From OMIMPerrault syndrome-2 (PRLTS2) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sensorineural deafness in both males and females. Affected females have primary amenorrhea, streak gonads, and infertility, whereas affected males show normal pubertal development and are fertile (summary by Pierce et al., 2011).
For a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of Perrault syndrome, see PRLTS1 (233400). From MedlinePlus GeneticsFemales with Perrault syndrome have abnormal or missing ovaries (ovarian dysgenesis), although their external genitalia are normal. Severely affected girls do not begin menstruation by age 16 (primary amenorrhea), and most never have a menstrual period. Less severely affected women have an early loss of ovarian function (primary ovarian insufficiency); their menstrual periods begin in adolescence, but they become less frequent and eventually stop before age 40. Women with Perrault syndrome may have difficulty conceiving or be unable to have biological children (infertile).
Neurological problems in individuals with Perrault syndrome can include intellectual disability, difficulty with balance and coordinating movements (ataxia), and loss of sensation and weakness in the limbs (peripheral neuropathy). However, not everyone with this condition has neurological problems.
In Perrault syndrome, the problems with hearing are caused by changes in the inner ear, which is known as sensorineural hearing loss. The impairment usually affects both ears and can be present at birth or begin in early childhood. Unless hearing is completely impaired at birth, the hearing problems worsen over time.
Perrault syndrome is a rare condition that causes different patterns of signs and symptoms in affected males and females. A key feature of this condition is hearing loss, which occurs in both males and females. Affected females also have abnormalities of the ovaries. Neurological problems occur in some affected males and females.