Betacoronavirus NS6 protein This entry represents non-structural protein NS6 (also known as non-structural protein 6, accessory protein 6, or X3 protein), which is highly conserved among SARS-related coronaviruses. (This is distinct from NSP6 which is encoded on the replicase polyprotein). Proteins in this family are typically between 42 to 63 amino acids in length. NS6 is located in the endoplasmic reticulum. It has been reported that NS6 can increase the cellular gene synthesis and it can also induce apoptosis through Jun N-terminal kinase and Caspase-3 mediated stress. This protein can modulate host antiviral responses by inhibiting synthesis and signalling of IFN-beta, via NS6 interaction with host N-Myc (and STAT) interactor (Nmi) protein and suppressing the translocation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1).