Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd10017: B3_DNA 
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Plant-specific B3-DNA binding domain
The plant-specific B3 DNA binding domain superfamily includes the well-characterized auxin response factor (ARF) and the LAV (Leafy cotyledon2 [LEC2]-Abscisic acid insensitive3 [ABI3]-VAL) families, as well as the RAV (Related to ABI3 and VP1) and REM (REproductive Meristem) families. LEC2 and ABI3 have been shown to be involved in seed development, while other members of the LAV family seem to have a more general role, being expressed in many organs during plant development. Members of the ARF family bind to the auxin response element and depending on presence of an activation or repression domain, they activate or repress transcription. RAV and REM families are less studied B3 protein famillies.
PSSM-Id: 197383
Aligned: 239 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 43.4705
Created: 23-Feb-2011
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
putative DNA
Conserved site includes 11 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:putative DNA binding site [nucleic acid binding site]
  • Comment:binding site is based on structural homology to EcoRII

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1            #  #      #  # #                                   #             # ## ##    
1YEL_A         9 VQFMKPFIsek-ssKSLEIPlGFNEYFpa------pfPITVDLLDYS--GRSWTVRMKkrg-----ekvFLTVGWENFVK 74  thale cress
EEE78122       4 NLFIKELSktd-ieYRMAVPmKSLDAFripe---gehSKDFGVTDIH--GKRWRFRCStrksd-pypkpVLSSGWIEFAK 76  black cottonwood
EEE79024       2 ANLRKTLSetd-veVRFSVPsKWFKENlfsrf-egknKLDLPVKDLS--GEVQSFGFSvrtkg-nhfkpVISRGWRKFVH 76  black cottonwood
XP_002321427   2 ETFSKVLSktd-ikKRLAVPtNYLKSLpsln---ggcSVDFKAIDAK--GKVWTFKCSirkkg--hpkpVISKGWLAFVG 73  black cottonwood
XP_002317121   2 EVMAKLLSgsdtsnKRLEFPtESLWAFslpa---gqnSVEFDAVDML--DQPWRLKISvrneg-kypkpWISGQWGIYVL 75  black cottonwood
XP_002530681   4 RIFGKELTetd-vgKRLAIPiSSLKSLpgfe---gkhFLDLKVKYKSm-EEPLEFRCSirkkg-ihpkpVFDKGWLEFVH 77  castor bean
XP_002321826  82 KVISKSLSrtd-ieERLSVPaSCLHFFpmp-----egVREIEFQAIDtlGKLWTFKLScrseg--ppkpVIAGQWLSFVK 153 black cottonwood
XP_002533023   8 LIFRKILKqsh-itHQLNIPeQVLQRYpiyn---leySRNFTCYDKD--GNLFPFRISirrspvyfkpyFARAVWGPFVE 81  castor bean
XP_002332620  50 VIIRKRLTpte-ikSCLFCPtRTVHSAfpillaegqtAIWFQARDPT--GKVWNFKLSrrphg--plkpVIRGDWLNYVR 124 black cottonwood
XP_002316538   2 EVMNKILSesdaknKRLEFPaRSLSAFpmpd---gqnSVQFVAFDMN--DQQWSLKVSirneg-kyakpWLKGEWDDYVH 75  black cottonwood
Feature 1                                        
1YEL_A        75 dnnLEDGKYLQFIYDr------DRTFYVIIYG 100 thale cress
EEE78122      77 trsLKVGDEVTFSVVdmk-gaeDLELGIQARK 107 black cottonwood
EEE79024      77 akgLKPGNKIIFVMEndp--etGTEYKVEVIK 106 black cottonwood
XP_002321427  74 skkLKAGYKIRFYKEnnkvstaTHVFRVQAEK 105 black cottonwood
XP_002317121  76 qkrLRQGDRVTLTMHdqe--ngANNYRIIAER 105 black cottonwood
XP_002530681  78 cndIKVGNWVCFLQEggh--gdTAKFKIEVKR 107 castor bean
XP_002321826 154 dkgVKVGDTVTISQQnng--tnEGQYSISVSR 183 black cottonwood
XP_002533023  82 aksLRVGDVVEFYTMi-----dNSEAGIQVRA 108 castor bean
XP_002332620 125 ekgLKVNEVIILTREdiq--ngETYHDVKVEP 154 black cottonwood
XP_002316538  76 qkgLKKGDKVILTMHee----eNGERIYRIRA 103 black cottonwood

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