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  • Variant Calls:1
  • Validation:Yes
  • Clinical Assertions: No
  • Region Size:9,735

Links to Other Resources

Source: NCBI

Genome View

Select assembly:
Overlapping variant regions from other studies: 162 SVs from 30 studies. See in: genome view    
Remapped(Score: Perfect):49,955,235-49,964,969Question Mark
Overlapping variant regions from other studies: 162 SVs from 30 studies. See in: genome view    
Submitted genomic50,182,373-50,192,107Question Mark

Variant Region Placement Information

Variant Region IDPlacement TypeScoreAssemblyAssembly UnitReciprocitySequence IDChrOuter StartInner StartInner StopOuter Stop
esv2673826RemappedPerfectGRCh38.p12Primary AssemblyFirst PassNC_000002.12Chr249,955,23549,955,27249,964,91949,964,969
esv2673826Submitted genomicGRCh37 (hg19)Primary AssemblyNC_000002.11Chr250,182,37350,182,41050,192,05750,192,107

Variant Call Information

Variant Call IDTypeSample IDMethodAnalysisOther Calls in this Sample and Study
essv6091973deletionSAMN00000451SequencingPaired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping1,026

Variant Call Placement Information

Variant Call IDPlacement TypeScoreHGVSAssemblyReciprocitySequence IDChrOuter StartInner StartInner StopOuter Stop
GRCh38.p12First PassNC_000002.12Chr249,955,23549,955,27249,964,91949,964,969
essv6091973Submitted genomicNC_000002.11:g.(50
GRCh37 (hg19)NC_000002.11Chr250,182,37350,182,41050,192,05750,192,107

Validation Information

Variant Call IDExperiment IDSample IDMethodAnalysisResult
essv60919737SAMN00000451SNP arrayProbe signal intensityPass

No clinical assertion data were submitted for this variant

No genotype data were submitted for this variant

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