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These reference sequences exist independently of genome builds. Explain
These reference sequences are curated independently of the genome
annotation cycle, so their versions may not match the RefSeq versions in the current
genome build. Identify version mismatches by comparing the version of the RefSeq in
this section to the one reported in Genomic regions,
transcripts, and products above.
NG_051309.1 RefSeqGene
- Range
- Download
- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics), LRG_1086
mRNA and Protein(s)
NM_001297609.2 → NP_001284538.1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6 isoform 2
- Description
- Transcript Variant: This variant (2) lacks an alternate in-frame exon in the 5' coding region, compared to variant 1. The encoded isoform (2) is shorter than isoform 1.
- Source sequence(s)
AB208805, AI658745, AW771625, FO393419
- Consensus CDS
- UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
- Related
- ENSP00000363152.2, ENST00000374040.7
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- smart00220
Location:645 → 898
- S_TKc; Serine/Threonine protein kinases, catalytic domain
- cd06624
Location:631 → 898
- STKc_ASK; Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase
- pfam13281
Location:129 → 498
- DUF4071; Domain of unknown function (DUF4071)
NM_004672.5 → NP_004663.3 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6 isoform 1
- Description
- Transcript Variant: This variant (1) represents the longer transcript and encodes the longer isoform (1).
- Source sequence(s)
AB167411, AF100318, AW771625, FO393419
- Consensus CDS
- UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
- A2ACE8, A2VDG4, A2VDG5, O95382, Q59HF4, Q5SSD4, Q75PK3, Q96B75
- Related
- ENSP00000350195.2, ENST00000357582.3
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- smart00220
Location:653 → 906
- S_TKc; Serine/Threonine protein kinases, catalytic domain
- cd06624
Location:639 → 906
- STKc_ASK; Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase
- pfam13281
Location:129 → 506
- DUF4071; Domain of unknown function (DUF4071)
The following Reference Sequences have been suppressed. Explain
These RefSeqs were suppressed for the
cited reason(s). Suppressed RefSeqs do not appear in BLAST databases, related
sequence links, or BLAST links (BLink), but may still be retrieved by clicking on
their accession.version below.
NM_145319.1: Suppressed sequence
- Description
- NM_145319.1: This RefSeq record was removed by NCBI staff. Contact for further information.