Author, Year
Definition of Sustained Virologic Response
Population CharacteristicsTreatmentsResults (by clinical outcome)
Arora, 20061
Australia, Europe, New Zealand, North America, and South America

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA at end of followup (72 weeks)
Not reported by SVR status

Mean age: 43 years

Female: 60%

Non-white: 14%

Advanced fibrosis: 10%

Genotype 1: 68%

Viral load: 1.1–1.2 × 106 copies/ml
IVDU: 30%

HIV positive: excluded
Pegylated interferon alfa-2a (24 or 48 weeks)SVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline
SF-36 physical function: +4.7 (p<0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +13 (p<0.05)
SF-36 bodily pain: +11 (p<0.0001)
SF-36 general health: +10 (p<0.0001)
SF-36 vitality: +9.3 (p<0.0001)
SF-36 social function: +5.1 (p>0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +7.3 (p>0.05)
SF-36 mental health: +3.1 (p>0.05)
SF-36 physical component summary: +4.9 (p<0.0001)
SF-36 mental component summary: +2.0 (p>0.05)
Fatigue Severity Scale, total score: −4.4 (p<0.01)
Fatigue Severity Scale, VAS: −10 (p<0.01)
Bernstein, 20022
Australia, North America, Europe, Taiwan, New Zealand

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Not reported by SVR status
Mean age <=40 years: 41%

Female: 32%

Non-white: 14%

Cirrhosis: 32%

Genotype, viral load, HIV infection, IV drug use not reported
Pegylated interferon alfa-2a or interferon alfa-2aSVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline
SF-36 physical function: +4.6 (p<0.001)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +9.8 (p<0.001)
SF-36 bodily pain: +2.9 (p<0.01)
SF-36 general health: +9.1 (p<0.001)
SF-36 vitality: +9.6 (p<0.001)
SF-36 social function: +6.2 (p<0.001)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +8.4 (p<0.01)
SF-36 mental health: +4.6 (p<0.001)
SF-36 physical component summary: +2.8 (p<0.001)
SF-36 mental component summary: +3.0 (p<0.001)
Fatigue Severity Scale, total score: −0.5 (p<0.001)
Fatigue Severity Scale, VAS: −11.5 (p<0.001)
Bini, 20063

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Normal ALT and elevated ALT groups, respectively (not reported by SVR status)

Mean age: 50 and 49 years

Female: 11% and 8%

Non-white: 59% and 66%

Normal ALT and elevated ALT groups, respectively (not reported by SVR status)
Cirrhosis: 11% and 11%

Genotype 1: 78% and 78%

Viral load >2 × 106 copies/ml: 44% and 44%
IVDU: 67% and 65%

HIV positive: excluded
Interferon alfa-2b + ribavirinSVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline (normal ALT and elevated ALT subgroups, respectively; p values not reported)
SF-36 physical function: +18 and +15
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +22 and +27
SF-36 bodily pain: +3.4 and +9.3
SF-36 general health: +3.0 and +9.9
SF-36 vitality: +12 and +12
SF-36 social function: +9.5 and +11
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +20 and +18
SF-36 mental health: +14 and +18
SF-36 physical component summary: +3.8 and +7.1
SF-36 mental component summary: +6.0 and +2.1
Positive well being: +14 and −3.1
Sleep somnolence: +11 and +5.4
Health distress: +9.3 and +11
Hepatitis-specific health distress: +5.4 and +2.6
Hepatitis-specific limitations: +13 and +3.8
Bonkovsky, 19994
USA and Canada

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Not reported by SVR status

Mean age: 43 years

Female: 27%

Non-white: 23%

Cirrhosis: 16%

Genotype 1: 68%

Viral load: Not reported
IVDU: 41%

HIV positive: excluded
Consensus interferon or interferon alfa-2bSVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline (values estimated from graph)
SF-36 physical function: +6.0 (p<0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +22 (p<0.01)
SF-36 bodily pain: −0.5 (p>0.05)
SF-36 general health: +7.5 (p<0.01)
SF-36 vitality: +9.5 (p<0.05)
SF-36 social function: +10 (p<0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +11 (p>0.05)
SF-36 mental health: +4.0 (p>0.05)
Hassanein, 20045
Australia, North America, Europe, Taiwan, Brazil, Mexico

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Not reported by SVR status

Mean age: 43 years

Female: 29%

Non-white: 16%

Cirrhosis: 13%

Genotype 1: 63%

Viral load: 5.9 to 6.0 × 106 copies/ml
IVDU: Not reported

HIV positive: excluded
Pegylated interferon alfa-2a, pegylated interferon alf-2a +ribavirin, or interferon alfa-2b + ribavirinSVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline
SF-36 physical function: +5.5 (p<0.01)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +5.7 (p<0.05)
SF-36 bodily pain: +4.1 (p<0.05)
SF-36 general health: +8.6 (p<0.01)
SF-36 vitality: +6.3 (p >0.05)
SF-36 social function: +5.8 (p<0.01)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +9.3 (p<0.01)
SF-36 mental health: +5.0 (p<0.01)
SF-36 physical component summary: +2.2 (p<0.01)
SF-36 mental component summary: +2.6 (p<0.01)
Total fatigue: +3.3 (p<0.01)
Fatigue severity: +7.4 (p<0.01)
McHutchison, 20016

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. relapse vs. non-responder
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Relapse: Not defined
Mean age: 43 vs. 44 years

Female: 42% vs. 32%

Non-white: 8% vs. 12%

Cirrhosis: Not reported

Genotype 1: 43% vs. 81%

Viral load >2 million copies/ml: 58% vs. 74%
IVDU: Not reported

HIV positive: excluded
Interferon alfa-2a for 24 or 48 weeks, with or without ribavirinSVR and relapse, mean difference in change from baseline vs. non-responder (p not reported, values estimated from graph)
SF-36 physical function: +2.4 and +0.8
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +5.2 and +3.2
SF-36 bodily pain: +1.6 and +1.7
SF-36 general health: +5.2 and +1.5
SF-36 vitality: +4.7 and +2.0
SF-36 social function: +3.1 and +0.4
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +3.0 and +1.2
SF-36 mental health: +2.0 and 0.0
Sleep somnolence: +3.4 and +2.3
Health distress: +5.4 and +1.2
Hepatitis-related health distress: +5.7 and +1.1
Hepatitis-related limitations: +4.6 and +2.1
Neary, 19997
USA, Europe, Australia

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR and overall response versus no overall response
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Overall response=SVR plus >=2-point improvement in Knodell HAI score
Not reported by SVR or overall response status

Mean age: 43 years

Female: 35%

Non-white: 6.4%

Not reported by SVR or overall response status
Bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis: 17%

Genotype 1: 56%

Viral load >2 million copies/ml: 75%
IVDU: 40%

HIV positive: excluded
Interferon alfa-2b with or without ribavirinSVR and relapse. mean difference in change from baseline vs. non-responder (estimated from graph) (p values not reported)
SF-36 physical function: +8.0 and +3.8
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +7.6 and +4.9
SF-36 bodily pain: +2.4 and +2.7
SF-36 general health: +9.4 and +5.6
SF-36 vitality: +7.8 and +5.6
SF-36 social function: +9.4 and +4.1
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +6.0 and +12
SF-36 mental health: +2.8 and +1.8
Sleep somnolence: +2.1 and +3.8
Health distress: +8.9 and +1.6
Hepatitis-related health distress: +11 and -0.8
Hepatitis-related limitations: +6.7 and +2.6
Mental health-18: +3.4 and +2.3

Overall response vs. no response (estimated from graph)
SF-36 physical function: +8.3 (p<0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +10 (p>0.05)
SF-36 bodily pain: +3.7 (p>0-.05)
SF-36 general health: +6.9 (p<0.05)
SF-36 vitality: +5.8 (p<0.05)
SF-36 social function: +9.2 (p<0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +3.6 (p>0.05)
SF-36 mental health: +1.3 (p>0.05)
Sleep somnolence: +1.5 (p>0.05)
Health distress: +6.4 (p<0.05)
Hepatitis-related health distress: +12 (p<0.05)
Hepatitis-related limitations: +7.8 (p<0.05)
Mental health-18: +1.5 (p>0.05)
Rasenack, 20038
Germany, Canada, New Zealand, Spain

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Not reported by SVR status
Mean age: 41 years

Female: 33%

Non-white: 15%

Bridging fibrosis/cirrhosis: 13%

Injection drug use: 37%

Viral load: 7.4 to 8.2 × 106 copies/ml

HIV positive: Not reported

Genotype: Not reported
Pegylated interferon alfa-2a or interferon alfa-2aSVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline
SF-36 physical function: +5.0 (p=0.001)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +14 (p<0.001)
SF-36 bodily pain: +5.2 (p=0.014)
SF-36 general health: 12 (p<0.001)
SF-36 vitality: +9.4 (p<0.001)
SF-36 social function: +5.8 (p=0.005)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +8.4 (p=0.02)
SF-36 mental health: +5.3 (p=0.001)
SF-36 physical component summary: +3.2 (p<0.001)
SF-36 mental component summary: +2.9 (p=0.005)
Fatigue Severity Scale, total score: −0.5 (p=0.001)
Fatigue Severity Scale, VAS: −8.4 (p<0.001)
Ware, 19999
Australia, North America, and Europe

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy

Overall response vs. no overall response
Overall response=SVR + Knodell histology activity index inflammation score improved by 2 U or more
Not reported by response status
Mean age: 43 years

Female: 35%

Non-white: 6.4%

Bridging fibrosis/cirrhosis: 18%

Injection drug use: 40%

Viral load: 4.8 to 5.2 × 106 copies/ml

HIV positive: Excluded

Genotype 1: 56%
Interferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b + ribavirinSVR vs. no SVR and overall response vs. no overall response, mean difference in change from baseline (p values not reported)
SF-36 physical function: +2.6 and +3.5
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +1.5 and +3.1
SF-36 bodily pain: +0.45 and +1.6
SF-36 general health: +3.3 and +3.5
SF-36 vitality: +2.2 and +2.8
SF-36 social function: +3.4 and +4.3
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: −0.02 and +1.1
SF-36 mental health: +1.3 and +0.62
Sleep: +0.02 and +1.2
Health distress: +7.6 and +6.2
Chronic hepatitis C health distress: +11.5 and +11.3
Chronic hepatitis C limitations: +5.3 and +7.5

Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; HCV, hepatitis C virus; SVR, sustained virologic response.

From: Appendix F, Sustained Virologic Response and Quality of Life

Cover of Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Adults
Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Adults [Internet].
Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 76.
Chou R, Hartung D, Rahman B, et al.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.