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Sample GSM2947023 Query DataSets for GSM2947023
Status Public on Jul 06, 2018
Title 10G_LRing_ATACseq_replicate2
Sample type SRA
Source name 10G_LRing_ATACseq
Organism Plasmodium falciparum
Characteristics subclone: 10G
cell type: culture of parasite cells
developmental stage: late ring (20-25h)
replicate: 2
Growth protocol Parasites were cultured in B+ erythrocytes (3% hematocrit) under standard conditions with media containing Albumax II and no human serum.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Cultures were tightly synchronized to a defined 5 h age window by purification of parasites at the schizont stage using Percoll gradients (63% Percoll) followed by sorbitol lysis 5 h later, which eliminates erythrocytes infected with late asexual stages (trophozoites and schizonts). Parasites were collected at the following times post invasion: 10-15 hpi (early ring stage), 20-25 hpi (late ring stage), 30-35 hpi (trophozoite stage) and 40-45 hpi (schizont stage). Genomic DNA was isolated by proteinase K treatment (0.2 mg/ml, 55°C for 3 hr and 95°C for 25 min), then RNase treatment (1.25 mg/ml, 37°C for 30 min). Genomic DNA was purified from schizonts by phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1, pH 8.0) extraction, with an additional chloroform extraction, and precipitated with ethanol and NaOAc (3mM, pH 5.5), and resuspended in TE (10mM Tris-HCl pH7.5, 1mM EDTA). 10ng of gDNA used for a standard ATAC-seq protocol as described by the Nextera library preparation protocol by Illumina (5 min at 55º C).
ATAC-seq protocol was performed using 10 million cells for early ring, late ring and throphozoite cell stages and 1 million cells for schizonts that were obtained after saponin RBC lysis. Parasite cells were resuspended in lysis buffer in order to permeabilize membranes. The nuclei pellet were immediately resuspended in the transposition reaction mix (25 μl of 2x TD Buffer, 1.25 μl of Tn5 Transposase and 23.75 μl of nuclease-free water), and incubated for 30 min at 37ºC. The samples were purified using the Qiagen MiniElute Kit. Following purification, library amplification was carried out with 2X KAPA HiFi mix and 1.25 μM of Nextera primers. Optimal cycle number was determined using qPCR. ATAC-seq libraries were sequenced using an Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencer to obtain 20-40M of 2x50 bp paired-end sequencing reads.
Library strategy ATAC-seq
Library source genomic
Library selection other
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 2000
Description 10GT2LRingR2
10G and 1.2B are subclones derived from the 3D7 strain (Rovira-Graells et al. 2012. PMID 22415456).
processed data file: 10G_MACS2_peaks_merged_ATAC_rpkm_counts.txt
Data processing Paired reads were aligned to the P. falciparum reference genome Pf3D7-28 (PlasmoDB) with Bowtie2 (v.2.3.1), using parameters --no-unal --no-mixed -X 2000. Reads were trimmed 10 bases from each read 3' end (-3 10).
Alignment files were sorted and deduplicated using Samtools (v.1.4). Quality threshold of 10 in MAPQ score was applied.
To adjust for fragment size and make sure Tn5 cutting site was mapped, aligned reads were shifted +4bp for + strands and -5 bp for – strands.
Nucleosome-free fragments were extracted filtering mapped reads with a size threshold of 130 bp.
Peak calling on nucleosome-free reads was performed using MACS2 (v.2.1.1) using the module “callpeak” with the c- option where the input corresponds to the transposed genomic DNA (gDNA) that we use as a control. Parameters used were as default except for -g 2.41e7 --keep-dup all -q 0.01 --nomodel --shift -35 --extsize 75 and -B.
We performed independent peak calling for each biological replicate, on the pooled sample and on the pseudoreplicates, and keep only consensus THSSs regions if present in the three data sets (replicate, pooled and pseudoreplicate). THSSs regions located in mitochondrion and apicoplast chromosomes were removed.
THSSs regions were annotated to genomic features using HOMER and the ones corresponding to the same genomic region from different stages merged using bedtools merge.
Genome_build: Pf3D7-28 (PlasmoDB)
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: *_bdgcmp-ppois.bedgraph: Tracks of ATAC signal, normalized and input (gDNA) corrected, per stage of development. The bedGraphs were built with MACS2 “bdgcmp" module (-m ppois).
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: *_MACS2_peaks_merged_ATAC_rpkm_counts.txt: Counts of normalized (RPKM) and input corrected nucleosome-free reads per stage of development and subclone computed for MACS2 merged peaks (txt).
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: *_track.bed: Peaks
Submission date Jan 24, 2018
Last update date Jul 06, 2018
Contact name Jose Luis Ruiz Rodriguez
Organization name IPBLN-CSIC
Street address Avda. del Conocimiento 17. P. T. Ciencias de la Salud
City Granada
State/province Granada
ZIP/Postal code 18016
Country Spain
Platform ID GPL16607
Series (1)
GSE109599 Characterization of the accessible genome in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum
BioSample SAMN08391359
SRA SRX3597947

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM2947023_10GT2LRingR2_bdgcmp-ppois.bedgraph.gz 51.7 Mb (ftp)(http) BEDGRAPH
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