TitleScreening for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
PopulationInfants who do not have obvious hip dislocations or other abnormalities evident without screening
RecommendationNo recommendation.
Grade: I (Insufficient Evidence)
Risk AssessmentRisk factors for developmental dysplasia of the hip include female sex, family history, breech positioning, and in utero postural deformities. However, the majority of cases of developmental dysplasia of the hip have no identifiable risk factors.
Screening TestsScreening tests for developmental dysplasia of the hip have limited accuracy. The most common methods of screening are serial physical examinations of the hip and lower extremities, using the Barlow and Ortolani procedures, and ultrasonography.
InterventionsTreatments for developmental dysplasia of the hip include both nonsurgical and surgical options. Nonsurgical treatment with abduction devices is used as early treatment and includes the commonly prescribed Pavlik method.
Surgical intervention is used when the dysplasia is severe or diagnosed late, or after an unsuccessful trial of nonsurgical treatment. Avascular necrosis of the hip is the most common and most severe potential harm of both surgical and nonsurgical interventions, and can result in growth arrest of the hip and eventual joint destruction, with significant disability.
Balance of Benefits and HarmsThe USPSTF was unable to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip due to insufficient evidence. There are concerns about the potential harms associated with treatment of infants identified by routine screening.
Other Relevant USPSTF RecommendationsThe USPSTF has made recommendations on screening for hyperbilirubinemia, phenylketonuria, sickle cell disease, congenital hypothyroidism, and hearing loss in newborns. These recommendations are available at http://www​.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/.

For a summary of the evidence systematically reviewed in making this recommendation, the full recommendation statement, and supporting documents, please go to http://www​.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/.

From: Clinical Summaries of Recommendations for Children and Adolescents

Cover of The Guide to Clinical Preventive Services 2014
The Guide to Clinical Preventive Services 2014: Recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.