Table 5.

Treatment of Manifestations in Individuals with Familial Dysautonomia

Short stature Growth hormone treatment may be effective & should be considered based on guidelines re height, growth velocity, & bone maturation. 1
  • GH stimulation testing may not be reliable.
  • Monitor spinal curvature, as it tends to worsen during accelerated growth.
Neurogenic dysphagia Per feeding team; for infants, thickened formula & different-shaped nipples to manage oropharyngeal incoordinationLow threshold for gastrostomy tube & Nissen fundoplication to maintain nutritional status & ↓ risk of aspiration
GERD Upright positioning w/feeds, prokinetic agents, H2 antagonists, proton pump inhibitors, & gastrostomy w/or w/o fundoplication are appropriate.A diagnosis of GERD should be confirmed w/esophageal impedance & manometry.
DD / Educational issues See Developmental Delay / Intellectual Disability Management Issues.
By mental health professionalSelective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are sometimes effective in treating anxiety; psychotherapy & behavioral techniques may also help.
Blood pressure
Carbidopa is effective in reducing blood pressure variability. 2
Decreased sensitivity
to pain
Close attn to decubitus ulcers, burns, & other minor injuries, joint swelling & bone deformity. Signs of local or systemic infection should be monitored & treated w/antibiotics.
CPAP or BiPAPDue to chemoreflex failure, begin noninvasive ventilation even when sleep-disordered breathing is mild to ↓ risk of sudden unexpected death during sleep. 3
Tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy.If upper-airway obstruction is not resolved, refer to airway mgmt specialist.
Treat suppurative lung disease/bronchiectasis w/daily chest physiotherapy.
  • Cough augmentation is most effective in clearing airway mucus & best achieved by mechanical insufflation/exsufflation methods.
  • Inhaled hypertonic saline may be beneficial.
  • Treat acute exacerbation promptly w/antibiotics.
lung disease
Airway mucus clearance w/manually assisted coughing or mechanical insufflation/exsufflation methodsConsider surgical correction of scoliosis on a case-by-case basis. Surgical complications can be severe; data re respiratory function pre- & post-surgery are lacking.
Start antibiotics covering aspiration flora promptly, preferably after obtaining sputum culture.
  • Oral antibiotics for 14 days
  • Initiation of IV antibiotics depends on baseline respiratory status; consider when no improvement after oral antibiotics.
Chronic lung
Daily chest physiotherapy (nebulization, bronchodilators, cough augmentation, incentive spirometry, & postural drainage)
  • Early diagnosis & treatment of pneumonia & infections (secondary to aspiration)
  • Treatment w/oseltamivir is indicated for influenza virus infections. 4
Dysautonomic crises
  • Instructions to manage crises at home w/fluids & medications via gastrostomy
  • Guidance re when to visit ER for more extensive eval & treatment
Careful attn to dehydration & electrolyte imbalance; investigate underlying cause when crises are refractory to treatment or other symptoms are present.
Benzodiazepines ↓ retching/vomiting. As ventilation may be suppressed, noninvasive ventilation is recommended as a precaution.IV benzodiazepine may cause prolonged apnea & should only be administered in ER or ICU settings.
Clonidine (centrally acting α2-adrenergic agonist) may ↓ sympathetic activity.May be given via gastrostomy, sublingually, or transdermally
Intranasal dexmedetomidine may be a feasible & safe acute treatment for adrenergic crisis. 5In severe cases IV dexmedetomidine may be used, but only in ICU settings. 6
Carbidopa (dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor) given daily may ↓ frequency & severity of hypertensive vomiting attacks. 7
Bradyarrhythmia PacemakerFor those w/history of syncope &/or cardiac arrest
  • Physical countermaneuvers to ↑ venous return & PT to ↑ muscle strength in legs help prevent orthostatic hypotension.
  • Treatment w/midodrine may be effective for short periods; use as needed prior to physical activity that may cause orthostatic hypotension.
  • Hydration is useful only for short periods due to impaired osmopressor response (most likely due to ↓ function of peripheral osmosensory pathway).
Treatment of orthostatic hypotension w/high doses of fludrocortisone aggravates renal damage.
Hypertension Attn to factors precipitating hypertension (rather than use of antihypertensive agents) as blood pressure is labileSleeping w/20°-40° elevation of head of bed ↓s supine hypertension & nocturnal pressure-diuresis & ↑s intravascular volume in the AM.
Standard treatment of hypertension in persons w/CKD
  • Adequate control of blood pressure
  • Treat renal tubular acidosis w/bicarbonate.
  • Low-potassium diet for hyperkalemia
Low vision aidsPer low vision clinic
Artificial tear solutions (w/methylcellulose) 3-6x/day, maintenance of normal body hydration, & moisture chamber spectacle attachments
  • Soft contact lenses can promote healing.
  • Tarsorrhaphy only for corneal injury unresponsive to routine measures
  • Corneal transplantation offers limited success.
Combined topical antibiotic/corticosteroid ointment
Strabismus Early surgical correction may help.
Sensory ataxia OT/PTMany adults use walkers or wheelchairs when outside the home.
PT to preserve flexibility; special shoes w/good ankle support &/or AFOs to correct foot drop & aid walkingExcellent ongoing foot care to avoid development of ulcers at pressure points
PT to preserve flexibilityBracing is not effective & may cause pressure ulcers; spinal fusion may be necessary.
Dental Sialorrhea Botulinum toxin injections in major salivary glandsSurgical approaches & anticholinergic drugs were used in the past.
plaque &
Dental cleaning & preventive careBiannually by dental hygienist
disease, dental
trauma, & self-
Dental eval & careAssess for occult biting of oral mucosa & establish plan for tooth extraction when needed.
Small jaw Care by maxillofacial professionalsAs needed for dental crowding & moderate/severe malocclusion
Family support &
Address caregiver needs (e.g., respite care, home nursing, coordination of multiple subspecialty appointments, equipment, medications, & supplies).

AFOs = ankle/foot orthoses; BiPAP = bi-level positive airway pressure; CKD = chronic kidney disease; CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure; GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease; OT = occupational therapy; PT = physical therapy


From: Familial Dysautonomia

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Adam MP, Feldman J, Mirzaa GM, et al., editors.
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