Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd04660: nsLTP_like 
nsLTP_like: Non-specific lipid-transfer protein (nsLTP)-like subfamily; composed of predominantly uncharacterized proteins with similarity to nsLTPs, including Medicago truncatula MtN5, the root-specific Phaseolus vulgaris PVR3, Antirrhinum majus FIL1, and Lilium longiflorum LIM3. Plant nsLTPs are small, soluble proteins that facilitate the transfer of fatty acids, phospholipids, glycolipids, and steroids between membranes. The MtN5 gene is induced during root nodule development. FIL1 is thought to be important in petal and stamen formation. The LIM3 gene is induced during the early prophase stage of meiosis in lily microsporocytes.
PSSM-Id: 240018
Aligned: 20 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 55.453
Created: 28-Dec-2006
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
CAA75593      31 CNIDpnDLKQSCSKFVtgrn---pprADEACCGVLRRAnlPCLCGYKSaltyyg------inakkALALPGQCGLQTp-s 100 barrel medic
AAC49370      30 CRMPk-DGLKSCLASVsgdn---pvdPTSDCCLAIAKAdlQCFCRYKDsgllsiy----gvdpnkCMELPVKCKVVDs-f 100 French bean
BAB08563      33 CNINa-NHLEKCRPAVigdn---ppsPIKECCELLQAAnlKCICRFKSvlpvla------vypskVQALLSKCGLTTipp 102 thale cress
ABE79318      32 CNMNe-DGLDACKPSVtqpy---pakPSTECCKALTGAdlQCLCSYKNsaelpll----gidptlAASLPKECDLTPp-s 102 barrel medic
AAM28295      37 CNMTr-GGLEACKPSVrsgssdpaadPSKECCAALAGAdlPCLCSYRHsfllpsl----gidpdlALQLPAKCNLTAt-p 110 pineapple
NP_001059392  27 CNLSd-AGLQACKPAAavrn--padtPSSECCDALAAAdlPCLCRYKGsagarvwvrfygidlnrAMTLPGKCGLTLp-a 102 Japanese rice
NP_001059387  30 CNMSn-DEFMKCQPAAaatsn-pttnPSAGCCSALSHAdlNCLCSYKNspwlsiy----nidpnrAMQLPAKCGLTMp-a 102 Japanese rice
NP_001045177  37 CGVDadRMAADCGSYCrags--reraPRRECCDAVRGAdfKCLCKYRDelrvmg-----nidaarAMQIPSKCRIKGapk 109 Japanese rice
NP_001045178  29 CGVDr-SAVALCRSYCtvgs--aekaPTKECCKAVANAdfQCLCDRRDmlrnle-----nidadrATQIPSKCGVPGass 100 Japanese rice
Q38737        31 CSASl-ANLNACAPFVvlga---attPSSDCCTALQSVdhECLCNTLRi----------------ASRVPAQCNLPPl-- 88  snapdragon
CAA75593     101 NC 102 barrel medic
AAC49370     101 HC 102 French bean
BAB08563     103 AC 104 thale cress
ABE79318     103 NC 104 barrel medic
AAM28295     111 GC 112 pineapple
NP_001059392 103 HC 104 Japanese rice
NP_001059387 103 NC 104 Japanese rice
NP_001045177 110 SC 111 Japanese rice
NP_001045178 101 SC 102 Japanese rice
Q38737        89 SC 90  snapdragon
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