Conserved Protein Domain Family

cl28126: Fibritin_C Superfamily (this model, PSSM-Id:332947 is obsolete)
Fibritin C-terminal region
This family features sequences bearing similarity to the C-terminal portion of the bacteriophage T4 protein fibritin. This protein is responsible for attachment of long tail fibers to virus particle, and forms the 'whiskers' or fibers on the neck of the virion. The region seen in this family contains an N-terminal coiled-coil portion and the C-terminal globular foldon domain (residues 457-486), which is essential for fibritin trimerisation and folding. This domain consists of a beta-hairpin; three such hairpins come together in a beta-propeller-like arrangement in the trimer, which is stabilized by hydrogen bonds, salt bridges and hydrophobic interactions.
Accession: cl28126
PSSM Id: 332947
Name: Fibritin_C
Created: 5-Dec-2016
Updated: 24-Nov-2020
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