatrics, 36, 78-89, 2005No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol the study outcome is prediction of CP.
Skiold,B., Vollmer,B., Bohm,B., Hallberg,B., Horsch,S., Mosskin,M., Lagercrantz,H., Aden,U., Blennow,M., Neonatal magnetic resonance imaging and outcome at age 30 months in extremely preterm infants, Journal of Pediatrics, 160, 559-566, 2012Comparison at term versus preterm babies OR normal versus abnormal MRI findings; outcomes not relevant to review protocol.
Skranes,J.S., Vik,T., Nilsen,G., Smevik,O., Andersson,H.W., Rinck,P., Brubakk,A.M., Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and mental and motor function of very low birth weight infants at one year of corrected age, Neuropediatrics, 24, 256-262, 1993Correlation between MRI abnormal finding and presence of Cp - no prognostic evaluation of neurodevelopment.
Spittle,A.J., Cheong,J., Doyle,L.W., Roberts,G., Lee,K.J., Lim,J., Hunt,R.W., Inder,T.E., Anderson,P.J., Neonatal white matter abnormality predicts childhood motor impairment in very preterm children, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 1000-1006, 2011No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol.
Steinlin,M., Dirr,R., Martin,E., Boesch,C., Largo,R.H., Fanconi,S., Boltshauser,E., MRI following severe perinatal asphyxia: preliminary experience, Pediatric Neurology, 7, 164-170, 1991No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol one of the study outcomes is prediction of CP.
Towsley, K., Shevell, M. I., Dagenais, L., Repacq Consortium, Population-based study of neuroimaging findings in children with cerebral palsy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 15, 29-35, 2011Reports on prevalence only of MRI findings.
Tsai, A. J., Lasky, R. E., John, S. D., Evans, P. W., Kennedy, K. A., Predictors of neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants with intraparenchymal hemorrhage, Journal of Perinatology, 34, 399-404, 2014Primary outcome = CP presence; no comparison made between imaging versus no imaging or imaging at different age; no multivariate analysis presented; for outcome ‘cognition’ MRI has not been considerate as predictor.
Twomey,E., Twomey,A., Ryan,S., Murphy,J., Donoghue,V.B., MR imaging of term infants with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy as a predictor of neurodevelopmental outcome and regarding prognosis in cerebral palsy? late MRI appearances, Pediatric Radiology, 40, 1526-1535, 2010No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol one of the study outcomes is prediction of CP.
Valkama,A.M., Paakko,E.L., Vainionpaa,L.K., Lanning,F.P., Ilkko,E.A., Koivisto,M.E., Magnetic resonance imaging at term and neuromotor outcome in preterm infants, Acta Paediatrica, 89, 348-355, 2000No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol one of the study outcomes is prediction of CP.
van der Aa, N. E., Verhage, C. H., Groenendaal, F., Vermeulen, R. J., de Bode, S., van Nieuwenhuizen, O., de Vries, L. S., Neonatal neuroimaging predicts recruitment of contralesional corticospinal tracts following perinatal brain injury, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 55, 707-12, 2013No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol one of the study outcomes is prediction of USCP.
Van’t Hooft, J., van der Lee, J. H., Opmeer, B. C., Aarnoudse-Moens, C. S., Leenders, A. G., Mol, B. W., de Haan, T. R., Predicting developmental outcomes in premature infants by term equivalent MRI: systematic review and meta-analysis, Systems Review, 4, 71, 2015No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol one of the study outcomes is prediction of CP.
Weierink,L., Vermeulen,R.J., Boyd,R.N., Brain structure and executive functions in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 1678-1688, 2013No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol.
Woodward,L.J., Anderson,P.J., Austin,N.C., Howard,K., Inder,T.E., Neonatal MRI to predict neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants, New England Journal of Medicine, 355, 685-694, 2006Correlation etween MRI specific findings and developmental outcome in preterm babies (not relevant to review protocol).
Wu,Y.W., Lindan,C.E., Henning,L.H., Yoshida,C.K., Fullerton,H.J., Ferriero,D.M., Barkovich,A.J., Croen,L.A., Neuroimaging abnormalities in infants with congenital hemiparesis, Pediatric Neurology, 35, 191-196, 2006All children received MRI (those who didn’t have been excluded) - not relevant to review protocol in terms of comparison.
Yokochi,K., Fujimoto,S., Magnetic resonance imaging in children with neonatal asphyxia: correlation with developmental sequelae, Acta Paediatrica, 85, 88-95, 1996No relevant comparison for MRI as indicated in the review protocol one of the study outcomes is prediction of CP/type of CP.
Zelnik, N., Konopnicki, M., Bennett-Back, O., Castel-Deutsch, T., Tirosh, E., Risk factors for epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 14, 67-72, 2010Comparison = CP vs CP epilepsy, and not MRI specific.

K.7. Prognosis for walking, talking and life expectancy

Excluded studies - In infants, children and young people with cerebral palsy, what are the clinical and developmental prognostic indicators in relation to: â□¢ the ability to walk â□¢ the ability to talk â□¢ life expectancy?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Badawi,N., Felix,J.F., Kurinczuk,J.J., Dixon,G., Watson,L., Keogh,J.M., Valentine,J., Stanley,F.J., Cerebral palsy following term newborn encephalopathy: a population-based study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 47, 293-298, 2005Case-control study design.
Badell-Ribera, A., Cerebral palsy: postural-locomotor prognosis in spastic diplegia, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 66, 614-9, 1985No comparison for severity.
Baird,G., Allen,E., Scrutton,D., Knight,A., McNee,A., Will,E., Elbourne,D., Mortality from 1 to 16-18 years in bilateral cerebral palsy, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 96, 1077-1081, 2011Incomplete reporting: results for prognostic indicators of survival not provided.
Barnes,D., Linton,J.L., Sullivan,E., Bagley,A., Oeffinger,D., Abel,M., Damiano,D., Gorton,G., Nicholson,D., Romness,M., Rogers,S., Tylkowski,C., Pediatric outcomes data collection instrument scores in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy: an analysis by age groups and severity level, Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 28, 97-102, 2008No prognostic indicators for walking, talking or life expectancy.
Barnhart, R. C., Liemohn, W. P., Ambulatory status of children with cerebral palsy: a retrospective study, Perceptual & Motor Skills, 81, 571-4, 1995No statistical analysis undertaken.
Bassler, D., Stoll, B. J., Schmidt, B., Asztalos, E. V., Roberts, R. S., Robertson, C. M. T., Sauve, R. S., Using a count of neonatal morbidities to predict poor outcome in extremely low birth weight infants: Added role of neonatal infection, Pediatrics, 123, 313-318, 2009Prognosis of extremely low birth weight infants. No prognosis of CP.
Beaino, G., Khoshnood, B., Kaminski, M., Pierrat, V., Marret, S., Matis, J., Ledesert, B., Thiriez, G., Fresson, J., Roze, J. C., Zupan-Simunek, V., Arnaud, C., Burguet, A., Larroque, B., Breart, G., Ancel, P. Y., Epipage Study Group, Predictors of cerebral palsy in very preterm infants: the EPIPAGE prospective population-based cohort study, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52, e119-25, 2010No prognostic indicators of walking, talking or life expectancy.
Begnoche, D. M., Chiarello, L. A., Palisano, R. J., Gracely, E. J., McCoy, S. W., Orlin, M. N., Predictors of Independent Walking in Young Children With Cerebral Palsy, Physical Therapy, 96, 183-92, 2016Predictors of walking not relevant to the review protocol.
Benfer,K.A., Weir,K.A., Bell,K.L., Ware,R.S., Davies,P.S., Boyd,R.N., Oropharyngeal dysphagia and gross motor skills in children with cerebral palsy, Pediatrics, 131, e1553-e1562, 2013Cross-sectional study design. Prognosis of talking not included.
Benfer,K.A., Weir,K.A., Bell,K.L., Ware,R.S., Davies,P.S.W., Boyd,R.N., Longitudinal cohort protocol study of oropharyngeal dysphagia: Relationships to gross motor attainment, growth and nutritional status in preschool children with cerebral palsy, BMJ Open, 2, -, 2012Protocol study, no results.
Bjornson,K.F., Zhou,C., Stevenson,R.D., Christakis,D., Relation of stride activity and participation in mobility-based life habits among children with cerebral palsy, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95, 360-368, 2014Cross-sectional design.
Bleck,E.E., Locomotor prognosis in cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 17, 18-25, 1975Prognosis of walking not assessed using multivariate analysis.
Bodeau-Livinec, F., Zeitlin, J., Blondel, B., Arnaud, C., Fresson, J., Burguet, A., Subtil, D., Marret, S., Roze, J. C., Marchand-Martin, L., Ancel, P. Y., Kaminski, M., Etude Epidemiologique sur les Petits Ages Gestationnels, group, Do very preterm twins and singletons differ in their neurodevelopment at 5 years of age?, Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal & Neonatal Edition, 98, F480-7, 2013Comparison of twins vs singletons. No prognostic indicators.
Bottos,M., Puato,M.L., Vianello,A., Facchin,P., Locomotion patterns in cerebral palsy syndromes, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 37, 883-899, 1995No prognosis of walking, talking or life expectancy.
Bowen,J.R., Starte,D.R., Arnold,J.D., Simmons,J.L., Ma,P.J., Leslie,G.I., Extremely low birthweight infants at 3 years: a developmental profile, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 29, 276-281, 1993No prognosis of walking, talking or life expectancy.
Brooks,J.C., Strauss,D.J., Shavelle,R.M., Tran,L.M., Rosenbloom,L., Wu,Y.W., Recent trends in cerebral palsy survival. Part I: period and cohort effects, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 1059-1064, 2014Incomplete reporting.Life expectancy not provided separately per prognostic indicator listed in protocol (feeding tube).
Bruck,I., Antoniuk,S.A., Spessatto,A., Bem,R.S., Hausberger,R., Pacheco,C.G., Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 59, 35-39, 2001No prognosis of walking, talking or life expectancy.
Bruggink,J.L., Cioni,G., Einspieler,C., Maathuis,C.G., Pascale,R., Bos,A.F., Early motor repertoire is related to level of self-mobility in children with cerebral palsy at school age, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 878-885, 2009No prognosis of walking, talking or life expectancy.
Brunquell, P. J., Glennon, C. M., DiMario, F. J., Jr., Lerer, T., Eisenfeld, L., Prediction of outcome based on clinical seizure type in newborn infants.[Erratum appears in J Pediatr 2002 Sep;141(3):452], Journal of Pediatrics, 140, 707-12, 2002No prognostic indicators for walking, talking or life expectancy.
Burja,S., Seme-Ciglenecki,P., Gajsek-Marchetti,M., Hajdinjak,D., Levanic,A., Kodelic,B., Epidemiological study of cerebral palsy in the Maribor region, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 116 Suppl 2, 39-43, 2004No prognosis (incidence of CP).
Calis,E.A., Veugelers,R., Sheppard,J.J., Tibboel,D., Evenhuis,H.M., Penning,C., Dysphagia in children with severe generalised cerebral palsy and intellectual disability, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 50, 625-630, 2008Prognosis of survival or talking not reported.
Carli,G., Reiger,I., Evans,N., One-year neurodevelopmental outcome after moderate newborn hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 40, 217-220, 2004Univariate analysis of risk factor. No prognosis included.
Carlsson,M., Olsson,I., Hagberg,G., Beckung,E., Behaviour in children with cerebral palsy with and without epilepsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 50, 784-789, 2008Case-control study design.
Chen,C.L., Chen,C.Y., Chen,H.C., Liu,W.Y., Shen,I.H., Lin,K.C., Potential predictors of changes in gross motor function during various tasks for children with cerebral palsy: a follow-up study, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 721-728, 2013Prognosis of walking not included.
Cohen,P., Kohn,J.G., Follow-up study of patients with cerebral palsy, Western Journal of Medicine, 130, 6-11, 1979No statistical analysis.
Czochanska,J., Langner-Tyszka,B., Losiowski,Z., Schmidt-Sidor,B., Children who develop epilepsy in the first year of life: a prospective study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 36, 345-350, 1994No survival or talking for CP and epilepsy.
da Paz Junior,A.C., Burnett,S.M., Braga,L.W., Walking prognosis in cerebral palsy: a 22-year retrospective analysis, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 36, 130-134, 1994No multivariate analysis.
Day, S. M., Wu, Y. W., Strauss, D. J., Shavelle, R. M., Reynolds, R. J., Change in ambulatory ability of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49, 647-653, 2007No multivariate analysis.
Day,S.M., Wu,Y.W., Strauss,D.J., Shavelle,R.M., Reynolds,R.J., Causes of death in remote symptomatic epilepsy, Neurology, 65, 216-222, 2005No multivariate analysis. Survival for cerebral palsy below 25 years not reported.
Doyle,L.W., Betheras,F.R., Ford,G.W., Davis,N.M., Callanan,C., Survival, cranial ultrasound and cerebral palsy in very low birthweight infants: 1980s versus 1990s, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 36, 7-12, 2000No prognosis of walking, talking or life expectancy.
Escobar, G. J., Littenberg, B., Petitti, D. B., Outcome among surviving very low birthweight infants: a meta-analysis, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 66, 204-11, 1991Survival prior 2000.
Farmer,S.E., Key factors in the development of lower limb co-ordination: implications for the acquisition of walking in children with cerebral palsy, Disability and Rehabilitation, 25, 807-816, 2003Narrative review. References have been checked.
Fedrizzi, E., Facchin, P., Marzaroli, M., Pagliano, E., Botteon, G., Percivalle, L., Fazzi, E., Predictors of independent walking in children with spastic diplegia, Journal of Child Neurology, 15, 228-234, 2000Incomplete data reporting (confidence intervals not provided).
Fedrizzi,E., Zuccarino,M.L., Vizziello,P., Clinical problems in neurodevelopmental diagnosis: a 7-year neurological and psychological follow-up study of low risk preterm infants, Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences, Suppl 5, 117-126, 1986No prognostic indicators after diagnosis of CP.
Froslev-Friis, C., Dunkhase-Heinl, U., Andersen, J. D., Stausbol-Gron, B., Hansen, A. V., Garne, E., Epidemiology of cerebral palsy in Southern Denmark, Danish Medical Journal, 62, A4990, 2015No prognosis of walking, talking or life expectancy.
Geytenbeek, J. J., Vermeulen, R. J., Becher, J. G., Oostrom, K. J., Comprehension of spoken language in non-speaking children with severe cerebral palsy: an explorative study on associations with motor type and disabilities, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 57, 294-300, 2015Cross-sectional study design.
Gosselin, J., Amiel-Tison, C., Infante-Rivard, C., Fouron, C., Fouron, J. C., Minor neurological signs and developmental performance in high risk children at preschool age, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 44, 323-8, 2002No prognosis of walking, talking or life expectancy
Grimmer,I., Metze,B.C., Walch,E., Scholz,T., Buhrer,C., Predicting neurodevelopmental impairment in preterm infants by standardised neurological assessments at 6 and 12 months corrected age, Acta Paediatrica, 99, 526-530, 2010No prognosis of walking, talking or life expectancy.
Gururaj, A. K., Sztriha, L., Bener, A., Dawodu, A., Eapen, V., Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Seizure, 12, 110-114, 2003Case-control study design.
Haak, P., Lenski, M., Hidecker, M. J. C., Li, M., Paneth, N., Cerebral palsy and aging, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 16-23, 2009Narrative review.
Hausler, M., Merz, U., Van Tuil, C., Ramaekers, V. T., Long-term outcome after neonatal parenchymatous brain lesions, Klinische Padiatrie, 216, 244-51, 2004No prognosis of walking, talking or life expectancy.
Hemming, K., Hutton, J. L., Pharoah, P. O., Long-term survival for a cohort of adults with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 48, 90-5, 2006No adjustments in statistical model (univariate).
Hemming,K., Hutton,J.L., Bonellie,S., Kurinczuk,J.J., Intrauterine growth and survival in cerebral palsy, Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 93, F121-F126, 2008Univariate analysis.
Himmelmann,K., Uvebrant,P., Function and neuroimaging in cerebral palsy: a population-based study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 516-521, 2011No prognosis included.
Hutton, J. L., Colver, A. F., Mackie, P. C., Effect of severity of disability on survival in north east England cerebral palsy cohort, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 83, 468-74, 2000Results from multivariate model is incomplete: life expectancy for prognostic indicator not provided.
Hutton,J.L., Cooke,T., Pharoah,P.O., Life expectancy in children with cerebral palsy, BMJ, 309, 431-435, 1994Life expectancy published prior to 2000 excluded.
Hutton,J.L., Pharoah,P.O., Effects of cognitive, motor, and sensory disabilities on survival in cerebral palsy, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 86, 84-89, 2002Incomplete reporting: results from multivariate analysis not provided.
Ibrahim,A.I., Hawamdeh,Z.M., Evaluation of physical growth in cerebral palsied children and its possible relationship with gross motor development, International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 30, 47-54, 2007Case-control study design.
Katz, R. T., Life expectancy for children with cerebral palsy and mental retardation: implications for life care planning, NeuroRehabilitation, 18, 261-70, 2003Narrative review.
Kennes,J., Rosenbaum,P., Hanna,S.E., Walter,S., Russell,D., Raina,P., Bartlett,D., Galuppi,B., Health status of school-aged children with cerebral palsy: information from a population-based sample, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 44, 240-247, 2002No multivariate analysis.
Khan, N. Z., Ferdous, S., Munir, S., Huq, S., McConachie, H., Mortality of urban and rural young children with cerebral palsy in Bangladesh, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 40, 749-53, 1998No life expectancy.
Krakovsky,G., Huth,M.M., Lin,L., Levin,R.S., Functional changes in children, adolescents, and young adults with cerebral palsy, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 28, 331-340, 2007Prognostic indicators not included.
LeBlanc,M.H., Graves,G.R., Rawson,T.W., Moffitt,J., Long-term outcome of infants at the margin of viability, Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, 40, 111-114, 1999Prognosis for CP not provided.
Leigh, S., Granby, P., Turner, M., Wieteska, S., Haycox, A., Collins, B., The incidence and implications of cerebral palsy following potentially avoidable obstetric complications: a preliminary burden of disease study, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 121, 1720-8, 2014Economic model for survival and quality of life.
Maanum,G., Jahnsen,R., Froslie,K.F., Larsen,K.L., Keller,A., Walking ability and predictors of performance on the 6-minute walk test in adults with spastic cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, e126-e132, 2010Cross-sectional study design.
Mitchell, L. E., Ziviani, J., Boyd, R. N., Characteristics associated with physical activity among independently ambulant children and adolescents with unilateral cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 57, 167-74, 2015Cross-sectional study design.
Molnar,G.E., Gordon,S.U., Cerebral palsy: predictive value of selected clinical signs for early prognostication of motor function, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 57, 153-158, 1976Effect size not provided.
Motion,S., Northstone,K., Emond,A., Stucke,S., Golding,J., Early feeding problems in children with cerebral palsy: weight and neurodevelopmental outcomes, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 44, 40-43, 2002No multivariate analysis.
Nordberg,A., Miniscalco,C., Lohmander,A., Himmelmann,K., Speech problems affect more than one in two children with cerebral palsy: Swedish population-based study, Acta Paediatrica, 102, 161-166, 2013Descriptive study, no prognosis.
Novak,I., Hines,M., Goldsmith,S., Barclay,R., Clinical prognostic messages from a systematic review on cerebral palsy, Pediatrics, 130, e1285-e1312, 2012Review includes both cross-sectional and cohort study designs. This review was checked for relevant cohort studies.
Odding, E., Roebroeck, M. E., Stam, H. J., The epidemiology of cerebral palsy: Incidence, impairments and risk factors, Disability and Rehabilitation, 28, 183-191, 2006Cross-sectional study, no prognosis. Reserved for Comorbidities.
Opheim,A., Jahnsen,R., Olsson,E., Stanghelle,J.K., Walking function, pain, and fatigue in adults with cerebral palsy: a 7-year follow-up study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 381-388, 2009Narrative review
Parish,A.P., Bunyapen,C., Cohen,M.J., Garrison,T., Bhatia,J., Seizures as a predictor of long-term neurodevelopmental outcome in survivors of neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), Journal of Child Neurology, 19, 930-934, 2004Prognosis of walking, talking or life expectancy for CP not included.
Reddihough, D. S., Baikie, G., Walstab, J. E., Cerebral palsy in Victoria, Australia: mortality and causes of death, Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 37, 183-6, 2001No statistical analysis.
Ross,S.A., Engsberg,J.R., Relationships between spasticity, strength, gait, and the GMFM-66 in persons with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88, 1114-1120, 2007Cross-sectional design. All participants had surgery (not included in protocol).
Sigurdardottir,S., Vik,T., Speech, expressive language, and verbal cognition of preschool children with cerebral palsy in Iceland, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 74-80, 2011Univariate analysis.
Smith, S. W., Camfield, C., Camfield, P., Living with cerebral palsy and tube feeding: A population-based follow-up study, Journal of Pediatrics, 135, 307-310, 1999No multivariate analysis, pre 2000.
Strauss, D., Ojdana, K., Shavelle, R., Rosenbloom, L., Decline in function and life expectancy of older persons with cerebral palsy, NeuroRehabilitation, 19, 69-78, 2004Incomplete reporting: adjusted survival not provided for prognostic indicators.
Strauss,D.J., Shavelle,R.M., Anderson,T.W., Life expectancy of children with cerebral palsy, Pediatric Neurology, 18, 143-149, 1998Life expectancy published prior 2000.
Thompson,N., Stebbins,J., Seniorou,M., Newham,D., Muscle strength and walking ability in diplegic cerebral palsy: implications for assessment and management, Gait and Posture, 33, 321-325, 2011Case-control study design. No prognosis.
Watt,J.M., Robertson,C.M., Grace,M.G., Early prognosis for ambulation of neonatal intensive care survivors with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 31, 766-773, 1989Incomplete data reporting: confidence intervals from multivariate analysis not provided.
Zafeiriou,D.I., Kontopoulos,E.E., Tsikoulas,I., Characteristics and prognosis of epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 14, 289-294, 1999Incomplete data reporting (no effect size)

K.8. Information and support

Excluded studies - What information and information types (written or verbal) are perceived as helpful and supportive by children and young people with cerebral palsy and their family members and carers?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Bell,E., Wallace,T., Chouinard,I., Shevell,M., Racine,E., Responding to requests of families for unproven interventions in neurodevelopmental disorders: hyperbaric oxygen “treatment” and stem cell “therapy” in cerebral palsy, Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 17, 19-26, 2011Study does not include any theme related with information and support
Cooley, W. C., American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Children With, Disabilities, Providing a primary care medical home for children and youth with cerebral palsy, Pediatrics, 114, 1106-13, 2004This is a review and not a qualitative study
Craig,G.M., Scambler,G., Spitz,L., Why parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities requiring gastrostomy feeding need more support, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 45, 183-188, 2003Does not include any theme related with information and support
Cussen,A., Howie,L., Imms,C., Looking to the future: adolescents with cerebral palsy talk about their aspirations--a narrative study, Disability and Rehabilitation, 34, 2103-2110, 2012Does not include any theme related with information and support needed by children with CP or their parents and carers
Darrah, J., Wiart, L., Magill-Evans, J., Ray, L., Andersen, J., Are family-centred principles, functional goal setting and transition planning evident in therapy services for children with cerebral palsy?, Child: Care, Health & Development, 38, 41-7, 2012Does not include any theme related with information and support
Gulmans, J., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M., Van Gemert-Pijnen, J. E., Van Harten, W. H., Evaluating quality of patient care communication in integrated care settings: a mixed method approach, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 19, 281-8, 2007This study does not include any theme regarding information and support
Knott, G. P., Attitudes and needs of parents of cerebral palsied children, Rehabilitation Literature, 40, 190-5, 1979This is a review and not a qualitative study
Milner, J., Bungay, C., Jellinek, D., Hall, D. M., Needs of disabled children and their families, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 75, 399-404, 1996Semi-structured interviews with quantitative data
Msall, M. E., Family needs and profiles for children with cerebral palsy: understanding supports in times of scarcity, Child: Care, Health & Development, 38, 807-8, 2012Not a qualitative study
Neely-Barnes, S. L., Graff, J. C., Roberts, R. J., Hall, H. R., Hankins, J. S., “It’s our job”: qualitative study of family responses to ableism, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 48, 245-58, 2010Qualitative evidence relating to the child’s disability and the different experiences that parents have had (not specific to information and support)
Piggot, J., Hocking, C., Paterson, J., Parental adjustment to having a child with cerebral palsy and participation in home therapy programs, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 23, 5-29, 2003Does not include any theme related with information and support

K.9. Assessment of eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties

Excluded studies- In infants, children and young people with cerebral palsy, what is the value of videofluoroscopy or fibroscopic endoscopy in addition to clinical assessment in assessing difficulties with eating, drinking and swallowing?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Anonymous, Identification and management of dysphagia in children with neurological impairments, Australian Nursing Journal, 18, 31-4, 2011Narrative guideline for identification and management of dysphagia.
Araujo, B. C., Motta, M. E., de Castro, A. G., de Araujo, C. M., Clinical and videofluoroscopic diagnosis of dysphagia in chronic encephalopathy of childhood, Radiologia Brasileira, 47, 84-8, 2014Videofluoroscopy carried out on the bases of encephalopathy and does not state if the children were referred for or had eating, drinking or swallowing (EDS) difficulties (such as dysphagia). Therefore, the study does not fit the outcome of the review: identifying the mechanisms underlying EDS difficulties.
Ashwal, S., Russman, B. S., Blasco, P. A., Miller, G., Sandler, A., Shevell, M., Stevenson, R., Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of, Neurology, Practice Committee of the Child Neurology, Society, Practice parameter: diagnostic assessment of the child with cerebral palsy: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society, Neurology, 62, 851-63, 2004Quality standard, assessment of eating, drinking and swallowing not included.
Baikie,G., South,M.J., Reddihough,D.S., Cook,D.J., Cameron,D.J., Olinsky,A., Ferguson,E., Agreement of aspiration tests using barium videofluoroscopy, salivagram, and milk scan in children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 47, 86-93, 2005Reference tests (salivagram and milk scan) not included in the protocol.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Identification and nursing management of dysphagia in individuals with neurological impairment (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Results not reported.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, The pros and cons of videofluoroscopic assessment of swallowing in children (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Abstract, no evidence reported.
Dos Santos, R. R., Sales, A. V., Cola, P. C., Jorge, A., Peres, F., Carvalho, S. M., Furkim, A. M., Berti, L., Da Silva, R., Accuracy of the clinical severity scale in the oropharyngeal dysphagia in cerebral palsy, Dysphagia, 27 (4), 594, 2012Abstract (originally in Portuguese), full paper and clinical trial record not found.
Mezoff,E.A., Focus on diagnosis: Dysphagia, Pediatrics in Review, 33, 518-520, 2012Narrative review.
Mirrett,P.L., Riski,J.E., Glascott,J., Johnson,V., Videofluoroscopic assessment of dysphagia in children with severe spastic cerebral palsy, Dysphagia, 9, 174-179, 1994No comparison/reference test outcome.
Ortega Ade, O., Ciamponi, A. L., Mendes, F. M., Santos, M. T., Assessment scale of the oral motor performance of children and adolescents with neurological damages, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 36, 653-9, 2009Does not include videofluoroscopy or FEES.
Pinillos, S., Garcia, R., Meavilla, S., Gutierrez, A., Mila, A., Marquez, A., Trias, M., Alcaraz, R., Ortiz, C., Varea, V., Oropharyngeal dyspgahia in children. Evaluation and treatment in a specific unit of a department of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, Dysphagia, 28 (2), 328, 2013Abstract only, no reference test conducted.
Schweikert, K., Wilmes, S., Dunkel, N., Weber, M., Schlaegel, W., Videoendoscopic evaluation of swallowing (VEES) in patients with motor neuron disease/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 14, 82, 2013Abstract only, includes motor neurone disease, above 25 years.
Suiter,D.M., Leder,S.B., Karas,D.E., The 3-ounce (90-cc) water swallow challenge: a screening test for children with suspected oropharyngeal dysphagia, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 140, 187-190, 2009Cerebral palsy not reported.
Van Den Engel-Hoek, L., Erasmus, C., Van Hulst, K., Arvedson, J., De Groot, I., De Swart, B., Patterns of dysphagia on videofluoroscopic swallow study in children with different neurologic etiologies, Dysphagia, 26 (4), 468, 2011Abstract only, results not reported.
Weir,K., McMahon,S., Barry,L., Masters,I.B., Chang,A.B., Clinical signs and symptoms of oropharyngeal aspiration and dysphagia in children, European Respiratory Journal, 33, 604-611, 2009Cerebral palsy not reported.
Wright,R.E., Wright,F.R., Carson,C.A., Videofluoroscopic assessment in children with severe cerebral palsy presenting with dysphagia, Pediatric Radiology, 26, 720-722, 1996No comparison/reference test outcome.

K.10. Management of eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, what interventions are effective in managing difficulties with eating, drinking and swallowing?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Andrew, M. J., Parr, J. R., Montague-Johnson, C., Braddick, O., Laler, K., Williams, N., Baker, B., Sullivan, P. B., Optimising nutrition to improve growth and reduce neurodisabilities in neonates at risk of neurological impairment, and children with suspected or confirmed cerebral palsy, BMC Pediatrics, 15, 2015This is a protocol (2015)
Arvedson, J., Clark, H., Lazarus, C., Schooling, T., Frymark, T., The Effects of Oral-Motor Exercises on Swallowing in Children: An Evidence-Based Systematic Review, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52(11): 1000-1013, 2010The individual studies in this systematic review were checked against our review protocol, which have already been included or excluded in our review
Arvedson,J.C., Feeding children with cerebral palsy and swallowing difficulties, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67, S9-S12, 2013Individual studies in the systematic review were checked for inclusion of our review
Bailey, R. L., Angell, M. E., Improving Feeding Skills and Mealtime Behaviors in Children and Youth with Disabilities, Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 40(1): 80-96, 2005This was a within-subject study, only two of the 9 patients had CP
Baker, Tricia, Haines, Sara, Yost, Jennifer, DiClaudio, Stacy, Braun, Carli, Holt, Sheryl, The role of family-centered therapy when used with physical or occupational therapy in children with congenital or acquired disorders, Physical Therapy Reviews, 17, 29-37, 2012The interventions and outcomes did not match the criteria of our review protocol
Bell,K.L., Boyd,R.N., Tweedy,S.M., Weir,K.A., Stevenson,R.D., Davies,P.S., A prospective, longitudinal study of growth, nutrition and sedentary behaviour in young children with cerebral palsy, BMC Public Health, 10, 179-, 2010This was a review protocol
Blockley, J., Miller, G., Feeding techniques with cerebral-palsied children, Physiotherapy, 57, 300-8, 1971Narrative review
Brown, L., Burns, Y., Watter, P., Gray, P., Physiotherapy intervention to improve motor co-ordination in ELBW preschool children: A randomised controlled trial, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, 67, 2012Study did not meet PICO of review protocol
Brun,A.C., Stordal,K., Johannesdottir,G.B., Bentsen,B.S., Medhus,A.W., The effect of protein composition in liquid meals on gastric emptying rate in children with cerebral palsy, Clinical Nutrition, 31, 108-112, 2012Outcomes of this study did not match inclusion criteria of our review protocol
Chu, M. L., Sala, D. A., The use of tiagabine in pediatric spasticity management, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 48, 456-459, 2006Before and after study investigated the use of tiagabine to reduce spasticity and changes in feeding
Gangil,A., Patwari,A.K., Aneja,S., Ahuja,B., Anand,V.K., Feeding problems in children with cerebral palsy, Indian Pediatrics, 38, 839-846, 2001Reporting of the time point of outcomes was not clear
Garcia-Contreras,A.A., Vasquez-Garibay,E.M., Romero-Velarde,E., Ibarra-Gutierrez,A.I., Troyo-Sanroman,R., Sandoval-Montes,I.E., Intensive nutritional support improves the nutritional status and body composition in severely malnourished children with cerebral palsy, Nutricion Hospitalaria, 29, 838-843, 2014The intervention was formula plus corn syrup, which was not part of the inclusion criteria in the protocol
Gerek,M., Ciyiltepe,M., Dysphagia management of pediatric patients with cerebral palsy, British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 51, 57-72, 2005Wrong study design, no data on outcomes reported
Gisel, E. G., Applegate-Ferrante, T., Benson, J., Bosma, J. F., Oral-motor skills following sensorimotor therapy in two groups of moderately dysphagic children with cerebral palsy: aspiration vs nonaspiration, Dysphagia, 11, 59-71, 1996Did not meet PICO for review protocol
Gisel, E. G., Tessier, M., Lapierre, G., Seidman, E., Drouin, E., Filion, G., Feeding management of children with severe cerebral palsy and eating impairment: an exploratory study, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 23, 19-45, 2003Study only consisted of 3 patients, individual cases
Gisel,E.G., Oral-motor skills following sensorimotor intervention in the moderately eating-impaired child with cerebral palsy, Dysphagia, 9, 180-192, 1994Did not meet PICO for review
Gisel,E.G., Alphonce,E., Ramsay,M., Assessment of ingestive and oral praxis skills: children with cerebral palsy vs. controls, Dysphagia, 15, 236-244, 2000Case control study
Gisel,E.G., Schwartz,S., Petryk,A., Clarke,D., Haberfellner,H., “Whole body” mobility after one year of intraoral appliance therapy in children with cerebral palsy and moderate eating impairment, Dysphagia, 15, 226-235, 2000Did not meet PICO for review
Haberfellner,H., Schwartz,S., Gisel,E.G., Feeding skills and growth after one year of intraoral appliance therapy in moderately dysphagic children with cerebral palsy, Dysphagia, 16, 83-96, 2001Did not meet PICO for review
Helfrich-Miller,K.R., Rector,K.L., Straka,J.A., Dysphagia: its treatment in the profoundly retarded patient with cerebral palsy, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 67, 520-525, 1986Unclear reporting of outcomes, wrong study design
Hirata, G. C., Santos, R. S., Rehabilitation of oropharyngeal dysphagia in children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review of the speech therapy approach, International @rchives of Otorhinolaryngology, 16, 396-9, 2012This systematic review reported incidence of various rehabilitation techniques, not effectiveness of various techniques
Kong, C., Wong, H. S., Weight-for-height values and limb anthropometric composition of tube-fed children with quadriplegic cerebral palsy, Pediatrics, 116, e839-NaN, 2005Individual studies in the systematic review were checked for inclusion in our review and did not fit our protocol criteria
Limbrock,G.J., Hoyer,H., Scheying,H., Drooling, chewing and swallowing dysfunctions in children with cerebral palsy: treatment according to Castillo-Morales, Journal of Dentistry for Children, 57, 445-451, 1990Narrative review
McCarey,D.W., Buchanan,E., Gregory,M., Clark,B.J., Weaver,L.T., Home enteral feeding of children in the west of Scotland, Scottish Medical Journal, 41, 147-149, 1996The intervention did not match the criteria of our review protocol
Miyazawa,R., Tomomasa,T., Kaneko,H., Arakawa,H., Shimizu,N., Morikawa,A., Effects of pectin liquid on gastroesophageal reflux disease in children with cerebral palsy, BMC Gastroenterology, 8, 11-, 2008Study looked at viscosity of enteral formula and oesophageal pH
Pinnington,L., Hegarty,J., Effects of consistent food presentation on efficiency of eating and nutritive value of food consumed by children with severe neurological impairment, Dysphagia, 14, 17-26, 1999Within study design, patients were their own control
Redstone, F., West, J. F., The importance of postural control for feeding, Pediatric Nursing, 30, 97-100, 2004Narrative review
Reilly, S., Skuse, D., Mathisen, B., Wolke, D., The objective rating of oral-motor functions during feeding, Dysphagia, 10, 177-91, 1995The study did not report separate subgroups
Rempel,G., Moussavi,Z., The effect of viscosity on the breath-swallow pattern of young people with cerebral palsy, Dysphagia, 20, 108-112, 2005Wrong study design
Samson-Fang, L., Butler, C., O’Donnell, M., Effects of gastrostomy feeding in children with cerebral palsy: an AACPDM evidence report, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 45(6): 415-426, 2003This was a report of effects of gastrostomy feeding in children with CP, which was not an intervention for our review
Sanders,K.D., Cox,K., Cannon,R., Blanchard,D., Pitcher,J., Papathakis,P., Varella,L., Maughan,R., Growth response to enteral feeding by children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 14, 23-26, 1990This study looked at growth of children after enteral feeding
Serel, S., Demir, N., Karaduman, A., Olmez, S., Management of drooling in children with cerebral Palsy, Dysphagia, 26 (4), 433-434, 2011Drooling, not part of review protocol
Sleigh, G., Sullivan, P. B., Thomas, A. G., Gastrostomy feeding versus oral feeding alone for children with cerebral palsy, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, CD003943, 2004This Cochrane review investigated the effectiveness of nutritional supplementation given via gastrostomy or jejunostomy, no studies were identified
Sleigh,G., Brocklehurst,P., Gastrostomy feeding in cerebral palsy: A systematic review, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 89, 534-539, 2004Study did not meet PICO of review protocol
Snider,L., Majnemer,A., Darsaklis,V., Feeding interventions for children with cerebral palsy: A review of the evidence, Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 31, 58-77, 2011The individual studies in the systematic review were checked for inclusion of our review
Song, W. J., Park, J. H., Lee, J. H., Kim, M. Y., Effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on swallowing functions in children with cerebral palsy: A pilot randomised controlled trial, Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 25, 1-6, 2015Intervention not relevant or specified by the review protocol.
Sullivan,P.B., Morrice,J.S., Vernon-Roberts,A., Grant,H., Eltumi,M., Thomas,A.G., Does gastrostomy tube feeding in children with cerebral palsy increase the risk of respiratory morbidity?, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 91, 478-482, 2006Study did not meet PICO of review protocol
Vekerdy,Z., Management of seating posture of children with cerebral palsy by using thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis with non-rigid SIDO frame, Disability and Rehabilitation, 29, 1434-1441, 2007This was a before and after intervention study, which did not meet the protocol criteria for our review
Vernon-Roberts, A., Wells, J., Grant, H., Alder, N., Vadamalayan, B., Eltumi, M., Sullivan, P. B., Trial of a micronutrient rich, high fibre, low energy density enteral feeding formula for gastrostomy feeding disabled children, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 50, E41-E42, 2010The intervention did not match the criteria of our review protocol
Vernon-Roberts,A., Wells,J., Grant,H., Alder,N., Vadamalayan,B., Eltumi,M., Sullivan,P.B., Gastrostomy feeding in cerebral palsy: enough and no more, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, 1099-1105, 2010The intervention was low energy feed, which was not in the inclusion criteria of the protocol
Weir, A., Bell, L., Caristo, Fiona, Ware, S., Davies, S., Fahey, Michael, Rawicki, Barry, Boyd, N., Reported Eating Ability of Young Children With Cerebral Palsy: Is There an Association With Gross Motor Function?, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 94, 495-503, 2013Outcomes reported did not match PICO of our review protocol

K.11. Optimising nutritional status

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, what interventions are effetive in optimising nutritional status? - RCTS
ReferenceReason for Exclusion
Backman, T., Sjovie, H., Mellberg, M., Borjesson, A., Anderberg, M., Kullendorff, C.M., Arnbjornsson, E., Pre- and postoperative vomiting in children undergoing video-assisted gastrostomy tube placement, Surgery Research and Practice Print, 2014, 871325-, 2014Nutritional status not examined.
Brun, A.C., Stordal, K., Johannesdottir, G.B., Bentsen, B.S., Medhus, A.W., The effect of protein composition in liquid meals on gastric emptying rate in children with cerebral palsy, Clinical Nutrition, 31, 108–112, 2012Nutritional status not examined.
Ferluga, E.D., Sathe, N.A., Krishnaswami, S., Mcpheeters, M.L., Surgical intervention for feeding and nutrition difficulties in cerebral palsy: a systematic review, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 31–43, 2014Did not undertake evidence synthesis. Used for references only.
Forsberg, K.A., Bjorkman, T., Sandman, P.O., Sandlund, M., Influence of a lifestyle intervention among persons with a psychiatric disability: a cluster randomised controlled trail on symptoms, quality of life and sense of coherence, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 1519–1528, 2010Population not of interest (psychiatric disabilities)
Gangil, A., Patwari, A.K., Aneja, S., Ahuja, B., Anand, V.K., Feeding problems in children with cerebral palsy, Indian Pediatrics, 38, 839–846, 2001Comparison not population of interest (children without CP).
Garcia-Contreras, A.A., Vasquez-Garibay, E.M., Romero-Velarde, E., Ibarra-Gutierrez, A.I., Troyo-Sanroman, R., Sandoval-Montes, I.E., Intensive nutritional support improves the nutritional status and body composition in severely malnourished children with cerebral palsy, Nutricion Hospitalaria, 29, 838–843, 2014Sample size below requirement and no comparison.
Gatti, C., di Abriola, G.F., Villa, M., De, Angelis P., Laviani, R., La, Sala E., Dall’Oglio, L., Esophagogastric dissociation versus fundoplication: Which is best for severely neurologically impaired children?, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 36, 677–680, 2001Not population of interest (children without CP).
Gillette, M.L., Stough, C.O., Beck, A.R., Maliszewski, G., Best, C.M., Gerling, J.K., Summar, S., Outcomes of a weight management clinic for children with special needs, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 35, 266–273, 2014Very small CP sample size (n = 2)
Gisel, E.G., Oral-motor skills following sensorimotor intervention in the moderately eating-impaired child with cerebral palsy, Dysphagia, 9, 180–192, 1994Applicable for eating and swallowing review question.
Gisel, E.G., pplegate-Ferrante, T., Benson, J.E., Bosma, J.F., Effect of oral sensorimotor treatment on measures of growth, eating efficiency and aspiration in the dysphagic child with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 37, 528–543, 1995Not relevant and low sample (n = 27). Reserved for eating, drinking and swallowing question.
Hoffer, E.K., Cosgrove, J.M., Levin, D.Q., Herskowitz, M.M., Sclafani, S.J., Radiologic gastrojejunostomy and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: a prospective, randomized comparison, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 10, 413–420, 1999Not population interest (children without CP).
Holenweg-Gross, C., Newman, C.J., Faouzi, M., Poirot-Hodgkinson, I., Berard, C., Roulet-Perez, E., Undernutrition in children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD): its prevalence and influence on quality of life, Child: Care, Health and Development, 40, 525–532, 2014Cross-sectional design with no comparison.
Horner-Johnson, W., Drum, C.E., Abdullah, N., A randomised trial of a health promotion intervention for adults with disabilities, Disability and Health Journal, 4, 254–261, 2011Population and outcome do not match protocol.
Huerta, G., Puri, V.K., Nasoenteric feeding tubes in critically ill patients (fluoroscopy versus blind), Nutrition, 16, 264–267, 2000Not population of interest (terminally ill).
Idzinga, J.C., de Jong, A.L., van den Bemt, P.M.L., The effect of an intervention aimed at reducing errors when administering medication through enteral feeding tubes in an institution for individuals with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 53, 932–938, 2009Intervention does not match protocol.
Kurtze, N., Gundersen, K.T., Svebak, S., Quality of life, functional disability and lifestyle among subgroups of fibromyalgia patients: The significance of anxiety and depression, Br J Med Psychol, 72, 471–484, 1999Not population of interest (children without CP).
Lai, M., Inglis, G.D.T., Hose, K., Jardine, L.A., Davies, M.W., Methods for securing endotracheal tubes in newborn infants, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2009. Article Number, -, 2009Not population of interest (children without CP).
Ljungdahl, M., Sundbom, M., Complication rate lower after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy than after surgical gastrostomy: a prospective, randomised trial, Surgical Endoscopy, 20, 1248–1251, 2006Not population of interest (children without CP).
Lucas, A., Morley, R., Cole, T.J., Randomised trial of early diet in preterm babies and later intelligence quotient, BMJ, 317, 1481–1487, 1998RCT of neurologically impaired children. Nutritional status not examined for CP subgroup.
Maiano, C., Normand, C.L., Aime, A., Begarie, J., Lifestyle interventions targeting changes in body weight and composition among youth with an intellectual disability: A systematic review, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 1914–1926, 2014Not population of interest (children without CP).
McGrath, S.J., Splaingard, M.L., Alba, H.M., Kaufman, B.H., Glicklick, M., Survival and functional outcome of children with severe cerebral palsy following gastrostomy, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 73, 133–137, 1992No comparison group.
Messent, P.R., Cooke, C.B., Long, J., Physical activity, exercise and health of adults with mild and moderate learning disabilities, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 26, 17–22, 1998Low sample size (n = 27) and number of CP patients not reported.
Miyazawa, R., Tomomasa, T., Kaneko, H., Arakawa, H., Shimizu, N., Morikawa, A., Effects of pectin liquid on gastroesophageal reflux disease in children with cerebral palsy, BMC Gastroenterology, 8, 11-, 2008RCT - Nutrition not examined.
Morgan, Jessie, Young, Lauren, McGuire, William, Slow advancement of enteral feed volumes to prevent necrotising enterocolitis in very low birth weight infants, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, -, 2013Not population of interest (children without CP).
Motion, S., Northstone, K., Emond, A., Persistent early feeding difficulties and subsequent growth and developmental outcomes, Ambulatory Child Health, 7, 231–237, 2001No comparison group.
Pacilli, M., Eaton, S., McHoney, M., Kiely, E.M., Drake, D.P., Curry, J.I., Lindley, K.J., Pierro, A., Four year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial comparing open and laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in children, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 99, 516–521, 2014Does not include Cerebral Palsy patients with gastrostomy as subgroup, only provides nutrition evidence for all all children in study.
Pattamanuch, N., Novak, I., Loizides, A., Montalvo, A., Thompson, J., Rivas, Y., Pan, D., Single-center experience with 1-step low-profile percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in children, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 58, 616–620, 2014Does not include CP as subgroup, only states ‘neurological impairment’.
Plasschaert, F., Jones, K., Forward, M., The effect of simulating weight gain on the energy cost of walking in unimpaired children and children with cerebral palsy, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 2302–2308, 2008Comparison does not match protocol.
Reading, R., Gastrostomy tube feeding in children with cerebral palsy: a prospective, longitudinal study, Child: Care, Health and Development, 31, 491–492, 2005No comparison group.
Rimmer, J.H., Wang, E., Pellegrini, C.A., Lullo, C., Gerber, B.S., Telehealth weight management intervention for adults with physical disabilities: a randomised controlled trial, American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92, 1084–1094, 2013Very small CP sample size (n = 7)
Roebroeck, M.E., Van, DenBergemonsH, Nieuwenhuijsen, C., Hilberink, S.R., Van, DerSlotW, Van, MeeterenJ, Stam, H.J., Innovating transition and lifespan care for people with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, 74-, 2010Cross-sectional design, no intervention.
Savage, K., Kritas, S., Schwarzer, A., Davidson, G., Omari, T., Whey-based enteral formula and gastrointestinal function in children with cerebral palsy: A randomised double-blind controlled trial, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 52, E219-, 2011No outcomes of interest resported (anthropometric measures).
Skrinar, G.S., Huxley, N.A., Hutchinson, D.S., Menninger, E., Glew, P., The role of a fitness intervention on people with serious psychiatric disabilities, Psychiatric rehabilitation journal, 29, 122–127, 2005Not population of interest (children without CP).
Sobus, K.M.L., Karkos, J.B., Rehabilitation care and management for the individual with cerebral palsy, ages 13 through early adulthood, Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 21, 117–165, 2009Review.
Srivastava, R., Downey, J., Feola, P., O’Gorman, M., Samore, M., Coburn, L., Holubkov, R., Mundorff, M., James, B.C., Rosenbaum, P., Young, P.C., Dean, J.M., Fundoplication versus gastrojejunal feeding tubes to prevent aspiration pneumonia in children with neurological impairment, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 48, 10–10, 2006Nutritional status not examined.
Strine, T.W., Hootman, J.M., Chapman, D.P., Okoro, C.A., Balluz, L., Health-related quality of life, health risk behaviors, and disability among adults with pain-related activity difficulty, American Journal of Public Health, 95, 2042–2048, 2005Study design and population do not match protocol.
Sullivan, P.B., Morrice, J.S., Vernon-Roberts, A., Grant, H., Eltumi, M., Thomas, A.G., Does gastrostomy tube feeding in children with cerebral palsy increase the risk of respiratory morbidity?, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 91, 478–482, 2006Nutritional status not examined.
swarte-Wallace, J., Firouzbakhsh, S., Finklestein, J.Z., Using research to change practice: enteral feedings for pediatric oncology patients, Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 18, 217–223, 2001Population not of interest (cancer patients).
Tofail, F., Hamadani, J.D., Ahmed, A.Z., Mehrin, F., Hakim, M., Huda, S.N., The mental development and behavior of low-birth-weight Bangladeshi infants from an urban low-income community, European journal of clinical nutrition, 66, 237–243, 2012Cerebral palsy patients not included as a subgroup.
Torsvik, I., Ueland, P.M., Markestad, T., Bjorke-Monsen, A.L., Cobalamin supplementation improves motor development and regurgitations in infants: Results from a randomised intervention study, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 98, 1233–1240, 2013Intervention does not match protocol.
Valentin-Gudiol, M., Bagur-Calafat, C., Girabent-Farres, M., Hadders-Algra, M., Mattern-Baxter, K., ngulo-Barroso, R., Treadmill interventions with partial body weight support in children under six years of age at risk of neuromotor delay: a report of a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis, European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine., 49, 67–91, 2013Outcomes not of interest.
van den Bemt, P.M., Robertz, R., de Jong, A.L., van Roon, E.N., Leufkens, H.G., Drug administration errors in an institution for individuals with intellectual disability: an observational study, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51, 528–536, 2007Not population of interest (children without CP).
van der Slot, W.M., Roebroeck, M.E., Nieuwenhuijsen, C., Bergen, M.P., Stam, H.J., Burdorf, A., van den Berg-Emons RJ, Cardiovascular disease risk in adults with spastic bilateral cerebral palsy, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2013 Oct;45(9):866–72., 45, 866–872Population above 25 years of age.
Vohr, B.R., Stephens, B.E., McDonald, S.A., Ehrenkranz, R.A., Laptook, A.R., Pappas, A., Hintz, S.R., Shankaran, S., Higgins, R.D., Das, A., Extended Hypothermia Follow-up Subcommittee of the NICHD Neonatal Research Network., Cerebral palsy and growth failure at 6 to 7 years, Pediatrics, 132, e905-e914, 2013Comparison are non-CP patients.
Wales, P.W., Diamond, I.R., Dutta, S., Muraca, S., Chait, P., Connolly, B., Langer, J.C., Fundoplication and gastrostomy versus image-guided gastrojejunal tube for enteral feeding in neurologically impaired children with gastroesophageal reflux, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 37, 407–412, 2002Cohort - does not assess nutrition in Cerebral Palsy patients.
Wolf, A.M., Siadaty, M.S., Crowther, J.Q., Nadler, J.L., Wagner, D.L., Cavalieri, S.L., Elward, K.S., Bovbjerg, V.E., Impact of lifestyle intervention on lost productivity and disability: improving control with activity and nutrition, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 51, 139–145, 2009Not population of interest (children without CP).
Young, Lauren, Morgan, Jessie, McCormick, Felicia M., McGuire, William, Nutrient-enriched formula versus standard term formula for preterm infants following hospital discharge, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, -, 2012Not population of interest (children without CP).
Yuen, H.K., Hanson, C., Body image and exercise in people with and without acquired mobility disability, Disability and Rehabilitation, 24, 289–296, 2002Comparison and outcome does not match protocol.
Arrowsmith, F.E., Allen, J.R., Gaskin, K.J., Somerville, H., Birdsall, J., Barzi, F., O’Loughlin, E.V., Nutritional rehabilitation increases the resting energy expenditure of malnourished children with severe cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, 170–175, 2012Low sample size of CP patients with anthropometric measures (n = 14).
Elmahgoub, S.S., Calders, P., Lambers, S., Stegen, S.M., Van, Laethem C., Cambier, D.C., The effect of combined exercise training in adolescents who are overweight or obese with intellectual disability: the role of training frequency, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25, 2274–2282, 2011No cerebral palsy included.
Peters, R.T., Balduyck, B., Nour, S., Gastrostomy complications in infants and children: a comparative study, Pediatric Surgery International, 26, 707–709, 2010Nutritional status not examined.
Rempel, G.R., Colwell, S.O., Nelson, R.P., Growth in children with cerebral palsy fed via gastrostomy, Pediatrics, 82, 857–862, 1988No comparison group.
Sharma, R., Williams, A.N., Zaw, W., Timing of gastrostomy insertion in children with a neurodisability: a cross-sectional study of early versus late intervention, BMJ Open, 2, -, 2012Low sample of CP patients (n=8)
Soylu, O.B., Unalp, A., Uran, N., Dizdarer, G., Ozgonul, F.O., Conku, A., Ataman, H., Ozturk, A.A., Effect of nutritional support in children with spastic quadriplegia, Pediatric Neurology, 39, 330–334, 2008No comparison group.
Strauss, D.J., Shavelle, R.M., Anderson, T.W., Life expectancy of children with cerebral palsy, Pediatric Neurology, 18, 143–149, 1998No outcomes of interest. Reserved for prognostic indicators question.
Sullivan, P.B., Juszczak, E., Bachlet, A.M., Lambert, B., Vernon-Roberts, A., Grant, H.W., Eltumi, M., McLean, L., Alder, N., Thomas, A.G., Gastrostomy tube feeding in children with cerebral palsy: a prospective, longitudinal study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 47, 77–85, 2005No control group.
Viswanath, N., Wong, D., Channappa, D., Kukkady, A., Brown, S., Samarakkody, U., Is prophylactic fundoplication necessary in neurologically impaired children?, European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 20, 226–229, 2010Intervention and outcomes not in protocol.

K.12. Improving speech and communication: Speech intelligibility

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, what interventions are effective in improving speech intelligibility?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Relationship of sialorrhea and motor speech function in children with cerebral palsy of different motor severities, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (Stiftelsen Rehabiliteringsinformation), 22–23, 2012Full text unavailable.
Alacam, A., Kolcuoglu, N., Effects of two types of appliances on orofacial dysfunctions of disabled children, British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 53 part 2, 111–123, 2007No relevant outcomes studied; mixed population.
Allison, K. M., Hustad, K. C., Impact of sentence length and phonetic complexity on intelligibility of 5-year-old children with cerebral palsy, International Journal of Speechlanguage Pathology, 16, 396–407, 2014No intervention, but rather assessment of speech.
Boliek, C. A., Fox, C. M., Individual and environmental contributions to treatment outcomes following a neuroplasticity-principled speech treatment (LSVT LOUD) in children with dysarthria secondary to cerebral palsy: a case study review, International Journal of Speechlanguage Pathology, 16, 372–85, 2014From a dataset of 25 children with CP the authors only reported conclusions from 2 cases (examples of weak and strong responder).
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Interaction training for conversational partners of children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Not relevant intervention used.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Evidence for effectiveness of treatment of loudness, rate, or prosody in dysarthria: a systematic review (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Mixed population studied.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, The feasibility of universal screening for primary speech and language delay: findings from a systematic review of the literature (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Screening studies considered mixed population studied.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Direct speech and language therapy for children with cerebral palsy: findings from a systematic review (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Single case studies only considered.
Christie, B., A clinical evaluation of an approach to language assessment and remediation with six language-impaired children, South African Journal of Communication Disorders - die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kommunikasieafwykings, 26, 46–61, 1979Small sample size of 6 patients, of whom 4 only with CP.
Cockerill, H., Elbourne, D., Allen, E., Scrutton, D., Will, E., McNee, A., Fairhurst, C., Baird, G., Speech, communication and use of augmentative communication in young people with cerebral palsy: the SH&PE population study, Child: Care, Health & Development, 40, 149–57, 2014Speech evaluation (not an intervention study) data on AAC use.
Fox, Cm, Ramig, Lo, Ciucci, Mr, Sapir, S, McFarland, Dh, Farley, Bg, The Science and Practice of LSVT/LOUD: Neural Plasticity - Principled Approach to Treating Individuals with Parkinson Disease and Other Neurological Disorders, Seminars in Speech and Language, 27, 283–99., 2006Descriptive paper.
Hanson, E. K., Yorkston, K. M., Beukelman, D. R., Speech supplementation techniques for dysarthria: a systematic review, Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology, 12(2): 9–24, 2004Review paper on supplementation techniques for dysarthria - no restriction on population considered included studies that ‘reported data on at least one person with dysarthria’.
Hunter, L, Pring, T, Martin, S, The use of strategies to increase speech intelligibility in cerebral palsy: an experimental evaluation, Br J Disord Commun, 26, 163–74., 1991Small sample seize (8 patients) no intervention used.
Hurkmans, J., de Bruijn, M., Boonstra, A. M., Jonkers, R., Bastiaanse, R., Arendzen, H., Reinders-Messelink, H. A., Music in the treatment of neurological language and speech disorders: A systematic review, Aphasiology, 26, 1–19, 2012Only 1 patient with CP in population considered intervention not relevant to review protocol.
Hustad, K. C., Effects of speech supplementation strategies on intelligibility and listener attitudes for a speaker with mild dysarthria, AAC: Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 21, 256–263, 2005Case study.
Hustad, K. C., Auker, J., Natale, N., Carlson, R., Improving intelligibility of speakers with profound dysarthria and cerebral palsy, AAC: Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 19, 187–198, 2003Small sample size (3 patients).
Hustad, K. C., Sassano, K., Effects of rate reduction on severe spastic dysarthria in cerebral palsy, Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 10, 287–292, 2002Study on 2 individuals with dysarthria.
Hustad, Kc, Effects of speech supplementation strategies on intelligibility and listener attitudes for a speaker with mild dysarthria, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 21, 256–63., 2005Case study.
Hustad, Kc, Mertz, Garcia J, Aided and Unaided Speech Supplementation Strategies: Effect of Alphabet Cues and Iconic Hand Gestures on Dysarthric Speech, J Speech Lang Hearing Res, 48, 996–1012., 2005Small sample size = 3 patients.
Lass, N. J., Pannbacker, M., The application of evidence-based practice to nonspeech oral motor treatments, Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 39(3): 408–421, 2008Descriptive paper review of studies on nonspeech oral motor treatments with no restriction on population of interest.
Lee, J., Hustad, K. C., Weismer, G., Predicting speech intelligibility with a multiple speech subsystems approach in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Speech Language & Hearing Research, 57, 1666–78, 2014Full text unavailable.
Levy, E. S., Implementing two treatment approaches to childhood dysarthria, International Journal of Speechlanguage Pathology, 16, 344–54, 2014Descriptive paper.
Levy, Erika S., Ramig, Lorraine O., Camarata, Stephen M., The Effects of Two Speech Interventions on Speech Function in Pediatric Dysarthria, Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 20, 82–87, 2012Population n=3 children with CP
McCauley, R. J., Strand, E., Lof, G. L., Schooling, T., Frymark, T., Evidence-based systematic review: Effects of nonspeech oral motor exercises on speech, American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 18(4): 343–360, 2009Wide variation in population studied.
Pachalska, M., Franczuk, B., Macqueen, B. D., Jastrzebowska, G., Perzanowski, Z., Neldon, K., The impact of art therapy on the intelligibility of speech in children with cerebral palsy, Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja, 3, 508–18, 2001Full text unavailable.
Pennington, L., Goldbart, J., Marshall, J., Direct speech and language therapy for children with cerebral palsy: Findings from a systematic review, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 47, 57–63, 2005Single case studies considered.
Pennington, L., Goldbart, J., Marshall, J., Interaction training for conversational partners of children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review, International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 39, 151–70, 2004Intervention not relevant to review protocol.
Pennington, Lindsay, Miller, Nick, Robson, Sheila, Speech therapy for children with dysarthria acquired before three years of age, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, -, 2009No controlled studies were found in this review. Alos, not specific to cerebral palsy patients only.
Sigan, S., Uzunhan, T., Aydinli, N., Eraslan, E., Ekici, B., Caliskan, M., Effects of oral motor therapy in children with cerebral palsy, Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 16, 342–346, 2013Outcomes not relevant to review protocol.
Speech and language therapy with cerebral palsied children, Journal of Rehabilitation in Asia, 17, 24–26, 1976No comparison; no details provided on intervention used; sample size = 24 patients.
Ukhanova, T. A., Gorbunov, F. E., Ivanova, V. V., [Reflexotherapy combined with cortexin in the complex treatment of speech disorders in patients with cerebral palsy], Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S, Korsakova / Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia i meditsinskoi promyshlennosti Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Vserossiiskoe obshchestvo nevrologov [i] Vserossiiskoe obshchestvo psikhiatrov. 111, 19–22, 2011Not relevant intervention; Russian only.
Yorkston, K. M., Hakel, M., Beukelman, D. R., Fager, S., Evidence for effectiveness of treatment of loudness, rate, or prosody in dysarthria: a systematic review, Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology, 15(2): 11–36, 2007Review paper on supplementation techniques for dysarthria - no restriction on population considered included studies that ‘reported data on at least one person with dysarthria’.
Zou, X. Y., Yu, Z. H., He, Y. M., Yang, H., Dong, X. L., [Effect of acupuncture combined language training on cerebral palsy children with language retardation], Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi Zhongguo Zhongxiyi Jiehe Zazhi/Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional & Western Medicine/Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Hui, Zhongguo Zhong Yi Yan Jiu Yuan Zhu Ban, 33, 924–6, 2013This paper is in Chinese.

K.13. Improving speech, language and communication: Communication systems

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, which communication systems (alternative or augmentative) are effective in improving communication?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Anttila, H., Samuelsson, K., Salminen, A. L., Brandt, S., Quality of evidence of assistive technology interventions for people with disability: An overview of systematic reviews, Technology and Disability, 24, 9–48, 2012Narrative review.
Barker, M. R., Saunders, K. J., Brady, N. C., Reading Instruction for Children who use AAC: Considerations in the Pursuit of Generalizable Results, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 28(3): 160–170, 2012Narrative review.
Blain, S., Huggins, J., Toward a practical brain-computer interface for individuals with severe motor disabilities, Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 92 (10), 1690, 2011Intervention and outcome not in protocol.
Branson, D., Demchak, M., The use of augmentative and alternative communication methods with infants and toddlers with disabilities: a research review, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 25(4): 274–286, 2009Narrative review.
Carter, M., Maxwell, K., Promoting Interaction with Children Using Augmentative Communication through a Peer-Directed Intervention, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 45(1): 75–96, 1998Below sample size requirement.
Conklin, C. G., Mayer, G. R., Effects of Implementing the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) with Adults with Developmental Disabilities and Severe Communication Deficits, Remedial and Special Education, 32(2): 155–166, 2011Adult participants (above 25 years old).
Davies, T. C., Mudge, S., Ameratunga, S., Stott, N. S., Enabling self-directed computer use for individuals with cerebral palsy: a systematic review of assistive devices and technologies, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52, 510–6, 2010Narrative review, not AAC.
Drager, K.D., Anderson, J.L., Debarros, J., Hayes, E., Liebman, J., Panek, E., Speech synthesis in background noise: effects of message formulation and visual information on the intelligibility of American English DECTalk, Aac: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 23, 177–186, 2007Study includes 1 CP speaker who is above age limit (35 yrs old) and non-CP participants.
Eisenwort, B., Willinger, U., Schattauer, A., Willnauer, R., [Language development disorders in childhood: nonverbal intelligence and language comprehension], Klinische Padiatrie, 211, 442–4, 1999In German.
Hunt, P., Soto, G., Maier, J., Muller, E., Goetz, L., Collaborative teaming to support students with augmentative and alternative communication needs in general education classrooms, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 18(1): 20–35, 2002No AAC intervention.
Hustad, K. C., Garcia, J. M., The influences of alphabet supplementation, iconic gestures, and predictive messages on intelligibility of a speaker with cerebral palsy, Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology, 10(4): 279–285, 2002The study includes 1 CP speaker and 24 listeners. This review aims to compare AAC intervention among CP users.
Johnston, S. S., Davenport, L., Kanarowski, B., Rhodhouse, S., McDonnell, A. P., Teaching Sound Letter Correspondence and Consonant-Vowel-Consonant Combinations to Young Children who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 25(2): 123–135, 2009Below sample size requirement.
K. Whittingham, D. Wee, R. Boyd, Systematic review of the efficacy of parenting interventions for children with cerebral palsy, Child: Care, Health & Development, 37, 475–83, 2011Narrative review.
Lancioni, G. E., O’Reilly, M. F., Cuvo, A. J., Singh, N. N., Sigafoos, J., Didden, R., PECS and VOCAs to enable students with developmental disabilities to make requests: An overview of the literature, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 28(5): 468–488, 2007Narrative review.
Meuris, K., Maes, B., De Meyer, A. M., Zink, I., Manual signing in adults with intellectual disability: influence of sign characteristics on functional sign vocabulary, Journal of Speech Language & Hearing Research, 57, 990–1010, 2014Number with CP not reported.
Meuris, K., Maes, B., Zink, I., Evaluation of language and communication skills in adult key word signing users with intellectual disability: advantages of a narrative task, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 2585–601, 2014CP not reported and mean age = 38.7 years.
Millar, D. C., Light, J. C., Schlosser, R. W., The impact of augmentative and alternative communication intervention on the speech production of individuals with developmental disabilities: a research review, Journal of Speech Language & Hearing Research, 49, 248–64, 2006Narrative review.
Pennington, L., Goldbart, J., Marshall, J., Interaction training for conversational partners of children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review, International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 39, 151–70, 2004Narrative review.
Pueyo, R., Ariza, M., Narberhaus, A., Ballester-Plane, J., Laporta-Hoyos, O., Junque, C., Vendrell, P., Does verbal and gestural expression ability predict comprehension ability in cerebral palsy?, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 116, 512–527, 2013No AAC or communication partners intervention.
Quach, W., Beukelman, D., Facilitating children’s learning of dynamic-display AAC devices: the effect of two instructional methods on the performance of 6- and 7-year-olds with typical development using a dual-screen prototype, Aac: Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 26, 1–11, 2010RCT of ‘typically developing’ children - no CP.
Ribeiro, D. M., Elias, N. C., Goyos, C., Miguel, C. F., The Effects of Listener Training on the Emergence of Tact and Mand Signs by Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 26: 65–72, 2010Below sample size requirement.
Rispoli, M. J., Franco, J. H., van der Meer, L., Lang, R., Camargo, S. P., The use of speech generating devices in communication interventions for individuals with developmental disabilities: a review of the literature, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 13, 276–93, 2010Narrative review.
Romski, M., Sevcik, R. A., Adamson, L. B., Cheslock, M., Smith, A., Barker, R. M., Bakeman, R., Randomised comparison of augmented and nonaugmented language interventions for toddlers with developmental delays and their parents, Journal of Speech Language & Hearing Research, 53, 350–64, 2010RCT of AAC with mixed population: autism, CP, down syndrome etc. Number of CP participants not reported and results for CP participants not stratified. Therefore, evidence for CP participants cannot be extracted and analysed. Additionally, due to the possible different uses of AAC among these different populations, to include the study as an indirect population may introduce bias.
Shamir, A., Lazerovitz, T., Peer mediation intervention for scaffolding self-regulated learning among children with learning disabilities, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 22, 255–273, 2007Intervention not in protocol (education).
van der Meer, L., Sigafoos, J., O’Reilly, M. F., Lancioni, G. E., Assessing preferences for AAC options in communication interventions for individuals with developmental disabilities: a review of the literature, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 1422–31, 2011Narrative review.
Whitmore, A. S., Romski, M. A., Sevcik, R. A., Early augmented language intervention for children with developmental delays: potential secondary motor outcomes, Aac: Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 30, 200–12, 2014CP not reported in participants.
Wilkinson, K. M., O’Neill, T., McIlvane, W. J., Eye-tracking measures reveal how changes in the design of aided AAC displays influence the efficiency of locating symbols by school-age children without disabilities, Journal of Speech Language & Hearing Research, 57, 455–66, 2014Below sample size requirement, CP not stated in participant characteristics.
Yoder, P. J., Warren, S. F., Intentional communication elicits language-facilitating maternal responses in dyads with children who have developmental disabilities, American Journal of Mental Retardation, 106, 327–35, 2001CP not reported in participants.
Adamson, L. B., Romski, M., Bakeman, R., Sevcik, R. A., Augmented language intervention and the emergence of symbol-infused joint engagement, Journal of Speech Language & Hearing Research, 53, 1769–73, 2010Number of participants with CP not reported.
Barker, R. M., Akaba, S., Brady, N. C., Thiemann-Bourque, K., Support for AAC use in preschool, and growth in language skills, for young children with developmental disabilities, Aac: Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 29, 334–46, 2013Results for CP participants (n = 4) not stratified from all sample (n = 71).
Beck, A. R., Stoner, J. B., Dennis, M. L., An investigation of aided language stimulation: does it increase AAC use with adults with developmental disabilities and complex communication needs?, Aac: Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 25, 42–54, 2009Adult participants (above 25 years old).
Bedrosian, J.L., Hoag, L.A., Johnson, D., Calculator, S.N., Communicative competence as perceived by adults with severe speech impairments associated with cerebral palsy, Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 41, 667–675, 1998Adult participants (mean age 39.5 yrs).
Betke, M., Gips, J., Fleming, P., The camera mouse: visual tracking of body features to provide computer access for people with severe disabilities, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 10, 1–10, 2002Below sample size requirement.
Bowler, D. M., Kiernan, C., Free recall of lists of word and sign labels by severely handicapped children, Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, 34, 157–68, 1990CP not reported in participants, only ‘learning difficulties’.
Broberg, M., Ferm, U., Thunberg, G., Measuring responsive style in parents who use AAC with their children: development and evaluation of a new instrument, Aac: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 28, 243–253, 2012Results for CP participants (n = 3) not stratified from all sample (n = 28 children).
Calandrella, A. M., Wilcox, M. J., Predicting language outcomes for young prelinguistic children with developmental delay, Journal of Speech Language & Hearing Research, 43, 1061–71, 2000Below sample size requirement and no participants with CP diagnosis.
Carbone, V. J., Sweeney-Kerwin, E. J., Attanasio, V., Kasper, T., Increasing the vocal responses of children with autism and developmental disabilities using manual sign mand training and prompt delay, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43, 705–9, 2010Below sample size requirement and no participants with CP diagnosis.
Cascella, P. W., Receptive communication abilities among adults with significant intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 29, 70–78, 2004CP not reported in participant characteristics.
Chen, S. C., Tang, F. T., Chen, Y. L., Chen, W. L., Li, Y. C., Shih, Y. Y., Lai, J. S., Kuo, T. S., Infrared-based communication augmentation system for people with multiple disabilities, Disability & Rehabilitation, 26, 1105–9, 2004Communication intervention not stated in protocol.
Choi, H., O’Reilly, M., Sigafoos, J., Lancioni, G., Teaching requesting and rejecting sequences to four children with developmental disabilities using augmentative and alternative communication, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31, 560–7, 2010CP not reported in participant characteristics.
Chung, Y. C., Carter, E. W., Sisco, L. G., Social interactions of students with disabilities who use augmentative and alternative communication in inclusive classrooms, American Journal on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 117, 349–67, 2012Cross-sectional design, no comparison.
Clarke, M. T., Newton, C., Griffiths, T., Price, K., Lysley, A., Petrides, K. V., Factors associated with the participation of children with complex communication needs, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 774–80, 2011Cross-sectional design, no comparison.
Clarke, M., Wilkinson, R., The collaborative construction of non-serious episodes of interaction by non-speaking children with cerebral palsy and their peers, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 23, 583–597, 2009Below sample size requirement.
Clarke, M., Wilkinson, R., Interaction between children with cerebral palsy and their peers 2: understanding initiated VOCA-mediated turns, Aac: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 24, 3–15, 2008Below sample size requirement.
Crews, W.D., Jr., Sanders, E.C., Hensley, L.G., Johnson, Y.M., Bonaventura, S., Rhodes, R.D., Garren, M.P., An evaluation of facilitated communication in a group of nonverbal individuals with mental retardation, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 25, 205–213, 1995Below sample size requirement.
Cummings, A. R., Carr, J. E., LeBlanc, L. A., Experimental evaluation of the training structure of the picture exchange communication system (PECS), Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(1): 32–45, 2012Below sample size requirement.
Dada, S., Huguet, A., Bornman, J., The iconicity of picture communication symbols for children with English additional language and mild intellectual disability, Aac: Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 29, 360–73, 2013Descriptive design.
Dahlgren Sandberg, A., Smith, M., Larsson, M., An analysis of reading and spelling abilities of children using AAC: Understanding a continuum of competence, Aac: Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 26, 191–202, 2010Below sample size requirement.
Damen, S., Kef, S., Worm, M., Janssen, M. J., Schuengel, C., Effects of video-feedback interaction training for professional caregivers of children and adults with visual and intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55, 581–95, 2011CP not reported.
Damper, R. I., Burnett, J. W., Gray, P. W., Straus, L. P., Symes, R. A., Hand-held text-to-speech device for the non-vocal disabled, Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 9, 332–40, 1987Descriptive design.
Danielsson, H., Ronnberg, J., Andersson, J., What am I doing in Timbuktu: person-environment picture recognition for persons with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50, 127–38, 2006CP not reported in participant characteristics.
De Bortoli, T., Arthur-Kelly, M., Mathisen, B., Foreman, P., Balandin, S., Where are teachers’ voices? A research agenda to enhance the communicative interactions of students with multiple and severe disabilities at school, Disability & Rehabilitation, 32, 1059–72, 2010Narrative review.
DeVeney, S. L., Hoffman, L., Cress, C. J., Communication-based assessment of developmental age for young children with developmental disabilities, Journal of Speech Language & Hearing Research, 55, 695–709, 2012Results for CP participants (n = 18) not stratified from whole sample.
Duarte, E., Rebelo, F., Teles, J., Wogalter, M. S., Safety sign comprehension by students, adult workers and disabled persons with cerebral palsy, Safety Science, 61, 66–77, 2014Outcome (comprehension) not in protocol.
Egan, D. F., Brown, E. R., Developmental assessment: 18 months to 4 1/2 years. The miniature toys test, Child: Care, Health & Development, 12, 167–81, 1986Intervention not in protocol, number of CP not reported.
Fenn, G., Rowe, J. A., An experiment in manual communication, British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 10, 3–16, 1975No CP participants reported.
Franklin, B., The effect of tactile aids on communication skills of children with dual sensory handicaps, International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 11, 91–93, 1988No CP participants reported.
Hamm, B., Mirenda, P., Post-school quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities who use AAC, Aac: Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 22, 134–47, 2006Below sample size requirement.
Hammal, D., Jarvis, S.N., Colver, A.F., Participation of children with cerebral palsy is influenced by where they live, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 46, 292–298, 2004No AAC intervention.
Harwin, W.S., Jackson, R.D., Analysis of intentional head gestures to assist computer access by physically disabled people, Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 12, 193–198, 1990Single case design.
Hetzroni, O. E., A positive behaviour support: A preliminary evaluation of a school-wide plan for implementing AAC in a school for students with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 28, 283–296, 2003Below sample size requirement.
Hillman, M. R., Interfacing the BBC microcomputer for use with profoundly handicapped children, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 10, 196–8, 1986Descriptive study.
Jackson, S. A., Stirling, J. M., Dixon, C. R., A speech-prompted communication aid for the severely handicapped, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 7, 88–91, 1983Descriptive study.
Kritzinger, A., Louw, B., Rossetti, L. M., A transdisciplinary conceptual framework for the early identification of risks for communication disorders in young children, South African Journal of Communication Disorders - die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kommunikasieafwykings, 48, 33–44, 2001Descriptive study - risk factors for communication disorders.
Lancioni, G. E., Singh, N. N., O’Reilly, M. F., Sigafoos, J., Oliva, D., Baccani, S., Teaching ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ responses to children with multiple disabilities through a program including microswitches linked to a vocal output device, Perceptual & Motor Skills, 102, 51–61, 2006Below sample size requirement.
Lund, S.K., Light, J., Long-term outcomes for individuals who use augmentative and alternative communication: Part III--contributing factors, Aac: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 23, 323–335, 2007Below sample size requirement.
Pennington, L., McConachie, H., Mother-child interaction revisited: communication with non-speaking physically disabled children, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 34, 391–416, 1999No comparison for intervention.
Reichle, J., PECS training for mands may lead to the emergence of other untrained verbal operants in adults with severe disabilities, but the comparison of PECS and manual-sign training is compromised, Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 2, 203–207, 2008Below sample size requirement, adult CP participants.
Sevcik, R. A., Comprehension: an overlooked component in augmented language development, Disability & Rehabilitation, 28, 159–67, 2006Below sample size requirement. CP not reported (reports ‘developmental disabilities’).
Udwin, O., Yule, W., Augmentative Communication Modes Taught to Cerebral Palsied Children: Findings from a Longitudinal Study, International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 10(2): 202–206, 1987Results presented in follow-up paper Udwin and Yule, 1990 (included in the review).
Udwin, O., Yule, W., Augmentative communication systems taught to cerebral-palsied children- A longitudinal study. III. Teaching practices and exposure to sign and symbol use in schools and homes, British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 26, 149–162, 1991No intervention given to teachers and family members, study assesses family perception of AAC use.

K.14. Managing saliva control

Excluded studies - What interventions are effective in the management of poor saliva control (drooling) in children and young people with cerebral palsy? - Non-RCTS (Medline and Embase only)
StudyReason for Exclusion
Chakravarti, A., Gupta, R., Garg, S., Aneja, S., Bilateral submandibular duct transposition with sublingual gland excision for cerebral palsy children with drooling, Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 81, 623–624, 2014Not relevant study design: non-randomised controlled trial.
Lee, Z.I., Cho, D.H., Choi, W.D., Park, D.H., Byun, S.D., Effect of botulinum toxin type a on morphology of salivary glands in patients with cerebral palsy, Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine, 35, 636–640, 2011Not relevant study design: this study is not a RCT.
Nordgarden, H., Osterhus, I., Moystad, A., Asten, P., Johnsen, U.L., Storhaug, K., Loven, J.O., Drooling: are botulinum toxin injections into the major salivary glands a good treatment option?, Journal of Child Neurology, 27, 458–464, 2012Wrong comparison: the study compared BoNT-A injections between both parotid and submandibular glands and submandibular glands only.
Parr, J. R., Weldon, E., Pennington, L., Steen, N., Williams, J., Fairhurst, C., O’Hare, A., Lodh, R., Colver, A., The drooling reduction intervention trial (DRI): a single blind trial comparing the efficacy of glycopyrronium and hyoscine on drooling in children with neurodisability, Trials [Electronic Resource], 15, 60The paper is reporting on the study protocol. Study status: ongoing.
Reddihough, D., Johnson, H., Staples, M., Hudson, I., Exarchos, H., Use of benzhexol hydrochloride to control drooling of children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 32, 985–989, 1990Not relevant study design: non-randomised clinical trial.
Wilken, B., Aslami, B., Backes, H., Successful treatment of drooling in children with neurological disorders with botulinum toxin A or B, Neuropediatrics, 39, 200–204, 2008Mixed population: 12 patients had CP, 16 children had neurodegenerative, neurometabolic or neuromuscular disorders, and 2 children were undiagnosed.
Bailey, C.M., Wadsworth, P.V., Treatment of the drooling child by submandibular duct transposition, Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 99, 1111–1117, 1985Non-comparative evidence.
Becmeur, F., Horta-Geraud, P., Brunot, B., Maniere, M.C., Prulhiere, Y., Sauvage, P., Diversion of salivary flow to treat drooling in patients with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 31, 1629–1633, 1996Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.
Becmeur, F., Schneider, A., Flaum, V., Klipfel, C., Pierrel, C., Lacreuse, I., Which surgery for drooling in patients with cerebral palsy?, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 48, 2171–2174, 2013Non-comparative evidence.
Brody, G.S., Control of drooling by translocation of parotid duct and extirpation of mandibular gland, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 19, 514–517, 1977Descriptive review of methodology.
Brown, A.S., Silverman, J., Greenberg, S., Malamud, D.F., Album, M., Lloyd, R.W., Sarshik, M., A team approach to drool control in cerebral palsy, Annals of Plastic Surgery, 15, 423–430, 1985Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.
Brundage, S.R., Moore, W.D., Submandibular gland resection and bilateral parotid duct ligation as a management for chronic drooling in cerebral palsy, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 83, 443–446, 1989No comparison reported (post-intervention results only).
Burton, M.J., The surgical management of drooling. [41 refs], Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 33, 1110–1116, 1991Descriptive review of surgical interventions.
Celet, OzdenB, Aydin, A., Kuvat, S.V., Yazar, M., Ozmen, M., Tatli, B., Quadruple salivary duct diversion for drooling in cerebral palsy, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 23, 738–741, 2012Population: less than 20 patients included.
Chang, C.J., May-Kuen, Wong aA, Intraductal laser photocoagulation of the bilateral parotid ducts for reduction of drooling in patients with cerebral palsy, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 107, 907–913, 2001Non-comparative evidence.
Crysdale, W.S., Management options for the drooling patient, Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal, 68, 820–826, 1989Descriptive review.
Crysdale, W.S., Raveh, E., McCann, C., Roske, L., Kotler, A., Management of drooling in individuals with neurodisability: a surgical experience, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 43, 379–383, 2001Population: diverse group of neurologically impaired people and no data on neurological diagnosis provided.
Crysdale, W.S., White, A., Submandibular duct relocation for drooling: a 10-year experience with 194 patients, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 101, 87–92, 1989The study only reports rates of drooling after surgery treatment. Non-comparative evidence.
Dundas, D.F., Peterson, R.A., Surgical treatment of drooling by bilateral parotid duct ligation and submandibular gland resection, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 64, 47–51, 1979Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.
El-Hakim, H., Richards, S., Thevasagayam, M.S., Major salivary duct clipping for control problems in developmentally challenged children, Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 134, 470–474, 2008Population: less than 20 patients included with various neurological diseases.
Faggella, R.M., Jr., Osborn, J.M., Surgical correction of drool: a comparison of three groups of patients, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 72, 478–483, 1983The study reported on outcomes that are not relevant to the review protocol.
Gallagher, T.Q., Hartnick, C.J., Bilateral submandibular gland excision and parotid duct ligation, Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 73, 70–75, 2012Descriptive review.
Greensmith, A.L., Johnstone, B.R., Reid, S.M., Hazard, C.J., Johnson, H.M., Reddihough, D.S., Prospective analysis of the outcome of surgical management of drooling in the pediatric population: A 10-year experience, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 116, 1233–1242, 2005Indirect population (38/72 had CP).
Hallett, K.B., Lucas, J.O., Johnston, T., Reddihough, D.S., Hall, R.K., Dental health of children with cerebral palsy following sialodochoplasty, Special Care in Dentistry, 15, 234–238, 1995Outcomes reported are not relevant to the review protocol.
Heywood, R.L., Cochrane, L.A., Hartley, B.E.J., Parotid duct ligation for treatment of drooling in children with neurological impairment, Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 123, 997–1001, 2009Non-comparative evidence.
Katona, G., Csakanyi, Z., Lorincz, A., Gerlinger, I., Bilateral submandibular duct relocation by high-frequency radiosurgery, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 265, 1103–1108, 2008Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.
Khadivi, E., Ashraf, Zadeh F., Bakhshaee, M., Fooladvand, T., Movahed, S.R., Nabavi, S.S., Afzal, Aghaee M., Bilateral submandibular duct rerouting: assessment of results on drooling in cerebral palsy cases, Auris, Nasus, Larynx, 40, 487–490, 2013Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.
Leong, S.C., Patel, M., Prasad, S., Sharma, R., The drooling child, Otorhinolaryngologist, 4, 5–13, 2011Unavailable.
Massengill, R., Jr., A follow-up investigation of patients who have had parotid duct transplantation surgery to control drooling, Annals of Plastic Surgery, 2, 205–208, 1979Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.
McAloney, N., Kerawala, C.J., Stassen, L.F., Management of drooling by transposition of the submandibular ducts and excision of the sublingual glands, Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 51, 126–131, 2005Non-comparative evidence.
O’Dwyer, T.P., Conlon, B.J., The surgical management of drooling--a 15 year follow-up, Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences, 22, 284–287, 1997Indirect population (27/53 had CP).
O’Dwyer, T.P., Timon, C., Walsh, M.A., Surgical management of drooling in the neurologically damaged child, Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 103, 750–752, 1989Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.
Osorio, A., Moreira-Pinto, J., Oliveira, L., Ferreira-de-Sousa, J.A., Cidade-Rodrigues, J.A., Bilateral submandibulectomy for the treatment of drooling in children with neurological disability, European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 19, 377–379, 2009Population defined as ‘neurological disability’ with no further specification provided.
Ozgenel, G.Y., Ozcan, M., Bilateral parotid-duct diversion using autologous vein grafts for the management of chronic drooling in cerebral palsy, British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 55, 490–493, 2002Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.
Puraviappan, P., Dass, D.B., Narayanan, P., Efficacy of relocation of submandibular duct in cerebral palsy patients with drooling, Asian Journal of Surgery, 30, 209–215, 2007Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.
Sellars, S.L., Surgery of sialorrhoea, Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 99, 1107–1109, 1985Surgical technique: tympanic neurectomy.
Shott, S.R., Myer, C.M., III, Cotton, R.T., Surgical management of sialorrhea, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 101, 47–50, 1989Population reported as ‘handicapped patients’ but no further specification is provided.
Varma, S.K., Henderson, H.P., Cotton, B.R., Treatment of drooling by parotid duct ligation and submandibular duct diversion, British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 44, 415–417, 1991Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.
Walker, P., Management of sialorrhoea in a multi-disciplinary saliva control clinic, Australian Journal of Otolaryngology, 4, 27–32, 2001Indirect population (27/97 had CP).
Wilkie, T.F., The surgical treatment of drooling. A follow-up report of five years’ experience, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 45, 549–554, 1970Non-comparative evidence. Sample size <20 patients.

K.15. Risk factors for low bone mineral density

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, what are the risk factors for reduced bone mineral density and low-impact fractures?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Informing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for children with cerebral palsy at risk of osteoporosis: a systematic review (Provisional abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Abstract - full article requested.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Psychotropic medications and the risk of fracture: a meta-analysis (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Abstract - full text requested.
Cohen, M., Lahat, E., Bistritzer, T., Livne, A., Heyman, E., Rachmiel, M., Evidence-based review of bone strength in children and youth with cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 24, 959–967, 2009Narrative review.
Finbraten, A. K., Syversen, U., Skranes, J., Andersen, G. L., Stevenson, R., Vik, T., Bone mineral density and vitamin d status in children with cerebral palsy, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 99, A524–A525, 2014Duplicate.
Henderson, R.C., Kairalla, J.A., Barrington, J.W., Abbas, A., Stevenson, R.D., Longitudinal changes in bone density in children and adolescents with moderate to severe cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatrics, 146, 769–775, 2005Outcome reported as rate of change in BMD (no risk factors analysis).
Henderson, R.C., Lark, R.K., Gurka, M.J., Worley, G., Fung, E.B., Conaway, M., Stallings, V.A., Stevenson, R.D., Bone density and metabolism in children and adolescents with moderate to severe cerebral palsy, Pediatrics, 110, e5–, 2002No data provided for multivariate analysis.
Houlihan, C. M., Bone health in cerebral palsy: who’s at risk and what to do about it?, Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 7, 143–53, 2014Narrative review.
Leet, A. I., Mesfin, A., Pichard, C., Launay, F., Brintzenhofeszoc, K., Levey, E. B., D. Sponseller P, Fractures in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 26, 624–7, 2006Non-normally distributed data treated as normally distributed (wrong statistics).
McGill, C. A., Bryant, E., Walker-Bone, K., To what extent are risk factors for osteoporosis and fracturemeasured and recorded among children with severe and complex disabilities: An audit, Osteoporosis International, 1), S684–S685, 2014Unadjusted analysis only presented.
Mergler, S., Evenhuis, H. M., Boot, A. M., De Man, S. A., Bindels-De Heus, K. G., Huijbers, W. A., Penning, C., Epidemiology of low bone mineral density and fractures in children with severe cerebral palsy: a systematic review, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 51, 773–8, 2009Unclear whether both adjusted and unadjusted studies have been included. No pooling of data presented.
Presedo, A., Dabney, K.W., Miller, F., Fractures in patients with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 27, 147–153, 2007No risk factors analysis presented.
Samaniego, E. A., Sheth, R. D., Bone consequences of epilepsy and antiepileptic medications, Seminars in Pediatric Neurology, 14, 196–200, 2007Narrative review, not CP specific.
Takkouche, B., Montes-Martinez, A., Gill, S. S., Etminan, M., Psychotropic medications and the risk of fracture: a meta-analysis, Drug Safety, 30, 171–84, 2007Not CP specific; population considered not relevant to review protocol.

K.16. Prevention of reduced bone mineral density

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, what interventions are effective in preventing reduced bone mineral density and low-impact factures?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Allington, N., Vivegnis, D., Gerard, P., Cyclic administration of pamidronate to treat osteoporosis in children with cerebral palsy or a neuromuscular disorder: a clinical study, Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, 71, 91–7, 2005Non-randomised design, mixed population (CP Duchene dystrophy)
Bachrach, S. J., Kecskemethy, H. H., Harcke, H. T., Lark, R. K., Miller, F., Henderson, R. C., Pamidronate treatment and posttreatment bone density in children with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 9, 167–74, 2006Non-randomised design, pre/post intervention, very small sample size.
Bachrach, S. J., Kecskemethy, H. H., Harcke, H., Hossain, J. R., Decreased fracture incidence after 1 year of pamidronate treatment in children with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, 837–842, 2010Non-randomised, pre/post intervention study.
Caglar Okur, S., Senel, K., Pekin Dogan, Y., Sayiner Caglar, N., Seferoglu, B., Osteopenia in ambulatory cerebral palsy, Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 17 (3), 415, 2014Full text unavailable.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Effectiveness of static weight-bearing exercises in children with cerebral palsy (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Studies of any design were eligible, used for references.
Damcott, M., Blochlinger, S., Foulds, R., Effects of passive versus dynamic loading interventions on bone health in children who are nonambulatory, Pediatric Physical Therapy, 25, 248–55, 2013Less than 10 patients, non-randomised.
Fehlings, D. L., Stevenson, R., Paediatric osteopenia in childhood disability: Evidenceinformed clinical practice guidelines, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, 77–78, 2010Narrative review.
Fehlings, D., Switzer, L., Agarwal, P., Wong, C., Sochett, E., Stevenson, R., Sonnenberg, L., Smile, S., Young, E., Huber, J., Milo-Manson, G., Kuwaik, G.A., Gaebler, D., Informing evidencebased clinical practice guidelines for children with cerebral palsy at risk of osteoporosis: a systematic review, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, 106–116, 2012Criteria for study inclusion did not match the review protocol, used for references.
Franki, I., Desloovere, K., De Cat, J., Feys, H., Molenaers, G., Calders, P., Himpens, E., Vanderstraeten, G., Van Den Broeck, C., Evidence-based physical therapy in cerebral palsy: A systematic review of literature in an ICF framework. Part A: Basic physical therapy techniques, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 44–45, 2011Not relevant to review protocol.
Grissom, L. E., Harcke, H. T., Radiographic features of bisphosphonate therapy in pediatric patients, Pediatric Radiology, 33, 226–9, 2003Non-randomised design, mixed population.
Grissom, L. E., Kecskemethy, H. H., Bachrach, S. J., McKay, C., Harcke, H. T., Bone densitometry in pediatric patients treated with pamidronate, Pediatric Radiology, 35, 511–7, 2005Non-randomised design, all patients received pamidronate, mixed population.
Gupta, S., Lundy, C., Fairhurst, C., Oral bisphosphonates in children with non-ambulant cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 30–31, 2009Not randomised design, pre/post treatment analysis.
Gusso, S., Colle, P., Derraik, J. G. B., Biggs, J., Munns, C., Cutfield, W., Hofman, P., Wholebody vibration training improves physical function and increases bone and muscle mass in youngsters with mild cerebral palsy, Hormone Research in Paediatrics, 84, 160–161, 2015No control group.
Gusso, S., Munns, C. F., Cutfield, W. S., Hofman, P. L., Short-term whole body vibration therapy improves bone density and muscle function in adolescents with cerebral palsy, Endocrine Reviews, 1), 2013Full text unavailable.
Hough, J. P., Boyd, R. N., Keating, J. L., Systematic review of interventions for low bone mineral density in children with cerebral palsy, Pediatrics, 125, e670–8, 2010Full text unavailable.
Houlihan, C., Kuperminc, M., Gurka, M., Stevenson, R., Longitudinal assessment of low bone mineral density and its association with severe pain in children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 30, 2009Not interventional study.
Iwasaki, T., Nonoda, Y., Ishii, M., Long-term outcomes of children and adolescents who had cerebral palsy with secondary osteoporosis, Current Medical Research & Opinion, 28, 737–47, 2012Full text unavailable.
Kilebrant, S., Braathen, G., Emilsson, R., Glansen, U., Soderpalm, A. C., Zetterlund, B., Westerberg, B., Magnusson, P., Swolin-Eide, D., Whole-body vibration therapy in children with severe motor disabilities, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 47, 223–8, 2015Full text unavailable.
Kilpinen-Loisa, P., Nenonen, H., Pihko, H., Makitie, O., High-dose vitamin D supplementation in children with cerebral palsy or neuromuscular disorder, Neuropediatrics, 38, 167–172, 2007Not measuring BMD.
Kim, M. J., Kim, S. N., Lee, I. S., Chung, S., Lee, J., Yang, Y., Lee, I., Koh, S. E., Effects of bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis in children with cerebral palsy: a meta-analysis, Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology, 28, 1343–50, 2015Unavailable.
Kitsios, A., Tsaklis, P., Koronas, K., Varsamis, P., Abatzides, G., Agelopoulou, N., The effects of a physiotherapeutic programme on bone mineral density, in individuals of postpuberty age (18–30 years), with cerebral palsy, Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 15, 4145, 2000Average age 25–27 years.
Lee, S., Kim, J. H., Choi, E., Effects of vitamin D treatment for cerebral palsy patients, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 46, 2014Retrospective chart review, pre/post treatment.
Mogul, H., Preventing fractures among people with developmental disabilities, Western Journal of Medicine, 171, 77–8, 1999Not interventional study.
Mughal, M. Z., Fractures in children with cerebral palsy, Current Osteoporosis Reports, 12, 313–8, 2014Narrative review. Used for references.
Novak, I., McIntyre, S., Morgan, C., Campbell, L., Dark, L., Morton, N., Stumbles, E., Wilson, S. A., Goldsmith, S., A systematic review of interventions for children with cerebral palsy: state of the evidence, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 55, 885–910, 2013All interventions considered, all study designs. Used for references.
Olama, K. A., Low bone density management via capacitively coupled electrical fields and low intensity pulsed ultrasound in hemiparetic cerebral palsy, Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics, 12, 147–150, 2011Intervention is not relevant to the review protocol.
Paksu, M. S., Vurucu, S., Karaoglu, A., Karacalioglu, A. O., Polat, A., Yesilyurt, O., Unay, B., Akin, R., Osteopenia in children with cerebral palsy can be treated with oral alendronate, Childs Nervous System, 28, 283–6, 2012Not randomised study, pre/post treatment analysis only.
Paleg, G. S., Smith, B. A., Glickman, L. B., Systematic review and evidence-based clinical recommendations for dosing of pediatric supported standing programs, Pediatric Physical Therapy, 25, 232–47, 2013Used for references.
Paleg, G.S., Glickman, L.B., Rgeigle, P., Passive standing: A systematic review focusing on clinical outcomes and decision making, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 5th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Christchurch New Zealand. Conference Start, 65-, 2010No analysis presented.
Pin, T. W., Effectiveness of static weight-bearing exercises in children with cerebral palsy, Pediatric Physical Therapy, 19, 62–73, 2007Study of any design were eligible, used for references.
Presedo, A., Dabney, K.W., Miller, F., Fractures in patients with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 27, 147–153, 2007Retrospective study, not relevant to the review protocol.
Razmdjou, S., Rensing-Zimmermann, C., Seufert, J., Korinthenberg, R., Bone health and vitamin D metabolism in children and adolescents with Duchenne muscular dystrophy compared with other neuromuscular diseases and cerebral palsy, Neuropediatrics, 44 (2), 2013Mixed population (CP Duchene dystrophy)
Reyes, M. L., Hernandez, M., Holmgren, L. J., Sanhueza, E., Escobar, R. G., High-frequency, low-intensity vibrations increase bone mass and muscle strength in upper limbs, improving autonomy in disabled children, Journal of Bone & Mineral Research, 26, 1759–66, 2011Mixed population, with less than 50% having CP.
Rothenbuhler, A., Marchand, I., Bougneres, P., Linglart, A., Risk of corrected QT interval prolongation after pamidronate infusion in children, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 95, 3768–3770, 2010Non-randomised design, outcomes studied are not relevant to review protocol.
Sharan, D., Mohandoss, M., Ranganathan, R., Bone mineral density in children with cerebral palsy: Effect of sequenced rehabilitation protocol following a single event multilevel surgery, Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 39, 511, 2015Abstract only, non-RCT.
Speiser, P. W., Clarson, C. L., Eugster, E. A., Kemp, S. F., Radovick, S., Rogol, A. D., Wilson, T. A., Lwpes Pharmacy, Therapeutic, Committee, Bisphosphonate treatment of pediatric bone disease, Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews, 3, 87–96, 2005Narrative review, not CP specific.
Thompson, C.R., Figoni, S.F., Devocelle, H.A., Fifer-Moeller, T.M., Lockhart, T.L., Lockhart, T.A., Effect of dynamic weight bearing on lower extremity bone mineral density in children with neuromuscular impairment, Clinical Kinesiology, 54, 13–18, 2000Mixed population (progressive diseases) nonrandomised design
Thorpe, D., McMurray, R., Turk, M., Tosti, K., Henderson, R., Adults with cerebral palsy training to increase overall wellness: Project act now, Physiotherapy (United Kingdom), 97, eS1233-eS1234, 2011Wrong population: adults only.
Unay, B., Sarici, U., Vurucu, S., Inanc, N., Akin, R., Gokcay, E., Evaluation of bone mineral density in children with cerebral palsy, Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 45, 11–14, 2003Not an interventional study.
Wilmshurst, S., Ward, K., Adams, J. E., Langton, C. M., Mughal, M. Z., Mobility status and bone density in cerebral palsy, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 75, 164–5, 1996Not interventional study.
Wren, T. A., Lee, D. C., Hara, R., Rethlefsen, S. A., Kay, R. M., Dorey, F. J., Gilsanz, V., Effect of high-frequency, low-magnitude vibration on bone and muscle in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 30, 732–8, 2010All children received both intervention and control (a RCT is available for this particular intervention).

K.17. Causes of pain, distress and discomfort and sleep disturbance

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, what are the common causes of pain, discomfort and distress?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Atmawidjaja, R. W., Wong, S. W., Yang, W. W., Ong, L. C., Sleep disturbances in Malaysian children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 56, 681–5, 2014Case-control study design.
Badia, M., Riquelme, I., Orgaz, B., Acevedo, R., Longo, E., Montoya, P., Pain, motor function and health-related quality of life in children with cerebral palsy as reported by their physiotherapists, BMC Pediatrics, 14, 192, 2014Indirect measure of pain (physiotherapist reported pain). Outcome not included in evidence review (correlation between physiotherapist reported pain and quality of life).
Barney, C.C., Krach, L.E., Rivard, P.F., Belew, J.L., Symons, F.J., Motor function predicts parent-reported musculoskeletal pain in children with cerebral palsy, Pain Research and Management, 18, 323–327, 2013Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Berrin, S. J., Malcarne, V. L., Varni, J. W., Burwinkle, T. M., Sherman, S. A., Artavia, K., Chambers, H. G., Pain, fatigue, and school functioning in children with cerebral palsy: A path-analytic model, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 32, 330–337, 2007Prevalence of cause of pain not provided.
Bischof, F.M., Chirwa, T.F., Daily care activities and hip pain in non-ambulatory children and young adults with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 4, 219–223, 2011Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Boldingh, E. J., Jacobs-van der Bruggen, M. A., Bos, C. F., Lankhorst, G. J., Bouter, L. M., Determinants of hip pain in adult patients with severe cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, Part B, 14, 120–5, 2005Mean age greater than 25 years.
Breau, L. M., Camfield, C. S., McGrath, P. J., Finley, G. A., Pain’s impact on adaptive functioning, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51, 125–134, 2007Cerebral palsy not reported.
Breau, L.M., Camfield, C.S., McGrath, P.J., Finley, G.A., The incidence of pain in children with severe cognitive impairments, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 157, 1219–1226, 2003Indirect population (cognitive impairments).
Breau, L.M., Camfield, C.S., McGrath, P.J., Finley, G.A., Risk factors for pain in children with severe cognitive impairments, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 46, 364–371, 2004Cause of pain not reported for cerebral palsy, but for children with ‘cognitive impairment’ (indirect population).
Castle, K., Imms, C., Howie, L., Being in pain: a phenomenological study of young people with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49, 445–449, 2007Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Choi, Y., Lee, S. H., Chung, C. Y., Park, M. S., Lee, K. M., Sung, K. H., Won, S. H., Lee, I. H., Choi, I. H., Cho, T. J., Yoo, W. J., Lee, S. Y., Anterior knee pain in patients with cerebral palsy, Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery, 6, 426–31, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Cigala, F., Marmo, C., Lotito, F. M., Cigala, M., Lombari, P., Hip surgery in cerebral palsy, Chirurgia Degli Organi di Movimento, 88, 23–32, 2003Prevalence of pain due to hip surgery not reported.
Coffelt, T.A., Bauer, B.D., Carroll, A.E., Inpatient characteristics of the child admitted with chronic pain, Pediatrics, 132, e422e429, 2013Cerebral palsy not reported.
Cohen, R., Halevy, A., Shuper, A., Children’s sleep disturbance scale in differentiating neurological disorders, Pediatric Neurology, 49, 465–8, 2013Indirect population, n = 4 with CP.
Del Giudice, E., Staiano, A., Capano, G., Romano, A., Florimonte, L., Miele, E., Ciarla, C., Campanozzi, A., Crisanti, A. F., Gastrointestinal manifestations in children with cerebral palsy, Brain and Development, 21, 307–311, 1999Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Dickinson, H.O., Parkinson, K.N., Ravens-Sieberer, U., Schirripa, G., Thyen, U., Arnaud, C., Beckung, E., Fauconnier, J., McManus, V., Michelsen, S.I., Parkes, J., Colver, A.F., Self-reported quality of life of 812-year-old children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional European study, Lancet, 369, 2171–2178, 2007Prevalence of cause of pain not provided.
Didden, R., Korzilius, H., van Aperlo, B., van Overloop, C., de Vries, M., Sleep problems and daytime problem behaviours in children with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46, 537–47, 2002Cerebral palsy not included.
Dudgeon, B. J., Gerrard, B. C., Jensen, M. P., Rhodes, L. A., Tyler, E. J., Physical disability and the experience of chronic pain, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 83, 229–35, 2002All participants over 25 years of age.
Engel, J. M., Petrina, T. J., Dudgeon, B. J., McKearnan, K. A., Cerebral palsy and chronic pain: a descriptive study of children and adolescents, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 25, 73–84, 2005Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found. Prevalence of specific cause not reported (frequency reported).
Engel, J.M., Jensen, M.P., Hoffman, A.J., Kartin, D., Pain in persons with cerebral palsy: extension and cross validation, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 84, 1125–1128, 2003Mean age greater than 25 years.
Fitzgerald, D. A., Follett, J., Van Asperen, P. P., Assessing and managing lung disease and sleep disordered breathing in children with cerebral palsy, Paediatric Respiratory Reviews, 10, 18–24, 2009Narrative review.
Hadden, K.L., von Baeyer, C.L., Pain in children with cerebral palsy: common triggers and expressive behaviors, Pain, 99, 281–288, 2002Mixed population (majority CP, 12% non-CP). Prevalence of pain due to all health care procedures not reported.
Hayashi, M., Inoue, Y., Iwakawa, Y., Sasaki, H., REM sleep abnormalities in severe atheroid cerebral palsy, Brain and Development, 12, 494–497, 1990Prevalence of cause of sleep disturbance not provided.
Hodgkinson, I., Jindrich, M.L., Duhaut, P., Vadot, J.P., Metton, G., Berard, C., Hip pain in 234 non-ambulatory adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional multicentre study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 43, 806–808, 2001Mean and median age is greater than 25 years.
Houlihan, C.M., O’donnell, M., Conaway, M., Stevenson, R.D., Bodily pain and healthrelated quality of life in children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 46, 305–310, 2004Cause of pain not reported, frequency of pain reported.
Jensen, M.P., Engel, J.M., Hoffman, A.J., Schwartz, L., Natural history of chronic pain and pain treatment in adults with cerebral palsy, American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83, 439–445, 2004Cause of pain not identified, mean age over 25 years.
Jensen, M.P., Moore, M.R., Bockow, T.B., Ehde, D.M., Engel, J.M., Psychosocial factors and adjustment to chronic pain in persons with physical disabilities: A systematic review, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92, 146–160, 2011Literature review, does not include studies with cerebral palsy population of over 250 sample size.
Jozwiak, M., Harasymczuk, P., Koch, A., Kotwicki, T., Incidence and risk factors of hip joint pain in children with severe cerebral palsy, Disability and Rehabilitation, 33, 13671372, 2011Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Kotagal, S., Gibbons, V.P., Stith, J.A., Sleep abnormalities in patients with severe cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 36, 304–311, 1994Interventional study, n= 9 CP. Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Lelis, A. L. P. A., Cardoso, M. V. L. M., Hall, W. A., Sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy: An integrative review, Sleep Medicine Reviews, 30, 63–71, 2016All the studies included in this review have a small sample size
Malone, L.A., Vogtle, L.K., Pain and fatigue consistency in adults with cerebral palsy, Disability and Rehabilitation, 32, 385–391, 2010Prevalence of cause of pain not reported.
McKearnan, K. A., Kieckhefer, G. M., Engel, J. M., Jensen, M. P., Labyak, S., Pain in children with cerebral palsy: a review, Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 36, 252–9, 2004Narrative review.
Ming, X., Pak, J., Mulvey, M. A., O’Sullivan, T., Reddy, C., Schwab, J., Pecor, K. W., Sleep complaints in cerebral palsy and/or epilepsy: A pediatric sleep questionnaire study, Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 12, 127–135, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Molin, I., Alricsson, M., Physical activity and health among adolescents with cerebral palsy in Sweden, International Journal of Adolescent Medicine & Health, 21, 623–33, 2009Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Noonan, K. J., Jones, J., Pierson, J., Honkamp, N. J., Leverson, G., Hip function in adults with severe cerebral palsy, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, 86, 26072613, 2004Mean age greater than 25 years.
Opheim, A., Jahnsen, R., Olsson, E., Stanghelle, J.K., Walking function, pain, and fatigue in adults with cerebral palsy: a 7-year follow-up study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 381–388, 2009Cause of pain not reported in those under 25 years.
Ramstad, K., Loge, J. H., Jahnsen, R., Diseth, T. H., Self-reported mental health in youth with cerebral palsy and associations to recurrent musculoskeletal pain, Disability & Rehabilitation, 37, 144–50, 2015Prevalence of cause of pain not provided.
Ramstad, K., Jahnsen, R., Skjeldal, O.H., Diseth, T.H., Mental health, health related quality of life and recurrent musculoskeletal pain in children with cerebral palsy 8–18 years old, Disability and Rehabilitation, 34, 1589–1595, 2012Prevalence of cause of pain not provided.
Rethlefsen, S. A., Nguyen, D. T., Wren, T. A., Milewski, M. D., Kay, R. M., Knee Pain and Patellofemoral Symptoms in Patients With Cerebral Palsy, Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 35, 519–22, 2015Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Riquelme, I., Cifre, I., Montoya, P., Are physiotherapists reliable proxies for the recognition of pain in individuals with cerebral palsy? A cross sectional study, Disability & Health Journal, 8, 264–70, 2015Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Riquelme, I., Cifre, I., Montoya, P., Age-related changes of pain experience in cerebral palsy and healthy individuals, Pain Medicine, 12, 535–545, 2011Prevalence of cause of pain not provided.
Robin, J., Murnaghan, L., Graham, K., Selber, P., Simpson, P., Baker, R., Thomason, P., The cerebral palsy hip classification, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 3rd International Cerebral Palsy Conference Sydney, NSW Australia. Conference Start, 26-, 2009Abstract, Prevalence of cause of pain not provided.
Romeo, D. M., Brogna, C., Musto, E., Baranello, G., Pagliano, E., Casalino, T., Ricci, D., Mallardi, M., Sivo, S., Cota, F., Battaglia, D., Bruni, O., Mercuri, E., Sleep disturbances in preschool age children with cerebral palsy: a questionnaire study, Sleep Medicine, 15, 1089–93, 2014Prevalence of cause of sleep disturbance not reported (questionnaire scores reported).
Russo, R.N., Miller, M.D., Haan, E., Cameron, I.D., Crotty, M., Pain characteristics and their association with quality of life and self-concept in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy identified from a population register, Clinical Journal of Pain, 24, 335342, 2008Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Sakai, T., Yamada, H., Nakamura, T., Nanamori, K., Kawasaki, Y., Hanaoka, N., Nakamura, E., Uchida, K., Goel, V. K., Vishnubhotla, L., Sairyo, K., Lumbar spinal disorders in patients with athetoid cerebral palsy: a clinical and biomechanical study, Spine, 31, E66–70, 2006Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Sandella, D.E., O’Brien, L.M., Shank, L.K., Warschausky, S.A., Sleep and quality of life in children with cerebral palsy, Sleep Medicine, 12, 252–256, 2011Prevalence of cause of sleep disturbance not provided.
Swiggum, M., Hamilton, M. L., Gleeson, P., Roddey, T., Pain in children with cerebral palsy: implications for pediatric physical therapy, Pediatric Physical Therapy, 22, 8692, 2010Literature review on management of pain due to physical therapy.
Tuzun, E.H., Guven, D.K., Eker, L., Pain prevalence and its impact on the quality of life in a sample of Turkish children with cerebral palsy, Disability and Rehabilitation, 32, 723–728, 2010Prevalence of cause of pain not reported.
Van Der Slot, W. M., Nieuwenhuijsen, C., Van Den Berg-Emons, R. J., Bergen, M. P., Hilberink, S. R., Stam, H. J., Roebroeck, M. E., Chronic pain, fatigue, and depressive symptoms in adults with spastic bilateral cerebral palsy.[Erratum appears in Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012 Nov;54(11):1064], Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 54, 836–42, 2012Excluded on the basis that for the cause identified, more relevant studies (eg larger sample size) have been found.
Wayte, S., McCaughey, E., Holley, S., Annaz, D., Hill, C. M., Sleep problems in children with cerebral palsy and their relationship with maternal sleep and depression, Acta Paediatrica, 101, 618–23, 2012Case-control study design, prevalence of cause in children with CP not reported.
Zuculo, G. M., Knap, C. C., Pinato, L., Correlation between sleep and quality of life in cerebral palsy, Codas, 26, 447–56, 2014Case-control study design.

K.18. Assessment of pain, distress and discomfort and sleep disturbances

Excluded studies - What is the validity and reliability of published tools to identify and aid understanding of discomfort, pain and/or distress in children and young people with cerebral palsy?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Boldingh, E. J., Jacobs-van der Bruggen, M. A., Lankhorst, G. J., Bouter, L. M., Assessing pain in patients with severe cerebral palsy: development, reliability, and validity of a pain assessment instrument for cerebral palsy, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 85, 758–66, 2004Validation of new pain assessment tool for CP patients (not listed in review protcol)
Breau, L. M., Camfield, C., McGrath, P. J., Rosmus, C., Finley, G. A., Measuring pain accurately in children with cognitive impairments: refinement of a caregiver scale, Journal of Pediatrics, 138, 721–7, 2001No validation of tool.
Campbell, C., Kong, C., Pain in children with cerebral palsy, Paediatrics and Child Health, 15, 60A, 2010Reports on causes of pain rather than on psychometric properties of scales.
Crosta, Q. R., Ward, T. M., Walker, A. J., Peters, L. M., A review of pain measures for hospitalized children with cognitive impairment, Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing: JSPN, 19, 10918, 2014Very informative narrative review - used to quality assure included studies.
Fanurik, D., Koh, J. L., Harrison, R. D., Conrad, T. M., Tomerlin, C., Pain assessment in children with cognitive impairment. An exploration of selfreport skills, Clinical Nursing Research, 7, 10319; discussion 120–4, 1998The study reports on self-reported skills (not relevant to review protocol).
Ghai, B., Makkar, J. K., Wig, J., Postoperative pain assessment in preverbal children and children with cognitive impairment, Paediatric Anaesthesia, 18, 462–77, 2008Narrative review.
Glegg, Stephanie M., Tatla, Sandy K., Holsti, Liisa, The GestureTek virtual reality system in rehabilitation: A scoping review, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 9, 89–111, 2014The paper reports on ‘gesture tek’ (software for rehab).
Hunt, A., Wisbeach, A., Seers, K., Goldman, A., Crichton, N., Perry, L., Mastroyannopoulou, K., Development of the paediatric pain profile: role of video analysis and saliva cortisol in validating a tool to assess pain in children with severe neurological disability, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 33, 276–289, 2007Small sample size (below 50) and another study has been found that validates the same tool.
Kingsnorth, S., Adler, E., Ami, N., GresleyJones, T., Mankad, D., Joachimides, N., Fay, L., Slonim, N., Fehlings, D., Developing a cerebral palsy chronic pain assessment toolkit: A systematic review of the evidence, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 55, 39, 2013Abstract - No specific psychometric properties reported.
Kingsnorth, S., Orava, T., Provvidenza, C., Adler, E., Ami, N., Gresley-Jones, T., Mankad, D., Slonim, N., Fay, L., Joachimides, N., Hoffman, A., Hung, R., Fehlings, D., Chronic Pain Assessment Tools for Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review, Pediatrics, 136, e947–60, 2015Narrative review, used to quality assure the included studies.
McKearnan, K. A., Kieckhefer, G. M., Engel, J. M., Jensen, M. P., Labyak, S., Pain in children with cerebral palsy: a review, Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 36, 252–9, 2004Narrative review.
Morales, N. M., Funayama, C. A., Rangel, V. O., Frontarolli, A. C., Araujo, R. R., Pinto, R. M., Rezende, C. H., Silva, C. H., Psychometric properties of the Child Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) applied to children and adolescents with cerebral palsy, Health & Quality of Life Outcomes, 6, 109, 2008The paper reports on quality of life rather than using measures of pain and/or distress.
Regnard, C., Reynolds, J., Watson, B., Matthews, D., Gibson, L., Clarke, C., Understanding distress in people with severe communication difficulties: Developing and assessing the Disability Distress Assessment Tool (DisDAT), Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51, 277–292, 2007Median population age = 55 years.
Schade, Julia G., Joyce, Betsy A., Gerkensmeyer, Janis, Keck, Juanita F., Comparison of three preverbal scales for postoperative pain assessment in a diverse pediatric sample, Journal of pain and symptom management, 12, 348–359, 1996Population: regardless of developmental stage or cognitive or physical disability. 2/3 scales not relevant to review protocol.
Solodiuk, J., Curley, M. A. Q., Pain assessment in nonverbal children with severe cognitive impairments: The individualised numeric rating scale (INRS), Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 18, 295–299, 2003Tool not listed in the review protocol.
Townley, A., Kingsnorth, S., Orava, T., Provvidenza, C., An evidence-informed approach to the identification and assessment of chronic pain in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pain, 1), S3, 2015Abstract - no specific psychometric properties reported.
Voepel-Lewis, T., Malviya, S., Tait, A. R., Merkel, S., Foster, R., Krane, E. J., Davis, P. J., A comparison of the clinical utility of pain assessment tools for children with cognitive impairment, Anesthesia & Analgesia, 106, 72–8, table of contents, 2008Comparison of scales utility. Small sample size.
Atmawidjaja, R. W., Wong, S. W., Yang, W. W., Ong, L. C., Sleep disturbances in Malaysian children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 56, 681–5, 2014No validity data reported.
Cook, J., Burd, L., Preliminary report on construction and validation of a pediatric sleep disturbance questionnaire, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 70, 259–267, 1990Not CP specific as well as not listed in the review protocol.
Elsayed, R. M., Hasanein, B. M., Sayyah, H. E., El-Auoty, M. M., Tharwat, N., Belal, T. M., Sleep assessment of children with cerebral palsy: Using validated sleep questionnaire, Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 16, 62–5, 2013The study reports on incidence of sleep disturbance types - no validity data.
Raina, S. K., A comment on sleep assessment of children with cerebral palsy: Using validated sleep questionnaire, Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 16, 455, 2013Comment.

K.19. Management of pain, distress and discomfort

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, which interventions are effective in managing discomfort and/or pain and distress with no apparent cause?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Beecham, E., Candy, B., Howard, R., McCulloch, R., Laddie, J., Rees, H., Vickerstaff, V., Bluebond-Langner, M., Jones, L., Pharmacological interventions for pain in children and adolescents with life-limiting conditions, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3, CD010750, 2015The review reports on Botox and Baclofen. These two interventions are not listed in the current review protocol as they have been covered in the Spasticity guideline.
Wyatt, K., Edwards, V., Franck, L., Britten, N., Creanor, S., Maddick, A., Logan, S., Cranial osteopathy for children with cerebral palsy: a randomised controlled trial, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 96, 505–12, 2011Intervention not relevant to review protocol.

K.20. Management of sleep disturbances

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, which interventions are effective in managing sleep disturbance arising from no identifiable cause?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Austin, Kristie L., Gordon, Jocelynne E., O’Connell, Annie, Preliminary evaluation of Sleepwise program for children with sleep disturbance and developmental delay, Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 35, 195–211, 2013Small sample size (n=6), no RCT.
Blake, S. F., Logan, S., Humphreys, G., Matthews, J., Rogers, M., Thompson-Coon, J., Wyatt, K., Morris, C., Sleep positioning systems for children with cerebral palsy, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 11, CD009257, 2015Not relevant study design
Braam, W., Smits, M. G., Didden, R., Korzilius, H., Van Geijlswijk, I. M., Curfs, L. M., Exogenous melatonin for sleep problems in individuals with intellectual disability: a meta-analysis, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 51, 340–9, 2009Relevant studies with regards to population included have been picked up from this metaanalysis.
De Leersnyder, H., Zisapel, N., Laudon, M., Prolonged-release melatonin for children with neurodevelopmental disorders, Pediatric Neurology, 45, 23–6, 2011Follow up study (no RCT), no CP patients considered.
Giannasi, L. C., Matsui, M. Y., de Freitas Batista, S. R., Hardt, C. T., Gomes, C. P., Amorim, J. B., de Carvalho Aguiar, I., Collange, L., Dos Reis Dos Santos, I., Dias, I. S., de Oliveira, C. S., de Oliveira, L. V., Gomes, M. F., Effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation, laser therapy and LED therapy on the masticatory system and the impact on sleep variables in cerebral palsy patients: a randomized, five arms clinical trial, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 13, 71, 2012Protocol.
Gringras, P., Gamble, C., Jones, A. P., Wiggs, L., Williamson, P. R., Sutcliffe, A., Montgomery, P., Whitehouse, W. P., Choonara, I., Allport, T., Edmond, A., Appleton, R., Mends Study Group, Melatonin for sleep problems in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: randomised double masked placebo controlled trial, BMJ, 345, e6664, 2012Related to HTA paper.
Hill, C.M., Parker, R.C., Allen, P., Paul, A., Padoa, K.A., Sleep quality and respiratory function in children with severe cerebral palsy using night-time postural equipment: a pilot study, Acta Paediatrica, 98, 1809–1814, 2009Part of the Cochrane systematic review on sleep positioning.
Jan, J. E., Hamilton, D., Seward, N., Fast, D. K., Freeman, R. D., Laudon, M., Clinical trials of controlled-release melatonin in children with sleep-wake cycle disorders, Journal of Pineal Research, 29, 34–9, 2000Very small sample size and not clear how many CP patients entered the randomisation.
Montgomery, P., Stores, G., Wiggs, L., The relative efficacy of two brief treatments for sleep problems in young learning disabled (mentally retarded) children: a randomised controlled trial, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 89, 125–30, 2004Comparison of two interventions not listed in the review protocol CP patients not included.
Moss, A. H., Gordon, J. E., O’Connell, A., Impact of sleepwise: an intervention for youth with developmental disabilities and sleep disturbance, Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 44, 1695–707, 2014Before and after study, no mention of CP participants.
N. H. S. Quality Improvement Scotland, Melatonin to assist in the management of sleep disorders in children with neuro-developmental disorders (Structured abstract), 2015Descriptive.
Nguyen, M., Tharani, S., Rahmani, M., Shapiro, M., A review of the use of clonidine as a sleep aid in the child and adolescent population, Clinical Pediatrics, 53, 211–216, 2014Narrative review.
Niederhofer, H., Staffen, W., Mair, A., Pittschieler, K., Brief report: melatonin facilitates sleep in individuals with mental retardation and insomnia, Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 33, 469–72, 2003Population = mentally retarded adolescents with sleep problems (self-reported). small sample size
O’Connell, A., Gordon, J., Koppelman-Guthrie, J., Moss, A., Sleepwise-an evaluation of a multicomponent sleep education and home based intervention for older children and adolescents with developmental disabilities and sleep disturbance, Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 10, 22, 2012Descriptive.
O’Connell, A., Vannan, K., Sleepwise: addressing sleep disturbance in young children with developmental delay, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 55, 212–4, 2008No RCT, description of Sleepwise approach.
Phillips, L., Appleton, R. E., Systematic review of melatonin treatment in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and sleep impairment, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 46, 771–5, 2004No CP patients.
Spruyt, K., Curfs, L. M., Non-pharmacological management of problematic sleeping in children with developmental disabilities, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 57, 120–36, 2015Not CP specific descriptive study.
Spruyt, Karen, Curfs, Leopold M. G., Nonpharmacological management of problematic sleeping in children with developmental disabilities, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 57, 120–136, 2015No children with cerebral palsy were included
Tan, H. L., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Gozal, D., Obstructive sleep apnea in children: Update on the recognition, treatment and management of persistent disease, Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, 10, 431–439, 2016Not relevant study design
Wiggs, L., Stores, G., Behavioural treatment for sleep problems in children with severe learning disabilities and challenging daytime behaviour: Effect on sleep patterns of mother and child, Journal of Sleep Research, 7, 119–126, 1998Population criteria = sleep problems and daytime challenging behavior.
Wiggs, L., Stores, G., Behavioural treatment for sleep problems in children with severe learning disabilities and challenging daytime behaviour: effect on daytime behaviour, Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines, 40, 627–35, 1999Population = children with learning disabilities behavioral programme as intervention.

K.21. Assessment of mental health problems

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, what assessments are effective in identifying the presence of mental health problems?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Bertoncelli, C., Bertoncelli, D., Psychiatric disorders in children with cerebral palsy, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 261, S78, 2011Only structured abstract. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCDI) used. No information regarding which other psychometric tests were used.
Bjorgaas, H.M., Hysing, M., Elgen, I., Psychiatric disorders among children with cerebral palsy at school starting age, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33, 1287–1293, 2012None of the tolls listed in the review protocol has been validated in this paper. Only the KiddieSADS was used as a diagnostic instrument.
Bode, H., Kohleis, K., Storck, M., Mental health problems in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: Predictors, impact on family burden and quality of life, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 54, 8, 2012Only structured abstract. No specific psychometric properties reported in relation with the CP population.
Majnemer, A., Shevell, M., Rosenbaum, P., Law, M., Poulin, C., Determinants of life quality in school-age children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatrics, 151, 470–475, 2007No specific psychometric properties reported.
Parkes, J., McCullough, N., Madden, A., McCahey, E., The health of children with cerebral palsy and stress in their parents, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65, 2311–2323, 2009No specific psychometric properties reported.
Ramstad, K., Jahnsen, R., Diseth, T. H., Selfreported mental health in children with cerebral palsy 8–18 years old and associations with recurrent musculoskeletal pain, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 55, 81–82, 2013Only structured abstract. No specific psychometric properties reported.
Ramstad, K., Loge, J. H., Jahnsen, R., Diseth, T. H., Self-reported mental health in youth with cerebral palsy and associations to recurrent musculoskeletal pain, Disability & Rehabilitation, 37, 144–50, 2015Only structured abstract. No specific psychometric properties reported.
Ramstad, K., Jahnsen, R., Skjeldal, O.H., Diseth, T.H., Mental health, health related quality of life and recurrent musculoskeletal pain in children with cerebral palsy 8–18 years old, Disability and Rehabilitation, 34, 1589–1595, 2012No specific psychometric properties reported.
Ramstad, K., Jahnsen, R., Skjeldal, O.H., Diseth, T.H., Parent-reported participation in children with cerebral palsy: the contribution of recurrent musculoskeletal pain and child mental health problems, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, 829–835, 2012This study references other studies already included in this review for reporting on the psychometric properties of the assessments used.
Tuzun, E. H., Eker, L., Daskapan, A., An assessment of the impact of cerebral palsy on children’s quality of life, Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon, 15, 3–8, 2004No specific psychometric properties reported in relation with the CP population.
Vles, G.F., Hendriksen, R.G., Vles, J.S., Kessels, A.G., Hendriksen, J.G., Psychosocial adjustment in a Dutch sample of children with cerebral palsy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 16, 365–372, 2012PARS-III was used to measure psychosocial adjustment. The CBCL scale was used to assess participants (only the narrowband scales) but no psychometric properties were reported.
Wake, M., Salmon, L., Reddihough, Dinah, Health status of Australian children with mild to severe cerebral palsy: Cross-sectional survey using the Child Health Questionnaire, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 45, 194–199, 2003Study already included in the systematic review by McCullough, 2008

K.22. Management of mental health problems

Excluded studies - What is the clinical and cost-effectiveness of interventions to manage mental health problems in chidlren and young people with moderate to severe cerebral palsy? - RCTS & SRs
StudyReason for Exclusion
Andersson, Gerhard, Ljotsson, Brjann, Weise, Cornelia, Internet-delivered treatment to promote health, Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 24, 168–172, 2011No outcome measures listed and no information regarding GMFCS levels of the participants.
Anttila, H., Autti-Ramo, I., Suoranta, J., Makela, M., Malmivaara, A., Effectiveness of physical therapy interventions for children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review, BMC Pediatrics, 8, 2008Outcome measures no relevant for the protocol and no information regarding the GMFCS levels of the participants.
Barlow, Jane, Bennett, Cathy, Midgley, Nick, Larkin, Soili K., Wei, Yinghui, Parent-infant psychotherapy for improving parental and infant mental health, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015Population not relevant for the protocol (no-CP population)
Brogren Carlberg, E., Lowing, K., Does goal setting in activity-focused interventions for children with cerebral palsy influence treatment outcome?, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55, 47–54, 2013Outcome measures not relevant for the protocol (Pediatric evaluation of disability inventory [PEDI], GMFCS, Family empowermEnt scales [FES])
Capelovitch, S., Amro, A., Empowering Palestinian and Israeli mothers to apply a home intervention program for their children with cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 55, 2013Only structured abstract. Outcome measures not relevant to the protocol
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Effectiveness of physical therapy interventions for children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Structured abstract only. Outcome measures no relevant for the protocol.
Engle, H.A., The effect of diazepam (Valium) in children with cerebral palsy: a double-blind study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 8, 661–667, 1966No GMFCS levels were included; crossover design; no evidence of outcome measures; no information regarding washout period.
Gates, P. E., Banks, D., Johnston, T. E., Campbell, S. R., Gaughan, J. P., Ross, S. A., Engsberg, J. R., Tucker, C., Randomised controlled trial assessing participation and quality of life in a supported speed treadmill training exercise program vs. a strengthening program for children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 5, 75–88, 2012GMFCS levels of the included population are not relevant for the protocol (levels III and IV and severely impaired cases excluded); outcome measures were not relevant for the protocol.
Gross-Tsur, Varda, Shalev, Ruth S., Badihi, Navah, Manor, Orly, Efficacy of Methylphenidate in Patients With Cerebral Palsy and AttentionDeficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Journal of Child Neurology, 17, 863–866, 2002Design not considered in the protocol (prospective, crossover, double-blind paradigm); intervention not relevant for the protocol (methylphenidate)
Maher, C. A., Williams, M. T., Olds, T., Lane, A. E., An internet-based physical activity intervention for adolescents with cerebral palsy: a randomised controlled trial, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52, 448–55, 2010Outcome measure not relevant for the protocol (MARCA: multimedia recall for children and young people; which reports activities undertaken during the previous day).
Metin Okmen, B., Dogan Aslan, M., Cuhadaroglu Cetin, F., Nakipoglu Yuzer, G. F., Kose Donmez, B., Ozgirgin, N., The effect of virtual reality therapy on psychological adaptation in children with cerebral palsy, Noropsikiyatri Arsivi, 50, 70–4, 2013Not English
Novak, I., McIntyre, S., Morgan, C., Campbell, L., Dark, L., Morton, N., Stumbles, E., Wilson, S. A., Goldsmith, S., A systematic review of interventions for children with cerebral palsy: state of the evidence, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 55, 885–910, 2013Excluded on the basis that all types of interventions for cerebral palsy were included. Article was used to check for references but no relevant was found
Roux, Gemma, Sofronoff, Kate, Sanders, Matthew, A randomised controlled trial of group Stepping Stones Triple P: A mixed-disability trial, Family Process, 52, 411–424, 2013mixed population with < 10% CP
Slaman, J., Roebroeck, M., Dallmijer, A., Twisk, J., Stam, H., Van Den Berg-Emons, R., Learn 2 Move Research, Group, Can a lifestyle intervention programme improve physical behaviour among adolescents and young adults with spastic cerebral palsy? A randomised controlled trial, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 57, 159–66, 2015Population was not relevat (only children with GMFCS levels were included and participants with severe cognitive disorders were excluded)
Slaman, J., Roebroeck, M., Van Der Slot, W. M., Van Den Berg-Emons, R., Effectiveness of a lifestyle program among adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy: A randomised controlled trial, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 56, 65–6, 2014Only participants with GMFCS levels I-IV were included; outcome measures are not relevant for the protocol.
Tsoi, W. S., Zhang, L. A., Wang, W. Y., Tsang, K. L., Lo, S. K., Improving quality of life of children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review of clinical trials, Child: Care, Health & Development, 38, 21–31, 2012Excluded on the basis that all types of interventions for cerebral palsy were included. Article was used to check for references but no relevant was found
Turner, W. A., Casey, L. M., Outcomes associated with virtual reality in psychological interventions: where are we now?, Clinical Psychology Review, 34, 634–644, 2014Meta-analysis which includes one article related with CP, but outcome measures and intervention are not relevant for the protocol
Van Wely, L., Becher, J. G., Reinders-Messelink, H. A., Lindeman, E., Verschuren, O., Verheijden, J., Dallmeijer, A. J., LEARN 2 MOVE 7–12 years: a randomised controlled trial on the effects of a physical activity stimulation program in children with cerebral palsy, BMC Pediatrics, 10, 77, 2010Population not relevant for the protocol (GMFCS levels I-III)
Wallen, Margaret, Majnemer, Annette, No differences were observed between six months of context- versus child-focussed intervention for young children with cerebral palsy on self-care, mobility, range-of-motion or participation, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 61, 126–127, 2014Structured abstract only. Intervention and outcome measures not relevant for the protocol.
Whittingham, K., Sanders, M., McKinlay, L., Boyd, R. N., Parenting intervention improves behavioral and emotional outcomes of children with CP: An RCT, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 55, 24–5, 2013Structured abstract only. Relevant outcome measures have already been reported in the full text on an included article by the same author in the same population.
Whittingham, K., Sanders, M., McKinlay, L., Boyd, R. N., Stepping stones triple p and acceptance and commitment therapy for parents of children with cerebral palsy: Trial protocol, Brain impairment, 14, 270–80, 2013Trial protocol. Does not include information about intervention or results.
Whittingham, K., Sanders, M., McKinlay, L., Boyd, R. N., Stepping Stones Triple P combined with ACT improves child behaviour and parenting in families of children with CP: A randomised controlled trial, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 56, 54–55, 2014This is the structured abstract of a full text article already included in the review.
Whittingham, K., Sanders, M., McKinlay, L., Boyd, R. N., Improving child quality of life and parent psychological functioning with a parenting intervention incorporarting acceptance and commitment therapy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 55, 80–81, 2013Only structured abstract. Study excluded on the basis of other articles by the same author have already been included in the review using the same population, intervention and outcome measures.
Whittingham, Koa, Sanders, Matthew, McKinlay, Lynne, Boyd, Roslyn N., “Stepping stones triple p and acceptance and commitment therapy for parents of children with cerebral palsy: Trial protocol”: Corrigendum, Brain impairment, 15, 234, 2014Corrigendum of an article excluded from the review.
Whittingham, K., Wee, D., Boyd, R., Systematic review of the efficacy of parenting interventions for children with cerebral palsy, Child: Care, Health and Development, 37, 475–483, 2011Pre-post design.

K.23. Management of sensory and perceptual difficulties

Excluded studies - In children and young people with cerebral palsy, what interventions are effective for managing difficulties in registering and processing of sensory and perceptual information?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Arai, H., Torise, Y., Miura, M., Shima, M., Ohashi, T., Short-term effect of handling methods of Bobath therapy on children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 4, 2014The study focuses more on generic rehabilitation/physiotherapy and not on perceptual interventions as such.
Auld, M. L., Russo, R., Moseley, G. L., Johnston, L. M., Determination of interventions for upper extremity tactile impairment in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 56, 815–32, 2014This is a review including 5 studies on children with CP, of which only one has considered sensorimotor training and it has been included as single study (Bumin et al).
Auld, M., Johnston, L., Boyd, R., Moseley, L., Seeing the gaps: A review of visual assessments for congenital hemiplegia, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 64, 2009No interventions assessed.
Auld, M., Johnston, L., Boyd, R., Moseley, L., Tactile assessment in children with congenital hemiplegia: Which tool to use?, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 64–65, 2009No interventions assessed.
Auld, M., Russo, R., Moseley, G. L., Johnston, L., Tactile interventions for children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 22, 2014No interventions assessed.
Barton, E. E., Reichow, B., Schnitz, A., Smith, I. C., Sherlock, D., A systematic review of sensory-based treatments for children with disabilities, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 37, 64–80, 2015This is a review that includes a study that we have requested and included. Used to check references.
Brogren Carlberg, E., Lowing, K., Does goal setting in activity-focused interventions for children with cerebral palsy influence treatment outcome?, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55, 47–54, 2013This review searched for study designs that are not relevant to our review (case-control studies, single subject experimental design, etc). Used to check references.
Cho, M., Kim, D., Yang, Y., Effects of visual perceptual intervention on visual-motor integration and activities of daily living performance of children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27, 411–3, 2015No comparison presented at all.
Darrah, J., Law, M., Focus on function: A clinical trial of two intervention approaches for children with cerebral palsy, Physiotherapy, 97, 2011This paper is an abstract of a full text that we have requested and included.
Jackman, M., Novak, I., Lannin, N., Effectiveness of functional hand splinting and the cognitive orientation to occupational performance (CO-OP) approach in children with cerebral palsy and brain injury: Two randomised controlled trial protocols, BMC Neurology, 14, 2014This paper is a protocol for future trial.
James, S., Ziviani, J., Boyd, R. N., Efficacy of a web-based multimodal therapy program on occupational performance, upper limb function, and visual perception for children with unilateral cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 85–6, 2014Duplicate of a full text that we have requested.
James, S., Ziviani, J., Ware, R. S., Boyd, R. N., Relationships between activities of daily living, upper limb function, and visual perception in children and adolescents with unilateral cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 57, 852–857, 2015The study presents regression models for associations, but no interventions are assessed.
Kerem, M., Livanelioglu, A., Topcu, M., Effects of Johnstone pressure splints combined with neurodevelopmental therapy on spasticity and cutaneous sensory inputs in spastic cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 43, 307–313, 2001Outcomes assessed (range of movement) are not relevant to the review protocol.
Law, M., Darrah, J., Pollock, N., Rosenbaum, P., Russell, D., Walter, S. D., Petrenchik, T., Wilson, B., Wright, V., Focus on Function - a randomised controlled trial comparing two rehabilitation interventions for young children with cerebral palsy, BMC Pediatrics, 7, 31, 2007This paper is a protocol for future trial.
McLean, B., Garbellini, S., Valentine, J., Carey, L., Elliott, C., Improving sensation for children with cerebral palsy, what are we doing? A systematic review, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 21, 2014Abstract only, with scarce info.
Morgan, C., Novak, I., Badawi, N., Environmental enrichment utilizing motor learning enhances motor outcomes of infants at high risk of CP: Randomised controlled trial pilot study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 2014Population = children at risk of cerebral palsy.
Sellick, K. J., Over, R., Effects of vestibular stimulation on motor development of cerebralpalsied children, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 22, 476–83, 1980Very small sample size vestibular stimulation not part of the review protocol.
Shamsoddini, A.R., Hollisaz, M.T., Effect of sensory integration therapy on gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy, Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, 3, 43–48, 2009The developers felt the results couldn’t be trusted as when inputting raw data into Review Manager this was showing different conclusions.
Zhang, N. X., Wang, X. Y., Li, Y. B., Liu, G. Z., Zhang, H. Y., Effects of individualized therapeutic porgram with heat-reinforcing needling in combination with Bobath therapy on gross motor dysfunction in children with cerebral palsy: A randomised controlled trial, World Journal of Acupuncture - Moxibustion, 24, 21–31, 2014Acupuncture isn’t part of the interventions for this review.
Zhang, N. X., Wang, X. Y., Liu, G. Z., Li, Y. B., Zhang, H. Y., [Randomised controlled clinical trials of individualised treatment of cerebral palsy children by warm-reinforcing needling combined with Bobath rehabilitation training], Zhen ci yan jiu = Acupuncture research / [Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan Yi xue qing bao yan jiu suo bian ji], 39, 318–23, 2014Acupuncture isn’t part of the interventions for this review.

K.24. Other comorbidities in cerebral palsy

Excluded studies - In infants, children and young people with cerebral palsy, what is the prevalence of important comorbidities with a view to informing early identification?
StudyReason for Exclusion
da Cunha Matta, A.P., Nunes, G., Rossi, L., Lawisch, V., Dellatolas, G., Braga, L., Outpatient evaluation of vision and ocular motricity in 123 children with cerebral palsy, Developmental neurorehabilitation, 11, 159–165, 2008Small sample size (<250)
Aaberg, K. M., Suren, P., Soraas, C. L., Bakken, I. J., Gunnes, N., Haberg, S. E., Lossius, M. I., Stoltenberg, C., Chin, R., Epilepsy beyond seizures. A nationwide registry study of comorbidity in childhood epilepsy, Epilepsia, 55, 100, 2014Comorbidities for cerebral palsy not reported, abstract only, non-UK.
Akpinar, P., Tezel, C.G., Eliasson, A.C., Icagasioglu, A., Reliability and cross-cultural validation of the Turkish version of Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) for children with cerebral palsy, Disability and Rehabilitation, 32, 1910–1916, 2010Small sample size.
Aksu, F., Nature and prognosis of seizures in patients with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 32, 661–8, 1990Small sample size.
Al Ajlouni, S. F., Aqrabawi, M., Oweis, N., Daoud, A. S., Clinical spectrum of cerebral palsy in Jordanian children: An analysis of 200 cases, Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 4, 251–255, 2006Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Al-Asmari, A., Al Moutaery, K., Akhdar, F., Al Jadid, M., Cerebral palsy: incidence and clinical features in Saudi Arabia, Disability & Rehabilitation, 28, 1373–7, 2006Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Alsem, M.W., Ketelaar, M., Verhoef, M., The course of health-related quality of life of preschool children with cerebral palsy, Disability and Rehabilitation, 35, 686–693, 2013Small sample size.
Al-Sulaiman, A. A., Bademosi, O. F., Ismail, H. M., Al-Quliti, K. W., Al-Shammary, S. F., Abumadini, M. S., Al-Umran, K. U., Magbool, G. M., Cerebral palsy in Saudi children, Neurosciences, 8, 26–29, 2003Small sample size non UK data.
Al-Sulaiman, A.A., Epilepsy in Saudi children with cerebral palsy, Saudi Medical Journal, 22, 19–21, 2001Small sample size, non-UK.
Andersen, G., Mjoen, T., Vik, T., Communicative skills in children with cerebral palsy (CP), Developmental medicine and child neurology, 51, 14, 2009Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Andersen, G.L., Irgens, L.M., Haagaas, I., Skranes, J.S., Meberg, A.E., Vik, T., Cerebral palsy in Norway: prevalence, subtypes and severity, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 12, 4–13, 2008Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Andersen, J.C., Robertson, C.M., Joffe, A.R., Sauve, R.S., Alton, G.Y., Dinu, I.A., Ross, D.B., Rebeyka, I.M., Prevalence and profile of cerebral palsy 4 years after newborn complex heart surgery, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 30–31, 2009Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Aneja, S., Ahuja, B., Taluja, V., Bhatia, V.K., Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 68, 111–115, 2001Not registry, non-UK.
Anwar, S., Chowdhury, J., Khatun, M., Mollah, A.H., Begum, H.A., Rahman, Z., Nahar, N., Clinical profile and predisposing factors of cerebral palsy, Mymensingh Medical Journal: MMJ, 15, 142–145, 2006Small sample size.
Arai, H., Hirai, S., Kitai, Y., Clinical features of congenital bulbar palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 54, 113–114, 2012Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Arnfield, E., Jordan, R., Pareezer, L., Ware, R., Boyd, R. N., Impact of preterm versus term birth on comorbidities and functional outcomes in preschool age children with cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 55, 69, 2013Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Arnoldi, K. A., Pendarvis, L., Jackson, J., Batra, N. N., Cerebral Palsy for the Pediatric Eye Care Team Part III: Diagnosis and Management of Associated Visual and Sensory Disorders, American Orthoptic Journal, 56, 97–107, 2006Small sample size.
Arnoldi, K., Jackson, J. H., Cerebral palsy for the pediatric eye care team part 1: epidemiology, pathogenesis, and systemic findings, American Orthoptic Journal, 55, 97–105, 2005Small sample size.
Aronu, A. E., Ibekwe, R. C., Ojinnaka, N. C., Epilepsy in Nigerian children with cerebral palsy in Enugu, Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 11, 2327, 2013Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Bacciu, A., Pasanisi, E., Vincenti, V., Ormitti, F., Di Lella, F., Guida, M., Berghenti, M., Bacciu, S., Cochlear implantation in children with cerebral palsy. A preliminary report, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 73, 717–21, 2009Intervention study: cochlear implantation.
Badawi, N., Felix, J.F., Kurinczuk, J.J., Dixon, G., Watson, L., Keogh, J.M., Valentine, J., Stanley, F.J., Cerebral palsy following term newborn encephalopathy: a population-based study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 47, 293–298, 2005Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Bankes, J. L., Eye defects of mentally handicapped children, British Medical Journal, 2, 533–5, 1974No data specific to CP patients.
Bartlett, D., Chiarello, L., Chang, H., Measuring health conditions of young children with cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 51, 72, 2009Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Basaran, A., Karadavut, K. I., Uneri, S. O., Balbaloglu, O., Atasoy, N., The effect of having a children with cerebral palsy on quality of life, burn-out, depression and anxiety scores: a comparative study, European journal of physical & rehabilitation medicine., 49, 815–22, 2013Small sample size study focuses on caregivers.
Beckung, E., Hagberg, G., Uldall, P., Cans, C., Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in, Europe, Probability of walking in children with cerebral palsy in Europe, Pediatrics, 121, e187–92, 2008Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found. Other studies from SCPE included.
Beckung, E., Hagberg, G., Neuroimpairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions in children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 44, 309–316, 2002Small sample size non-UK data.
Beckung, E., Steffenburg, U., Uvebrant, P., Motor and sensory dysfunctions in children with mental retardation and epilepsy, Seizure, 6, 43–50, 1997Small sample size not CP patients.
Beckung, E., White-Koning, M., Marcelli, M., McManus, V., Michelsen, S., Parkes, J., Parkinson, K., Thyen, U., Arnaud, C., Fauconnier, J., Colver, A., Health status of children with cerebral palsy living in Europe: a multi-centre study, Child: Care, Health and Development, 34, 806–814, 2008Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Belan, R. R., Paola, D. B., Aguas-Santas, J. S., Casares, C., Andres, J., Secondary disability in communication disorders due to childhood cerebral palsy: Assessment using a modified CETI scale, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 53, 23–24, 2011Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Belonwu, R.O., Gwarzo, G.D., Adeleke, S.I., Cerebral palsy in Kano, Nigeria--a review, Nigerian Journal of Medicine: Journal of the National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria, 18, 186–189, 2009Not registry, non-UK.
Benfer, K. A., Weir, K. A., Bell, K. L., Ware, R. S., Davies, P. S., Boyd, R. N., Oropharyngeal dysphagia in preschool children with cerebral palsy: oral phase impairments, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 3469–81, 2014Small sample size not answering the review question.
Bertoncelli, C., Bertoncelli, D., Psychiatric disorders in children with cerebral palsy, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 261, S78, 2011Small sample size, conference abstract, comorbidity (psychiatric disorders) not in protocol.
Bhatia, M., Joseph, B., Rehabilitation of cerebral palsy in a developing country: The need for comprehensive assessment, Pediatric Rehabilitation, 4, 83–86, 2001Small sample size non-UK data.
Bildstein, T., Baumann, M., Gedik, A., Albrecht, U., Baumgartner, S., Janetschek, C., Rostasy, K., Haberlandt, E., Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Neuropediatrics, 44 (2), 2013Small sample size.
Birman, C.S., Elliott, E.J., Gibson, W.P., Pediatric cochlear implants: additional disabilities prevalence, risk factors, and effect on language outcomes, Otology and Neurotology, 33, 1347–1352, 2012Small sample size, non-UK.
Bjorgaas, H.M., Elgen, I., Boe, T., Hysing, M., Mental health in children with cerebral palsy: does screening capture the complexity?, Thescientificworldjournal, 2013, 468402-, 2013Small sample size mental health rather than behavioural problems.
Bjorgaas, H.M., Hysing, M., Elgen, I., Psychiatric disorders among children with cerebral palsy at school starting age, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33, 1287–1293, 2012Small sample size mental health issues rather than behavioural difficulties.
Bjornson, K.F., Zhou, C., Stevenson, R.D., Christakis, D., Relation of stride activity and participation in mobility-based life habits among children with cerebral palsy, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95, 360–368, 2014Small sample size.
Blacher, J., McIntyre, L.L., Syndrome specificity and behavioural disorders in young adults with intellectual disability: cultural differences in family impact, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50, 184–198, 2006Population = caregivers of young adults with ID.
Black, P., Visual disorders associated with cerebral palsy, British Journal of Ophthalmology, 66, 46–52, 1982Small sample size.
Blair, E., Badawi, N., Bunyard, J., Groot, J. D., Delacy, M., Edwards, K., Ewens, C., Flett, P., Gibson, C., Gibson, N., Haan, E., Ingham, C., Kippen, R., Lanigan, A., Louca, C., Love, S., McIntyre, S., Novak, I., Reddihough, D., Reid, S., Scott, H., Smithers-Sheedy, H., Van Essen, P., Venn, A., Watson, L., A profile of cerebral palsy in Australia, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 52, 37–38, 2010Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Blair, E., Stanley, F. J., An epidemiological study of cerebral palsy in Western Australia, 1956–1975. III: Postnatal aetiology, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 24, 575–85, 1982Small sample size, non-UK.
Bohmer, C. J., Klinkenberg-Knol, E. C., Niezende Boer, M. C., Meuwissen, S. G., Gastroesophageal reflux disease in intellectually disabled individuals: how often, how serious, how manageable?, American Journal of Gastroenterology, 95, 1868–72, 2000Non-systematic review.
Bohmer, C.J., Klinkenberg-Knol, E.C., Niezen-de Boer, R.C., Meuwissen, S.G., The prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease based on non-specific symptoms in institutionalized, intellectually disabled individuals, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 9, 187–190, 1997Small sample size.
Bohmer, C.J., Taminiau, J.A., KlinkenbergKnol, E.C., Meuwissen, S.G., The prevalence of constipation in institutionalized people with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 45, 212–218, 2001Small sample size indirect population (patients with ID).
Bohmer, C.J., Niezen-de Boer, M.C., Klinkenberg-Knol, E.C., Deville, W.L., Nadorp, J.H., Meuwissen, S.G., The prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease in institutionalized intellectually disabled individuals, American Journal of Gastroenterology, 94, 804–810, 1999Not CP specific.
Bohmer, C.J., Niezen-de Boer, M.C., Klinkenberg-Knol, E.C., Nadorp, J.H., Meuwissen, S.G., Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in institutionalised intellectually disabled individuals, Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 51, 134–139, 1997Case-control design, CP subset of participants with GORD (prevalence not applicable).
Boo, N.Y., Ong, L.C., Lye, M.S., Chandran, V., Teoh, S.L., Zamratol, S., Nyein, M.K., Allison, L., Comparison of morbidities in very low birthweight and normal birthweight infants during the first year of life in a developing country, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 32, 439444, 1996Not CP specific; comparing comorbidities in VLBW babies.
Bottcher, L., Dammeyer, J., Disability as a risk factor? Development of psychopathology in children with disabilities, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 3607–3617, 2013Non-systematic review.
Bozkurt, M., Tutuncuoglu, S., Serdaroglu, G., Tekgul, H., Aydogdu, S., Gastroesophageal reflux in children with cerebral palsy: efficacy of cisapride, Journal of Child Neurology, 19, 973976, 2004Small sample size, non-UK.
Brandao, M. D., Mancini, M. C., Rodrigues, L. A., Goncalves, S. C., Crepaldi, P. V., Mambrini, J. V., Abrahao, L. C., Gross motor and hand function in children with cerebral palsy and their relation with daily living activities, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 53, 83, 2011Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Brooks, J., Strauss, D., Shavelle, R., Tran, L., Recent updates from the California database, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 55, 48, 2013Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Brossard-Racine, M., Hall, N., Majnemer, A., Shevell, M.I., Law, M., Poulin, C., Rosenbaum, P., Behavioural problems in school age children with cerebral palsy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 16, 35–41, 2012Small sample size the study focuses on parents and carers.
Bruck, I., Antoniuk, S.A., Spessatto, A., Bem, R.S., Hausberger, R., Pacheco, C.G., Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 59, 35–39, 2001Small sample size.
Cans, C., Guillem, P., Arnaud, C., Baille, F., Chalmers, J., McManus, V., Cussen, G., Parkes, J., Dolk, H., Hagberg, B., Hagberg, G., Jarvis, S., Colver, A., Johnson, A., Surman, G., Krageloh-Mann, I., Michaelis, R., Platt, M. J., Pharoah, P., Topp, M., Udall, P., Torrioli, M. G., Miceli, M., Wichers, M., Prevalence and characteristics of children with cerebral palsy in Europe, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 44, 633–640, 2002Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Carlsson, M., Hagberg, G., Olsson, I., Clinical and aetiological aspects of epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 45, 371–376, 2003Small sample size non-UK data.
Carlsson, M., Olsson, I., Hagberg, G., Beckung, E., Behaviour in children with cerebral palsy with and without epilepsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 50, 784–789, 2008Small sample size.
Carvalho, E. H., Valicek, J., Tavares, E. S., Araujo, A. C., Hearing assessment in children with cerebral palsy by brainstem auditory evoked potentials and wave V audiometry, Journal of Neurology, 258, S59, 2011Small sample size.
Castane, M., Peris, E., Sanchez, E., Ocular dysfunction associated with mental handicap, Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 15, 489492, 1995Small sample size, non-UK.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Screening for speech and language delay: a systematic review of the literature (Structured abstract), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 2015Abstract only, prevalence not reported.
Chaix, Y., Learning disabilities in children with epilepsy, Troubles de l’apprentissage chez l’enfant epileptique. [French, English], Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 55, e231+e233, 2012Abstract only, not English (French).
Chiarello, L.A., Almasri, N., Palisano, R.J., Factors related to adaptive behavior in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 30, 435–441, 2009Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Christensen, D., Van Naarden Braun, K., Doernberg, N. S., Maenner, M. J., Arneson, C. L., Durkin, M. S., Benedict, R. E., Kirby, R. S., Wingate, M. S., Fitzgerald, R., Yeargin-Allsopp, M., Prevalence of cerebral palsy, co-occurring autism spectrum disorders, and motor functioning - Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, USA, 2008, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 56, 59–65, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Christensen, D., Yeargin-Allsopp, M., Goodman, A., Van Naarden Braun, K., Co-occurring autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, and epilepsy among children with cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 56, 73, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Clark, M., Carr, L., Reilly, S., Neville, B.G., Worster-Drought syndrome, a mild tetraplegic perisylvian cerebral palsy. Review of 47 cases, Brain, 123, 2160–2170, 2000Small sample size population of Worster-drought syndrome only.
Clark, M., Harris, R., Jolleff, N., Price, K., Neville, B.G., Worster-Drought syndrome: poorly recognized despite severe and persistent difficulties with feeding and speech, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, 27–32, 2010Worster-Drought syndrome only.
Cockerill, H., Elbourne, D., Allen, E., Scrutton, D., Will, E., McNee, A., Fairhurst, C., Baird, G., Speech, communication and use of augmentative communication in young people with cerebral palsy: the SH&PE population study, Child: Care, Health & Development, 40, 149–57, 2014Small sample size, not registry.
Coleman, A., Weir, K., Ware, R., Boyd, R. N., The relationship between communication and motor severity in children with cerebral palsy at 24 months corrected age, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 54, 65, 2012Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Coleman, A., Weir, K.A., Ware, R.S., Boyd, R.N., Relationship between communication skills and gross motor function in preschool-aged children with cerebral palsy, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94, 2210–2217, 2013Small sample size.
Corry, P. C., Intellectual disability and cerebral palsy in a UK community, Community Genetics, 5, 201–4, 2002Small sample size, not registry, regional data.
Cucu, T., Siric, A., Nacu, A., A comparison of children with spastic cerebral palsy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 14 (6), 549, 2010Small sample size.
Dahlgren Sandberg, A., Reading and spelling abilities in children with severe speech impairments and cerebral palsy at 6, 9, and 12 years of age in relation to cognitive development: A longitudinal study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 48, 629–634, 2006Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Dakovic, I., da Graca Andrada, M., Folha, T., Neubauer, D., Hollody, K., Honold, M., Horber, V., Duranovic, V., Bosnjak, V. M., Clinical features of cerebral palsy in children with symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 18, 618–23, 2014Small sample size.
de Veer, A. J., Bos, J. T., Niezen-de Boer, R. C., Bohmer, C. J., Francke, A. L., Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease in severely mentally retarded people: a systematic review, BMC Gastroenterology, 8, 23, 2008Not CP specific.
Del Giudice, E., Staiano, A., Capano, G., Romano, A., Florimonte, L., Miele, E., Ciarla, C., Campanozzi, A., Crisanti, A. F., Gastrointestinal manifestations in children with cerebral palsy, Brain and Development, 21, 307–311, 1999Small sample size.
Delacy, M., Louca, C., Johnston, L., Queensland Cerebral Palsy Register-successful consentbased ascertainment of a 10-year cohort, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 55, 78, 2013Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Delacy, M., Louca, C., Johnston, L. M., Relationship between gross motor function and associated impairments in children with cerebral palsy in Queensland (birth years 1996–2005), Developmental medicine and child neurology, 56, 61–62, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Duckman, R., The incidence of visual anomalies in a population of cerebral palsied children, Journal of the American Optometric Association, 50, 1013–1016, 1979Non-systematic review.
Dufresne, D., Dagenais, L., Shevell, M., Prevalence and characteristics of severe sensory impairment in a population-based cohort of children with cerebral palsy, Annals of Neurology, 72, S186, 2012Small sample size.
Dufresne, D., Dagenais, L., Shevell, M. I., Epidemiology of severe hearing impairment in a population-based cerebral palsy cohort, Pediatric Neurology, 51, 641–644, 2014Small sample size, non-UK.
Dufresne, D., Dagenais, L., Shevell, M. I., Repacq Consortium, Epidemiology of severe hearing impairment in a population-based cerebral palsy cohort, Pediatric Neurology, 51, 641–4, 2014Small sample size, non-UK.
Edebol-Tysk, K., Epidemiology of spastic tetraplegic cerebral palsy in Sweden. I. Impairments and disabilities, Neuropediatrics, 20, 41–5, 1989Small sample size.
El-Tallawy, H. N., Farghaly, W. M., Shehata, G. A., Badry, R., Rageh, T. A., Epileptic and cognitive changes in children with cerebral palsy: an Egyptian study, Neuropsychiatric Disease & Treatment, 10, 971–5, 2014The paper reports on risk factors in relation to the development of epilepsy Small sample size.
El-Tallawy, H. N., Farghaly, W. M., Shehata, G. A., Rageh, T. A., Metwally, N. A., Badry, R., Sayed, M. A., Abd El Hamed, M., Abd-Elwarth, A., Kandil, M. R., Cerebral palsy in Al-Quseir City, Egypt: prevalence, subtypes, and risk factors, Neuropsychiatric Disease & Treatment, 10, 1267–72, 2014Small sample size.
Erkin, G., Culha, C., Ozel, S., Kirbiyik, E.G., Feeding and gastrointestinal problems in children with cerebral palsy, International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 33, 218–224, 2010Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Fazzi, E., Signorini, S. G., L. A. Piana R, Bertone, C., Misefari, W., Galli, J., Balottin, U., Bianchi, P. E., Neuro-ophthalmological disorders in cerebral palsy: ophthalmological, oculomotor, and visual aspects, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 54, 730–6, 2012Small sample size (<250)
Falkmer, T., Gregersen, N. P., The prevalence of learner drivers with cerebral palsy who are in need of highly specialized driver education, Journal of Traffic Medicine, 28, 23–31, 2000Non-systematic review (narrative review).
Frampton, I., Yude, C., Goodman, R., The prevalence and correlates of specific learning difficulties in a representative sample of children with hemiplegia, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 68, 39–51, 1998Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Gabis, L. V., Shilon-Hadass, A., Misgav-Tzuberi, N., Sofrin, R., Shefer, S., Evaluation of ability and comorbidity in children with cerebral palsy, Annals of Neurology, 68, S100, 2010Small sample size.
Gabis, L. V., Tsubary, N. M., Leon, O., Ashkenasi, A., Shefer, S., Assessment of abilities and comorbidities in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 30, 1640–1645, 2015Small sample size
Gangil, A., Patwari, A.K., Bajaj, P., Kashyap, R., Anand, V.K., Gastroesophageal reflux disease in children with cerebral palsy, Indian Pediatrics, 38, 766–770, 2001Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Ghasia, F., Brunstrom, J., Gordon, M., Tychsen, L., Frequency and severity of visual sensory and motor deficits in children with cerebral palsy: gross motor function classification scale, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 49, 572–580, 2008Small sample size.
Gibson, C., Smithers-Sheedy, H., Cerebral palsy in Australia, birth years 1993–2006: Findings from the Australian Cerebral Palsy Register, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 56, 43, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Goodman, R, Graham, P, Psychiatric problems in children with hemiplegia: cross sectional epidemiological survey, BMJ, 312, 1065–1069, 1996Uses ‘hemiplegia’ instead of cerebral palsy. More recent data on behavioural difficulties have been considered.
Gururaj, A. K., Sztriha, L., Bener, A., Dawodu, A., Eapen, V., Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Seizure, 12, 110–114, 2003Case-control design Small sample size.
Guzzetta, A., Fazzi, B., Mercuri, E., Bertuccelli, B., Canapicchi, R., Van Hof-van Duin, J., Cioni, G., Visual function in children with hemiplegia in the first years of life, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 43, 321–329, 2001Small sample size.
Guzzetta, A., Mercuri, E., Cioni, G., Visual disorders in children with brain lesions: 2. Visual impairment associated with cerebral palsy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 5, 115–9, 2001Non-systematic review.
Hadjipanayis, A., Hadjichristodoulou, C., Youroukos, S., Epilepsy in patients with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 39, 659–663, 1997Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Hadzagic-Catibusic, F., Zubcevic, S., Uzicanin, S., Epilepsy in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 15, S40, 2011Small sample size.
Hattier, M.A., Matson, J.L., Sipes, M., Turygin, N., Communication deficits in infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 2108–2113, 2011Small sample size.
Hidecker, M. C., Poole, M. L., Taylor, K., Paneth, N., Rosenbaum, P. L., Kent, R., Functional performance profiles of children with cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 52, 59–60, 2010Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Hidecker, M. J., Hanna, C. B., Rosenbaum, P., Kent, R. D., Paneth, N., Cerebral palsy surveillance of communication and eating, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 51, 79–80, 2009No analysis of CP comorbidities presented.
Himmelmann, K., Lindh, K., Hidecker, M. J., Communication ability in cerebral palsy: a study from the CP register of western Sweden, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 17, 568–74, 2013Small sample size.
Himmelmann, K., Beckung, E., Hagberg, G., Uvebrant, P., Gross and fine motor function and accompanying impairments in cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 48, 417–423, 2006Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Himmelmann, K., Hagberg, G., Wiklund, L.M., Eek, M.N., Uvebrant, P., Dyskinetic cerebral palsy: a population-based study of children born between 1991 and 1998, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49, 246–251, 2007Small sample size non-UK data.
Honold, M., Baldissera, I., Gedik, A., Albrecht, U., Tschiderer, B., Arnold, C., Rostasy, K., Visual disorders in children with cerebral palsy, Neuropediatrics, 44 (2), 2013Small sample size, abstract only, country not specified.
Humphreys, P., Whiting, S., Pham, B., Hemiparetic cerebral palsy: clinical pattern and imaging in prediction of outcome, Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 27, 210–219, 2000Small sample size, non-UK.
Hurley, D., Gaebler-Spira, D., Thornton, L., Msall, M. E., Impact of social factors on medical, communicative, and behavioral comorbidities among children in the chicago cerebral palsy research registry, Annals of Neurology, 68, S99, 2010Impact of family and social capital. Not answering the review question.
Jacobson, L., Rydberg, A., Eliasson, A.C., Kits, A., Flodmark, O., Visual field function in school-aged children with spastic unilateral cerebral palsy related to different patterns of brain damage, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, e184-e187, 2010Small sample size.
Jekovec, M., Radsel, A., Neubauer, D., Children with epilepsy in Slovenian register for cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 56, 41–42, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Jekovec-Vrhovsek, M., Neubauer, N., Osredkar, D., The diversity of Slovenian data in Slovenian Register for Cerebral Palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 55, 57, 2013Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Jenks, K. M., de Moor, J., van Lieshout, E. C., Arithmetic difficulties in children with cerebral palsy are related to executive function and working memory, Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines, 50, 824–33, 2009Small sample size.
Karumuna, J.M., Mgone, C.S., Cerebral palsy in Dar Es Salaam, Central African Journal of Medicine, 36, 8–10, 1990Small sample size non UK based.
Katoch, S., Devi, A., Kulkarni, P., Ocular defects in cerebral palsy, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 55, 154–156, 2007Small sample, non-UK.
Kennes, J., Rosenbaum, P., Hanna, S.E., Walter, S., Russell, D., Raina, P., Bartlett, D., Galuppi, B., Health status of school-aged children with cerebral palsy: information from a population-based sample, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 44, 240–247, 2002Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Khan, M. S., Moyeenuzzaman, M., Islam, M. Q., A study on patients with cerebral palsy, Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin, 32, 38–42, 2006Small sample size non UK based.
Khaw, C. W., Tidemann, A. J., Stern, L. M., Study of hemiplegic cerebral palsy with a review of the literature, Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 30, 224–9, 1994Small sample size.
Kilincaslan, A., Mukaddes, N.M., Pervasive developmental disorders in individuals with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 289–294, 2009The study reports on mental health problems.
Kirby, R. S., Wingate, M. S., Mulvihill, B. A., Doernberg, N., Van Naarden Braun, K., Yeargin-Allsopp, M., Arneson, C., Durkin, M., Benedict, R., Maenner, M., Prevalence and characteristics of cerebral palsy in four areas of the United States in 2006: An update from the autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 52, 60, 2010Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Kirby, R. S., Wingate, M. S., Van Naarden Braun, K., Doernberg, N. S., Arneson, C. L., Benedict, R. E., Mulvihill, B., Durkin, M. S., Fitzgerald, R. T., Maenner, M. J., Patz, J. A., Yeargin-Allsopp, M., Prevalence and functioning of children with cerebral palsy in four areas of the United States in 2006: a report from the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 462–9, 2011Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Kitchener, N., El-Khayat, H., Aziz, S., Nagy, N., Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Neurology, 258, S234, 2011Small sample size, abstract only.
Korkalainen, J., Smithers-Sheedy, H., Karlsson, P., Communication profile of children participating in a cerebral palsy surveillance programme, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 56, 45, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Krageloh-Mann, I., Hagberg, G., Meisner, C., Schelp, B., Haas, G., Eeg-Olofsson, K.E., Selbmann, H.K., Hagberg, B., Michaelis, R., Bilateral spastic cerebral palsy--a comparative study between south-west Germany and western Sweden. I: Clinical patterns and disabilities, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 35, 1037–1047, 1993Non-UK data, not registry.
Krzan, M. J., Jekovec-Vrhovsek, M., Gosar, D., Neubauer, D., Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy in Slovenia, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 15, S40, 2011Small sample size.
Lauruschkus, K., Westbom, L., Hallstrom, I., Wagner, P., Nordmark, E., Physical activity in a total population of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 157–167, 2013Non-UK data, not registry.
Legault, G., Shevell, M. I., Dagenais, L., Quebec Cerebral Palsy Registry, Consortium, Predicting comorbidities with neuroimaging in children with cerebral palsy, Pediatric Neurology, 45, 229–32, 2011Small sample size, non-UK.
Legault, G., Shevell, M., Dagenais, L., Neuroimaging findings in children with cerebral palsy and the prediction of comorbidities, Annals of Neurology, 68, S93, 2010The paper reported on neuroimaging findings, not specifically on CP comorbidities.
Lundqvist, L.O., Prevalence and risk markers of behavior problems among adults with intellectual disabilities: a total population study in Orebro County, Sweden, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 1346–1356, 2013Small sample size.
Luu, T. M., Vohr, B., Twinning on the brain: the effect on neurodevelopmental outcomes, American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part C, Seminars in Medical Genetics, 151C, 142–7, 2009Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Martin, A., Ford, T., Goodman, R., Meltzer, H., Logan, S., Physical illness in looked-after children: a cross-sectional study, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 99, 103–107, 2014CP specific comorbidities not reported.
McAteer, J., Larison, C., Lariviere, C., Garrison, M.M., Goldin, A.B., Antireflux procedures for gastroesophageal reflux disease in children: influence of patient age on surgical management, JAMA Surgery, 149, 56–62, 2014Intervention study, non-UK.
McDermott, S., Moran, R., Platt, T., Wood, H., Isaac, T., Dasari, S., Prevalence of epilepsy in adults with mental retardation and related disabilities in primary care, American Journal of Mental Retardation, 110, 48–56, 2005Small sample size. Average age of CP participants below 25 years.
McIntyre, S., Blair, E., Badawi, N., The characteristics of CP in term infants not admitted to NICU, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 51, 32–33, 2009Abstract paper, comorbidity prevalences not reported.
McIntyre, S., Blair, E., Smithers Sheedy, H. A., Reid, S., Gibson, C., Van essen, P., De lacy, M., Kippen, R., Novak phd, I., Bunyard, J., Findings from the inaugural Australian Cerebral Palsy Register (ACPR) report, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 52, 3, 2010Abstract only. Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
McManus, V., Guillem, P., Surman, G., Cans, C., SCPE work, standardization and definition - An overview of the activities of SCPE: A collaboration of European CP Registers, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 8, 261–265, 2006Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found. Other studies included from SCPE.
Minciu, I., Clinical correlations in cerebral palsy, Medica, 7, 319–24, 2012Non-UK, not registry.
Molteno, G., Molteno, C.D., Finchilescu, G., Dawes, A.R., Behavioural and emotional problems in children with intellectual disability attending special schools in Cape Town, South Africa, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 45, 515–520, 2001Indirect population non UK data.
Msall, M.E., Avery, R.C., Tremont, M.R., Lima, J.C., Rogers, M.L., Hogan, D.P., Functional disability and school activity limitations in 41,300 school-age children: relationship to medical impairments, Pediatrics, 111, 548–553, 2003CP specific comorbidities not reported.
Nordmark, E., Hagglund, G., Lagergren, J., Cerebral palsy in southern Sweden II. Gross motor function and disabilities, Acta Paediatrica, 90, 1277–1282, 2001Small sample size.
Nordmark, E., Hagglund, G., Lagergren, J., Cerebral palsy in southern Sweden I. Prevalence and clinical features, Acta Paediatrica, 90, 1271–1276, 2001Small sample size.
Novak, I., Hines, M., Goldsmith, S., Barclay, R., Clinical prognostic messages from a systematic review on cerebral palsy, Pediatrics, 130, e1285-e1312, 2012Narrative review, checked for references.
Oeseburg, B., Dijkstra, G.J., Groothoff, J.W., Reijneveld, S.A., Jansen, D.E., Prevalence of chronic health conditions in children with intellectual disability: a systematic literature review, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 49, 59–85, 2011Narrative review.
Okumura, A., Hayakawa, F., Kato, T., Kuno, K., Watanabe, K., Epilepsy in patients with spastic cerebral palsy: correlation with MRI findings at 5 years of age, Brain and Development, 21, 540543, 1999Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Oskoui, M., Majnemer, A., Dagenais, L., Shevell, M. I., The relationship between gross motor function and manual ability in cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 28, 1646–52, 2013Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK/european data) have been found.
Parkes, J., Caravale, B., Marcelli, M., Franco, F., Colver, A., Parenting stress and children with cerebral palsy: a European cross-sectional survey, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 815–821, 2011Aim of the study to describe stress in the parents of children with CP.
Parkes, J., Dolk, H., Hill, N., Pattenden, S., Cerebral palsy in Northern Ireland: 1981--93, Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 15, 278286, 2001Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK national registry, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Parkes, J., Hill, N., Platt, M.J., Donnelly, C., Oromotor dysfunction and communication impairments in children with cerebral palsy: a register study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, 1113–1119, 2010Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Pharoah, P.O., Cooke, T., Johnson, M.A., King, R., Mutch, L., Epidemiology of cerebral palsy in England and Scotland, 1984–9, Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 79, F21-F25, 1998Regional registries. Excluded on the basis that national registry which includes the regional registries reported, have been included.
Pharoah, P.O., Cooke, T., Rosenbloom, L., Cooke, R.W., Effects of birth weight, gestational age, and maternal obstetric history on birth prevalence of cerebral palsy, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 62, 1035–1040, 1987Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Platt, M. J., Sellier, E., Andersen, G. L., Time trends in prevalence of cerebral palsy in Europe, 1980 to 1998, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 53, 57–58, 2011Abstract only, with no data for prevalence of comorbidities.
Pruitt, D.W., Tsai, T., Common Medical Comorbidities Associated with Cerebral Palsy, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, #20, 453–467, 2009Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Reddihough, D., Reid, S., Lanigan, A., Lionti, T., The victorian cerebral palsy register: Learning more about cerebral palsy, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, #2010 in Conjunction with Physicians Week Melbourne, VIC Australia. Conference Start, 12-, 2010Abstract only, Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Reid, S. M., Meehan, E., McIntyre, S., Goldsmith, S., Badawi, N., Reddihough, D. S., Australian Cerebral Palsy Register, Group, Temporal trends in cerebral palsy by impairment severity and birth gestation, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 58 Suppl 2, 25–35, 2016Not assessing comorbidities
Reid, S. M., Reddihough, D. S., Carlin, J. B., Impairments associated with cerebral palsy in Victoria, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 52, 40, 2010Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Reid, S., Modak, M., Berkowitz, R., Reddihough, D., A population-based study of hearing loss in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of paediatrics and child health, 47, 11–12, 2011Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Reid, S.M., Modak, M.B., Berkowitz, R.G., Reddihough, D.S., A population-based study and systematic review of hearing loss in children with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, 1038–1045, 2011Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Shang, Q., Ma, C. Y., Lv, N., Lv, Z. L., Yan, Y. B., Wu, Z. R., Li, J. J., Duan, J. L., Zhu, C. L., Clinical study of cerebral palsy in 408 children with periventricular leukomalacia, Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 9, 1336–1344, 2015Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Singhi, P., Jagirdar, S., Khandelwal, N., Malhi, P., Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 18, 174–9, 2003Non-UK, not registry.
Singhi, P., Saini, A. G., Changes in the clinical spectrum of cerebral palsy over two decades in North India-an analysis of 1212 cases, Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 59, 434–440, 2013Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Srivastava, V. K., Laisram, N., Srivastava, R. K., Cerebral palsy, Indian Pediatrics, 29, 993–6, 1992Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Sullivan, P.B., Lambert, B., Rose, M., FordAdams, M., Johnson, A., Griffiths, P., Prevalence and severity of feeding and nutritional problems in children with neurological impairment: Oxford Feeding Study, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 42, 674–680, 2000Data presented in Odding 2005.
Venkateswaran, S., Shevell, M.I., Comorbidities and clinical determinants of outcome in children with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 50, 216–222, 2008Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Veugelers, R., Benninga, M.A., Calis, E.A., Willemsen, S.P., Evenhuis, H., Tibboel, D., Penning, C., Prevalence and clinical presentation of constipation in children with severe generalized cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, e216-e221, 2010Small sample size, non-UK data, duplicate participants in Odding 2005.
Virella, D., Andrada, M. G., Folha, T., Cadete, A. C., Gouveia, R., Calado, E., Spastic cerebral palsy at age 5 has better functional outcome in extreme preterm birth than in term children, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 54, 59, 2012Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Virella, D., Gouveia, R., Andrada, M. G., Folha, T., Cadete, A., Alvarelhao, J. J., Calado, E., Children with dyskinetic cerebral palsy born in 2001–2004, from the Portuguese national surveillance, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 56, 48, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
von Wendt, L., Rantakallio, P., Saukkonen, A. L., Makinen, H., Epilepsy and associated handicaps in a 1 year birth cohort in northern Finland, European Journal of Pediatrics, 144, 149–51, 1985Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
von Wendt, L., Rantakallio, P., Saukkonen, A. L., Tuisku, M., Makinen, H., Cerebral palsy and additional handicaps in a 1-year birth cohort from northern Finland--a prospective follow-up study to the age of 14 years, Annals of Clinical Research, 17, 156–61, 1985Small sample size.
Voorman, J.M., Dallmeijer, A.J., Schuengel, C., Knol, D.L., Lankhorst, G.J., Becher, J.G., Activities and participation of 9- to 13-year-old children with cerebral palsy, Clinical Rehabilitation, 20, 937–948, 2006Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Vos, R. C., Dallmeijer, A. J., Verhoef, M., Van Schie, P. E., Voorman, J. M., Wiegerink, D. J., Geytenbeek, J. J., Roebroeck, M. E., Becher, J. G., Perrin Study Group, Developmental trajectories of receptive and expressive communication in children and young adults with cerebral palsy, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 56, 951–9, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Wichers, M. J., Odding, E., Stam, H. J., van Nieuwenhuizen, O., Clinical presentation, associated disorders and aetiological moments in Cerebral Palsy: a Dutch population-based study, Disability & Rehabilitation, 27, 583–9, 2005Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Woo, S.J., Ahn, J., Park, M.S., Lee, K.M., Gwon, D.K., Hwang, J.M., Chung, C.Y., Ocular findings in cerebral palsy patients undergoing orthopedic surgery, Optometry and Vision Science, 88, 1520–1523, 2011Small sample size (<250)
Yilmaz Yalcinkaya, E., Huner, B., Dincer, U., Diracoglu, D., Aydin, R., Icagasioglu, A., Demirhan, E., Yalcin, L., Ones, K., Caglar, N., Yuksel, A., Karamehmetoglu, S. S., Turkdogan, D., Zorer, G., Yapici, Z., Erhan, B., Akyurek, B., Kuran, B., Akbas, H., Paker, N., Ucar, D., Ozturk, K., Ozaras, N., Demographic and clinical findings of cerebral palsy patients in Istanbul: A multicenter study, Turkiye Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 60, 134–138, 2014Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Zafeiriou, D.I., Kontopoulos, E.E., Tsikoulas, I., Characteristics and prognosis of epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 14, 289–294, 1999Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.
Zhang, J. Y., Oskoui, M., Shevell, M., A population-based study of communication impairment in cerebral palsy, Journal of Child Neurology, 30, 277–84, 2015Excluded on the basis that for the comorbidities analysed, more relevant studies (UK data only, more recent, larger sample size, subgroups analysis) have been found.

K.25. Social care needs

Excluded studies - What are the specific social care needs of children and young people with cerebral palsy and their family members and carers?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Physical and occupational therapy services received by young children with cerebral palsy, Pediatric Physical Therapy, 24, 97–97 1p, 2012Abstract, no qualitative evidence.
Service use and family-centred care in young people with severe cerebral palsy: a populationbased, cross-sectional clinical survey, Disability & Rehabilitation, 37, 2324–2329 6p, 2015Quantitative evidence (survey).
Almasri, N. A., Palisano, R. J., Dunst, C. J., Chiarello, L. A., O’Neil, M. E., Polansky, M., Determinants of needs of families of children and youth with cerebral palsy, Children’s Health Care, 40, 130–154, 2011No qualitative evidence. Reserved for health economics.
Andersson, C., Mattsson, E., Adults with cerebral palsy: a survey describing problems, needs, and resources, with special emphasis on locomotion, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 43, 76–82, 2001No qualitative data.
Baltor, M. R. R., Dupas, G., Experiences from families of children with cerebral paralysis in context of social vulnerability, Revista LatinoAmericana de Enfermagem, 21, 956–963, 2013Indirect population (reports “cerebral paralysis). Non-UK study.
Bjorquist, E., Nordmark, E., Hallstrom, I., Living in transition - Experiences of health and wellbeing and the needs of adolescents with cerebral palsy, Child: care, health and development, 41, 258–265, 2015Non-UK study. Themes available from UK based studies. Reserved for transition evidence review.
Blum, R. W., Resnick, M. D., Nelson, R., St Germaine, A., Family and peer issues among adolescents with spina bifida and cerebral palsy, Pediatrics, 88, 280–285, 1991No qualitative evidence.
Bottos, M, Feliciangeli, A, Sciuto, L, Gericke, C, Vianello, A, Functional status of adults with cerebral palsy and implications for treatment of children, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 43, 516–28., 2001No qualitative evidence.
Boucher, N., Dumas, F., Maltais, D.B., Richards, C.L., The influence of selected personal and environmental factors on leisure activities in adults with cerebral palsy, Disability and Rehabilitation, 32, 1328–1338, 2010Mean age > 25 years.
Bourke, L. F., Jago, J. D., Problems of persons with cerebral palsy in obtaining dental care, Australian Dental Journal, 28, 221–6, 1983No qualitative evidence.
Burkhard, Agnes M., The Lived Experience of Mothers Caring for an Adolescent or Young Adult with Severe Cerebral Palsy, Ph.D., 257 p257 p 1p, 2011Non-UK evidence. Themes available from UK studies.
Buzio, A., Morgan, J., Blount, D., The experiences of adults with cerebral palsy during periods of hospitalisation, Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 19, 8–14, 2002Non-UK study. Themes available from UK based studies. Adult CP population (report ages between 20 - 59).
Cada, E. A., O’Shea, R. K., Identifying barriers to occupational and physical therapy services for children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 1, 127–35, 2008No qualitative evidence.
Carroll, E. M., Health Care Transition Experiences of Young Adults With Cerebral Palsy, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 30, e157–64, 2015Qualitative evidence relating to transition evidence review.
Coffman, S. P., Parents’ perceptions of needs for themselves and their children in a cerebral palsy clinic, Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 6, 67–77, 1983No qualitative evidence.
Cooper, L., Balandin, S., Trembath, D., The loneliness experiences of young adults with cerebral palsy who use alternative and augmentative communication, Aac: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 25, 154–164, 2009Mean age > 25 years.
Dahl, N, Tervo, R, Symons, Fj, Treatment Acceptability of Healthcare Services for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 20, 475–82., 2007No qualitative evidence reported.
Dantas, M. S. A., Collet, N., de Moura, F. M., Torquato, I. M. B., Impact of a cerebral palsy diagnosis on the family, Texto & Contexto Enfermagem, 19, 229–237 9p, 2010Not English.
Darrah, J., Magil-Evans, J., Adkins, R., How well are we doing? Families of adolescents or young adults with cerebral palsy share their perceptions of service delivery, Disability and Rehabilitation, 24, 542–549, 2002Non-UK study. Themes available from UK studies.
Demitto, Marcela de Oliveira, Furlan, Mara Cristina Ribeiro, Mai, Lilian Denise, Marcon, Sonia Silva, Perception of the home caretaker of individuals with cerebral palsy about architectural barriers and accessibility, Ciencia, Cuidado e Saude, 9, 651–659 9p, 2010Not English.
Dickinson, H. O., Colver, A., Availability of items needed by children with cerebral palsy in the physical, social, and attitudinal domains of the environment, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 48, 28–29 2p, 2006Abstract only, no qualitative evidence.
DiFazio, R. L., Harris, M., Vessey, J. A., Glader, L., Shanske, S., Opportunities lost and found: experiences of patients with cerebral palsy and their parents transitioning from pediatric to adult healthcare, Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 7, 17–31, 2014Qualitative evidence relating to transition evidence review.
Glasscock, R., A phenomenological study of the experience of being a mother of a child with cerebral palsy, Pediatric Nursing, 26, 407–10, 2000Non-UK study. Themes available from UK studies.
Gração, D. C., Santos, M. G. M., Mothers’ perception over cerebral palsy on the family’s orientation scene, Fisioterapia em Movimento, 21, 107–113 7p, 2008Not English.
Gwin, L. A., Jr., Fragmentation of health care in the lives of transitional cerebral palsy patients: a preliminary case analysis of the relationship between functional social support and self-care agency, Self-Care, Dependent-Care & Nursing, 16, 8–13 6p, 2008Age > 25 years.
Hemsley, B., Kuek, M., Bastock, K., Scarinci, N., Davidson, B., Parents and children with cerebral palsy discuss communication needs in hospital, Developmental neurorehabilitation, 16, 363–74, 2013Qualitative evidence relating to communication needs (not social needs).
Kibele, A., Occupational therapy’s role in improving the quality of life for persons with cerebral palsy, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 43, 371–7, 1989Participant ages greater than 25 years.
Knis-Matthews, L., Falzarano, M., Baum, D., Manganiello, J., Patel, S., Winters, L., Parents’ experiences with services and treatment for their children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 31, 26374, 2011Qualitative evidence relating to intervention (occupational therapy).
Knott, G. P., Attitudes and needs of parents of cerebral palsied children, Rehabilitation Literature, 40, 190–5, 1979Narrative study.
Kroll, T., Neri, M. T., Experiences with care coordination among people with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord injury, Disability & Rehabilitation, 25, 1106–14, 2003Mean age > 25 years
Kruijsen-Terpstra, A. J., Ketelaar, M., Boeije, H., Jongmans, M. J., Gorter, J. W., Verheijden, J., Lindeman, E., Verschuren, O., Parents’ experiences with physical and occupational therapy for their young child with cerebral palsy: a mixed studies review, Child: Care, Health & Development, 40, 787–96, 2014Literature review on qualitative studies on physical therapy and occupational therapy.
Lariviere-Bastien, D., Bell, E., Majnemer, A., Shevell, M., Racine, E., Perspectives of young adults with cerebral palsy on transitioning from pediatric to adult healthcare systems, Seminars in Pediatric Neurology, 20, 154–9, 2013Qualitative evidence relating to transition evidence review.
Livingston, M.H., Stewart, D., Rosenbaum, P.L., Russell, D.J., Exploring issues of participation among adolescents with cerebral palsy: what’s important to them?, Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 31, 275–287, 2011No qualitative evidence reported.
Logan, S., In the UK the transition from youth to adulthood of people with cerebral palsy is poorly planned and co-ordinated, Child: Care, Health & Development, 23, 480–2, 1997Abstract only, no qualitative evidence.
Magill-Evans, J., Wiart, L., Darrah, J., Kratochvil, M., Beginning the transition to adulthood: The experiences of six families with youths with cerebral palsy, Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 25, 19–36, 2005Qualitative evidence relating to transition evidence review.
Mei, C., Reilly, S., Reddihough, D., Mensah, F., Green, J., Pennington, L., Morgan, A. T., Activities and participation of children with cerebral palsy: parent perspectives, Disability & Rehabilitation, 37, 2164–73, 2015Non-UK study, themes available from UK studies.
Miller, J., Colligan, J., Colver, A., A qualitative study, using focused interviews, of the information needs of families whose children’s names are on a cerebral palsy register, Child: Care, Health & Development, 29, 465–71, 2003Qualitative evidence relating to information in register (not social needs). Reserved for information provision review.
Msall, M. E., Family needs and profiles for children with cerebral palsy: understanding supports in times of scarcity, Child: Care, Health & Development, 38, 807–8, 2012Quantitative data only (survey).
Ng, S. Y., Dinesh, S. K., Tay, S. K. H., Lee, E. H., Decreased access to health care and social isolation among young adults with cerebral palsy after leaving school, Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 11, 80–89, 2003No qualitative evidence.
Nieuwenhuijsen, C., van der Laar, Y., Donkervoort, M., Nieuwstraten, W., Roebroeck, M. E., Stam, H. J., Unmet needs and health care utilization in young adults with cerebral palsy, Disability & Rehabilitation, 30, 1254–62, 2008No qualitative evidence reported.
Nijhuis, B. J. G., Reinders-Messelink, H. A., de Blecourt, A. C. E., Ties, J. G., Boonstra, A. M., Groothoff, J. W., Nakken, H., Postema, K., Needs, problems and rehabilitation goals of young children with cerebral palsy as formulated in the rehabilitation activities profile for children, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 40, 347–354, 2008No qualitative evidence.
Novak, I., Parent experience of implementing effective home programs, Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 31, 198213, 2011Qualitative evidence relating to intervention (home therapy program).
Piggot, J., Hocking, C., Paterson, J., Parental adjustment to having a child with cerebral palsy and participation in home therapy programs, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 23, 5–29, 2003Qualitative evidence relating to intervention (home therapy program).
Polovina-Proloscic, T., Vidovic, V., Polovina, A., Family as a factor in cerebral palsy prevention, Collegium Antropologicum, 32, 137–142, 2008Population stated as ‘cognitive motor impairment’. No qualitative evidence.
Read, S. A., Morton, T. A., Ryan, M. K., Negotiating identity: a qualitative analysis of stigma and support seeking for individuals with cerebral palsy, Disability & Rehabilitation, 37, 1162–9, 2015Mean age > 25 years.
Reid, A., Imrie, H., Brouwer, E., Clutton, S., Evans, J., Russell, D., Bartlett, D., “If I knew then what I know now”: parents’ reflections on raising a child with cerebral palsy, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 31, 169–83, 2011Non-UK study. Themes available from UK based studies.
Shikako-Thomas, K., Lach, L., Majnemer, A., Nimigon, J., Cameron, K., Shevell, M., Quality of life from the perspective of adolescents with cerebral palsy: “I just think I’m a normal kid, I just happen to have a disability”, Quality of Life Research, 18, 825–32, 2009Non-UK study, same themes available from UK studies.
Skok, A., Harvey, D., Reddihough, D., Perceived stress, perceived social support, and wellbeing among mothers of school-aged children with cerebral palsy, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 31, 53–7, 2006No qualitative evidence.
Stevenson, C. J., Pharoah, P. O., Stevenson, R., Cerebral palsy--the transition from youth to adulthood, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 39, 336–42, 1997Relates to transition evidence review. Not qualitative.
Stewart, D. A., Lawless, J. J., Shimmell, L. J., Palisano, R. J., Freeman, M., Rosenbaum, P. L., Russell, D. J., Social participation of adolescents with cerebral palsy: trade-offs and choices, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 32, 167–79, 2012Non-UK evidence. Themes available from UK studies.
Svedberg, L. E., Englund, E., Malker, H., StenerVictorin, E., Comparison of impact on mood, health, and daily living experiences of primary caregivers of walking and non-walking children with cerebral palsy and provided community services support, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 14, 239–46, 2010No qualitative evidence.
Verhoef, J. A., Bramsen, I., Miedema, H. S., Stam, H. J., Roebroeck, M. E., Transition, Lifespan Research Group South West, Netherlands, Development of work participation in young adults with cerebral palsy: a longitudinal study, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 46, 648–55, 2014Not qualitative.
Verschuren, O., Wiart, L., Hermans, D., Ketelaar, M., Identification of facilitators and barriers to physical activity in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy, Journal of Pediatrics, 161, 488–494, 2012Non-UK study. Themes available from UK based studies.

K.26. Transition to adult services

Excluded studies - What are the specific elements of the process of transition from paediatric to adult services that are important for young people with cerebral palsy and their family members and carers?
StudyReason for Exclusion
Alper, S., Parents’ perceptions of transition programs for youth with severe handicaps, Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation, 3, 205–212 8p, 1990Not a qualitative study
Appleton, P. L., Boll, V., Everett, J. M., Kelly, A. M., Meredith, K. H., Payne, T. G., Beyond child development centres: care coordination for children with disabilities, Child: Care, Health & Development, 23, 29–40, 1997Not qualitative evidence was presented
Bailey, S., O’Connell, B., Pearce, J., The transition from paediatric to adult health care services for young adults with a disability: an ethical perspective, Australian Health Review, 26, 64–9, 2003Review study
Barron, Diana Andrea, Hassiotis, Angela, Good practice in transition services for young people with learning disabilities: A review, Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 2, 1824, 2008Review study
Bates, K., Bartoshesky, L., Friedland, A., As the child with chronic disease grows up: transitioning adolescents with special health care needs to adult-centered health care, Delaware Medical Journal, 75, 217–20, 2003Not a qualitative study
Beresford, B., On the road to nowhere? Young disabled people and transition, Child: Care, Health and Development, 30, 581–587, 2004Not a qualitative study
Bhaumik, Sabyasachi, Watson, Joanna, Barrett, Mary, Raju, Bala, Burton, Tracey, Forte, Jane, Transition for teenagers with intellectual disability: Carers’ perspectives, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 8, 53–61, 2011This study is part of a large audit and does not present qualitative evidence
Binks, J. A., Barden, W. S., Burke, T. A., Young, N. L., What do we really know about the transition to adult-centered health care? A focus on cerebral palsy and spina bifida, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 88, 1064–73, 2007In this systematic review only 1 qualitative study was included (Young, 2007), which is already part of this review.
Bjorquist, E., Nordmark, E., Hallstrom, I., Living in transition - Experiences of health and wellbeing and the needs of adolescents with cerebral palsy, Child: care, health and development, 41, 258–265, 2015Reports on Parents’ feelings but not very specific to social care or health care services.
Burdo-Hartman, W. A., Patel, D. R., Medical home and transition planning for children and youth with special health care needs, Pediatric Clinics of North America, 55, 1287–97, vii-viii, 2008Review study
Campbell, Fiona, O’Neill, Philip M., While, Alison, McDonagh, Janet, Interventions to improve transition of care for adolescents from paediatric services to adult services, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, -, 2012This is a protocol and no qualitative studies were considered
Fiorentino, L., Phillips, D., Walker, A., Hall, D., Leaving paediatrics: the experience of service transition for young disabled people and their family carers, Health & Social Care in the Community, 6, 260–270 11p, 1998Not CP specific
Freeman, M., Stewart, D., Gorter, J. W., Ongoing conversations in transitional care: Clinical lessons learned from the development and evaluation of the Youth KIT, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55, 36, 2013This structured abstract evaluates the use of a specific program aimed to assist children and young people with the process of transition
Hopper, Amy, Dokken, Deborah, Ahmann, Elizabeth, Family Matters. Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult Health Care: The Experience of Patients And Families, Pediatric Nursing, 40, 249–252 4p, 2014Not a qualitative study
Householder, D, Jansen, D, Partnerships, families, employers, transition, disabled: creating the best transition outcomes for moderate and multiply disabled individuals, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 13, 51–4., 1999Narrative paper, no qualitative research methods applied
Kingsnorth, S., Proulx, M., Tsybina, I., Hamdani, Y., Lindsay, S., Lacombeduncan, A., Maxwell, J. M., Colantonio, A., Macarthur, C., Bayley, M., Integrating a new model of transition care into real-life systems: Issues in implementing the LIFEspan Model, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, 20, 2012Structured abstract only. Participants were health professionals and managers rather than young people and carers
Kraus de Camargo, O., Systems of care: transition from the bio-psycho-social perspective of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, Child: Care, Health & Development, 37, 792–9, 2011Descriptive study
Krebs, P. L., Block, M. E., Transition of students with disabilities into community recreation: The role of the adapted physical educator, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 9, 305–315, 1992Not a health care setting
Kripke, C. C., Primary Care for Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities, Primary Care - Clinics in Office Practice, 41, 507–518, 2014Not a qualitative study
Laragy, C, Self-determination within Australian school transition programmes for students with a disability, Disability and Society, 19, 519–30., 2004Not a qualitative study
Lin, S. C., Lee, M. L., Adirim, T. A., Transition outcomes for young adults with disabilities, Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 8, 23–30, 2015Population is not specific to CP and quantitative methods were used
Magill-Evans, J., Wiart, L., Darrah, J., Kratochvil, M., Beginning the transition to adulthood: The experiences of six families with youths with cerebral palsy, Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 25, 19–36, 2005The paper reports specifically on the transition to adulthood as a phase of life, rather than on transition to adult-centered services.
Marn, L. M., Koch, L. C., The major tasks of adolescence: Implications for transition planning with youths with cerebral palsy, Work, 13, 51–58, 1999Literature review and no qualitative evidence was presented
Neece, C. L., Kraemer, B. R., Blacher, J., Transition satisfaction and family well being among parents of young adults with severe intellectual disability, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 47, 31–43, 2009Not a qualitative study
O’Connor, L., Steinbeck, K., Tracking the transition process when young people with chronic illness or disability leave pediatric care, Journal of Adolescent Health, 1), S35, 2009Structured abstract only. Study design not considered in the protocol (prospective, descriptive study)
Oskoui, M., Growing up with cerebral palsy: contemporary challenges of healthcare transition, Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 39, 23–5, 2012Not a qualitative study
Rimmer, J. H., Health promotion for individuals with disabilities: The need for a transitional model in service delivery, Disease Management and Health Outcomes, 10, 337–343, 2002Not a qualitative study
Roebroeck, M. E., Van Den Bergemons, H. J. G., Nieuwenhuijsen, C., Hilberink, S. R., Van Der Slot, W. M. A., Van Meeteren, J., Stam, H. J., Innovating transition and lifespan care for people with cerebral palsy, Developmental medicine and child neurology, 52, 74, 2010Structured abstract only. Not a qualitative study
Rosenbaum, P., Stewart, D., Perspectives on Transitions: Rethinking Services for Children and Youth With Developmental Disabilities, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88, 1080–1082, 2007Not a qualitative study
Rous, Beth S., Hallam, Rena A., Transition services for young children with disabilities: Research and future directions, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 31, 232–240, 2012Not a qualitative study
Rous, Beth, Hallam, Rena, Harbin, Gloria, McCormick, Katherine, Jung, Lee Ann, The transition process for young children with disabilities: A conceptual framework, Infants & Young Children, 20, 135–148, 2007Review study
Stevenson, C. J., Pharoah, P. O., Stevenson, R., Cerebral palsy--the transition from youth to adulthood, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 39, 336–42, 1997Not a qualitative study
Stewart, D, Evidence to Support a Positive Transition into Adulthood for Youth with Disabilities, Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 26, 1–4., 2006Not a qualitative study
Stewart, D., Transition to adult services for young people with disabilities: current evidence to guide future research, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 51 Suppl 4, 169–73, 2009Not a qualitative study
Stewart, D. A., Law, M. C., Rosenbaum, P., Willms, D. G., A qualitative study of the transition to adulthood for youth with physical disabilities, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 21, 3–21, 2001Not a qualitative study
Stewart, D., Stavness, C., King, G., Antle, B., Law, M., A critical appraisal of literature reviews about the transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 26, 5–24, 2006Not a qualitative study
Stineman, Rm, Morningstar, Me, Bishop, B, Turnbull, Hr, Role of families in transition planning for young adults with disabilities: towards a method of person-centred planning, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 3, 52–61., 1993Narrative paper, no qualitative research methods were applied
Tarleton, B, Ward, L, Changes and choices: finding out what information young people with learning disabilities, their parents and supporters need at transition, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 33, 70–6., 2005No CP population included
Unwin, Gemma, LeMesurier, Nick, Bathia, Niyati, Deb, Shoumitro, Transition for adolescents and young adults with learning disabilities and mental health problems/challenging behaviours: The parent carers’ views, Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 2, 22–28, 2008Population are children and young people with learning disabilities and mental health problems (not considered in the protocol)
Van Lierde, A., Menni, F., Bedeschi, M. F., Natacci, F., Guez, S., Vizziello, P., Costantino, M. A., Lalatta, F., Esposito, S., Healthcare transition in patients with rare genetic disorders with and without developmental disability: neurofibromatosis 1 and Williams-Beuren syndrome, American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 161A, 1666–74, 2013Review study
Westwood, A., Langerak, N., Fieggen, G., Transition from child- to adult-orientated care for children with long-term health conditions: a process, not an event, South African Medical Journal. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Geneeskunde, 104, 310–3, 2014Review study
Young, N. L., The transition to adulthood for children with cerebral palsy: what do we know about their health care needs?, Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 27, 476–9, 2007Review study
Young, N., McCormick, A., Mills, W., Barden, W., Boydell, K., Law, M., Wedge, J., Fehlings, D., Mukherjee, S., Rumney, P., Williams, J. I., The transition study: a look at youth and adults with cerebral palsy, spina bifida and acquired brain injury, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 26, 25–45, 2006Article presents information related to the study sample and subsamples, broken down by diagnostic age groups; not qualitative evidence is presented
Ytterhus, Borgunn, Wendelborg, Christian, Lundeby, Hege, Managing turning points and transitions in childhood and parenthood - insights from families with disabled children in Norway, Disability & Society, 23, 625–636, 2008Only included children up to 12 years old (the age range considered in the protocol is from 12 to 25 y/o)

K.27. Health Economic global search

Excluded studies from health economics (population search)
StudyReason for Exclusion
Colver, A. F., Merrick, H., Deverill, M., Le Couteur, A., Parr, J., Pearce, M. S., Rapley, T., Vale, L., Watson, R., McConachie, H., Transition Collaborative, Group, Study protocol: longitudinal study of the transition of young people with complex health needs from child to adult health services, BMC Public Health, 13, 675, 2013No results reported
Copyright National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 2017.
Bookshelf ID: NBK533212


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