SRX8004791: Equine encephalosis virus 7 strain 7/Labstr/ZAF/2000/St. Lucia E21/20 Viral Amplicon Sequencing
1 PACBIO_SMRT (Sequel) run: 28,590 spots, 51.1M bases, 23.9Mb downloads
Design: The sequencing library was prepared using the Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) protocol for preparing multiplexed microbial SMRTbell libraries, whole-genome sequencing was achieved in a 8-plex library using a long-read PacBio single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing platform, according to the protocol Preparing Multiplexed Microbial Libraries Using SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 (Pacific Biosciences, Menlo Park, CA, USA) but with the exception of DNA shearing. The library was sequenced on a PacBio Sequel instrument with on-plate concentration of 4 pM and a 10-hour movie time using v3.0 chemistry, Sequel Polymerase v3.0 and SMRT cells v3. Circular-consensus sequencing (CCS) analysis was performed using PacBio SMRT link version 6.
Submitted by: Onderstepoort Orbivirus Consortium (Onderstepoort Orbivirus )
Equine encephalosis virus Genome sequencing and assemblyshow Abstracthide AbstractThe aim of this bioproject is to sequence and assemble the genomes of equine encephalosis virus strains
Viral sample of Equine encephalosis virus 7 strain 7/E.caballus-labstr/ZAF/2000/St. Lucia E21/20Library:
Name: EEV-7_21_20
Instrument: Sequel
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RT-PCR
Layout: SINGLE
1 run, 28,590 spots, 51.1M bases, 23.9Mb