Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00063: FN3 
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Fibronectin type 3 domain; One of three types of internal repeats found in the plasma protein fibronectin. Its tenth fibronectin type III repeat contains an RGD cell recognition sequence in a flexible loop between 2 strands. Approximately 2% of all animal proteins contain the FN3 repeat; including extracellular and intracellular proteins, membrane spanning cytokine receptors, growth hormone receptors, tyrosine phosphatase receptors, and adhesion molecules. FN3-like domains are also found in bacterial glycosyl hydrolases.
PSSM-Id: 238020
Aligned: 741 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 29.7719
Created: 1-Nov-2000
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 3 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:Interdomain contacts
  • Structure:1BQU; gp130-CHR D1 and D2 domain interactions
  • Citation:PMID 9501088
  • Structure:1CFB; linker region of tandem type III fibronectin domains of neuroglian.
  • Citation:PMID 7512815
  • Structure:1QG3; linker region of type III fibronectin of integrin alpha6beta4.
  • Structure:1FNH; FN13-14 linker region
  • Structure:1MFN; FN9-10 linker region
  • Citation:PMID 9533887
  • Structure:1QR4; linker region of fibronectin type III domains 5 and 6 of tenascin.
  • Structure:1FNF; FN7-8 linker region
  • Citation:PMID 8066086

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1      #                                                                               
1BQU_B     104 PNPPHnL-SVINsee-lssILKLTWTNPsiks---viiLKYNIQYRtkd---astWSQIppedt---------------- 159  human
6434249    393 PPPPVnI-VVSSvt---seSVVITWKPPkyn----eaiNKYVVNYRl-------kYSEGrssrgk--------------- 442  Caenorhabditis e...
585319     140 VGPPEnI-EVTPge----gSLIIRFSSPfdiadtstafFCYYVHYWek-----ggIQQVkgp------------------ 191  human
6680373    135 VGPPKnI-SVTPgk----gSLVIHFSPPfdvf--hgatFQYLVHYWeks---etqQEQVegp------------------ 186  Mus sp.
7504409    368 PPKEEdV-RVLNsgs--alSCEVEWKSPaepn---griTKYFVSVRgamrksdgsLTPDdlpaavevdkrcanwdgdent 441  Caenorhabditis e...
6434249    909 PEAPE-IvSVSLdrdeppvVARIEWKMPkmkpn-etpiEKYNLWLRaqg----ypDSYVkaktv---------------- 966  Caenorhabditis e...
5921193   2986 PVVKM-LrEVQVfei-tenSAKLHWERPep-------pGPYFYDLTvts---ahdQSLVlkqn----------------- 3036 human
126469     113 PARFG-V-SKEKtt---stGLHVWWTPSsg------kvTSYEVQLFde------nNQKIqgvqiq--------------- 160  human
4758594    113 PARPV-V-SCQAad---yeNFSCTWSPSqis----glpTRYLTSYRkk------tVLGAdsqrrspstgp---------- 167  human
2497557    588 PTHPQdV-VVYSns---snTLIITWKPPnrpn---gnvTHYIVKYKr-------qQEDVaem------------------ 635  amphioxus
Feature 1                              #                       #              
1BQU_B     160 -----------astrSSFTVQdLKPf---TEYVFRIRCMked---gkgYWS-DWSe-eASGIT 203  human
6434249    443 ---------tmetleNSLVIDgLVAf---QTYEFTVRSAgp------vGVG-LESl-pVEAQT 485  Caenorhabditis elegans
585319     192 ------------frsNSISLDnLKPs---RVYCLQVQAQll------wNKS-NIFr-vGHLSN 231  human
6680373    187 ------------fksNSIVLGnLKPy---RVYCLQTEAQlilknkkirPHG-LLSn--VSCHE 231  Mus sp.
7504409    442 skhnginpidfanefYSCKFGpLKPn---RNYTVTVWAEns------aGRS-LPAvfhKNCVT 494  Caenorhabditis elegans
6434249    967 -----------dgtdLSTTISgLWMg---VVYDVLLAAEnr------eGRS-QNAt--ETIAT 1006 Caenorhabditis elegans
5921193   3037 -----------ltvtDRVIGG-LLAg---QTYHVAVVCY---------LRSqVRAtyhGSFST 3075 human
126469     161 ----------estswNEYTFFnLTAg---SKYNIAITAVsg------gKRS-FSVy--TNGST 201  human
4758594    168 -----wpcpqdplgaARCVVHgAEFw---SQYRINVTEVnp------lGAS-TRLl-dVSLQS 214  human
2497557    636 ------------eqrEYCKGG-LKPhrptQGLEDIVNNEee------pNNS-TIGd--GTCCE 676  amphioxus

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