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Sample GSM50506 Query DataSets for GSM50506
Status Public on May 07, 2005
Title c73 colonII
Sample type RNA
Source name Frozen primary colorectal tumor, Dukes´stage B, patient without subsequent recurrence
Organism Homo sapiens
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Male patient, 67 years old, T2N0M0 stage, tumor size below 5 cm of diameter, located in colon-sigma. Followed five years, without recurrence.
High quality total RNA was isolated from the frozen tissues disrupted using an Ultra Turrax T25 homogenizer. Extraction of total RNA was performed with Trizol total RNA isolation reagent (Gibco BRL, Life Technologies, Gaitherburg, MD, USA) according to the manufacturer´s instructions. All the RNAs used in this study were cleaned up with RNeasy Mini Kit (Quiagen, Valencia, CA) and were exhaustively treated with RNase-free DNAse I (Quiagen) to remove residual DNA. The concentration was quantified using RiboGreen Quantification kit (Molecular Probes, Leiden, The Netherlands) and RNA was adjusted to 1microg/microl. Quality control of RNA was performed by electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining on a 2% agarose gel.
The corresponding cDNA probes were prepared using the Micromax system (NEN, Perkin Elmer, Boston, MA) according to the manufacturer´s protocol. Briefly, 2 microg of RNA were labeled with Fluorescein-12-dCTP and reversely transcribed for 1h at 42ºC. Subsequently, the labeled cDNA was purified by precipitation with 3M acetate (pH 5.2) and isopropanol in order to eliminate the unincorporated nucleotides. After two washes with 70% ethanol, the labeled cDNA was dried and resuspended in 50 microl of GlassHyb Hybridization Solution (Clontech, Palo Alto, CA). The labeled cDNA was then pre-heated to 50ºC and hybridized to Human 19K Oligo Array slides (60 mers) (Center for Applied Genomics, University of Medicine of New Jersey). These slides were previously prehybridized by incubation at 42 ºC for 45 min in a solution consisting of 25% formamide, 5x SSC, 0.1% SDS, then rinsed in water and isopropanol and dried before hybridization.
After hybridization at 48 ºC for 16 hours in a slide cassette (Telechem, Sunnyvale, CA), slides were washed sequentially in a series of solutions of increasing stringency: 0.5xSSC, 0.01% SDS (5 minutes, room temperature); 0.06xSSC, 0.01% SDS (5 minutes, room temperature) and 0.06xSSC (2 minutes, room temperature). Immediately after washing, the presence of fluorescein labeled cDNAs on the microarray was detected using a fluorescent anti-fluorescein antibody conjugate and TSA detection (Micromax) according to the manufacturer´s protocol with appropriate modifications.
The GMS 418 scanner (Genetic Microsystems, Woburn, MA), a confocal scanning instrument containing 2 laser sources and high-resolution photo multiplier tubes (10 micron resolution), was used for scanning the hybridized microarrays. After image acquisition, the scanned images were imported into ImaGene 4.1 software (BioDiscovery, Marina del Re, CA) to quantify the signal intensities. Data from spots not recognized by the ImaGene analysis software were excluded from further considerations (empty, poor and negative spots). We also removed data from spots visually identified as flawed (< 15% in all arrays). Only the spots with flag value equal to 0 were included in the analysis.

Keywords = colon cancer stage II
Keywords = non-recurrent
Submission date May 05, 2005
Last update date Nov 22, 2005
Contact name Raquel Malumbres
Phone +34 948194700
Organization name University of Navarra/ Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Department Hemato-Oncology
Lab Multiple Myeloma
Street address Avenida Pio XII 55
City Pamplona
State/province Navarra
ZIP/Postal code 31008
Country Spain
Platform ID GPL2006
Series (1)
GSE2630 Gene signature for relapse prediction in Dukes´B colon cancer

Data table header descriptions
VALUE same as UNF_VALUE but with flagged values removed
Signal Area
Background Area
Signal Total
Background Total
Signal Stdev
Background Stdev
Shape Regularity
X Coord
Y Coord

Data table
ID_REF Flag BKD_RAW SIGNAL_RAW VALUE Signal Area Background Area Signal Total Background Total Signal Stdev Background Stdev Shape Regularity Empty X Coord Y Coord UNF_VALUE
1 0 171.9152542 1661 630.8404838 112 236 191468 40572 510.7217569 35.33509713 0.772413793 1 48 132 630.8404838
2 0 182.8228571 1261 417.4569546 112 175 133574 31994 387.0543549 37.26856267 0.772413793 1 71 133 417.4569546
3 0 201.1719745 24058 18630.87433 112 157 2475988 31584 4839.545086 42.27664099 0.772413793 1 93 133 18630.87433
4 0 203.6178344 14989 10266.95745 112 157 1605330 31968 3566.204432 44.16421802 0.772413793 1 115 133 10266.95745
5 0 209.0057143 9347 6021.469396 112 175 950622 36576 2858.346403 47.75407203 0.772413793 1 136 133 6021.469396
6 0 244.5142857 24726 19297.40948 112 175 2448038 42790 6444.942556 61.5987808 0.772413793 1 159 133 19297.40948
7 0 229.133758 3427 1885.761554 112 157 375924 35974 842.9535652 58.77183514 0.772413793 1 180 133 1885.761554
8 0 227.2571429 12991 8690.145457 112 175 1454124 39770 1677.655446 51.84831881 0.772413793 1 202 134 8690.145457
9 0 236.9942857 3079 1637.204135 112 175 350132 41474 968.5933672 55.82129621 0.772413793 1 225 133 1637.204135
10 0 216.0457143 2811 1447.847412 112 175 289508 37808 811.983675 63.09827411 0.772413793 1 246 133 1447.847412
11 0 256.1401274 6767 4249.177485 112 157 678090 40214 2758.353229 65.57306991 0.772413793 1 269 133 4249.177485
12 0 241.530303 10808 7026.108987 133 132 1461406 31882 1983.505858 61.5791483 0.773255814 1 288.5 132.5 7026.108987
13 0 232.6890756 11170 7313.690293 112 119 1171810 27690 3339.302083 56.63650097 0.772413793 1 313 135 7313.690293
14 0 211.7197452 3343 1831.033714 112 157 358562 33240 1130.632162 51.63243863 0.772413793 1 334 133 1831.033714
15 0 211.0700637 1989 844.0995308 112 157 235426 33138 874.6703663 40.53120441 0.772413793 1 356 134 844.0995308
16 0 256.712963 21213 15812.8377 112 216 2143252 55450 4995.431116 67.69724965 0.772413793 1 378 132 15812.8377
17 0 226.9828571 983 305.6187772 112 175 116666 39722 320.2918188 60.41149127 0.772413793 1 401 134 305.6187772
18 0 222.7487179 835 260.3651296 112 195 94706 43436 193.5698727 56.2747239 0.772413793 1 422 132 260.3651296
19 0 284.5942857 21718 16296.15627 112 175 2290700 49804 4057.308587 119.7395792 0.772413793 1 444 134 16296.15627
20 0 251.5076923 2776 1426.377771 112 195 295338 49044 648.9865704 85.5172119 0.772413793 1 467 134 1426.377771

Total number of rows: 19200

Table truncated, full table size 2166 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM50506.tif.gz 16.5 Mb (ftp)(http) TIFF

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