DataSet Record GDS2633: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Cytokinin-inducible type-A response regulator OsRR6 overexpression effect on rice leaves
Cluster AnalysisGDS2633 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of transgenic rice leaves overexpressing OsRR6, a cytokinin (CK)-inducible type-A response regulator. Results provide insight into the role of OsRR6 in CK signaling and further the understanding of the function of CK in rice.
Organism: Oryza sativa
Platform: GPL2025: [Rice] Affymetrix Rice Genome Array
  • Hirose N, Makita N, Kojima M, Kamada-Nobusada T et al. Overexpression of a type-A response regulator alters rice morphology and cytokinin metabolism. Plant Cell Physiol 2007 Mar;48(3):523-39. PMID: 17293362
Reference Series: GSE6720 Sample count: 4
Value type: count Series published: 2007/02/15