Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd13258: PH_PLEKHJ1 
Pleckstrin homology domain containing, family J member 1 Pleckstrin homology (PH) domain
PLEKHJ1 (also called GNRPX2/Guanine nucleotide-releasing protein x ). It contains a single PH domain. Very little information is known about PLEKHJ1. PLEKHJ1 has been shown to interact with IKBKG (inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells, kinase gamma) and KRT33B (keratin 33B). PH domains have diverse functions, but in general are involved in targeting proteins to the appropriate cellular location or in the interaction with a binding partner. They share little sequence conservation, but all have a common fold, which is electrostatically polarized. Less than 10% of PH domains bind phosphoinositide phosphates (PIPs) with high affinity and specificity. PH domains are distinguished from other PIP-binding domains by their specific high-affinity binding to PIPs with two vicinal phosphate groups: PtdIns(3,4)P2, PtdIns(4,5)P2 or PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 which results in targeting some PH domain proteins to the plasma membrane. A few display strong specificity in lipid binding. Any specificity is usually determined by loop regions or insertions in the N-terminus of the domain, which are not conserved across all PH domains. PH domains are found in cellular signaling proteins such as serine/threonine kinase, tyrosine kinases, regulators of G-proteins, endocytotic GTPases, adaptors, as well as cytoskeletal associated molecules and in lipid associated enzymes.
PSSM-Id: 270078
Aligned: 17 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 138.996
Created: 25-Jun-2012
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
NP_001101542    1 MRYNEKELQALsrqpaema-----------aelgmrgpKKGSVaKRRLVKLVVNFLFYFRPDe------AEPLGALLLER 63   Norway rat
XP_002737173    1 MRYNEKELIRLayqppeieg---------rllhkqpgsKLREGyRERWCRLRGNFLFYFKTNelgkcnrLEPIGALLMER 71   Saccoglossus ...
EHJ77981        1 MKCNVREIAQLsdkpcimegrl------nykkvangsyRNQAVfKERWFRLINNYLFYFKISdmgkfdtKQPAGMMVLEN 74   monarch butte...
XP_002414197    1 MRFNAKEICAVasqpsykfekeg---ilfikerqdglfRRSDVyTERWCRLRGNLLFYYKSKdq----cSDPFGVIVLEQ 73   black-legged ...
XP_003427939    1 MKFNCKELAEIyfgpaele------------grlhhkrSHKSGfKERWFKLRYNFLFYHNTNefgqadgIQPSGVIILEN 68   jewel wasp
NP_001233015    1 MRFNNKEMIHVshsnpvlegr--------msyakmsngYASKGfKERWFRLKYNLLFYFKINgfgqvdlHQPAGVFVLEN 72   pea aphid
XP_003742593    1 MRFNEKELTAVasqpaikcdkeg---vlffrdkqegffRKNEVyTERWFRLKGNLLFFLRNRdp----cSEPQGLIILEQ 73   western preda...
XP_002428386    1 MKFNIKELADLsfgkatiegrlhhkkinsshsnsgenlTVMLVfKEKWFKLRANILFYFNLSetgqinnNKPVGAYILEN 80   human body louse
EFX81319        1 MHVNGKELITTsfkpatiegr--------inyrvlhpgKSKGNfKEFWFKLTGNLLFYFGLNnfggikgNEPIGVIVLEN 72   common water ...
XP_001810604    1 MRFNDRELVTVgeskpdlegilh---hmkpqandwsdwYQQPSfKERHFKLIANLLYYYRVNase-qeqQQPLGVLVLEN 76   red flour beetle
NP_001101542   64 CRVAqEEP-----GGFSISFVedl-----srKYHFECCSQEQCQEWMEALQRASYEYMR 112  Norway rat
XP_002737173   72 CRVQhEPRad-kpFVFSVAYQd--------gKHYFVGASDQHCELWVKALRQASFESLR 121  Saccoglossus kowalevskii
EHJ77981       75 SSIQmEHGps-isFSFSISFIdep-----ekRHIFAARSEDNVVQWVLKLRQCSYEYLR 127  monarch butterfly
XP_002414197   74 YTVKdGPItg-alYCFSLAFVg--------eDLQLAAACAGEREAWLGALRGASYECVR 123  black-legged tick
XP_003427939   69 CNIKpDVVre-scFAFSIVFNdep-----qkCHILSGRSESQIEQWMNAIKQASYGYWR 121  jewel wasp
NP_001233015   73 SIVRlENNtpgtlFSFSLSFKdep-----dkKYIISSQSEDHVHQWIKCIQSSTYEYMR 126  pea aphid
XP_003742593   74 CHVEmGPKtp-smLCFSLVHNme-------gHIYFGASTEQERDSWMHAFTGASIENLK 124  western predatory mite
XP_002428386   81 TIVQfEMNse-apFSFSLYFNdev-----ekKHLFSGRSQDNIDKWIEALKEASYEYWR 133  human body louse
EFX81319       73 CSVAfDEDgs-gvFAFVVTFSgd------qdRHVFSCFSVNQAQNWVIALRQASYEHLR 124  common water flea
XP_001810604   77 AQVAyERPhkgipFAFSITFKvndkfkdneaKHIFSCRCDADVNKWVSALKMHSYEYWR 135  red flour beetle
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