NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

Cover of StemBook


Cambridge (MA): Harvard Stem Cell Institute; -.
ISSN: 1940-3429
Copyright © 2013 by the Massachusetts General Hospital. Some sections copyright 2008-2009 by The President and Fellows of Harvard College.

StemBook is an open access collection of invited, original, peer-reviewed chapters covering a range of topics related to stem cell biology written by top researchers in the field at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and worldwide. StemBook is aimed at stem cell and non-specialist researchers.

In addition to the contributions of the editorial board and the stem cell research community, the project is being done in collaboration with several other enterprises including Harvard’s Initiative in Innovative Computing. The Initiative in Innovative Computing created the Scientific Collaboration Framework (SCF), the extensible software infrastructure used for the project. SCF and the StemBook project were funded, in part, by a generous grant from an anonymous foundation and also appreciates the input of WormBase's Textpresso team.


Edited by The Stem Cell Research Community

Copyright © 2013 by the Massachusetts General Hospital. Some sections copyright 2008-2009 by The President and Fellows of Harvard College.

All content unless otherwise noted is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Bookshelf ID: NBK27044PMID: 20614604