Cytoglobin and related globins Cygb is a hexacoordinated heme-containing protein, able to bind O2, NO and carbon monoxide. It has both nitric oxide dioxygenase and lipid peroxidase activities, and potentially participates in the maintenance of normal phenotype by implementing a homeostatic effect, to counteract stress conditions imposed on a cell. Cygb is implicated in multiple human pathologies: it is up-regulated in fibrosis and neurodegenerative disorders, and down-regulated in multiple cancer types, and may have a tumor suppressor role. It is expressed ubiquitously across a broad range of vertebrate organs including liver, heart, brain, lung, retina, and gut. In the human brain, it was detected at high levels in the habenula, hypothalamus, thalamus, hippocampus and pontine tegmental nuclei, detected at a low level in the cerebral cortex, and undetected in the cerebellar cortex.