Table N-6Vasomotor outcomes by uterus status subgroups

Hedrick, 2010 MultinationalMean change in daily MSHFNSAbsent uterusPlacebo71-5.9
0.25 mg estradiol58-8.8a
0.50 mg estradiol62-7.0
1.0 mg estradiol68-9.7b
Intact uterusPlacebo53-4.4
0.25 mg estradiol63-7.0
0.50 mg estradiol57-8.0c
1.0 mg estradiol56-8.0c
Mean change in daily MSHFNS severity scoreAbsent uterusPlacebo71-0.5
0.25 mg estradiol58-0.8
0.50 mg estradiol62-0.8
1.0 mg estradiol68-1.4c
Intact uterusPlacebo53-0.4
0.25 mg estradiol63-0.9a
0.50 mg estradiol57-1.2c
1.0 mg estradiol56-1.4c

MSHFNS: moderate-to-severe hot flashes and night sweats; N: number


difference from placebo: p<0.05


difference from placebo: p<0.001


difference from placebo: p<0.01

From: Appendix N, Effectiveness of Treatments for Menopausal Symptoms in Selected Subgroups

Cover of Menopausal Symptoms: Comparative Effectiveness of Therapies
Menopausal Symptoms: Comparative Effectiveness of Therapies [Internet].
Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 147.
Grant MD, Marbella A, Wang AT, et al.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.