Biopsied blastomere samples underwent alkaline lysis for genomic DNA extraction as described previously (Cui et al., 1989; PNAS 86, 9389-93). Whole genome amplification was performed as previously described (Treff et al., 2010, Fertil. Steril., In Press).
Label protocol
Fragmented DNA was biotinylated using the manufacturers recommendations (Affymetrix Inc., GeneChip Mapping 500K Assay Manual # 701930)
Hybridization protocol
DNA was digested with the NspI restriction enzyme, ligated to an adapter molecule, PCR amplified, fragmented with DNase I, labeled and hybridized to each array according to the manufacturer's instructions (Affymetrix Inc., GeneChip Mapping 500K Assay Manual # 701930).
Scan protocol
Each array was washed using Affymetrix fluidics station 640, and scanned using the Gene Chip Scanner 7G as recommended (Affymetrix Inc., GeneChip Mapping 500K Assay Manual # 701930).
Hybridized to 250K_Nsp
Data processing
CEL files were processed using GTYPE version 4 (Affymetrix Inc., Genotyping Console 4.0 Manual) using the DM algorithm for genotype calls. Copy number was calculated from CHP files using CNAT version 4.1 (Affymetrix Inc., Genotyping Console 4.0 Manual) analysis against a reference set at a 5Mb Gaussian smoothing for aneuploid screening and 1Mb Gaussian smoothing for microdeletion detection. Both sets of CN and LOH files have been included. The reference set consisted of three normal females from in house gDNA bank, 11 normal females from Coriel cell lines and 16 normal females from the HapMap database ( The 16 normal females are NA10855, NA10863, NA11832, NA12057, NA12234, NA12717, NA12813, NA18505, NA18508, NA18517, NA19137, NA19152, NE00088, NE00091, NE00403, and NE01119.