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Atherton H, Brant H, Ziebland S, et al. The potential of alternatives to face-to-face consultation in general practice, and the impact on different patient groups: a mixed-methods case study. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2018 Jun. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 6.20.)

Cover of The potential of alternatives to face-to-face consultation in general practice, and the impact on different patient groups: a mixed-methods case study

The potential of alternatives to face-to-face consultation in general practice, and the impact on different patient groups: a mixed-methods case study.

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Appendix 1Search strategies used in the conceptual review


Date searched: 13 January 2015.

Search strategy

#MEDLINE search strategyResults
1Remote Consultation/3643
2(e-consult* or econsult* or teleconsult*).ti,ab.851
3(tele* adj5 consult*).ti,ab.1718
4((email* or e-mail*) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.99
5((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.664
6((video* or skyp*) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.631
7((multimedia or multi media) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.20
8(remote adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.307
9((email* or e-mail*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.30
10((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.192
11((video* or skyp*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.134
12((multimedia or multi media) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.9
13(remote and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.69
14((telehealth or telemedicine or telemonitor*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.1129
15((tele-health or tele-medicine or tele-monitor*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.15
16((cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.170
17(((text or mobile or short or brief) adj messag*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.35
18‘Referral and Consultation’/ or exp Professional-Patient Relations/168,421
19telecommunications/ or electronic mail/ or exp telemedicine/ or telephone/ or exp cellular phone/ or videoconferencing/ or Hotlines/ or Text Messaging/ or exp internet/84,227
2018 and 194547
21(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (email or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media)).ti.144
22(((patient? adj3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and (communicat* or relation*)) adj5 (email or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media)).ti,ab.941
23(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?)).ti.1
24(((patient? adj3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and (communicat* or relation*)) adj5 (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?)).ti,ab.40
25(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and ((text or mobile or short or brief) adj messag*)).ti.0
26((patient? adj3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and ((communicat* or relation*) adj5 (text messag* or short messag* or brief messag* or mobile messag*))).ti,ab.8
271 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 2611,036
28systematic review.ti,ab.52,561
29meta analysis.pt.51,754
31(Qualitative and synthesis).ti,ab.3439
32(meta-synthesis* or meta synthesis* or metasynthesis).ti,ab.385
33(meta-ethnograph* or metaethnograph* or meta ethnograph*).ti,ab.186
34(meta-study or metastudy or meta study).ti,ab.50
35systematic review*.ti,ab. and qualitative research/289
36(realist review? or mixed review? or mixed method? review?).ti,ab.180
3728 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 36127,413
3827 and 37226
39limit 38 to english language217
40exp Attitude/269,059
41exp Professional-Patient Relations/120,163
42personal satisfaction/11,509
43consumer satisfaction/ or patient satisfaction/ or patient preference/80,300
44nurse’s practice patterns/ or physician’s practice patterns/43,097
45(experience? or experiential or attitud* or opinion? or view* or satisf* or dissatis* or perception? or perspective? or perceive? or prefer* or enthus*).ti,ab.1,909,121
4640 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 452,171,500
4727 and 466391
48Program Evaluation/46,858
49((program* or process*) adj5 (evaluat* or analy*)).ti,ab.93,067
50(barrier? or obstacle? or objection? or challeng* or difficult*).ti,ab.1,021,768
51(facilitat* or encourag* or empower* or embed* or engag* or benefit* or attract* or integrat*).ti,ab.1,328,578
52(implement* or adopt* or utiliz* or utilis* or access*).ti,ab.1,035,525
5348 or 49 or 50 or 51 or 523,038,396
5427 and 535144
55qualitative research/21,409
56*interviews as topic/ or focus groups/ or narration/25,742
57exp Questionnaires/317,408
60(qualitative adj2 (interview* or study)).ti,ab.24,246
61(qualitative or focus group? or story or stories or narration or narrative* or discourse or discursive or grounded theory or ethnogra* or phenomenolog*).ti,ab.200,298
62(questionnaire? or survey? or feedback).ti,ab.710,635
6355 or 56 or 57 or 58 or 59 or 60 or 61 or 621,061,701
6427 and 632872
6547 or 54 or 648639
66limit 65 to english language8043


Date searched: 13 January 2015.

Search strategy

2(e-consult* or econsult* or teleconsult*).ti,ab.1027
3(tele* adj5 consult*).ti,ab.2379
4((email* or e-mail*) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.153
5((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.949
6((video* or skyp*) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.729
7((multimedia or multi media) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.23
8(remote adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.385
9((email* or e-mail*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.39
10((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.248
11((video* or skyp*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.148
12((multimedia or multi media) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.8
13(remote and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.84
14((telehealth or telemedicine or telemonitor*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.1457
15((tele-health or tele-medicine or tele-monitor*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.29
16((cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.300
17(((text or mobile or short or brief) adj messag*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.56
18consultation/ or doctor patient relation/ or nurse patient relationship/170,188
19*e-mail/ or *internet/ or *mobile phone/ or *telecommunication/ or *telephone/ or *text messaging/ or *videoconferencing/ or exp *telehealth/54,585
2018 and 193164
21(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (email or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media)).ti.158
22(((patient? adj3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and (communicat* or relation*)) adj5 (email or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media)).ti,ab.1359
23(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?)).ti.2
24(((patient? adj3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and (communicat* or relation*)) adj5 (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?)).ti,ab.60
25(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and ((text or mobile or short or brief) adj messag*)).ti.1
26((patient? adj3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and ((communicat* or relation*) adj5 (text messag* or short messag* or brief messag* or mobile messag*))).ti,ab.10
271 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 2613,678
28systematic review.ti,ab.64,358
29meta analysis/ or ‘meta analysis (topic)’/ or ‘systematic review’/ or ‘systematic review (topic)’/154,027
31(Qualitative and synthesis).ti,ab.3785
32(meta-synthesis* or meta synthesis* or metasynthesis).ti,ab.377
33(meta-ethnograph* or metaethnograph* or meta ethnograph*).ti,ab.181
34(meta-study or metastudy or meta study).ti,ab.59
35systematic review*.ti,ab. and exp qualitative research/777
36(realist review? or mixed review? or mixed method? review?).ti,ab.192
3728 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 36208,719
3827 and 37354
39limit 38 to english language340
40exp *attitude/189,912
41doctor patient relation/ or nurse patient relationship/110,766
43patient satisfaction/ or patient preference/95,228
44(experience? or experiential or attitud* or opinion? or view* or satisf* or dissatis* or perception? or perspective? or perceive? or prefer* or enthus*).ti,ab.2,406,027
4540 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 442,601,000
4627 and 456966
47exp program evaluation/3463
48((program* or process*) adj5 (evaluat* or analy*)).ti,ab.120,143
49(barrier? or obstacle? or objection? or challeng* or difficult*).ti,ab.1,278,412
50(facilitat* or encourag* or empower* or embed* or engag* or benefit* or attract* or integrat*).ti,ab.1,631,843
51(implement* or adopt* or utiliz* or utilis* or access*).ti,ab.1,286,296
5247 or 48 or 49 or 50 or 513,724,026
5327 and 526557
54grounded theory/ or naturalistic inquiry/ or qualitative research/29,676
55exp *interview/7584
56exp Questionnaire/422,043
59(qualitative adj2 (interview* or study)).ti,ab.28,300
60(qualitative or focus group? or story or stories or narration or narrative* or discourse or discursive or grounded theory or ethnogra* or phenomenolog*).ti,ab.238,686
61(questionnaire? or survey? or feedback).ti,ab.904,101
6254 or 55 or 56 or 57 or 58 or 59 or 60 or 611,264,073
6327 and 625679
6446 or 53 or 6311,230
65limit 64 to english language10,471


Date searched: 13 January 2015.

Search strategy

1(e-consult* or econsult* or teleconsult*).ti,ab.115
2(tele* adj5 consult*).ti,ab.380
3((email* or e-mail*) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.26
4((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.196
5((video* or skyp*) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.328
6((multimedia or multi media) adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.2
7(remote adj5 (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.32
8((email* or e-mail*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.10
9((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.34
10((video* or skyp*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.54
11((multimedia or multi media) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.0
12(remote and (consult? or consultation?)).ti.6
13((telehealth or telemedicine or telemonitor*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.216
14((tele-health or tele-medicine or tele-monitor*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.3
15((cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.36
16(((text or mobile or short or brief) adj messag*) and (consult? or consultation?)).ti,ab.13
17exp Professional Consultation/ or therapeutic processes/27,730
18internet/ or exp electronic communication/ or telemedicine/ or telephone systems/ or telecommunications media/ or cellular phones/ or teleconferencing/36,334
1917 and 18439
20(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (email or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media)).ti.45
21(((patient? adj3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and (communicat* or relation*)) adj5 (email or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media)).ti,ab.350
22(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?)).ti.0
23(((patient? adj3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and (communicat* or relation*)) adj5 (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?)).ti,ab.9
24(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and ((text or mobile or short or brief) adj messag*)).ti.0
25((patient? adj3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and ((communicat* or relation*) adj5 (text messag* or short messag* or brief messag* or mobile messag*))).ti,ab.3
261 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 251670
27systematic review.ti,ab.10,570
28meta analysis/ or ‘systematic review’.md.13,931
30(Qualitative and synthesis).ti,ab.1107
31(meta-synthesis* or meta synthesis* or metasynthesis).ti,ab.293
32(meta-ethnograph* or metaethnograph* or meta ethnograph*).ti,ab.120
33(meta-study or metastudy or meta study).ti,ab.46
34systematic review*.ti,ab. and qualitative research/66
35(realist review? or mixed review? or mixed method? review?).ti,ab.84
3627 or 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 3522,514
3726 and 3648
38limit 37 to english language47
39exp attitudes/270,510
40therapeutic processes/19,101
41satisfaction/ or client satisfaction/ or consumer satisfaction/ or dissatisfaction/17,949
42(experience? or experiential or attitud* or opinion? or view* or satisf* or dissatis* or perception? or perspective? or perceive? or prefer* or enthus*).ti,ab.1,165,793
4339 or 40 or 41 or 421,248,546
4426 and 431070
45exp Program Evaluation/16,799
46((program* or process*) adj5 (evaluat* or analy*)).ti,ab.52,284
47(barrier? or obstacle? or objection? or challeng* or difficult*).ti,ab.349,871
48(facilitat* or encourag* or empower* or embed* or engag* or benefit* or attract* or integrat*).ti,ab.548,566
49(implement* or adopt* or utiliz* or utilis* or access*).ti,ab.322,900
5045 or 46 or 47 or 48 or 491,037,734
5126 and 50938
52qualitative research/ or grounded theory/ or observation methods/11,560
53(focus group or interview or qualitative study).md.219,298
54exp *interviews/7834
55questionnaires/ or exp surveys/20,924
58(qualitative adj2 (interview* or study)).ti,ab.30,171
59(qualitative or focus group? or story or stories or narration or narrative* or discourse or discursive or grounded theory or ethnogra* or phenomenolog*).ti,ab.238,150
60(questionnaire? or survey? or feedback).ti,ab.388,131
6152 or 53 or 54 or 55 or 56 or 57 or 58 or 59 or 60712,416
6226 and 61733
6344 or 51 or 621476
64limit 63 to english language1409

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature

Date searched: 13 January 2015.

Search strategy

#Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health LiteratureResults
1(MH ‘Remote Consultation’)597
2TI ( e-consult* or econsult* or teleconsult* ) OR AB ( e-consult* or econsult* or teleconsult* )121
3TI tele* N5 consult* OR AB tele* N5 consult*406
4TI ( ((email* or e-mail*) N5 (consult? or consultation?)) ) OR AB ( ((email* or e-mail*) N5 (consult? or consultation?)) )22
5TI (((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) N5 (consult? or consultation?))) OR AB (((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) N5 (consult? or consultation?)))75
6TI (((video* or skyp*) N5 (consult? or consultation?))) OR AB (((video* or skyp*) N5 (consult? or consultation?)))142
7TI (((multimedia or multi media) N5 (consult? or consultation?))) OR AB (((multimedia or multi media) N5 (consult? or consultation?)))2
8TI ((remote N5 (consult? or consultation?))) OR AB ((remote N5 (consult? or consultation?)))20
9TI (((e-mail* or e-mail*) and (consult? or consultation?))) OR TI (((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) and (consult? or consultation?))) OR TI (((video* or skyp*) and (consult? or consultation?))) OR TI (((multimedia or multi media) and (consult? or consultation?))) OR TI ((remote and (consult? or consultation?)))74
10TI (((telehealth or telemedicine or telemonitor*) and (consult? or consultation?))) OR AB (((telehealth or telemedicine or telemonitor*) and (consult? or consultation?)))95
11TI (((tele-health or tele-medicine or tele-monitor*) and (consult? or consultation?))) OR AB (((tele-health or tele-medicine or tele-monitor*) and (consult? or consultation?)))1
12TI (((cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?) and (consult? or consultation?))) OR AB (((cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?) and (consult? or consultation?)))0
13TI ((text messag* or short messag* or brief messag* or mobile messag*) AND (consult? or consultation?)) OR AB ((text messag* or short messag* or brief messag* or mobile messag*) AND (consult? or consultation?))4
14((MH ‘Referral and Consultation’) OR (MH ‘Professional-Patient Relations+’)) AND ((MH ‘Telecommunications’) OR (MH ‘Instant Messaging’) OR (MH ‘Internet+’) OR (MH ‘Telehealth’) OR (MH ‘Telemedicine’) OR (MH ‘Telenursing’) OR (MH ‘Telepsychiatry’) OR (MH ‘Telephone’) OR (MH ‘Text Messaging’) OR (MH ‘Videoconferencing’))2958
15TI ((patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (e-mail or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media))) OR AB ((((patient? N3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and (communicat* or relation*)) N5 (e-mail or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media)))118
16TI ((patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?))) OR AB ((((patient? N3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and (communicat* or relation*)) N5 (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?)))1
17TI ((patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (text messag* or short messag* or brief messag* or mobile messag*))) OR AB (((patient? N3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and ((communicat* or relation*) N5 (text messag* or short messag* or brief messag* or mobile messag*))))2
181 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7 OR 8 OR 9 OR 10 OR 11 OR 13 OR 14 OR 15 OR 16 OR 174145
19(MH ‘Systematic Review’)20,084
20(MH ‘Meta Analysis’)15,132
21TI ‘systematic review’ OR AB ‘systematic review’16,924
22TI medline OR AB medline16,304
23TI (Qualitative and synthesis) OR AB (Qualitative and synthesis)765
24TI ((meta-synthesis* or meta synthesis* or metasynthesis)) OR AB ((meta-synthesis* or meta synthesis* or metasynthesis))513
25TI ((meta-ethnograph* or metaethnograph* or meta ethnograph*)) OR AB ((meta-ethnograph* or metaethnograph* or meta ethnograph*))110
26TI ((meta-study or metastudy or meta study)) OR AB ((meta-study or metastudy or meta study))950
27TI (realist review? or mixed review? or mixed method? review?) OR AB (realist review? or mixed review? or mixed method? review?)88
2819 OR 20 OR 21 OR 22 OR 23 OR 24 OR 25 OR 26 OR 2746,663
2918 AND 2848
3018 AND 28 – Limited to English47
31(MH ‘Attitude+’)211,148
32(MH ‘Professional-Patient Relations+’)52,385
33(MH ‘Consumer Satisfaction’) OR (MH ‘Patient Satisfaction’)31,099
34(MH ‘Practice Patterns’)4882
35TI (experience? or experiential or attitud* or opinion? or view* or satisf* or dissatis* or perception? or perspective? or perceive? or prefer* or enthus*) OR AB (experience? or experiential or attitud* or opinion? or view* or satisf* or dissatis* or perception? or perspective? or perceive? or prefer* or enthus*)271,933
3631 OR 32 OR 33 OR 34 OR 35431,877
37(MH ‘Program Evaluation’)19,035
38TI (((program* or process*) N5 (evaluat* or analy*))) OR AB (((program* or process*) N5 (evaluat* or analy*)))21,128
39TI ((barrier? or obstacle? or objection? or challeng* or difficult*)) OR AB ((barrier? or obstacle? or objection? or challeng* or difficult*))157,274
40TI ((facilitat* or encourag* or empower* or embed* or engag* or benefit* or attract* or integrat*)) OR AB ((facilitat* or encourag* or empower* or embed* or engag* or benefit* or attract* or integrat*))211,725
41TI ((implement* or adopt* or utiliz* or utilis* or access*)) OR AB ((implement* or adopt* or utiliz* or utilis* or access*))166,978
4237 OR 38 OR 39 OR 40 OR 41460,045
43(MH ‘Qualitative Studies+’)71,654
44(MH ‘Interviews+’) OR (MH ‘Focus Groups’)134,811
45(MH ‘Questionnaires+’)184,448
46TI (observation or interview) OR AB (qualitative or focus group? or story or stories or narration or narrative* or discourse or discursive or grounded theory or ethnogra* or phenomenolog*)) OR TI (qualitative or focus group? or story or stories or narration or narrative* or discourse or discursive or grounded theory or ethnogra* or phenomenolog*)) OR AB (questionnaire? or survey? or feedback) OR TI (questionnaire? or survey? or feedback)134,736
4743 OR 44 OR 45 OR 46354,135
4836 OR 42 OR 47884,801
4918 AND 483288
5018 AND 48 – limited to English3261

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects

Date searched: 13 January 2015.

Search strategy

IDCochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects
#1MeSH descriptor: [Remote Consultation] explode all trees
#2(e-consult* or econsult* or teleconsult*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#3(tele* near consult*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#4((email* or e-mail*) near (consult? or consultation?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) near (consult? or consultation?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6((video* or skyp*) near (consult? or consultation?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#7((multimedia or multi media) near (consult? or consultation?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#8(remote near (consult? or consultation?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#9(email* or e-mail*) and (consult? or consultation?):ti (Word variations have been searched)
#10((online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) and (consult? or consultation?)):ti (Word variations have been searched)
#11((video* or skyp*) and (consult? or consultation?)):ti (Word variations have been searched)
#12((multimedia or multi media) and (consult? or consultation?)):ti (Word variations have been searched)
#13(remote and (consult? or consultation?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#14((telehealth or telemedicine or telemonitor*) and (consult? or consultation?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#15((tele-health or tele-medicine or tele-monitor*) and (consult? or consultation?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#16((cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?) and (consult? or consultation?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#17(((text or mobile or short or brief) next messag*) and (consult? or consultation?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#18MeSH descriptor: [Referral and Consultation] this term only
#19MeSH descriptor: [Professional-Patient Relations] explode all trees
#20#18 or #19
#21MeSH descriptor: [Internet] explode all trees
#22MeSH descriptor: [Telecommunications] this term only
#23MeSH descriptor: [Telephone] explode all trees
#24MeSH descriptor: [Electronic Mail] explode all trees
#25MeSH descriptor: [Videoconferencing] this term only
#26MeSH descriptor: [Telemedicine] explode all trees
#27#21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26
#28#20 and #27
#29(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (email or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media)):ti (Word variations have been searched)
#30(((patient? near/3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and (communicat* or relation*)) near (email or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#31(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?)):ti (Word variations have been searched)
#32(((patient? near/3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and (communicat* or relation*)) near (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#33(patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and ((text or mobile or short or brief) adj messag*)):ti (Word variations have been searched)
#34((patient? near/3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps)) and ((communicat* or relation*) near (text messag* or short messag* or brief messag* or mobile messag*))):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#35#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #28 or #29 or #30 or #31 or #32 or #33 or #34

Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index and Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science

Date searched: 13 January 2015.

Search strategy

SetResultsScience Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index and Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science
13542TOPIC: (e-consult* or econsult* or teleconsult*) OR TOPIC: (tele* NEAR/5 consult*) OR TOPIC: (((email* or e-mail*) NEAR/5 (consult? or consultation?))) OR TOPIC: (((online or electronic or web or ‘web-based’ or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) NEAR/5 (consult? or consultation?))) OR TOPIC: (((video* or skyp*) NEAR/5 (consult? or consultation?))) OR TOPIC: (((multimedia or ‘multi media’) NEAR/5 (consult? or consultation?))) OR TOPIC: ((remote NEAR/5 (consult? or consultation?)))
2763TITLE: (tele* AND consult*) OR TITLE: (((email* or e-mail*) AND (consult? or consultation?))) OR TITLE: (((online or electronic or web or ‘web-based’ or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal?) AND (consult? or consultation?))) OR TITLE: (((video* or skyp*) AND (consult? or consultation?))) OR TITLE: (((multimedia or ‘multi media’) AND (consult? or consultation?))) OR TITLE: ((remote AND (consult? or consultation?)))
3826TOPIC: (((telehealth or telemedicine or telemonitor*) and (consult? or consultation?))) OR TOPIC: (((tele-health or tele-medicine or tele-monitor*) and (consult? or consultation?))) OR TOPIC: (((‘cell phone?’ or ‘cellular phone?’ or ‘cellular telephone?’ or ‘mobile phone?’ or ‘mobile telephone?’ or ‘smart phone?’ or smartphone? or iphone? or ‘android phone?’ or ipad? or ‘tablet computer?’ or ‘mobile computer?’ or ‘mobile device?’) and (consult? or consultation?))) OR TOPIC: ((((text or mobile or short or brief) NEXT messag*) and (consult? or consultation?)))
426TITLE: ((patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (email or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media))) OR TITLE: ((patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and (cell phone? or cellular phone? or cellular telephone? or mobile phone? or mobile telephone? or smart phone? or smartphone? or iphone? or android phone? or ipad? or tablet computer? or mobile computer? or mobile device?))) OR TITLE: ((patient? and (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or general practitioner? or gp or gps) and (communicat* or relation*) and ((text or mobile or short or brief) NEXT messag*)))
5290TOPIC: ((patient? NEAR/3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or ‘general practitioner?’ or gp or gps))) AND TOPIC: (((communicat* or relation*) NEAR/5 (email or e-mail or online or electronic or web or web-based or internet* or virtual* or digital or portal? or video* or skype or multimedia or multi-media)))
65TOPIC: ((patient? NEAR/3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or ‘general practitioner?’ or gp or gps))) AND TOPIC: (((communicat* or relation*) NEAR/5 (‘cell phone?’ or ‘cellular phone?’ or ‘cellular telephone?’ or ‘mobile phone?’ or ‘mobile telephone?’ or ‘smart phone?’ or smartphone? or iphone? or ‘android phone?’ or ipad? or ‘tablet computer?’ or ‘mobile computer?’ or ‘mobile device?’)))
74TOPIC: ((patient? NEAR/3 (doctor? or physician? or clinician? or nurse? or ‘general practitioner?’ or gp or gps))) AND TOPIC: (((communicat* or relation*) NEAR/5 (‘text messag*’ or ‘short messag*’ or ‘brief messag’ or ‘mobile messag*’)))
840457 OR 6 OR 5 OR 4 OR 3 OR 2 OR 1
9227,199TOPIC: (‘systematic review*’ or metaanalys* or ‘meta-analys*’) OR TOPIC: (medline) OR TOPIC: ((Qualitative and synthesis)) OR TOPIC: ((meta-synthesis* or ‘meta synthesis*’ or metasynthesis)) OR TOPIC: (meta-ethnograph* or metaethnograph* or ‘meta ethnograph*’) OR TOPIC: (meta-study or metastudy or ‘meta study’) OR TOPIC: (‘realist review?’ or ‘mixed review?’ or ‘mixed method review?’ or ‘mixed methods review?’)
101529 AND 8
112,506,676TOPIC: (experience? or experiential or attitud* or opinion? or view* or satisf* or dissatis* or perception? or perspective? or perceive? or prefer* or enthus*)
12137511 AND 8
135,990,498TOPIC: (((program* or process*) NEAR/5 (evaluat* or analy*))) OR TOPIC: (barrier? or obstacle? or objection? or challeng* or difficult*) OR TOPIC: (facilitat* or encourag* or empower* or embed* or engag* or benefit* or attract* or integrat*) OR TOPIC: (implement* or adopt* or utiliz* or utilis* or access*)
14215613 AND 8
151,221,445TITLE: (observation* or interview*) OR TOPIC: (qualitative or ‘focus group?’ or story or stories or narration or narrative* or discourse or discursive or ‘grounded theory’ or ethnogra* or phenomenolog*) OR TOPIC: (questionnaire? or survey? or feedback)
1663815 AND 8
17280616 OR 14 OR 12
18270216 OR 14 OR 12 – limited to English
191499 AND 8 – limited to English
Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2018. This work was produced by Atherton et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
Bookshelf ID: NBK507056


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