Summary of data to address research questions

Research questionsData
(a) How are PAs deployed and supervised in general practice and how do their roles and responsibilities compare with those of the doctors, NPs and practice nurses?Interviews with practice staff
Work activity diaries
Administrative data
Observation of consultations/meetings
(b) How do PA outcomes of care differ from those of GPs, specifically with respect to prescriptions rates, referrals, investigations, reattendances for the same problem within 2 weeks, patient safety and patient satisfaction?Consultation record review and patient survey
Clinical review of reconsultations
Observation of consultations
(c) How do patients understand the role of PAs and what is the experience of patients when consulting PAs?Patient interviews
Patient survey
(d) How does employment of PAs affect practice organisation, staffing configurations and costs?Interviews with practice staff
Work activity diaries
Administrative data
(e) What are the factors that support or inhibit the employment of PAs?Interviews with practice staff

From: Chapter 2, Methods

Cover of Investigating the contribution of physician assistants to primary care in England: a mixed-methods study
Investigating the contribution of physician assistants to primary care in England: a mixed-methods study.
Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 2.16.
Drennan VM, Halter M, Brearley S, et al.
Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2014 May.
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