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Pharmacoeconomic Review Report: Tocilizumab (Actemra): (Hoffman-La Roche Limited): Indication: For the treatment of giant cell arteritis (GCA) in adult patients [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2018 Apr.

Cover of Pharmacoeconomic Review Report: Tocilizumab (Actemra)

Pharmacoeconomic Review Report: Tocilizumab (Actemra): (Hoffman-La Roche Limited): Indication: For the treatment of giant cell arteritis (GCA) in adult patients [Internet].

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Appendix 4Reviewer Worksheets

Manufacturer’s Model Structure

A semi-Markov model was developed based on the GiACTA trial data.

Details of the semi-Markov structure are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Semi-Markov Model Structure.

Figure 1Semi-Markov Model Structure

Source: Manufacturer’s Pharmacoeconomic Report.3

Health-state utilities in the manufacturer’s submission were obtained from subjects in the GiACTA trial.4 Utility decrements from giant cell arteritis or prednisone-related adverse events were adopted based on the utilities used in the National Institute for Health Research health technology assessment report,5 and rescaled to the health-state utilities. The utility decrement for fractures was calculated as the average utility decrement of different types of fractures.

Table 9 and Table 10 report the relevant data sources and assumptions incorporated by the manufacturer.

Table 9Data Sources

Data InputDescription of Data SourceComment
Patient characteristicsBaseline characteristics were informed by the GiACTA trial (phase III, 52-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled; n = 251).4Appropriate
EfficacyEfficacy on time to first flare and transition to subsequent flares were taken from the GiACTA trial.4Likely appropriate for year 1, but uncertainty exists regarding extrapolation in year 2. Further, prednisone dosing is protocolized and may differ from real-world administration (which may impact relative efficacy between the 2 treatment groups).
It is inappropriate to assume continued benefit of tocilizumab after year 2 (when no further tocilizumab is administered).
Natural historyModel structure was conceptualized after considering the natural history of the disease and the insights from the manufacturer’s clinical team regarding the GiACTA data.4Appropriate; disease is not common.
UtilitiesHealth-state utilities were obtained from the GiACTA trial data.4
Decrements for GCA or prednisone-related adverse events were obtained from the literature.
While appropriate, the specific details of modelling from EQ-5D data collected from the trial were not provided.
All studies used to inform were non-Canadian, as studies on Canadian populations were unavailable; this approach is reasonable.
Resource useSee costs section.
Dose of prednisoneThe prednisone dose for the treatment period was derived from the GiACTA trial.4 Until the first flare (primary remission), the cumulative dose was 2,632 mg for TCZ and 3,945 mg for prednisone alone.
During flare, a predictive equation of the prednisone dose increase was estimated from trial data, based on the last effective dose (1.6472 for TCZ and 1.6493 for prednisone alone).
After the flare, patients would switch to the “escape” prednisone tapering regimen, a logistic growth regression was applied derived from the GiACTA trial, and ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬.6
Appropriate. However, prednisone dosing is driven by the protocol. Actual dosing may differ in clinical practice and there is noted variability in treatment.
Adverse events (indicate which specific adverse events were considered in the model)Adverse events related to TCZ were not included as isolation of these events from AEs caused by prednisone or GCA was not possible, and GiACTA trial showed that the rates of AEs between the treatment groups were very similar.4
GCA-related AEs included both vision loss and stroke (minor or major), as they were the most costly and debilitating AEs. Rate estimated from the NHS HTA report.5
Prednisone-related AEs included fractures and diabetes mellitus where considered most relevant from literature review and ▬ ▬ ▬.6 Algorithms were developed from ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬.
Uncertain, but the GiACTA trial showed the rates of AEs and SAEs between the treatment groups were similar.
Appropriate although uncertain; uncommon events not captured in trial and estimated from observational data.
Appropriate although uncertain; these events were not obtained from the trial but estimated using observation data linking cumulative dose of prednisone and development of fractures and diabetes.
MortalityThe model considered background mortality for all patients based on Canadian life tables. Mortality due to GCA was indirectly incorporated via the occurrence of death with major stroke (in 50%).Mortality due to stroke is higher than the Canadian data.9
(tocilizumab, TCZ)
The cost of TCZ was based on the mode prices reported by the provincial formularies. A cost of $358.905 was used for each 162 mg syringe of TCZ. Patients were assumed to remain on weekly TCZ until the end of the second year.Appropriate
A costing algorithm was used to calculate the minimum cost for each prednisone dose required by patients. The costs used for prednisone tablets were based on the mode prices reported by the provincial formularies. The weekly cost of prednisone for the first year was $4.59; after one year, the weekly cost was $0.75 for TCZ + prednisone and $0.28 for prednisone only.Appropriate
Flare managementThe total cost for a flare was the sum of the cost of a visit to the rheumatologist (code A480 from the Ontario Schedule of Benefits) and the cost of additional prednisone for one cycle.Appropriate
GCA-related AEsAnnual costs of $3,152 for vision loss, $25,655 for non-fatal stroke, and $9,295 for fatal stroke were obtained from a Canadian study.8Appropriate
Prednisone-related AEsThe cost of diabetes was derived from a Canadian costing study in which incident diabetes cases in Ontario were matched with subjects without diabetes to determine the attributable costs.7
For factures, a tariff cost per event was obtained from the Ontario case costing and a weighted average cost of $10,971 was used in the model assuming all fractures were treated in-patient.
According to the CDR clinical expert, most vertebral fractures (31.4% of fractures) would be treated in an outpatient setting; the approach used likely overestimates costs.

Table 10Manufacturer’s Key Assumptions

Natural history and efficacy
The patients’ characteristics from the GiACTA trial were assumed to be representative of the target population.Reasonable. However, diagnosis of GCA is often made on clinical grounds and there may be variability in how this is defined.
The extrapolation beyond the study follow-up time was based on parametric models.Uncertain. Relative efficacy may be influenced by the dosing of prednisone, which was protocolized in the trial (and may affect relative efficacy). Further, year 2 efficacy was extrapolated using parametric models and uncertainty exists. Finally, assuming incremental efficacy of TCZ persists after this medication is stopped (beyond 2 years) is not justified by either data or speculation; the clinical expert indicated that relative efficacy is likely to be similar between the two treatment groups after TCZ administration has ceased.
Adverse events related to TCZ were not included in the model.Uncertain. However, the GiACTA trial showed similar AEs rates between the treatment groups.
Non-Canadian utilities and decrements were used in the model.Uncertain. May not represent the Canadian patients’ population quality of life, but reasonable approach.
50% of major strokes were assumed to be fatal.Higher than the Canadian data.9 Saposnik’s values were tested in the CDR reanalyses.

AE = adverse event; CDR = CADTH Common Drug Review; GCA = giant cell arteritis; HTA = heath technology assessment; NIHR = National Institute for Health Research; SAE = serious adverse event; TCZ = tocilizumab.

CADTH Common Drug Review Reanalyses (TCZ Plus Prednisone Versus Prednisone alone)

As the provided model did not transparently allow similar efficacy between the two treatment groups after the treatment period (two years), this was attempted through two separate analyses. The following assumptions were made in the CADTH Common Drug Review (CDR) revised model:

  1. Remission and Flare: Assumed the same rates for both tocilizumab (TCZ) and prednisone after two years.
    The adjusted model was based on the two-year and the two-year-plus models. To assume no benefits on flare (same patients in remission) after two years, the numbers (highlighted in red in column d) were derived from column c – prednisone group were added to column b – TCZ group. For example, in the adjusted model, the quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) on remission would be 1.45 (TCZ from column b) + 7.79 (prednisone from column c) = 9.24 (Table 11). That is, the costs and QALY for TCZ from years 0 to 2 would be kept as is, and the costs/QALY for TCZ after two years would be the same as the prednisone arm.
  2. Giant cell arteritis (GCA)- and prednisone-related adverse events (AEs): Assumed continued benefits for TCZ after two years, although this might overestimate the benefits of TCZ.
    In the CDR revised model, costs and QALYs for TCZ from GCA-/prednisone-related AE = Manufacturer’s base case (column (a) in Table 11).

Table 11CDR Reanalysis Plausible Base Case (Probabilistic Models)

Manufacturer’s Base Case (a)2-Year Model
Difference (a)-(b)
Adjusted Model (b)+(c)
QALYs breakdown
On remission9.909.141.451.358.457.799.249.14
On flare0.290.780.
Disutility from GCA-related AE00000000
Disutility from prednisone-related AE−0.2−0.36−0.03−0.04−0.17−0.32−0.2−0.36
Total QALYs10.009.571.451.418.558.169.799979.57
Cost breakdown ($)
Tocilizumab cost36,861036,86100036,8610
Prednisone cost15445412715427300427454
Flare cost5471,446621814851,2651,3271,446
GCA-related costs792129267018679212
Prednisone AE costs2,3125,1648931,0581,4184,1062,3125,164
Total costs39,9517,27637,9521,4191,9995,85741,0067,276
Incremental cost32,67536,53333,730
Incremental QALY0.430.040.18
ICUR ($/QALY)85,501803,190187,389

AE = adverse event; GCA = giant cell arteritis; ICUR = incremental cost-utility ratio; QALY = quality-adjusted life-year; TCZ = tocilizumab.

As noted on page 11 (CDR Reanalysis), the manufacturer proposed a model-based approach to assuming equal efficacy between the two treatment groups after two years (see 1a; CDR base case 2); CDR conducted additional model-based analysis to attempt this (1b; CDR base case 3). However, these two approaches led to incremental benefits still accruing for the TCZ group after two years due to GCA (not due to prednisone-related AE). They are shown here for completeness.

Table 12Additional CDR Reanalysis Plausible Base Case (Probabilistic Models)

DescriptionTCZ + Prednisone Compared With Prednisone Alone
Incremental CostIncremental QALYsICUR
Manufacturer base case$32,6130.43$85,496
8.2Plausible base case 2 (1a, 2)a$33,5610.32$121,547
8.2aScenario analysis of CDR base case with 0 prednisone disutility$33,3430.31$124,164
8.2bScenario analysis of CDR base case with baseline and flare utility of 0.716$33,5400.26$125,453
8.2cScenario analysis of CDR base case with stroke mortality of 13.4%$33,5040.32$122,779
8.2dScenario analysis of CDR base case with 25% more prednisone-related AEs$34,0680.30$130,864
8.2eScenario analysis of CDR base case with 25% fewer prednisone-related AEs$32,9640.35$108,735
8.2fScenario analysis of CDR base case with 1 week in flare$33,5100.22$173,350
8.2g8.2a + 8.2c$33,5140.31$141,957
8.2h8.2a + 8.2c + 8.2d$34,0740.29$140,516
8.2i8.2a + 8.2c + 8.2e$33,0050.34$113,001
8.3Plausible base case 3 (1b, 2)b$33,8390.28$138,041
8.3aScenario analysis of CDR base case with 0 prednisone disutility$33,8750.27$156,797
8.3bScenario analysis of CDR base case with baseline and flare utility of 0.716$33,8980.25$180,680
8.3cScenario analysis of CDR base case with stroke mortality of 13.4%$33,7840.28$167,188
8.3dScenario analysis of CDR base case with 25% more prednisone-related AEs$34,3290.26$168,144
8.3eScenario analysis of CDR base case with 25% less prednisone-related AEs$22,2250.31$163,521
8.3fScenario analysis of CDR base case with 1 week in flare$33,8570.26$155,764
8.3g8.3a + 8.3c$33,5190.31$129,542
8.3h8.3a + 8.3c + 8.3d$34,0740.29$140,516
8.3i8.3a + 8.3c + 8.3e$33,3410.30$125,259

AE = adverse event; CDR = CADTH Common Drug Review; ICUR = incremental cost-utility ratio; QALY = quality-adjusted life-year; TCZ = tocilizumab.


Plausible base case 2 uses the manufacturer’s approach and a modified weighted average fracture costs.


Plausible base case 3 uses CDR approach with manufacturer’s model and a modified weighted average fracture costs.

Table 13CDR Reanalysis Price Reduction Scenarios Based on the Alternate CDR Base Case

ICURs of TCZ Plus Prednisone Versus Prednisone Alone
PriceBase-case analysis submitted by manufacturer ICUR ($/QALY)Reanalysis by CDR
(based on plausible base case 2) ICUR ($/QALY)
Reanalysis by CDR
(based on plausible base case 3) ICUR ($/QALY)
10% reduction76,246101,712130,959
20% reduction65,20599,755127,851
30% reduction59,06179,762100,898
40% reduction46,91268,79983,124
50% reduction37,66553,99469,703
60% reduction24,82941,51651,195
70% reduction18,97228,15141,140

CDR = CADTH Common Drug Review; ICUR = incremental cost-utility ratio; QALY = quality-adjusted life-year; TCZ = tocilizumab.

Copyright © 2018 Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK534099


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