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NIK deficiency

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Synonym: Primary immunodeficiency with multifaceted aberrant lymphoid immunity
SNOMED CT: Primary immunodeficiency with multifaceted aberrant lymphoid immunity (1197478005); NIK deficiency (1197478005); NF-kappa-B-inducing kinase deficiency (1197478005)
Modes of inheritance:
Autosomal recessive inheritance
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Intellectual Product
Source: Orphanet
A mode of inheritance that is observed for traits related to a gene encoded on one of the autosomes (i.e., the human chromosomes 1-22) in which a trait manifests in individuals with two pathogenic alleles, either homozygotes (two copies of the same mutant allele) or compound heterozygotes (whereby each copy of a gene has a distinct mutant allele).
Monarch Initiative: MONDO:0018642
Orphanet: ORPHA447731


A rare genetic primary combined T and B cell immunodeficiency with characteristics of recurrent, severe viral and bacterial infections. Immunologic findings include decreased immunoglobulin levels, decreased numbers of B and NK cells, reduced relative CD19+ B cells in peripheral blood, impaired memory responses to viral infections and defective antigen-specific T-cell proliferation. [from SNOMEDCT_US]

Term Hierarchy

CClinical test,  RResearch test,  OOMIM,  GGeneReviews,  VClinVar  
  • NIK deficiency

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