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National Guideline Alliance (UK). Developmental follow-up of children and young people born preterm. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2017 Aug. (NICE Guideline, No. 72.)

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Developmental follow-up of children and young people born preterm.

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4Risk and prevalence of developmental problems and disorders

4.1. Introduction

Children born preterm are thought to be at increased risk of a range of developmental problems and disorders that may have a short or long term, and often cumulative, impact on a child’s health, development and well-being.

Developmental problems and disorders typically present on a continuum, with disorders considered to represent the severe end of the spectrum. Although a child may not meet the diagnostic criteria for a developmental disorder they may still experience substantial developmental difficulties that impact on their everyday life. The prevalence of these conditions is thought to be associated with the degree of prematurity at birth.

Developmental problems may include functional issues with feeding, sleeping and toileting, excessive crying or irritability during infancy, delayed motor or language development during the early years, sensory difficulties, behavioural, social and emotional problems, deficits in executive functions and special educational needs throughout childhood and adolescence. They may present independently or co-exist with other developmental problems or disorders.

Developmental disorders may include intellectual disability or global developmental delay, cerebral palsy, speech and/or language disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, developmental coordination disorder, specific learning disorders, autism spectrum disorder, other mental and behavioural disorders and sensory impairments such as hearing and visual impairments.

Information about the potential risk and prevalence of developmental problems and disorders can be used to support the early identification of difficulties as they arise so that appropriate support and therapeutic intervention is provided. This information can, in turn, be used to guide service planning inclusion the provision of health, education and social care and requirements for developmental surveillance.

4.2. Risk of developmental problems

Review question:

What is the risk of developmental problems in babies, children and young people born preterm at different gestational ages?

How do the following factors influence the risk of developmental problems in babies, children and young people born preterm:

  • biological factors
  • neonatal factors
  • socioeconomic, maternal and environmental factors
  • postnatal factors?

4.2.1. Description of clinical evidence

The aim of this review was to identify different factors (gestational age at birth; biological factors; neonatal factors; maternal, social or environmental; and postnatal factors) that can affect the risk of developmental problems in babies, children and young people born preterm. Developmental problems considered as outcomes included sensory sensitivity; functional problems with feeding, sleeping or toileting; motor, developmental and language delay; executive function; problems specific to infancy (excessive crying, irritability, poor self-regulation); behavioural, social, emotional, attention problems; and special educational needs.

Studies were included if they:

  1. were prospective cohort studies (in addition, two retrospective population-based studies were included for special educational needs outcome where evidence is otherwise scarce)
  2. were multi-centre or national population-based studies;
  3. included only participants born after 1990 (two exceptions where small number of participants were born before 1990);
  4. confounders were adjusted for in the analyses.

For full details see review protocol in Appendix D:.

In total, fifty-one publications were included in the review (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Brown 2014; Carlo 2011; Chan 2014; de Jong 2015; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Farooqi 2016; Farooqi 2013; Farooqi 2007; Fevang 2016; Guellec 2011; Gurka 2010; Higa Diez 2016; Hintz 2005; Hornman 2016; Johnson 2016; Johnson 2015a; Johnson 2015b; Johnson 2011; Kerstjens 2013; Kerstjens 2012; Kerstjens 2011; Larroque 2011; Laughon 2009; MacKay 2010; MacKay 2013; Martin 2010; Migraine 2013; Odd 2016; Odd 2013a; Odd 2013b; O’Shea 2008; Peacock 2012; Potijk 2015; Quigley 2012; Rautava 2010; Raynes-Greenow 2012; Reijneveld 2006; Samara 2010; Schendel 1997; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001; Stene-Larsen 2014; Stoll 2004; Sullivan 2015; Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000; Woythaler 2011). The sample sizes ranged from 169 (Farooqi 2013) to 407503 (MacKay 2013; MacKay 2010).

Seventeen publications are from the United States (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Carlo 2011; Gurka 2010; Hintz 2005; Laughon 2009; Martin 2010; O’Shea 2008; Schendel 1997; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001; Stoll 2004; Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000; Woythaler 2011). Elevenpublications are from the UK (Chan 2014; Johnson 2016; Johnson 2015a; Johnson 2015b; MacKay 2010; MacKay 2013; Odd 2016; Odd 2013a; Odd 2013b; Peacock 2012; Quigley 2012; Sullivan). Two publications are from the UK and Ireland (Samara 2010; Johnson 2011). Seven publications are from the Netherlands (de Jong 2015; Hornman 2016; Kerstjens 2013; Kerstjens 2012; Kerstjens 2011; Potijk 2015; Reijneveld 2006) and five publications are from France (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Guellec 2011; Larroque 2011; Migraine 2013). Threepublications from Sweden (Farooqi 2016; Farooqi 2013; Farooqi 2007) and two from Norway (Fevang 2016; Stene-Larsen 2014) One publication comes from the following countries: Australia (Raynes-Greenow 2012); Canada (Brown 2014); Finland (Rautava 2010); and Japan (Higa Diez 2016).

Forty-nine publications used data from population-based, multicentre or regional prospective cohort studies (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Brown 2014; Carlo 2011; Chan 2014; de Jong 2015; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Farooqi 2016; Farooqi 2013; Farooqi 2007; Fevang 2016; Guellec 2011; Gurka 2010; Higa Diez 2016; Hintz 2005; Hornman 2016; Johnson 2016; Johnson 2015a; Johnson 2015b; Johnson 2011; Kerstjens 2013; Kerstjens 2012; Kerstjens 2011; Larroque 2011; Laughon 2009; Martin 2010; Migraine 2013; Odd 2106; Odd 2013a; Odd 2013b; O’Shea 2008; Peacock 2012; Potijk 2015; Quigley 2012; Rautava 2010; Raynes-Greenow 2012; Reijneveld 2006; Samara 2010; Schendel 1997; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001; Stene-Larsen 2014; Stoll 2004; Sullivan 2015; Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000; Woythaler 2011). Two publications used data from retrospective cohort studies using population-based data (MacKay 2010; MacKay 2013).

The fifty-one publications included in this review come from twenty-three different studies. Eight publications from the United States derive from the work of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development’s (NICHD) Neonatal Research Network (NRN) (Adams-Chapman 2008; Carlo 2011; Hintz 2005; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Stoll 2004; Vohr 2000, Vohr 2005). These publications include cohorts born at different time spans between 1993 and 2011, therefore, the cohort included in each study differ across the publications. Four publications are from the Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns (ELGAN) study from the United States (Allred 2014; Laughon 2009; Martin 2010; O’Shea 2008). Another four publications come from the French study called Etude Epidemiologique sur les Petits Ages Gestationnels (EPIPAGE) (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Guellec 2011; Larroque 2011). Five publications are from the Longitudinal Preterm Outcome Project (Lollipop) in the Netherlands (Hornman 2016; Kerstjens 2013; Kerstjens 2012; Kertsjens 2011; Potijk 2015). Five publications derive from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) from the United Kingdom (Odd 2016; Odd 2013a; Odd 2013b; Peacock 2012; Sullivan 2015). Three publications are from the Late to Moderately Preterm Birth Study (LAMBS) in the UK (Johnson 2016; Johnson 2015a; Johnson 2015b). Two publications are from the EPICure Study (Johnson 2011; Samara 2010). Another two publications use data from the same school census from Scotland (MacKay 2010; MacKay 2013). The different publications within the same studies examine different risk factors and/or different outcomes or assess the children at different age. The rest of the included studies had one publication from the cohort studied.

In relation to gestational age, in total thirty-four publications were included in the review (Brown 2014; Chan 2014; de Jong 2015; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Farooqi 2016; Farooqi 2013; Farooqi 2007; Fevang 2016; Gurka 2010; Higa Diez 2016; Hornman 2016; Johnson 2016; Johnson 2015a; Johnson 2015b; Kerstjens 2011; Kerstjens 2012; Larroque 2011; MacKay 2010; MacKay 2013; Migraine 2013; Odd 2013a; Odd 2013b; Peacock 2012; Potijk 2015; Quigley 2012; Rautava 2010; Raynes-Greenow 2012; Reijneveld 2006; Samara 2010; Schendel 1997; Stene-Larsen 2014; Sullivan 2015; Woythaler 2011). Six publications reported on functional problems (de Jong 2015; Johnson 2016; Migraine 2013; Raynes-Greenow 2012; Samara 2010; Sullivan 2015); ten publications reported on motor, developmental or language problems (Brown 2014; de Jong 2015; Johnson 2015a; Kerstjens 2012; Kerstjens 2011; Odd 2013b; Rautava 2010; Schendel 1997; Stene-Larsen 2014; Woythaler 2011); three publications reported on executive function (Farooqi 2016; Farooqi 2013; Rautava 2010); fourteen publications reported on behavioural, social, emotional or attention problems (de Jong 2015; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Farooqi 2013; Farooqi 2007; Fevang 2016; Gurka 2010; Higa Diez 2016; Hornman 2016; Johnson 2015b; Potijk 2015; Rautava 2010; Reijneveld 2006; Schendel 1997); and seven publications reported on special educational needs (Chan 2014; Larroque 2011; MacKay 2013; MacKay 2010; Odd 2013a; Peacock 2012; Quigley 2012). No evidence on sensory sensitivity was found.

In relation to biological factors (sex of the child, being born small for gestational age, and ethnicity or race), ten publications were included (Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Guellec 2011; Johnson 2016; Johnson 2015a; Johnson 2015b; Johnson 2011; Kerstjens 2013; Shankaran 2004; Vohr 2000). Two publications reported on functional problems (Johnson 2016; Vohr 2000); four publications reported on motor, developmental or language problems (Johnson 2015a; Kerstjens 2013; Shankaran 2004; Vohr 2000); four publications reported on behavioural, social, emotional, or attention problems (Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Guellec 2011; Johnson 2015b); two publications reported on special educational needs (Guellec 2011; Johnson 2011). No evidence on sensory sensitivity or executive function in relation to biological risk factors.

In relation to neonatal factors (brain abnormalities, sepsis, retinopathy of prematurity, necrotising enterocolitis, exposure to antenatal steroids, exposure to postnatal steroids, bronchopulmory dysplasia), eighteen publications were included in the review (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Carlo 2011; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Hintz 2005; Johnson 2015b; Johnson 2011; Kerstjens 2013; Kerstjens 2012; Laughon 2009; Martin 2010; O’Shea 2008; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Stoll 2004; Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000). One publication reported on functional problems (Vohr 2000); Fourteen publications reported on motor, developmental or language problems (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Carlo 2011; Hintz 2005; Kerstjens 2013; Kerstjens 2012; Laughon 2009; Martin 2010; O’Shea 2008; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Stoll 2004; Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000); and three publications reported on behavioural, social, emotional or attention problems (Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Johnson 2015b). One publication reported on special educational needs (Johnson 2011). No evidence on sensory sensitivity or executive function in relation to different neonatal factors.

In relation to different social, environmental or maternal factors (socioeconomic status, maternal substance abuse, maternal alcohol abuse, multiple pregnancy, chorioamnionitis, neglect, maternal age and maternal mental health disorder), ten publications were included (Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Johnson 2016; Johnson 2015a; Johnson 2015b; Johnson 2011; Kerstjens 2013; Potijk 2015; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001). One publication reported on functional problems (Johnson 2016). Four publications reported on motor, developmental or language problems (Johnson 2015a; Kerstjans 2013; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001); and four publications reported on behavioural, social, emotional or attention problems (Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Johnson 2015b; Potijk 2015). One publication reported on special educational needs (Johnson 2011). No evidence on sensory sensitivity, functional problems, or executive function in relation to different maternal, social or environmental factors.

The feasibility of combining study data using meta-analysis was assessed. Due to the following differences between studies, it was not considered appropriate to pool the results:

  • the inclusion/exclusion criteria for participants
  • ages of participants at the time of assessment
  • confounders adjusted for in multivariate analysis models
  • outcome definitions and measurement tools
  • consistency of results.

4.2.2. Summary of included studies

Table 11. Summary of included studies in relation to gestational age.

Table 11

Summary of included studies in relation to gestational age.

Table 12. Summary of included studies on biological factors.

Table 12

Summary of included studies on biological factors.

Table 13. Summary of included studies on neonatal factors.

Table 13

Summary of included studies on neonatal factors.

Table 14. Summary of included publications on social, environmental and maternal factors.

Table 14

Summary of included publications on social, environmental and maternal factors.

4.2.3. Economic evidence

No health economic search was undertaken for this review question and consequently no evidence was found. This question focused on the risk of various developmental problems rather than whether any strategy for the management of these problems represents a cost-effective use of resources. Therefore, this question is not primarily about competing alternatives which have different opportunity costs and therefore was not considered suitable for a health economic review.

4.2.4. Evidence statements Feeding problems

In relation to gestational age

Moderate to low quality evidence from three studies on feeding problems was mixed when comparing preterm infants to term controls. Moderate evidence from one study (n=479) showed no difference in the risk of a low drive to eat or low food variety at the age of 2 years (corrected age) among those born at <28 weeks, 28–29 weeks, 30–31 weeks or 32 weeks of gestation (Migraine 2013). Another study (n=371) also showed no difference in the risk of food refusal/faddy eating problems, behavioural problems around eating or oral hypersensitivity problems, but did find an increased risk of overall eating difficulties and oral motor problems at 6 years among children born extremely preterm (<26 weeks) (moderate quality evidence, Samara 2010). Another low quality study (n=1323) also found an increased risk of overall eating difficulties and oral motor problems at 2 years (corrected age) among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation (Johnson 2016).

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Low quality evidence from two studies found no association between sex of the child and feeding problems. One study (n=1151) examined the association between sex and no independent feeding at 18–22 months corrected age among children born with birth weight <1000 g (Vohr 2000). Another study (n=584) found no association between sex of the child and feeding difficulties at 2 years (corrected age) among moderate to late children born preterm (32–36 weeks) (Johnson 2016).

Small for gestational age

Low quality evidence from two studies show somewhat mixed results. One low quality study (n=1151) examined the association between being preterm and small for gestational age and no independent feeding at 18–22 months corrected age among children born with birth weight <1000 g (Vohr 2000). No significant association was found. Another low quality study (n=584) found a borderline significant increased risk of feeding difficulties at 2 years of corrected age among children born small for gestational age at 32–36 weeks of gestation (Johnson 2016).


Low quality evidence from one study (n=1151) examined the association between the ethnicity or race of the preterm child and no independent feeding at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2000). No significant association was found.

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1151) among children born with birth weight <1000g found an increased odds of lack of independent feeding at 18–22 months corrected age with neonatal intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) grade III-IV (Vohr 2000).


Low quality evidence from one study (n=1151) among children born with birth weight <1000g found no association between neonatal culture-proven sepsis (neither early-onset nor late-onset) and lack of independent feeding at 18–22 months of corrected age (Vohr 2000).

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

No evidence was identified on the relationship between ROP and functional problems with feeding.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1151) among children born with birth weight <1000g found no association between NEC and lack of independent feeding at 18–22 months of corrected age (Vohr 2000).

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1151) among children born with birth weight <1000g found no association between antenatal exposure to steroids and lack of independent feeding at 18–22 months of corrected age (Vohr 2000).

Postnatal exposure to steroids

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1151) among children born with birth weight <1000g found no association between postnatal exposure to steroids and lack of independent feeding at 18–22 months of corrected age (Vohr 2000).

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1151) showed an increased odds of lack of independent feeding at 18–22 months of corrected age with bronchopulmonary dysplasia at 36 weeks among children born with birth weight <1000 g (Vohr 2000).

In relation to social, environmental or maternal factors
Socioeconomic status

Low quality evidence from one study (n=584) found no association between socioeconomic status and feeding difficulties at 2 years (corrected age) among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation (Johnson 2016).

Maternal substance abuse

No evidence was identified.

Multiple pregnancy

No evidence was identified.


No evidence was identified.


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

No evidence was identified.

Maternal mental health disorder

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Sleeping problems

In relation to gestational age

Moderate quality evidence from two studies on sleeping problems in relation to gestational age at birth showed was available. One publication (n=215) found no significant difference in sleeping problems between preterm children and term controls at the age of 2 years (de Jong 2015). However, another publication (n=398961) found a significantly increased odds of sleep apnoea diagnosis among children born preterm compared to children born full term (increased odds was found among children born at <32 weeks of gestation and among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation, Raynes-Greenow 2012).

In relation to biological factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to neonatal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental or maternal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Toileting problems

In relation to gestational age

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=8769) found no association between gestational age and frequent bedwetting at 4 to 9 years age among children born at <37 weeks of gestation (Sullivan 2015).

In relation to biological factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to neonatal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental or maternal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Motor problems

In relation to gestational age

Six publications of moderate to high quality provided evidence on the association of gestational age at birth and motor problems. Sample sizes ranged from 215 to 13843.

Moderate quality evidence from four studies provided mixed evidence on fine motor delay in relation to gestational age. One study (n=215) found no significant effect of being born at 32–36 weeks of gestation compared with term on fine motor skills when using the Dutch version of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development 3rd edition (BSID-III) at 24 months of age, both corrected and uncorrected (de Jong 2012). However, the three other studies found an increased odds of fine motor delay among children born preterm. One study (n=1983) used the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) for children aged 4 years and found an increased odds of fine motor delay among children born at <32 weeks, 32–33, 34–35 and 32–35 weeks of gestation (Kerstjens 2011). One study (n=764) assessed children at 5 years of age with the Five to Fifteen (FTF) questionnaire and found an increased odds of fine motor skills problems among children born at <32 weeks of gestation compared to full term children (Rautava 2010). Another study (n=1356) assessed children between ages 9 to 34 months with the Denver II tool and found increased odds of one or more fine motor-adaptive cautions as well and one or more fine motor-adaptive delays among very low birth weight (mean gestational age of 28.4 weeks) compared with normal birth weight children (Schendel 1997). The same publication did not find a significant effect on either outcome when comparing the very low birth weight children with moderately low birth weight children (mean gestational age of 35.6 weeks).

Moderate quality evidence from the same four studies on gross motor delay in relation to gestational age is mixed. One study (n=215) found no significant effect of being born at 32–36 weeks of gestation on gross motor skills assessed with the Dutch version of the BSID-III at 24 months corrected age but found an increased odds when children were assessed at 24 months uncorrected age (de Jong 2015). Another study (n=1983) using the ASQ assessed children at 4 years and found an increased odds of gross motor delay among children born <32 weeks of gestation (compared with children born at full term) but not among children born at 32–33, 34–35, or 32–35 weeks of gestation (Kerstjens 2011). In another study (n=764), children born before 32 weeks of gestation were found to have a significantly increased odds of gross motor delay at 5 years assessed by FTF questionnaire (Rautava 2010). This study also looked at combined motor skills and found a significant effect. The study using Denver II tool (n=1356) found an increased odds of one or more gross motor cautions and one or more gross motor delays among very low birth children (mean gestational age of 28.4 weeks) compared to normal birth weight children and compared to moderately low birth weight children (mean gestational age of 35.6 weeks) (Schendel 1997).

High quality evidence from one study (n=13843) looked at specific motor delays using Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC) and found and increased odds of abnormal peg score (assessing manual dexterity) and abnormal coordination summary score (including balance, ball skills and peg scores) among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation compared with full term born children assessed at 7 to 8 years (Odd 2013b). No significant effect was found on heel-to-toe score (assessing balance) or bean-bag score (assessing ball skills). Moderate quality evidence from another study (n=7500) used Bayley Short Form Research edition (BSF-R) to assess psychomotor development of children born at 34–36 weeks of gestation (compared to children born at full term) at 2 years of age and found and increased odds of psychomotor developmental index (PDI) of <70 and PDI 70–84 (Woythaler 2011).

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Low quality evidence from two studies (n=246 and n=1151) found no associations between the sex of the child and motor delay (PDI <70 and lack of independent walking) among preterm babies (born at <25 weeks of gestation or with birth weight of 401–1000 g), assessed at 18–22 months of corrected age (Shankaran 2004; Vohr 2000).

Small for gestational age (SGA)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1151) found no association between being born SGA and PDI score of <70 and lack of independent walking at 18–22 months of corrected age among children born with birth weight 401–1000 g (Vohr 2000).


Low quality evidence from two studies (n=246; n=1151) on the relationship between ethnicity/race and motor delay among children born preterm show no association among preterm children (born at <25 weeks of gestation or with birth weight of 401–1000 g), on PDI <70 (Shankaran 2004; Vohr 2000) and lack of independent walking (Vohr 2000) between black and non-black children (Shankaran 2004) and between white and non-white children (Vohr 2000) assessed at 18–22 months of corrected age with BSID.

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Low to moderate quality evidence from four studies (sample sizes ranging from 246 to 6161) was available on the relationship between neonatal brain lesions among children born preterm (born at <28 weeks of gestation or with birth weight <1000 g) and motor delay at 18–24 months corrected age (Adams-Chapman 2008; O’Shea 2008; Shankaran 2004; Vohr 2000). All studies found increased odds of PDI <70 with different types of brain lesions (intraventricular haemorrhage [IVH], IVH grade III-IV, IVH III with shunt, IVH IV with shunt, periventricular leukomalacia [PVL], cystic PVL, early PVL, periventricular haemorrhagic infarction). One study (n=1151) also found an association with IVH or PVL grade III-IV and lack of independent walking (Vohr 2000). One publication (n=246) found no association between intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) grade III-IV and PDI <70 (Shankaran 2004).


Low to high quality evidence from four studies (sample sizes ranging from 1151 to 6314) on the relationship between neonatal sepsis and motor delay show mixed results (Martin 2010; Stoll 2004; Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000). High quality evidence from a study (n=1155) found no association between culture-proven late-onset neonatal sepsis and abnormal PDI at 2 years of age (Martin 2010). Moderate quality evidence from another study found an increased odds of abnormal PDI score at 18–22 months corrected age among preterm children (with birth weight 1000 g or less) that had had neonatal culture-proven sepsis with antibiotic therapy for more than five days, that had had neonatal sepsis with NEC, and that had had neonatal meningitis with or without sepsis (Stoll 2004). Low to moderate quality evidence from two publications of the same study project examining cohorts born at different times (n=3785 and n=1151) found no association between sepsis and abnormal PDI score at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000). The latter also did not fund an association between sepsis and lack of independent walking.

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

Moderate quality evidence from one study on the association between different severities of ROP (vs no ROP) and abnormal PDI score (either <55 or 55–69) show mixed findings (Allred 2014). The evidence shows a general tendency of increased odds of abnormal PDI score for all severities of ROP, however, not all of them reached statistical significance. ROP stage 3+, however, showed significantly increased odds of PDI <55 and PDI 55–69. The children were born earlier than 28 weeks of gestation and they were assessed at 24 months of age.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

Low to high quality evidence from four studies (sample sizes ranging from 865 to 2948) on the association between necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) and psychomotor development (assessed by BSID) show somewhat mixed results (Hintz 2005; Martin 2010: Shah 2012; Vohr 2000). High quality evidence from one study (n=1155) and moderate quality evidence from another study (n=2948) showed a significant increase in the odds of an abnormal PDI for preterm infants (23 to 27+6 weeks of gestation or birth weight of 401–1000 g) who had NEC requiring surgery but not for ones with medically managed NEC (Hintz 2005; Martin 2010). Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=865) showed an increased odds of abnormal PDI score with NEC grade II or higher and low quality evidence from another study (n=1151) showed an increased odds of abnormal PDI score with NEC (unspecified) (Shah 2004; Vohr 2000). The same low quality publication also reported that there was no association between NEC and lack of independent walking (Vohr 2000). All outcomes were assessed at around 2 years of age.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Low to moderate quality evidence from five studies on the association between antenatal steroid exposure and motor delay (assessed by BSID) show mixed results (Carlo 2011; Laughon 2009; Shankaran 2004; Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000). Moderate quality evidence from two studies (n=4924; n=3785) found reduced odds of PDI score <70 at 18–22 months of corrected age among preterm children (born 22–32 weeks of gestation) with exposure to antenatal steroids (Carlo 2011; Vohr 2005). The first study also performed stratified analysis for each week of gestation (from 22 to 25 weeks), the findings are mixed but largely did not reach statistical significance. Low quality evidence from two other studies (n=246; n=1151) found no association between antenatal steroids and PDI <70 at 18–22 months of corrected age among extremely preterm children (<25 weeks of gestation or with birth weight 401–1000 g) (Shankaran 2004; Vohr 2000). The latter publication also found no association on lack of independent walking. Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=915) found an increased odds of PDI score <55 among preterm children (born <28 weeks of gestation) at 24 months of age (Laughon 2009).

Postnatal exposure to steroids

Low to moderate quality evidence from two studies (=3785 and n=1151, respectively) on the relationship between postnatal exposure to steroids and motor delay found an increased odds of PDI score <70 (Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000). The latter publication also found an increased odds of lack of independent walking. The children were born at 22–32 weeks of gestation or with birth weight 401–1000 g and assessed at 18–22 months of corrected age.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

Low to moderate quality evidence from four studies (sample sizes ranging from 246 to 3785) on the association between bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD, need of additional oxygen at 36 weeks) and motor delay show mixed results (Laughon 2009; Shankaran 2004; Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000). Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=915) found no association with PDI score of <55 when looking at BPD without mechanical ventilation and a near-significant association when looking at BPD with mechanical ventilation among children born <28 weeks of gestation and assessed at 24 months of age (Laughon 2009). Low to moderate quality evidence from two publications from one large study project (n=3785 and n=1151, respectively) found an increased odds of PDI <70 at 18–22 months of age with BPD among children were born at 22–32 weeks of gestation or with birth weight 401–1000 g (Vohr 2005; Vohr 2000). The latter publication also found an association with lack of independent walking. Low quality evidence from one study (n=246) found no association among children born <25 weeks of gestation and assessed at 18–22 months of corrected age (Shankaran 2004).

In relation to social, environmental or maternal factors
Socioeconomic status

Low quality evidence from one study (n=246) found no association between socioeconomic status (household income <$20000/year vs >=€20000) and PDI <70 (assessed by BSID) among children born at <25 weeks of gestation and assessed at 18–22 months of corrected age (Shankaran 2004).

Maternal substance abuse

Low quality evidence from one study (n=82) found a significant association between maternal cocaine use and abnormal psychomotor developmental index score (BSID) at three years of age among children born with birth weight <1500 g (Singer 2001).

Multiple pregnancy

No evidence was identified.


No evidence was identified.


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

No evidence was identified.

Maternal mental health disorder

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Language problems

In relation to gestational age

Moderate quality evidence from five studies (sample sizes ranging from 215 to 32314) on the association between gestational age and language problems show mixed findings (Brown 2014; de Jong 2015; Rautava 2010; Stene-Larsen 2014; Schendel 1997). One study (n=12302) found no association among children 34–36 weeks of gestation (versus term) and receptive vocabulary delay (assessed with Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised, PPVT-R) at 4–5 years of age (Brown 2014). Another study (n=215) found no association between gestational age (32–36 weeks versus term) and receptive communication delay or expressive communication delay (assessed with the Dutch version of the BSID-III at 24 months of age (corrected and uncorrected) (de Jong 2015). Another study (n=764) found an increased odds of language problems, expressive language skills problem and communication problem (assessed with the FTF questionnaire) at 5 years of age among children born <32 weeks of gestation (Rautava 2010). One study (n=32314) found an increased risk of communication problems (assessed with 3 items from the ASQ) at 18 months of age among children born at 34–36 weeks of gestation (compared to term) (Stene-Larsen 2014). The same children were assessed at 36 months of age and the association was no longer significant (assessed with 6 items from the ASQ). However, there was an increased odds of expressive language impairments at 36 weeks months of age. Finally, one study (n=1356) found an increased odds of language cautions and language delays (assessed with Denver-II tool) among children born with very low birth weight (mean gestational weeks 28.4) compared with children born with normal birth weight (mean gestational weeks 39.4) (Schendel 1997). The children were assessed between ages 9 to 34 months corrected age. The same study compared children born with very low birth weight (mean gestational weeks 28.4) with children born with moderately low birth weight (mean gestational weeks 35.6) and found an increased odds of language delays, however, language cautions did not reach statistical significance.

In relation to biological factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to neonatal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental or maternal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Developmental delay

In relation to gestational age

Moderate quality evidence on the relationship between gestational age and developmental delay (identified using screening tools) from six studies (sample sizes ranging from 764 to 15099) show mixed results (Brown 2014; Johnson 2015a; Kerstjens 2011; Kerstjens 2012; Rautava 2010; Schendel 1997). One study (n=15099) found no association between developmental delay (assessed with Motor and Social Development Scale) and gestational age among children born at 34–36 weeks of gestation and assessed at 2–3 years of age (Brown 2014). Another study (n=1983) found no association between gestational age and developmental delay (ASQ total score <2SD) at 4 years of age among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation (compared to term) but found a significantly increased odds of developmental delay among children born <32 weeks of gestation (Kerstjens 2011). Another publication of the same study (n=832) compared children born at 32–33 gestational weeks to children born at 34–35 gestational weeks and found no association with developmental delay between the two preterm groups (Kerstjens 2012). One study (n=764) found an increased odds of comprehension problem (assessed with the FTF questionnaire) at 5 years among children born at <32 weeks of gestation (Rautava). Another study (n=1403) found an increased odds of moderate to severe cognitive impairment (assessed with PARCA-R) at 2 years of corrected age among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation (Johnson 2015a). Finally, one study (n=1356) used Denver-II questionnaire to assess developmental delay at 9–34 months of age and found an increased odds of questionable overall performance and abnormal overall performance in the Denver-II test among children born with very low birth weight (mean gestational weeks 28.4) compared to normal birth weight children (mean gestational weeks 39.4) and compared to moderately low birth weight children (mean gestational weeks 35.6) (Schendel 1997).

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Moderate quality evidence from two studies (n=638; n=834) showed increased odds of developmental delay (identified using screening tools) for male preterm children as compared to females (Johnson 2015a; Kerstjens 2013). Developmental delay were assessed by ASQ in the first publication; and moderate to severe cognitive impairment was assessed by PARCA-R screening tool in the second publication. These children were born at 32 to 36 weeks and were assessed at 2 years of corrected age in the first study and at 43 to 49 months of age in the second study.

Small for gestational age (SGA)

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=834) showed an increase in the risk of developmental delay (assessed by ASQ) for SGA preterm children, when compared to those preterm children born appropriate for gestational age (Kerstjens 2013). The children were assessed at between 43 and 49 months of age, and were born at 32 to 35 weeks.


Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1403) found an increased odds of moderate to severe cognitive impairment (assessed by PARCA-R) among non-white children compared with white children (born at 32–36 weeks of gestation) assessed at 2 years of corrected age even after adjusting for socioeconomic status (Johnson 2015).

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

No evidence was identified.


Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=832) found no association between neonatal sepsis (defined as clinical symptoms and at least one positive blood culture) and developmental delay (ASQ total problems <2SD) among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation and assessed at 43–49 months of age (Kerstjens 2012a).

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

No evidence was identified.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

No evidence was identified.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=834) found no association between antenatal exposure to steroids and developmental delay (ASQ total problems <2SD) among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation and assessed at 43–49 months of age (Kerstjens 2013).

Postnatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental or maternal factors
Socioeconomic status

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1403) on the association between socioeconomic status and moderate to severe cognitive impairment show that lower socioeconomic status was associated with increased odds of cognitive impairment (Johnson 2015a). This study included children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation and they were assessed at 2 years of corrected age using PARCA-R screening tool.

Maternal substance abuse

No evidence was identified.

Multiple pregnancy

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=834) shows an association between multiple pregnancy and developmental delay (ASQ total problems <2Sd) among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation and assessed at 43–49 months of age (Kerstjens 2013).


No evidence was identified.


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=834) found no association between maternal age under 20 years and developmental delay (ASQ total problems <2SD) among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation and assessed at 43–49 months of age (Kerstjens 2013).

Maternal mental health disorder

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=834) found no association between maternal mental illness and developmental delay (ASQ total problems <2SD) among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation and assessed at 43–49 months of age (Kerstjens 2013).

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Executive function

In relation to gestational age

Low to high quality evidence from three studies (n=134; n=169; n=764) on executive function in preterm children as compared to term controls show somewhat mixed findings (Farooqi 2016; Farooqi 2013; Rautava 2010). Children in these studies were all born at <32 weeks and/or ≤1500g and the children were assessed between 5 and 16 years of age. One study (n=764) found an increased odds of planning or organising problems and memory problems at 5 years among children born at <32 weeks of gestation or with birth weight of <1500 g assessed with the FTF questionnaire (Rautava 2010). Similarly, another study (n=169) found an increased odds of problems with planning or organisation and working memory reported by both parents and teachers among children born at <26 weeks of gestation compared to term children at 11 years (assessed with the FTF questionnaire) (Farooqi 2013). In another study of low quality, preterm children born at <26 weeks of gestation (as compared to term controls) who were assessed between 10 and 15 years of age were found to have increased odds of problems with verbal, non-verbal working memory, spatial conceptualisation visual reasoning, and planning ability (assessed with the WISC III-R questionnaire domains for executive function, and Tower test D-KEFS). In the same study, children were found to have increased odds of behavioural problems with attention, hypoactivity, planning and organisation, working memory, (reported by parents and teachers, assessed with the FTF questionnaire domains for executive function) (Farooqi 2016).

In relation to biological factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to neonatal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental or maternal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Behavioural, social, emotional and attention problems

In relation to gestational age

Low to high quality evidence from fourteen studies examine the relationship between gestational age (preterm compared to term) and different behavioural, social, emotional and attention problems.

Low to high quality evidence from eight studies (sample sizes ranging from 169 to 6409) examined the relationship between gestational age and total behavioural problems assessed with either the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) or the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) (or the equivalent for teachers Teacher Report Form [TRF]) (de Jong 2014; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Farooqi 2007; Fevang 2016; Hornman 2016; Johnson 2015b; Potijk 2015; Reijneveld 2006). The findings are somewhat mixed.

Two studies used the SDQ. Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1675) found an increased odds of total behavioural difficulties at 3 years of age among children born at 22–32 weeks of gestation (Delobel-Ayoub 2006). The effect remained when these children were assessed again at 5 years of age (n=1477, Delobel-Ayoub 2009). When comparing the total behavioural problems between preterm children born at different gestational ages, no significant differences were observed when assessed at 3 and 5 years of age (Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006). Low quality evidence from another study (n=2098) found a significantly increased odds of total behavioural problems at 11 years of age among children born at <28 weeks of gestation or with birth weight <1000 g (Fevang 2016).

Five studies used the CBCL to assess total behavioural problems among children born preterm. Moderate to high quality evidence from two studies publications (n=6409; n=169) show an increased risk of total behavioural problems at 5 years and at 11 years of age among children born at less than 32 gestational weeks or with a birth weight or less than 1500 g (Reijneveld 2006; Farooqi 2007). Moderate quality evidence from another study (n=1458) shows a borderline significant association with total behavioural problems at 4 years of age among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation (Potijk 2015). Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=215) among moderate and late children born preterm (32–36 weeks) shows no significant association with total behavioural problems at 24 months of corrected age (de Jong 2015). One publication (n=1443) with moderate quality evidence on total behavioural problems assessed at four years and at five years looked if the abnormal CBCL total score was present at either four or five years of age, or both, categorising outcome of total problems into emerging (normal score at four years but abnormal score at five years), resolving (abnormal score at four years but normal score at 5 years) and persistent (abnormal score at both 4 and 5 years) problems (Hornman 2016). The study found no difference in emerging problems among children born at <36 weeks of gestation, or at 32–35 weeks of gestation, or at 25–31 weeks of gestation compared to term born children. The study showed an increased odds of resolving problems among the children born at <36 weeks and children born at 32–35 weeks but not among children born at 25–31 weeks. There was an increased odds of persistent total problems among children born at <36 weeks and children born at 25–31 weeks and a borderline significant increased odds among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation.

Additionally, low quality evidence from one study (n=1385) show no association between gestational age and behaviour problems among moderate to late children born preterm when using the Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment (BITSEA) at 2 years (corrected age) (Johnson 2015b). The same study reports an increased odds of delayed socioemotional competence among the children.

Low to high quality evidence from four studies (sample sizes ranging from 169 to 1675) on the association between gestational age and hyperactivity show mixed findings (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Farooqi 2013; Fevang 2016; Rautava 2010). High quality evidence from one study (n=169) found no association among children born at <26 weeks of gestation and assessed at 11 years of age using the FTF questionnaire with both parental report and teacher report (Farooqi 2013). No association was found even after excluding the ones with neurosensory impairment. Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1675) found an increased odds of hyperactivity (assessed by parents with SDQ) among children born at 22–32 weeks of gestation and assessed at 3 years of age (Delobel-Ayoub 2006). Moderate quality evidence from another study (n=764) also found an increased odds of hyperactivity or impulsivity among children born at <32 weeks of gestation or with a birth weight of <1500 g (Rautava 2010). The children were assessed at 5 years of age through parental report on the FTF questionnaire. Low quality evidence from one study (n=2098) found increased odds of hyperactivity/impulsivity at 11 years among children born <28 weeks of gestation or with birth weight <1000 g (assessed with Swanson, Noland, and Pelham Questionnaire, Revision IV [SNAP-IV]) (Fevang 2016).

Moderate to high quality evidence from two studies show mixed findings on the association between gestational age and hypoactivity (Farooqi 2013; Rautava 2010). High quality evidence from one study (n=169) found no significant association between being born <26 weeks of gestation (versus term) and hypoactivity (assessed with the FTF questionnaire) when using parental report (Farooqi 2013). When teacher report was used, an increased odds of hypoactivity was observed. The results remained even when excluding children with neurosensory impairment. The children were assessed at 11 years of age. Moderate quality evidence from another study (n=764) found a significantly increased odds of hypoactivity (parental report through the FTF questionnaire) at 5 years of age among children born <32 weeks of gestation or with birth weight <1500 g (Rautava 2010).

Low to high quality evidence from seven studies (sample sizes ranging from 169 to 34163) on the relationship between gestational age and attention problems show mixed findings (de Jong 2014; Farooqi 2013; Farooqi 2007; Fevang 2016; Higa Diez 2016; Rautava 2010; Reijneveld 2006). Three studies used the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) and two studies used the FTF questionnaire. One study used the SNAP-IV. The children were assessed between 24 months corrected age and 11 years chronological age and the prematurity of the children ranged from <26 weeks of gestation to 36 weeks of gestation. High quality evidence from one study (n=169) show an increased odds of attention problems among children born <26 weeks of gestation and assessed at 11 years through FTF questionnaire filled in by teachers (Farooqi 2013). However, no significant association was among the same population when FTF questionnaire was filled in by parents. The results remained the same after excluding the children with neurosensory impairment. Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=764) show an increased odds of attention problems among children born at <32 weeks of gestation or with birth weight ≤1500 g when assessed at 5 years of age with FTF questionnaire using parental report (Rautava 2010). Moderate quality evidence from another study (n=6409) show an increased risk of attention problems among preterm children (born at <32 weeks of gestation or with birth weight <1500 g) at 5 years of age assessed with the CBCL (Reijneveld 2006). Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=215) found no association to attention problems at 24 months of corrected age among children born 32–36 weeks of gestation and assessed with the CBCL de Jong 2015). Moderate quality evidence from a nationally representative study from Japan (n=34163) using the CBCL (parental report) to assess different types of attention problems among children born preterm compared to their term peers at 8 years of age found children born preterm (at <34 weeks or at 34–36 weeks of gestation) being more likely to have problems waiting for their turn during play. However, no difference between term and preterm children were observed in the attention problem domains of “interrupting people” and “failure to pay attention when crossing the street”. When looking at children who presented problems in all of the above mentioned attention domains, there was a significant association among children born at <34 weeks of gestation. The association among children born at 34–36 weeks of gestation did not reach statistical significance. Low quality evidence from one study (n=2098) found an association between being born at <28 weeks of gestation or with birth weight <1000 g and inattention problems (assessed with SNAP-IV) at 11 years of age (Fevang 2016).

Moderate to high quality evidence from seven studies (sample sizes ranging from 169 to 6409) show mixed results on the association between gestational age and internalising behaviours among preterm children (versus term children) (de Jong 2015; Farooqi 2007; Gurka 2010; Hornman 2016; Potijk 2015; Rautava 2010; Reihneveld 2006). The children were assessed aged between 24 months (corrected) and 11 years of age using either the CBCL or the FTF questionnaire. Moderate quality evidence from two different studies (n=764; n=6409) that both examined children born at <32 weeks of gestation or with birth weight of <1500 g show mixed findings (Rautava 2010; Reijneveld 2006). The first study found an increased risk of internalising problems at 5 years of age using the FTF questionnaire, while the other publication found no association using the CBCL. Evidence from a third study (n=1458) shows an increased odds of internalising problems among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation who were assessed at 4 years of age with the CBCL (Potijk 2015), however, evidence from another study (n=215) show no association among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation at 24 months of corrected age using the CBCL (de Jong 2015). Low quality evidence from another study (n=1298) observing children born late-preterm (34–36 weeks) and their full-term born peers from ages 4 until 15 years show no significant difference in internalising behaviours between the groups (Gurka 2010). A high quality evidence from a study (n=169) show an association between being born at <26 weeks of gestation and internalising problems at 11 years when assessed by both parents (CBCL) and teachers (Teacher Report Form [TRF], parallel form of CBCL for teachers) (Farooqi 2007). One publication (n=1443) with moderate quality evidence on internalising problems assessed at four years and at five years looked if the abnormal score was present at either four or five years of age, or both, categorising outcome of internalising problems into emerging (normal score at four years but abnormal score at five years), resolving (abnormal score at four years but normal score at 5 years) and persistent (abnormal score at both 4 and 5 years) problems (Hornman 2016). The study found no difference in emerging internalising problems among children born at <36 weeks of gestation, or at 32–35 weeks of gestation, or at 25–31 weeks of gestation compared to term born children. The study found an increased odds of resolving internalising problems and persistent internalising problems among the children born at <36 weeks, children born at 32–35 weeks and children born at 25–31 weeks.

Low to high quality evidence from five studies (sample sizes ranging from 169 to 6409) that observed specific internalising behaviours using the CBCL show mixed findings (de Jong 2015; Farooqi 2007; Fevang 2016; Gurka 2010; Reijneveld 2006). The populations in these studies vary as well as the age at assessment. Three different studies (sample sizes ranging from 169 to 6409) presenting moderate to high quality evidence report mixed findings on withdrawn behaviour (de Jong 2015; Farooqi 2007; Reijneveld 2006). Two studies found no association between gestational age and withdrawn behaviour at 24 months of corrected age among children born at 32–36 weeks) (de Jong 2015)) and at 5 years of age among children born at <32 weeks or with birth weight <1500 g (Reijneveld 2006). However, the third study found an increased odds of withdrawn behaviour at 11 years of age among children born extremely preterm (<26 weeks) when assessed by both parents and teachers (Farooqi 2007). The same three studies with moderate to high evidence report mixed findings on somatic complaints as well. Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=215) show no association with somatic complaints at 24 months corrected age among children born a 32–36 weeks of gestation (de Jong 2015). Moderate quality evidence from another study among children with lower gestational age (<32 weeks or birth weight or <1500 g), however, show an increased odds of somatic complaints at 5 years (Reijneveld 2006). High quality evidence from a third study show an association between extreme prematurity (<26 weeks) and somatic complaints at 11 years of age when children were assessed by teachers but not when they were assessed by parents (Farooqi 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from three studies (samples sizes ranging from 169 to 6409) on the association between prematurity and depression or anxiety symptoms show mixed findings (Farooqi 2007; Fevang 2016; Reijneveld 2006). Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=6409) using the CBCL found no association between being born at <32 weeks of gestation (or with birth weight <1500 g) and anxious/depressed behaviours at 5 years of age (Reijneveld 2006). However, high quality evidence from another study (n=169) using the CBCL (and TRF) found a significantly increased odds of anxious/depressed behaviours at 11 years of age among extremely children born preterm (<26 weeks) when the child was assessed by both parents and teachers (Farooqi 2007). However, the latter study used a less strict cut-off (90th percentile) than the first study (97th percentile). The latter study, however, did not find an association between being born extremely premature and child self-reported depression symptoms (depression self-rating scale [DSRS], Farooqi 2007). Low quality evidence from another study (n=2098) show an association between being born at <28 weeks or with birth weight <1000 g and anxiety symptoms (assessed with the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders [SCARED], Fevang 2016).

Moderate to high quality evidence from seven studies (sample sizes ranging from 169 to 6409) on the relationship between gestational age and externalising behaviours show mixed findings. High quality evidence from one study (n=169) among children born extremely preterm (<26 weeks) show no association between gestational age and externalising behaviours at 11 years of age (CBCL/TRF) (Farooqi 2007). Moderate quality evidence from another study (n=215) among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation show no association with gestational age and externalising behaviour (CBCL) at 24 months (corrected) (de Jong 2015). Low quality evidence from one study (n=1298) that assessed children from 4 to 15 years of age show no difference in externalising behaviours between children born preterm (34–36 weeks) and full-term born children. However, moderate quality evidence from three studies (sample sizes ranging from 764 to 6409) show preterm children (<36 weeks of gestation) to be more likely to present externalising behaviours than term children at 4 and 5 years of age (assessed with FTF questionnaire and the CBCL) (Potijk 2015; Rautava 2010; Reijneveld 2006). One publication (n=1443) with moderate quality evidence on externalising problems assessed at four years and at five years looked if the abnormal score was present at either four or five years of age, or both, categorising outcome of externalising problems into emerging (normal score at four years but abnormal score at five years), resolving (abnormal score at four years but normal score at 5 years) and persistent (abnormal score at both 4 and 5 years) problems (Hornman 2016). The study found an increased odds of emerging externalising problems among children born at <36 weeks of gestation, or at 32–35 weeks of gestation, or at 25–31 weeks of gestation compared to term born children. The study found an increased odds of resolving externalising problems among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation but not among children born at <36 weeks or 25–31 weeks of gestation. The study found an increased odds of persistent internalising problems among the children born at <36 weeks, children born at 32–35 weeks and children born at 25–31 weeks.

High quality evidence from a population-based study (n=169) show no association between being born extremely preterm (<26 weeks) and aggressive or delinquent behaviours at 11 years of age (assessed by parents and teachers with CBCL/TRF) (Farooqi 2007). Moderate quality evidence from another population-based study (n=34163) from Japan on the association between prematurity and delinquent or aggressive behaviours at 8 years of age show no association with gestational age and lying behaviour and hurting other people (Higa Diez 2016). However, children born at <34 weeks of gestation were more likely to destroy toys or books compared to their term peers (not significant among children born at 34–36 weeks) and children born at 34–36 weeks of gestation were more likely to cause disturbances in public (not significant among children born at <34 weeks). When looking at children with problems in all the above mentioned delinquency/aggressive behaviour domains, no significant association was found between preterm and term born children in this study. Moderate quality evidence from another study (n=6409) found an association with delinquent behaviour at 5 years of age among children born <32 gestational weeks or with birth weight <1500 g (Reijneveld 2006). The same study did not find a significant association for aggressive behaviour. Similarly, low quality evidence from one study (n=1298) did not show a difference in aggressive behaviours (assessed with CBCL) in preterm (34–36 weeks) and full-term born children from age 4 to 15 years of age (Gurka 2010).

Moderate quality evidence from a study (n=1675) show an association with gestational age 22–32 weeks (versus term) and conduct problems when assessed at 3 years of age with the SDQ (Delobel-Ayoub 2006). The same study found a borderline significant association with peer problems and emotional symptoms. Moderate quality evidence from another study (n=215) show no association between being born at 32–36 weeks of gestation and being abnormally emotionally reactive at 24 months of corrected age (assessed with the CBCL) (de Jong 2015). Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=6409) show a significantly increased odds of social problems and thought problems at 5 years of age among children born at <32 weeks of gestation (assessed with the CBCL) (Reijneveld 2006). No association was found between gestational age and sex problems at 5 years in the same study. High quality evidence from another study (n=169) show an increased odds of social problems and thought problems among children born extremely preterm (<26 weeks) at 11 years when assessed by teachers (TRF) but not when assessed by parents (CBCL) (Farooqi 2007). Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1356) that examined the association between gestational age and personal-social problems show an increased risk of one or more personal-social cautions and personal-social delays among children born with very low birth weight (mean gestational weeks 28.4) compared with children born with normal birth weight (mean gestational weeks 39.4) and compared with children born with moderately low birth weight (mean gestational weeks 35.6) when assessed with Denver-II tool between ages 9 to 34 months (corrected) (Schendel 1997). Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=764) show an increased risk of emotional or behavioural problems and obsessive compulsive behaviour at 5 years among children born at <32 weeks of gestation (assessed with the FTF questionnaire) (Rautava 2010). Low quality evidence from one study (n=2098) show an association between being born extremely preterm (<28 weeks or with birth weight <1000 g) and symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder at 11 years (Fevang 2016). The same study found an association between gestational age and both parent- and teacher-reported symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (assessed by Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire [ASSQ]) at 11 years.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Low to moderate quality evidence from two studies (three publications, sample sizes ranging from 625 to 1228) shows no association between child’s sex and behavioural problems among children born preterm (Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Johnson 2015b). The first study assessed children born <33 weeks of gestation at 3 and 5 years of age with the SDQ (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Delobel-Ayoub 2009) and the second study assessed moderate to late preterm (32–36 weeks) children at two years corrected age on delayed socioemotional competence (assessed with BITSEA) (Johnson 2015b).

Small for gestational age (SGA)

Moderate quality evidence from two studies (n=1228; n=1277) showed no difference in total behavioural difficulties for SGA preterm infants as compared to those who were appropriate for gestational age. Children were assessed at 3 to 5 years of age and were born at 22–32 weeks. However, one of these studies did observe an increase in the risk of inattention-hyperactivity symptoms for SGA preterm infants born at 29–32 weeks (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Guellec 2011). In addition, low quality evidence from one study (n=625) found no association between being born SGA and delayed socioemotional competence (assessed with BITSEA) at 2 years (corrected age) among moderate to late children born preterm (Johnson 2015b).


Low quality evidence from one study (n=625) show an association between being non-white and delayed socioemotional competence (assessed with BITSEA) at 2 years (corrected age) among moderate to late children born preterm (Johnson 2015b).

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Moderate quality evidence from one study show an increase in the risk of behavioural difficulties (assessed with the SDQ) for preterm infants with major cerebral lesions when assessed at the age of 3 years (Delobel-Ayoub 2006). The children were born at 22–32 weeks, and 1228 children were included. The same study (different publication, n=1102) conducted further follow-up at 5 years of age and found no association between brain lesions (level of severity not considered) and behavioural problems (Delobel-Ayoub 2009).


No evidence was identified.

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

No evidence was identified.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

No evidence was identified.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Low quality evidence from one study (n=625) show no association between exposure to antenatal steroids and delayed socioemotional competence (assessed with BITSEA) at 2 years (corrected age) among moderate to late children born preterm (Johnson 2015b).

Postnatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1228) did not show any difference in the risk of behavioural problems for preterm infants who had bronchopulmonary dysplasia, as compared to those who did not (Delobel-Ayoub 2006). The children were born at 22–32 weeks and followed up at 3 years of age.

In relation to social, environmental or maternal factors
Socioeconomic status

Low to moderate quality evidence from three studies show mixed results on behavioural outcomes in relation to socioeconomic status. Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1102) show no association between socioeconomic status and behavioural problems (assessed with the SDQ) in very preterm (22–32 weeks) at 5 years (Delobel-Ayoub 2009). Moderate quality evidence from another study (n=1458) show an increase in the odds of behavioural problems and internalising problems (assessed with the CBCL) for children born to families with lower socioeconomic status (Potijk 2015). Increased odds of externalising problems was borderline significant. This study included children born between 32 and 41 weeks of gestation and followed up at 4 years. Low quality evidence from a third study (n=625) found an association between lower socioeconomic status and delayed socioemotional competence (assessed with BITSEA) at 2 years of age (corrected) among moderate to late children born preterm (Johnson 2015b).

Maternal substance abuse

Low quality evidence from one study (n=625) show an association between recreational use of drugs during pregnancy and delayed socioemotional competence (assessed with BITSEA) at 2 years (corrected age) among moderate to late children born preterm (Johnson 2015b).

Multiple pregnancy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=625) show no association between multiple pregnancy and delayed socioemotional competence (assessed with BITSEA) at 2 years (corrected age) among moderate to late children born preterm (Johnson 2015b).


No evidence was identified.


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1228) show an increase in the risk of behavioural problems (assessed by SDQ) for preterm infants (born at 22–32 weeks gestation and followed up at 3 years of age) born to mothers less than 25 years (compared with mothers 25–34 years) (Delobel-Ayoub 2006). Maternal age of 35 years or more was not associated with behavioural problems in this study. When the children were followed up at 5 years of age (n=1102), the increased odds of behavioural problems of preterm children of mothers younger than 25 years at the time of birth remained borderline significant (Delobel-Ayoub 2009). The association between maternal age 35 years or older and behavioural problems also became borderline significant (borderline reduced odds of behavioural problems compared with maternal age of 25–34 years).

Maternal mental health disorder

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1102) show an increase in the risk of behavioural problems (assessed by the SDQ) at 5 years of age for preterm children (born at 22–32 weeks) born to mothers with poorer self-reported mental health (Delobel-Ayoub 2009).

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Special educational needs

In relation to gestational age

Low to high quality evidence from five different studies (eight publications, sample sizes ranging from 6031 to 407503) on the relationship between gestational age and special education needs (SEN) show somewhat mixed findings. SEN were defined differently across the studies, similarly the sample sizes and age at assessment varied between studies.

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1766) show children born at <33 weeks of gestation (compared to term) to be at an increased risk of needing special care and/or support at school and repeating a year when in a mainstream class (Larroque 2011). The children were assessed at 8 years of age. Being in an institution or special class or school did not reach statistical significance. High quality evidence from another study (n=6174) that looked at teacher-reported SEN (through a questionnaire) of children born preterm at different gestational ages against their term peers matched by either chronological age, corrected age, or corrected age and year of schooling show mixed findings (Odd 2013a). When matched by chronological age (i.e. uncorrected age) or by corrected age, there was an increased odds of special educational needs among children born premature in all gestational groups (<37 weeks, 32–36 weeks and <32 weeks of gestation), however, due to a small number in the <32 weeks group, it did not reach statistical significance. When matched by corrected age and year of schooling, no statistically significant association was found in either gestational age group. The children were assessed at age 8 years. Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=12586) showed increased odds of SEN in children born at <37 weeks of gestation compared to the term group at 14 to 16 years age (Odd 2016). Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=407503) using school census data among 5- to 18-year-old school children show an increased odds of learning disability or physical disability that impact learning among children born preterm compared with term born children, the effect size increasing as gestational age decreases (MacKay 2010). The same study (different publication) also looked at specific types of SEN at 5–18 years (MacKay 2013). Increased odds of sensory SEN, physical or motor SEN, specific learning difficulty SEN, intellectual SEN, and unspecified SEN were observed with increasing effect estimate as gestational age decreases. However, language SEN, social, emotional or behavioural SEN and autistic spectrum disorder SEN showed mixed findings that mainly did not reach statistical significance.

Low to high quality evidence from four studies (sample sizes ranging from 6031 to 12586) mostly show an association between low gestational age and poor performance in Key Stages 1 (KS1) score (Chan 2014; Odd 2016; Odd 2013a; Peacock 2012). High quality evidence from one study (n=11169) that examined the overall KS1 score at 8 years in children born at different gestational ages against their term peers matched by either chronological age, corrected age, or corrected age and year of schooling show slightly mixed findings (Odd 2013a). When matched by chronological age and corrected age, all preterm children (<32, 32–36, and <37 weeks) had an increased odds of low KS1 score compared to their term peers. However, when matched by corrected age and the year of schooling, the association was no longer statistically significant in either gestational age group. Low quality evidence from another study (n=6031) show an increased odds of low overall KS1 at 7 years of age among children born preterm compared with term (<32, 32–33, and 34–36 weeks of gestation) (Chan 2014). This study also looked at KS1 scores on specific domains and found an increased odds of low KS1 reading score and low KS1 writing score among all preterm children regardless of their gestational age at birth. Low KS1 speaking and listening score was only significant among the children born at <32 weeks of gestation. There was no statistical difference between children born preterm and term born children on low KS1 mathematics score. Low KS1 science score was only significant among the children born at 32–33 weeks of gestation. Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=10279) show a decreased odds of success in KS1 overall assessment among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation compared to their full-term born peers (Peacock 2012). Children born preterm were also less likely to succeed in KS1 reading, writing and mathematics assessments compared to the term children. Finally one study of moderate quality showed an increased odds of low KS1 score among children born at <37 weeks of gestation compared to full term children at age 5–7 years (Odd 2016).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=7650) that reports teacher assessment of the Foundation Stage Profile (FSP) of children at 5 years of age, comparing term born children to children born preterm (23–31 weeks; 32–33 weeks; and 34–36 weeks) was available (Quigley 2012). A significant or borderline significant association with not good level of overall achievement was found among all gestational age groups compared to full-term born children. The children born at 23–31 weeks of gestation had an increased odds of performing poorly in personal, social and emotional development scales. Children born at 34–36 weeks of gestation had a borderline significant increased odds. All gestational age groups had a borderline significant increased odds of performing poorly in communication, language and literacy. All preterm children had increased odds of performing poorly in mathematical development scales, the association among late children born preterm (34–36 weeks) was borderline significant.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) show male children born at <26 weeks of gestation to be more likely to be provided special educational needs support at 11 years compared to their female peers (Johnson 2011).

Small for gestational age (SGA)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1439) that examined the association between being born SGA and having school difficulties (defined as needing special schooling or having low grades, reported by parents) among children born preterm at eight years of age was available (Guellec 2011). No association was found among children born SGA born at 24–28 weeks of gestation but an increased odds of school difficulties was found among children born SGA born at 29–32 weeks of gestation.


Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) show no association between maternal ethnicity and special educational needs among extremely children born preterm at 11 years of age (born at <26 gestational weeks) (Johnson 2011).

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) show a significant association between abnormal cerebral ultrasound scan and special educational needs at 11 years among children born at <26 gestational weeks (Johnson 2011).


No evidence was identified.

Retinopathy of prematurity

No evidence was identified.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) show no association between necrotising enterocolitis and special educational needs among extremely children born preterm at 11 years of age (born at <26 gestational weeks) (Johnson 2011).

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) show no association between any exposure to antenatal steroids and special educational needs among extremely children born preterm at 11 years of age (born at <26 gestational weeks) (Johnson 2011).

Postnatal exposure to steroids

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) show no association between any exposure to postnatal steroid for chronic lung disease and special educational needs among extremely children born preterm at 11 years of age (born at <26 gestational weeks) (Johnson 2011).

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental or maternal factors
Socioeconomic status

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) show no association between socioeconomic status and special educational needs among extremely children born preterm at 11 years of age (born at <26 gestational weeks) (Johnson 2011).

Maternal substance abuse

No evidence was identified.

Multiple pregnancy

No evidence was identified.


Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) show no association between chorioamnionitis (suspected or proven) and special educational needs among extremely children born preterm at 11 years of age (born at <26 gestational weeks) (Johnson 2011).


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) show no association between maternal age and special educational needs among extremely children born preterm at 11 years of age (born at <26 gestational weeks) (Johnson 2011).

Maternal mental health disorder

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified.

4.3. Risk of developmental disorders

Review question:

What is the risk of developmental disorders in babies, children and young people born preterm at different gestational ages?

How do the following factors influence the risk of developmental disorders in babies, children and young people born preterm:

  • biological factors
  • neonatal factors
  • socioeconomic, maternal and environmental factors
  • postnatal factors?

4.3.1. Description of clinical evidence

The aim of this review was to identify different factors (gestational age at birth; biological factors; neonatal factors; social, environmental or maternal factors; and postnatal factors) that can affect the risk of developmental disorders in babies, children and young people born preterm. Biological factors that were considered included sex of the child, being born small for gestational age, and ethnicity or race. Neonatal factors included brain abnormalities, sepsis, retinopathy of prematurity, necrotising enterocolitis, exposure to antenatal steroids, exposure to postnatal steroids, and bronchopulmory dysplasia. Social, maternal or environmental factors included socioeconomic status, maternal substance abuse, maternal alcohol abuse, multiple pregnancy, chorioamnionitis, neglect, maternal age and maternal mental health problems. Postnatal factors included epilepsy and age at establishing oral feeding.

Developmental disorders considered as outcomes included cerebral palsy (CP), intellectual disability, specific learning impairment, speech and language impairment, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), mental and behavioural disorders, developmental co-ordination disorder and hearing and visual impairments. In addition, composite neurodevelopmental or neurosensory outcomes were considered. Composite neurodevelopmental outcome was defined as the child having one or more of the following disorders: moderate to severe intellectual disability, CP or motor delay, vision impairment or hearing impairment. Composite neurosensory outcome was defined as having one or more of the following disorders: CP or motor delay, vision impairment or hearing impairment.

Studies were included if they: 1) were prospective or retrospective population-based or multi-centre cohort studies; 2) included only participants born after 1990; 3) confounders were adjusted for in the analyses. For full details see review protocol in Appendix D:.

In total, 64 publications were included in the review (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Ambalavanan 2012; Andrews 2008; Beaino 2010; Beaino 2011; Bolisetty 2014; Burnett 2014; Carlo 2011; Davis 2007; DeJesus 2013; Foix-L’Helias 2008; Goldstein 2013; Guellec 2011; Hansen 2004; Helderman 2012; Herber-Jonat 2014; Hillemeier 2011; Hintz 2005; Hirvonen 2014; Hoffman 2015; Hwang 2013; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2011; Kallen 2015; Kent 2012; Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013; Kuzniewicz 2014; Larroque 2008; Laughon 2009; Leversen 2010; Marret 2007; Merhar 2012; O’Shea 2008; Mikkola 2005; Miyazaki 2016; Moore 2012; Natarajan 2012; Odd 2013; Pappas 2014; Payne 2013; Perrott 2003; Petrini 2009; Rabie 2015; Rogers 2013; Serenius 2013; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001; Singh 2013; Stoll 2004; Sukhov 2012; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2013; VanMarter 2011; Victorian Infant Collaborative Study Group 2000; Vincer 2006; Vohr 2000; Vohr 2005; Walsh 2005; Wolke 2008; Wong 2014; Wood 2005; Woythaler 2011).

Thirty-three of the studies came from the United States (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Ambalavanan 2012; Andrews 2008; Carlo 2011; DeJesus 2013; Goldstein 2013; Helderman 2012; Hillemeier 2011; Hintz 2005; Hoffman 2015; Kuzniewicz 2014; Laughon 2009; Merhar 2012; O’Shea 2008; Moore 2012; Natarajan 2012; Pappas 2014; Payne 2013; Petrini 2009; Rabie 2015; Rogers 2013; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001; Singh 2013; Stoll 2004; Sukhov 2012; VanMarter 2011; Vohr 2000; Vohr 2005; Walsh 2005; Woythaler 2011). Six studies came from both Australia (Bolisetty 2014; Burnett 2014; Davis 2007; Kent 2012; Victorian Infant 2000; Wong 2014) and France (Beaino 2010; Beaino 2011; Foix-L’Helias 2008; Guellec 2011; Larroque 2008; Marret 2007). Four studies came from the United Kingdom and Ireland (Johnson 2010; Johnson 2011; Wolke 2008; Wood 2005) and 1 study came from the United Kingdom (Odd 2013). Three studies came from Finland (Hirvonen 2014; Mikkola 2005; Tommiska 2003). Two studies came from Canada (Perrott 2003; Vincer 2006) and Sweden (Kallen 2015; Serenius 2013). One study came from each of the following countries: Austria (Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013), Denmark (Hansen 2004), Estonia (Toome 2013), Germany (Herber-Jonat 2014), Japan (Miyazaki 2016), Norway (Leversen 2010), and Taiwan (Hwang 2013).

Fifty-three studies were population-based or multi-centre prospective cohort studies (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Ambalavanan 2012; Andrews 2008; Beaino 2010; Beaino 2011; Bolisetty 2014; Burnett 2014; Carlo 2011; Davis 2007; Foix-L’Helias 2008; Guellec 2011; Hansen 2004; Helderman 2012; Herber-Jonat 2014; Hillemeier 2011; Hwang 2013; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2011; Kallen 2015; Kent 2012; Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013; Kuzniewicz 2014; Larroque 2008; Leversen 2010; Marret 2007; Merhar 2012; O’Shea 2008; Mikkola 2005; Natarajan 2012; Odd 2013; Payne 2013; Perrott 2003; Petrini 2009; Rabie 2015; Rogers 2013; Serenius 2013; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001; Singh 2013; Stoll 2004; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2013; VanMarter 2011; Victorian Infant 2000; Vincer 2006; Vohr 2000; Vohr 2005; Walsh 2005; Wolke 2008; Wood 2005; Woythaler 2011). Nine studies were retrospective cohort studies (DeJesus 2013; Goldstein 2013; Hintz 2005; Hoffman 2015; Laughon 2009; Miyazaki 2016; Moore 2012; Pappas 2014; Wong 2014) and two studies used population-based registry data (HGirvonen 2014; Sukhov 2012).

Seventeen publications stemmed from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Neonatal Research Network (NRN). Twelve publications came from the Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns (ELGAN) study from the US (Allred 2014; Helderman 2012; Hillemeier 2011; Kuzniewicz 2014; Laughon 2009; O’Shea 2008; Petrini 2009; Rabie 2015; Rogers 2013; Singh 2013; VanMarter 2011; Woythaler 2011). Six publications came from the French Etude Epidemiologique sur les Petits Ages Gestationnels (EPIPAGE) study (Beaino 2010; Beaino 2011; Foix-L’Helias 2008; Guellec 2011; Larroque 2008; Marret 2007). Four publications came from the EPICure study from the UK and Ireland (Johnson 2010; Johnson 2011; Wolke 2008; Wood 2005). Three publications came from an Australian cohort of extremely preterm infants admitted to any of the 10 NICUs within New South Wales (NSW) and the Australian Capital Territory (Bolisetty 2014; Kent 2012; Wong 2014) and three publications came from the Victorian Infant Collaborative Study Group (Burnett 2014; Davis 2007; Victorian Infant Collaborative Study Group 2000). The rest of the included publications were the only publications from their respective cohort studies.

Gestational age as a risk for developmental disorders

Nineteen studies studied the association between gestational age (preterm versus term) and different developmental disorders (Burnett 2014; Helderman 2012; Hillemeier 2011; Hirvonen 2014; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2011; Kent 2012; Kuzniewicz 2014; Larroque 2008; Odd 2013; Petrini 2009; Rabie 2015; Rogers 2013; Serenius 2013; Singh 2013; Sukhov 2012; Toome 2013; Wolke 2008; Woythaler 2011). Five of these studies looked at the association between gestational age and CP (Hirvonen 2014; Odd 2013; Petrini 2009; Sukhov 2012; Toome 2013). Eight studies looked at the association between gestational age and intellectual disability (Burnett 2014; Helderman 2012; Hillemeier 2011; Larroque 2008; Petrini 2009; Serenius 2013; Singh 2013; Toome 2013; Woythaler 2011). Four studies looked at the association between gestational age and speech, language and communication delay (Rabie 2015; Serenius 2013; Toome 2013; Wolke 2008). Four studies looked at the association between gestational age and mental and behavioural disorders Burnett 2014; Johnson 2010; Rogers 2013; Singh 2013). Two studies looked at the association between gestational age and autism spectrum disorder (Kuzniewicz 2014; Singh 2013) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Rabie 2015; Singh 2013). Two studies looked at the association between gestystional age and neurosensory or neurodevelopmental composite outcome (Kent 2012; Toome 2013). One study looked at the association between gestational age and specific learning difficulties (Johnson 2010).

No evidence was found on the association between gestational age and developmental coordination disorder among children born preterm. No evidence was identified on the association between gestational age and hearing or visual impairment, although these outcomes were included in a composite outcome measure in 2 studies (Kent 2012; Toome 2013).

Biological factors as risk for developmental disorders

Twenty-four publications studied the association between biological factors (sex of the child, being born small for gestational age, and ethnicity or race) and developmental disorders among children born preterm (Ambalavanan 2012; Andrews 2008; Beaino 2011; Bolisetty 2014; Davis 2007; De Jesus 2013; Guellec 2011; Hansen 2004; Helderman 2012; Hirvonen 2014; Hoffman 2015; Hwang 2013; Kent 2012; Kuzniewicz 2014; Leversen 2010; Marret 2007; Moore 2012; Natarajan 2012; Shankaran 2004; Singh 2013; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2013; Vohr 2000; Walsh 2005). Ten of these studies reported on the association between biological factors and CP (Andrews 2008; Beaino 2011; Guellec 2011; Hansen 2004; Hirvonen 2014; Marret 2007; Shankaran 2004; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2013; Vohr 2000). Twelve studies reported on the association between biological factors and intellectual disability (Ambalavanan 2012; Andrews 2008; Beaino 2011; Hansen 2004; Helderman 2012; Hoffman 2015; Marret 2007; Natarajan 2012; Shankaran 2004; Singh 2013; Toome 2013; Vohr 2000) and two studies on speech, language or communication impairment (Hoffman 2015; Toome 2013). One study reported on the association between biological factors and mental or behavioural disorders (Singh 2013) and four studies on ASD (Hwang 2013; Kuzniewicz 2014; Moore 2012; Singh 2013), and one study on ADHD (Singh 2013). One study reported on the association between biological factors and vision impairment and hearing impairment (DeJesus 2013). Six studies looked at the association between different biological factors and composite neurodevelopmental or neurosensory outcome (Bolisetty 2014; Kent 2012; Leversen 2010; Shankaran 2004; Toome 2013; Walsh 2005).

No evidence was found on the association between different biological factors and developmental co-ordination disorder or specific learning impairment among children born preterm.

Neonatal factors as risk for developmental disorders

Forty publications reported on the association between different neonatal factors (brain abnormalities, sepsis, retinopathy of prematurity, necrotising enterocolitis, exposure to antenatal steroids, exposure to postnatal steroids, bronchopulmory dysplasia) and developmental disorders amonf children born preterm (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Andrews 2008; Beaino 2010; Beaino 2011; Bolisetty 2014; Carlo 2011; Foix-L’Helias 2008; Goldstein 2013; Hansen 2004; Herber-Jonat 2014; Hintz 2005; Hirvonen 2014; Hoffman 2015; Hwang 2013; Johnson 2010; Kallen 2015; Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013; Kuzniewicz 2014; Laughon 2009; Leversen 2010; Merhar 2012; O’Shea 2008; Mikkola 2005; Natarajan 2012; Payne 2013; Perrott 2003; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Stoll 2004; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2013; VanMarter 2011; Victorian Infant Collaborative Study Group 2000; Vincer 2006; Vohr 2000; Vohr 2005; Walsh 2005; Wong 2014; Wood 2005). Of these studies, 22 reported on the association between different neonatal factors and CP (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Andrews 2008; Beaino 2010; Beaino 2011; Carlo 2011; Foix-L’Helias 2008; Hansen 2004; Hintz 2005; Hirvonen 2014; Mikkola 2005; Payne 2013; Shankaran 2004; Stoll 2004; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2013; VanMarter 2011; Victorian Infant Collaborative Study Group 2000; Vincer 2006; Vohr 2000; Vohr 2005; Wood 2005), and 22 reported on intellectual disability (Adams-Chapman 2008; Allred 2014; Andrews 2008; Beaino 2010; Beaino 2011; Carlo 2011; Foix-L’Helias 2008; Hansen 2004; Hintz 2005; Hoffman 2015; Kallen 2015; Laughon 2009; O’Shea 2008; Mikkola 2005; Natarajan 2012; Payne 2013; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Stoll 2004; Toome 2013; Vohr 2000; Vohr 2005). One study reported on the association between neonatal factors and specific learning impairment (Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013), and three studies reported on speech, language or communication impairment (Hoffman 2015; Payne 2013; Toome 2013). One study reported on the association between neonatal factors and mental dirorders (Johnson 2010), and 2 studies on ASD (Hwang 2013; Kuzniewicz 2014). Four studies reported on the association between neonatal factors and vision impairment (Adams-Chapman 2008; Carlo 2011; Mikkola 2005; Stoll 2004), and three studies on hearing impairment (Adams-Chapman 2008; Carlo 2011; Stoll 2004). Nineteen studies reported on the association between neonatal factors and composite neurodevelopmental or neurosensory outcome (Adams-Chapman 2008; Bolisetty 2014; Carlo 2011; Goldstein 2013; Herber-Jonat 2014; Hintz 2005; Kallen 2015; Leversen 2010; Merhar 2012; Payne 2013; Perrott 2003; Shah 2012; Shankaran 2004; Stoll 2004; Toome 2013; Victorian Infant Collaborative Study Group 2000; Vohr 2005; Walsh 2005; Wong 2014).

No evidence was found on the association between neonatal factors and developmental coordination disorder and ADHD among children born preterm.

Social, environmental and maternal factors as risk for developmental disorders

Fourteen publications studied the association between different social, environmental and maternal factors (socioeconomic status, maternal substance abuse, maternal alcohol abuse, multiple pregnancy, chorioamnionitis, neglect, maternal age and maternal mental health problems) and developmental disorders among children born preterm (Beaino 2010; Beaino 2011; Hirvonen 2014; Hoffman 2015; Kallen 2015; Leversen 2010; Marret 2007; Miyazaki 2016; Pappas 2014; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2013; Wood 2005). Ten of these studies reported on the risk of CP (Beaino 2010; Beaino 2011; Hirvonen 2014; Marret 2007; Miyazaki 2016; Pappas 2014; Shankaran 2004; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2013; Wood 2005), and ten on intellectual disability (Beaino 2010; Beaino 2011; Hoffman 2015; Kallen 2015; Marret 2007; Miyazaki 2016; Pappas 2014; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001; Toome 2013). Two studies reported on speech, language or communication impairment (Hoffman 2015; Toome 2013) and one on vision impairment and hearing impairment (Miyazaki 2016). Six studies reported on the association between different social, environmental or maternal factors on composite neurodevelopmental or neurosensory outcome (Kallen 2015; Leversen 2010; Pappas 2014; Shankaran 2004; Singer 2001; Toome 2013).

No evidence was found on the association between social, environmental and maternal factors and developmental co-ordination disorder, specific learning impairment, mental disorders, ASD, or ADHD among children born preterm.

No evidence was found on the association between postnatal factors and developmental disorders among children born preterm.

The feasibility of combining study data using meta-analysis was assessed. Due to the following differences between studies, it was not considered appropriate to pool the results:

  • the inclusion/exclusion criteria for participants
  • ages of participants at the time of assessment
  • confounders adjusted for in multivariate analysis models
  • outcome definitions and measurement tools
  • consistency of results.

4.3.2. Summary of included studies

Table 15. Summary of studies on the association between gestational age and developmental disorders.

Table 15

Summary of studies on the association between gestational age and developmental disorders.

Table 16. Summary of studies on the association between different biological factors and developmental disorders.

Table 16

Summary of studies on the association between different biological factors and developmental disorders.

Table 17. Summary of studies on the association between different neonatal factors and developmental disorders.

Table 17

Summary of studies on the association between different neonatal factors and developmental disorders.

Table 18. Summary of studies on the associating between social, environmental and maternal factors and developmental disorders.

Table 18

Summary of studies on the associating between social, environmental and maternal factors and developmental disorders.

4.3.3. Economic evidence

No health economic search was undertaken for this review question and consequently no evidence was found. This question focused on the risk of various developmental problems rather than whether any strategy for the management of these problems represents a cost-effective use of resources. Therefore, this question is not primarily about competing alternatives which have different opportunity costs and therefore was not considered suitable for a health economic review

4.3.4. Evidence statements Cerebral palsy (CP)

In relation to gestational age

Evidence from 4 studies showed an increase in the risk of cerebral palsy for preterm infants.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=141321) showed a significant increase in the risk of cerebral palsy for children born preterm (30–33 weeks and 34–36 weeks) as compared to term children, during a follow-up period of up to 5.5 years.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=6145357) also showed an increased risk of cerebral palsy for preterm children, regardless of gestation (32–36 weeks, 38–31 weeks and <28 weeks) as compared to those born at term.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=1018302) also showed a significant increase in the risk of cerebral palsy (at the age of 7 years) for preterm infants of <32 weeks, 32 to 33+6 weeks, and 34 to 36+6 weeks as compared to term babies.

Similarly, moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=13843) showed a significant increase in the risk of cerebral palsy (at the age of 7 years) for preterm infants of 32–36 weeks compared to term babies.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Low to moderate quality evidence from 6 studies (sample sizes ranging from 187 to 53078) showed mixed results on the association between sex of the child born preterm and CP.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=208) showed that there was no significant risk of cerebral palsy in male infants (versus female) assessed at 18–22 months corrected age born at ≥22 weeks gestational age. Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=246) found no association between male sex and risk of CP among children born at <25 weeks of gestation and assessed at 18–22 months corrected age. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) showed that there was no significant risk of cerebral palsy for male children (versus female) at follow-up of 2 years. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=252) showed that there was no significant risk of cerebral palsy in males (versus females) born <28 weeks gestational age at follow-up of 5 years. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=2457) showed that there was no increase in risk of cerebral palsy in male children born 30–34 weeks gestational age assessed at 5 years of age. Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=53078) showed that there was a significant increase in the risk of cerebral palsy in males (versus females) who were born at <32 weeks gestational age and assessed at 7 years of age. In the same study, no significant association was found between being male and CP among children born at 32–33 weeks of gestation.

Small for gestational age (SGA)

Moderate quality evidence from 5 studies (sample sizes ranging from 187 to 53078) showed mixed results on the association between being born SGA and CP.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=2971) showed a significant increase in the risk of moderate or severe cerebral palsy for children who were small for gestational age (SGA, versus not SGA) during a follow-up period of 18–22 months corrected age. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=2846) showed that there was no increase in the risk of cerebral palsy in children born SGA (versus appropriate for gestational age) at 24–28 weeks or 29–32 weeks gestational age. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) showed that there was no association between being born SGA (versus appropriate for gestational age) and CP among children born preterm at 2 years. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=53078) showed that the risk of cerebral palsy in children born at <32 weeks of gestation who were SGA (versus appropriate for gestational age) was lowered. Among children born at 32–33 weeks, there was no association with SGA and CP, however, among children born at 34–36 weeks, there was an increased risk of CP among preterms born SGA.


High quality evidence from 1 study (n=375) showed that there was a lowered risk of CP among children of African American origin (versus not African American) among children born between 23 and 32 weeks gestational age followed up at 6 years of age.

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Moderate to high quality evidence from 10 studies (sample sizes ranging from 187 to 6161) largely showed increased risk in CP in children exposed to IVH grade III-IV, severe PIVH, PVL, IVH/shunt, IVH grade III-IV and/or grade II-IV, parenchymal pathology and/or ventriculomegaly, IVH grade III or echodensities or ventricular dilation, cystic PVL or intraparentchymal, intracranial haemorrhage compared with those unexposed to those risk factors. Children in these 11 studies were born at different gestational ages and assessed at age 18 months, 24 months, 18 to 22 months corrected age, 2 years, 30 months, 5 years, 6 years, and 7 years. Only 1 study (n=246) found no significant association between IVH grade III-IVH and CP when children were assessed at 18–22 months corrected age (moderate quality).


Moderate quality evidence from 5 studies (sample sizes ranging from 208 to 6347) showed mixed findings with regard to the association between sepsis and CP.

Two studies showed that preterm children exposed to sepsis were at an increased risk for CP in comparison with those unexposed when assessed at age 18–22 months corrected (moderate quality evidence). However, another 3 studies showed no significant association between the two when preterm children were assessed at age 18 to 22 months corrected, 18 months, and 7 years (moderate quality evidence).

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

Moderate quality evidence from 2 studies (n=1085; n=283) showed no significant association between ROP and the risk of CP when children were assessed at age 24 months and 30 months. The same non-significant association was found when ROP of different severities (such as ROP threshold, ROP pre-threshold) and the various forms of CP (for example CP quadriparesis, CP diparesis, and CP hemiparesis) were assessed in 1 of the studies (moderate quality evidence).

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

Low to high quality evidence from 6 studies (sample sizes ranging from 252 to 2948) showed mixed findings regarding the risk of CP in relation to NEC. Four studies found no significant association between NEC and CP when children born preterm were assessed at 18–22 months corrected age, age 18 months, and age 5 and 6 years. However, significantly increased risk in CP among those exposed to NEC compared with those unexposed was found in 2 studies when children were assessed at 18 to 22 months corrected age and 5 years, respectively.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Low to moderate quality evidence from 10 studies (sample sizes ranging from 193 to 6347) reported mixed findings regarding the association between antenatal steroids and CP. Seven studies found no significant association between those exposed to antenatal steroids and CP compared with those unexposed and when children were assessed at age 24 months, 18 to 22 months corrected age; 18 months; 30 months, 5 years, and 7 years. However, moderate to low quality evidence from three studies (sample size ranged from 193 to 1924) showed a significantly reduced risk in CP associated with antenatal steroids when children born at 27.3 (mean) weeks’ GA were assessed at age 18 months and 5 years, respectively; and children born at 22–25 weeks’ GA were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected.

Postnatal exposure to steroids

Moderate quality evidence from 6 studies (sample sizes ranging from 280 to 6347) reported mixed findings. Three studies (n=280; n=672; n=3785) found a significantly increased risk in CP among those exposed to postnatal steroids compared with those unexposed when children were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected, 24 months, and 5 years. However, nonsignificant association between postnatal steroids and CP was reported in another three studies (n=1472; n=1812; n=283) when children were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected age, 30 months corrected age, and 5 years.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

Moderate quality evidence from 4 studies (sample sizes ranging from 246 to 3785) reported mixed findings on the risk of CP in relation to BPD at 36 weeks. No association was found in 4 studies when children born at 22–32 weeks’ GA, <28 weeks GA were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected, 24 months corrected, and 5 years. However, in 1 study, when BPD with mechanical ventilation was assessed, no significant association was found between it and CP when children born at <28 weeks GA were assessed at age 24 months corrected.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors
Socioeconomic status

Evidence from 3 studies (n=641) showed no impact of socioeconomic status on the risk of cerebral palsy (Shankaran 2004; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2013). The quality of evidence from these studies ranged from low to high.

Maternal substance abuse

No evidence was identified.

Multiple pregnancy

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=208) showed that multiple pregnancy did not significantly affect the risk of cerebral palsy in a group of extremely low birth weight infants assessed at 18 months corrected age. High quality evidence from another study (n=187) showed no significant effect of multiple pregnancy on the risk of cerebral palsy at 2 years (corrected age). Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1461) reported no significant change in the risk of cerebral palsy for multiple pregnancy (as compared to singletons) born at 30–34 weeks. Further analysis of the same cohort included preterm infants from 24–32 weeks (n=812). This also showed no significant change in the risk of cerebral palsy for multiple pregnancy or with maternal age (moderate quality evidence). Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=53078) reported no association between multiple pregnancy and cerebral palsy.


High quality evidence from 1 study (n=2235) showed no significant impact of chorioamnionitis on the risk of cerebral palsy in a group of very preterm babies (<27 weeks’ gestation) at 18–22 months of corrected age. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=283) did not find an association between chorioamnionitis and CP among children born before 26 weeks of gestation and assessed at 30 months corrected age. Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=2202) showed no association between histological chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy in children born before 34 weeks of gestation at 3 years of age (uncorrected).


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=208) showed that maternal age did not affect the risk of cerebral palsy in a group of extremely low birth weight infants assessed at 18 months corrected age. High quality evidence from another study (n=187) showed no significant effect of maternal age on the risk of cerebral palsy at 2 years (corrected age) among children born before 32 weeks of gestation. Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=53078) showed no association between maternal age and CP among children born preterm.

Maternal mental health disorder

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Developmental coordination disorder (DCD)

In relation to gestational age

No evidence was identified.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=560) showed that an increase in the risk of DCD in male children (versus female) born before 28 weeks of gestation and assessed at 8 to 9 years age.

In relation to neonatal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Intellectual disability

In relation to gestational age

Low to high quality evidence from 7 studies (sample sizes ranging from 1157 to 141321) show that children born preterm are at an increased risk of intellectual disability.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=7500) also showed a significantly increased risk of developmental delay (mild and severe) in children born at 34–36 weeks’ gestation as compared to term controls at the age of 2 years. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1157) also showed a significantly increased risk of mild cognitive impairment, and mild or moderate developmental delay in children born before 27 weeks’ gestation as compared to term controls at the age of 2.5 years. High quality evidence from 1 study (n=1854) showed a significant increase in intellectual disability at age 5 years in preterm children born at 22–32 weeks, compared to term controls. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=141321) showed a significantly increased risk of developmental delay in preterm children (30–33 weeks and 34–36 weeks) when compared to term children, up to the age of 5.5 years. Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=85535) showed a significant increase in the risk of intellectual disability in children born preterm (<37 weeks) as compared to term controls when parents were asked if a doctor had ever told that their preterm child (2 to 17 years old) has intellectual disability.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1506) showed no significant increased risk of developmental delay (mild or severe) in early preterm children born at 23–24 weeks as compared to children born at 25–26 weeks and assessed at 2 years corrected.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Low to moderate quality evidence from 8 studies (sample sizes ranging from 187 to 14147) showed somewhat mixed findings on the association between the sex of the preterm child and intellectual disability.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=963) showed that there was no association between male sex and cognitive impairment (MDI <70) in children born before 27 weeks of gestation and assessed at 18–22 months corrected age. High quality evidence from 1 study (n=246) showed that there was no increased risk of cognitive impairment (MDI<70) in male children born before 25 weeks of gestation (versus females) at 18–22 months corrected age. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=14147) showed that there was a significant increase in risk of intellectual disability in male children (versus female) with birth weight of 401–1000 grams (mean gestational age 25.5 weeks) at 18–22 months corrected age. Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=1151) did not find an association between male sex (versus female) and cognitive impairment in children born before 27 weeks of gestation and assessed at 18–22 months corrected age. High quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) showed no significant increase in the risk of cognitive impairment in male children (versus female) born at a mean 28.8 weeks gestational age and assessed at 2 years (corrected age). Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1506) showed that there was a significant increase in the risk of cognitive impairment in male children (versus female) born before 28 weeks of gestation and assessed at 2 years (corrected age). Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1503) found no association between male sex (versus female) and mild or severe cognitive impairment in children born between 24 to 32 weeks gestational age and assessed at 5 years of age. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=252) found no association between male sex (versus female) and cognitive impairment in children born before 28 weeks of gestation assessed at 5 years of age.

Small for gestational age (SGA)

Moderate quality evidence from 5 studies (sample sizes ranging from 187 to 2846) showed somewhat mixed results on the association between being born SGA and intellectual disability among children born preterm.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=963) found a significant increase in risk of cognitive impairment (MDI <70) in children born before 27 weeks of gestation who were SGA (versus appropriate for gestational age) at 18–22 months corrected age. Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=1151) did not find an association between SGA (versus appropriate for gestational age) and cognitive impairment in children born before 27 weeks of gestation and assessed at 18–22 months corrected age. High quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) showed that three was no significant increase in the risk of cognitive impairment in children born SGA born at a mean 28.8 weeks gestational age and assessed at 2 years (corrected age). Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1503) found an increased risk of severe cognitive impairment in children born SGA (versus appropriate for gestational age) between 24 to 32 weeks gestational age and assessed at 5 years of age. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=2846) showed that there was no increased risk of cognitive impairment at 5 years in children born SGA at 24–28 weeks gestational age, however, there was a significant increase in the risk of impairment at 29–32 weeks gestational age.


Low to moderate quality evidence from 4 studies (sample sizes ranging from 246 to 3790) showed mixed findings on the association between ethnicity and intellectual disability in children born preterm.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=246) showed that there was no increased risk of cognitive impairment (MDI<70) in children of black ethnicity (versus non-black) born before 25 weeks of gestation assessed at 18–22 months corrected age. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=3790) showed no significant increase in the risk of cognitive impairment in children of non-white race (versus white) at 18–22 months corrected age. Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=1151) did not find an association between black ethnicity (versus non-black) and cognitive impairment in children born before 27 weeks of gestation and assessed at 18–22 months corrected age. However, moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1506) showed that there was a significant increase in the risk of cognitive impairment in children of non-white ethnicity (versus white) born before 28 weeks of gestation and assessed at 2 years (corrected age).

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnomalities

Low to moderate quality evidence from 11 studies (sample sizes ranging from 187 to 6161) largely showed an increased risk in intellectual disability defined in different ways across studies associated with PVL, IVH and infarct. Children in those studies were assessed at age 18 to 22 months corrected, 24 months corrected, 2 years, and 5 years. However, non-significant association was found in 2 studies when children were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected and 5 years.


Moderate quality evidence from 6 studies (sample sizes ranging from 1472 to 6314) reported mixed findings. Three studies found a significantly increased risk in intellectual disabilities associated with sepsis when children were assessed at age 18 to 22 months corrected age. However, another three studies (sample size ranging from 963 to 3785) reported non-significant association between the two when children assessed also at age 18–22 months corrected.

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1085) showed mixed results when different degrees of ROP and intellectual disability of different levels were assessed among children aged 24 months. ROP stage 3 showed an increased risk associated with MDI <55 (Bayley). However, when MDI 56–69 was assessed as the outcome, the significantly increased risk associated with ROP was found for ROP zone 1, ROP threshold, and ROP pre-threshold.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

Moderate quality evidence from 9 studies (sample sizes ranging from 193 to 6314) reported mixed findings regarding the association between NEC and intellectual disability defined in different methods. Six studies showed an increased risk in MDI < 70 associated with NEC (e.g., NEC surgery, NEC perforation) when children were assessed at age 18 to 22 months corrected, 2 years, 5 years. However, another 3 studies showed non-significant association between the two when children were assessed at age 18 to 22 months corrected, 5 years.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Low to moderate quality evidence from 10 studies (sample sizes ranging from 193 to 4924) showed largely non-significant association between antenatal steroids and intellectual disability measured in different ways when children were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected and 5 years. In 1 study (n=193), antenatal steroids were found to be associated with an IQ score <70 when children were assessed at age 5 years.

Postnatal exposure to steroids

Moderate quality evidence from 4 studies (sample sizes ranging from 2901 to 3705) showed mixed results regarding the association between postnatal steroids and intellectual disability. Three studies found an increased risk in MDI < 70 associated with postnatal steroids when children were assessed at age 18 to 22 months corrected. However, 1 study (n=2901) found no significant association between it and severe cognitive deficiency assessed by Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) scale when children at 5 years were assessed.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

Low to moderate quality evidence from 7 studies (sample sizes ranging from 193 to 3785) reported mixed findings. Four studies found a significantly increased risk in intellectual disability associated with BPD at 36 weeks when children were assessed at age 18 to 22 months corrected. However, 3 studies found no significant associations between BPD with or without mechanical ventilation and intellectual disability when children were assessed at age 18 to 22 months corrected, and at age 24 months.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors
Socioeconomic status

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=246) showed no association between low socioeconomic status (household income <$20K) and cognitive impairment at 18–22 months corrected age among children born before 25 weeks of gestation. High quality evidence from another study (n=187) showed no significant effect of socioeconomic status on the risk of cognitive impairment at 2 years (corrected age) among children born before 32 weeks of gestation. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1503) found a significant increase in the risk of mild and severe intellectual disability for preterm infants (24–32 weeks) of families with lower socioeconomic status. Further analysis of the same study (n=1461) also showed a significant increase in moderate/severe cognitive deficiency for moderately preterm infants (30–34 weeks) born to families of lower socioeconomic status.

Maternal substance abuse

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=82) found that maternal use of cocaine significantly increased the risk of intellectual disability among children born preterm at 3 years of age.

Multiple pregnancy

Moderate to high quality evidence from 2 studies (n=643) showed no significant effect of multiple pregnancy on the risk of cognitive impairment at 2 and 2.5 years of age among children born before 27 weeks and before 32 weeks of gestation.


High quality evidence from 1 study (n=2235) showed a significant increase in the risk of cognitive impairment at 2 years of age for preterm infants with chorioamnionitis that was diagnosed both clinically and histopathologically. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=456) showed no significant effect of chorioamnionitis on cognitive function at 2.5 years among children born before 27 weeks of gestation. Low quality evidence from another study (n=2202) showed no association between histological chorioamnionitis and cognitive function in children born before 34 weeks of gestation at 3 years of age (uncorrected).


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=3790) showed no association between maternal age and cognitive impairment at 18–22 months corrected age among children born before 27 weeks of gestation. High quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) showed no significant effect of maternal age on the risk of cognitive impairment at 2 years (corrected age) among children born before 32 weeks of gestation.

Maternal mental health disorder

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Specific learning difficulty

In relation to gestational age

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=372) showed a significant increase in the risk of low attainment in reading and mathematics in children born before 26 weeks’ gestation as compared to full term controls, at the age of 11 years.

In relation to biological factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=161) showed an increased risk in low attainment in mathematicws associated with IVH of all grades when children born preterm were assessed at age 5 years.


No evidence was identified.

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

No evidence was identified.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

No evidence was identified.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Postnatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=161) showed an increased risk in low attainment in mathematics associated with BPD at 36 weeks when children born preterm were assessed at age 5 years.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Speech and/or language disorder

In relation to gestational age

Low to moderate quality evidence from 3 studies (sample sizes ranging from 468 to 38802) showed mixed results.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1157) showed an increase in the risk of mild or moderate language impairment in children born before 27 weeks of gestation as compared to term controls at 2.5 years of age.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=38802) showed an increased risk of developmental speech and/or language delay between the ages of 3 and 5 years in children born at 34 to 36 weeks’ gestation compared to children born at term.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=468) showed no association between being born extremely preterm (<25 weeks) and serious impairment in language abilities at 6 years of age compared to those born at term.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) showed that there was a significant increase in the risk of language impairment in male children (compared to female) born at a mean gestationa age of 28.8 weeks at 2 years of age.

Small for gestational age

No evidence was identified.


Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=3790) showed no association between being of non-white ethnic background and language impairment at 18–22 months’ corrected age in children born preterm when compared to children born preterm of white ethnicity.

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Moderate quality evidence from 2 studies (n= 1472; n=187) showed an increased risk in speech and language disorders associated with severe PIVH and IVH grade III/IV or PVL grade II-IV when children born pre-term were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected age and 2 years.


Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1472) found an increased risk in speech and language disorders associated with sepsis when children born pre-term were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected age.

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

No evidence was identified.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

No evidence was identified.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Moderate quality evidence from 2 studies (n= 1472; n=1934) found no significant association between antenatal steroids and language disorders when children born pre-term were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected age.

Postnatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors
Socioeconomis status

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) showed no significant effect of socioeconomic status on the risk of language impairment at 2 years (corrected age) among children born before 32 weeks of gestation.

Maternal substance abuse

No evidence was identified.

Multiple pregnancy

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) showed no significant effect of multiple pregnancy on the risk of language impairment at 2 years (corrected age) among children born before 32 weeks of gestation.


No evidence was identified.


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=3790) showed no significant effect of maternal age on the risk of language impairment at 18–22 months corrected age among children born before 27 weeks of gestation. High quality evidence from another study (n=187) showed no significant effect of maternal age on the risk of language impairment at 2 years (corrected age) among children born before 32 weeks of gestation.

Maternal mental health disorder

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Mental and behavioural disorders

In relation to gestational age

Low to moderate quality evidence from 4 studies (sample sizes ranging from 193 to 85535) showed mixed results.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=193) showed an increased risk of any anxiety diagnosis at 3 to 6 years of age in children born at 34 to 36 weeks’ gestation compared to children born at term. The same study found no association between being born preterm and conduct disorder (including oppositional defiant disorder) or major depressive disorder.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=85535) showed an increase in the risk of conduct disorder, anxiety and depression in children born preterm (<37 weeks) as compared to term controls. The outcomes were measured by asking parents of 2 to 17 year-old children born preterm if their doctor had ever told that their child has a particular disorder.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=371) showed no association between being born before 26 weeks’ gestation and major depression, conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder at the age of 11 years.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=372) showed no association between being born before 28 weeks’ gestation and anxiety or mood disorder at the age of 18 years.

In relation to biological factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

No evidence was identified.


No evidence was identified.

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

No evidence was identified.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=307) showed an increased risk in any psychiatric disorder associated with NEC when children born preterm were assessed at age 11 years.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Postnatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

In relation to gestational age

Low to high quality evidence from 2 studies (n=85535; n=195021) showed children born preterm to be at an increased risk of autism spectrum disorder compared to term born children.

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=195021) showed a significant increase in the risk of autism spectrum disorder for preterm children (born at 34–36 weeks’, 27–33 weeks’ and 24–26 weeks’ gestation) as compared to term children, at 2 to 11 years of age.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=85535) also showed a significant increase in the risk of autism spectrum disorder in children born preterm (<37 weeks) as compared to term controls when asked from parents if the doctor had ever told that their child born preterm aged 2 to 17 years had ASD.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Low quality evidence from 2 studies (n=1078; n=85535) showed an increased risk of ASD in male preterm children compared to female preterm children.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=1078) showed that there was a significant increase in the risk of infantile autism among male children born preterm/extremely low birth weight at 8–11 years follow-up compared to their female peers. Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=85535) showed that there was a significant increase in the risk of autism spectrum disorder in males born preterm (compared to females) when asked from parents if the doctor had ever told that their child born preterm aged 2 to 17 years had ASD.

Small for gestational age (SGA)

High quality evidence from 2 studies (n=235198; n=21717) showed mixed findings on the association between being born SGA and ASD.

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=235198) showed that there was a significant increase in the risk of ASD diagnosis in children born preterm who were born small for gestational age compared to children born preterm appropriate for gestational age. High quality evidence from 1 study (n=21717) showed no association between being born SGA and autism among children born preterm (at 23–31 weeks’, 32–33 weeks’, and 34–36 weeks’ gestation) at 11 years of age.


Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=95535) showed mixed results regarding association between ethnicity and ASD in children born preterm. No association was found in Hispanic or non-Hispanic mixed race children compared to non-Hispanic white children. A reduced risk of ASD was reported among non-Hispanic black children compared to non-Hispanic white children. The study measured ASD by asking parents of children born preterm if the doctor had ever told that their child born preterm aged 2 to 17 years had ASD.

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=3807) showed an increased risk in autism associated with IVH grade III-IV when children born preterm were assessed at age 2 to 11 years, However no significant association between cystic PVL and autism was found in the same study.


Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=3807) showed no significant association between sepsis and autism when children born preterm were assessed at age 2 to 11 years.

Retinopathy of prematurity

No evidence was identified.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

No evidence was identified.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Postnatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=1078) showed no significant association between BPD at 36 weeks and autism when children born preterm were assessed at age 8 to 11 years.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

In relation to gestational age

Low to moderate quality evidence from 5 studies (sample sizes ranging from 193 to 85535) showed somewhat mixed results.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=371) showed a significant increase in the risk of ADHD and ADHD inattentive subtype in children born before 26 weeks’ gestation (<26 weeks) at the age of 11 years, as compared to term controls. No significant differences in the risk of ADHD combined type were identified. The difference in ADHD and ADHD inattentive subtype persisted after exclusion of children with neurosensory impairment, but not after additionally excluding those with cognitive impairment.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=372) showed a significant increase in the risk of any type of ADHD in early preterm/extremely low birth weight children (<28 weeks) as compared to normal birth weight controls, at the age of 18 years. The same study showed no increase in the risk of combined type of ADHD, inattentive or hyperactive/impulsive subtypes of ADHD.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=85535) also showed a significant increase in the risk of ADHD in children born preterm (<37 weeks) as compared to term controls when asked from parents if the doctor had ever told that their child born preterm aged 2 to 17 years had ADHD.

Low quality evidence from 2 studies (n=193; n=38802) showed no association between being born at 34–36 weeks’ gestation and ADHD at 3 to 6 years of age.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=85535) showed an increase in the risk of ADHD among male children born preterm (compared to female) when asked from parents if the doctor had ever told that their child born preterm aged 2 to 17 years had ADHD. The same study reported a reduced risk of ADHD, as reported by parents, among children born preterm of Hispanic and non-Hispanic black ethnicity compared to children born preterm of non-Hispanic white ethnicity.

Small for gestational age

No evidence was identified.


No evidence was identified.

In relation to neonatal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Vision impairment

In relation to gestational age

No evidence was identified.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

No evidence was identified.

Small for gestational age (SGA)

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=297) showed a significant increase in the risk of blindness (<20/200 vision bilaterally) among children born at 23–26 weeks’ gestation who were born SGA compared to children of the same gestation age who were born appropriate for gestational age.


No evidence was identified.

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=6161) showed an increased risk in blindness associated with IVH grade III/shunt when children born preterm were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected.


Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=6161) showed an increased risk in blindness associated with sepsis, meningitis with our without sepsis when children born preterm were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected.

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=193) showed an increased risk in blindness associated with ROP when children born preterm were assessed at age 5 years.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

No evidence was identified.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=6161) showed no significant association between antenatal steroids and blindness when children born preterm were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected.

Postnatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors
Socioeconomic status

No evidence was identified.

Maternal substance abuse

No evidence was identified.

Multiple pregnancy

No evidence was identified.


Low quality evidence 1 study (n=2202) showed no association between histological chorioamnionitis and visual impairment in children born before 34 weeks of gestation at 3 years of age (uncorrected).


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

No evidence was identified.

Maternal mental health disorder

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Hearing impairment

In relation to gestational age

No evidence was identified.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

No evidence was identified.

Small for gestational age (SGA)

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=2971) showed no association between being born SGA and hearing loss among children born at 23 to 26 weeks’ gestation.


No evidence was identified.

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=6161) showed no significant association between IVH grade III/shunt and deafness when children born preterm were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected.


Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=6314) showed an increased risk in deafness associated with sepsis when children born preterm were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected. However, the same study showed no significant association between meningitis with our without sepsis and deafness.

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

No evidence was identified.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

No evidence was identified.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=4924) showed no significant association between antenatal steroids and deafness when children born preterm were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected.

Postnatal exposure to steroids

No evidence was identified.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

No evidence was identified.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors
Socioeconomic status

No evidence was identified.

Maternal substance abuse

No evidence was identified.

Multiple pregnancy

No evidence was identified.


Low quality evidence 1 study (n=2202) showed no association between histological chorioamnionitis and severe hearing impairment in children born before 34 weeks of gestation at 3 years of age (uncorrected).


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

No evidence was identified.

Maternal mental health disorder

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified. Composite outcome

In relation to gestational age

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=1473) showed a significant increase in the risk of neurodevelopmental disorder (including 1 or more of the following: developmental delay, cerebral palsy, blindness or deafness) at 2 to 3 years corrected age in children born at 22–26 weeks’ gestation when compared with born preterm at 27–28 weeks’ gestation.

In relation to biological factors
Sex of the child

Low to high quality evidence from 4 studies (sample sizes ranging from 246 to 3041) showed mixed findings on the association between the sex of the child and composite neurodevelopmental or neurosensory outcome in children born preterm.

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=1473) showed an increased risk of moderate to severe functional disability (1 or more of the following: developmental delay, cerebral palsy, bilateral blindness, or bilateral deafness) among males (compared to females) born before 29 weeks’ gestation and assessed at 2–3 years corrected age.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=3041) showed an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disability (1 or more of the following: mental developmental index score or physomotor developmental index score < 70, moderate or severe cerebral palsy, bilateral blindness, or deafness) among males (compared to females) born at a mean gestational age of 25.8 weeks and assessed at 18 to 22 months corrected age.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=373) showed no association between the sex of the child and major neurosensory disability (1 or more of the following: cerebral palsy, blindness, or complete deafness) at 2 years in children born at 22–27 weeks’ gestation.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=246) showed no association between the sex of the child and neurodevelopmental impairment (1 or more of the following: cerebral palsy, mental developmental index score or psychomotor developmental index score < 70, bilateral blindness, or hearing impaired with amplification) at 18 to 22 months corrected age in children born before 25 weeks’ gestation.

Small for gestational age (SGA)

Moderate to high quality evidence from 3 studies (sample sizes ranging from 187 to 1473) showed mixed results on the association between being born SGA and composite neurodevelopmental or neurosensory outcome in children born preterm.

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=1473) showed an increased risk of moderate to severe functional disability (1 or more of the following: developmental delay, cerebral palsy, bilateral blindness, or bilateral deafness) among SGA children (compared to children born appropriate to gestational age) born before 29 weeks’ gestation and assessed at 2–3 years corrected age. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=373) showed no association between being born SGA and major neurosensory disability (1 or more of the following: cerebral palsy, blindness, or complete deafness) at 2 years in children born at 22–27 weeks’ gestation.


Low to moderate quality evidence from 2 studies (n=246; 2=3041) showed mixed findings on the association between ethnicity and composite neurodevelopmental outcome in children born preterm.

Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=3041) showed an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disability (1 or more of the following: mental developmental index score or physomotor developmental index score < 70, moderate or severe cerebral palsy, bilateral blindness, or deafness) among children of non-white ethnicity (compared to children of white ethnicity) born at a mean gestational age of 25.8 weeks and assessed at 18 to 22 months corrected age.

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=246) showed no association between ethnicity and neurodevelopmental impairment (1 or more of the following: cerebral palsy, mental developmental index score or psychomotor developmental index score < 70, bilateral blindness, or hearing impaired with amplification) at 18 to 22 months corrected age in children born before 25 weeks’ gestation.

In relation to neonatal factors
Brain abnormalities

Moderate quality evidence from 11 studies (sample sizes ranging from 166 to 6161) showed largely increased risk in neurodevelopmental impairment or neurosensory impairment associated with IVH grade III, IVH grade IV, IVH grade III-IV, severe PIVH, cystic PVL, IVH III/shunt, severe cerebral lesions when children born preterm were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected, 22–30 months, 2 years, and 2–3 corrected year.


Moderate quality evidence from 6 studies (sample sizes ranging from 166 to 6314) reported mixed findings. Three studies showed an increased risk in neurodevelopmental/neurosensory impairment associated with sepsis when children were assessed at 18–22 months corrected age. However, 3 studies found no significant difference between those exposed to sepsis and those who were not when children were assessed at 18–22 months corrected age and 2 years.

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

Moderate quality evidence from 3 studies (sample sizes ranging from 79 to 1472) showed a borderline increased or increased risk in neurodevelopmental impairment and or neurosensory impairment associated with ROP when children born preterm were assessed at age 2 years, 2 to 3 corrected year, and 7 to 10 years.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

Moderate quality evidence from 7 studies reported mixed findings regarding the relationship between NEC and composite outcomes either measured as neurodevelopmental impairment or neurosensory impairment. Five studies showed an increased risk in neurodevelopmental impairment or neurosensory impairment when children were assessed age 18 to 22 months corrected, 2 years, and 7 to 10 years, however 3 studies showed no significant associations when children were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected, 2 years, and 2–3 corrected years.

Antenatal exposure to steroids

Low to moderate quality evidence from 8 studies (sample size ranging from 246 to 4924) showed no significant association between antenatal steroids and composite outcomes either measured as neurodevelopmental impairment or neurosensory impairment. This was the same when children were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected, 2 years, 2.5 corrected years, and 2–3 years,

Postnatal exposure to steroids

Moderate quality evidence from 6 studies (sample sizes ranging from 166 to 3041) reported mixed findings regarding the relationship between postnatal steroids and neurodevelopmental impairment or neurosensory impairment. Four studies showed an increased risk in the composite outcomes associated with postnatal steroids when children were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected and 2 years. However 2 studies found no significant association between the two when children were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected and 2 years as well.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

Low to moderate quality evidence from 4 studies (sample sizes ranging from 246 to 3785) reported mixed findings. Three studies found no significant association between BPD and neurodevelopment impairment or neurosensory impairment when children born preterm were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected, and 2 years. However, a significantly increased risk in neurodevelopmental impairment associated with BPD was found in 1 study when children born at 22–32 weeks’ GA were assessed at age 18–22 months corrected.

In relation to social, environmental and maternal factors
Socioeconomic status

Low quality evidence from 1 study (n=246) showed no significant association between low socioeconomic status (household income <$20K) and composite neurodevelopmental impairment outcome at 18–22 months corrected age among children born before 25 weeks of gestation. High quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) also showed no significant risk of neurodevelopmental impairment at 2 years (corrected age) among children born before 32 weeks of gestation from low income households (versus non-low income).

Maternal substance abuse

No evidence was identified.

Multiple pregnancy

Moderate quality evidence from 2 studies (n=829) showed no significant effect of multiple pregnancy on the risk of neurosensory impairment (1 or more of the following: CP, moderate/severe visual, or hearing impairment) at 2 and 2.5 years corrected age among children born between 22–27 weeks of gestation. High quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) also showed no significant risk of neurodevelopmental impairment (1 or more of the following: intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, hearing impairment, or visual impairment) at 2 years (corrected age) for multiple births as compared to singletons among children born before 32 weeks of gestation.


High quality evidence from 1 study (n=2235) showed no impact of histological chorioamnionitis on the risk of a composite outcome measure of neurodevelopmental impairment (including CP, deafness, blindness and cognitive delay) at 18–22 months corrected age among children born before 27 weeks of gestation. This study also showed that infants with both clinical and histological chorioamnionitis also had no increase in the risk of neurodevelopmental impairment. Moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=456) showed no significant effect of chorioamnionitis (including prolonged and premature rupture of membranes) on the risk of a neurosensory impairment (1 or more of the following: CP, moderate/severe visual impairment, or hearing impairment). However, moderate quality evidence from 1 study (n=373) showed a significant increase in the risk of major neurosensory disability (1 or more of the following: CP, blindness, or deafness) at 2 years of age in children born between 22–27 weeks of gestation with chorioamnionitis compared to those without.


No evidence was identified.

Maternal age

High quality evidence from 1 study (n=187) showed no effect of maternal age on the risk of neurodevelopmental impairment at 2 years (corrected age) among children born before 32 weeks of gestation.

Maternal mental health disorder

No evidence was identified.

In relation to postnatal factors

No evidence was identified.

4.4. Prevalence of developmental problems

Review question:

What is the prevalence of developmental problems in babies, children and young people born preterm?

4.4.1. Description of clinical evidence

The aim of this review is to establish the prevalence and incidence of different developmental problems in relation to the different gestational ages in babies, children and young people born preterm. The developmental problems considered as outcomes are listed below:

  • Sensory sensitivity (hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity) or sensory difficulties
  • Functional problems (feeding, sleeping and toileting),
  • Motor, developmental and language delay
  • Problems specific to infancy (excessive crying, irritability, and poor-self regulation)
  • Problems specific to childhood (behavioural, social and emotional problems, and special education needs)

Fifty-five studies were included in the review (Agerholm 2011; Anderson 2011; Anderson 2003; Anderson 2004; Arnaud 2007; Chan 2014; Charkaluk 2010; Chyi 2008; de Groote 2007; de Kleine 2003; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Downey 2015; Faebo Larsen 2013; Farooqi 2007; Foix-L’Helias 2008; Germa 2012; Guellec 2011; Guy 2015; Higa Diez 2016; Hornman 2016; Hutchinson 2013; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2016; Johnson 2015; Johnson 2015; Johnson 2011; Joseph 2016; Joseph 2016; Kan 2008; Kerstjens 2011; Larroque 2011; Mackay 2013; Mackay 2010; Mansson 2014; Moore 2012; Odd 2016; Odd 2013; Odd 2012; Peacock 2012; Plomgaard 2006; Potijk 2012; Potijk 2013; Quigley 2012; Rautava 2010; Raynes-Greenow 2012; Samara 2010; Samara 2008; Schendel 1997; Stahlman 2009; Stene-Larsen 2014; Stoelhorst 2003; Stoelhorst 2003; Wilson-Ching 2013; Zhu 2012).

No evidence was found for the outcomes of functional problems (toileting), excessive crying, irritability, and poor self-regulation.

The sample size ranged from 77 (de Groote 2007) to 403,106 (Raynes-Greenow 2012).

Seventeenstudies were from the UK or UK and Ireland (Chan 2014; Guy 2015; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2016; Johnson 2015; Johnson 2015; Johnson 2011; Mackay 2013; Mackay 2010; Moore 2012; Odd 2016; Odd 2013; Odd 2012; Peacock 2012; Quigley 2012; Samara 2010; Samara 2008;).

Eight studies were from France (Arnaud 2007; Charkaluk 2010; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Foix-Helias 2008; Germa 2012; Guellec 2011; Larroque 2011)

Seven studies were from the Netherlands (de Kleine 2003; Hornman 2016; Kerstjens 2011; Potijk 2012; Potijk 2013; Stoelhorst 2003; Stohelorst 2003).

Four studies were from Denmark (Agerholm 2011; Faebo Larsen 2013; Plomgaard 2006; Zhu 2012).

Two studies were from USA (Downey 2015; Schendel 1997)

One study each was from Australia (Wilson-Ching 2013), Belgium (de Groote 2007); Finland (Rautava 2010); Germany (Stahlman 2009); Japan (Higa Diez 2016); Norway (Stene-Larsen 2014); Sweden (Mansson 2014).

Majority of the publications used data from population-based (national, geographical or regional) prospective cohort studies (Anderson 2011; Anderson 2004; Arnaud 2007; Chan 2014; Charkaluk 2010; Chyi 2008; De Groote 2007; de Kleine 2003; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Downey 2015; Farooqi 2007; Foix-Helias 2008; Germa 2012; Guellec 2011; Guy 2015; Hutchinson 2013; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2015; Johnson 2015; Johnson 2011; Joseph 2016; Joseph 2016; Kerstjens 2011; Larroque 2011; Mansson 2014; Moore 2012; Odd 2016; Odd 2013; Odd 2012; Peacock 2012; Plomgaard 2006; Potijk 2012; Potijk 2013; Quigley 2012; Rautava 2010; Raynes-Greenow 2012; Samara 2010; Samara 2008; Schendel 1997; Stahlmann 2009; Stene-Larsen 2014; Wilson-Ching 2013;).

Four publications used data from regional birth cohort (Agerholm 2011; Anderson 2003; Kan 2008; Stoelhorst 2003; Stoelhorst 2003).

Two publications were from national birth cohorts (Faebo Larsen 2013; Zhu 2012).

Two publications were retrospective studies using national registry data (Mackay 2013; Mackay 2010).

Six studies reported on functional problems (Germa 2012; Johnson 2016; Potijk 2012; Raynes-Greenow 2012; Samara 2010; Stoelhorst 2003).

Eleven studies reported on motor problems (Agerholm 2011; Arnaud 2007; De Groote 2007; Faebo Larsen 2013; Kan 2008; Mansson 2014; Potijk 2013; Rautava 2010; Schendel 1997; Stoelhorst 2003; Zhu 2012).

Seven studies reported on developmental delay (Agerholm 2011; Charkaluk 2010; Johnson 2015; Kerstjens 2011; Plomgaard 2006; Potijk 2013; Schendel 1997).

Six studies reported on language problems (Joseph 2016; Mansson 2014; Potijk 2013; Rautava 2010; Schendel 1997; Stene-Larsen 2014;).

Four studies reported on executive function (Anderson 2004; Anderson 2011; Joseph 2016; Rautava 2010).

Twenty-three studies reported on behavioural, social, and emotional problems (Anderson 2011; Anderson 2003; de Kleine 2003; Delobel-Ayoub 2009; Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Downey 2015; Farooqi 2007; Foix-Helias 2008; Guellec 2011; Guy 2015; Higa Diez 2016; Hornman 2016; Hutchinson 2013; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2015; Joseph 2016; Larroque 2011; Moore 2012; Potijk 2012; Rautava 2010; Samara 2010; Samara 2008; Stahlmann 2009; Stoelhorst 2003; Wilson-Ching 2013).

Fourteen studies reported on specialist educational needs (Chan 2014; Chyi 2008; Farooqi 2007; Guellec 2011; Johnson 2011; Larroque 2011; Mackay 2013; Mackay 2010; Odd 2016; Odd 2013; Odd 2012; Peacock 2012; Quigley 2012; Samara 2008).

Evidence from these are summarised in the summary of included studies table below (Table 19). See also the study selection flow chart in Appendix F:, study evidence tables in Appendix K: and exclusion list in Appendix G:.

Table 19. Summary of included studies for prevalence of problems.

Table 19

Summary of included studies for prevalence of problems.

The feasibility of combining study data using meta-analysis was assessed. Due to the following differences between studies, it was not considered appropriate to pool the results:

  • the inclusion/exclusion criteria for participants
  • ages of participants at the time of assessment
  • outcome definitions and measurement tools
  • consistency of results.

4.4.2. Summary of included studies

4.4.3. Economic evidence

No health economic search was undertaken for this review question and consequently no evidence was found. This question focused on the prevelance of various developmental problems rather than whether any strategy for the management of these problems represents a cost-effective use of resources. Therefore, this question is not primarily about competing alternatives which have different opportunity costs and therefore was not considered suitable for a health economic review.

4.4.4. Evidence statements Feeding problems

Low quality evidence from one study (n=308) showed that among children born at 25+6 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of total eating problems was 34.9% (95%CI 29.0 to 41.6%) at 6 years age (Samara 2010). In the same study, prevalence for refusal faddy problems was 17% (95%CI 12.4 to 22.6%) and for oral motor problems, 33.5% (95%CI 27.2 to 40.2%).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=308) showed that among children born at or before 25 weeks+6 days of gestation, the prevalence of hypersensitivity problems (specific questionnaire) was 23.5% (95%CI 18.0 to 30.0%) at 6 years age (Samara 2010).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1711) showed that among children born at <32 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of altered palatal morphology was 3.7% (95%CI 2.9 to 4.7%) at 5 years age (Germa 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=628) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total eating difficulties (parent questionnaire) was 9.5% (95%CI 7.5 to 11.9%) at 2 years (corrected age) (Johnson 2016). In the same study, prevalence for refusal or picky eating was 6.5% (95%CI 4.8 to 8.5%). Prevalence was also reported for oral motor problems (5.5% (95%CI 4.0–7.4%)), oral hypersensitivity (4.2% (95%CI 2.9 to 5.9%)), and eating behaviour problems (6.1% (95%CI 4.5 to 8.1%)) (Johnson 2016).

Feeding problems by week of gestation at birth

Low quality evidence from one study (n=308) showed that among children born at 24 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total eating problems (parent reported) was 50% (95%CI 37.6 to 62.4%) at 6 years age, and the prevalence decreased at 25 weeks gestational age (25.8% (95%CI 18.5 to 34.3%) (Samara 2010). A similar trend was seen for oral motor problems at 24 weeks (40.9% (95%CI 29 to 53.7) and 25 weeks gestation (28.7% (95%CI 21.1 to 37.3%). The prevalence of refusal faddy problems was 13.6% (95%CI 2.9 to 34.9%) at ≤23 weeks, 16.2% (95%CI 8.4 to 27.1%) at 24 weeks, and 18.1% (95%CI 11.9 to 25.7%) at 25 weeks gestation (Samara 2010). Sleeping problems

Low quality evidence from one study (n=158) showed that among children born at <32 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of sleeping problems (CBCL, 98th percentile) was 3.2% (95%CI 1.0 to 7.2%) at 2 years (corrected age) (Stoelhorst 2003).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=22039) showed that among children born at <32 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of sleep apnoea (ICD-10) was 2.6% (95%CI 2.1 to 3.2%) at 2.5 to 6 years age (Raynes-Greenow 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=916) showed that among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of sleeping problems (CBCL >97th percentile) was 2.4% (95%CI 1.5 to 3.6%) at 4 years age (Potijk 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=22039) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of sleep apnoea (ICD-10) was 1.3% (95%CI 1.2 to 1.5%) at 2.5 to 6 years age (Raynes-Greenow 2012). Toileting problems

No evidence was identified. Motor problems

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=401) showed that among children born at 23–27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of motor problems (MABC <15th percentile) was 15.0% (95%CI 10.1 to 21.2%) at 8 years age (Kan 2008).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=95) showed that among children born at <27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of motor problems (PDI <55) was 27.3% (95%CI 17.7 to 38.6%) at 3 years age. In the same study, the prevalence of motor problems (PDI 55–69) was 20.8% (95%CI 12.4 to 31.5%) and 48.1% (95%CI 36.5 to 59.7%) (PDI <70) (De Groote 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=707) showed that among children born at <27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of mild fine motor problems (Bayley −1SD to −2SD) was 33.7% (95%CI 29 to 39%) at 2.5 years age (Mansson 2014). In the same study, the prevalence of moderate motor problems (Bayley −2SD to −3SD) and moderate to severe motor problems was 8.1% (95%CI 5.6 to 11.2%) and 4.3% (95%CI 2.5 to 6.8%) respectively (Mansson 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=707) showed that among children born at <27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of mild gross motor problems (Bayley −1SD to −2SD) was 29% (95%CI 24.5 to 33.8%) at 2.5 years age (Mansson 2014). In the same study, the prevalence for moderate gross motor problems (Bayley −2SD to −3SD) was 7% (95%CI 4.7 to 10.1%).

Children born before 32 weeks of gestation

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=237) showed that among children born at 24–31 weeks of gestation the prevalence of motor problems (MABC, <=15th percentile) was 36.3% (95%CI 29 to 44.1%) at 5 years age (Agerholm 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=158) showed that among children born at <32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of motor problems (mild to moderate; BSID −1 to −2SD, <−2SD) ranged from 11% (95%CI 6.7 to 16.9%) to 17.8% (95%CI 12.3 to 24.5%) at 18 months corrected age (Stoelhorst 2003b). At 24 months the prevalence (BSID −1 to −2SD), ranged from 22.2% (95%CI 15.7 to 29.9%) and 8.3% (95%CI 4.4 to 14.1%) (BSID <−2SD). In another study (n=924) the prevalence of motor skills problems (FTF) was 8.3% (95%CI 6.2 to 11%) among children born at <32 weeks of gestation, assessed at 5 years age (Rautava 2010).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1662) showed that among children born at 28–31 weeks of gestation the prevalence of minor neuromotor dysfunction (Touwen assessment, 1–2 items affected) was 40.4% (95%CI 36.8 to 44.1%) at 5 years age (Arnaud 2007). In the same study, the prevalence of moderate neuromotor dysfunction (Touwen, >2 items affected) was 3.1% (95%CI 2 to 4.7%). Prevalence of posture/muscle tone regulation and reflex abnormalities was 11% (95%CI 8.7 to 13.5%) and 10% (95%CI 7.8 to 12.4%) respectively. Prevalence of motor behaviour of face and eyes was 12.7% (95%CI 10.3 to 15.4%) (Arnaud 2007).

Children born between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=32097) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of suspect or indicated DCD (DCDQ) was 6.4% (95%CI 5.1 to 7.9%) at 7 years age (Faebo Larsen 2013). In the same study the prevalence was higher among those children born at 23–31 weeks of gestation (18.3% (95%CI 12.2.to 25.8%).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1662) showed that among children born at 32–34 weeks of gestation the prevalence of coordination and balance (presence of age-inadequate performance) was 23.8% (95%CI 20.3 to 27.6%) compared to the prevalence among those born at 28–31 weeks of gestation (27.7% (95%CI 24.5 to 31.2%)) (Arnaud 1997).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1662) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of minor neuromotor dysfunction (Touwen assessment, 1–2 items affected) was 36%% (95%CI 32 to 40.1%) at 5 years age (Arnaud 2007). In the same study, the prevalence of moderate neuromotor dysfunction (Touwen, >2 items affected) was 1.5% (95%CI 0.6 to 2.8%). Prevalence of mild deviation of posture/muscle tone regulation and reflex abnormalities was 5.1% (95%CI 3.5 to 7.3%) and 6.9% (95%CI 4.9 to 9.3%) respectively. Prevalence of motor behaviour of face and eyes was 14% (95%CI 11.2 to 17.2%) (Arnaud 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=926) showed that among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of fine motor problems (ASQ, <−2SD) was 8.1% (95%CI 6.4 to 10%) at 4 years age (Potijk 2013). In the same study, the prevalence of gross motor problems among this group of children was 5.7% (95%CI 4.3 to 7.4%).

Motor problems by week of gestation at birth

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1662) showed a trend of decreasing prevalence of minor motor dysfunction (Touwen, 1–2 items affected) with increasing gestational age, ranging from 52.3% (95%CI 44.6 to 60%) among those born at <28 weeks of gestation, to 30.8% (95%CI 24.4 to 37.8%) among those born at 33–34 weeks of gestation (Arnaud 2007). In the same study, there was a similar trend for the prevalence (although lower) of moderate motor dysfunction (Touwen, >2 items affected), which ranged from 5.1% (95%CI 2.3 to 9.4%) among those born at <28 weeks of gestation, to 0.5% (95%CI 0.01 to 2.8%) among those born at 33–34 weeks of gestation (Arnaud 2007). The prevalence of mild deviation of posture/muscle tone regulation was 20.2% (95%CI 14.6 to 29%) among those born at <28 weeks of gestation compared to those born at 33–34 weeks (4.1% (95%CI 1.8 to 7.9%)). The prevalence of reflex abnormalities among those born at <28 weeks gestation was 14.6% (95%CI 9.8 to 20.7) compared with those born at 33–34 weeks gestation (4.6% 95%CI 2.1 to 8.6%). The prevalence of motor behaviour (face and eyes) among those born at <28 weeks gestation was 15.7% (95%CI 10.7 to 22%) compared to those born at 33–34 weeks gestation (10.3% (95%CI 6.4 to 15.4%)) (Arnaud 2007).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=367) showed that among children born at mean gestational age of 28.4 (SD 3.0) the prevalence of fine motor problems (Denver II, 1 caution) was 12% (95%CI 9 to 15.8%) at 15 months (median) corrected age (Schendel 1997). Among those born at mean gestational age of 35.6 (SD 2.8) the prevalence of fine motor problems (Denver II, 1 caution) was 8.7% (95%CI 6.5 to 11.3%). For those with fine motor problems (Denver II, 1 delay) the prevalence among those born at 28.4 (SD 3.0) gestation was 7.9% (95% CI 5.4 to 11.1%) whereas the prevalence was 5.2% (95%CI 3.5 to 7.5%) among those born at 35.6 (SD 2.8) mean gestational age (Schendel 1997).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=367) showed that among children born at mean gestational age of 28.4 (SD 3.0) the prevalence of gross motor problems (Denver II, 1 caution) was 17.4% (95%CI 13.7 to 21.7%) at 15 months (median) corrected age (Schendel 1997). Among those born at mean gestational age of 35.6 (SD 2.8) the prevalence of gross motor problems was 9% (95%CI 6.6 to 11.6%). For those with gross motor problems (Denver II, 1 delay) the prevalence among those born at 28.4 (SD 3.0) gestation was 10.6% (95%CI 7.7 to 14.2%) whereas the prevalence was 4% (95%CI 2.5 to 6%) among those born at 35.6 (SD 2.8) mean gestational age (Schendel 1997).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1662) showed a trend of increasing prevalence of co-ordination and balance with decreasing gestational age ranging from 37.1% (95%CI 30 to 44.6%) among those born at <28 weeks of gestation, compared to those born at 33–34 weeks of gestation (21% (95%CI 15.5 to 27.4%) (Arnaud 2007).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=22898) showed a trend of increasing prevalence of probable DCD (DCDQ, =46) with decreasing gestational age, ranging from 14.1% (95%CI 8 to 22.6%) among those born at <32 weeks of gestation, compared to those born at 36 weeks of gestation (4.4% (95%CI 2.6 to 6.8%)) (Zhu 2012). Language problems

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation
Receptive communication

Low quality evidence from one study (n=394) showed that among children born at <27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of receptive communication problems (Bayley, mild −1SD to −2SD) was 24.9% (95%CI 20.7 to 30.0%) at 2.5 years age. In the same study, the prevalence of moderate receptive communication problems (Bayley −2SD to −3SD) was 9.1% (95%CI 6.5 to 12.4%). The prevalence of moderate to severe (Bayley −3SD) receptive communication was 5.8% (95%CI 3.7 to 8.6%) (Mansson 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1506) showed that among children born at <28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of receptive communication problems (OWLS <=−2SD) was 19% (95% CI 16.5 to 21.8) when assessed at 10 years age (Joseph 2016b).

Expressive communication

Low quality evidence from one study (n=394) showed that among children born at <27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of expressive communication problems (Bayley, mild −1SD to −2SD) was 31.3% (95%CI 26.7 to 36.1%) at 2.5 years age (Mansson 2014). In the same study, prevalence of moderate expressive communication (Bayley moderate −2SD to −3SD) problems was 8.1% (95%CI5.6 to 11.3%), and for moderate to severe expressive communication problems (Bayley −3SD), the prevalence was 6.4% (95%CI 4.2 to 9.3%) (Mansson 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1506) showed that among children born at <28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of expressive communication problems (OWLS <=−2SD) was 19% (95% CI 16.5 to 21.8) when assessed at 10 years age (Joseph 2016b).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=367) showed that among children born at a mean gestational age of 28.4 (SD 3.0) the prevalence of language problems (Denver II ≥1 caution or ≥1 delay) was 17% (95%CI 13.2 to 21.1%) and 8.7% (95%CI 6.0 to 12.0%) respectively at a median 15 months corrected age (Schendel 1997).

Children born before 32 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=924) showed that among children born at <32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of language problems was 4.6% (95%CI 3.1 to 6.6%) at 5 years age (Rautava 2010).

Children born between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=926) showed that among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of communication problems (ASQ <−2SD) was 9.5% (95%CI 7.7 to 11.6%) at 4 years age (Potijk 2013).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=39423) showed that among children born at 34–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of communication problems (ASQ 2SD) was 7.3% (95%CI 6.1 to 8.6%) at 18 months age, and 6.3% (95%CI 5.2 to 7.2%) at 36 months age (Stene-Larsen 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=920) showed that among children born at a mean gestational age of 35.6 weeks (SD 2.8) the prevalence of language problems (Denver II ≥1 caution or ≥1 delay) was 11.9% (95%CI 9.4 to 14.9%) and 5.8% (95%CI 4.0 to 8.1%) respectively at median 15 months corrected age (Schendel 1997). Developmental delay

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=78) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of developmental delay (identified using ASQ, corrected for parental education, −2SD) was 22% (95%CI 12 to 33%) at 12–60 months age compared to those children born at 26–27 weeks of gestation (prevalence 13% (95%CI 4 to 21%)) (Plomgaard 2006).

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=78) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of developmental delay (ASQ, corrected for parental education, −3SD) was 14% (95%CI 5 to 23%) at 12–60 months age compared to those children born at 26–27 weeks of gestation (prevalence 4% (95%CI 0 to 8%)) (Plomgaard 2006).

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=78) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of developmental delay (ASQ, excluding children with neurosensory deficit, −2SD) was 14% (95%CI 0.5 to 23%) at 12–60 months age compared to those children born at 26–27 weeks of gestation (prevalence 13% (95%CI 0 to 22%)) (Plomgaard 2006).

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=78) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of developmental delay (ASQ, excluding children with neurosensory deficit, −3SD) was 6% (95%CI 0 to 12%) at 12–60 months age compared to those children born at 26–27 weeks of gestation (prevalence 4% (95%CI 0 to 9%)) (Plomgaard 2006).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=367) showed that among children born at mean gestational age 28.4 weeks (SD3.0) the prevalence of developmental delay (identified using Denver II, questionable ≥2 cautions and/or 1 delay) was 17.4% (95%CI 13.7 to 21.7%) at median 15 months corrected age (Schendel 1997). In the same study, the prevalence for developmental delay (Denver II, abnormal ≥2 delay scores) was 11% (95%CI 7.9 to 14.6%).

Children born before 32 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=698) showed that among children born at <32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of developmental delay (ASQ total score <−2SD) was 14.9% (95%CI 11.9 to 18.2%) at 4 years age (Kerstjens 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=237) showed that among children born at 24–31 weeks of gestation the prevalence of uncertain cognitive verbal preschool skills (identified using MAP) was 13.7% (95%CI 8.9 to 19.8%) at 4 years age (Agelholm 2011). In the same study, the prevalence of uncertain cognitive non-verbal preschool skills (MAP) was 6.6% (95%CI 3.3 to 11.4%), and the prevalence of uncertain combined cognitive and motor preschool skills (MAP) was 12.5% (95%CI 7.9 to 18.5%).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (sample size237) showed that among children born at 24–31 weeks of gestation the prevalence of deficit in cognitive verbal preschool skills (MAP) was 10.7% (95%CI 6.5 to 16.4%). The prevalence of deficit in cognitive non-verbal preschool skills (MAP) was 3.6% (95%CI 1.3 to 7.6%) whereas the prevalence of deficit in combined cognitive and motor preschool skills (MAP) was 7.1% (95%CI 3.8 to 12.1%) (Agelholm 2011).

Children born between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=367) showed that among children born at a mean gestational age of 35.6 the prevalence of developmental delay (identified using Denver II, ≥2 cautions and/or 1 delay indicating a questionable outcome) was 11.8% (95%CI 9.2 to 14.7%) at median 15 months corrected age (Schendel 1997). In the same study, the prevalence of developmental delay (Denver II,≥2 delays indicating an abnormal outcome) was 5.8% (95%CI 4 to 8.1%).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=926) showed that among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of problem-solving problems (identified using ASQ, <−2SD) was 6.1% (95%CI 4.6 to 7.8%) at 4 years age (Potijk 2013).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=698) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of developmental delay (ASQ total score <−2SD) was 8.3% (95%CI 6.6 to 10.3%) at 4 years age (Kerstjens 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=634) showed that among children born at <33 weeks of gestation the prevalence of developmental delay (identified through DQ <70 on BLS) was 2.3% (95%CI 1 to 4.5%) whereas prevalence of developmental delay (DQ <85, BLS) was 17.9% (95%CI 14 to 22%) at 2 years (corrected age) (Charkaluk 2010).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1130) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of developmental delay (PARCA-R, <2.5th percentile) was 6.3% (95%CI 4.5 to 8.4%) at 2 years (corrected age) (Johnson 2015). Executive function problems

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=275) showed that among children born at <28 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of executive function problems (BRIEF, >=1.5 SD above mean) was 13.1% (95%CI 9.1 to 17.9%) (Anderson 2004).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=201) showed that among children born at <28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of executive attention-inhibitory control (Opposite Worlds, <−1SD) was 6% (95%CI 2.9 to 10.7%) (Anderson 2011). In the same study executive attention-inhibitory control (BRIEF-Inhibit T score >60) was 15% (95%CI 10.2 to 20.9%). The prevalence of shifting attention (creature counting <−1SD) was 27.1% (95%CI 20.5 to 34.4%) whereas prevalence using BRIEF (T score >60) was 19% (95%CI 13.6 to 25.5%) (Anderson 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1506) showed that among children born at <28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of executive function regarding working memory (DAS-II <−2SD) was 18% (95%CI 15.5 to 20.7), auditory attention 23% (95%CI 20.3 to 26.0) (NEPSY-II <=−2SD), auditory response set 20% (95%CI 17.4 to 23), Inhibition 34% (95%CI 31–37) (NEPSY-II), inhibition switching 27% (95%CI 24.1 to 30.1) (NEPSY-II <=−2SD) (Joseph 2016b). In the same study, the prevalence of processing speed was 31% (95%CI 28–34) (NEPSY-II <=−2SD), and the prevalence of visual perception was 26% (95%CI 23–29) (NEPSY-II Arrows, <=−2SD) and 17% (95%CI 14.5 to 19.6) (NEPSY-II Geometric puzzles <=−2SD) (Joseph 2016b).

Children born before 32 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=924) showed that among children born at <32 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of executive function problems (FTF) was 7.8% (95%CI 5.8 to 10.3) (Rautava 2010). In the same study, the prevalence of memory problems was 8.3% (95%CI 6.2 to 11.0), and the prevalence of perception problems was 3.9% (95%CI 2.5 to 5.8) Behavioural, social and emotional problems

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation
Total behavioural problems

Low to moderate quality evidence from two separate studies (n=1645 to 2382) showed that among children born at 24–28 weeks and 24–27weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties (SDQ, 10th percentile) ranged from 24.1% (95%CI 19.2 to 29.6%) 22.2% (95%CI 17.1 to 28.1%) at 3 years age and 5 years age respectively (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Foix-Helias 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=224) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties (SDQ, 10th percentile, parent reported) was 38.5% (95%CI 32.0 to 45.2%) and 34.6% (95%CI 29.2 to 41.5%) (teacher-reported) at 6 years age (Samara 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2901) showed that among children born at 24–28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties (SDQ, 10th percentile, parent reported) was 27.8% (95%CI 23.0 to 32.9%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011). In another moderate quality study (n=189), among children born at <28 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties was 18% (95%CI 12.8 to 24.2%) (Hutchinson 2013).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=568) showed that among children born at <28 weeks gestation the prevalence of total behavioural problems (at risk, BASC) was 15.0% (95%CI 11.0 to 19.7%) whereas in the same population those who had clinically significant behavioural problems (BASC) the prevalence was 7.0% (95%CI 4.2 to 10.6%) at 8 years corrected age (Anderson 2003).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=154) showed that among children born at <27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total difficulties (SDQ score 17 to 40) was 28.0% (95%CI 18.2 to 39.6%) at 7–9 years age (Stahlman 2009).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=169) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural problems (CBCL, 90th percentile, parent reported) was 28.9% (95%CI 19.5 to 39.9%) and 24.1% (95%CI 15.4 to 34.7%) (teacher-reported CBCL, 90th percentile) at 11 years age (Farooqi 2007).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2855) showed that among children born SGA at 24–28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties (SDQ, 10th percentile) was 33.3% (95%CI 14.6 to 57%) compared with those children born MGA (27.3% (95%CI 13.3 to 45.5%)) at 5 years age. For those children born AGA the prevalence was 23.7% (95%CI 19.3 to 28.5%) (Guellec 2011).

ADHD symptoms

Low quality evidence from one study (n=201) showed that among children born at <28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of ADHD symptoms (CADS-P, inattentive symptoms, T score >60) was 32.1% (95%CI 20.3 to 46%) at 8 years corrected age (Anderson 2011). In the same study, the prevalence of ADHD symptoms (hyperactivity-impulsive symptoms, T score >60) and ADHD index (CADS-P, T score >60) was 41.8% (95%CI 28.7 to 55.9%) and 43% (95%CI 30.3 to 57.7%) respectively (Anderson 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=298) showed that among adolescents born at <28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of ADHD (DSM-IV, <−1.5 SD, parent reported) was 17.6% (95%CI 12.5 to 23.7%) at 17 years age whereas the prevalence of ADHD reported by adolescents themselves was 5.2% (95%CI 2.5 to 9.4%) at 17 years age (Wilson-Ching 2013).

ASD symptoms

Low quality evidence from one study (n=307) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of positive ASD screen (SCQ ≥15, parent reported) was 15.8% (95%CI 10.9 to 22.0%) at 11 years age (Johnson 2010).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1198) showed that among children born at <27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of positive ASD screen (SCQ ≥11, parent reported) was 12.4% (95% CI 10.2 to 14.8%) at 10 years age (Joseph 2016a).

Attention/hyperactivity symptoms

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2855) showed that among children born SGA at 24–28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of inattention/hyperactivity (SDQ 10th percentile) was 19% (95%CI 5.5 to 42%) compared with those children born MGA (21.2% (95%CI 9 to 38.9%)). For those children born AGA the prevalence was 21.7% (95%CI 17.5 to 26.4%)) (Guellec 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=826) showed that among children born at <28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of attention problems (CBCL 93rd percentile) was 10.7% (95%CI 8.6 to 13.0%) at 24 months corrected age (Downey 2016).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation
Total behavioural problems

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2382) showed that among children born at 29–32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties (SDQ, 10th percentile) was 18.2% (15.8 to 20.9%) at 3 years (Delobel-Ayoub 2006). At 5 years age (moderate quality evidence, n=1645), the prevalence of total behavioural problems (SDQ, 10th percentile) in children born at 28–32 weeks gestation was 21% (95%CI 18.9 to 23.2%) (Foix-Helias 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2901) showed that among children born at 29–32 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties (SDQ, 10th percentile) was 18.9% (95%CI 16.6 to 21.4%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011).

Children born before 32 weeks of gestation
Total behavioural problems

Low quality evidence from one study (n=235) showed that among children born at <32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural problems (CBCL, >98th percentile) was 8.9% (95%CI 4.9 to 14.4%) at 2 years (corrected age) (Stoelhorst 2003a).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2382) showed that among children born at <33 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural problems (SDQ, 10th percentile) was 20% (95%CI 17.7 to 22.3%) at 3 years age (Delobel-Ayoub 2006).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1504) showed that among children born at 25–31 weeks of gestation the prevalence of emerging total behavioural problems (CBCL, >85th percentile) was 5.2% (95%CI 3.3 to 7.9%) at 4 and 5 years age (Hornman 2016). In the same study, the prevalence of resolving and persistent total behavioural problems (CBCL, 85th percentile) was 5.5% (95%CI 3.5 to 8.2%) and 8.2% (95%CI 5.7 to 11.4%) respectively (Hornman 2016).

Low to moderate quality evidence from two separate studies (sample size ranging from 566 to 924) showed that among children born at <32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural problems (CBCL, >=55, parent reported) was 13.8% (95%CI 10.6 to 17.5%) and 3.4% (95%CI 2.1 to 5.2%) when measured on FTF for emotional and behavioural problems at 5 years age respectively (de Kleine 2003; Rautava 2010). In another study (n=1645) among children born at 24–32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural problems (SDQ, 10th percentile) was 21.2% (95%CI 19.2 to 23.2%) at 5 years age (Foix-Helias 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2901) showed that among children born at 24–32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties (SDQ, 10th percentile) was 21.1% (95%CI 18.9 to 23.3%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2855) showed that among children born SGA at 29–32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties (SDQ 10th percentile) was 19.1% (95%CI 12.4 to 27.5%) compared to those children born MGA (26.5% (95%CI 18.8 to 35.2%)) at 5 years age. For those children born AGA the prevalence was 19.4% (95%CI 17 to 21.9%)) (Guellec 2011).

Attention/hyperactivity symptoms

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2855) showed that among children born SGA at 29–32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of inattention/hyperactivity was 23.5% (95%CI 16 to 32.3%) compared with those children born MGA (15.7% (95%CI 9.7 to 23.4%)) at 5 years age. For those children born AGA the prevalence was 15% (95%CI 12.9 to 17.3%)) (Guellec 2011).

Children born between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation
Total behavioural problems

Low quality evidence from one study (n=625) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of behavioural problems (BITSEA, >25th percentile) was 21% (95%CI 17.8 to 24.4%) at 2 years (corrected age) (Johnson 2015). In the same study, the prevalence of delayed social incompetence (BITSEA <15th percentile) was 26.4% (95%CI 23 to 30%). For children who had behavioural problems or delayed social competence (BITSEA), or both, the prevalence was 37.3% (95%CI 33.5 to 41.2%) and 10.1% (95%CI 7.8 to 12.7%) respectively (Johnson 2015).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=916) showed that among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural problems (CBCL, 90th percentile) was 7.9% (95%CI 6.2 to 9.8%) at 4 years age (Potijk 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1504) showed that among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of emerging total behavioural problems (CBCL, >85th percentile) was 3.7% (95%CI 2.4 to 5.4%) at 4 and 5 years age (Hornman 2016). In the same study, the prevalence of resolving or persistent total behavioural problems (CBCL, >85th percentile) was 8.7% (95%CI 6.7 to 11.2%) and 6.6% (95%CI 4.8 to 8.8%) respectively (Hornman 2016).

Behavioural, social and emotional problems by week or age of gestation at birth
Total behavioural problems by week of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (sample 2382) showed that among children born at 24–28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties (SDQ, 10th percentile) was 24.1% (95%CI 19.2 to 29.6%) at 3 years age (Delobel-Ayoub 2006). In the same study, the prevalence decreased to 16.9% (95%CI 13 to 21.3%) among children born at 29–30 weeks of gestation whereas there was an increase in prevalence of 19% (95%CI 15.9 to 22.4%) among children born at 31–32 weeks of gestation (Delobel-Ayoub 2006).

A similar pattern was observed in another low quality study (n=2901) showed that among children born at 24–28 weeks the prevalence of total behavioural difficulties (SDQ, 10th percentile) was 27.8% (95%CI 23 to 32.9%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011). In the same study, the prevalence decreased to 17.2% (95%CI 13.5 to 21.4%) among children born at 29–30 weeks of gestation, whereas there was an increase in prevalence of 19.9% (95%CI 16.9 to 23.1%) among children born at 31–32 weeks of gestation (Larroque 2011).

ASD symptoms by week of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2035) showed that there was an increase in prevalence of positive autism screening (M-CHAT) with decreasing gestational age, ranging from 54.8% (95%CI 36 to 72.7%) at 23 weeks of gestation to 38.1% (95%CI 31.7 to 44.7%) at 26 weeks of gestation (assessed at 2 years age) (Moore 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1130–2035) showed that among children born at <27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of autism (positive screen, M-CHAT) was 41% (95%CI 37 to 45.7%) at 2 years age (Moore 2012) compared to the prevalence of those children born at 32–33 or 34–36 weeks of gestation (9.3% (95%CI 4.1 to 17.5%) and 15.3% (95%CI 12.4 to 18.6%)) respectively (Guy 2015).

Total externalising behavioural problems by gestational group

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=169) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of externalising problems (CBCL, 90th percentile) was 9.6% (95%CI 4.3 to 18.1%) at 11 years age (Farooqi 2007). In the same study, the prevalence of externalising problems (TRF, 90th percentile) was 18.1% (95%CI 10.5 to 28.1%).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=916) showed that among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of externalising problems (CBCL, 84th percentile) was 9.5% (95%CI 7.7 to 11.6%) at 4 years age (Potijk 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1054) showed that among children born at 25–31 weeks and 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of emerging externalising problems (CBCL, >85th percentile) was 5.2% (95%CI 3.3 to 7.9%) and 5.4% (95%CI 3.8 to 7.4%) respectively at 4 and 5 years age (Hornman 2016). In the same study, the prevalence for resolving externalising problems at 25–31 and 32–35 weeks of gestation was 5.2% (95%CI 3.3 to 7.9%) and 8.4% (95%CI 6.4 to 10.3%) respectively. The prevalence of persistent externalising problems (CBCL, >85th percentile) at 25–31 and 32–25 weeks of gestation was 8.2% (95%CI 5.7 to 11.4%) and 8.4% (95%CI 6.4 to 10.8%) respectively at 4 and 5 years age (Hornman 2016).

Total internalising behavioural problems by gestational group

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=169) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of internalising problems (CBCL, 90th percentile) was 32.5% (95%CI 22.7 to 43.7%) at 11 years age (Farooqi 2007). In the same study, the prevalence of internalising problems (TRF, 90th percentile) was 25.3% (95%CI 16.4 to 36%).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=916) showed that among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of internalising problems (CBCL, 84th percentile) was 9.7% (95%CI 7.9 to 11.8%) at 4 years age (Potijk 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1054) showed that among children born at 25–31 and 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of emerging internalising problems (CBCL, >85th percentile) was 8% (95%CI 5.5 to 11.1%) and 6.7% (95%CI 4.9 to 8.9%) at 4 and 5 years age respectively (Hornman 2016). In the same study, the prevalence of resolving internalising problems (CBCL, >85th percentile) at 25–31 and 32–35 weeks of gestation was 7.2% (95%CI 4.9 to 10.2%) and 7.5% (95%CI 5.6 to 9.8%) respectively. The prevalence of persistent internalising problems at 25–31 and 32–35 weeks gestation was 11.7% (95%CI 8.7 to 15.3%) and 10.1% (95%CI 7.9 to 12.7%) respectively (Hornman 2016).

Attention/hyperactivity problems

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=169 to 916) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of attention problems (CBCL, 90th percentile) was 30.1% (95%CI 20.5 to 41.2%) and 24.1% (95%CI 15.4 to 34.7%) using the TRF (90th percentile) at 11 years age (Farooqi 2007). In another moderate quality study (n=916 the prevalence of attention problems (CBCL, >97th percentile) was 4.15% (95%CI 3 to 5.7%) among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation, assessed at 4 years age (Potijk 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1643) showed that among children born at <34 or 34–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence attention problems (failure to pay attention when crossing street (CBCL) was 22.8% (95%CI 18.5 to 27.5%) and 20.6% (95%CI 18.4 to 22.9%) respectively (Higa-Diez 2016). In the same study the prevalence of adverse outcomes for all attention problems (CBLC) was 9.4% (95%CI 5.6 to 14.6%) and 5.6% (95%CI 4 to 7.6%) among those born at <34 or 34–36 weeks of gestation, assessed at 8 years age.

Low quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 201 to 224) showed a trend of higher prevalence of attention problems (using different tools) among children born at <26 or 28 weeks of gestation (range 30.1% (95% CI 23.3 to 37.5%) to 54% (95%CI 47 to 60.8%)) assessed at 6 and 8 years age respectively (Samara 2008; Anderson 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1643) showed that among children born at <34 or 34–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of interrupting people (CBCL) was 41.9% (95%CI 36.7 to 47.2%) and 40.3% (95%CI 37.6 to 43.1%) respectively (Higa-Diez 2016). In the same study, the prevalence of inability to wait turn (CBCL) was 12.6% (95%CI 9.4 to 16.6%) and 9,1% (95%CI 7.6 to 10.8%) respectively.

Adolescents (n=298) born at <28 weeks of gestation had a lower prevalence of hyperactive or inattentive (CADS <−1.5SD) problems, ranging from 14.5% (95%CI 9.9 to 20.1%) (Wilson-Ching 2013). In the same study, the prevalence of shifting attention (CNT, <−1.5SD) or divided attention (Telephone search wile counting/Test of Everyday Attention <−1.5SD) was 41.1% (95%CI 34.4 to 48.2%) and 15.3% (95%CI 10.6 to 21.1%) respectively (Wilson-Ching 2013).

Moderate to low quality evidence from four studies (sample size ranging from 224 to 2901) showed a trend of high prevalence of hyperactivity problems (SDQ, >90th percentile) among those born at low gestational age of <26 weeks (48% (95%CI 41.3 to 54.8%)) (Samara 2008) compared to a lower prevalence among those born at higher gestational age of 24–32 weeks (17.2% (95%CI 15.3 to 19.3%) (Larroque 2011).

Low quality evidence from two separate studies (sample size ranging from 2382 to 2901) showed that among children born at 24–28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of hyperactivity (SDQ, 10th percentile) was 24.1% (95%CI 19.2 to 29.6%) and 18.5% (95%CI 14.5 to 23.1%) at 3 years and 8 years age respectively (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Larroque 2011). In the same two studies, the prevalence of hyperactivity ranged from 17.1% (95%CI 13.3 to 21.6%) to 15.1%(95%CI 11.6 to 19.1%) at 29–31 weeks of gestation, assessed at 3 and 8 years age respectively (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Larroque 2011). The prevalence ranged from 18.5% (95%CI 14.5 to 23.1) to 17% (95%CI 15 to 20.9%) at 31–32 weeks of gestation, assessed at 3 and 8 years (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Larroque 2011).

Conduct problems

Low to moderate quality evidence from four separate studies (sample size ranging from 224 to 2901) showed a general trend of decreasing prevalence of conduct problems (SDQ, 10th percentile) with increasing gestational age, ranging from 36.2% (95%CI 29.9 to 42.9%) (<26 weeks gestational age) (Samara 2008) to 9.4 % (95%CI 8.0 to 11.1%) (24–32 weeks gestational age) (Larroque 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2901) showed that the prevalence of conduct problems (SDQ, 10th percentile) decreased with increasing gestational age group from 16.1% (11.9 to 21%) at 24–28 weeks of gestation to 15% (95%CI 12.2 to 18.1%) at 31–32 weeks of gestation (assessed at 3 years age) (Delobel-Ayoub 2006). At 8 years, there was no clear trend of prevalence with gestational age group (Larroque 2011).

Emotional problems

Low quality evidence from two separate studies (n=2901) showed that among children born at 24–28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of emotional symptoms (SDQ, 10th percentile) was 17.2% (95%CI 12.9 to 22.2%) and 20.3% (95%CI 16.1 to 25%) at 3 years and 8 years respectively (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Larroque 2011). In the same two studies, the prevalence of emotional problems among children born at 29–30 weeks of gestation was 14.1% (95%CI 10.6 to 18.3%) and 14.3% (95%CI 10.9 to 18.2%) at 3 and 8 years age respectively. Prevalence of emotional problems among those born at 31–32 weeks of gestation was 15% (95%CI 12.2 to 18.1%) and 17.2% (95%CI 14.4 to 20.3%) at 3 and 8 years age (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Larroque 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=916) showed that among children born at 32–35 weeks of gestation the prevalence of emotionally reactive problems (CBCL, >97th percentile) was 3.7% (95%CI 2.6 to 5.2%) (Potijk 2012). In other studies, the prevalence of emotional problems was higher among those born at lower gestational age of <26 weeks of gestation (29.9% (95%CI 23.8 to 36.5%) (Samara 2008).

Peer and prosocial problems

Low quality evidence from one study (n=224) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of peer problems (SDQ, >90th percentile) was 36% (95%CI 29.7 to 42.7%, parent reported) and 50% (95%CI 43.5 to 57.4%, teacher reported) respectively (Samara 2008). The prevalence of peer problems (SDQ, >90th percentile) was lower with varying gestational age groups, ranging from 17.4% (95%CI 15.4 to 19.5%) at 24–32 weeks of gestation (Larroque 2011) to 20% (95%CI 17.7 to 22.6%) in those born at 22–32 weeks of gestation (Delobel-Ayoub 2009).

Low quality evidence from two separate studies (sample size ranging from 2382 to 2901) showed a trend of decreasing prevalence of peer problems (SDQ, 10th percentile) with increasing gestational age, ranging from 17.9% (95%CI 13.5 to 22.9) among those born at 24–28 weeks of gestation to 12% (95%CI 9.5 to 14.9%) among those born at 31–32 weeks of gestation (Delobel-Ayoub 2006; Larroque 2011). A similar trend was observed in another low quality study (sample size 2382) with prevalence ranging from 19.4% (95%CI 15.3 to 24.1%) among those born at 24–28 weeks of gestation to 15.4% (95%CI 12.8 to 18.4%) among those born at 31–32 weeks of gestation (Larroque 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2382) showed a trend of decreasing prevalence of prosocial behaviour (SDQ, 10th percentile) with increasing gestational age, ranging from 20.1% (95%CI 15.5 to 25.3%) among those born at 24–28 weeks of gestation to 13% (95%CI 10.4 to 16%) among those born at 31–32 weeks of gestation (Delobel-Ayoub 2006), assessed at 3 years age. Special education needs

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation
Special education needs (overall and individual problems)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=152757) showed that among children born at 24–27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of SEN was 29.5% (95%CI 25.4 to 33.8%) at 5–18 years age (Mackay 2010).

Low quality evidence from one study (n= 237894) showed that among children born at 24–27 weeks of gestation the prevalence of sensory SEN was 3% (95%CI 1.6 to 4.9%), physical or motor SEN was 6.1% (95%CI 4.1 to 8.7%), language SEN was 0.63% (95%CI 0.13 to 1.83%), intellectual SEN was 14.1% (95%CI 11.1 to 17.6%), specific learning difficulties SEN was 2.1% (95%CI 1.0 to 3.8%), ASD SEN was 1.1% (95%CI 0.3 to 2.4%), and social, emotional behavioural SEN was 1.3% (95%CI 0.5 to 2.7%) at 5–18 years (Mackay 2013).

School difficulties (low grade, repetition of grade, adaption difficulties)

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=169) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of school difficulties (repetition of grade and/or use of SEN resources) was 59.3% (95%CI 48.2 to 69.8%) at 11 years age (Farooqi 2007). In the same study, the prevalence of grade repetition was 15.7% (95%CI 8.6 to 25.3%).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2382) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of school adaption difficulties (parent reported) was 33% (95%CI 36.7 to 39.8%) compared to a prevalence (teacher reported) of 39.2% (95%CI 32.6 to 46.2%) at 6 years age (Samara 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2855) showed that among children born at 24–28 weeks of gestation and were small for gestational age, the prevalence of school difficulties (special schooling or low grades, parent reported) was 35.3% (95%CI 14.2 to 61.7%) at 8 years age compared to those who were born MGA (prevalence 44.8% (95%CI 26.5 to 64.3%) (Guellec 2011).

Identified special education needs

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the overall prevalence of identified SEN (teacher reported) was 62.3% (95%CI 55.5 to 68.8%) at 11 years age. In the same study, the prevalence of SEN identified in mainstream schools only (teacher reported) was 56.5% (95%CI 49 to 63.7%) (Johnson 2011).

Special school or special class

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=169) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those in special class or special school was 15.1% (95%CI 8.3 to 24.5%) at 11 years age (Farooqi 2007).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2901) showed that among children born at 24–28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those in an institution or special school or special class (parent reported) was 9.4% (95%CI 6.5 to 13.0%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011).

Special education needs provision/support at school

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) showed that among children born at <26 weeks of gestation the prevalence of SEN provision (teacher reported) was 61.4% (95%CI 54.5 to 68.8%) at 11 years age (Johnson 2011). In the same study, among children who had SEN provision in mainstream school only (teacher reported) the prevalence was 55.4% (95%CI 47.9 to 62.7).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2901) showed that among children born at 24–28 weeks of gestation the prevalence of support in mainstream school (parent reported) was 22.7% (95%CI 18.3 to 27.5%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011). In the same study, the prevalence of children who had special care since 5 years age or support at school (parent reported) was 69.7% (95%CI 64.5 to 74.5%) at 8 years age. The prevalence of children who had special care since 5 years for more than one developmental problem (orthoptic, speech therapy, PT, OT or psychology) was 65.4% (95%CI 60.1 to 70.4%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation
Special education needs (overall and individual problems)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=152757) showed that among children born at 28–32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of SEN was 12.8% (95%CI 11.7 to 14%) at 5–18 years age (Mackay 2010).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=237894) showed that among children born at 28–32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of sensory SEN was 0.49% (95%CI 0.29 to 0.79%), physical or motor SEN was 2.8% (95%CI 2.3 to 3.5%), language SEN was 0.38% (95%CI 0.2 to 0.6%), intellectual SEN was 4.8% (95%CI 4.1 to 5.6%), specific learning difficulties SEN was 1.4% (95%CI 1.1 to 1.9%), ASD SEN was 1.0% (95%CI 0.7 to 1.4%), and social, emotional behavioural SEN was 0.9% (95%CI 0.6 to 1.3%) at 5–18 years (Mackay 2013).

School difficulties (special schooling or low grades)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2855) showed that among children born at 29–32 weeks of gestation who were small for gestational age, the prevalence of school difficulties was 28% (95%CI 19.8 to 37.6%) at 8 years age compared to a prevalence of 23.1% (95%CI 15.4 to 32.4%) among children who were MGA (Guellec 2011).

Special school or special class

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2901) showed that among children born at 29–30 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those in an institution or special school or special class (parent reported) was 5.2% (95%CI 3.2 to 7.9%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011).

Support at school

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2901) showed that among children born at 29–30 weeks of gestation the prevalence of support in mainstream school (parent reported) was 10.3% (95%CI 7.5 to 13.8%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011). In the same study, the prevalence of children who had special care since 5 years age or support at school (parent reported) was 53.6% (95%CI 48.5 to 58.7%) at 8 years age.

Children born before 32 weeks of gestation
Special school or special class

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2901) showed that among children born at 24–32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those in an institution, special school or special class (parent reported) was 5.2% (95%CI 4.1 to 6.5%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011). For those children born at 31–32 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of the same outcome was 3.3% (95%CI 2.1 to 4.8%) at 8 years age.

Support at school

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2901) showed that among children born at 24–32 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those supported at school in mainstream class (parent reported) was 15.4% (95%CI 13.6 to 17.4%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011). For those children born at 31–32 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of the same outcome was 14.7% (95%CI 12.2 to 17.5%) at 8 years age.

In the same study among children born at 24–32 weeks of gestation, the prevalence among those who had special care since 5 years age or support at school (parent reported) was 58.5% (95%CI 55.9 to 61.1%) at 8 years age. Among children born at 31–32 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of the same outcome was 55.7% (95%CI 52 to 59.4%) at 8 years age (Larroque 2011).

Attainment (Foundation Stage Profile [FSP] or Key Stage 1 [KS1])

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=8728) showed that among children born at 23–31 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those not attaining a good overall level of achievement (teacher reported FSP) was 66.7% (95%CI 55.5 to 76.6%) at 5 years age (Quigley 2012). In the same study, among children who did not attain in all three scales of personal, social and emotional development (teacher reported FSP) the prevalence was 42.9% (95%CI 32.1 to 54.1%). Among children who did not attain in all 4 scales of communication, language and literacy, the prevalence was 61.9% (95%CI 43.5 to 65.7%). The prevalence was 54.8% (95%CI 43.5 to 65.7%) among children who did not attain in all 3 scales of mathematical development a 5 years age (Quigley 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=18818) showed that among children born at <32 weeks of gestation not achieving level 2 or more in reading, writing or maths (teacher reported KS1) the prevalence was 42% (95%CI 30.2 to 54.5%) at 7 years age (Chan 2014). In the same study, the prevalence among children not achieving level 2 or more in speaking and listening was 29% (95%CI 18.7 to 41.2%) and for science, the prevalence was 24.6% (95%CI 15.1 to 36.5%) (Chan 2014).

Children born between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation
Special education needs (overall and individual problems)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=152757) showed that among children born at 33–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of SEN was 7.1% (95%CI 6.7 to 7.5%) at age 5–18 years age (Mackay 2010).

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=741) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of SEN was 34.5% (95%CI 29.3 to 40%) at 8 years age (Odd 2012).

Individualised programme

Low quality evidence from one study (n=17565) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those who were enrolled on an individualised education programme (ECLS-K data) was 9.1% (95%CI 7.1 to 11.4%) at kindergarten stage (3 years age), 12% (95%CI 9.7 to 14.6%) at 1st grade (6–7 years), 13.6% (95%CI 11.1 to 16.5%) at 3rd grade (8–9 years) and 16.4% (95%CI 12.9 to 20.4%) at 5th grade (10–11 years) (Chyi 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=17565) showed that among children born at 32–33 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those who were enrolled on an individualised education programme was 13% (95%CI 8 to 19%) at kindergarten stage (3 years age), 17.8% (95%CI 12 to 25%) at 1st grade (6–7 years), 19.7% (95%CI 13.3 to 27.5%) at 3rd grade (8–9 years) and 18.1% (95%CI 10.9 to 27.4%) at 5th grade (10–11 years) (Chyi 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=17565) showed that among children born at 34–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those who were enrolled on an individualised education programme was 8% (95%CI 6 to 10.6%) at kindergarten stage (3 years age), 10.5% (95%CI 8.2 to 13.3%) at 1st grade (6–7 years), 12.1% (95%CI 9.5 to 15.2%) at 3rd grade (8–9 years) and 12.2% (95%CI 9.2 to 15.8%) at 5th grade (10–11 years) (Chyi 2008).

Special education enrolment

Low quality evidence from one study (n=17565) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those who were enrolled on a special education programme (ECLS-K data) was 6.9% (95%CI 5.4 to 8.7%) at kindergarten stage (3 years age), 7.4% (95%CI 5.8 to 9.3%) at 1st grade (6–7 years), 10% (95%CI 8 to 12.3%) at 3rd grade (8–9 years) and 11.1% (95%CI 8.8 to 13.8%) at 5th grade (10–11 years) (Chyi 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=17565) showed that among children born at 32–33 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those who were enrolled on a special education programme (ECLS-K data) was 8% (95%CI 4.7 to 12.7%) at kindergarten stage (3 years age), 11.9% (95%CI 7.7 to 17.3%) at 1st grade (6–7 years), 14.4% (95%CI 9.2 to 21%) at 3rd grade (8–9 years) and 14.5% (95%CI 8.8 to 22%) at 5th grade (10–11 years) (Chyi 2008).

Attainment (FSP or KS1)

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=8728) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those not with a good level of overall achievement (FSP, teacher reported) was 59% (95%CI 54.8 to 63.1%) at 5 years age (Quigley 2012). In the same study, the prevalence among children who did not achieve in all 3 scales of personal, social and emotional development (FSP, teacher reported) was 31.6% (95%CI 27.8 to 35.6%). For those who did not achieve in all 4 scales of communication, language and literacy, the prevalence was 49.1% (95%CI 47.7 to 50.4%), and for mathematical development (not achieving in all 3 scales) the prevalence was 37.5% (95%CI 33.5 to 41.6%) at 5 years age (Quigley 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=8728) showed that among children born at 32–33 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those not with a good level of overall achievement (FSP, teacher reported) was 60.9% (95%CI 50.1 to 70.9%) at 5 years age (Quigley 2012). In the same study, the prevalence among children who did not achieve in all 3 scales of personal, social and emotional development (FSP, teacher reported) was 32.6% (95%CI 23.2 to 43.2%). For those who did not achieve in all 4 scales of communication, language and literacy, the prevalence was 57.6% (95%CI 46.9 to 67.9%), and for mathematical development (not achieving in all 3 scales) the prevalence was 40.2% (95%CI 30.1 to 51%) at 5 years age (Quigley 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=8728) showed that among children born at 34–36 weeks of gestation the prevalence of those not with a good level of overall achievement (FSP, teacher reported) was 58.6% (95%CI 54 to 63.1%) at 5 years age (Quigley 2012). In the same study, the prevalence among children who did not achieve in all 3 scales of personal, social and emotional development (FSP, teacher reported) was 31.4% (95%CI 27.3 to 35.8%). For those who did not achieve in all 4 scales of communication, language and literacy, the prevalence was 54.1% (95%CI 49.5 to 58.7%), and for mathematical development (not achieving in all 3 scales) the prevalence was 36.9% (95%CI 32.6 to 33.5%) at 5 years age (Quigley 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=18818) showed that among children born at 32–33 weeks of gestation not achieving level 2 or more in reading, writing and mathematics (KS1, teacher reported), the prevalence was 26.9% (95%CI 16.8 to 39.1%) at 7 years age (Chan 2014). For those children not achieving level 2 or more in reading, writing, speaking/listening and science, the prevalence was 19.4% (95%CI 10.8 to 30.9%), 23.9% (14.3 to 35.9%), 16.4% (95%CI 8.5 to 27.5%) and 16.4% (95%CI 8.5 to 27.5%), respectively (Chan 2014).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=18818) showed that among children born at 34–36 weeks of gestation not achieving overall level 2 or more in reading, writing and mathematics was 23.3% (95%CI 19.1 to 28.1%) at 7 years age (Chan 2014). For those children not achieving level 2 in reading, writing, speaking and listening, mathematics, or science, the prevalence was 18.1% (95%CI 14.2 to 22.4%), 20.6% (95%CI 16.5 to 25.1%), 13.1% (95%CI 9.8 to 17%), 8.6% (95%CI 5.9 to 12%), and 11.7% (95%CI 8.5 to 15.4%), respectively (Chan 2014).

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=13978) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks of gestation not achieving level 2 or more in reading, writing or maths (teacher reported KS1) the prevalence was 29% (95%CI 25.4 to 33%) at 5–7 years age (Peacock 2012). For those children not achieving level 2 in reading, writing and mathematics (individual items of KS1), the prevalence was 22.2% (95%CI 19 to 25.7%), 22.7% (95%CI 19.4 to 26.2%), and 18.1% (95%CI 15.1 to 21.5%) respectively (Peacock 2012).

Children born before 37 weeks of gestation
Overall special education needs

Low quality evidence from one study (n=722) showed that among children born at <37 weeks of gestation the prevalence of SEN was 35.5% (95%CI 32 to 39.1%) at 8 years age (Odd 2013).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=775) showed that among children born at <37 weeks of gestation the prevalence of SEN was 24.3% (95%CI 21.1 to 27.7%) at 14 to 16 years age (Odd 2016).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=722) showed that among children born at <37 weeks of gestation the prevalence of low achievement (KS1) was 31.4% (95%CI 28.1 to 35%) at 8 years age (Odd 2013).

4.5. Prevalence of developmental disorders

Review question:

What is the prevalence of developmental disorders in babies, children and young people born preterm?

4.5.1. Description of clinical evidence

The aim of this review is to establish the prevalence and incidence of different developmental disorders in relation to the different gestational ages in babies, children and young people born preterm. The developmental disorders considered as outcomes included cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, learning impairment, speech and language impairment, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, DCD, mental and behavioural disorders, developmental co-ordination disorder and hearing and visual impairments.

Fifty-seven studies were included in the review (Agerholm 2011; Ancel 2006; Anderson 2003; Andersen 2011; Anderson 2011; Andrews 2008; Anonymous 1997; Beaino 2011; Bodeau-Livinec 2007; Burguet 1999; Burnett 2014; Charkaluk 2010; De Groote 2007; de Kleine 2003; Doyle 2011; Drummond 2002; Farooqi 2011; Foix-Helias 2008; Foulder-Hughes 2003; Glinianaia 2011; Guellec 2011; Hellgren 20116; Himmelmann 2014; Hirvonen 2014; Holmstrom 2014; Hreinsdottir 2013; Hutchinson 2013; Johnson 2009; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2011; Joseph 2016a; Joseph 2016b; Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013; Larroque 2008; Leversen 2010; Leversen 2011; Leversen 2012; Marlow 2005; Marret 2007; Mikkola 2005; Moore 2012; Nordmark 2001; Odd 2013; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010; Roberts 2010; Roberts 2011; Robertson 2007; Salakorpi 2001; Serenius 2013; Stahlmann 2009; Sutton 1999; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2012; Vincer 2014; Vohr 2005; Wolke 2008; Wood 2000).

The sample size ranged from 89 (Farooqi 2011) to 331,154 (Glinianaia 2011).

Twelve studies were from the UK or UK and Ireland (Bodeau-Livinec 2007; Drummond 2002; Foulder-Hughes 2003; Glinianaia 2011; Johnson 2009; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2011; Marlow 2005; Moore 2012; Odd 2013; Wolke 2008; Wood 2000). Six of the studies were part of the EPIcure study (Johnson 2009; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2011; Marlow 2005; Moore 2012; Wolke 2008; Wood 2000), one publication was from the ALSPAC study (Odd 2013), and another publication was from NECCPS study (Glinianaia 2011).

Nine studies were from Australia (Anderson 2003; Anderson 2011; Anonymous 1997; Burnett 2014; Doyle 2011; Hutchinson 2013; Roberts 2010; Roberts 2011; Sutton 1999). Four of the publications were from the Victorian Collaborative Study Group (Anderson 2003; Anonymous 1997; Burnett 2014; Roberts 2011).

Nine studies were from France (Ancel 2006; Andersen 2011; Beaino 2011; Burguet 1999; Charkaluk 2010; Foix-Helias 2008; Guellec 2011; Larroque 2008; Marret 2007). Seven of the publications were from the EPIPGAGE study (Ancel 2006; Beaino 2011; Charkaluk 2010; Foix-Helias 2008; Guellec 2011; Larroque 2008; Marret 2007).

Seven studies were from Sweden (Farooqi 2011; Hellgren 2016; Himmelman 2014; Holmstrom 2014; Hreinsdottir 2013; Nordmark 2001; Serenius 2013). Three of the publications were from the EXPRESS study (Hellgren 2016; Holmstrom 2014; Serenius 2013) and one publication was from the LOVIS study (Serenius 2013).

Four studies were from Finland (Hirvonen 2014; Mikkola 2005; Salakorpi 2001; Tommiska 2003), four publications were from USA (Andrews 2008; Joseph 2016a; Joseph 2016b; Vohr 2005). Two of the publications were from the ELGAN study (Jospeh 2016a; Joseph 2016b). Three studies were from Norway from the same author (Leversen 2010; Leversen 2011; Leversen 2012). Two studies were from Germany (Rieger-Fakeldey 2010; Stahlmann 2009), and another two publications were from Canada (Robertson 2007; Vincer 2014). There was one study each from Austria (Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013), Denmark (Agerholm 2011), Netherlands (de Kleine 2003), Belgium (de Groote 2007, EPIBEL study), and Estonia (Toome 2012).

Forty-five publications used data from population-based (national, geographical or regional prospective cohort studies (Agerholm 2011; Ancel 2006; Anderson 2011; Anonymous 1997; Beaino 2011; Burguet 1999; Burnett 2014; Charkaluk 2010; de Groote 2007; de Kleine 2003; Doyle 2011; Farooqi 2011; Foix-Helias 2008; Foulder-Hughes 2003; Guellec 2011; Hellgren 2016; Hreinsdottir 2013; Hutchinson 2013; Johnson 2009; Johnson 2010; Johnson 2011; Joseph 2016a; Joseph 2016b; Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013; Larroque 2008; Leversen 2010; Leversen 2011; Leversen 2012; Marlow 2005; Mikkola 2005; Moore 2012; Nordmark 2001; Odd 2013; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010; Roberts 2011; Roberts 2010; Robertson 2007; Salakorpi 2001; Serenius 2013; Sutton 1999; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2012; Vincer 2014, Wolke 2008; Wood 2000).

Five publications used registry data (Anderson 2011; Bodeau-Livinec 2007; Drummond 2002; Himmelmann 2014; Hirvonen 2014)

One publication used data from a population based survey (Glinianaia 2011). One publication used data from a multicentre study (Vohr 2005).

Thirty-seven publications reported on CP (Ancel 2006; Andersen 2011; Anderson 2011; Andrews 2008; Anonymous (Victorian collaboration study) 1997; Burguet 1999; De Groote 2007; Doyle 2011; Drummond 2002; Farooqi 2011; Foix-Helias 2008; Glinianaia 2011; Guellec 2011; Himmelmann 2014; Hirvonen 2014; Hutchinson 2013; Larroque 2008; Leversen 2011; Marlow 2005; Marret 2007; Mikkola 2005; Moore 2012; Nordmark 2001; Odd 2013; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010; Roberts 2010; Robertson 2007; Salakorpi 2001; Serenius 2013; Stahlmann 2009; Sutton 1999; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2012; Vincer 2014; Vohr 2005; Wood 2000). Majority of studies reported assessment of CP by physical or neurological exam by trained physicians and paediatricians or psychologists (Ancel 2006; Anderson 2011; Anderson 2011; Andrews 2008; Burguet 1999; De Groote 2007; Farooqi 2011; Foix-Helias 2008; Glinianaia 2011; Guellec 2011; Himmelmann 2014; Larroque 2008; Marlow 2005; Marret 2007; Nordmark 2001; Robertson 2007; Salakorpi 2001; Sutton 1999; Vincer 2005; Wood 2000). Some of the studies used the European CP network for classification (Ancel 2006; Foix-Helias 2008; Larroque 2008; Marret 2007) or the Surveillance of CP in Europe classification (Anderson 2011; Glinianiaia 2011). Seven studies assessed CP using the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) (Doyle 2011; Joseph 2016b; Leversen 2011; Moore 2012; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010; Stahlmann 2009; Toome 2012). One study used the Little Club definition for CP (Drummond 2002). One study used ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes for classification of CP (Hirvonen 2014), and one study used the Standard Recording of Central Motor Deficit for classification of CP (Odd 2013). Five studies reported results as total number of livebirths (Andersen 2011; Drummond 2002; Himmelmann 2014; Nordmark 2001; Robertson 2007).

Twenty-five publications reported intellectual disability (Anderson 2003; Andrews 2008; Anonymous (Victorian collaboration study) 1997; Beaino 2011; Charkaluk 2010; Doyle 2010; De Groote 2007; Foix-Helias 2008; de Kleine 2003; Joseph 2016b; Larroque 2008; Leversen 2011; Leversen 2012; Marlow 2005; Marret 2007; Mikkola 2005; Moore 2012; Rieger-Fackeldy 2010; Roberts 2010; Salakorpi 2001; Serenius 2013; Stahlmann 2009; Sutton 1999; Toome 2012; Vohr 2005). Three studies used the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) version III (Anderson 2003), version IV (Roberts 2010) and version IV with Differential Ability Scale (DAS) (Andrews 2008; Joseph 2016b). Six studies used the Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID) version II or III (Anon (Victorian collaborative study) 2007; Doyle 2011; De Groote 2007; Moore 2012; Toome 2012; Vohr 2005). Seven studies used the Kaufmann Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC)/Mental Processing Composite (MPC) score (Beaino 2011; Foix-Helias 2008; Larroque 2008; Marret 2007; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010; Serenius 2009; Stahlmann 2009)). One study used the K-ABC, NEPSY, and Griffiths Developmental Assessment (Marlow 2005). One study assessed major developmental delay using the Griffiths Developmental Assessment (Sutton 1999). Four studies used the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence revised (WPPSI-R) (Leversen 2011; Leversen 2012; Mikkola 2003; Salakorpi 2001). One study used the Brunte-Lezine scale (Charkaluk 2010) and another study used the revised Amsterdam Child Intelligence Test (de Kleine 2003).

Five publications reported on speech and/or language disorder (Moore 2012; Serenius 2013; Toome 2012; Wolke 2008; Wood 2000). One study assessed communication disability using the third edition of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID-III) (Moore 2012) and another study used BSID-II (Wood 2000). Two studies assessed language impairment by the BSID-III scale (Serenius 2013; Toome 2012). One study used the Pre-School Language Scale-3 (PLS-3) to assess language impairment (Wolke 2008).

Two publications reported on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Burnett 2014; Johnson 2010). One of the studies used the ADHD module of the Children’s Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes (ChiPS) (Burnett 2014) whereas the other study used the Developmental and Well Being Assessment (DAWBA) to assess ADHD types (Johnson 2010).

Two publications reported on autism spectrum disorder (Johnson 2010; Joseph 2016a). One study assessed ASD by using the Developmental and Well Being Assessment (DAWBA) and the other study assessed ASD using the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R).

Four publications reported on specific learning difficulties (Anderson 2003; Johnson 2011; Joseph 2016b; Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013). One study assessed educational progress using the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT-3) and also the Comprehensive Scales of Student Abilities (CSSA) (Anderson 2003). One study assessed learning impairment using the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-II (WIAT-II) (Johnson 2011). One study assessed academic achievement using the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-III (WIAT-III) (Joseph 2016b). One study used TEDI-MAHT to assess delay in numerical skills (Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013).

Four publications reported on developmental coordination disorder (Agerholm 2011; de Kleine 2003; Foulder-Hughes 2003; Roberts 2011). All four studies assessed DCD or motor deficit with the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC) tool.

Two publications reported on mental and behavioural disorders (Burnett 2014; Johnson 2010). One study used the Development and Well Being Assessment (DAWBA) tool to assess mental and behavioural disorders (Johnson 2010), whereas another study assessed anxiety, mood, and depressive or psychotic disorders using the DSM-IV Axis I disorders tool (Burnett 2014).

Twenty-four publications reported on vision impairment (Anderson 2003; Anderson 2011; Anonymous (Victorian collaborative study) 1997; Bodeau-Livinec 2007; De Groote 2007; Farooqi 2011; Hellgren 2016; Holmstrom 2014; Hreinsdottir 2013; Hutchinson 2013; Joseph 2016b; Larroque 2008; Leversen 2010; Leversen 2011; Marlow 2005; Marret 2007; Moore 2012; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010; Roberts 2010; Serenius 2013; Toome 2013; Tommiska 2003; Vohr 2005; Wood 2000). Severe vision impairment assessment was varied among studies. Three studies reported on vision impairment visual acuity in both eyes was assessed as worse than 6/60 (Anonymous (Victorian Collaborative Study) 1997) or visual acuity in the in the better eye of <6/60 (Bodeau-Livinec 2007; Roberts 2010). One study reported visual impairment as unilateral or bilateral blindness or visual acuity of <20/200 without glasses in at least one eye (Farooqi 2011; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010). One study assessed visual impairment with the Rossano test 12 and visual deficiency of <3/10 for both eyes (Larroque 2008; Marret 2007). Impaired vision was also defined as blindness in children who were not able to fixate and follow a light (Holsmstrom 2014; Hreinsodottir 2013) whereas other studies defined visual impairment as ‘no useful vision’ (De Groote 2007; Vohr 2005), ‘legally blind’ (Leversen 2010; Leversen 2011; Tommiska 2003), or ‘blindness’ (Marlow 2005; Moore 2012). One study reported results as total number of livebirths (Bodeau-Livinec 2007).

Nineteen publications reported on hearing impairment (Anderson 2003; Anderson 2011; Anonymous (Victorian collaborative study) 1997; De Groote 2007; Doyle 2011; Farooqi 2011; Hutchinson 2013; Larroque 2008; Leversen 2010; Marlow 2005; Marret 2007; Moore 2012; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010; Roberts 2010; Serenius 2013; Tommiska 2003; Toome 2012; Vohr 2005; Wood 2000). Hearing impairment assessment was varied among the studies. Two studies defined hearing impairment as hearing loss of more than 70 decibel (dB) for one or both ears (Larroque 2008; Marret 2007). Other studies defined hearing impairment as complete deafness (Leversen 2010), deafness or hearing loss (as a need of hearing aids or worse) (Anderson 2011; Doyle 2011; Farooqi 2011; Marlow 2005; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010; Roberts 2010; Tommiska 2003; Vohr 2005), ‘no useful hearing or requiring hearing aids’ (De Groote 2007), or profound sensorineural hearing loss not improved by aids (Moore 2012).

The feasibility of combining study data using meta-analysis was assessed. Due to the following differences between studies, it was not considered appropriate to pool the results:

  • the inclusion/exclusion criteria for participants
  • ages of participants at the time of assessment
  • outcome definitions and measurement tools
  • consistency of results.

4.5.2. Summary of included studies

Table 20. Summary of included studies.

Table 20

Summary of included studies.

4.5.3. Economic evidence

No health economic search was undertaken for this review question and consequently no evidence was found. This question focused on the prevalence of various developmental problems rather than whether any strategy for the management of these problems represents a cost-effective use of resources. Therefore, this question is not primarily about competing alternatives which have different opportunity costs and therefore was not considered suitable for a health economic review

4.5.4. Evidence statements Cerebral palsy (CP)

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation
Any cerebral palsy

Moderate to low quality evidence from four studies (sample size ranging from 141 to 373) showed that among children born at 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP varied from 7% (95% CI 4.6 to 10.10) to 11.3% (95%CI: 6.6 to 17.8) at 2 years (corrected age), 5 years and 8 years (corrected) (Leversen 2010; Leversen 2011; Roberts 2011; Anderson 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from four studies (sample size ranging from 75 to 244) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP varied from 14.7% (95%CI 7.6 to 24.7% to 24.7% (95%CI 15.6 to 35.8%) at age range 12 months CA to 9 years (Mikkola 2005; Stahlmann 2009; Sutton 1999; De Groote 2007).

Moderate to low quality evidence from four studies (sample size ranging from 275 to 331,154) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP varied from 6.7% (95%CI 5.1 to 8.6) to 16.6% (95%CI 12.5 to 21.3) (Larroque 2008; Ancel 2006; Glinianaia 2011; Anderson 2003).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1718) showed that among children born at 24–27 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was 14.7% (95%CI 10.6–19.5%) at 5 years age (Foix-Helias 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=104) showed that among children born at 22–26 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was 11.5% (95% CI 6.1–19.3%) at 18 months CA (Tommiska 2003)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=283) showed that among children born 22–25 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was 17.7% (95% CI 13.4–22.6%) at a median age of 30 months (Wood 2000).

Moderate to very low quality evidence from three studies (sample size ranging from 19 to 189) showed that among children born at a mean GA range of 25.4 (±1) to 26.5 (±2) weeks the prevalence of any CP was 7.3% (95% CI 3.8–12.4%) to 37% (95%CI 16–62%) at age 2 years to 8 years (Hutchinson 2013; Doyle 2011; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) showed that among children born at 23–27 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was 11% (95%CI 7.2–15.9%) at 2 years age (Anon 1997).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=142) showed that among children born at a mean GA of 27 weeks, the prevalence of CP was 19.0% (95%CI 12.9 to 26.5%) at 4 years age (Salakorpi 2001).

Mild cerebral palsy

Moderate to low quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 77 to 456) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of mild CP across the two studies (10.4% (95%CI 4.6 to 19.5) and 2.9% (95% CI 1.5 to 4.8)) at 2.5 years CA and 3 years age (De Groote 2007; Serenius 2013).

Moderate cerebral palsy

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at <26 weeks the prevalence was 7.1% (95%CI 4.2 to 11.1) at 6 years (Marlow 2005). The prevalence was varied in two studies of moderate to low quality in children (sample size ranging from 456 to 576) born at <27 weeks GA (2.6% (95%CI 1.5 to 4.3)) and 2.9% (95%CI 1.5 to 4.8)) (Moore 2012; Serenius 2013), whereas prevalence of CP was 13% (95% CI 6.4 to 22.6) in one study (at <27 weeks GA) (De Groote 2007).

Moderate to severe cerebral palsy

Moderate to low quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 88 to 241) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA the prevalence of CP (moderate/disabling or both ambulatory/non-ambulatory) was varied, with a prevalence of 6.8% (95%CI 2.5 to 14.3) at 11 years (Farooqi 2011) and 13.3% (95%CI 9.3 to 18.2) at 6 years (Marlow 2005). There was also variation of prevalence of moderate to severe CP in children born at <27 weeks GA at 2.5 years corrected age (4.2% (95%CI 2.5 to 6.4)) and at 3 years (7.8% (95%CI 5.8 to 10.3)) in two studies of moderate and low quality (Serenius 2013; Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 22–26 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe CP (non-ambulatory or needing aids) was 11% (95%CI 9.8 to 12.4) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005).

Severe cerebral palsy

Moderate to low quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 77 to 456) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of severe CP was 1.3% (95%CI 0.03 to 7%) at age 2.5 years CA to 3 years (Serenius 2013; De Groote 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 75 to 241) showed that among children born at <26 weeks and <27 weeks GA the prevalence of non-ambulatory CP was 6.2% (95%CI 3.5 to 7.4%) at 6 years age (Marlow 2005), and 10.7% (95%CI 4.7 to 19.9%) at 7–9 years age (Stahlmann 2009).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence for severe CP (GMFCS level 3–5) was 5.2% (95% CI 3.5–7.4%) at 3 years age (Moore 2012). Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=306) showed that among children born at 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence for severe CP (GMFCS level4–5) was 3.3% (95%CI 1.6–5.9%) at 5 years age (Leversen 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=283) showed that among children born at 22–25 weeks GA the prevalence of severe diplegia was 4.2 % (95%CI 2.2 to 7.3), severe hemiplegia was 0.4% (95%CI 0.01 to 2), and severe quadriplegia was 3.9% (95%CI 2 to 6.9) at 30 months corrected age (Wood 2000).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1718) showed that among children born at 24–27 weeks GA the prevalence for severe CP (unable to walk or only with aids) was 4.9% (95% CI 2.6 to 8.2%) at 5 years age (Foix-Helias 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1506) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence for severe motor impairment (GMFCS level 5, no self-mobility) was 1.9% (95%CI 1.1–3.1) at 10 years age (Joseph 2016b).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation
Any cerebral palsy

Moderate to low quality evidence from three studies (sample size ranging from 1812 to 331,154) showed that among children born at 28–31 weeks the prevalence of any CP was varied, ranging from 5.9% (95%CI 4.9 to 7) to 9.5% (95%CI 7.8 to 11.4) across the three studies at 2–8 years (Larroque 2008; Ancel 2006; Glinianaia 2011).

Moderate to low quality evidence from two studies (sample ranging from 1455 to 1781) showed that among children born at 28–32 or 30–31 weeks, there was no difference in prevalence (7.7% (95%CI 5.8 to 9.9) and 7.9% (95%CI 6.6 to 9.3)) at 5 years (Marret 2007; Foix-Helias 2008). However, moderate quality evidence from one study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 27–32 weeks GA the prevalence of CP was higher (11.6% (95%CI 10 to 13.3) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 22–32 weeks GA the prevalence of CP was 16% (95%CI 14.9 to 17.2) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005). However, the prevalence of CP was lower (4.3% (95%CI 2.2 to 7.5)) in low quality evidence from one study (n=259) among children born at 23–32 weeks GA (Andrews 2008). There was minimal difference in prevalence in GA groups including 24–32 weeks (prevalence 8.9% (95%CI 7.6 to 10.3)) (Foix-Helias 2008), 25–32 weeks GA (prevalence 13.2 (95%CI 8.4 to 19.3)) (Burguet 1999), or <31(prevalence 16% (95%CI 14.9 to 17.2)), <32 (prevalence 11% (95%CI 6.5 to 17), or <33 weeks GA (prevalence 8.8% (95%CI 7.5 to 10.2)) (Vincer 2014; Toome 2012; Larroque 2008).

Mild cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=801) showed that among children born at <31 weeks GA the prevalence of 6.7% (95%CI 5.1 to 8.7) for mild CP (GMFCS level1) at 12–42 months corrected age (Vincer 2014).

Moderate to severe cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one (n=801) showed that among children born at <31 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe CP (GMFCS level 2–5) was 3.4% (95%CI 2.2–4.9%) at 12–42 months corrected age (Vincer 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=155) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe CP (GMFCS level 2–5) was 8.4% (95%CI 4.5–13.9%) at 2 years CA (Toome 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (1455) showed that among children born at 30–31 weeks GA the prevalence of 5.7% (95%CI 4.1 to 7.7) for moderate to severe CP (bilateral spastic CP) at 5 years (Marret 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 27–32 weeks GA the prevalence for moderate to severe CP (non-ambulatory or needing aids) was 7% (95%CI 5.8 to 8.4) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 22–32 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe CP (non-ambulatory or needing aids) was 9.4% (95%CI 8.5–10.4%) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005).

Severe cerebral palsy

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1781) showed that among children born at 28–32 weeks GA the prevalence of severe CP (unable to walk or only with aids) was 2.4% (95%CI 1.7 to 3.4) at 5 years (Foix-Helias 2008). In the same study, the prevalence at 24–32 weeks was 2.8% (95%CI 2.1 to 3.7).

Children born between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation
Any cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1455) showed that among children born at 32–34 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP type was 3.4% (95%CI 2.3 to 5) at 5 years (Marret 2007).

Moderate to low quality evidence from three studies (sample size ranging from 741 to 331,154) showed that among children born at 32–26 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was similar (range from 0.8% (95%CI 0.7 to 0.9) to 1% (95%CI 0.8 to 1.1) across the studies at age up to 7 or 8 years (Odd 2013; Hirvonen 2014; Glinianaia 2011).

Moderate to severe cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1455) showed that among children born at 32–34 weeks GA the prevalence of CP (bilateral spastic CP) was 2.2% (95% CI 1.3 to 3.5) at 5 years (Marret 2007).

Moderate quality from one study (n=53,078) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks GA found the prevalence of CP (other types) was 0.35% (95%CI 0.3 to 0.4) at up to 7 years (Hirvonen 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=331,154) showed that among children born at <37 weeks GA the prevalence of spastic-bilateral or unilateral CP was 1.3% (95%CI 1.1 to 1.5) and 0.4% (95%CI 0.3 to 0.5) respectively at up to 8 years (Glinianaia 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=104) showed that among children born at 22.3–34.9 weeks GA/bw <1000g the prevalence of CP (ataxia/athetosis) was 1% (95%CI 0.1 to 3.4) at 18 months corrected age (Tommiska 2003).

Children born small for gestational age

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2357) showed that among children born at 24–28 weeks GA and small for gestational age, the prevalence of any CP was 18% (95%CI 5.2–40.3%). In the same study, the prevalence was 3.2% (95%CI 0.9–8%) at 5 years age (Guellec 2011).


Low quality evidence from one study (n=283) showed that among children born at 22–25 weeks GA the prevalence of hemiplegia was 1.8% (95%CI 0.6–4.1%) at median 30 months (Wood 2000). In the same study, the prevalence of severe hemiplegia was 0.4% (95%CI 0.01–2%).

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=167) showed that among children born at 25–32 weeks GA the prevalence of hemiplegia was 1.2% (95%CI 0.2–4.3%) at 2 years (corrected age) (Burguet 1999).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=77) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of hemiplegia was 3.9% (95%CI 0.8–11%) at 3 years age (De Groote 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=142) showed that among children born at a mean GA of 27 weeks, the prevalence of hemiplegia was 5.6% (95%CI 2.5 to 10.8%) at 4 years (Salakorpi 2001).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1455) showed that among children born at gestational age ranging from 30 to 33 weeks the prevalence of hemiplegia ranged from 0.4% to 0.8% (95%CI range 0.01 – 4.1%) at 5 years age (Marret 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=53,078) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of hemiplegia was 1.3 % (95%CI 1–1.6%) at age up to 7 years (Hirvonen 2014). In the same study the prevalence of hemiplegia CP was 0.5% (95%CI 0.4–0.8%) at 32–33 weeks GA, 0.14% (95%CI 0.11–0.19%) at 34–36 weeks GA, and 0.2% (95%CI 0.16–0.25%) at 32–26 weeks GA (Hirvonen 2014).


Low quality evidence from one study (n=104) showed that among children born at 22.3 to 34.9 weeks GA the prevalence of diplegia was 7.2% (95%CI 4.1–11.6%) at 18 months corrected age (Tommiska 2003).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=283) showed that among children born at 22–25 weeks GA the prevalence of diplegia was 9.5% (95%CI 6.4–13.6 %) at median 30 months (Wood 2000). In the same study, the prevalence of severe diplegia was 4.2% (95%CI 2.2–7.3%).

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=167) showed that among children born at 25–32 weeks GA the prevalence of spastic diplegia was 6% (95%CI 2.9–10.7%) at 2 years (corrected age) (Burguet 1999).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=77) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of diparesis was 11.7% (95%CI 5.5–21%) at 3 years age (De Groote 2007).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=155) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of spastic diplegia was 4.5% (95%CI1.8–9.1%) at 2 years (corrected age) (Toome 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=53,078) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of diplegia was 3.4 % (95%CI 2.9–3.8%) at age up to 7 years (Hirvonen 2014). In the same study the prevalence of diplegia CP was 0.7% (95%CI 0.5–0.9%) at 32–33 weeks GA, 0.13% (95%CI 0.10–0.17%) at 34–36 weeks GA, and 0.2% (95%CI 0.17–0.26%) at 32–26 weeks GA (Hirvonen 2014).


Low quality evidence from one study (n=77) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of triparesis was 2.6% (95%CI 0.3–9.1%) at 3 years age (De Groote 2007).

Diplegia or tetraplegia

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=142) showed that among children born at a mean GA of 27 weeks, the prevalence of bilateral spastic CP (diplegia or tetraplegia) was 10.6% (6.0 to 16.8%) at 4 years (Salakorpi 2001).


Low quality evidence from one study (n=104) showed that among children born at 22.3 to 34.9 weeks GA the prevalence of tetraplegia was 1.9% (95%CI 0.5–4.9%) at 18 months corrected age (Tommiska 2003).

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=167) showed that among children born at 25–32 weeks GA the prevalence of tetraplegia was 1.2% (95%CI 0.2–4.3%) at 2 years (corrected age) (Burguet 1999).


Low quality evidence from one study (n=283) showed that among children born at 22–25 weeks GA the prevalence of quadriplegia was 4.2% (95%CI 2.2–7.3 %) at median 30 months (Wood 2000). In the same study, the prevalence of severe quadriplegia was 3.9% (95%CI 2.0–6.9%).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=77) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of quadriplegia was 5.2% (95%CI 1.4–12.8%) at 3 years age (De Groote 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=53,078) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of quadriplegia was 0.6 % (95%CI 0.4–0.8%) at age up to 7 years (Hirvonen 2014). In the same study the prevalence of quadriplegia was 0.2% (95%CI 0.1–0.3%) at 32–33 weeks GA, 0.04% (95%CI 0.02–0.06%) at 34–36 weeks GA, and 0.06% (95%CI 0.04–0.08%) at 32–26 weeks GA (Hirvonen 2014).

Dystonic or athetoid type

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=142) showed that among children born at a mean GA of 27 weeks, the prevalence of dystonic or athetoid CP was 2.8% (95%CI 0.8 to 7.1%) at 4 years (Salakorpi 2001).

Prevalence of cerebral palsy by week of gestational age at birth
Any cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=244) showed that among children born at 23 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was 100% (95%CI 25 to 100%) at 12 months corrected age. However, the prevalence was 19.10% (95%CI 12 to 27.9%) for children who were born at 27 weeks GA (Sutton 1999).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=104) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was 20% (95%CI 0.5 to 71.6%) compared to a prevalence of 10.6% (95%CI 3.6 to 23.10%) in children who were born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at the age of 18 months corrected age (Tommiska 2003).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1954) showed that among children born at 24–25 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was 19.4% (95%CI 10.4 to 31.4%) compared to a prevalence of 4.4% (95%CI 2.9 to 6.6%) in children who were born at 32 weeks GA, assessed at the age of 2 years (Ancel 2006).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1812) showed that among children born at 24–25 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was 18.3% (95%CI 9.5 to 30.4%) compared to a prevalence of 4.1% (95%CI 2.6 to 6.2%) in children who were born at 32 weeks GA, assessed at the age of 5 years (Larroque 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1455) showed that among children born at 30 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was 6.3% (95%CI 3.8 to 9.7%) compared to a prevalence of 3.7% (95%CI 1.2 to 8.4%) in children who were born at 34 weeks GA, assessed at the age of 5 years (Marret 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=6347) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of any CP was 8.7% (95%CI 8.0 to 9.4%) compared to a prevalence of 0.56% (95%CI 0.49 to 0.64%) in children born at 34–36 weeks GA, assessed at up to the age of 7 years (Hirvonen 2014).

Moderate cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 24 weeks the prevalence of moderate CP was 4.1% (95%CI 1.1 to 10.1%) compared to a prevalence of 2% (95%CI 0.7 to 4.6%) in children who were born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years age (Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks the prevalence of moderate CP was 12.5% (95%CI 2.7 to 32.4%) compared to a prevalence of 5.6% (95%CI 2.4 to 10.7%) in children who were born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 6 years age (Marlow 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=306) showed that among children born at 23–25 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate CP was 4.6% (95%CI 1.3 to 11.4%) compared to a prevalence of 2.0% (95%CI 0.4 to 5.7%) in children born at 26–27 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years age (Leversen 2011).

Moderate to severe cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks the prevalence of moderate to severe CP (GMFCS 2–5) was 10.5% (95%CI 2.9 to 24.8%) compared to a prevalence of 6.4% (95%CI 3.7 to 10.2%) in children who were born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years age (Moore 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1455) showed that among children born at 30 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe CP (bilateral spastic CP) was 4.2% (95%CI 2.2 to 7.2%) compared to a prevalence of 1.5% (95%CI 0.2 to 5.3%) in children who were born at 34 weeks GA, assessed at the age of 5 years (Marret 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks the prevalence of moderate to severe CP (ambulatory or non-ambulatory) was 16.7% (95%CI 4.7 to 37.4%) compared to a prevalence of 9.7% (95%CI 5.4 to 15.8%) in children who were born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 6 years age (Marlow 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=6347) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe CP (other types) was 3.5% (95%CI 3.0 to 4.0%) compared to a prevalence of 0.25% (95%CI 0.2 to 0.3%) in children born at 34–36 weeks GA, assessed at up to the age of 7 years (Hirvonen 2014).

Severe cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks the prevalence of severe CP (GMFCS 3–5) was 10.5% (95%CI 2.9 to 24.8%) compared to a prevalence of 4.4% (95%CI 2.2 to 7.7%) in children who were born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years age (Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=306) showed that among children born at 23–25 weeks GA the prevalence of severe CP (GMFCS 4–5) was 9.2% (95%CI 4.1 to 17.3%) compared to a prevalence of 1.3% (95%CI 0.2 to 4.7%) in children born at 26–27 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years age (Leversen 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1455) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks the prevalence of severe CP (non-ambulatory) was 4.2% (95%CI 0.1 to 21.1%) compared to a prevalence of 4.2% (95%CI 1.5 to 8.9%) in children who were born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 6 years age. The prevalence among children born at 24 weeks was higher (11% (95%CI 4.9 to 20.5%) (Marlow 2005).

Prevalence of cerebral palsy using per 1000 or 10,000 live births as denominator
Children born before 28 weeks of gestation
Any cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2858) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the rate of any CP was 112.7 per 1000 survivors (95%CI 50 to 210) (Drummond 2002).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=94,466 live births) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the rate of any CP was 71.4 per 1000 livebirths (95%CI 42 to 112 per 1000 live births) at 4 to 8 years age (Himmelmann 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=46) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the rate of any CP was 72.3 per 1000 live births (95%CI 39 to 120.3 per 1000 live births) at age 4–7 years (Nordmark 2001).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=975) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the rate of any CP in 1992–1994 was 131 per 1000 live births (95% CI 90–183/1000 live births) at age 2 years (confirmed at 3 years age) (Robertson 2007). In the same study, the rate of any CP decreased with the time points (years). From 1995–1997 and 1998–2000, the rate was 69 per 1000 live births (95%CI 41 to 108 per 1000 live births). From 2001–2003 the rate was 19 per 1000 live births (95%CI 6 to 44 per 1000 live births). Over the whole 11 years of the study, the rate was 70 per 1000 live births (95%CI 55 to 88 per 1000 live births) at 2 years age (Robertson 2007).

Severe cerebral palsy

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=975) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the rate of non-ambulatory CP in 1992–1994 was 59 per 1000 live births (95% CI 32–99 per 1000 live births) at age 2 years (confirmed at 3 years age) (Robertson 2007). In the same study, the rate of any CP decreased with the time points in years. From 1995–1997 the rate was 16 per 1000 livebirths (95%CI 5–41 per 1000 livebirths) and from 1998–2000, the rate was 8 per 1000 live births (95%CI 1 to 29 per 1000 live births). From 2001–2003 the rate was 8 per 1000 live births (95%CI 1 to 27 per 1000 live births). Over the whole 11 years of the study, the rate was 22 per 1000 live births (95%CI 13 to 33 per 1000 live births) at 2 years age (Robertson 2007).

Children born between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation
Any cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2858) showed that among children born at 28–32 weeks GA the rate of any CP was 56.3 per 1000 neonatal survivors (95%CI 33 to 90) (Drummond 2002).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=94,466 live births) showed that among children born at 28–32 weeks GA the rate of any CP was 39.6 per 1000 livebirths (95%CI 25 to 59 per 1000 live births) at 4 to 8 years age (Himmelmann 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=46) showed that among children born at 28–31 weeks GA the rate of any CP was 32.2 per 1000 live births (95%CI 18.1 to 52.2 per 1000 live births) at age 4–7 years (Nordmark 2001).

Children born between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation
Any cerebral palsy

Low quality evidence from one study (n=189) showed that among children (1991–1996 cohort in Norway) born at 33–36 weeks GA the rate of any CP was 13.8 per 1000 livebirths at earliest age of 4 years (Andersen 2011). In the same study the prevalence of any CP among children (1991–1998 cohort in Italy) was 8.8 per 1000 livebirths whereas in cohorts from Spain and Ireland the rate was 4 per 1000 livebirths (Andersen 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=2858) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks GA the rate of any CP was 9.6 per 1000 survivors (95%CI 6 to 14) (Drummond 2002).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=94,466 live births) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks GA the rate of any CP was 6.4 per 1000 livebirths (95%CI 4 to 9 per 1000 live births) at 4 to 8 years age (Himmelmann 2014). For children born at <37 weeks GA, the rate of any CP was 13 per 1000 live births (95%CI 10 to 16 per 1000 live births).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=46) showed that among children born at 32–36 weeks GA the rate of any CP was 4.6 per 1000 live births (95%CI 2.7 to 7.3 per 1000 live births) at age 4–7 years (Nordmark 2001).

Children born before 37 weeks of gestation
Diplegia or tetraplegia

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=94,466 live births) showed that among children born at <37 weeks GA the rate of bilateral spastic CP was 7.5 per 1000 livebirths (95%CI 5 to 10 per 1000 live births) at 4 to 8 years age (Himmelmann 2014). Developmental coordination disorder (DCD)

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=298) showed that among children born at 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence of DCD was higher in a cohort born in 1997 (16% (95%CI 10.1 to 23.3)) compared to a cohort born in 1991 (n=298) (10% (95%CI 6.9 to 14.1)) (Roberts 2011).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation

Moderate to low quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 280 to 402) showed that among children at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of DCD or motor delay was 22.3% (95%CI 18.3 to 26.7) at the age of 5 years and 30.7% (95%CI 25.4 to 36.5) at the age of 7–8 years. (de Kleine 2003; Foulder-Hughes 2003).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=168) showed that among children born between 24–31 weeks GA the prevalence of motor deficit was 17.9% (95%CI 12.4 to 24.5) at the age of 5 years (Agerholm 2011). Intellectual disability

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation
Moderate intellectual disability

Moderate to low quality from 4 studies (sample size ranging from 165 to 576) showed that among children born at a range of 23 to 27 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (BSIDIII −2SD to −3SD) ranged from 6.4 (95%CI 4.6 to 8.8) to 24% (95%CI 20 to 29) (Doyle 2011; Moore 2012; Anon 1997; Serenius 2013). One further low quality study (n=77) used the Dutch version of BSIDII, which showed that the prevalence of intellectual disability was 10.4% (95%CI 4.6 to 19.5) (MDI 55–69) (De Groote 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 75 to 1508) showed that among children born at 24–27 weeks GA or <27 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (K-ABC 55–69) was 14.9% (95%CI 10.5 to 20.2) and 10.7% (95%CI 4.7 to 19.9) at 5 years and 7–9 years respectively (Foix-Helias 2008; Stahlmann 2009).

Moderate quality from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (IQ −2 to −3SD on K-ABC, GMDS or NEPSY) was 19.9% (95%CI 15.1 to 25.5) at 6 years (Marlow 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=306) showed that among children born at 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (Full scale IQ WPPSI-R 55–70) was 4.9% (95%CI 2.8 to 8) at 5 years (Leversen 2011). Low quality evidence from one study (n=141) showed that the prevalence (WISC-IV −2SD to −3SD) was 8.5% (95%CI 4.4 to 14.1) in children born in the same gestational age range but assessed at 8 years (Roberts 2010).

Moderate to severe intellectual disability

Moderate to low quality evidence from 5 studies (sample size ranging from 19 to 1508) showed that among children born at GA range 24 to 28 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (MPC <70 or IQ <70 K-ABC) ranged from 17.6% (95%CI 12.8 to 23.2) to 41% (95%CI 18 to 67) at a range of 5–9 years (Beaino 2011; Foix-Helias 2008; Larroque 2008; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010; Stahlmann 2009).

Moderate to low quality evidence from 5 studies (sample size ranging from 77 to 3785) showed that among children born at a GA range 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (BSID <−2SD or MDI <70) ranged from 15.2%(95%CI 10.1 to 21.6) to 39% (95%CI 37 to 41) at 18–36 months (Doyle 2011; Moore 2012; Anon 1997; Vohr 2005; De Groote 2007).

Moderate to low quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 203 to 1455) showed that among children born at 22–27 or <27 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (WPPSI-R IQ <70) was 11.8% (95%CI 6.2 to 19.7) and 5.6% (95%CI 3.3 to 8.8) respectively at 5 years (Mikkola 2005; Leversen 2011).

Low quality from one study (n=141) showed that among children born at 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (WISC-IV IQ <−2SD) was 14.6% (95%CI 9.3 to 21.4) at 8 years corrected age (Roberts 2010). Low quality evidence from one other study showed that the prevalence (using WISC-III <70) in 275 children born at <28 weeks GA was 5.1% (95%CI 2.8 to 8.4) (Anderson 2003).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at <26 weeks the prevalence of intellectual disability (IQ <−2SD [K-ABC, GMDS or NEPSY]) was 40.7% (95%CI 34.4 to 47.2) at 6 years (Marlow 2005).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=244) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (Griffiths <2SD) was 10.4% (95%CI 5.8 to 16.8) at 12 months corrected age (Sutton 1999).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1506) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (verbal, DAS II <=2SD) was 17% (95%CI 14.5 to 19.5) and 15% (95%CI 12.7 to 17.6) for non-verbal reasoning (DAS II <=2SD) at 10 years (Joseph 2016b).

Severe intellectual disability

Moderate quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 75 to 1508) showed that among children born at <27 weeks or 24–27 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (IQ <55, K-ABC) was 14.7% (95% CI 7.6 to 24.7) and 2.7% (95%CI 1 to 5.8) at 5–9 years (Stahlmann 2009; Foix-Helias 2008).

Moderate to low quality evidence from 5 studies (sample size ranging from 77 to 576) showed that among children born at GA range 23 to 27 weeks the prevalence of intellectual disability (BSIDIII <−3SD or MDI <55) ranged from 3.6% (95%CI 1.4 to 7.8) to 18.2% (95%CI 10.3 to 28.6) across the studies (Moore 2012; Anon 1997; De Groote 2007; Serenius 2013; Doyle 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=141) showed that among children born at 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (IQ <−3SD, WISC-IV) was 6.3% (95%CI 2.9 to 11.5) at 8 years corrected age (Roberts 2010).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=306) showed that among children born at 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (IQ <55, WPPSI-R) was 2.9% (95%CI 1.4 to 5.5) at 5 years (Leversen 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (IQ <−3SD, K-ABC, GMDS or NEPSY) was 20.8% (95%CI 15.8 to 26.4) at 6 years (Marlow 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=142) showed that among children born at a mean GA of 27 weeks, the prevalence of intellectual disability (IQ <71 WPPSI) was 4.2% (95%CI 1.6 to 9.0%) At 4 years (Salakorpi 2001).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation
Moderate intellectual disability

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1508) showed that among children born at 28–32 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (MPC 55–69) was 8.7% (95CI 7.2 to 10.4) at 5 years (Foix-Helias 2008). In the same study, the prevalence in children born at 24–32 weeks GA was 9.6% (95%CI 8.2 to 11.2).

Moderate to severe intellectual disability

Moderate to low quality evidence from 4 studies (sample size ranging from 1455 to 1812) showed that among children born at a gestational age range of 28–32 weeks the prevalence of intellectual disability (MPC <70, K-ABC) was similar across the studies (range 8.9% (95%CI 7.3 to 10.7) to 12.1% (95%CI 10 to 14.4)) at 5 years (Beaino 2011; Marret 2007; Foix-Helias 2008; Larroque 2008).

A number of studies reported intellectual disability in children born at <32 weeks of gestation. One study of moderate quality in 3785 children born at 22–32 weeks GA found that the prevalence for intellectual disability (MDI <70, BSIDII) was 33.8% (95%CI 32.3 to 35.4) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005).

Low quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 203 to 259) showed that among children at 23–32 weeks or mean GA 27.3 (2.1) the prevalence of intellectual disability (IQ<70, WISC-IV or DAS, or IQ<70, WPPSI-R) was 15.8% (95%CI 11.6 to 20.9) and 9.4% (95%CI 5.7 to 14.2) respectively at 5 years (Andrews 2008; Mikkola 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 1508 to 1812) showed that among children born at 24–32 weeks and <33 weeks GA the prevalence was the same (11.9% (95%CI 10.3 to 13.7)) at 5 years (Foix-Helias 2008; Larroque 2008).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=402) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA/<1500g the prevalence of intellectual disability (IQ<−2SD, revised Amsterdam Child Intelligence Test) was 6.2% (95%CI 4.1 to 9) at 5 years (de Kleine 2003).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 27–32 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (MDI <70, BSIDII) was 25.9% (95%CI 23.7 to 28.2) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005). Another study reported a prevalence of 17% (95%CI 11 to 24) at <32 weeks GA (Cognitive delay, <2SD BSID) (Toome 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=347) showed that among children born at <33 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (DQ <70, Brunet-Lezine) was 2.3% (95%CI 1 to 4.5) at 2 years (corrected age) (Charkaluk 2010).

Severe intellectual disability

Moderate quality from one study (n=1508) showed that among children born at 28–32 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (MPC <55) was 2.3% (95%CI 1.5 to 3.2) at 5 years (Foix-Helias 2008). In the same study, the prevalence in children born at 24–32 weeks GA was 2.3% (95%CI 1.6 to 3.2).

Children born between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation
Moderate to severe intellectual disability

Low quality evidence from one study (n=646) showed that among children born at 32–34 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (MPC<70) was 7.6% (95%CI 5.7 to 9.9) at 5 years (Marret 2007).

Prevalence of intellectual disability by week of gestational age at birth
Moderate intellectual disability

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate intellectual disability (BSIDII −2 to −3 SD) was 13.2% (95%CI 4.4 to 28.1%) compared to a prevalence of 4.4% (95%CI 2.2 to 7.7%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years age (Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=306) showed that among children born at 23–25 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate intellectual disability (full scale IQ 55–70, WPPSI R) was 6.9% (95%CI 2.6 to 14.4%) compared to a prevalence of 2.6% (95%CI 0.7 to 6.6%) in children born at 26–27 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years age (Leversen 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks GA the prevalence of intellectual disability (IQ −2 to −3 SD, KABC GMDS or NEPSY) was 33.3% (95%CI 15.6 to 55.3%) compared to a prevalence of 18.8% (95%CI 12.7 to 26.1%) in children born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 6 years age (Marlow 2005).

Moderate to severe intellectual disability

Low quality evidence from one study (n=244) showed that among children born at 23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe intellectual disability (major developmental delay, Griffiths <2SD) was 100% (95%CI 25 to 100%) compared to a prevalence of 3.9% (95%CI 0.81 to 11%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 12 months corrected age (Sutton 1999).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe intellectual disability (cognitive impairment BSIDIII ≤−2SD) was 31.6% (17.5 to 48.7%) compared to a prevalence of 12.0% (95%CI 8.2 to 16.6%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1503) showed that among children born at 24–26 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe intellectual disability (MPC<70, KABC) was 15.7% (95%CI 9.2 to 24.2) compared to a prevalence of 8.9% (95%CI 6.2 to 12.0%) in children born at 31–32 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years (Beaino 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=306) showed that among children born at 23–25 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe intellectual disability (full scale IQ <70, WPPSI-R) was 9.2% (95%CI 4.1 to 17.3%) compared to a prevalence of 2.6% (95%CI 0.7 to 6.6%) in children born at 26–27 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years (Leversen 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1534) showed that among children born at 24–25 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe intellectual disability (MPC <70, KABC) was 12.5% (95%CI 4.7 to 25.3%) compared to a prevalence of 10.7% (95%CI 7.5 to 14.6%) in children born at 32 weeks GA. However, the prevalence was higher in children born at 26 weeks GA (prevalence 21.1% (95%CI 11.4 to 33.9%), 27 weeks (prevalence 18.6% (95%CI 12.1 to 26.9%), and 28 weeks GA (prevalence 20.7% (95%CI 14.5 to 28%) (Larroque 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1455) showed that among children born at 30 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe intellectual disability (MPC <70, KABC) was 9.9% (95%CI 6.5 to 14.3%) compared to a prevalence of 5.3% (95%CI 2.0 to 11.2%) in children born at 34 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years (Marret 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe intellectual disability (IQ≤-=2SD, KABC GMDS or NEPSY) was 58.3% (95%CI 36.6 to 77.9%) compared to a prevalence of 35.4% (95%CI 27.6 to 43.8%) in children born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years (Marlow 2005).

Severe intellectual disability

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of severe intellectual disability (cognitive impairment, BSIDIII <−3SD) was 18.4% (95%CI 7.7 to 34.3%) compared to a prevalence of 7.6% (95%CI 4.6 to 11.6%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years age (Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=306) showed that among children born at 23–25 weeks GA the prevalence of severe intellectual disability (full scale IQ <55, WPPSI-R) was 4.6% (95%CI 1.3 to 11.4%) in children born at 26–27 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years age (Leversen 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks GA the prevalence of severe intellectual disability (IQ <−3SD, KABC, GMDS or NEPSY) was 25.0% (95%CI 9.8 to 46.7%) compared to a prevalence of 16.7% (95%CI 11 to 23.8%) in children born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 6 years (Marlow 2005). Specific learning difficulty

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA the prevalence reading impairment (WIAT-II <−2SD) was 30.2% (95%CI 24.1 to 36.9) at the age of 11 years (Johnson 2011). However, in another study of low quality, 275 children who were born at <28 weeks GA had a lower prevalence of reading impairment (WRAT 3 <70) was lower (5.8% (95%CI 3.4 to 9.3)) when assessed at the age of 8 years (Anderson 2003). In the same two studies, there was a higher prevalence of arithmetic impairment (43.7% (95%CI 37 to 50.6)) in children born at <26 weeks GA compared with a prevalence of 6.6% (95%CI 4 to 10.2) in children born at <28 weeks GA (Johnson 2011; Anderson 2003)

Low quality evidence from one study (n=257) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of spelling impairment was 2.5% (95%CI 1 to 5.2) assessed at the age of 8 years (Anderson 2003).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1506) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of academic achievement (WIAT-III <=−2SD) was 14% (95%CI 11.7 to 16.5) for word reading, 16% (95%CI 13.7 to 18.6) for pseudoword decoding, 14% (95%CI 11.7–16.5) for spelling, and 17% (95%CI 14.5 to 19.6) for numeric operations when assessed at the age of 10 years (Joseph 2016b).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=135) showed that among children born at <33 weeks GA the prevalence of delayed numerical skills (TEDI-MATH <40) was 20% (95%CI 13.6 to 27.8) (at the age of 8 years (Kiechl-Kohlendorfer 2013). Speech and/or language disorder

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation
Moderate and severe speech and/or language disorder

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=456) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate language impairment (−2 to −3SD BSIDIII) was 9.4% (95%CI 6.7 to 12.7) (Serenius 2013).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate communication impairment (−2SD to −3SD BSIDIII) was 5.4% (95%CI 3.7 to 7.6) at 3 years age (Moore 2012). In the same study, there was a prevalence of 11.6% (95%CI 9.1 to 14.5) in children with moderate to severe impairment (<=2SD BSIDIII).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=283) showed that among children born at 22–25 weeks GA the prevalence of severe speech/communication impairment ranged from 1.10% to 5.3% depending on whether they could communicate by a systemised method or not at 30 months (median) (Wood 2000).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at <=25+6 weeks GA the prevalence for total severe impairment (PLS <2SD) was 15.6% (95%CI 10.8 to 21.4) at a median age of 6 years (Wolke 2008). However, the prevalence of severe communication impairment and severe language impairment in children (sample size ranging from 456 to 576) born at <27 weeks was lower in two studies of moderate to low quality (6.30% (95%CI 4.4 to 8.6) and 6.60% (95%CI 4.4 to 9.5) respectively) at the age of 2.5 to 3 years age (Serenius 2013; Moore 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate communication impairment (−2 to −3 SD BSID III) was 10.5% (95%CI 2.3 to 24.8) compared to 4.4% (95%CI 2.2 to 7.7) at 26 weeks GA (at the age of 3 years). A similar trend was observed when severe communication impairment was assessed (<−3SD BSIDIII), with prevalence increasing with decreasing gestational age by week. At 22–23 weeks GA, the prevalence was 15.8% (95%CI 6 to 31.3) (Moore 2012) compared to the prevalence at 26 weeks GA, which was 4% (95%CI 1.9 to 7.2) (Moore 2012).

For moderate to severe impairment, there was a similar trend, prevalence in the 22–23 GA group was 26.5% (95%CI 13.4 to 43.1) compared to 8.4% (95% CI 5.3 to 12.5) in the 26 weeks GA group (Moore 2012).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=155) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate language delay (<2SD BSIDIII) was 33% (95%CI 26 to 41) at 2 years (corrected age) (Toome 2012).

Prevalence of speech and language disorder by week of gestation at birth
Moderate speech and language disorder

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate speech/language disability (communication impairment, BSIDII −2 to −3 SD) was 10.5% (95%CI 2.9 to 24.8%) compared to a prevalence of 4.4% (95%CI 2.2 to 7.7%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Moderate to severe speech and language disorder

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe speech/language disability (communication impairment, BSIDII ≤−2 SD) was 26.3% (95%CI 13.4 to 43.1%) compared to a prevalence of 8.4% (95%CI 5.3 to 12.5%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Severe speech and language disorder

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of severe speech/language disability (communication impairment, BSIDII <−3 SD) was 15.8% (95%CI 6.0 to 31.3%) compared to a prevalence of 4.0% (95%CI 1.9 to 7.2%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years (Moore 2012). Mental and behavioural disorders

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA the prevalence of emotional disorder (any) was highest among 11 year olds (9% (95%CI 5.4 to 13.6)), compared to conduct disorder (any), oppositional defiant disorder (5.5% (95%CI 2.9 to 9.4) and 5% (95%CI 2.5 to 8.8)), specific phobia (2.5% (95%CI 0.8 to 5.7)), or a number of disorders including specific phobia or social phobia, PTSD, generalised anxiety, disorder, childhood emotional disorder, and major depression (prevalence range from 0.5%(95%CI 0.01 to 2.8) to 2% (95%CI 0.5 to 5)) (DAWBA, Johnson 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=205) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of anxiety/mood disorder was highest (21% (95%CI 15.6 to 27.2)) in adolescents compared to mood disorder (16.1% (95%CI 11.4 to 22)), major depressive disorder (13.7% (95%CI 9.3 to 19.1)), anxiety disorder (BAI/CESD-R) (11.2% (95%CI 7.3 to 16.4)), co-morbid disorder (6.3% (95%CI 3.4 to 10.6)) and obsessive compulsive disorder (2% (95%CI 0.5 to 5)) (DSM-IV axis I, Burnett 2014). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from one study (n=219) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA the prevalence of ASD (any) was 8% (95%CI 4.6 to 12.6) at the age of 11 years. In the same study, the prevalence of autistic disorder was 6.5% (95%CI 3.5 to 10.8) and for atypical autism, the prevalence was 1.5% (95%CI 0.3 to 4.3) (Johnson 2010).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=857) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of ASD (ADI-R and ADOS−2) was 9.2% (95%CI 7.4 to 11.4%) and 7.1% (95%CI 5.5 to 9.0) respectively at 10 years age (Joseph 2016a). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation

Low quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 205 to 219) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA and x adolescents born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of ADHD (including any type, DAWBA or ChIPs) was 11.5% (95%CI 7.3 to 17) at the age of 11 years and 14.6% (95%CI 10 to 20.2) at the age of 18 years respectively. In the same two studies, the prevalence of ADHD (combined) was 4.4% (95%CI 1.9 to 8.4) and 3.4% (95% CI 1.4 to 7) respectively at the ages of 11 years and at 18 years. Prevalence of ADHD (inattentive) in the two studies was 10.7% (95%CI 6.9 to 16) at the age of 11 years and 7.1% (95%CI 3.8 to 11.8) at the age of 18 years (Johnson 2010; Burnett 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study of (n=205) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA the prevalence of ADHD (hyperactive/impulsive, ChIPs) was 0.5% (95%CI 0.01 to 2.7) at the age of 18 years (Burnett 2014). Vision impairment

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=456) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (any) was 3.7% (95%CI 2.2 to 5.9) at 2.5 years corrected age (Serenius 2013).

Moderate vision impairment

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (impaired but not blind) was 4.6% (95%CI 2.3 to 8) at 6 years age (Marlow 2005).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (functionally impaired vision) was 5.9% (95%CI 4.1 to 8;2) at 3 years age (Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=456) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (moderate impairment) was 2.9% (95% CI 1.5 to 4.8) at 2.5 years corrected age (Serenius 2013).

Moderate to severe vision impairment

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 22–26 weeks GA the prevalence of unilateral blindness was 2.7% (95%CI 2 to 3.4) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=242) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe visual deficiency (<3/10, one or both eyes) was 7% (95%CI 4.1 to 11) at 5 years age (Larroque 2008).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (impaired or blind) was 7.1% (95%CI 4.2 to 11.1) at 6 years age (Marlow 2005).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of impaired vision (blind or functionally impaired) was 6.9% (95%CI 5 to 9.3) at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=77) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (little useful vision) was 9.1% (95%CI 3.7 to 17.8) at 3 years age (De Groote 2007).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=88) showed that among children born at <28 weeks the prevalence of severe visual impairment (uni- or bilateral blindness or visual acuity <20/200 without glasses in at least one eye) was 12.5% (95%CI 6.4 to 21.3) at 11 years (Farooqi 2011).

Moderate quality evidence from two studies (n=306) showed that among children born at either 22–27 weeks GA or 23–25 weeks the prevalence for severe visual impairment was 0.3% (95%CI 0.01 to 1.8) and 1.2% (95%CI 0.03 to 6.2) respectively at 5 years (Leversen 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=283) showed that among children born at 22–25 weeks GA the prevalence of severe visual impairment (blind or perceives light) was 2.5% (95%CI 1 to 5) at 30 months (median) (Wood 2000).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=411) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (blind or able to only fixate and follow light binocularly) was 3.1% (95%CI 1.6 to 5.3) at 30 months corrected age (Holmstrom 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=77) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (no useful vision) was 2.6% (95%CI 0.9 to 9.1) at 3 years age (De Groote 2007).

Low quality evidence from two studies (sample size ranging from 189 to 219) showed that among children born at 23–27 weeks GA and 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence for blindness (<6/60 in both eyes) was 2.3% (95%CI 0.8 to 5.3) and 1.6% (95%CI 0.3 to 4.6) at 2 years and 8 years (corrected) respectively (Anon 1997; Anderson 2011).

Moderate to low quality evidence from three separate studies (sample size ranging from 306 to 373) showed that among children born at 22–27 weeks GA and also 23–25 weeks GA the prevalence for blindness was varied, ranging from 5.8% (95%CI 1.9 to 12.9) in the lower GA group (Leversen 2011), and 1.6% (95%CI ranged from 0.5 to 3.8) in the two 22–27 GA groups (Leversen 2010; Leversen 2011).

Moderate to very low quality evidence from 8 studies (sample size ranging from 19 to 3785) showed that among children born at various gestational ages (ranging from <26 weeks to <28 weeks) the prevalence of blindness was varied, ranging from 0.9% (95%CI 0.24 to 2.3) to 11% (95%CI 1.3 to 33) (Vohr 2005; Roberts 2010; Marlow 2005; Moore 2012; Hutchinson 2013; Serenius 2013; Anderson 2003; Rieger-Fackeldey 2010).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1506) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of severe visual impairment (functional blindness) was 0.8% (95%CI 0.3 to 1.7) at 10 years (Joseph 2016b).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation
Moderate to severe vision impairment

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1455) showed that among children born at 30–31 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (visual acuity <3/10 in both eyes) was 1.5% (95%CI 0.7 to 2.8) at 5 years (Marret 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 27–32 weeks GA found that the prevalence of visual impairment (unilateral blindness) was 1.3% (95%CI 0.8 to 2) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=971) showed that among children born at 28–31 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe visual deficiency (<3/10 in one or both eyes) was 2.1% (95%CI 1.3 to 3.2) at 5 years age (Larroque 2008).

Children born before 32 weeks of gestation

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 22–32 weeks GA the prevalence of unilateral blindness was 2.1% (95%CI 1.7 to 2.6) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1697) showed that among children born at <33 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe visual deficiency (<3/10 in one or both eyes) was 2% (95%CI 1.4 to 2.8) at 5 years (Larroque 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=93) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (worst eye blind or able to fixate torch) was 2.2% (95%CI 0.3 to 7.6) at 2.5 years corrected age (Hreinsdottir 2013).

Low quality evidence from one study with (n=155) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA found that the prevalence of visual impairment (moderately reduced/blindness) was 0.64% (95%CI 0.02 to 3.5) at 2 years (corrected age) (Toome 2012).

Severe vision impairment

Moderate quality evidence from on study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 27–32 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (bilateral blindness) was 0.7% (95%CI 0.3 to 1.2) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005). In the same study, the prevalence of bilateral blindness in children born at 22–32 weeks GA was 1.2% (95%CI 0.9 to 1.6) (Vohr 2005).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=93) showed that among children born at <32 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (best eye blind or only able to fixate a torch) was 1.1% (95%CI 0.03 to 5.9) at 2.5 years corrected age (Hreinsdottir 2013).

Children born between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation
Moderate to severe vision impairment

Low quality evidence from on study (n=1455) showed that among children born at 32–24 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (visual acuity <3/10 in both eyes) was 1.7% (95%CI 0.9 to 3) at 5 years age (Marret 2007).

Prevalence of vision impairment by week of gestation at birth
Moderate vision impairment

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate visual impairment (functionally impaired vision) was 15.8% (95%CI 6.0 to 31.3%) compared to a prevalence of 3.2% (95%CI 1.4 to 6.2%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate visual impairment (visually impaired, not blind) was 8.3% (95%CI 1.0 to 27.0%) compared to a prevalence of 2.8% (95%CI 0.8 to 7.0%) in children born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 6 years age (Marlow 2005).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=494) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (any; best estimated visual acuity <20/40) was 23.8% (95%CI 12 to 40) compared to a prevalence of 13.4% (95%CI 6.9 to 22.7) at 24 weeks GA, prevalence of 7% (95%CI 3.4 to 12.6) at 25 weeks GA, and a prevalence of 5.1% (95%CI 2.1-1-.2) at 26 weeks GA (Hellgren 2016).

Moderate to severe vision impairment

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe visual impairment (functionally impaired vision) was 18.4% (95%CI 7.7 to 34.3%) compared to a prevalence of 4.4% (95%CI 2.2 to 7.7%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Low quality evidence from on study (n=1455) showed that among children born at 30 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe visual impairment (visual acuity <3/10 in both eyes) was 0.7% (95%CI 0.1 to 2.6) compared to a prevalence of 0.8% (95%CI 0.02 to 4.1%) in children born at 34 weeks GA. The prevalence was higher at GA 31 weeks (2.2% (95%CI 0.8 to 4.3%), and 33 weeks GA (2.3% (95%CI 0.5 to 6.5%), assessed at 5 years age (Marret 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1817) showed that among children born at 24–25 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe visual impairment (<3/10 one or both eyes) was 9.3% (95%CI 3.1 to 20.3%) compared to a prevalence of 1.9% (95%CI 0.9 to 3.5%) in children born at 32 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years age (Larroque 2008).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe visual impairment (visually impaired, or blind) was 16.7% (95%CI 4.7 to 37.4%) compared to a prevalence of 3.5% (95%CI 1.1 to 7.9%) in children born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 6 years age (Marlow 2005).

Severe vision impairment

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=411) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of severe visual impairment (blind or able to only fixate and follow light binocularly) was 4.8% (95%CI 0.6 to 16.2%) compared to a prevalence of 1.4% (95%CI 0.2 to 4.8%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 30 months corrected age (Holmstrom 2014).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of visual impairment (blindness) was 2.6% (95%CI 0.1 to 13.8%) compared to a prevalence of 1.2% (95%CI 0.3 to 3.5%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks GA the prevalence of severe visual impairment (blindness) was 8.3% (95%CI 1.0 to 27.0%) compared to a prevalence of 0.7% (95%CI 0.02 to 3.8%) in children born at 25 weeks GA assessed at 6 years age (Marlow 2005).

Prevalence of vision impairment using per 1000 or 10,000 live births as denominator
Children born before 28 weeks of gestation

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=1954) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe visual impairment (<=6/18 in better eye or worse) was 182.5 cases per 10,000 livebirths (95%CI 102.5 to 299.1) at 12 years (Bodeau-Livinec 2007).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=1954) showed that among children born at 29–32 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe vision impairment (<=6/18 in better eye or worse) was 37.1 cases per 10,000 livebirths (95%CI 14.9 to 76.2)at 12 years age (Bodeau-Livinec 2007).

Children born between 32 and 36 weeks of gestation

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=1954) showed that among children born at 33–36 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe vision impairment (<=6/18 in better eye or worse) was 27 cases per 10,000 livebirths (95%CI 17.3 to 40.1) at 12 years age (Bodeau-Livinec 2007). Hearing impairment

Children born before 28 weeks of gestation
Moderate hearing impairment

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at <26 weeks GA, the prevalence of hearing loss (corrected with hearing aids) was 2.9% (95%CI 1.2 to 5.9) when assessed at 6 years age (Marlow 2005).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of hearing loss (improved by aids) was 5.2% (95%CI 3.5 to 7.4) when assessed at 3 years age (Moore 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=77) showed that among children born at < 27 weeks GA the prevalence of hearing impairment (but useful hearing) was 3.9% (95%CI 0.8 to 11) (De Groote 2007).

Moderate to severe hearing impairment

Low quality evidence from one study (n=141) showed that among children born at 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence of hearing impairment was 2.1% (95%CI 0.4 to 6) at 8 years corrected age (Roberts 2010).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at <26 weeks the prevalence of moderate to severe hearing impairment was 5.8% (95%CI 3.2 to 9.6) at 6 years (Marlow 2005). In another study of low quality with 576 children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence for severe hearing impairment was 5.4% (95%CI 3.7 to 7.6) at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=19) showed that among children born at mean 25.4 weeks GA the prevalence of hearing impairment (requiring hearing aid) was 11% (95%CI 1.3 to 33) at 5 years age (Rieger-Fackeldey 2010). Ten other studies (sample size ranging from 77 to 3785) of moderate to very low quality assessing hearing impairment or deafness (requiring hearing aids) in children born at a range of 22–28 weeks GA found that the prevalence was lower but varied, ranging from 0.7% (95%CI 0.14 to 2) to 5.7% (95%CI 1.9 to 12.8) (Farooqi 2011; Leversen 2011; Vohr 2005; Doyle 2011; Anderson 2011; De Groote 2007; Hutchinson 2013; Wood 2000; Serenius 2013; Anderson 2003).

Severe hearing impairment

Low quality evidence from one study (n=283) showed that among children born at 22–25 weeks GA the prevalence of severe hearing impairment (uncorrected without hearing aid) was 5.3% (95%CI 3.0 to 8.6) at 30 months (median) (Wood 2000).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=373) showed that among children born at 22–27 weeks GA the prevalence of deafness was 0.8% (95%CI 0.1 to 2.7) at 2 years (corrected age) (Leversen 2010). In another study (n=401) of low quality, the prevalence of deafness was 0.9% (95%CI 0.1 to 3.3) in children assessed at 2 years (Anon 1997). Prevalence of deafness was 0.2% (95%CI 0.01 to 1.2) in children (n=456) born at <27 weeks GA (moderate quality, Serenius 2013). At 5 years age, the prevalence of deafness was 1.0% (95%CI 0.2 to 2.8) in children (n=306) born at 22–27 weeks GA (moderate quality study, Leversen 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=261) showed that among children born at <28 weeks GA the prevalence of severe hearing deficiency (>70 decibels in one or both ears or hearing aid) was 0.8% (95%CI 0.1 to 2.7) at 5 years age (Larroque 2008).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at <27 weeks GA the prevalence of profound sensorineural hearing loss (not improved by aids) was 0.2% (95%CI 0.1 to 1) at 3 years age (Moore 2012). In another moderate quality study (n=241) children born at <26 weeks GA found that the prevalence of profound sensorineural hearing loss was 2.9% (95%CI 1.2 to 5.9) at 6 years age (Marlow 2005).

Children born between 28 and 31 weeks of gestation
Moderate to severe hearing impairment

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=3785) showed that among children born at 27–32 weeks GA the prevalence of permanent hearing loss (amplification in both ears) was 1.4% (95%CI 0.9 to 2.1) at 18–22 months corrected age (Vohr 2005).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1455) showed that among children born at 30–31 weeks GA the prevalence for hearing loss >70 decibels was 0.30% (95%CI 0.04 to 1.1) at 5 years (Marret 2007).

Severe hearing impairment

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1020) showed that among children born at 28–31 weeks GA the prevalence for severe hearing deficiency (>70 decibels in one or both ears or hearing loss) was 0.5% (95%CI 0.2 to 1.1) at 5 years age (Larroque 2008).

Prevalence of hearing impairment by week of gestation at birth
Moderate hearing impairment

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate hearing impairment (hearing loss improved by aids) was 5.3% (95%CI 0.6 to 17.8%) compared to a prevalence of 5.2% (95%CI 2.8 to 8.7%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at 24 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate hearing impairment was 2.7 (95%CI 0.3 to 9.6%) compared to a prevalence of 3.5% (95%CI 1.1 to 7.9%) in children born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 6 years (Marlow 2005).

Moderate to severe hearing impairment

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate hearing impairment (hearing loss improved by aids) was 7.9% (95%CI 1.7 to 21%) compared to a prevalence of 5.2% (95%CI 2.8 to 8.7%) in children born at 26 weeks GA, assessed at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=306) showed that among children born at 23–25 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe hearing impairment (hearing aid in both ears) was 2.3% (0.3 to 8.1%) compared to a prevalence of 1.3% (95%CI 0.2 to 4.7%) in children born at 26–27 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years (Leversen 2011).

Low quality evidence from one study (n=1455) showed that among children born at 30 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe hearing impairment (hearing loss >70 decibels or aids in one or both ears) was 0.3% (95%CI 0.01 to 1.9%) compared to a prevalence of 1.5% (95%CI 0.2 to 5.3%) in children born at 34 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years (Marret 2007).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks GA the prevalence of moderate to severe hearing impairment was 4.2% (95%CI 0.1 to 21.1%) compared to a prevalence of 4.9% (95%CI 2.0 to 9.8%) in children born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 6 years (Marlow 2005).

Severe hearing impairment

Low quality evidence from one study (n=576) showed that among children born at 22–23 weeks GA the prevalence of severe hearing impairment (profound sensorineural hearing loss not improved by aids) was 2.6% (95%CI 0.1 to 13.8%), assessed at 3 years (Moore 2012).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=1817) showed that among children born at 24–25 weeks GA the prevalence of severe hearing impairment (>70 decibels in one or both ears or hearing aid) was 1.7% (95%CI 0.04 to 9.2%) compared to a prevalence of 0.2% (95%CI 0.01 to 1.1%) in children born at 32 weeks GA, assessed at 5 years (Larroque 2008).

Moderate quality evidence from one study (n=241) showed that among children born at ≤23 weeks GA the prevalence of severe hearing impairment (profound sensorineural hearing loss) was 4.2% (95%CI 0.1 to 21.1%) compared to a prevalence of 1.4% (95%CI 0.1 to 4.9%) in children born at 25 weeks GA, assessed at 6 years (Marlow 2005).

4.6. Evidence to recommendations

4.6.1. Relative value placed on the outcomes considered

The Committee prioritised the following developmental outcomes: cerebral palsy, intellectual disability or global developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, motor problems, speech, language and communication problems, executive function problems, and special educational needs.

These developmental disorders and problems were prioritised as they were considered to cause most concern among parents and carers and early identification and follow-up of these conditions have the greatest potential, once detected early and signposted to the appropriate services, to improve the outcomes for the child and family. These were also considered critical outcomes for which standardisation of clinical practice are needed, in view of significant variations in follow-up measuring these outcomes across the UK.

Other important outcomes considered in the reviews were: specific learning difficulty, developmental coordination disorder, mental disorders, social, emotional and behavioural problems, attention problems, visual impairment, hearing impairment, functional problems with feeding or eating, sleeping, and toileting, sensory sensitivity, problems specific to infancy including excessive crying, and irritability and poor self-regulation.

4.6.2. Consideration of clinical benefits and harms

Knowledge of risk factors for different development disorders and problems enables health care professionals to effectively identify babies and children born prematurely who are more likely to experience a developmental disorder or problems, and prioritise surveillance services accordingly. The Committee agreed that it was important to assess independent risk factors associated with each developmental disorder and problem, but appreciated that there was high degree of comorbidity in clinical practice and risk factors may not present independently.

The Committee recognised that while there was a large amount of evidence identified by the evidence review, there were several gaps in the evidence. These gaps included outcomes of interest, risk factors of interest, stratification by different gestational ages as well as the different ages at assessment. The gaps in evidence were due to both actual gaps in existing evidence and the relatively strict inclusion and exclusion criteria set out in the review protocol (Appendix D:). The recommendations should therefore be considered in the light of this absence of evidence. For example, if the only evidence found was among children born before 28 weeks’ gestation, it does not necessarily mean children born at a more mature gestational age would not be at an increased risk of that outcome but rather that there is uncertainty due to the absence of evidence.

When deliberating about the evidence pertaining to risk factors and their associations with different disorders and problems, the Committee discussed:

  • the magnitude of the risk estimate and whether the evidence from different studies reported, or largely reported, consistent findings regarding the direction of effect
  • whether the evidence available was applicable to the UK setting
  • circumstances where the study findings were inconsistent but conclusions could be drawn from well-conducted studies with robust findings
  • circumstances where uncertainty remained after assessing the variations and heterogeneity across studies and no conclusions or recommendations could be made.

Specific developmental outcomes are discussed in the following sections along with the conclusions that the Committee reached when forming their recommendations.

While the evidence shows that children born preterm are at an increased risk of various developmental problems and disorders compared to their term born peers, the committee recognised that majority of the children born preterm will have good developmental outcomes (see section

Cerebral palsy

The Committee agreed that the evidence showed clearly that children born preterm were at an increased risk of cerebral palsy compared to children born at term. There was also clear evidence showing that the prevalence of cerebral palsy increased by decreasing gestational age with children born extremely preterm having a much higher prevalence of cerebral palsy compared to children born at later gestational ages.

In addition to gestational age at birth within the preterm population, the Committee considered the evidence on the association between cerebral palsy and different biological, neonatal, social, maternal and environmental risk factors.

The Committee concluded that evidence from several studies clearly indicated that grade 3 and 4 intraventricular haemorrhage and cystic periventricular leukomalacia were independent risk factors for cerebral palsy.

Regarding neonatal sepsis, the evidence largely showed an association between sepsis and cerebral palsy. There was some discrepancy in the evidence, which could be explained by sepsis being defined differently across the studies. The Committee agreed that culture-positive sepsis was shown to be an independent risk factor for cerebral palsy in children born preterm.

Evidence on the association between necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) and cerebral palsy was mixed. The Committee discussed that even though two publications showed an increased risk of cerebral palsy in the presence of NEC, the definition of NEC varied across studies and the evidence was too mixed for the Committee to confidently make a recommendation.

Regarding exposure to antenatal steroids, the evidence showed a largely protective effect of antenatal steroids on cerebral palsy even though not all effect estimates reached statistical significance. The Committee agreed that exposure to antenatal steroids was protective against cerebral palsy. The Committee was also aware that new evidence published after the re-run searches for the reviews showed a dose-dependent protective effect against neurodevelopmental impairment in children born extremely preterm which supports the recommendation made (Chawla 2016).

The Committee agreed that evidence on the association between postnatal steroid exposure and cerebral palsy was mixed or lacked statistical power. The Committee agreed that when considering postnatal steroid exposure, the dose and the duration of the steroids were important factors to consider. However, much of the evidence did not differentiate between doses and durations. One study reported stratified results in relation to the duration of administration of postnatal steroids and the results indicated long duration (>=57 days) increased the risk of cerebral palsy whereas shorter duration had no effect. However, in three studies where dosage or duration of steroid course was not specified, a significantly increased risk of cerebral palsy was shown. Two other studies also showed similar tendency even though they did not reach statistical significance. Based on these evidence, the Committee concluded that exposure to postnatal steroids increased the risk of cerebral palsy in children born preterm.

Regarding bronchopulmonary dysplasia, defined as requiring oxygen at 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age, the Committee concluded that the evidence did not show an association with cerebral palsy. However, evidence from one large study showed a significantly increased risk of cerebral palsy (quadriparesis, diparesis) when the baby had bronchopulmonary dysplasia with need for continued mechanical ventilation at 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age.

The Committee noted that it is known that there is a link between chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy in the general population. However, the evidence among children born preterm did not show such an association. Evidence came from two studies, one of which showed no significant association between chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy and the other showed a reduced risk of cerebral palsy in children born preterm with exposure to chorioamnionitis.

Although one study showed an increased risk of cerebral palsy among boys born preterm compared to girls, other studies did not find an association, therefore, no conclusions could be made.

Similarly, the evidence was mixed regarding being born small for gestational age and its link with cerebral palsy in children born preterm and no definite conclusion could be made.

The Committee discussed that generally, multiple pregnancy and young maternal age would be risk factors for cerebral palsy in preterm children, however, there was no clear evidence linking maternal age or multiple pregnancy to cerebral palsy.

Motor problems

Based on the evidence from three studies, the Committee concluded that children born preterm were at an increased risk of fine motor problems. The Committee discussed that the reason why one study did not find an association with preterm birth and fine motor problems could be due to the study population (the study excluded all children who needed tertiary care as neonates) as well the assessment method (such as the tool) and different cut-offs used. The assessment in this study was one-to-one with the child by a professional whereas the other studies relied on assessments completed by parents. The Committee noted that the proportion of children identified with problems using screening tools was typically higher than the proportion of children identified with problems using diagnostic assessments.

The Committee discussed the evidence on gross motor problems and concluded that children born before 32 weeks’ gestation were at an increased risk of gross motor delay, as demonstrated in the evidence from several studies. The evidence among children born moderate to late preterm (32 to 36 weeks of gestation) did not reach statistical significance. The Committee concluded that the evidence showing an increased risk of delayed motor development among children born preterm supported the recommendations made on fine motor and gross motor problems.

Even though No evidence was identified looking at the association between gestational age and developmental coordination disorder (DCD), there was some evidence that the prevalence of DCD is higher among children born preterm than children born at term. The prevalence of DCD among children born preterm ranged from 10% to 30%, which the Committee considered to be higher than what is typically observed in the general population according to their clinical knowledge and expertise.

The Committee reviewed the evidence on the relationship between brain lesions and motor delay, and concluded from 2 studies an increased risk of psychomotor developmental impairment (PDI <70) in children born preterm with grade 3–4 IVH. In an additional paper, a grade 3–4 IVH was significantly associated with overall neurodevelopmental impairment (defined as cerebral palsy, MDI<70, bilateral blindness or hearing impairment) but not with PDI <70 alone.

The Committee discussed the association between necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) and motor problems and concluded that there was evidence showing that preterm children with NEC requiring surgical treatment were at an increased risk of motor problems. The Committee discussed how the evidence on medically managed NEC did not show a clear association, thus, only the more severe form of NEC seemed to be associated with later motor delay.

The Committee discussed how the relationship between neonatal sepsis and motor delay depended on the definition and measurement of sepsis. The Committee noted that a diagnosis of sepsis could be made by clinical symptoms and signs augmented by culture positivity (blood, urine, or cerebrospinal fluid) requiring antibiotic treatment. The Committee agreed that the evidence available showed that children born extremely preterm with neonatal sepsis that was proven by culture and was treated with antibiotics for five or more days were at an increased risk of motor problems.

The evidence on the relationship between retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and motor problems came from one study which looked at different levels of ROP and their associations with motor problems. The Committee discussed how even though the findings were mixed since the association between motor problems and some types of ROP did not reach statistical significance, there was indication that at least more severe levels of ROP were associated with motor problems.

The Committee discussed the evidence on antenatal exposure to steroids and its association with motor delay. Evidence was mixed with two studies showing a decreased risk of motor delay among very preterm children exposed to antenatal steroids while two studies found no significant association and one study found an increased risk of motor delay. The Committee discussed the discrepancy between the findings and noted that in the study that showed decreased risk of motor delay, highly intensive treatment was given to the children included. This could have potentially decreased the risk of motor delay independent of exposure to antenatal steroids. The Committee also discussed why the one study found an increased risk contrary to the other evidence available but could not find a reasonable explanation. The Committee discussed how generally it was thought that antenatal steroids were protective of developmental problems. In addition, the Committee were aware of a 2006 Cochrane review of randomized controlled trials that reported that antenatal steroids had a protective effect on developmental problems. This was not considered in the evidence review because randomised controlled trials were not included. Therefore, due to conflicting and unclear evidence, no conclusion could be made.

The evidence on postnatal exposure to steroids and its association with motor problems was scarce. The population in a study showing an increased risk of motor problems in the presence of exposure to postnatal steroids was considered to be somewhat selective since it only included children treated in neonatal units of a research network. Therefore, the Committee did not feel this was strong enough to make a recommendation. The Committee recognised that this was an area that was rapidly changing and further evidence was needed to draw conclusions.

The available evidence did not show a clear association between bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and motor problems, therefore, the Committee agreed that they were unable to make a recommendation.

The Committee discussed the evidence on motor delay in relation to the child’s sex, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, being born small for gestational age and maternal cocaine use but due to the limited evidence with mainly non-significant results and the low quality of the evidence that was available, the Committee decided that no conclusion could be made on the associations between those risk factors and motor problems.

Developmental delay

Evidence from 5 studies was available on the association between gestational age and global developmental delay. Two studies found an increased risk of developmental delay (identified using screening tools) in children born before 32 weeks’ gestation and one study in children with very low birth weight children (mean gestational age 28.4 weeks). Evidence for an increased risk for developmental delay following late and moderate preterm birth was mixed. A UK study of children born 32 to 36 weeks’ gestation found a clear association between late and moderate preterm birth and developmental delay, however two other studies did not find a statistically significant association. These three studies used different assessment tools and employed different inclusion criteria for the term-born comparison group which made it difficult to directly compare the results. Despite conflicting evidence among children born moderate to late preterm, the Committee concluded that children born preterm appeared to be at increased risk of developmental delay.

No evidence was identified regarding the association between brain abnormalities and developmental delay. The Committee found this to be an unusual finding since there was clear evidence for the association between brain abnormalities and both intellectual disability and cerebral palsy.

The evidence on the association between being born SGA and developmental delay among preterm children was scarce. However, the Committee agreed that the evidence showed that being born SGA was an independent risk factor for developmental delay in children born preterm. The same study also showed an association between multiple birth and developmental delay.

Regarding developmental delay in relation to other biological and social factors, they concluded that evidence from 2 studies showed boys born preterm were at an increased risk of developmental delay. Evidence from a UK study showed that children of non-white ethnicity and children from families with lower socioeconomic status who were born preterm were at an increased risk of developmental problems. The Committee discussed how these data were only among children born moderate to late preterm but concluded that it was appropriate to extrapolate these findings to children born at earlier gestational ages.

Intellectual disability

Evidence from several studies showed an increased risk in intellectual disability in children born preterm compared to children born at term. Furthermore, the evidence showed that prevalence of intellectual disability increased with decreasing gestation age at birth.

The Committee agreed that regarding the association between being born SGA and intellectual disability among children born preterm the evidence was mixed. It was noted that one study found no association between SGA and intellectual disability among children born between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation, however, the same publication reported a significant association between SGA and those born between 29 and 32 weeks of gestation. The Committee discussed that this may indicate that being born extremely pretermwas in itself such a severe risk factor for intellectual disability that being born SGA did not increase the risk additionally. In another publication with the same cohort, when the analysis was broken down by the severity of intellectual disability, it was found that SGA significantly increased the risk of severe intellectual disability among those born between 24 and 32 weeks of gestation. Acknowledging the limitations in evidence from subgroup analyses as such, and considering the evidence from another study that showed positive association between SGA and intellectual disability among those born at less than 27 weeks of gestation, the Committee considered SGA to be a risk factor for intellectual disability among those born at 24 to 32 weeks of gestation.

Regarding brain abnormalities and its association with intellectual disability among children born preterm, the evidence was mixed. The Committee noted that the types and severity of brain abnormalities considered in the different studies varied and intellectual disability was measured differently across the studies. However, the Committee concluded that there was enough evidence to show that more severe brain abnormalities, or more precisely grade 3 and 4 intraventricular haemorrhage and cystic periventricular leukomalacia, were associated with an IQ score less than 70 points regardless of the test. This was found in 6 studies, however, some of these findings did not reach statistical significance.

Evidence regarding neonatal sepsis proven by culture among children preterm (less than 28 weeks’ gestation) from 3 studies showed an increased risk of intellectual disability. Therefore, the Committee concluded that neonatal culture-positive sepsis increases the risk of intellectual disability among children born less than 28 weeks’ gestation. Evidence among children born at later gestational ages was not available.

Evidence regarding the association between necrotising enterocolitis and intellectual disability among children born preterm was mixed. However, when looking at the more severe form of necrotising enterocolitis (grade II or more, requiring surgery, or perforated) the evidence clearly showed an increased risk of intellectual disability whereas medically managed necrotising enterocolitis or non-specified necrotising enterocolitis showed no association. Therefore, the Committee concluded that necrotising enterocolitis requiring surgery was an independent risk factor for intellectual disability among children born before 32 weeks of gestation. Evidence among children born at later gestational ages was not available.

Although findings were mixed, the Committee considered postnatal steroids to be an independent risk factor for intellectual disability. It was noted that the study that did not find a statistically significant association between postnatal steroids and intellectual disability had a selected population since children with cerebral palsy were excluded from the study. However, cerebral palsy and intellectual disability were closely associated. Therefore, the other studies that reported a significantly increased risk in intellectual disability in those who were exposed to postnatal steroids were considered to be more reliable and the conclusion was made based on them. The Committee agreed that their clinical experience did not contradict this finding. Evidence was only available among children born up to 32 weeks of gestation.

The evidence regarding the relationship between ROP and intellectual disability came from one study which looked at different levels of ROP and their associations with different levels of intellectual disability. The Committee discussed how even though not all comparisons reached statistical significance, the findings showed a clear trend that ROP was associated with intellectual disability in children born before 28 weeks’ gestation. No evidence for later gestational ages was available.

The evidence for the association between BPD and intellectual disability was mixed. The Committee discussed how two studies showed an increased risk in intellectual disability (IQ score <70 points) with BPD among children born very preterm. One study found no association, however that study excluded children with cerebral palsy and as said, cerebral palsy and intellectual were known to be associated. Another study that found no association used a more strict cut-off for intellectual disability (score of <55). Based on these considerations, the Committee concluded that BPD was an independent risk factor for intellectual disability (defined as IQ score <70) in children born very preterm.

Evidence regarding the association between exposure to antenatal steroids and intellectual disability was mixed. Some studies found a protective effect of antenatal steroids on intellectual disability while some studies found no association. The Committee agreed that no firm conclusions could be made based on the available evidence.

Evidence regarding socioeconomic status and its association with intellectual disability were mixed but showed a clear tendency that preterm children from a disadvantaged background were at an increased risk of intellectual disability. The Committee also noted that preterm birth was known to be more common among mothers from socially disadvantaged backgrounds.

Evidence from three studies largely showed no association between chorioamnionitis and intellectual disability in children born preterm. The Committee considered it important how chorioamnionitis was defined, and determined it should be confirmed through histology or assessed clinically. The Committee concluded that there was no convincing evidence to show that chorioamnionitis would increase the risk of intellectual disability in children born preterm.

Evidence from 2 studies found no association between multiple birth and intellectual disability. The Committee noted that the two studies defined intellectual disability differently. They agreed that the evidence was very limited and no conclusions could be made.

Evidence regarding the association between maternal age and intellectual disability was scarce and the Committee was not able to draw any conclusions.

Special educational needs and educational attainment

The Committee agreed that the evidence underpinning the recommendations for special educational needs (SEN) should be from the UK only since educational settings varied considerably across countries. According to the UK evidence on special educational needs and educational attainment, the Committee concluded that all children born preterm were at an increased risk of special educational needs and the risk increased with decreasing gestational age. This conclusion was based on a large population-based study from Scotland and supported by other smaller studies. The Committee also discussed the risk of different subtypes of special educational needs among children born preterm (such as physical and motor SEN; language SEN; intellectual SEN; social, emotional or behavioural SEN) and whether any recommendations should be made on individual subtypes but since statistical power was considered low in some of the subtypes and statistical significance was not reached, the Committee decided to make a recommendation on global special educational needs only.

The evidence regarding educational attainment was also discussed. The Committee concluded that there was clear evidence from four UK studies on Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 showing that children born preterm were at an increased risk of lower educational attainment during early school years compared to term children. The prevalence of low attainment increased with decreasing gestational age. The Committee were surprised that the evidence at key stage 2 to 4 showed no statistically significant association between prematurity and low attainment. There was also evidence showing that children born preterm had an increased risk of low attainment in reading and mathematics. The risk of particularly high in children born extremely preterm (before 26 weeks’ gestation). Evidence on risk factors for low attainment was scarce but showed that intraventricular haemorrhage and BPD were independently associated with low attainment in mathematics among children born before 32 weeks of gestation.

The Committee noted that no evidence was found on specific learning difficulties.

Evidence regarding risk factors associated with SEN was scarce so conclusions were difficult to reach. The Committee discussed that it was generally known that male sex was associated with SEN, however, evidence from only one study was available (from the UK) which showed that extremely preterm boys were more likely to SEN than extremely preterm girls. The same study also showed and association between brain abnormalities and SEN in children born extremely preterm. The same study was the only available study that looked at other risk factors in relation to SEN (NEC, antenatal steroids, postnatal steroids for chronic lung disease, chorioamnionitis, maternal ethnicity, maternal socioeconomic status, and maternal age) but found no statistically significant associations.

Autism spectrum disorder

Evidence regarding autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was found in two levels: symptoms suggestive of ASD assessed using screening tools and diagnosis of ASD assessed using diagnostic tools.

The evidence regarding symptoms suggestive of ASD was only available for children born before 28 weeks of gestation compared with term born children but showed a clearly increased risk when reported by both parents and teachers. The Committee, therefore, concluded that children born before 28 weeks of gestation were at an increased risk of symptoms suggestive of ASD. The Committee noted that evidence was not available for later gestational ages.

The evidence regarding ASD diagnosis among preterm came from two studies. One of these studies used parental reports of ASD diagnosis and the other study used data from an ASD register. Even though the Committee recognised that neither of these studies assessed the children using a diagnostic test, they concluded based on these evidence and their clinical experience that compared to children born at term, children born preterm were at an increased risk of ASD. There was also evidence showing that prevalence of ASD increased with decreasing gestational age.

The evidence regarding factors associated with ASD was relatively scarce. Intraventricular haemorrhage was shown to increase the risk of ASD among children born before 34 weeks of gestation in 1 study which corresponded with the Committee’s clinical experience.

The Committee also considered the evidence from 2 studies that showed boys born preterm to be at a significantly increased risk of ASD compared to girls born preterm. The Committee based the recommendation on this evidence in addition to their clinical knowledge and concluded that male sex was an independent risk factor for ASD.

Evidence on the association between ASD and neonatal sepsis, BPD, being born SGA, and ethnicity showed no association.

Attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity

Several studies using different screening tools found children born preterm were at an increased risk of attention problems, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Some of the findings did not reach statistical significance likely due to relatively small sample sizes. The studies also used different instruments making it difficult to directly compare the results. However, the Committee agreed the evidence clearly showed that children born preterm were at an increased risk of symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Evidence from two studies showed an increased risk of ADHD in children born before 28 weeks’ gestation compared to term born children. A third study also showed an increased risk in all children born preterm compared to children born at term, however, this study relied on parent report of ADHD by asking the parent if a doctor had ever told them that the child had ADHD. The Committee considered this an unreliable way of measuring ADHD and gave this finding less weight. Another study among children born late preterm did not find an association and studies stratifying by different types of ADHD did not find an association. Therefore, the Committee concluded that there was an increased risk of ADHD (any type) among children born extremely preterm.

The Committee discussed that it was generally known that male sex was an independent risk factor for ADHD. As no evidence was available regarding the association between neonatal risk factors and ADHD, the Committee was unable to reach any conclusions.

Emotional and behavioural problems

The Committee discussed how many different criteria and tools were used across different studies to define and assess emotional and behavioural problems, making it difficult to compare the findings from different studies directly. The Committee, however, concluded that there was evidence to show that children born preterm were at an increased risk of behavioural problems, particularly internalising behaviours, compared with children born at term. The evidence showed that children born preterm had an increased risk of internalising behaviours, including anxiety, whereas the evidence on externalising behaviours was more mixed. An increased risk of hypoactivity or passivity was also found in preterm children at school age, both when observed by teachers and by parents.

Evidence regarding the association between different neonatal, biological, maternal, social factors and emotional and behavioural problems in children born preterm was relatively scarce. Evidence often came from one or two studies, however, these studies were well established cohort studies with moderate quality data. Evidence from a large French cohort study among children born preterm showed that major brain lesions increased the risk of behavioural problems. No association was found between minor or moderate brain lesions and behavioural problems. The Committee discussed how these findings indicated that only severe brain abnormalities (essentially cystic brain lesions) increased the risk of behavioural problems. The same study also found that a maternal age of less than 25 years (compared to 25 to 34 years) was a risk factor for total behavioural difficulties (as assessed by the SDQ) at both 3 and 5 years of age and that maternal self-report of poor mental wellbeing was associated with behavioural problems in the preterm child. A Dutch cohort study of moderate to late preterm children found that those from families of lower socioeconomic status to be at an increased risk of behavioural problems, especially internalising behaviours (assessed with CBCL) at preschool age. Evidence for sex of the child and being born SGA was either non-significant or equivocal and the Committee was not able to reach conclusions from these.

Speech, language and communication

Evidence on speech, language and communication problems was mixed. However, the Committee noted the studies that reported non-significant results on language and communication delay had wider exclusion criteria for their study populations. One study excluded all children requiring tertiary care as neonates and another study excluded all multiple births. The Committee pointed out that both can be common among children born preterm. In addition, in one of the studies only one component of communication problems was examined. Therefore, the Committee decided to make recommendations based on the other studies that examined global communication/language problems and showed a significant association between prematurity and speech, language and communication problems.

There was also some evidence on speech and language disorders among children born preterm. One study among children born extremely preterm found an increased risk of mild as well as moderate language impairment at 2.5 years of corrected age using the Bayley scales (mild −1 to −2 SD; moderate −2 to −3 SD). Another study among children born late preterm also found an increased risk of ICD-9 diagnosis of developmental speech or language delay in preschool age. Therefore, the Committee concluded that children born preterm were also at an increased risk of speech and language disorders.

Evidence on the association between different neonatal, biological, maternal, social factors and speech and language disorders and problems was scarce. However, the Committee agreed that evidence from a national cohort study from Estonia showing a significantly increased risk of language impairment in boys born preterm compared to girls born preterm at 2 years of age, and despite a relatively small sample size, this evidence was convincing enough to conclude that male sex was an independent risk factor for language delay (assessed with Bayley scales) among children born preterm.

The same Estonian study also showed an association between severe brain lesions and language delay (assessed with Bayley scales). Another study also found an association with severe periventricular-intraventricular haemorrhage and language delay (assessed with Bayley scales). Therefore, the Committee concluded that major brain lesions were independent risk factors for language disorder in children born preterm.

Feeding problems

Evidence on feeding problems was mixed. Although the majority of evidence showed no significant association between gestational age and feeding problems, the Committee noted that a significant association was found in two large studies among children born extremely preterm where feeding problems were defined as either total eating difficulties or oral motor problems. They thought the difference between these studies and the others, which showed no significant association, was mainly driven by motor problems which could be persistent. Therefore they concluded that among those born extremely preterm there was an increased risk of feeding problems which could persist until the age of 6 years.

The Committee also discussed the evidence for the effect of different biological, social, maternal and neonatal factors on the risk of feeding problems among children born preterm. Evidence on the effect of the child’s sex, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and being born SGA on feeding problems was inconclusive since only two low quality studies reported non-significant results. One study narratively reported an increased risk of feeding problems with brain lesions and with BPD, however, no effect estimates were given. Therefore, the Committee decided that they were unable to reach conclusions about the risk of feeding problems in relation to neonatal, biological, maternal and social factors.

Sleeping problems and sleep apnoea

The Committee discussed how they could not draw any conclusions on the risk of general sleeping problems among children born preterm since only one study with non-statistically significant results was included in the review. There was, however, evidence on an increased risk of sleep apnoea among children born preterm. The Committee discussed whether the risk of sleep apnoea increased by decreasing gestational age, but since there was only one study reporting on sleep apnoea, the Committee could not reach a definite conclusions on whether there was a dose-response relationship between sleep apnoea and gestational age.

Visual impairment

There was no evidence available on the association between preterm birth (versus term) and visual impairment. The Committee was surprised by this absence of evidence and was not able to conclude whether there was an increased risk of visual impairment in children born preterm. However, there was evidence on the prevalence rates of visual impairment in the population born preterm showing that the prevalence increased by decreasing gestational age. This could imply that there was an increased risk of visual impairment in children born preterm compared to term born children.

Evidence on the association between neonatal, biological, maternal, social factors and visual impairment was scarce. Although the majority of the available evidence showed that the association of visual impairment and risk factorsdid not reach statistical significance, there was some evidence that neonatal sepsis proven by culture and treated with antibiotics increased the risk of visual impairment in children born preterm. There was also evidence from the same cohort in another publication that suggested grade 3 and 4 intraventricular haemorrhage with shunt increased the risk of visual impairment. A national cohort study from Finland among children born very preterm found a considerably increased risk of visual impairment with ROP.

Hearing impairment

No evidence was identified regarding association between prematurity and hearing impairment. The Committee found the absence of evidence surprising and they were not able to reach conclusions as a result. However, there was evidence regarding prevalence levels of hearing impairment in the population born preterm. This evidence showed that the prevalence increased with decreasing gestational age, suggesting that the risk of hearing impairment may be increased in the population born preterm compared to children born at term.

Evidence regarding association between neonatal, biological maternal, social factors and hearing impairment was scarce and the existing evidence showed mostly non-statistically significant findings. The Committee was, therefore, unable to reach conclusions about these associations. However, there was evidence from one study showing that culture-proven sepsis with antibiotic treatment for 5 or more days significantly increased the risk of unilateral or bilateral hearing aid use in children born preterm. Therefore, the Committee concluded that culture-proven neonatal sepsis was an independent risk factor for hearing impairment in children born preterm.

Executive function problems

Evidence from three different studies showed that preterm birth was associated with executive function problems, specifically in planning, organisation, and working memory. The Committee noted that the findings were consistent between studies where outcomes were reported by either parents/teachers or assessed by a trained professional. The evidence was only available for children born before 32 weeks of gestation. The Committee thought because the evidence supported the significant association between essential components of executive functions such as planning, organising, and working memory, it could be concluded that there was an increased risk of executive function problems in children born before 32 weeks of gestation.

No evidence was found on the association between neonatal, biological, maternal, social factors and executive functions, therefore, the Committee was not able to reach conclusions on these potential associations.

4.6.3. Consideration of economic benefits and harms

A systematic review of the economic literature was conducted but no relevant studies were identified that were applicable to this review question.

Since the recommendations do not provide instructions for action, which makes the economic implications difficult to assess, the overall economic impact was considered unlikely to be significant. It is expected that increased awareness of prevalence and risk factors will lead healthcare professionals into taking action, such as a referral to specialist services for diagnostic assessment if parents and carers or health professionals have a concern or suspicion that there could be signs of a problem or disorder. While these actions would have cost implications, it is likely that the investigation costs would be outweighed by the potential cost and effectiveness offsets associated with earlier identification.

4.6.4. Quality of evidence

Overall, evidence on the risk and prevalence of developmental disorders and problems was of very low to moderate quality. The main reasons for downgrading the quality of the evidence were:

  • limited description of the population and sample at hand
  • high attrition (sometimes including failing to report the reasons for losses to follow-up and failing to report the characteristics of the ones lost to follow-up compared to the ones followed-up)
  • insufficient description of the risk factors and the way they were assessed or measured (in the risk reviews)
  • insufficient description of the outcome assessments
  • high imprecision of point estimates (that is, wide confidence intervals) due to relatively low sample sizes
  • insufficient or unclear adjustments for potential confounders (risk reviews).

The Committee also recognised that there was a large variation and heterogeneity across the studies in terms of:

  • inclusion/exclusion criteria of participants
  • gestational age of participants
  • setting and year of measurement (for example, 1992 versus 2012)
  • participant age at time of outcome assessment
  • criteria or definitions of the outcome
  • tools and scales used to assess the outcome
  • level of outcome severity (for example, grade of intraventricular haemorrhages)
  • criteria and definitions of risk factors (in the risk reviews)
  • adjustments made in multiple variable analyses (in the risk reviews).

For these reasons, it was agreed that pooling of the findings using meta-analyses would not be appropriate.

The Committee recognised many gaps in the evidence. For example, no evidence matching the inclusion/exclusion criteria set in the review protocols was identified on sensory senstivity and sensory difficulties. No evidence was found on the association between postnatal factors (epilepsy and age of establishing oral feeding) and different developmental problems and disorders. Furthermore, the Committee recognised that the identified evidence was at times fragmented. For example only certain gestational age groups were assessed and whether or not, the findings could be extrapolated to wider gestational age groups is uncertain. Sometimes the studies were underpowered to detect an effect which does not necessarily mean there is no effect. Also, limited evidence was found on the risk and prevalence of developmental problems and disorders among adolescents. This is likely due to several reasons: long follow-up times in cohort studies are rare, long follow-up time introduces many potential confounding factors that would make the evidence unreliable, and only studies including children born in 1990 or later were included in the reviews, thus, children in newer cohort studies have not yet reached these ages. Overall, due to gaps and evidence and the fragmented nature of the available evidence, the Committee recognised that they cannot rule out possible associations with prematurity and other developmental problems and disorders, other risk factors and developmental problems and disorders, and other gestational ages and developmental problems and disorders not listed in the recommendations. Therefore, the Committee agreed that the recommendations on the risk of prevalence of developmental problems and disorders should be read considering these gaps and limitations in the evidence. Other considerations

Evidence on the prevalence of developmental disorders and problems in the population born preterm was used to guide the Committee in making recommendations about which populations were expected to benefit most from enhanced surveillance and support. The prevalence rates among children born preterm were not compared to prevalence rates among children born at term, therefore, the Committee could not reach an evidence-based conclusion that a prevalence of an outcome was increased in the population born preterm. However, for many outcomes, the prevalence rates in the general population were known and widely accepted by the Committee which made it clear when the evidence revealed an increased prevalence in the population born preterm. For example, the rate of cerebral palsy in the general population was known to be 1 to 2 per 1000 whereas the evidence among children born before 28 weeks’ gestation showed a considerably higher prevalence which ranged between 5 to 25%. The Committee considered presenting the available evidence on prevalence of different developmental disorders and problems in the population born preterm, for example, in a table format. It was discussed that this could guide health care providers, parents and carers to understand the likelihood of the child developing specific developmental disorders and problems. However, due to the heterogeneity of the evidence and wide range of the estimates, it was concluded that the degree of uncertainty was sufficiently high that the presentation of prevalence estimates would not be clinically meaningful or helpful when counselling parents and carers.

The Committee discussed how it was important to recognise that developmental problems presented on a continuum with the severity of the problem ranging from a mild problem with limited effect on function to a severe disorder affecting all aspects of life. The Committee thought it was important that children born preterm who had been classified to have ‘mild’ problems were neither automatically considered to have problems nor automatically considered not to have problems. The Committee acknowledged that sometimes the distinction between a disorder and a milder problem was a difficult, or even artificial, distinction to make. The severity of the problem could have a significant effect on the life of the child and his or her family. However, the Committee also discussed how sometimes multiple mild problems could amount to a considerable functional problem for the child. For example, a child with a problem classified as mild with previously mild functional problems may face considerable difficulties or functional problems when entering school. The Committee also discussed how problems that were considered mild, for example, as determined by a result in an assessment of 1 to 2 standard deviations below the mean, may as well be considered in the normal range as they may not have an effect on day to day function.. The Committee concluded that these problems should not be over-medicalised and each child should always be considered individually.

The Committee discussed how in addition to parents and clinicians, it was crucial that professionals working in the education and social sectors were made aware of the developmental problems and challenges that the child born preterm was facing.

4.7. Recommendations

4.7.1. Risk and prevelance of developmental problems and disorders


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of developmental problems and disorders.


Be aware that for recommendations in this section:

  • for some developmental problems and disorders there was an absence of evidence about overall risk and prevalence in children born preterm
  • there was limited evidence about developmental problems and disorders in 11–18-year-olds
  • for some developmental problems and disorders the evidence was underpowered to detect an effect
  • some studies described specific gestational ages at birth, from which the committee was unable to extrapolate to other gestational ages
  • other gestational ages and other factors not listed here might also be associated with increased risk of developmental problems and disorders.

Cerebral palsy


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of cerebral palsy, and that:

  • the following are independent risk factors:
    • grade 3 or 4 intraventricular haemorrhage
    • cystic periventricular leukomalacia
    • neonatal sepsis
    • bronchopulmonary dysplasia for which mechanical ventilation was still needed at 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age
    • antenatal steroids not given
    • postnatal steroids given to babies born before 32+0 weeks’ gestation
  • prevalence increases with decreasing gestational age.

See also the NICE guideline on cerebral palsy in children and young people under 25.

Motor function problems


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of motor problems, and that the following are independent risk factors:

  • brain lesions (for example, grade 3 or 4 intraventricular haemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia, infarct)
  • necrotising enterocolitis that needed surgery
  • neonatal sepsis
  • severe retinopathy of prematurity.


Be aware that there is increased prevalence of developmental coordination disorder in children born preterm compared with the general population.

Learning disability (intellectual disability)


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of learning disability (intellectual disability), and that:

  • the following are independent risk factors:
    • grade 3 or 4 intraventricular haemorrhage
    • cystic periventricular leukomalacia
    • neonatal sepsis in babies born before 28+0 weeks’ gestation
    • necrotising enterocolitis that needed surgery in babies born before 33+0 weeks’ gestation
    • bronchopulmonary dysplasia for which mechanical ventilation was still needed at 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age in babies born before 28+0 weeks’ gestation
    • severe retinopathy of prematurity in babies born before 28+0 weeks’ gestation
    • small for gestational age
    • postnatal steroids given to babies born before 33+0 weeks’ gestation
    • mother from a low-income or disadvantaged background
  • prevalence increases with decreasing gestational age.

Special educational needs and educational attainment


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of having special educational needs, and that the following are independent risk factors:

  • brain lesions detected by ultrasound
  • male sex.


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of low educational attainment at the end of the Early Years Foundation stage and at key stage 1 (age up to 7 years), and that:

  • prevalence of low educational attainment increases with decreasing gestational age
  • children born preterm are at increased risk of low attainment for reading and maths, and this risk is greater in children born before 26+0 weeks’ gestation
  • the following are independent risk factors for low attainment in maths in children born before 32+0 weeks’ gestation:

    intraventricular haemorrhage

    bronchopulmonary dysplasia for which mechanical ventilation was still needed at 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age.

Executive function problems


Be aware that children born before 32+0 weeks’ gestation are at increased risk of executive function problems at preschool and school ages, and that prevalence increases with decreasing gestational age.

Speech, language and communication


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of speech, language and communication problems and disorders, and that the following are independent risk factors for language disorder:

  • grade 3 or 4 intraventricular haemorrhage
  • cystic periventricular leukomalacia
  • male sex.

Attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity


Be aware that children born before 33+0 weeks’ gestation are at increased risk of symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity and particularly inattention at preschool and school ages.


Be aware that children born before 28+0 weeks’ gestation are at increased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and that male sex is an independent risk factor.

Autism spectrum disorder


Be aware that children born before 28+0 weeks’ gestation are at increased risk of symptoms of social communication impairment, which may suggest a problem in the autism spectrum.


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of autism spectrum disorder, and that the following are independent risk factors:

  • intracranial haemorrhage in babies born before 34+0 weeks’ gestation
  • male sex

Emotional and behavioural problems


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of emotional and behavioural problems, particularly internalising behaviours and passivity, at preschool and school ages, and that the following are independent risk factors:

  • major brain lesions (for example, periventricular leukomalacia, parenchymal lesions)
  • mother with mental health problems
  • mother younger than 25 years
  • mother from a low-income or disadvantaged background.

Feeding problems


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of oro-motor feeding problems (for example, problems with sucking and chewing), and that this increased risk persists until at least 6 years of age in children born before 26+0 weeks.

Sleep problems


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of sleep apnoea up to 6 years of age.

Visual impairment


Be aware that the prevalence of visual impairment increases with decreasing gestational age in children born preterm, and that the following are independent risk factors:

  • grade 3 or 4 intraventricular haemorrhage with a shunt
  • neonatal sepsis in babies born before 33+0 weeks’ gestation
  • retinopathy of prematurity requiring treatment.

Hearing impairment


Be aware that the prevalence of hearing impairment increases with decreasing gestational age in children born preterm, and that neonatal sepsis is an independent risk factor in babies born before 28+0 weeks’ gestation.

Developmental delay


Be aware that children born preterm are at increased risk of developmental delay (identified using a range of tools), and that the following are independent risk factors:

  • small for gestational age
  • male sex
  • mother from a low-income or disadvantaged background
  • black, Asian or other minority ethnic group
  • multiple pregnancy.

Copyright © NICE 2017.
Bookshelf ID: NBK533201


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