DataSet Record GDS2352: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: T cell receptor-independent basal signaling in unstimulated Jurkat T cells
Cluster AnalysisGDS2352 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of resting Jurkat T cells and derived mutants lacking T cell receptor (TCR) signaling proteins. Even without TCR engagement, the signaling pathways normally responsive to TCR are not inert. Results provide insight into the transcriptional consequences of the constitutive signaling pathway.
Organism: Homo sapiens
Platform: GPL3084: LC-18
  • Roose JP, Diehn M, Tomlinson MG, Lin J et al. T cell receptor-independent basal signaling via Erk and Abl kinases suppresses RAG gene expression. PLoS Biol 2003 Nov;1(2):E53. PMID: 14624253
Reference Series: GSE3922 Sample count: 21
Value type: log2 ratio Series published: 2005/12/29