DataSet Record GDS3706: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide effect on lung WI-38 fibroblasts: dose-response
Cluster AnalysisGDS3706 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of normal lung WI-38 fibroblasts exposed to various concentrations of the carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE). BPDE is a metabolite of benzo[a]pyrene, a component of cigarette smoke. Results provide insight into the molecular response of normal lung fibroblasts to BPDE.
Organism: Homo sapiens
Platform: GPL570: [HG-U133_Plus_2] Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array
  • Dreij K, Rhrissorrakrai K, Gunsalus KC, Geacintov NE et al. Benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide stimulates an inflammatory response in normal human lung fibroblasts through a p53 and JNK mediated pathway. Carcinogenesis 2010 Jun;31(6):1149-57. PMID: 20382639
Reference Series: GSE19510 Sample count: 14
Value type: transformed count Series published: 2010/01/01