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National Guideline Centre (UK). Emergency and acute medical care in over 16s: service delivery and organisation. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2018 Mar. (NICE Guideline, No. 94.)

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Emergency and acute medical care in over 16s: service delivery and organisation.

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Chapter 19Early versus late consultant review

19. Early versus late consultant review

19.1. Introduction

Traditional models of medicine have often relied on patients being admitted by one of the more junior members of the medical team, then reviewed by a middle grade member, and only reviewed by a consultant several hours later on the ‘post take’ round, which may be the following day or even later in the week. This model has the potential to cause delays in timely investigation, diagnosis, and treatment, or in errors in care, which may translate into delayed discharge from hospital or patient harm. In the last decade several professional organisations have developed pragmatic recommendations for earlier and more frequent consultant review.

Earlier consultant review may allow the less sick patient to go home earlier, possibly even avoiding admission and also allowing earlier recognition of the sicker patient, with earlier institution of effective therapy and possibly decreased mortality. However, earlier discharge may lead to more re-admissions, and earlier reviews may not be effective if relevant tests results are not available. Equally, different age groups and different illnesses may have different results. However, it would seem reasonable that early review by a senior and more experienced doctor should improve the patient’s experience of healthcare.

The guideline committee therefore wanted to know if there was a net patient benefit to having a consultant review patients early in their presentation to hospital, what this might be and whether there was a difference depending on how sick the patient was and what was wrong with them. This would need to be balanced against any potential harm that might occur and how much it might cost.

19.2. Review questions

Is early consultant triage in the ED (Rapid Assessment and Treatment (RAT) model) more clinically and cost effective than later consultant review?

Is early consultant review in the AMU, ICU, HDU, CCU or Stroke Unit more clinically and cost effective than later consultant review?

For full details see review protocols in Appendix A.

Table 1. PICO characteristics of review question.

Table 1

PICO characteristics of review question.

19.3. Clinical evidence

Eight studies were included in the review12,32,41,67,77,110,132,151 and are summarised below. Evidence from these studies are summarised in the GRADE clinical evidence profile and clinical evidence summary below (Table 3, Table 4, Table 7). See also the study selection flow chart in Appendix B, study evidence tables in Appendix D, forest plots in Appendix C, GRADE tables in Appendix F and excluded studies list in Appendix G.

Table 3. Clinical evidence summary: Early versus late consultant review in ED: RCT evidence (SWAT versus control).

Table 3

Clinical evidence summary: Early versus late consultant review in ED: RCT evidence (SWAT versus control).

Table 4. Clinical evidence summary: Early versus late consultant review in ED: observational evidence.

Table 4

Clinical evidence summary: Early versus late consultant review in ED: observational evidence.

Table 7. Clinical evidence summary: Early versus late consultant review in AMU (Consultant absent versus Consultant present): Cohort study evidence.

Table 7

Clinical evidence summary: Early versus late consultant review in AMU (Consultant absent versus Consultant present): Cohort study evidence.

We searched for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the effect of early versus late consultant triage in 5 different settings (ED, ICU, AMU, CCU and stroke units) on patient outcomes.

One RCT41 was included which was set in the ED and compared the effects of a model of care aiming to implement early senior work up assessment and treatment with no model of care.

Six observational studies12,32,67,77,132,151 were included in the ED. Three of these studies12,77,132 were similar in design to the RCT in that an intervention was implemented to facilitate early consultant review, which was then compared to days on which the intervention was not implemented; however, patients were not randomised to treatment. Two of these studies77,132 were confounded by the addition of point of care testing to the intervention of early consultant review and were downgraded for risk of bias. One of these studies was confounded by the intervention being carried out on days of peak demand;12 however this study did adjust for confounding variables.

Two of the 6 observational studies set in ED presented data from naturally occurring situations in which some patients were seen exclusively by consultants due to the absence or reduced availability of junior doctors.32,67 Outcomes were compared with times when junior doctors were present. One of these studies67 was confounded by different triage scores at baseline between the 2 groups and was therefore downgraded for risk of bias.

The final observational study151 set in ED reported the proposed management of patients by junior trainees versus the subsequent effect of the senior review process on patient disposition.

No RCTs set in ICU, AMU, CCU and stroke units were found. One cohort study set in AMU110 was identified.

As no studies reported patient and/or carer satisfaction, data relating to ‘did not wait to be seen’ patients were analysed as a surrogate marker, but downgraded for indirectness to the protocol.

Table 2. Summary of included studies.

Table 2

Summary of included studies.

Other outcomes that were unable to be analysed in Revman included: length of stay (for all patients): median 261 minutes (IQR 171, 386) in the SWAT group and median 255 minutes (IQR 177,376) in the control (standard care) group. For discharged patients length of stay was median 206 minutes (IQR 140, 294) in the SWAT group and 208 (IQR 147, 283) in control. For admitted patients length of stay was median 374 minutes (IQR 273-494) in the SWAT group and 381 minutes (IQR 274, 478) in control.

19.3.1. Other outcomes that could not be analysed in Revman

Table 5. Clinical evidence summary: Early versus late consultant review in ED: observational evidence.

Table 5

Clinical evidence summary: Early versus late consultant review in ED: observational evidence.

19.3.2. Clinical investigations

One study67 reported the number of clinical investigations per patient.

Table 6. Clinical evidence summary: Early versus late consultant review in ED: observational evidence.

Table 6

Clinical evidence summary: Early versus late consultant review in ED: observational evidence.

19.3.3. Unplanned readmissions

One study32 reported that 7.9% (6.5-9.3%) of patients who had been seen during the consultant shift returned to ED within 7 days versus 8.1% (7.4-8.9%) of those seen during the middle grade doctor shift. This paper did not give the number for each group so this data could not be analysed in Revman.

19.3.4. Admissions

One study32 reported that 27.1% (24.2-30.1%) of patients who had been seen during the consultant shift were admitted versus 31.0% (29.6-32.5%) of those seen during the middle grade doctor shift. This paper did not give the number for each group so this data could not be analysed in Revman.

19.4. Economic evidence

Published literature

No relevant economic evaluations were identified.

The economic article selection protocol and flow chart for the whole guideline can found in the guideline’s Appendix 41A and Appendix 41B

New cost-effectiveness analysis

An original cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted for this topic – see the economic profile table below (Table 8) and Chapter 41 for details.

Table 8. Economic evidence profile: Earlier versus later consultant assessment.

Table 8

Economic evidence profile: Earlier versus later consultant assessment.

19.5. Evidence statements


Emergency departments

Seven papers were identified that assessed early versus late consultant reviews in the emergency department. Six of these studies were observation studies and 1 study was a randomised controlled trial.

One randomised controlled trial comprising 1737 participants evaluated senior work up assessment treatment (SWAT) with non-SWAT treatment and standard care for improving outcomes, in adults and young people at risk of an AME, or with a suspected or confirmed AME. The evidence suggested that SWAT may provide a benefit in increased proportion of patients achieving the National Emergency Access Target (NEAT) (1 study, moderate quality), proportion of admitted patients who met NEAT (1 study, low quality), and proportion of discharged patients who met NEAT (1 study, moderate quality). However, there were more patients admitted (1 study, moderate quality) and fewer patients discharged with early consultant review (1 study, moderate quality).

Six observational studies evaluated early versus late consultant reviews for improving outcomes, in adults and young people at risk of an AME, or with a suspected or confirmed AME. The evidence suggested that early consultant reviews may provide a benefit in reduced length of ED stay, 30 day unscheduled re-admissions, admissions, patients achieving NEAT, discharged patients achieving NEAT, admitted patients achieving NEAT, patients seen within the recommended time and patients who did not wait to be seen (1 study, very low quality). However, there was a possible increase in mortality (1 study, very low quality).

Acute medical units

One observational study comprising 2928 participants evaluated consultant presence versus when the consultant was absent for improving outcomes, in adults and young people at risk of an AME, or with a suspected or confirmed AME. The evidence suggested that consultant reviews may provide a benefit in reduced length of stay and proportion of patients discharged on the same day. There was no effect on mortality during admission. However, there was a possible increase in the proportion of patients discharged within 24 hours and readmitted within 1 week for the same clinical problem. The evidence was graded very low quality for all outcomes.


An original cost-utility analysis found that Rapid Assessment and Treatment in the Emergency Department (RAT) was not cost-effective (increased costs with no quality-adjusted life-years gained). This analysis was assessed as directly applicable with potentially serious limitations.

An original cost-utility analysis (simulation model) found that Rapid Assessment and Treatment in the Emergency Department (RAT) dominated compared to usual care. This analysis was assessed as directly applicable with potentially serious limitations.

An original cost-utility analysis found that extended consultant hours on the Acute Medical Unit were not cost-effective (ICER: £39,200 per QALY). This analysis was assessed as directly applicable with minor limitations. This analysis was assessed as directly applicable with potentially serious limitations.

19.6. Recommendations and link to evidence


For people admitted to hospital with a medical emergency, consider providing the following, accompanied by local evaluation which takes into account current staffing models, case mix and severity of illness:

  • Consultant assessment within 14 hours of admission to determine the person’s care pathway
  • Daily consultant review, including weekends and bank holidays
  • More frequent (for example, twice daily) consultant review based on clinical need.

Research recommendation -
Relative values of different outcomes

Mortality, quality of life, avoidable adverse events and patient and/or carer satisfaction were considered by the committee to be critical outcomes.

Early diagnosis, hospital admission, number of diagnostic tests, length of stay, GP visits, referrals from admission, unplanned readmission, discharge and staff satisfaction were considered to be important outcomes.

The committee considered that avoiding readmission was likely to be particularly important for people who have a chronic condition as this has an impact on mortality and also could have an impact upon psychological wellbeing and the ability to maintain independence.

Trade-off between clinical benefits and harms

Emergency Department

A single RCT was identified. The committee decided that the Senior Work up Assessment and Treatment (SWAT) intervention had most similarities to current systems in the NHS (Rapid Assessment and Treatment [RAT]) compared to the non-SWAT intervention because for consultants to work effectively, they need the support of a team and therefore seeing patients alone would not be productive. Indeed, in the UK, consultants do not normally see patients in isolation.

The comparison of SWAT versus control data suggested that SWAT may provide a benefit in increased proportion of patients achieving the National Emergency Access Target (NEAT), which is to be seen and discharged from the ED within 240 minutes of triage; proportion of admitted patients who met NEAT; and proportion of discharged patients who met NEAT. However, there were more patients admitted and fewer discharged with early consultant review. The committee surmised that early consultant review might, in some circumstances, be disadvantageous if it took place before definitive investigations were available which might have permitted safe discharge on later review. Therefore, review prior to all the relevant information being present may result in a greater number of patients admitted. However, the fact that more patients were admitted, although increasing demand, may be a positive step as it may ensure that certain patients receive the inpatient care their condition requires. The presence of a senior decision maker may identify these patients.

The committee discussed their experience of the Rapid Assessment and Treatment system (the UK system of immediate consultant triage at presentation to ED). Perceived benefits included more rapid diagnosis, earlier administration of antibiotics and analgesics, and more appropriate triage. However, such outcomes are not normally measured in trials whereas admission, discharge and length of stay are affected by a wide variety of factors, and therefore may not accurately capture the whole effects of early consultant triage.

Six observational studies suggested that early consultant review may provide a benefit in reduced length of ED stay, 30 day unscheduled re-admissions, admissions, patients achieving NEAT, discharged patients achieving NEAT, admitted patients achieving NEAT, patients seen within the recommended time and patients who did not wait to be seen. There was a possible increase in mortality but this was discounted by the committee as there was only a difference of 1 case between the 2 groups.

No evidence was identified for early diagnosis, quality of life, GP visits, avoidable adverse events, diagnostic test number, patient and/or carer satisfaction, referral from admissions and staff or trainee satisfaction.

Acute Medical Unit

A single observational study was identified suggesting that early consultant review may provide a benefit in reduced length of stay, and the proportion of patients discharged on the day of admission. There was no effect on mortality during admission; there was a possible increase in the proportion of patients discharged within 24 hours and readmitted within 1 week for the same clinical problem.

No evidence was identified for hospital admission, readmission, early diagnosis, quality of life, GP visits, avoidable adverse events, diagnostic test number, patient and/or carer satisfaction, referral from admissions and staff or trainee satisfaction.

Stroke patients:

No evidence was identified in a stroke care setting. The committee felt that the results from ED and AMU could be extrapolated to stroke patients.

Intensive (or critical) care unit:

No evidence was identified in an intensive care unit (critical care unit) setting. Studies of resident versus non-resident intensive care specialists were considered too indirect to be employed as substitutes for early consultant review. Given this lack of evidence, the committee considered that studies in ED and AMU patients might be used to inform recommendations relating to the ICU.


The committee noted that the effect of early consultant involvement is dependent upon the staffing model, the presenting case mix and the disease process. For example, conditions with a well-defined treatment pathway may benefit more from early consultant involvement if this results in earlier diagnosis and entry to the pathway. In settings where patients are presenting with often unclear disease processes (for example, in an emergency department), the benefit of early consultant involvement might be realised if consultants’ greater knowledge results in earlier diagnosis, or diminished if the diagnostic process is complex. The committee noted that a range of models for early consultant involvement were used in the studies examined, and that the model used within a UK context may differ from those included in the studies. For example, the Rapid Assessment and Treatment model implemented within some emergency department settings in the UK was a model containing a range of interventions, including early consultant involvement. It was felt to be similar but not identical to the SWAT model in the RCT for EDs.

Overall, the evidence was mixed but suggested some benefit in outcomes over usual care for the ED and AMU. No evidence was identified to suggest harm in early consultant involvement and the committee were not aware of any negative outcomes that might occur. They therefore chose to make a consensus recommendation to consider early consultant involvement in care of a patient with an acute medical emergency. However, there was insufficient evidence to recommend specific models such at RAT.

Trade-off between net effects and costs

No relevant economic evaluations were identified. Unit costs of staff time, emergency department visits and relevant hospital admissions and stays were presented to the committee.

One RCT, described above, set in the emergency department showed that the SWAT arm of the trial was associated with a trend for more patients meeting the 4-hour target; however, there was also a trend for more admissions and less discharges compared to the control arm. The committee felt that without information on the appropriateness of the decisions to admit or discharge, it would be difficult to fully assess the impact of the SWAT model. Anecdotally, the committee felt that the equivalent model in the UK (Rapid Assessment and Treatment or RAT) had shown some clinical benefit in terms of timely diagnosis and treatment. These benefits might be expected to result in saving in downstream costs.

For the AMU, the observational study included in the clinical review suggested that there was a reduction in length of stay, which would translate into possible cost saving.

The committee noted that the economic impact of early consultant assessment would be dependent on how it could be achieved or implemented in practice. Possible scenarios discussed included increasing the number of consultants, increasing their contracted hours (which might include working out-of-hours or being on-call) or accommodating the required changes in the consultants’ current rotas by prioritising early patient assessments over other duties, which can be undertaken by other staff members.

The committee commented that the most likely scenario in large hospitals is that consultant rotas could be tailored to accommodate prioritising assessing patients given current capacity levels and the limited number of NHS consultants, which precludes the possibility of recruiting more consultants. However, this may not be feasible in smaller hospitals.

New cost-effectiveness analyses were conducted for 2 areas of early consultant assessment with the results presented to the committee. A cohort model and a simulation model were built to assess the cost-effectiveness of early consultant assessment. Both models used inputs from bespoke data analysis, national data and treatment effects (primarily length of stay reduction and modest reductions in adverse events) that were informed by the above review but elicited from the committee members. The full model write up can be found in Chapter 41.

Rapid Assessment and Treatment in the Emergency Department (RAT)

The models compared RAT in the ED with no RAT. RAT involves an immediate assessment by a consultant in the ED, using additional resources in terms of consultant time at an incremental cost to normal care.

Both models found that RAT was cost increasing with assumed no impact on quality of life, hence no gain in quality-adjusted life-years. The committee noted that RAT is a costly intervention a, with additional consultant time for all ED major patients. An optimistic sensitivity analysis found RAT to cost £98,000 per QALY gained – far from being cost effective. The main impact of RAT is likely to be on hospital flow, not taken into account by the cohort model. The simulation model saw a reduction in 4-hour breeches from 10% to 8%.

The committee concluded that RAT is a costly intervention that is probably not cost effective in general, although it might still have a positive impact on hospital flow in hospitals operating at sub-optimal levels of efficiency within the emergency department.

Extended hours for consultants in Acute Medical Units (AMU)

The model compared consultant assessment available in the AMU 08:00-18:00 with consultant assessment available in the AMU 08:00-22:00. Therefore, the intervention involves the presence of a consultant to assess and treat on the AMU for an additional 4 hours in the evenings, 7 days a week. This uses additional resources in terms of consultant time at an incremental cost to normal care.

The results of the cohort model found that extended hours on the AMU was cost increasing with a small impact on quality-adjusted life-years. However, the QALYs gained were not large enough in the base case or optimistic sensitivity analysis to allow an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio under the £20,000 threshold, £45,500 per QALY gained in the base case and £25,500 in the optimistic treatment effects sensitivity analysis. The committee noted the results of the cohort model with an ICER close to the £20,000 threshold in the sensitivity analysis. However, they also noted that extended hours in the AMU was likely to have an impact on hospital flow, not taken into account by the cohort model. However, the AMU could not be properly assessed by the simulation model because too many runs would be required.

The committee noted that the intervention allows earlier decision making, potentially avoiding an overnight admission or facilitating earlier discharge. They also noted that extended hours in the AMU could have a positive impact on the hospital flow and patient outcomes, and therefore may be cost-effective at local level. However, extended hours to the AMU should only be implemented alongside local evaluation.


The committee felt that early consultant assessment could be cost effective in some settings. It is associated with some clinical benefit and, in some settings, the cost might be completely offset by savings from increased efficiencies in the hospital pathway. However, it was agreed that this would not be the case nationwide and any intervention should only be implemented at the local level alongside evaluation.

For some Trusts, the resource impact of this recommendation will be more hours of consultant time in the AMU and other high care units. This should be partially offset by reduced length of stay and fewer complications. Some Trusts might want to disinvest in RAT, which would mean savings in terms of ED consultant staff time. There are benefits of early consultant assessment that were not captured in the model and are difficult to quantify, including impact on quality of life from quicker diagnosis and more appropriate location of/better quality of death.

Overall, the evidence was not very strong and therefore the committee felt that neither immediate consultant assessment, such as RAT, nor extended hours could be recommended. However, there is still a need for consultant assessment at the earliest practical opportunity.

Current pragmatic recommendations from professional organisations recommend initial consultant review within 14 hours for patients admitted to acute medical units [Society for Acute Medicine{ ACT2015}, and within 12 hours for patients admitted to intensive care units [UK Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine{FICM2016}]. The committee concluded that in the absence of definitive evidence, these professional recommendations were reasonable, but should be subject to local audit and evaluation.

Quality of evidence

Emergency department:

One RCT was identified which was based in Australia and was graded low to moderate quality due to risk of bias and imprecision. The committee considered whether the study was applicable to a UK setting as in a non-UK setting, patients may present more frequently to secondary care as a first contact. However, the committee chose not to downgrade this study for indirectness as the model was applicable. The observational evidence was all graded as very low quality due to lack of randomisation and the presence of additional confounders, such as the intervention group also receiving point of care testing in addition to early consultant review.

Acute medical unit:

One observational study was identified and the outcomes were graded as very low quality due to risk of bias, imprecision and indirectness. There were some baseline differences in the conditions for which patients in both groups were being assessed and multivariate analysis had not been carried out.

No evidence was identified for stroke care, intensive care or critical care units.

Original health economic modelling was assessed to be directly applicable but still had potentially serious limitations due to the treatment effects being based on expert opinion, albeit conservative and informed by the guideline’s systematic review.

Due to the quality of the evidence the committee decided to make a cautious recommendation for providers to consider consultant review within 14 hours.

Other considerations

The committee noted that, in practice, many of the competencies required to implement a model of early consultant review may be delivered by other members of healthcare staff. However, it is the knowledge or expertise that the consultant brings to the assessment that is crucial. Consultants do not work in isolation and need support of other staff; therefore to implement, this will require reconfiguration of rotas and changes in the availability of healthcare professionals.

The committee were aware of observational evidence across a range of healthcare settings which was not included in the review because of either the availability of higher quality evidence or because it did not meet the inclusion criteria for the review. The committee noted that this observational evidence supported their recommendations for early consultant involvement in these settings.

Although no evidence was found on patient and/or carer satisfaction, the committee noted that it was probably the preference of patients to be seen quickly, spend minimal time in ED and AMU and receive an accurate assessment of their condition with appropriate admission and discharge decisions.

The committee was interested in how early the consultant review should be to demonstrate an improvement in clinical outcome. The definitions for an early consultant review as presented in the evidence was highly variable, most of which were unclear and vague. For example, one study defined an early consultant review as a review within 24 hours, whereas another study defined an early consultant review as when a consultant was present 4 days out of 5 during the working week from 9am-5pm.

The committee referred to the RCP’s Acute care toolkit 4 and the Society for Acute Medicine clinical quality standards: Delivering a 12-hour, 7-day consultant presence on the acute medical unit which includes the following 2 key recommendations:

  1. During the period of consultant presence on AMU, all newly admitted patients should be seen within 6 to 8 hours, with the provision for immediate review as required according to illness severity.
  2. A newly admitted patient must be seen by a consultant within 14 hours after arrival on AMU.
The committee also noted that national standards published by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and UK Intensive Care Society (Guidance on the Provision of Intensive Care Services50) recommend that all patients receiving intensive care should be reviewed in person by an intensive care consultant within 12 hours of admission.

It was felt by the committee that, although there was no evidence from other acute care units such as the CCU, HASU or ICU, this way of working could be extrapolated to those centres. Indeed, in some of these units it is already occurring, that is, PCI in ST elevation MI which is often performed by a consultant cardiologist, or the delivery of thrombolysis in patients with stroke being covered by a consultant stroke thrombolysis rota.

The Academy of Royal Colleges provided a report called the benefits of consultant delivered care2. In this report they highlighted the benefits of consultant delivered care:

  • Rapid and appropriate decision making
  • Improved outcomes
  • More efficient use of resources
  • GPs access to the opinion of a fully trained doctor
  • Patient expectation of access to appropriate and skilled clinicians and information
  • Benefits for the training of junior doctors.
Achieving the benefits of consultant-delivered care for all patients requires greater consultant presence in hospitals than at present, and therefore changes to models of service delivery and the working patterns and practices of consultants will be required. The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges also produced a report in 2013, Seven Day Consultant Present Care Implementation Considerations. This report reaffirmed the findings of the previous report but also looked at daily consultant review. It also reaffirmed the important financial impact and the reconfiguration of rotas that would be required.

As part of the implementation of 7 day services, hospital trusts are expected to meet 10 clinical standards produced by NHS England. The standards were drawn up by the national medical director, Sir Bruce Keogh, and his colleagues at NHS England in 2013, informed by an Academy of Medical Royal Colleges report published in 2012. Trusts are expected to meet 4 priority standards by the end of this financial year. The standards are:

  • Time to first consultant review—patients should be seen as soon as possible but within at least 14 hours
  • Inpatients should have 7 day access to a range of diagnostics
  • Inpatients should have access to a range of key interventions
  • All acute patients must be seen and reviewed by a consultant twice daily.
Therefore, the natural progression of the NHS in England is to deliver earlier and consistent consultant input into the patient journey.


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Appendix A. Review protocols

Table 9Review protocol: Early versus late consultant review

Review question: Is early consultant triage in the ED (RAT model) more clinically and cost effective than later consultant review?
ObjectiveTo determine if early consultant review at acute presentation improves patient outcomes and reduces rate of admission.
RationaleSpecialists ensure that patients are on the correct treatment pathway, moving along the pathway in a timely manner, and not subject to unexpected delays or complications. The first step in the process, determining the correct diagnosis and initial treatment, needs to be taken in a timely manner, as delays can compromise patient outcomes. The question is at what point is specialist involvement essential? At the point of admission, or following initial review and stabilisation by the other members of the clinical team?
PopulationAdults and young people (16 years and over) with a suspected or confirmed AME
InterventionEarly consultant review
ComparisonLater consultant review (any time point that is later than the intervention)
Outcomes Patient outcomes;
  • Early diagnosis (IMPORTANT)
  • Hospital admission (IMPORTANT)
  • Quality of life (CRITICAL)
  • GP visits (IMPORTANT)
  • Mortality (CRITICAL)
  • Avoidable adverse events (CRITICAL)
  • Diagnostic test number (IMPORTANT)
  • Patient satisfaction (CRITICAL)
  • Length of stay in ED (CRITICAL)
  • Readmission up to 30 days (IMPORTANT)
  • Discharge (IMPORTANT)
  • Referrals from admissions (IMPORTANT)
Staff outcomes;
  • Staff satisfaction (IMPORTANT)
  • Trainee satisfaction (IMPORTANT)
Carer outcome;
  • Carer satisfaction (IMPORTANT)
Search criteria

The databases to be searched are: Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Library

Date limits for search: None

Language: English only

The review strategySystematic reviews (SRs) of RCTs, RCTs, observational studies only to be included if no relevant SRs or RCTs are identified.

Data synthesis of RCT data.

Meta-analysis where appropriate will be conducted.

Studies in the following subgroup populations will be included:

  • Frail elderly
  • People with serious mental illness
  • Being seen by consultant prior AMU in diagnosed patients.
In addition, if studies have pre-specified in their protocols that results for any of these subgroup populations will be analysed separately, then they will be included. The methodological quality of each study will be assessed using the Evibase checklist and GRADE.

Key papers
Number of clinical questionsMax occupancy 85%, often at 95% ED / RAT model in ED, note time points (not enough staff at moments to implement) (PD ideal world seen within 1 hour by consultant).
HE questionsCrucial to conceptual. RF does diagnostic reviews (out of 10) for HE.
Review question: Is early consultant review in the AMU, ICU, HDU, CCU or Stroke Unit more clinically and cost effective than later consultant review?
ObjectiveTo determine if early consultant review at acute presentation improves patient outcomes and reduces rate of admission.
RationaleSpecialists ensure that patients are on the correct treatment pathway, moving along the pathway in a timely manner, and not subject to unexpected delays or complications. The first step in the process, determining the correct diagnosis and initial treatment, needs to be taken in a timely manner, as delays can compromise patient outcomes. The question is at what point is specialist involvement essential? At the point of admission, or following initial review and stabilisation by the other members of the clinical team?
PopulationAdults and young people (16 years and over) with a suspected or confirmed AME - presenting to GP
InterventionEarly consultant review
ComparisonLater consultant review (any time point that is later than the intervention)
OutcomesPatient outcomes;
  • Early diagnosis
  • Hospital admission
  • Quality of life
  • GP visits
  • Mortality
  • Avoidable adverse events
  • Number of diagnostic tests
  • Patient and/or carer satisfaction
  • Length of stay in ED
  • Length of stay in hospital
  • Readmission up to 30 days
  • Discharge
  • Referrals from admissions
Staff outcomes;
  • Staff satisfaction
  • Trainee satisfaction
Search criteria

The databases to be searched are: Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Library

Date limits for search: None

Language: English only

The review strategySystematic reviews (SRs) of RCTs, RCTs, observational studies only to be included if no relevant SRs or RCTs are identified.

Data synthesis of RCT data.

Meta-analysis where appropriate will be conducted.

Studies in the following subgroup populations will be included:

  • Frail elderly
  • People with serious mental illness
  • Being seen by consultant prior AMU in diagnosed patients
In addition, if studies have pre-specified in their protocols that results for any of these subgroup populations will be analysed separately, then they will be included. The methodological quality of each study will be assessed using the Evibase checklist and GRADE.

Appendix B. Clinical article selection

Figure 1. Clinical article selection.

Figure 1Clinical article selection

Appendix C. Forest plots

Emergency Department – RCT evidence

Figure 2. Early (SWAT) versus late (standard care): Proportion of patients who met NEAT.

Figure 2Early (SWAT) versus late (standard care): Proportion of patients who met NEAT

Figure 3. Early (SWAT) versus late (standard care): Proportion of admitted patients who met NEAT.

Figure 3Early (SWAT) versus late (standard care): Proportion of admitted patients who met NEAT

Figure 4. Early (SWAT) versus late (standard care): Proportion of discharged patients who met NEAT.

Figure 4Early (SWAT) versus late (standard care): Proportion of discharged patients who met NEAT

Figure 5. Early (SWAT) versus late (standard care): Admissions.

Figure 5Early (SWAT) versus late (standard care): Admissions

Figure 6. Early (SWAT) versus late (standard care): Discharged.

Figure 6Early (SWAT) versus late (standard care): Discharged

Emergency Department – Observational evidence

Figure 7. Mortality.

Figure 7Mortality

Figure 8. ED length of stay (minutes).

Figure 8ED length of stay (minutes)

Figure 9. 30 day unscheduled re-admissions.

Figure 930 day unscheduled re-admissions

Figure 10. Admissions.

Figure 10Admissions

Figure 11. Patients achieving NEAT.

Figure 11Patients achieving NEAT

Figure 12. Discharged patients achieving NEAT.

Figure 12Discharged patients achieving NEAT

Figure 13. Admitted patients achieving NEAT.

Figure 13Admitted patients achieving NEAT

Figure 14. Patients seen within the recommended time.

Figure 14Patients seen within the recommended time

Figure 15. Patients who did not wait to be seen.

Figure 15Patients who did not wait to be seen

Figure 16. Patients who did not wait to be seen.

Figure 16Patients who did not wait to be seen

Figure 17. Patients who did not wait to be seen.

Figure 17Patients who did not wait to be seen

AMU – observational evidence

Figure 18. Early versus late (Consultant present versus consultant absent) in AMU: length of stay (days).

Figure 18Early versus late (Consultant present versus consultant absent) in AMU: length of stay (days)

Figure 19. Early versus late (Consultant present versus consultant absent) in AMU: percent discharged on day of admission.

Figure 19Early versus late (Consultant present versus consultant absent) in AMU: percent discharged on day of admission

Figure 20. Early versus late (Consultant present versus consultant absent) in AMU: percent of patients discharged within 24 hours and readmitted within 1 week for same clinical problem.

Figure 20Early versus late (Consultant present versus consultant absent) in AMU: percent of patients discharged within 24 hours and readmitted within 1 week for same clinical problem

Figure 21. Early versus late (Consultant present versus consultant absent) in AMU :mortality during admission.

Figure 21Early versus late (Consultant present versus consultant absent) in AMU :mortality during admission

Appendix D. Clinical evidence tables

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Appendix E. Economic evidence tables

No studies were included.

Appendix F. GRADE tables

Table 10Clinical evidence profile: Early versus late consultant review in ED (SWAT versus standard care control): RCT evidence

Quality assessmentNo of patientsEffectQualityImportance
No of studiesDesignRisk of biasInconsistencyIndirectnessImprecisionOther considerationsEarly (SWAT)late consultant review (control)Relative (95% CI)Absolute
Proportion of patients who met NEAT
1randomised trialsSerious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessno serious imprecisionnone



45.6%RR 1.04 (0.92 to 1.18)18 more per 1000 (from 36 fewer to 82 more)



Proportion of admitted patients who met NEAT
1randomised trialsSerious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessSerious2none



17.8%RR 1.26 (0.86 to 1.83)46 more per 1000 (from 25 fewer to 148 more)



Proportion of discharged patients who met NEAT
1randomised trialsSerious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessno serious imprecisionnone



62.5%RR 1.02 (0.91 to 1.14)12 more per 1000 (from 56 fewer to 87 more)



Number of patients admitted
1randomised trialsSerious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessno serious imprecisionnone



37.7%RR 1.03 (0.89 to 1.19)11 more per 1000 (from 41 fewer to 72 more)



Number of patients discharged
1randomised trialsSerious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessno serious imprecisionnone



62.3%RR 0.98 (0.9 to 1.08)12 fewer per 1000 (from 62 fewer to 50 more)




Downgraded by 1 increment if the majority of the evidence was at high risk of bias, and downgraded by 2 increments if the majority of the evidence was at very high risk of bias.


Downgraded by 1 increment if the confidence interval crossed one MID or by 2 increments if the confidence interval crossed both MIDs.

Table 11Clinical evidence profile: Early versus late consultant review in ED: observational evidence

Quality assessmentNo of patientsEffectQualityImportance
No of studiesDesignRisk of biasInconsistencyIndirectnessImprecisionOther considerationsEarly consultant triagelate consultant triageRelative (95% CI)Absolute
Length of stay (minutes) (Better indicated by lower values)
1observational studiesserious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessSerious3none608683-MD 68.3 lower (84.76 to 51.84 lower)



1observational studiesserious2no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessvery serious3none



0.2%Peto OR 2.20 (0.23, 21.23)2 more per 1000 (from 2 fewer to 39 more)



30 day unscheduled readmissions
1observational studiesserious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessSerious3none



9.4%RR 0.75 (0.52 to 1.09)23 fewer per 1000 (from 45 fewer to 8 more)



1observational studiesserious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessno serious imprecisionnone



42.4%RR 0.34 (0.28 to 0.41)280 fewer per 1000 (from 250 fewer to 305 fewer)



% achieving NEAT
1observational studiesserious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessno serious imprecisionnone-OR 1.15 (1.07 to 1.24)140 more per 1000 (from 70 more to 210 more)



% achieving NEAT of those discharged
1observational studiesserious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessSerious3none-OR 1.17 (1.07 to 1.28)160 more per 1000 (from 70 more to 250 more)



% achieving NEAT of those admitted
1observational studiesserious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessno serious imprecisionnone-OR 1.1 (0.98 to 1.23)100 more per 1000 (from 20 fewer to 210 more)



% seen within recommended waiting times - Harvey 2008
1observational studiesserious1no serious inconsistencyno serious indirectnessSerious3none



46%RR 1.26 (1.13 to 1.4)120 more per 1000 (from 60 more to 184 more))



Did not wait to be seen patients (Harvey 2008)
1observational studiesserious1no serious inconsistencySerious2Very serious3none



2.5%RR 0.73 (0.34-1.54)7 fewer per 1000 (from 16 fewer to 13 more)



Did not wait to be seen patients (Asha 2013)
1observational studiesserious1no serious inconsistencySerious2Serious3none-OR 0.72 (0.58 to 0.89)330 fewer (from 540 fewer to 110 fewer)



Did not wait to be seen patients (Shetty 2012)
1observational studiesserious1no serious inconsistencySerious2no serious imprecisionnone



10.7%RR 0.9 (0.83 to 0.97)11 fewer per 1000 (from 3 fewer to 18 fewer)




All non-randomised studies automatically downgraded due to selection bias. Studies may be further downgraded by 1 increment if other factors suggest additional high risk of bias, or 2 2 increments if other factors suggest additional very high risk of bias.


Downgraded by 1 increment if the confidence interval crossed one MID or by 2 increments if the confidence interval crossed both MIDs.

Table 12Clinical evidence profile: Early versus late consultant review in AMU (consultant present versus consultant absent): cohort study evidence

Quality assessmentNo of patientsEffectQualityImportance
No of studiesDesignRisk of biasInconsistencyIndirectnessImprecisionOther considerationsEarly (Consultant present)Late (Consultant absent)Relative (95% CI)Absolute
Length of stay - Days (Better indicated by lower values)
1observational studiesSerious1no serious inconsistencySerious2no serious imprecisionnone2064864-MD 1.34 lower (2.67 to 0.01 lower)



% discharged on day of admission
1observational studiesSerious1no serious inconsistencySerious2Serious3none



23.0%RR 1.4 (1.22-1.6)129 more per 1000 (from 71 more to 193 more)



% patients discharged within 24 hours and readmitted within 1 week for same clinical problem
1observational studiesSerious1no serious inconsistencySerious2very serious3none



1.5%RR 1.19 (0.64 to 2.23)3 more per 1000 (from 5 fewer to 18 more)



Mortality during admission
1observational studiesSerious1no serious inconsistencySerious2Serious3none



10.1%RR 0.93 (0.73 to 1.19)7 fewer per 1000 (from 27 fewer to 19 more)




All non-randomised studies automatically downgraded due to selection bias. Studies may be further downgraded by 1 increment if other factors suggest additional high risk of bias, or 2 increments if other factors suggest additional very high risk of bias.


The evidence is indirect as the exact time of consultant review was not reported.


Downgraded by 1 increment if the confidence interval crossed one MID or by 2 increments if the confidence interval crossed both MIDs.

Appendix G. Excluded clinical studies

Table 13Studies excluded from the clinical review

StudyExclusion reason
ADAMS 20053Incorrect setting and population (in-hospital cardiac arrests occurring hospital-wide).
ADIGUEZL 20154Incorrect comparison (pulmonary specialist versus intensivist).
AGA 20125Incorrect setting (surgical care).
AGRAWAL 20096Incorrect setting (general surgery).
AHMED 20107Incorrect setting (outpatient clinic).
ALI 20108Before and after study. Time to consultant review not measured. Insufficient data provided to make a comparison.
ANDERSON 198810Time to consultant review not measured. No outcomes of interest.
ANDERSON 20139Time to consultant review not measured. Observational study set in USA.
ANGUS 200011Does not fit protocol. Observational study set in USA.
ANON 20051Incorrect intervention. Summary paper only.
AUDIT 199613Contains no relevant outcome data.
BARNES 201114Incorrect setting (head and neck surgery).
BEIRI 200615Incorrect setting (orthopaedic and trauma surgery).
BELL 201316No data reported.
BEWICK 200917Incorrect comparison (generalist versus specialist).
BRAY 201319Does not fit with current practice
BLUNT 200018Incorrect comparison (intensivist versus non-specialist).
BRODIE 201220Review paper checked for references.
BROWN 198921Incorrect comparison (consultant versus critical care specialist).
CADTH 201422Review paper checked for references
CALDER 199823Incorrect setting (surgical care).
CAPP 201224No outcomes of interest.
CARBERRY 200625Narrative paper.
CARIGA 201126Incorrect setting (neurology clinic).
CARROLL 200427Incorrect setting (neurology).
CASALINO 201428Incorrect comparison (specialist advice versus no specialist advice).
CHA 200929Incorrect intervention.
CHEN 2015A 30Incorrect intervention with no extractable outcomes
CHRISTMAS 200531Incorrect setting (trauma service).
CLARKE 200533Diagnosis of role players.
COHEE 201434Incorrect setting (inpatient internal medical wards).
COHEN 199335Time to consultant review not measured. Observational study published < 2005.
COOKE 199636Narrative/letter to editor.
COOKE 199837Review paper checked for references.
CAPP 201224No outcomes of interest
CUTLER 200338Qualitative review.
DALE 199539Time to consultant review not measured. Observational study published < 2005.
DAOUST 201440Incorrect intervention.
DAY 200542Narrative.
DENMANJOHNSON 199743Time to consultant review not measured. Observational study published < 2005 and n<200.
DHRAMPAL 201044Conference abstract
EDKINS 201445Review paper checked for references.
EDWARDS 201146Incorrect intervention (registered nurse in triage team)
ELGAYLANI 199747Incorrect setting (chest pain clinic).
ELMSTAHL 199948Observational study published < 2005.
EVANS 201149Time to consultant review not measured.
FISHER 199451No outcomes of interest. Incorrect setting: otolaryngology unit.
FITZPATRICK 2006B52Incorrect population (trauma patients).
FOSTER 200653Incorrect setting (oncology referrals).
GAMBIER 201254Incorrect setting – internal medicine department. Timing of consultant review not measured.
GARLAND 201255Incorrect comparison (consultant present versus consultant on call)
GARNER 200656Incorrect setting (surgery).
GASKELL 199557Incorrect setting (general surgical ward).
GERSHENGORN 201158Incorrect comparison (nurses/physicians assistant’s versus junior doctors).
GIBBS 200159No outcomes of interest.
GILLIGAN 200860Incorrect setting (hospital-wide).
GLASSER 200961Incorrect setting (military medical centre).
GOMEZ 199662Unclear which health professionals delivered intervention.
GOMEZ-SOTO 200863Incorrect setting (internal medicine and family medicine).
GULLI 201464No outcomes of interest.
HALFDANARSON 200665Narrative.
HARRISON 200766Narrative.
HELLAWELL 200568Time to consultant review not linked to outcomes.
HELLING 2010A69Incorrect setting (trauma centres).
HOFFMAN 200371No outcomes of interest.
HOFFMAN 200572Incorrect comparison (consultants present in both interventions).
HOFFMAN 200670Incorrect comparison (consultants present in both interventions).
HOLZMAN 199473Incorrect setting (surgery)
HOPKINS 201474Time to consultant review not measured.
HORWITZ 200775Time to consultant review not measured. Observational study set in USA.
IMPERATO 201276Before and after study set in USA.
JEUNE 201378Time to consultant review not linked to outcomes.
JIMENEZ 200379Not a comparative study
JOHANSSON 200180Does not match protocol
JOHNSTONE 2015 81Incorrect population
JUNG 2016 82Incorrect intervention
KAPUR 199983Time to consultant review not measured.
KAWAR 201184Incorrect intervention.
KENDRICK 200685No outcomes of interest.
KENNELLY 201486No outcomes of interest
KENT 201187Incorrect intervention.
KERR 201088No outcomes of interest.
KHADJOOI 200989Not a comparative study.
KIRTON 200790No outcomes of interest.
KMIETOWICZ 200791News article checked for references.
LAINE 199392Time to consultant review not measured.
LAL 200093Time to consultant review not measured.
LAMMERS 200394Time to consultant review not measured.
LANGHORNE 199595Meta-analysis comparing stroke units to normal wards. Time to consultant review not measured.
LAUPLAND 201096Time to consultant review not measured.
LAURENS 201197Incorrect setting (hospital-wide intervention).
LEVY 201398Narrative paper.
LEWIS 198899Timing of consultant review not reported.
LILLY 2014100Incorrect intervention (telemedicine).
LONDERO 2014101Time to consultant review not linked to outcomes.
LONGSWORTH 1990102Time to consultant review not linked to outcomes.
MAGIN 2013103Incorrect setting (secondary referral clinic).
MAHMOOD 2009104Time to consultant review not linked to outcomes.
MANAWADU 2014A105Incorrect population (in-hospital stroke).
MARRIOTT 2003106Time to consultant review not measured.
MARTIN 1997108No outcomes of interest.
MCMANUS 2002109Review paper checked for references.
MEYER 2005111Incorrect intervention.
MEYNAAR 2009112Incorrect intervention (intensivists versus junior doctors).
MIRZA 2013113Incorrect setting (ENT clinic).
MORRIS 2009114Time to consultant review not measured.
MULLEN 2009115Conference abstract
MUNRO 2006116Poor quality data source (survey)
MURPHY 1996117Unclear intervention.
MURRELL 2011118Observational study set in USA.
NCEPOD 2007107Time to consultant review not linked to outcomes.
NEWBY 1998119Incorrect setting (chest pain clinic).
O’CONNOR 1996A120Incorrect population (trauma patients).
O’KEEFFE 2012121Incorrect populations (‘did not wait’ patients).
PATEL 2014122Time to consultant review not measured.
POURMAND 2013123Incorrect comparison (junior doctors with input from consultant versus junior doctors alone).
RAFMAN 2013124Observational study set in Singapore
REDMOND 1993125Short article, insufficient information.
ROTHEN 2007126Time to consultant review not measured.
ROTHWELL 2007127Incorrect intervention (referral to outpatient clinic).
SAKR 2015128Timing of consultant review not measured.
SALAZAR 2001129Observational study published < 2005
SCHULTZ 2013130Time to consultant review not linked to outcomes.
SECOR 1983131Does not match protocol
SHOWKATHALI 2013133Incorrect setting (cardiothoracic centre). Time to consultant review not measured.
SILBER 2009134Time to consultant review not measured. Observational study set in USA.
SOONG 2013135Incorrect intervention.
SPIGOS 1996136Observational study set in USA and published <2005.
STEVENS 2001137Time to consultant review not measured.
SVIRSKY 2013138Incorrect intervention (early triage by junior doctors).
TING 1991139Observational study set in USA and published <2005.
TRAUB 2015140Observational study set in USA.
TRAVERS 2006141Non-randomised study set in Singapore.
VAGHASIYA 2014142No outcomes of interest.
VOLPP 2007143Observational study set in USA.
VOLPP 2009144Observational study set in USA.
VOLPP 2013145Observational study set in USA.
VOSK 1998146No outcomes of interest.
WALLS 2009147No outcomes of interest.
WANKLYN 1997148Incorrect comparison (SHOs and registrars).
WARD 2009149Does not link consultant working patterns to clinical outcomes.
WARD 2013150Does not match protocol
WILCOX 2013152Incorrect comparison (high versus low intensity staffing).
WILCOX 2014153Timing of consultant review not measured.
WOODS 2008154No outcomes of interest.

Appendix H. Excluded economic studies

No studies were excluded.

Copyright © NICE 2018.
Bookshelf ID: NBK564900


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