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Dementia: Assessment, management and support for people living with dementia and their carers. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2018 Jun. (NICE Guideline, No. 97.)

Cover of Dementia

Dementia: Assessment, management and support for people living with dementia and their carers.

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1Guideline committee membership and NICE technical team

1.1. Guideline committee

  • Damien Longson (committee chair)
    Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist, Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust
  • Louise Allan
    Professor of Geriatric Medicine, University of Exeter
  • Joanne Brady (Co-opted member)
    Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and North London Hospice
  • Linda Clare
    Professor of Clinical Psychology of Ageing and Dementia, University of Exeter
  • Richard Clibbens
    Nurse Consultant, Wakefield Memory Service, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation
  • Carol Duff
    Consultant Occupational Therapist, Older Adults Specialist Mental Health Services, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Paul Dunnery (Resigned November 2016)
    Lay member – organisation (Alzheimer’s Society)
  • Sandra Evans
    Consultant Psychiatrist and Lecturer in Psychiatry, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London
  • Wayne Goddard (From March 2017)
    Head of Strategy and Delivery Integrated Dementia Lead, Doncaster CCG
  • Kim Grosvenor (From March 2017)
    Senior Manager – Dementia Transformation, HWLH CCG
  • Karen Harrison Dening
    Head of Research & Publications, Admiral Nurse, Dementia UK
  • Jeremy Isaacs (Co-opted member)
    Consultant Neurologist and Dementia Clinical Lead, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Hannah Luff
    Lead Speech & Language Therapist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
  • Kate Mitchell (Co-opted member) (Resigned November 2016)
    Commissioner and Programme Lead for Long Term Conditions, NHS Kernow
  • Kevin Minier
    Lay member – carer for a person living with dementia
  • John O’Brien
    Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, University of Cambridge
  • Ruth O’Dea
    Care Home Manager, Somerset Redstone Trust
  • Catherine Pascoe (Co-opted member) (Resigned October 2016)
    Commissioning Manager Adult Services, Hampshire County Council
  • Sarah Partington (Co-opted member)
    Community matron, ANP complex care, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust
  • Chris Roberts
    Lay member – person living with dementia
  • Louise Robinson
    GP and Professor of Primary Care and Ageing, Newcastle University
  • Tracy Wright
    Directorate Manager – (Social Worker) Directorate Manager HMR Integrated Teams, Pennine Acute

1.2. Guideline social care subgroup

  • Tracey Wright (Subgroup chair) (Guideline committee member)
    (Social Worker) Directorate Manager HMR Integrated Teams, Pennine Acute
  • Belinda Black
    Chief Executive, Sheffcare
  • Sally English
    Practice Manager, East Sussex County Council
  • Maggie Murdoch
    Lay member – carer for a person living with dementia
  • Pauline Shaw
    Director of Care & Service Development, the Royal Star & Garter Homes, West Midlands
  • Ruth O’Dea (Guideline committee member)
    Care Home Manager, Somerset Redstone Trust
  • Ben Williams
    Practice Excellence Advisor, Genesis Housing Association
    For a full list of guideline development group and declarations of interest, see Appendix A.

1.3. NICE Centre for Guidelines Team

  • Harry Allen (Until January 2017)
    Consultant Clinical Adviser
  • Sohaib Ashraf (From November 2016)
    Health Economist
  • Elizabeth Barrett
    Information Specialist
  • Jean Bennie (From June 2017)
    Technical Analyst
  • Daniel Davies (From April 2016 until March 2017)
    Project Manager
  • Sue Ellerby (From December 2015 until March 2017)
    Consultant Clinical Adviser
  • Jamie Elvidge (From July until November 2016)
    Health Economist
  • Victoria Gillis-Elliott
    Technical Analyst
  • James Hall
  • Marie Harrisingh (From November 2016)
    Technical Analyst
  • Holly Irwin (Until January 2016)
    Project Manager
  • Yolanda Martinez (From February to May 2017)
    Technical Analyst
  • Toby Mercer (From November 2016)
    Technical Analyst
  • Michael Mellors (From November 2016 until March 2017)
    Social Care Adviser
  • Kate McAllister (From September until November 2016)
    Technical Analyst
  • Hugh McGuire (Until December 2015)
    Technical Adviser
  • Sarah Mills (From February 2016 until April 2016)
    Project Manager
  • Vonda Murray (From February 2016 until April 2016) & (From March 2017)
    Project Manager
  • Angela Parkin
    Medicines Adviser
  • Joshua Pink (From February 2016)
    Technical Adviser
  • Gabriel Rogers
    Technical Adviser, Health Economics
  • Susan Spiers
    Associate Director
  • Jeffrey Tabiri-Essuman (From April to May 2017)
    Technical Analyst
  • Steven Ward (Until April 2016)
    Health Economist
  • Verena Wolfram (From July 2017)
    Technical Analyst

1.3.1. Peer Review

  • Jane Silvester
    Associate Director - Guidance and Quality Assurance management, Implementation
    For social care recommendations
Copyright © NICE 2018.
Bookshelf ID: NBK536519


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