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Congenital myopathy-1A (CMYO1A) with susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia is an autosomal dominant disorder of skeletal muscle characterized by muscle weakness primarily affecting the proximal muscles of the lower limbs beginning in infancy or early childhood, although later onset of symptoms has been reported. There is significant phenotypic variability, even within families, and the wide clinical diversity most likely depends on the severity of the RYR1 mutation. The disorder is static or slowly progressive; affected individuals typically show delayed motor development and usually achieve independent walking, although many have difficulty running or climbing stairs. Additional features often include mild facial weakness, joint laxity, shoulder girdle weakness, and skeletal manifestations, such as dislocation of the hips, foot deformities, scoliosis, and Achilles tendon contractures. Some patients present with orthopedic deformities. Serum creatine kinase is usually not elevated. Respiratory involvement is rare and there is no central nervous system or cardiac involvement. Patients with dominant mutations in the RYR1 gene are at risk for malignant hyperthermia and both disorders may segregate in the same family. Historically, patients with congenital myopathy due to RYR1 mutations were diagnosed based on the finding of pathologic central cores (central core disease; CCD) on muscle biopsy, which represent areas that lack oxidative enzymes and mitochondrial activity in type 1 muscle fibers. However, additional pathologic findings may also be observed, including cores and rods, central nuclei, fiber type disproportion, multiminicores, and uniform type 1 fibers. These histopathologic features are not always specific to RYR1 myopathy and often change over time (Quinlivan et al., 2003; Jungbluth et al., 2007; Klein et al., 2012; Ogasawara and Nishino, 2021). Some patients with RYR1 mutations have pathologic findings on muscle biopsy, but are clinically asymptomatic (Shuaib et al., 1987; Quane et al., 1993). Rare patients with a more severe phenotype have been found to carry a heterozygous mutation in the RYR1 gene inherited from an unaffected parent. However, in these cases, there is a possibility of recessive inheritance (CMYO1B; 255320) with either a missed second RYR1 mutation in trans or a genomic rearrangement on the other allele that is undetectable on routine genomic sequencing, since the RYR1 gene is very large and genetic analysis may be difficult (Klein et al., 2012). Genetic Heterogeneity of Congenital Myopathy See also CMYO1B (255320), caused by mutation in the RYR1 gene (180901) on chromosome 19q13; CMYO2A (161800), CMYO2B (620265), and CMYO2C (620278), caused by mutation in the ACTA1 gene (102610) on chromosome 1q42; CMYO3 (602771), caused by mutation in the SELENON gene (606210) on chromosome 1p36; CMYO4A (255310) and CMYO4B (609284), caused by mutation in the TPM3 gene (191030) on chromosome 1q21; CMYO5 (611705), caused by mutation in the TTN gene (188840) on chromosome 2q31; CMYO6 (605637), caused by mutation in the MYH2 gene (160740) on chromosome 17p13; CMYO7A (608358) and CMYO7B (255160), caused by mutation in the MYH7 gene (160760) on chromosome 14q11; CMYO8 (618654), caused by mutation in the ACTN2 gene (102573) on chromosome 1q43; CMYO9A (618822) and CMYO9B (618823), caused by mutation in the FXR1 gene (600819) on chromosome 3q28; CMYO10A (614399) and CMYO10B (620249), caused by mutation in the MEGF10 gene (612453) on chromosome 5q23; CMYO11 (619967), caused by mutation in the HACD1 gene (610467) on chromosome 10p12; CMYO12 (612540), caused by mutation in the CNTN1 gene (600016) on chromosome 12q12; CMYO13 (255995), caused by mutation in the STAC3 gene (615521) on chromosome 12q13; CMYO14 (618414), caused by mutation in the MYL1 gene (160780) on chromosome 2q34; CMYO15 (620161), caused by mutation in the TNNC2 gene (191039) on chromosome 20q13; CMYO16 (618524), caused by mutation in the MYBPC1 gene (160794) on chromosome 12q23; CMYO17 (618975), caused by mutation in the MYOD1 gene (159970) on chromosome 11p15; CMYO18 (620246), caused by mutation in the CACNA1S gene (114208) on chromosome 1q32; CMYO19 (618578), caused by mutation in the PAX7 gene (167410) on chromosome 1p36; CMYO20 (620310), caused by mutation in the RYR3 gene (180903) on chromosome 15q13; CMYO21 (620326), caused by mutation in the DNAJB4 gene (611327) on chromosome 1p31; CMYO22A (620351) and CMYO22B (620369), both caused by mutation in the SCN4A gene (603967) on chromosome 17q23; CMYO23 (609285), caused by mutation in the TPM2 gene (190990) on chromosome 9p13; and CMYO24 (617336), caused by mutation in the MYPN gene (608517) on chromosome 10q21. [from OMIM]

Available tests

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  • Also known as: CCO, CMYO1A, CMYO1B, CMYP1A, CMYP1B, KDS, MHS, MHS1, PPP1R137, RYDR, RYR, RYR-1, SKRR, RYR1
    Summary: ryanodine receptor 1

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