Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd16454: RING-H2_PA-TM-RING 
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RING finger, H2 subclass, found in the PA-TM-RING ubiquitin ligase family
The PA-TM-RING family represents a group of transmembrane-type E3 ubiquitin ligases, which has been characterized by an N-terminal transient signal peptide, a PA (protease-associated) domain, a TM (transmembrane) domain, as well as a C-terminal C3H2C3-type RING-H2 finger domain. It includes RNF13, RNF167, ZNRF4 (zinc and RING finger 4), GRAIL (gene related to anergy in lymphocytes)/RNF128, RNF130, RNF133, RNF148, RNF149 and RNF150 (which are more closely related), as well as RNF43 and ZNRF3, which have substantially longer C-terminal tail extensions compared with the others. PA-TM-RING proteins are expressed at low levels in all mammalian tissues and species, but they are not present in yeast. They play a common regulatory role in intracellular trafficking/sorting, suggesting that abrogation of their function may result in dysregulation of cellular signaling events in cancer.
PSSM-Id: 438118
Aligned: 38 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 62.2915
Created: 21-May-2015
Updated: 17-Oct-2022
Aligned Rows:
Zn binding site
Conserved site includes 8 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: Zn binding site [ion binding site], 8 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:C C C H H C C CClick to see conserved feature residue pattern help
  • Structure:2ECT; Mus musculus RNF126 binds two Zn2+ ions through its RING-H2 finger.
  • Comment:C3H2C3-type RING-H2 finger consensus motif: C-X2-C-X(9-39)-C-X(1-3)-H-X(2-3)-H-X2-C-X(4-48)-C-X2-C, where X is any amino acid and the number of X residues varies in different fingers
  • Comment:A RING finger typically binds two zinc atoms, with its Cys and/or His side chains in a unique "cross-brace" arrangement.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1         #  #               # #  #  #           #  # 
2ECT_A        17 ECPVCKEDYalg-esvRQLPCNHLFHdsCIVPWLeq-hDSCPVCR 59  house mouse
XP_655759    258 ECSICYSRLkr---kcVSFSCGHKFHysCVIPWLqh-nSVCPLCK 298 Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS
Q9SZL4        61 CCPICLVEFeaedavtHLPRCAHLFHinCIEPWLlrghLTCPLCR 105 thale cress
XP_002676562 272 DCAVCQDQIkae-eeiTELPCGHLYHsgCVTPWLer-hANCPICR 314 Naegleria gruberi strain NEG-M
EOB15280     182 TCSICLCTFtny-skvLSLLCTHYFHskCIIPWIkk-hKQCPCCR 224 Nosema bombycis CQ1
EPY16550     154 GCMVCLSTFrdr-eavTALPCGHLYHtdCIVPWLsr-kATCPCCR 196 Strigomonas culicis
KJK42186     240 VCTVCQETMsgn--gtLTLSCGHVFHndCVVPWLeq-rRTCPLCR 281 Lechevalieria aerocolonigenes
XP_011393595 399 KCVICVDEMtlg-dkaTLLPCNHFFHgeCVTPWLkv-hNTCPVCR 441 Neurospora crassa OR74A
Q8GXF8       213 ECVICKEEMseg-rdvCEMPCQHFFHwkCILPWLsk-kNTCPFCR 255 thale cress
EFJ10079     362 DCPICLEEIgr---tsLLLPCRHGFHkeCIEPWIer-sNHCPCCR 402 Selaginella moellendorffii

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