microRNA-221/222 knockdown effect on fulvestrant-resistant MCF7 breast cancer cells
Analysis of fulvestrant-resistant MCF7 cells transfected with antisense miRNA inhibitors targeting miR-221 and miR-222. miR-221/222 knockdown inhibits cell proliferation in fulvestrant-resistant MCF7-F cells. Results provide insight into the role of miR-221/222 in acquired resistance to fulvestrant.
[HG-U133_Plus_2] Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array
Rao X, Di Leva G, Li M, Fang F et al. MicroRNA-221/222 confers breast cancer fulvestrant resistance by regulating multiple signaling pathways. Oncogene 2011 Mar 3;30(9):1082-97. PMID: 21057537