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Galdas P, Darwin Z, Fell J, et al. A systematic review and metaethnography to identify how effective, cost-effective, accessible and acceptable self-management support interventions are for men with long-term conditions (SELF-MAN). Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2015 Aug. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 3.34.)

Cover of A systematic review and metaethnography to identify how effective, cost-effective, accessible and acceptable self-management support interventions are for men with long-term conditions (SELF-MAN)

A systematic review and metaethnography to identify how effective, cost-effective, accessible and acceptable self-management support interventions are for men with long-term conditions (SELF-MAN).

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Appendix 4Qualitative literature search

Five databases (CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Social Science Citation Index) were searched to identify qualitative studies exploring men’s perceptions of interventions aimed at the self-management of LTCs. Each of the search strategies used a combination of thesaurus and free-text terms and consisted of four sections: self-management; LTCs; men and masculinity; and a qualitative filter. The qualitative search filter was based upon the one described in the paper by Shaw et al.98) with the addition of some further terms. A total of 8450 records were identified from the database searches. After loading into bibliographic software and deduplicating, there was a total of 6330 unique records.

Databases searched: CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Social Science Citation Index.

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature

Database provider: EBSCOhost.

URL: www.ebscohost.com/biomedical-libraries/cinahl-plus-with-full-text

Date range searched: 1937 to July week 2 2013.

Search date: 16 July 2013.

Records identified: 539.

Search strategy

Search ID#Search terms
S25S22 AND S23 Published Date from: 19700101-20131231
S24S22 AND S23
S23LA english
S22S20 AND S21
S21TI ( man or man’s or men or men’s or male* or masculin* or gender* or sex difference* or sex factor* )
S20S5 AND S9 AND S19
S19S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18
S18TX understanding* OR TX perception* OR TX perspective* OR TX meaning* OR TX belief* OR TX opinion* OR TX voice*
S17TX mixed method OR TX multi method OR TX survey OR TX ( coding or coded or codes ) OR TX framework analysis OR TX process evaluation OR TX meta synthesis OR TX meta study OR TX meta ethnograph* OR TX realist synthesis OR TX realist review OR view*
S16TX findings OR TX interview* OR MH interviews OR TX qualitative
S15TX ( (constant N1 (comparative or comparison)) ) OR TX narrative analys?s OR TX corbin* N2 strauss* OR TX glaser* N2 strauss* OR TX strauss* N2 corbin* OR TX glaser*
S14TX cluster sampl* OR TX ( theme* or thematic ) OR TX categor* OR TX observational method* OR TX field stud* OR TX focus group* OR TX questionnaire* OR TX content analysis OR TX thematic analysis OR TX constant comparative OR TX discourse analys?s OR TX ( (discourse* or discurs*) N3 analys?s )
S13TX ( field N1 (study or studies or research) ) OR TX human science OR TX biographical method OR TX qualitative validity OR TX purposive sampl* OR TX theoretical sampl* OR TX purpos* N4 sampl* OR TX focus N1 group* OR TX ( account or accounts or unstructured or open-ended or open ended or text* or narrative* ) OR TX ( life world or life-world or conversation analys?s or personal experience* or theoretical saturation ) OR TX lived experience* OR TX life experience*
S12TX ethnonursing OR TX ethnograph* OR TX phenomenol* OR TX grounded theory OR TX ( grounded N1 (theor* or study or studies or research or analys?s) ) OR TX life stor* OR TX ( emic or etic or hermeneutic* or heuristic* or semiotic* ) OR TX data N1 saturat* OR TX participant observ* OR TX ( social construct* or postmodern* or post-structural* or post structural* or poststructural* or post modern* or post-modern* or interpret* ) OR TX ( action research or cooperative inquir* or co operative inquir* or co-operative inquir* ) OR TX ( humanistic or existential or experiential or paradigm* )TX ethnonursing OR TX ethnograph* OR TX phenomenol* OR TX grounded theory OR TX ( grounded N1 (theor* or study or studies or research or analys?s) ) OR TX life stor* OR TX ( emic or etic or hermeneutic* or heuristic* or semiotic* ) OR TX data N1 saturat* OR TX participant observ* OR TX ( social construct* or postmodern* or post-structural* or post structural* or poststructural* or post modern* or post-modern* or interpret* ) OR TX ( action research or cooperative inquir* or co operative inquir* ...Show Less
S11MH purposive sample OR MH observational methods OR MH field studies OR MH theoretical sample OR MH phenomenology OR MH phenomological research OR MH life experiences OR MH cluster sample
S10MH qualitative studies OR MH research nursing OR MH questionnaires OR MH attitudes OR MH focus groups OR MH discourse analysis OR MH content analysis OR MH ethnographic research OR MH ethnological research OR MH ethnonursing research OR MH constant comparative method OR MH qualititive validity
S9S6 OR S7 OR S8
S8TX HIV OR TX hepatitis OR TX anxiety OR TX psychotic disorders OR TX ( (long* or chronic or long-term or long-standing or persistent or ongoing) N2 (illness* or disease* or condition*) )
S7TX ankylosing spondylitis OR TX lupus OR TX low back pain OR TX epilepsy OR TX multiple sclerosis OR TX parkinson* disease OR TX motor neuron disease OR TX ( cancer* or neoplasm* ) OR TX inflammatory bowel disease OR TX heart disease* OR TX skin disease* OR TX chronic pain
S6TX stroke OR TX cerebrovascular accident* OR TX diabetes mellitus OR TX asthma OR TX hypertension OR TX depression OR TX dementia OR TX chronic obstructive pulmonary disease OR TX kidney disease* OR TX irritable bowel syndrome OR TX rheumatoid arthritis OR TX psoriatic arthritis
S5S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4
S4TX ( (telephon* or remote or phone) N2 (follow* or support* or consult* or advice or advis* or intervention* or tain* or instruct* or assist* or educat* or inform* or monitor*) ) OR TX action plan*
S3TX self help OR TX ( group N5 (support* or advis* or advice or monitor* or intervention* or train* or instruction or consult* or assist* or education or educate or information) ) OR TX ( peer N5 (support* or advis* or advice or monitor* or intervention* or train* or instruction or consult* or assist* or education or educate or information) ) OR TX “expert patient*” OR TX telemedicine OR TX telecare OR TX telenurs* OR TX telemonitor* OR TX telehealth OR TX remote consultation
S2TX self assess* OR TX selfassess* OR TX self medicat* OR TX selfmedicat* OR TX self remed* OR TX selfremed* OR TX self treat* OR TX selftreat* OR TX self cure OR TX selfcure
S1TX self administration OR TX self care OR TX selfcare OR TX self manag* OR TX selfmanag* OR TX self monitor* OR TX self monitor* OR TX self help OR TX selfhelp OR TX self diagnos* OR selfdiagnos*


Database provider: OvidSP.

URL: http://ovidsp.tx.ovid.com/

Date range searched: 1974 to July week 2 2013.

Search date: 16 July 2013.

Records identified: 3641.

Search strategy

  1. drug self administration/ (7349)
  2. self care/ (27,802)
  3. (self care or selfcare).ti,ab. (12,190)
  4. (self manag$ or selfmanag$).ti,ab. (10,586)
  5. (self monitor$ or selfmonitor$).ti,ab. (5777)
  6. (self help or selfhelp).ti,ab. (5750)
  7. (self diagnos$ or selfdiagnos$ or self assess$ or selfassess$).ti,ab. (12,680)
  8. self medication/ (8009)
  9. (self medicat$ or selfmedicat$ or self remed$ or selfremed$).ti,ab. (3966)
  10. (self treat$ or selftreat$ or self cure or selfcure).ti,ab. (1841)
  11. self help/ (10,946)
  12. (group adj (support$ or advice or advis$ or monitor$ or intervention$ or train$ or instruction or consult$ or assist$ or education or educate or information)).ti,ab. (6528)
  13. (peer adj (support$ or advice or advis$ or monitor$ or intervention$ or train$ or instruction or consult$ or assist$ or education or educate or information)).ti,ab. (2905)
  14. expert patient$.ti,ab. (216)
  15. telemedicine/ or telehealth/ (10,429)
  16. telemedicine.ti,ab. (6633)
  17. telecare.ti,ab. (398)
  18. telenursing.ti,ab. (79)
  19. telemonitor$.ti,ab. (797)
  20. telehealth.ti,ab. (1526)
  21. teleconsultation/ (5403)
  22. ((telephon$ or remote or phone) adj2 (follow$ or support$ or consult$ or advice or advis$ or intervention$ or train$ or instruct$ or assist$ or educat$ or inform$ or monitor$)).ti,ab. (11,418)
  23. Action plan$.ti,ab. (4704)
  24. or/1-23 (121,561)
  25. exp cerebrovascular accident/ (57,547)
  26. exp Diabetes Mellitus/ (562,637)
  27. exp Asthma/ (182,027)
  28. exp Hypertension/ (463,753)
  29. Depression/ (237,701)
  30. exp Dementia/ (213,993)
  31. exp lung disease/ (907,909)
  32. exp kidney failure/ (220,989)
  33. exp irritable colon/ (14,627)
  34. exp rheumatoid arthritis/ (143,039)
  35. exp psoriatic arthritis/ (9802)
  36. exp ankylosing spondylitis/ (18,472)
  37. exp systemic lupus erythematosus/ (63,362)
  38. exp Low Back Pain/ (33,344)
  39. exp Epilepsy/ (164,206)
  40. exp Multiple Sclerosis/ (72,617)
  41. exp Parkinson Disease/ (86,844)
  42. exp Motor Neuron Disease/ (26,105)
  43. exp Neoplasm/ (3,291,240)
  44. exp enteritis/ (188,925)
  45. exp Heart Disease/ (1,286,722)
  46. exp Skin Disease/ (1,164,384)
  47. exp Chronic Pain/ (29,960)
  48. exp human immunodeficiency virus/ (127,466)
  49. exp Hepatitis/ (207,938)
  50. exp Anxiety/ (110,053)
  51. exp Psychosis/ (209,438)
  52. ((long$ or chronic or long-term or long-standing or persistent or ongoing) adj2 (illness$ or disease$ or condition$)).ti,ab. (189,963)
  53. or/25-52 (8,063,749)
  54. Qualitative Research/ (20,514)
  55. qualitative stud$.mp. (17,810)
  56. Questionnaire/ (360,379)
  57. exp Attitude/ (481,381)
  58. focus group$.mp. (23,244)
  59. discourse analysis.mp. (1345)
  60. content analysis.mp. (12,921)
  61. ethnographic research.mp. (843)
  62. ethnological research.mp. (12)
  63. ethnonursing research.mp. (31)
  64. constant comparative method.mp. (880)
  65. qualitative validity.mp. (101)
  66. purposive sample.mp. (1840)
  67. observational method$.mp. (1385)
  68. field stud$.mp. (12,740)
  69. theoretical sampl$.mp. (403)
  70. phenomenology.mp. (10,872)
  71. phenomenological research.mp. (282)
  72. life experience$.mp. (3609)
  73. cluster sampl$.mp. (4315)
  74. ethnonursing.af. (90)
  75. ethnograph$.mp. (6692)
  76. phenomenol$.af. (19,318)
  77. grounded theory.mp. (6295)
  78. (grounded adj (theor$ or study or studies or research or analys?s)).af. (6399)
  79. life stor$.mp. (790)
  80. (emic or etic or hermeneutic$ or heuristic$ or semiotic$).af. (11,669)
  81. (data adj saturat$).tw. (257)
  82. participant observ$.tw. (2782)
  83. (social construct$ or postmodern$ or post-structural$ or post structural$ or poststructural$ or post modern$ or post-modern$ or interpret$).mp. (316,318)
  84. (action research or cooperative inquir$ or co operative inquir$ or co-operative inquir$).mp. (2819)
  85. (humanistic or existential or experiential or paradigm$).mp. (106,488)
  86. (field adj (study or studies or research)).tw. (12,947)
  87. human science.tw. (244)
  88. biographical method.tw. (17)
  89. qualitative validity.af. (101)
  90. purposive sampl$.af. (3152)
  91. theoretical sampl$.mp. (403)
  92. ((purpos$ adj4 sampl$) or (focus adj group$)).af. (29,569)
  93. (account or accounts or unstructured or open-ended or open ended or text$ or narrative$).mp. (444,387)
  94. (life world or life-world or conversation analys?s or personal experience$ or theoretical saturation).mp. (23,184)
  95. lived experience$.tw. (2405)
  96. life experience$.mp. (3609)
  97. cluster sampl$.mp. (4315)
  98. (theme$ or thematic).mp. (52,616)
  99. categor$.mp. (256,510)
  100. observational method$.af. (1385)
  101. field stud$.mp. (12,740)
  102. focus group$.af. (23,314)
  103. questionnaire$.mp. (492,836)
  104. content analysis.af. (12,921)
  105. thematic analysis.af. (4688)
  106. constant comparative.af. (1583)
  107. discourse analys?s.af. (1373)
  108. ((discourse$ or discurs$) adj3 analys?s).tw. (1296)
  109. (constant adj (comparative or comparison)).af. (2320)
  110. narrative analys?s.af. (552)
  111. (corbin$ adj2 strauss$).tw. (160)
  112. (glaser$ adj2 strauss$).tw. (85)
  113. (strauss$ adj2 corbin$).tw. (160)
  114. glaser$.tw. (677)
  115. or/54-114 (1,985,119)
  116. findings.af. (1,487,654)
  117. interview$.af. or Interviews/ (273,544)
  118. qualitative.af. (155,061)
  119. or/116-118 (1,820,660)
  120. mixed method.mp. (1348)
  121. multi method.mp. (801)
  122. survey.mp. (967,244)
  123. (coding or coded or codes).mp. (204,429)
  124. framework analysis.mp. (515)
  125. process evaluation.mp. (1563)
  126. meta synthesis.mp. (182)
  127. meta study.mp. (48)
  128. meta ethnograph$.mp. (122)
  129. realist synthesis.mp. (17)
  130. realist review.mp. (40)
  131. view$.mp. (401,299)
  132. understanding$.mp. (510,737)
  133. perception$.mp. (254,944)
  134. perspective$.mp. (205,022)
  135. meaning$.mp. (93,335)
  136. belief$.mp. (60,452)
  137. opinion$.mp. (93,410)
  138. voice$.mp. (32,964)
  139. or/120-138 (2,518,653)
  140. 115 or 119 or 139 (5,239,196)
  141. 24 and 53 and 140 (27,334)
  142. (man or man’s or men or men’s or male$ or masculin$ or gender$ or sex difference$ or sex factor$).ti,ab. (1,749,636)
  143. 141 and 142 (3926)
  144. limit 143 to (english language and yr=“1970 “Current”) (3641)


Database provider: OvidSP.

URL: http://ovidsp.tx.ovid.com/

Date range searched: 1946 to July week 2 2013.

Search date: 16 July 2013.

Records identified: 2132.

Search strategy

  1. self administration/ (9541)
  2. self care/ (23,209)
  3. (self care or selfcare).ti,ab. (9380)
  4. (self manag$ or selfmanag$).ti,ab. (7782)
  5. (self monitor$ or selfmonitor$).ti,ab. (4239)
  6. (self help or selfhelp).ti,ab. (4315)
  7. (self diagnos$ or selfdiagnos$ or self assess$ or selfassess$).ti,ab. (9064)
  8. self medication/ (3960)
  9. (self medicat$ or selfmedicat$ or self remed$ or selfremed$).ti,ab. (2585)
  10. (self treat$ or selftreat$ or self cure or selfcure).ti,ab. (1376)
  11. self help groups/ (7756)
  12. (group adj (support$ or advice or advis$ or monitor$ or intervention$ or train$ or instruction or consult$ or assist$ or education or educate or information)).ti,ab. (4288)
  13. (peer adj (support$ or advice or advis$ or monitor$ or intervention$ or train$ or instruction or consult$ or assist$ or education or educate or information)).ti,ab. (2289)
  14. expert patient$.ti,ab. (150)
  15. Telemedicine/ (10,717)
  16. telemedicine.ti,ab. (5408)
  17. telecare.ti,ab. (323)
  18. telenursing.ti,ab. (76)
  19. telemonitor$.ti,ab. (531)
  20. telehealth.ti,ab. (1335)
  21. Remote Consultation/ (3542)
  22. ((telephon$ or remote or phone) adj2 (follow$ or support$ or consult$ or advice or advis$ or intervention$ or train$ or instruct$ or assist$ or educat$ or inform$ or monitor$)).ti,ab. (8392)
  23. Action plan$.ti,ab. (3326)
  24. or/1-23 (97,058)
  25. exp Stroke/ (82,103)
  26. exp Diabetes Mellitus/ (312,012)
  27. exp Asthma/ (107,810)
  28. exp Hypertension/ (208,641)
  29. Depression/ (74,560)
  30. Depressive Disorder/ (58,515)
  31. exp Dementia/ (119,030)
  32. exp Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/ (23,481)
  33. exp Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/ (81,289)
  34. exp Irritable Bowel Syndrome/ (4129)
  35. exp Arthritis, Rheumatoid/ (100,444)
  36. exp Arthritis, Psoriatic/ (3671)
  37. exp Spondylitis, Ankylosing/ (11,614)
  38. exp Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/ (49,044)
  39. exp Low Back Pain/ (14,032)
  40. exp Epilepsy/ (127,011)
  41. exp Multiple Sclerosis/ (43,404)
  42. exp Parkinson Disease/ (46,577)
  43. exp Motor Neuron Disease/ (19,431)
  44. exp Neoplasms/ (256,0854)
  45. exp Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/ (59,048)
  46. exp Heart Diseases/ (879,192)
  47. exp Skin Diseases/ (810,575)
  48. exp Chronic Pain/ (2283)
  49. exp HIV/ (87,939)
  50. exp Hepatitis/ (132,754)
  51. exp Anxiety/ (54,417)
  52. exp Psychotic Disorders/ (37,842)
  53. ((long$ or chronic or long-term or long-standing or persistent or ongoing) adj2 (illness$ or disease$ or condition$)).ti,ab. (141,127)
  54. 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 36 or 37 or 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 45 or 46 or 47 or 48 or 49 or 50 or 51 or 52 or 53 (5,453,163)
  55. Qualitative Research/ (18,450)
  56. Nursing Methodology Research/ (15,380)
  57. Questionnaires/ (297,017)
  58. exp Attitude/ (263,813)
  59. Focus Groups/ (16,627)
  60. discourse analysis.mp. (774)
  61. content analysis.mp. (9908)
  62. ethnographic research.mp. (470)
  63. ethnological research.mp. (6)
  64. ethnonursing research.mp. (27)
  65. constant comparative method.mp. (787)
  66. qualitative validity.mp. (6)
  67. purposive sample.mp. (1504)
  68. observational method$.mp. (392)
  69. field stud$.mp. (9140)
  70. theoretical sampl$.mp. (280)
  71. phenomenology.mp. (4471)
  72. phenomenological research.mp. (246)
  73. life experience$.mp. (2741)
  74. cluster sampl$.mp. (3430)
  75. or/55-74 (540,562)
  76. ethnonursing.af. (86)
  77. ethnograph$.mp. (5453)
  78. phenomenol$.af. (12,573)
  79. grounded theory.mp. (5169)
  80. (grounded adj (theor$ or study or studies or research or analys?s)).af. (5241)
  81. life stor$.mp. (581)
  82. (emic or etic or hermeneutic$ or heuristic$ or semiotic$).af. (9134)
  83. (data adj saturat$).tw. (142)
  84. participant observ$.tw. (2397)
  85. (social construct$ or postmodern$ or post-structural$ or post structural$ or poststructural$ or post modern$ or post-modern$ or interpret$).mp. (342,198)
  86. (action research or cooperative inquir$ or co operative inquir$ or co-operative inquir$).mp. (2217)
  87. (humanistic or existential or experiential or paradigm$).mp. (86,385)
  88. (field adj (study or studies or research)).tw. (9888)
  89. human science.tw. (208)
  90. biographical method.tw. (11)
  91. qualitative validity.af. (6)
  92. purposive sampl$.af. (2502)
  93. theoretical sampl$.mp. (280)
  94. ((purpos$ adj4 sampl$) or (focus adj group$)).af. (28,237)
  95. (account or accounts or unstructured or open-ended or open ended or text$ or narrative$).mp. (356,979)
  96. (life world or life-world or conversation analys?s or personal experience$ or theoretical saturation).mp. (10,739)
  97. lived experience$.tw. (1989)
  98. life experience$.mp. (2741)
  99. cluster sampl$.mp. (3430)
  100. (theme$ or thematic).mp. (41,510)
  101. categor$.mp. (192,404)
  102. observational method$.af. (392)
  103. field stud$.mp. (9140)
  104. focus group$.af. (23,521)
  105. questionnaire$.mp. (427,353)
  106. content analysis.af. (9908)
  107. thematic analysis.af. (3198)
  108. constant comparative.af. (1400)
  109. discourse analys?s.af. (801)
  110. ((discourse$ or discurs$) adj3 analys?s).tw. (1040)
  111. (constant adj (comparative or comparison)).af. (2007)
  112. narrative analys?s.af. (439)
  113. (corbin$ adj2 strauss$).tw. (121)
  114. (glaser$ adj2 strauss$).tw. (74)
  115. (strauss$ adj2 corbin$).tw. (121)
  116. glaser$.tw. (604)
  117. or/76-116 (1,392,027)
  118. findings.af. (1,243,335)
  119. interview$.af. or Interviews/ (232,178)
  120. qualitative.af. (114,877)
  121. or/118-120 (1,508,150)
  122. mixed method.mp. (1071)
  123. multi method.mp. (645)
  124. survey.mp. (298,289)
  125. (coding or coded or codes).mp. (172,882)
  126. framework analysis.mp. (377)
  127. process evaluation.mp. (1327)
  128. meta synthesis.mp. (162)
  129. meta study.mp. (32)
  130. meta ethnograph$.mp. (100)
  131. realist synthesis.mp. (21)
  132. realist review.mp. (40)
  133. view$.mp. (304,920)
  134. understanding$.mp. (424,156)
  135. perception$.mp. (281,912)
  136. perspective$.mp. (159,128)
  137. meaning$.mp. (71,143)
  138. belief$.mp. (46,914)
  139. opinion$.mp. (71,790)
  140. voice$.mp. (28,191)
  141. or/122-140 (1,641,011)
  142. 75 or 117 or 121 or 141 (3,834,172)
  143. 24 and 54 and 142 (17,068)
  144. (man or man’s or men or men’s or male$ or masculin$ or gender$ or sex difference$ or sex factor$).ti,ab. (1,303,641)
  145. 143 and 144 (2280)
  146. limit 145 to (english language and yr=“1970 “Current”) (2132)


Database provider: OvidSP.

URL: http://ovidsp.tx.ovid.com/

Date range searched: 1967 to July week 2 2013.

Search date: 16 July 2013.

Records identified: 944.

Search strategy

  1. drug self administration/ (1324)
  2. self care skills/ (3177)
  3. (self care or selfcare).ti,ab. (5161)
  4. (self manag$ or selfmanag$).ti,ab. (5119)
  5. (self monitor$ or selfmonitor$).ti,ab. (4407)
  6. (self help or selfhelp).ti,ab. (6207)
  7. (self diagnos$ or selfdiagnos$ or self assess$ or selfassess$).ti,ab. (5453)
  8. self medication/ or self monitoring/ (2802)
  9. (self medicat$ or selfmedicat$ or self remed$ or selfremed$).ti,ab. (1114)
  10. (self treat$ or selftreat$ or self cure or selfcure).ti,ab. (319)
  11. self help techniques/ (3276)
  12. (group adj (support$ or advice or advis$ or monitor$ or intervention$ or train$ or instruction or consult$ or assist$ or education or educate or information)).ti,ab. (5277)
  13. (peer adj (support$ or advice or advis$ or monitor$ or intervention$ or train$ or instruction or consult$ or assist$ or education or educate or information)).ti,ab. (2931)
  14. expert patient$.ti,ab. (69)
  15. Telemedicine/ (2131)
  16. telemedicine.ti,ab. (787)
  17. telecare.ti,ab. (111)
  18. telenursing.ti,ab. (18)
  19. telemonitor$.ti,ab. (73)
  20. telehealth.ti,ab. (511)
  21. ((telephon$ or remote or phone) adj2 (follow$ or support$ or consult$ or advice or advis$ or intervention$ or train$ or instruct$ or assist$ or educat$ or inform$ or monitor$)).ti,ab. (2739)
  22. Action plan$.ti,ab. (1806)
  23. or/1-22 (45,673)
  24. exp cerebrovascular accidents/ (12,349)
  25. exp Diabetes Mellitus/ (3472)
  26. exp Asthma/ (3416)
  27. exp Hypertension/ (5147)
  28. exp affective disorders/ (110,959)
  29. exp Dementia/ (48,408)
  30. exp chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/ (673)
  31. exp kidney diseases/ (1321)
  32. exp Irritable Bowel Syndrome/ (738)
  33. exp rheumatoid arthritis/ (1478)
  34. exp Lupus/ (600)
  35. exp Back Pain/ (2625)
  36. exp Epilepsy/ (17,744)
  37. exp Multiple Sclerosis/ (7225)
  38. exp Parkinson’s Disease/ (12,717)
  39. exp Motor Neurons/ (2913)
  40. exp Neoplasms/ (31,677)
  41. exp Heart Disorders/ (9651)
  42. exp Skin Disorders/ (3112)
  43. exp Chronic Pain/ (8854)
  44. exp HIV/ (29,662)
  45. exp Hepatitis/ (1712)
  46. exp Anxiety/ (46,583)
  47. exp Psychosis/ (84,763)
  48. ((long$ or chronic or long-term or long-standing or persistent or ongoing) adj2 (illness$ or disease$ or condition$)).ti,ab. (21,861)
  49. or/24-48 (420,500)
  50. Qualitative Research/ (3669)
  51. qualitative study.md. (107,795)
  52. Questionnaires/ (12,709)
  53. exp Attitudes/ (249,245)
  54. Focus Group.md. (9180)
  55. discourse analysis.mp. (7586)
  56. content analysis.mp. (14,282)
  57. ethnographic research.mp. (1618)
  58. ethnological research.mp. (5)
  59. ethnonursing research.mp. (9)
  60. constant comparative method.mp. (1023)
  61. qualitative validity.mp. (6)
  62. purposive sample.mp. (1245)
  63. observational method$.mp. (673)
  64. field stud$.mp. (5508)
  65. theoretical sampl$.mp. (302)
  66. phenomenology.mp. (13,641)
  67. phenomenological research.mp. (758)
  68. life experience$.mp. (21,923)
  69. cluster sampl$.mp. (760)
  70. or/50-69 (399,632)
  71. ethnonursing.af. (94)
  72. ethnograph$.mp. (16,790)
  73. phenomenol$.af. (60,727)
  74. grounded theory.mp. (8374)
  75. (grounded adj (theor$ or study or studies or research or analys?s)).af. (28,264)
  76. life stor$.mp. (2307)
  77. (emic or etic or hermeneutic$ or heuristic$ or semiotic$).af. (52,465)
  78. (data adj saturat$).tw. (85)
  79. participant observ$.tw. (5536)
  80. (social construct$ or postmodern$ or post-structural$ or post structural$ or poststructural$ or post modern$ or post-modern$ or interpret$).mp. (141,504)
  81. (action research or cooperative inquir$ or co operative inquir$ or co-operative inquir$).mp. (4635)
  82. (humanistic or existential or experiential or paradigm$).mp. (88,709)
  83. (field adj (study or studies or research)).tw. (6759)
  84. human science.tw. (483)
  85. biographical method.tw. (35)
  86. qualitative validity.af. (33)
  87. purposive sampl$.af. (2080)
  88. theoretical sampl$.mp. (302)
  89. ((purpos$ adj4 sampl$) or (focus adj group$)).af. (31,180)
  90. (account or accounts or unstructured or open-ended or open ended or text$ or narrative$).mp. (214,353)
  91. (life world or life-world or conversation analys?s or personal experience$ or theoretical saturation).mp. (9380)
  92. lived experience$.tw. (5330)
  93. life experience$.mp. (21,923)
  94. cluster sampl$.mp. (760)
  95. (theme$ or thematic).mp. (71,267)
  96. categor$.mp. (109,511)
  97. observational method$.af. (1149)
  98. field stud$.mp. (5508)
  99. focus group$.af. (30,463)
  100. questionnaire$.mp. (233,969)
  101. content analysis.af. (27,088)
  102. thematic analysis.af. (5170)
  103. constant comparative.af. (2080)
  104. discourse analys?s.af. (12,824)
  105. ((discourse$ or discurs$) adj3 analys?s).tw. (5294)
  106. (constant adj (comparative or comparison)).af. (2769)
  107. narrative analys?s.af. (3473)
  108. (corbin$ adj2 strauss$).tw. (380)
  109. (glaser$ adj2 strauss$).tw. (281)
  110. (strauss$ adj2 corbin$).tw. (380)
  111. glaser$.tw. (953)
  112. or/71-111 (888,147)
  113. findings.af. (574,946)
  114. interview$.af. or Interviews/ (348,635)
  115. qualitative.af. (186,987)
  116. or/113-115 (870,736)
  117. mixed method.mp. (2306)
  118. multi method.mp. (1283)
  119. survey.mp. (148,155)
  120. (coding or coded or codes).mp. (36,178)
  121. framework analysis.mp. (234)
  122. process evaluation.mp. (849)
  123. meta synthesis.mp. (132)
  124. meta study.mp. (31)
  125. meta ethnograph$.mp. (80)
  126. realist synthesis.mp. (9)
  127. realist review.mp. (11)
  128. view$.mp. (202,519)
  129. understanding$.mp. (224,811)
  130. perception$.mp. (314,085)
  131. perspective$.mp. (182,033)
  132. meaning$.mp. (104,768)
  133. belief$.mp. (87,978)
  134. opinion$.mp. (31,556)
  135. voice$.mp. (24,191)
  136. or/117-135 (1,034,662)
  137. 70 or 112 or 116 or 136 (1,924,978)
  138. 23 and 49 and 137 (6875)
  139. (man or man’s or men or men’s or male$ or masculin$ or gender$ or sex difference$ or sex factor$).ti,ab. (470,427)
  140. 138 and 139 (1010)
  141. limit 140 to (english language and yr=“1970 “Current”) (944)

Social Science Citation Index

Database provider: Web of Science.

URL: http://ip-science.thomsonreuters.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=SS

Date range searched: 1900 to July 2013.

Search date: 16 July 2013.

Records identified: 2023.

Search strategy

TS=(self administration OR self care OR selfcare OR selfmanag* OR self manag* onitor* OR selfmonitor* OR self help OR selfhelp OR self diagnos* OR selfdiagnos* OR self assess* OR selfassess*) OR TS=(self medicat* OR selfmedicat* OR self remed* OR selfremed* OR self treat* OR selftreat*) OR TS=(self cure OR selfcure) OR TS=(group NEAR (support* or advice or advis* or monitor* or intervention* or train* or instruction or consult* or assist* or education or educate or information)) OR TS=(peer NEAR (support* or advice or advis* or monitor* or intervention* or train* or instruction or consult* or assist* or education or educate or information)) OR TS=(“expert patient*” or “action plan*”) OR TS=(telemedicine OR telecare OR telenursing. OR telemonitor* OR telehealth) OR TS=((telephon* or remote or phone) NEAR (follow* or support* or consult* or advice or advis* or intervention* or train* or instruct* or assist* or educat* or inform* or monitor*))

TS=(stroke OR diabetes OR asthma OR hypertension OR depression OR dementia OR “chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”) OR TS=(“Renal Insufficiency” OR “irritable bowel syndrome” OR “rheumatoid arthritis” OR “psoriatic arthritis”) OR TS=(“ankylosing spondylitis” OR lupus OR “low back pain” OR epilepsy OR “multiple sclerosis” OR “parkinson* disease” OR “motor neuron disease”) OR TS=(neoplasms OR cancer OR “inflammatory bowel disease*” OR “heart disease*” OR “skin disease*” OR “chronic pain”) OR TS=(HIV OR hepatitis OR anxiety OR psychosis OR “psychotic disorder*”) OR TS=((long* OR chronic OR long-term OR long-standing OR persistent OR ongoing) NEAR (illness* or disease* or condition*))

TS=(“Qualitative Research” OR “qualitative stud*” OR “nursing research methodology” OR questionnaire OR attitude OR “focus groups” OR “discourse analysis”) OR TS=(content analysis” OR “ethnographic research” OR “ethnological research” OR “ethnonursing research” OR “constant comparative method” OR “qualitative validity”) OR TS=(“purposive sampl*” OR “observational research” OR “field stud*” OR “theoretical sampl*” OR phenomenology OR “phenomenological research”) OR TS=(“life experiences” OR “cluster sample*” OR ethnonursing OR ethnograph* OR phenomenol* OR “grounded theor*” OR “grounded stud*” OR “grounded research” OR “grounded analys*”) OR TS=(“life stor*” OR emic OR etic OR hermeneutic* OR heuroistic* OR semiotic* OR “data saturat*” OR “participant observ*” OR “social construct*” OR postmodern* OR “post structural*”) OR TS=(interpret* OR “action research” OR “cooperative inquir*” OR humanistic OR existential OR paradigm* OR “field stud* OR “field research” OR “human science”) OR TS=(“biographical method*” OR “qualitative validity” OR “purposive sampl*” OR “open-ended account*” OR “unstructured account*” OR narrative* OR “life world” OR “conversation analys*” OR “theoretical saturation”) OR TS=(“lived experience*” OR “life experience*” OR theme OR “thematic analys*” OR “constant comparative” OR discurs*) OR TS=((corbin* NEAR strauss*) OR (strauss* NEAR corbin*) OR (glaser* NEAR strauss*) OR strauss) OR TS=(findings OR interview* OR qualitative) OR TS=(“mixed method” OR “multi method” OR survey OR codes OR coding OR coded OR “framework analysis” OR “process evaluation” OR “meta synthesis” OR “meta study” OR “meta ethnograph*” OR “realist synthes*” OR “realist review”) OR TS=(view* OR understanding* OR perception* OR perspective* OR meaning* OR belief* OR meaning* OR voice

TI=(man or man’s or men or men’s or male* or masculin* or gender* or “sex difference*” or “sex factor*”)

#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4 Timespan 1970-2013

Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2015. This work was produced by Galdas et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.

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