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Jones F, Gombert-Waldron K, Honey S, et al. Using co-production to increase activity in acute stroke units: the CREATE mixed-methods study. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2020 Aug. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 8.35.)

Cover of Using co-production to increase activity in acute stroke units: the CREATE mixed-methods study

Using co-production to increase activity in acute stroke units: the CREATE mixed-methods study.

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Appendix 8Rapid evidence synthesis

Search strategy (MEDLINE example)

Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R).

Date of search: February 2016.

Date range searched: 1996 to November week 3 2015.

  1. co-produc*.tw. (1149)
  2. coproduc*.tw. (620)
  3. co design*.tw. (53)
  4. codesign*.tw. (16)
  5. co creat*.tw. (171)
  6. cocreat*.tw. (52)
  7. (co research and design).tw. (1)
  8. experience based design*.tw. (7)
  9. participatory design*.tw. (149)
  10. (experience adj3 design).tw. (252)
  11. (evidence* adj2 design*).tw. (550)
  12. EBC?.tw. (1604)
  13. collaborative design.tw. (44)
  14. human centred design.tw. (10)
  15. human centered design.tw. (38)
  16. people centred design.tw. (0)
  17. people centered design.tw. (0)
  18. inclusive design.tw. (32)
  19. practice led design.tw. (1)
  20. practice based design.tw. (2)
  21. interactive design.tw. (31)
  22. open design.tw. (147)
  23. user centred design.tw. (51)
  24. user centered design.tw. (177)
  25. or/1-24 [co-design] (5093)
  26. (acute adj (setting* or hospital* or care or healthcare)).tw. (15,023)
  27. ((secondary or speciali?ed) adj care).tw. (4410)
  28. hospital care.tw. (4817)
  29. exp Hospitals/ (117,870)
  30. Hospitalization/ (52,132)
  31. (hospitali?ation* or hospitali?ed).tw. (119,506)
  32. Inpatients/ (12,602)
  33. inpatient*.tw. (52,413)
  34. emergency medicine/ (8188)
  35. Emergency treatment/ (8750)
  36. emergency hospital admission*.tw. (240)
  37. emergency hospitali#ation.tw. (116)
  38. critical care/ (14,911)
  39. ambulatory care/ (20,495)
  40. urgent care.tw. (960)
  41. or/26-40 [acute terms] (343,100)
  42. Delivery of Health Care/ (45,257)
  43. Efficiency, Organizational/ (17,793)
  44. Efficiency/ (4714)
  45. Health Services Research/ (23,584)
  46. "Outcome Assessment (Health Care)"/ (50,681)
  47. patient outcome assessment/ (1713)
  48. exp Program Evaluation/ (54,529)
  49. Quality Assurance, Health Care/ (38,609)
  50. Quality Improvement/ (9440)
  51. Quality Indicators, Health Care/ (11,744)
  52. Quality of Health Care/ (43,880)
  53. (bench mark* or benchmark*).tw,kf. (17,315)
  54. (delivery adj2 health*).tw,kf. (12,585)
  55. (efficien* adj2 (assess* or assurance* or evaluat* or improv* or indicat* or measur* or test*)).tw,kf. (23,714)
  56. (performance adj2 (assess* or assurance* or evaluat* or improv* or indicat* or measur* or test*)).tw,kf. (74,378)
  57. (outcome* adj2 (assess* or assurance* or evaluat* or improv* or indicat* or measur* or test*)).tw,kf. (256,084)
  58. (program* adj2 (assess* or assurance* or evaluat* or improv* or indicat* or measur* or test*)).tw,kf. (27,836)
  59. or/42-58 [outcome or evaluation terms] (611,767)
  60. 25 and 41 and 59 [co-design and acute care and outcome or evaluation terms] (45)
  61. exp animals/not humans.sh. (2,031,513)
  62. 60 not 61 [human only studies] (45)
  63. limit 62 to (english language and yr="2005 - 2015") (40).

Inclusion criteria

Reports research using a co-creation or co-production, or co-design or experience-based co-design approach in an acute health-care setting.

Reports patient or staff or organisational outcomes resulting from research using a co-creation, co-production, co-design, experience-based co-design approach in an acute health-care setting.

Outcomes of interest include:

  • any measure of the outcome of co-produced interventions on patient focused quality improvements in acute health-care settings as reported by patients or families or caregivers, or health service providers
  • including patient-reported outcome measures and patient- or staff-reported experience measures
  • using qualitative or quantitative data.

Acute health-care settings include:

  • emergency departments/accident and emergency departments
  • adult inpatient facilities, including acute medical or surgical admission units (often termed MAUs or SAUs), acute medical or surgical units, acute trauma units, acute neurological units, intensive or critical care units, acute care of the elderly or geriatric units, medical oncology or cancer services
  • adult outpatient facilities including medical, surgical, trauma, neurology, care of the elderly or geriatrics, medical oncology or cancer services.
Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2020. This work was produced by Jones et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
Bookshelf ID: NBK561465


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