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SRX27137910: GSM8691803: W40_S_6_2.; Brassica napus; RNA-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2500) run: 24.6M spots, 7.2G bases, 2.1Gb downloads

External Id: GSM8691803_r1
Submitted by: Yangzhou University
Study: BnaA07.WRKY40 transcription factor confers enhanced defensive response to sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica napus
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Oilseed rape (Brassica napus, B. napus) is one of the most important oil crops globally, contributing significantly to the world's supply of vegetable oil. However, its production is severely threatened by Sclerotinia stem rot, a disease caused by the broad-host-range fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary (S. sclerotiorum). We have investigated the gene expression of J9712 and W40-OE2 during different time periods of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infection through RNA-Seq analysis. Overall design: W40-OE2 after 3h, 6h and 12h Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infection
Sample: W40_S_6_2.
SAMN45905812 • SRS23593416 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Brassica napus
Name: GSM8691803
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: RNA was harvested using Rneasy mini plus kit (Qiagen). 1.3 ug of total RNA was used for the construction of sequencing libraries. RNA libraries were prepared for sequencing using standard Illumina protocols
Runs: 1 run, 24.6M spots, 7.2G bases, 2.1Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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