DataSet Record GDS4939: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Glucose effect on young and aged pancreatic islets: dose response
Cluster AnalysisGDS4939 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of islets isolated from young and aged animals and cultured for 2 days at 3 to 16mM glucose (G3 to G16). Freshly-isolated islets were also examined. Ageing is associated with functional changes in beta cells. Results provide insight into the molecular response of aged islets to glucose.
Organism: Mus musculus
Platform: GPL1261: [Mouse430_2] Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array
  • Moreno-Asso A, Castaño C, Grilli A, Novials A et al. Glucose regulation of a cell cycle gene module is selectively lost in mouse pancreatic islets during ageing. Diabetologia 2013 Aug;56(8):1761-72. PMID: 23685457
Reference Series: GSE42591 Sample count: 20
Value type: count Series published: 2013/07/01