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Atherton H, Brant H, Ziebland S, et al. The potential of alternatives to face-to-face consultation in general practice, and the impact on different patient groups: a mixed-methods case study. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2018 Jun. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 6.20.)

Cover of The potential of alternatives to face-to-face consultation in general practice, and the impact on different patient groups: a mixed-methods case study

The potential of alternatives to face-to-face consultation in general practice, and the impact on different patient groups: a mixed-methods case study.

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Appendix 13Recoding professional type in each case study practice

Professional user types as recordedRecoded categoryPractice
Appointments clerkAdminAppointments clerkAppointments clerkAppointments clerkAppointments clerkAppointments clerkAppointments clerk
Associate practitioner – GPGPAssociate practitioner – GPAssociate practitioner – GPAssociate practitioner – GPAssociate practitioner – GPAssociate practitioner – GP
Associate practitioner – nurseNurse or HCAAssociate practitioner – nurseAssociate practitioner – nurseAssociate practitioner – nurse
Chiropodist/podiatristOther clinicianChiropodist/podiatristChiropodist/podiatristChiropodist/podiatristChiropodist/podiatrist
Clerical workerAdminClerical workerClerical workerClerical workerClerical workerClerical workerClerical worker
Clinical assistantGPClinical assistantClinical assistantClinical assistantClinical assistant
Clinical coderAdminClinical coderClinical coderClinical coder
Community administratorAdminCommunity administratorCommunity administratorCommunity administratorCommunity administratorCommunity administratorCommunity administrator
Community mental health nurseOther clinicianCommunity mental health nurse
Community nurseNurse or HCACommunity nurseCommunity nurseCommunity nurseCommunity nurseCommunity nurseCommunity nurse
Community practitionerNurse or HCACommunity practitionerCommunity practitionerCommunity practitionerCommunity practitionerCommunity practitionerCommunity practitioner
ConsultantOther clinicianConsultantConsultantConsultantConsultantConsultantConsultant
CounsellorOther clinicianCounsellorCounsellorCounsellorCounsellorCounsellor
Desktop support administratorAdminDesktop support administratorDesktop support administratorDesktop support administratorDesktop support administratorDesktop support administratorDesktop support administrator
DietitianOther clinicianDietitianDietitian
DispenserOther clinicianDispenserDispenserDispenserDispenserDispenserDispenser
Enrolled nurseNurse or HCAEnrolled nurseEnrolled nurseEnrolled nurseEnrolled nurse
GP registrarGPGP registrarGP registrarGP registrarGP registrarGP registrarGP registrar
General medical practitionerGPGeneral medical practitionerGeneral medical practitionerGeneral medical practitionerGeneral medical practitionerGeneral medical practitionerGeneral medical practitioner
Health-care support workerNurse or HCAHealth-care support workerHealth-care support workerHealth care support workerHealth-care support workerHealth-care support workerHealth-care support worker
Health records administratorAdminHealth records administrator
Health records clerkAdminHealth records clerk
Helper/assistantNurse or HCAHelper/assistant
House officer – post registrationGPHouse officer – post registrationHouse officer – post registration
Medical records clerkAdminMedical records clerkMedical records clerk
Medical secretaryAdminMedical secretaryMedical secretaryMedical secretaryMedical secretaryMedical secretary
Medical studentOther clinicianMedical studentMedical studentMedical student
MidwifeOther clinicianMidwifeMidwifeMidwifeMidwifeMidwifeMidwife
Modern matronNurse or HCAModern matron
Nurse consultantNurse or HCANurse consultantNurse consultantNurse consultant
Nurse managerNurse or HCANurse managerNurse managerNurse manager
Occupational therapistOther clinicianOccupational therapistOccupational therapist
Paramedic specialist practitionerOther clinicianParamedic specialist practitioner
PharmacistOther clinicianPharmacistPharmacistPharmacistPharmacistPharmacist
PhlebotomistNurse or HCAPhlebotomistPhlebotomistPhlebotomistPhlebotomistPhlebotomistPhlebotomist
PractitionerOther clinicianPractitionerPractitioner
Salaried GPGPSalaried GPSalaried GPSalaried GPSalaried GPSalaried GPSalaried GP
Senior administratorAdminSenior administrator
Senior clinical medical officerGPSenior clinical medical officer
Sessional GPGPSessional GPSessional GPSessional GPSessional GPSessional GPSessional GP
Sister/charge nurseNurse or HCASister/charge nurseSister/charge nurse
Specialist nurse practitionerNurse or HCASpecialist nurse practitionerSpecialist nurse practitionerSpecialist nurse practitionerSpecialist nurse practitionerSpecialist nurse practitionerSpecialist nurse practitioner
Staff nurseNurse or HCAStaff nurseStaff nurseStaff nurse
Student practice nurseNurse or HCAStudent practice nurseStudent practice nurse
System administratorAdminSystem administratorSystem administratorSystem administratorSystem administrator
System workerAdminSystem workerSystem worker
Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2018. This work was produced by Atherton et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
Bookshelf ID: NBK507066


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